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>singlehandedly ruined the impact and legacy of the entire game
who was in the wrong here?
I don't get it
>singlehandedly saved the impact and legacy of the entire game
I used to to get on the dragons but didn't find much use outside of that.
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it was supposed to be Nintendo's Minecraft, and infinite playground for inspiring engineers but everyone just made le perpetual meme bike instead and calls the game a dull and drab cashgrab that people waited 7 years for
>"make your own fun"
>build the most minimal and efficient build possible to skip as much of the unfun building system as possible to focus on the actually fun parts of the game
sounds more like you're just fucking dumb
Constructs were never a big focus of the game. It's just a cute bonus feature for ultrahand. They're too much of a resource drain to use constantly.
I only discovered the magic bike very late into the game, and it turned this shit fest into a bearable game until the end
You decided to play like everyone else, and you blame the game for that?
I didn't make it a single time and had a shitton of fun
imaginationlet zoomer
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From the pic I thought it was a totk battle bots thing
yeah, the core of the problem was how incredibly unfun and ass building shit is.
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Literally nobody but retards played the game like this.

The game was such a broken unplayable mess on PC emulators, and PC troons were desperate to finish the game, that they resorted to looking up speedrunning hacks like this.

No normal person played like this.

I've said this a hundred times already. But it's been a while, so I'll say it again: The hover bike is only a problem, because the game offers little to no resistance to the player. There are no aerial enemies to knock the player off his flying devices. You should be innundated by keese, and the aerocuda. Bokoblins should have anti aerial catapults. They should make flying difficult for you, so you have to actually build something sophisticated to deal with them.

This is not limited to flying, but every other aspect of the game. Every challenge the game gives the player is as shallow as a puddle. They never ramp up the complexity of the challenges, so the player is never incentivized to get inventive with their builds. it's actually embarrassing how the Yiga have all these defensive and offensive builds lying around their camps, but there's no incentive to use any of them. They'll have a a vehicle with spiked armor plating on the side. Presumably to provide protection from attacks. But then there's never a reason for link to drive around with protection on his vehicle. You never have to deal with enemies trying to knock you off. You never have to drive through flames. There's never anything dangerous or daring to build for.

THAT'S the problem.

The bike improved the game bigly.

TOTK as a whole is only redeemed by this fucking magnanimous fight with a supreme soundtrack:

Its a pretty bad oversight, cause it was clear with the wing durability that they were never interested in giving you perpetual flight with perfect controls
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>I have no self control and can't stop myself from cheesing the entire game with the most boring and efficient strategies
>why is this game so boring now?

Bokoblins = you
Rape machine = life
the battery is usually the limiting factor, no? the hoverbike is just very efficient so you can virtually fly forever
I loved BotW but hated Tears. Didn't like building, didn't like the fusion mechanic. That just doesn't leave anything left but a worse BotW (all of the fun high level weapons have been replaced with fusion crap) with a map that has been cluttered with garbage.
Nobody will remember the game having this system
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What a retarded post.

1) a hoverbike is fucking useless early game because you don't have battery to make any kind of distance

2) you would need to look up a guide to understand that you can farm zonite in the depths to grow your battery

3) you would need to look up a guide to know the exact orientation of the pieces making up the hoverbike, it's a little off kilter, and you would spend hours fucking around before you ever discovered this by accident.

4) Nintendo completely allows the player to "cheat". It's part of the design. If you play like a retard you'll have a retarded experience.

We can conclude that you would have to play the game like an autistic speed running faggot.
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>Japan salsa thread up
>Schizos immediately start seething about TotK

Fuckung clockwork lmao
More like nobody will remember the game
What the hell happened? It's like it got memoryholed for some reason
>argumentum ad populum
Fucking clockwork lmao
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>the hover bike isn't the main problem
>"let me tell you why you're retarded for thinking the hover bike is a problem"
So, how come we get shitting and seething with the games that are universally acclaimed and sold gorillion dollars? Do the contarians feel smart or something?
keep saying it over and over and it might become true
it's about ethics in game journalism
dude where's the upvote button on this website haha????
it's always
>the bike is too OP!
and never
>the world feels like shit to get around without a bike
if you make a world of square holes people will find the best square peg
>very limited materials, can't reuse them, expire quickly, no creative mode
Nintendo is so fucking stupid sometimes
I'm not even sure what you're asking exactly.

>a hoverbike is fucking useless early game because you don't have battery to make any kind of distance
False, you haven't played the game.

>you would need to look up a guide to understand that you can farm zonite in the depths to grow your battery
False, you haven't played the game.

>you would need to look up a guide to know the exact orientation of the pieces making up the hoverbike
This varies from player to player. But a lot of people think to make *some* kind of hover device eventually. They might not get the exact angle at first. But even a jaunty hover build is more efficient than most methods of travel. You would know this if you played the game.

Personally, I learned about the hover bike just scrolling through tiktok. Social media spoiled it for me. I wasn't looking for TOTK videos. They just pop up on my feed. And because they're trying to get engagement on tiktok, they quickly shout what the video is about right away. So within seconds, I know what the hoverbike is against my will.
You would know about these avenues of information if you weren't an autistic who shuts himself away from social platforms.

After I was spoiled about the hoverbike, I refrained from using it for a long time. Practically 3/4ths of my playthrough. That is, until I learned that building interesting devices is useless. The game gives you a wing flier autobuild. And that's actually enough to cheese most of the depths and other pars of the game. Once you find the device that provides rocket parts, you will always have a method of taking flight by attaching a rocket to your winged autobuild. It's effectively just as useful as the hoverbike, except more expensive on the battery. But because there are no enemies or obstacles to deal with in flight, it doesn't matter if you lose battery. Just wait a few seconds for your battery to recharge, autobuild a new flier, and continue on.
>totk fanboys begin eating each other
He's a retard who thinks that if it weren't for the hoverbike, the individual player's experience would be 10x better.
all the times. Just like how in Hollywood, animated kid movies do insanely well but no one wants to make them, Nintendo only gets by on the fact that they make all-ages games and no other big-name company makes ones that aren't complete shovelware slop.
This is really a good take.

My problem with the game is that there aren't enough limits enforced on the player. The few they do enforce, like weapons breaking and the limit on how many weapons you can carry aren't fun or interesting.
Especially when you can (and really have to) make use of all the items in the game. The items effects are cool, but having everything available all the time just becomes overwhelming.

Honestly the game would have been better if you had to switch between load outs, or choose subsets of items you can use. Dare I say it, if the heroes in the game had been playable instead of ghost companions that can all be there at the same time.
Sure you can turn them off and make specific build load outs for Link and choose not to use a bunch of things, but the fact your cool ninja build can have all their swords break, means you ultimately wind up playing the game the same way.
>everyone just made le perpetual meme bike
golly it's almost like the other simple solutions to flight were fucking neutered because "muh sequence breaking"
they really should have just given up and patched the wings and hot air balloon to have the same lifespan

they try so hard to discourage building by making it so ephemeral
>False, you haven't played the game
No that guy's correct. You need a ton of battery capacity for the hover bike to break the game and that requires quite a bit of farming

>flier autobuild
Sucks because it's hard to control precisely, the flier despawns after a minute, and how do you have enough zonaite to autobuild if you're skipping every fight in the game?
Building was always intended to be limited by decay and resource pools. The hoverbike was an oversight that was never supposed to be a part of the gameplay experience. They could fix it overnight by increasing decay speed on the fan but then everyone would whine that their overpowered meme bike wasn't overpowered anymore.
Sadly that's the point. TLOZ is a game for children.

When I was a child, I had a hard time getting into the shadow temple. I didn't have any other games to play, so I just fucked around until I figured it out.

Children today hit a wall and just bail to go play Roblox or Fortnite. There's no reason to power through a challenge for that sweet delayed gratification when you could just go do something else.
>if you make a world of square holes people will find the best square peg
TotK's gameplay be like: https://files.catbox.moe/38yeuj.mp4

Yup. The goron sitting on the front of your vehicle constantly only emphasizes how there's nothing to shoot. Save for a few unique scenarios.

No you don't. with low battery, you can ascend most cliffs that Link's stamina can't handle unaided by potion. If you're smart, you just hove up to the next even ledge, stop and wait for your battery to recover, and then hover up to the next ledge. Most flight routes have breaks in them. There's rarely a situation where you need to fly extra far.

>and how do you have enough zonaite to autobuild if you're skipping every fight in the game?
I'm not. I'm zipping to the light seeds to tun on the lights. While I'm in the sky, I'm scoping out the area for abandoned mines, and bokoblin mining activities. With the lights on, I can bee line it directly to them, without the hassle of wondering around the dark. Or, sometimes, I just fly directly into the mining areas. I don't need to use a lot of zonite for autobuild, because I make sure to stock up on parts. So it cost next to nothing to rebuild the flier when I'm done gathering zonite from the mining spots.
Because the hoverbike just fucking works. More interesting and practical than making a penis monster just to shit on bokoblins.
Love that girl, hope she got more work
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The main issue is that there's jackshit to fly to. That sky so fucking empty it's an insult that you start the game in a huge island and all of a sudden you're back on the surface and when you go back in the sky, you see the other islands are either empty landmasses, glorified minigames or a small platform with one chest containing a weapon you can't carry.

And while I'm at it, speaking of useless areas, pic related pissed me off recently. Nothing here, not even a korok seed, just an empty plateau. Next game needs a much smaller map akin to every game prior to Skyward Sword. There's too much empty space.
What does you coming to 4chan after 2016 have to do with video games?

Eric got mogged bigly....
The depths is pretty clearly playing with the 'dark world' concept from LttP, and the sky seems like it is supposed to be a mirror of that concept.
They just didn't implement it well because both areas just feel dead. The ground level is more interesting, but even it is not dynamic enough of a change.
The caves often work well, but there isn't enough reason to look for them.

>Next game needs a much smaller map
Seriously, or if not a smaller map, a map that has more dense clusters to visit with dynamic content and things to do, and more interesting content when travelling between them.
Nobody cares, tranny the Eric.

Darren can'gt be stopped.......
Darren can't be beaten!
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his hairline is trannyceeding!
Even the Dark World had a town and NPC's. Same with Lorule. The Depths has what, some zonai constructs and Yiga? They even reused almost all the bosses and enemies from the overworld. There are only two unique enemies native to the depths, and none for the sky.

They didn't even bother to add more big boss variants. What, the Battle Talus? That's it? You don't even get two or four-headed gleeoks, now that would have been a nice way to ease you into the stronger Gleeok fights.
What a CHAD

You got raped.
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Minecraft? The game where there is 0 reason to to leverage the near limitless building mechanics beyond building a 1 story box? Guess Nintendo nailed it.

twitter threads
ths guy won.
>Makes obtaining parts boring
>Makes vehicles despawn because the Switch is a potato
>People decide to make an efficient machine that uses as few parts as possible

You got raped.
So what’s the draw that BotW didn’t have?
The Depths? Absolute shit.
The Sky? Best of it is the tutorial.
The Dungeons? A small step above BotW, but still leagues below stuff like Stone Tower Temple or Snowpeak Ruins.

The best thing TotK has is that if you like geeky, scientist girls Purah and Mineru are extremely nice for your dick.
No, BOTW/TOTK Link got raped, many times.
Darren ALWAYS wins!
tranny post, ew

Chad post, wow.
this kills Eric.
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based desu
Is this..... based?
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>TotK is so incredibly shit that even it's defenders don't have anything good to say about it
>all they can do is schizo post about trannies and rape
Good to see that /v/ is as classy as ever.
this can't be beaten
the fact that you have to do this is tacit admission that both you and your game lost, forever, in all possible ways. There's nothing you can do to change this and you will go to sleep every night seething about it for the rest of your life.
It was inevitable with how open-ended they made the system.
this was the first post I have ever made.
Yeah, it's the clearest admission of defeat I've ever seen.

>he's still replying to his post
Terminal mental illness
So how exactly do you bind monsters like that?
based as fuck.

based as fuck...
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He's also ban evading
What the fuck, somebody is based?

this guy.
I like him
can't be beaten.
based and winning
So why can't we just make this guy a mod?
How do you get to this page again
Why do jannies want to censor this man?

getting raped.
I love it.
is this guy... the legendary moot?
this guy raped Eric.....
nothing cann beat this GOD among men
chicken is good too.
this guy fucks!
can't see how this worked out.
What game?
Zelda TOTK


this one
this is good
this guy fucks.
mods couldn't stop this man
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Ah, proof that they actually do ban racism. I've had multiple people argue with me that the rule isn't enforced. I'm going to keep this in my back pocket for the next time that argument comes up.
it's just the botwsnoys against the totkchads
Get yo ass banned.
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so the only defense totk betas have against criticism is spamming the thread to death until it archives?
No. In fact, PC chads were having fun.
I don't even know why he spams. His grievance is lost entirely beneath his senseless shouting.

this was based
best guy to have ever lived.
God amongst men
He has spent the last two hours spamming the thread posting a reply every minute. We're hitting levels of mental illness that shouldn't be possible.
Anonymous 07/25/24(Thu)19:42:45 No.683713042>>683713121
the fact that you have to do this is tacit admission that both you and your game lost, forever, in all possible ways. There's nothing you can do to change this and you will go to sleep every night seething about it for the rest of your life.
Anonymous 07/25/24(Thu)19:43:20 No.683713085
It was inevitable with how open-ended they made the system.
Anonymous 07/25/24(Thu)19:43:49 No.683713121
this was the first post I have ever made.
Anonymous 07/25/24(Thu)19:44:50 No.683713216
>>683709842 (Dead)
Anonymous 07/25/24(Thu)19:45:11 No.683713242>>683713532
Yeah, it's the clearest admission of defeat I've ever seen.
Anonymous 07/25/24(Thu)19:48:53 No.683713532
>>683709842 (Dead)
>>683709842 (Dead)

Anonymous 07/25/24(Thu)19:49:54 No.6
About that...
>make your thread with a retarded statement
>follow up by an ill fitting meme question
>152 replies
Is this the level that /v/ has stooped down to? Is this really it?
how did this ruin the game? it literally made it so much more fun.
the final redpill is that the anti-totk poster and the eric-obsessed guy are in the same discord, planning these threads together to unleash a barrage of digital diarrhea in order to keep this game relevant
is it possible to do this with the boss bokoblin?
what did she mean by this
>a hoverbike is fucking useless early game because you don't have battery to make any kind of distance
upgrading the battery a few times can be done incredibly easily and incredibly early
>you would need to look up a guide to understand that you can farm zonite in the depths to grow your battery
you are actually brain dead, this was one of the first thing I figured out how to do when I played the game, the farm was incredibly simple and needed zero guides or outward help to figure out
> you would need to look up a guide to know the exact orientation of the pieces making up the hoverbike, it's a little off kilter, and you would spend hours fucking around before you ever discovered this by accident.
having things off center does not make the bike worthless, it just makes it less optimal. On day 1 basically everyone had already made the green goblin glider format of it where the fans are on the left and right, and it works just fine with zero effort, the min-max bike form that you pretend is the only viable option is only useful for covering large distances slightly faster than the alternatives, it is in no way required to have maximum accuracy. Plus you only need to be accurate once, then autobuild it for all eternity afterwards.
Lmao I can't imagine being fat and pathetic enough to want to play tendie shit
>calls the game a dull and drab cashgrab that people waited 7 years for
least butthurt poster on /v/ right now kek
I love the hell out of TotK and think much of its criticism is overblown, but this is a valid critique. I seriously doubt the devs intended for the hoverbike to be a thing and I can't believe they still haven't nerfed it by just making the fans temporary like everything else. If they can patch the dupe glitch they can patch this.
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Probably from the Famitsu thread.
switch couldn't handle an actual zelda minecraft
there is no reason to play any video game

Darren, what a chad!
Bumping just to make the spammer mad :)
he won

You seem upset ;)
He won.....
can't be beaten.

makes no sense, I thought the spammer was OP?
he is unbeaten
Eric has been awefull quiet since this dropped.
so do you two work together in shifts in these threads
What a high quality post.
Such organic discussion

He won
How odd, almost like literally nobody agrees with OP.

How can Eric recover?
this is based as fuck.
You lost ;)
He won
>Modern tendies seethe so much at any criticism of modern Nintendo that they spam in threads to kill any discussion
>ai image
>pc troons
Someone post the dick mecha killing everything on sight with its laser cum video
The nu-Zelda team is simply not good at balancing their games.
The schizo is really showing how few jannies there are on this shithole board.
Did you really expect there to be many in the first place with how low quality it has been for years?
Wrong, everyone used the hoverbike because it was fast, agile, and resource efficient. We played around with the other stuff, but we always came back to the trusty old hoverbike.
(or the goblin glider if you're a weirdo like me)
Plenty of porn images and threads got deleted since these zelda threads have been up and spammed in, jannies just don't give a fuck about these threads
I think the underlying issue is that everything you make will inevitably despawn (because otherwise the Switch would run out of memory) so you have no incentive to personalize your vehicles. Just slap the simplest cheapest thing together so you can get to where you need to go. Nintendo shot themselves in the foot.
I accept your trannycession that you lost and got raped, Cire
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>he's doing this across more than three threads at once
Jannies and Mods are fucking worthless
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>More interesting
>than making a penis monster just to shit on bokoblins
Read your own post anon. Beyond soulless.
Posting in yet another schizo thread
I can't believe Eric got so mindbroken over being further doxxed yesterday that he has resorted to spamming his own threads to death.
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not like they can really do anything about him anyways.
They could rangeban his images.

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The real question is why he doesn't also do this in /mhg/ as that is one of Eric's main shitposting areas besides all of /v/
>rangeban his images
that isn't how that works

You can set it up that you automatically get range banned for posting a image or phrase.
It's actually really funny, they're having serious, SERIOUS trust issues in the hiring process and they can't manage to make non english speakers do it for the life of them.
Look, I was actually happy with you and laughing at the Jannies, but it seems you really are just retarded and now it's sad.
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>The game was such a broken unplayable mess on PC emulators
I accept your trannycession, *r*c
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it still kills me that the person who popularized this was uncle dane the pedo main
Eric, you lost and got raped ;)
Eric, one of the Zelda seethe threads you spent 8 hours on just died ;_;


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