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How do you respont without sounding mad?
I don't know what this means to be honest. sorry I'm ESL
Your words betray your intention.
He's saying his body is better than it should be given how he lives
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I can't, he's right.
roundhouse kick
"I do have a pretty big and functional dick, yes."
my gun betrays your brains by the way you haven't seen it have you?
>have no argument
>the only option is to roundhouse kick facist(black)
that's how you can tell a real commie wrote this game
Based nigga. The long drawn out conversations with NPCs that go beyond sinple in game events and veer into abstract or generalized ideas of better or worse always feel personal or more adressed to the player than the PC. I like to imagine Measurehead calling the player a fat retard and your reaction being either a cope or a statement of fact - I'm in good shape.
*roundhouse kick*
I eat better and go to the gym.
>He's saying his body is better than it should be given how he lives

That's literally the opposite of what it means. "Betray" as used here means to unintentionally reveal and be evidence of something. In this case that Harry lives a hard life of degeneracy an destructive behaviors and his body's state is physical evidence of it.
He's saying you live unhealthily and it's showing. The guy he says it to in the game has alcohol problems, I think.
high rhetoric can beat this right?
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My cock is 6.7 inches long when fully erect

I don't think body is worth that much
He's talking to the PC who's a fat retard
I ask him about the semen retention society. Gotta gain those psycho locomotor powers.
as someone who hasn't played the game, i thought it meant that he's calling the player out for having ED.
no, you either internalize his race theory or kick the shit out of him
or you can climb there from the other side and skip him completely
he's talking to the protag, who's a fat alcoholic, and saying "I can immediately tell you're an undisciplined retard, because you've failed to care of your own body"
You can point out how he’s an imperfect specimen by his own phrenological standards (also he’s compensating for having a small impotent dick), but he won’t let you pass.
Ask if he's ever been to Milan, New York or japan
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with this
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*nods respectfully towards you*
post proof
Fuck you Garte, let me sing Karaoke!
something i like about disco elysium is that although it has an obvious viewpoint (if you think the game isnt explicitly communist you're just wrong i'm afraid. Please compare each political vision quest and ask again) it doesn't make the proponents of the other ideologies big silly goofballs to make this point--joyce and kim are wrong, both morally and factually, but they are wrong eloquently and compellingly. even measurehead, in the final cut, gets a long and compelling monologue where he makes the case for his ideology.

like whenever media wants to criticize fascism or capitalism or anything, really, 95% of the time it's just like they have a guy walk on and say "im fasho the fascist!" and then he slips on a banana peel and falls and looks pathetic and everyone laughs at him.

That's not a critique of fascism. you've made the fascist look bad, yeah, but not by attacking any substantial part of their politics or actions. anyone could fall over and scream and look pathetic. it's not even bad critique, it's just not critique.
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>calls you a moralfag
How do you respond without sounding mad?
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*dilates very communistically*
>boring detective
Let him get shot
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Now imagine if everyone involved in this story was an American from the US of A instead of from bumfuck, East Europe. There would be no scandals because Americans wouldn't care, and the company that made acclaimed RPG Disco Elysium would be lauded as a great success tale.
>sells his Ferrari to get starting capital
Such grassroots! Wow! Truly made his own fortune!
Damn boy you fuck ass with that hog?
>Most communist video game
>Development is text book capitalist kikery
Every single "commie" ever is, as you put it, a corrupt, nepotistic, incestuous, capitalist kike waiting for fortune to put money in his hands to betray all his alleged ideals and friends, and run with the money.
>*roundhouse kicks him*
>"I knocked you out like a god of martial arts."
>[Authority] He means *very* little.

He can't keep getting away with it.
Don't. I stopped drinking recently and he is kind of right.
Still a commie though.
Honestly an improvement.
Since you are a chronic alcoholic in the game with a magnesium deficiency this is probably true.
He has alcohol problems like Concord is a flop, or Ubi loves BBC.

I would consider this a moral victory..
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>vs next halloween
The image on the left raises so many questions...
If he went through the trouble of cosplaying as a character then...

>Why did he get the worst second-hand coat in existence?
>if he did already spend the money on a coat and a necktie, why didn't he buy a pair of pants and a shirt to go with it? Those aren't expensive and can be worn anywhere, unlike that ugly-ass coat
>why did he grow his beard out when he knew he couldn't grow it out enough
>why didn't he cut his hair which would've cost nothing and could've actually helped him look anything at all like Harrier
>why didn't he even trim his beard?
>why didn't he properly shave his chin?
>Why the long hair?
>Why the long face?

This motherfucker should've gone for a Garte cosplay, it fits him better inside out. Truly it's the foulest of men who fantasize about becoming women. Great pic on the right too btw, glad 70% of his face is obscured by algul, otherwise I reckon I couldn't stand to look at his visage.
He sounded exactly like Harry Partridge doing his nasal cartoon voice
My gun isn't lost. It knows exactly where it is.
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Measurehead thread? Don't mind if I do
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you're black
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Pull out a gun and kill him.
I do a retarded kung fu kick and knock him out cold
I wouldn't respond at all. I'd listen to his wisdom, which is what only fascist Harry did.
That part where Measurehead looks at the horizon for a moment to contemplate the mystery of his own race theory or something like that killed me.
Only fags put effort into a halloween costume
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To "betray" something can also mean to reveal information you didn't intend to reveal
He's saying that your body is showing that you live an unhealthy life, or that you're dysgenic, not sure which it's been a minute since I played.
Jesus fucking christ,
Its not explicitly communist.
The devs cold stock communism obviously inflienced their development, but the game is not some communist piece of media that is made to push you into communism.
>This drove Woolie to the brink of suicide
The communist route is the only one that isn't a full and complete farce, ending with teary eyed optimism because "Communism is just hope for a better future".
>uses his insecurities about sexuality and gender to justify his inability to prepare and dress up for a single day
I just know you use zelda shirts on a daily basis.
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>I need to get even fatter?!
>now imagine my headcanon where things go how i would want it to go instead so it supports my narrative
Communist quest is explicitly about failure, and its ending builds up to the tower falling after you and the students painstakingly build it. To ensure it doesn't fall apart, you need to pass an impossible check...only for it to fall apart anyway.
The game tries to be sympathetic to all sides, but communism gets some of the most scathing criticisms in my opinion. Denouncing your whole ideology as the new religion for the starved people that leads them to death like cattle is far worse than anything capitalism or fascism tried. It's hopeful but recognize that it's a dead dream and you're better off picking yourself up.

It also helps that Kurvitz was an alcoholic commie trying to insert his bullshit into the game, and at times, it feels like a tonal shift between developers trying to be objective, and Kurvitz being himself. It doesn't help that in his book, communism solves the Pale.
but you can argue with him about it and even expose the fact he too, is a dysgenic nigga, and on top of it all, you can reveal he's never lived in not-Africa, he lived all his life in Revachol and borrows his race theory from schizo podcasts on the radio.
one of the options to get past him is also to just go with the flow and try to comprehend race the same way he does.
I think you can also steal the door pass from a dock worker but you need to pass 2 other checks to manage that, and you can even sell the pass if you want to
Yeah, on the very first day, you can find a dock worker in Whirling-In-Rags and he's sleeping. I remember you can lick up his spilled alcohol and steal his card with a check, also ask him around about the strike.
Yeah, but the literally impossible tower lasts longer every time, and then everyone gets teary eyed once the impossible tower falls because "This is the same as building a better future".
I had zero interest in debating this dude but it’s funny you can just kick his ass
This, again, continues to reinforce my opinion that this game was more of a battle between developers and their conflicting views on the ideology. The scene prior shows you that they're useless students doing fuck-all, and the game constantly encourages you to apply critical thinking skills.

The whole message about tower can be applied to any human ideology. It just feels way weaker when used with communism, an ideology that infamously is incompatible with human beings and is largely built on getting high on copium and hopium simultaneously.
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>communist game
Who's this semen demon?
he enjoys milking trve revacholian BVLLS in porno flicks
Well compare that to getting black bagged by the moralists, embracing an insane, delusional nostalgia as a fascist, or whatever the fuck contemptable thing the ultraliberals do.
I have already looked in a mirror today.
The end of the fascist quest:
>your life and the city where you live are broken and unfixable. everything is shit (direct quote). You have a fantasy where you bomb everything and start over, it’s the only way to fix things. things will never return to your fantasy of what they once were.
the end of the capitalist quest:
>“the grind” is a fucking joke. you will never rise up no matter how hard you work. You were born a poor man and you will die a poor man.
the end of the centrist quest:
>the upper classes that rule the world will do anything to keep their power and will in fact kill you for it. their promises are utterly meaningless and slow change will never come. the deadline stretches forever. you are a coward and a liar if you believe them.
the end of the communist quest:
>keep trying. build a better life from what you have. as long as you have the will to try again, you have the means to make the world a better place to exist. try again and it will be worth it. do it for everyone you love and for yourself.
>black bagged by the moralists
Which is vague. For all you know, Harry can be picked up into magpie division due to being a borderline psychic.
>embracing an insane, delusional nostalgia as a fascist
It's still sympathetic to your cause and ultimately follows every theme of every ideology: it's a cope Harry uses to avoid talking about his problems, and the quests can help him to focus on that through the lenses of his ideology.
>whatever the fuck contemptable thing the ultraliberals do.
Unironically, a better ending for Harry despite ultralibs being hated by the devs sometimes on the level of fascism, despite the latter having some of the best characters in the whole game. He gets to earn money, he focuses on hustle and self-improvement. It may be self-destructive, but he's going somewhere. Maybe I am misremembering it though.

Communism is another one of those copes, and when you look through Kurtivz's life, it's beginning to make sense why the game portrays commies as it is.
I still hold onto my explicit belief that there should've been more political neutrality amongst the game staff because we get something like this. Fascists don't even get much ideological nuance and the game will happily throw you into their ranks if you like drinking or agree with Rene, a character that's far more likeable and respectable than any commie faggot you see through. Deserter was a great critique, and I don't know why it exists in the same game trying to push commie path as the only hopeful path.
disco elysium obviously doesn't depict a world where socialist revolution was successful (because it wasn't), but the view of history and politics it has is just straightforwardly marxist/historical materialist. For fuck's sake, moralism and Dolores Dei pratically come out of an Engels text.
Evrart (a sympathetic figure!), Dros and the students are all criticised explicitly for not living up to their socialist ideals--for being hypocritical or stuck in the past or inactive and snobbish. Contrast this with the critique of fascism as completely delusional and a tool for those in power, moralism as a cancer killing the world and ultraliberalism as a total fucking joke.
The devs came out and thanked Marx and Engels for their political education and you retards still refuse to acknowledge it, is it that unthinkable that a game you like might have politics that aren't yours?
Yeah, every political thought is a coping mechanism for harry, everything in the game is harry coping with the crater of his life, but communism is the only cope that gets teary eyed optimism and Harry sitting at the end without everyone telling him that he's just making everything worse.
>cock carousel
i have to admit, that was pretty funny
>compare that to getting black bagged by the moralists
Moralism is lawful evil for sure, but it's also the only political orientation that isn't straight up insane.
They're literally based around the worship of randomly appearing superhumans which harry may or may not be one of. One of these superhumans then demands everyone end the world and they fucking do it while communism saves a part of it or something.
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>Evrart (a sympathetic figure!)
On r/DiscoElysium maybe. No one with more than two brain cells will see Evrart as sympathetic even if he's helping me find my gun.
The Moralist religion is just slightly edgier Catholicism, nothing too out there.
Hi, someone else. You lack a basic cognitive ability that's used to interact with others and you should just do it less often in general.
If the messiah actually appeared every few hundred years and then violently revamped the entire world order. They even get "fake" messiahs, whose main thing that makes them fake being that they don't win at everything forever.
No, moralism is the worst one of them all. Moralism is the ideology of looking at the state of Revachol and telling everyone to wait for our overlords on the other side of the sea, they'll fix everything!
If there is one fucking thing DE got it right was their portrayal of moralism. Moralism is a worthless fucking joke where you just sit in a chair and watch your country be parasitized, waiting for a FMI deadline for "civilization" and told that one day, one day you'll be a first world country while the streets are full of homeless people and every acre of your land is owned by foreign investors.
Who tells you that the Innocences win at everything, anon? Who exactly has in their best interests to make sure they look invincible? Where does the propaganda come from?
Yes, that's what I mean. Innocences are inevitable because moralism makes them so, and false innocences are false because they lose.
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>Every single "human" ever is, as you put it, a corrupt, nepotistic, incestuous, capitalist kike waiting for fortune to put money in his hands to betray all his alleged ideals and friends, and run with the money.
every time someone implies cunoesse is bad or evil i lose a year off my lifespan. i geninuely do not understand why people are having this ridiculous panic over a homeless child
That's why I believe that it was Kurtivz projecting himself onto the game, and it sours my expectations about the game that tries to drill it into your head that every ideology has done something terrible, and that commies might be the worst because they try to sell an idea of hope instead of offering tangible solutions.
It's bewildering that some people can find Evrart sympathetic when he's just a gangster profiteering off drugs and perfectly okay with his men dying if it helps advance his agenda. Even if there's an implication that he's a "true believer in communism", his zeal doesn't excuse his actions. He's like Deserter - two useless faggots rotting away in their spots, following a dead ideology through whatever underhanded means they can, while being scummy as individuals. They don't care about communism, they care about an idea of utopia that won't come.
Yeah it's not like Evrart's fighting against the guys who sent a squad of murderous cannibal psychopaths into a city full of innocent people
She's genuinely just a trainwreck person with no future and no desire to do anything but wallow. Cuno has aspirations to be more than a speed-addicted toddler for his entire life, Cunoesse is going to wind up stabbing people for fun like she probably already has.
When exactly did you get the impression that Evrart was happy with letting his men die? what the fuck is he going to do? If he doesn't let the Hardie boys fight the mercs the mercs are going to be massacring their way through civilians instead.
At no point does DE even slightly pretend that commies might be the worst. It is consistent that Moralists are the worst, the very most terrible.
Cunoesse is a child, you nigger, she is a fucking child. She hasn't stabbed anyone, do you think Cuno's dad was some mega drug lord too? He hyped her up as some terrifying murderer because he does that to people, because he's afraid of admitting that his situation is banal and horrible. You fucking idiotic retard.
>Cunoesse is a child, you nigger, she is a fucking child. She hasn't stabbed anyone
The ugly little girl absolutely killed another child
She's a *fucked* child, she's beyond saving, Cunoesse is the kid that kills cats and tries to get other kids to do it too.
If you think Iosef Lilianovich Dros was not a tale that can only have been written by and for communists you are literally braindead retarded.
>'the communism he mourns is a global force.'
Dros is a man stuck in the past while DE constantly fucking hammers in you that the future is what matters. He is so fixated on a struggle that has been lost, on a future that didn't materialize, that he is blind to the situation in Martinaise that exists right now, to the people who are trying to do things with their life. He clings to the outdated social mores of a bygone revolutionary age out of dogmatism and inability to adapt his principles to the present situation. Dros is tragic and heartbreaking and wrong--not wrong because he's a communist, he's wrong because the war he's fighting ended long ago and its ashes are blinding him to the what is springing to life right across the river from him.
He's perfectly okay with Hardy Boys and his other men dying in proves to like, 3 drunken mercs with embellished achievements if it means looking like a "victim" despite policing Martinaise like his playground and doing drugs, as well as assassinating political opponents.
He's not better. Wild Pines and Union are both shits, with people beneath being ground into a paste so the people at the top can get somewhere. Hardie Boys don't go far, being bitches pretending to be tough and jobbing to drunk mercs (with one of them running away lol) and attempting to ruin your investigation purely to further said political interests that will result in more innocents being massacred.
That's one of the plot points in the game. Mercs are no longer under control, which gives him the perfect opportunity to antagonize Wild Pines once they blast some people. You can chalk up some of it to bluffing, but it's fairly easy to tell that he doesn't mind a good chunk of people dying.
Maybe at this point, I am trying to look for objectivity in a game made by a drunk Estonian who was torturing developers with his spastic behaviour and paid for it by losing his lore. I am glad nobody will make read the book because it's the definitive commie wank.
>she's beyond saving
don't become a social worker any time soon anon-kun
Not planning on it, do you really think Cunoesse is going to reform in a juvie that doesn't exist? Revachol doesn't have the facilities to possibly save a sociopathic kid.
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propaganda piece, the game
I just started this game and his character was very interesting. When I got the Advanced Race Theory thought I meant to go full master race and agree with him but it came out more as a centrist take and he was disappointed in me.
>captcha KKK
if this game got a sequel, i feel like it'd have american brand of leftist politics and you'd get a repressed troon storyline
>He's perfectly okay with Hardy Boys and his other men dying in proves to like, 3 drunken mercs with embellished achievements if it means looking like a "victim" despite policing Martinaise like his playground and doing drugs, as well as assassinating political opponents.
The mercs would massacre every single one of them if you weren't there, because they are literally fucking invincible to the weapons that they're carrying around, barring a miracle. If you fail the checks the Hardie boys are slaughtered and all of the mercs survive with only minor wounds because their armor is THAT good. It doesn't matter if they are used to fighting people with stick and stones if you are also wielding sticks and stones.
And Evrart has no other option. What is he GOING TO DO? The cat is out of the fucking bag by now, you retard. He can't back down and let the mercs run roughshod over everyone in Martinaise, and why should he throw a golden chance in the garbage? If Wild Pines is going to be that retarded and hand him public opinion on a silver platter alongside the harbor, should he just drop it? Why?
That really is utterly asinine wank. You can't have Harry being this self-destructive hypercop and also say the women in his precinct are just as good.
The Moralists' greatest crime was that they won. They already took over the world, and as a result they're the ones with the power to turn their bad ideas into reality.
You are misunderstanding Evrart's flaw. He isn't some fat corrupt minister filling his pockets, he is a man devoted to an ideal and ruthless in his persuit of it. The union is genuinely making its people's lives better, to the point where people who are only in for themselves like Manana are allied with it anyway, but who will get those benefits? Is it worth it, if you sacrifice people along the way? Evrart's sin is that he marginallizes the people of the village and kills innocents to gain advantage. It's not corruption, it's ruthlessness.
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That'd be true if they didn't make Kim Kitsuragi, the most sympathetic/universally loved character, a moralist. Not Moralist - he's not 100% married to the political party, but he lives its rules, and is clearly presented as a Good person because he follows the ideal of pragmatic humanism.

None of the communists are presented in nearly as good of a light as he is. Whether intended by the devs or not, through him they made a compelling case for level-headed centrism, and made that case far stronger than they did for Communism.
i'd never betray my frens
>Kim Kitsuragi, the most sympathetic/universally loved character
The lorry driver was right about him
Kim is on the side of "Not entering into a horrible war". Kim is status quo because he doesn't want millions of people to die in the transition.
Pretty much every time you try to follow Kim's advice you shit yourself or make the situation worse
Kim is from different precinct. I fucking despise that dialogue for being a bold-faced lie though. No matter the determination or training, females cannot physically match males and most of them aren't autistic enough to possess the same level of logical thinking either.
>Now imagine if everyone involved in this story was an American from the US of A
then disco would have never succeeded and there would have been nothing to take over
Evrart can't afford to lose. Wild Pines has already demonstrated they're willing to kill everyone in the Union if it gets the strike finished, he literally cannot back down.
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>The communist route is the only one that isn't a full and complete farce
It depicts the communards as idealistic manchildren. The closest they get to enacting their utopian political vision is playing pretend with matchbooks. The "optimism" you're trying to read into it can only be accepted by deluded ideologues.
Just because I have a comically huge dick doesn't mean I'm a degenerate!
It was not this guy, it was Shanky.
Joyce would be willing to negotiate retard
Joyce is a pretty scarf and meaningless words. The real face of Wild Pines is the man whose subordinate shoots up random villages becuase he got bored, the people who ate children alive for kicks. This is the real face of moralism; the second you do not give them free access to your resources, they will splatter your walls with your brainmatter.
Yes, Evrart is ruthless. But what the fuck can he do, if his enemy is willing to set his country on fire like it has done to countless other countries before? He needs every single fucking advantage he can get.
communism is good because you're able to kill the elites. Things can't get any worse for me why would i care about elons or epsteins? i want to kill them not lick their boots
I don't care what happens later or if billions die
>Evrart (a sympathetic figure)
on what fucking plane of existence?
>Yes, Evrart is ruthless. But what the fuck can he do
realize that he's a different flavour of a child raping ruler of the world that expects moralist collapse in revachol so HIS "right" ideology can rise and help people
Evrart is hostile to you because you are his enemy, but if you think the narrative foil to Joyce Messier is not intended to be a complex, sympathetic figure like she herself is, you are delusional. People can clearly see the ways she's flawed but human, why can't they look past his shit eating smile for one second?
Anon, Evrart is just as deep a character as Joyce. You just refuse to see it.
>I don't care...if billions die

And this is why nobody respects your ideology, because you admit you'd do the same in their position, and you're just jealous it's not you on top of the world.
It's the other way around for me
>>communist game
/v/ failed literature class and cannot comprehend that a grotesque is a form of CRITICISM, not praise
Evrart has not raped any children, while the guys at his door have.
I mean you’re dealing with people here that think Joe Biden is a full blown Marxist, so it’s not surprising that they’re bordering illiterate.
literally no one but a communist would ever make the "are women bourgeois" joke. The game expouses marxist history and literally references obscure 1900s commie beefs and you still think it's centrist or whatever.
modern globohomo is not marxist by any means, it's just a gayer version of capitalism and the current thing
Gaypitalism. It's a real thing
Same old shit but now it's about virtue signaling and exploitation of faggots and minorities
The game is made by bitter Estonian commies who got to watch the USSR collapse, anon. There's obviously some bias towards their own beliefs but there beliefs are essentially "communism would be good if it people didn't inevitably fail every time to create it" and even made the antagonist of the game a communist incel. If that isn't good enough for you then idk what to tell you
I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate moralfag NPCs.
Doing the lord's work shartybro.
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>The game is made by bitter Estonian
People always ignore this part. I am one of the few Americans in existence who has interacted with Estonians from Estonia for any extensive period of time. They make the bent of gay left-wing atheist millennial Californians look tame comparatively, all the jokes you can make about Captain Sweden apply in triplicate to virtually every Estonian in existence.
>some author with an ideological chip on his shoulder tries to write a character that entirely revolves around dunking on that particular ideology
>his hate and loathing doing so is intense enough that it loops back around to making that character come off sympathetic, contrary to his intentions

Rorschach moment.
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truly commies are unfixable
Yeah, unironic commies in eastern europe are all 60 plus years old or bourgeois yuppie twats who every normal working class person loathes.
so you just act because you want respect like a nigger that just wants street creds? i don't care about respect
I wish Evrart was my boss, Mañana is completely correct that he's corrupt for the benefit of Martinaise. If he said anon my boy we have the most fucked up cop in the world coming to visit, go fetch our most uncomfortable chair I would salute and say yes generalissimo
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Trust me, that was abundantly clear.
he said without sounding mad
why do you look like a half-done painting???
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Anybody have that art piece of Kim standing in Harry's hotel room staring at Harry's headless corpse?
I'll give you complex, but he remains one of the worst human beings in Revachol. His desires are as horrible as they are because people like the union believe him to simply be corrupt and flawed on a surface level when his entire character is rotten
There is more sympathy to be found in Ruud's mask than in Evrart's entire body. A sympathetic figure he is not.
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Plus I don't know about estonia but it would be hard to deny that being seen as an unironic commie often comes with the implicit suspicion on the part of others that the person in question is probably jewish. Especially in the Poland-Hungary-Romania zone.
don't worry, you can get more into hardcore racism later
Is this true in Russia too, I feel like I see more nostalgia for the ussr there among younger people since their parents remember the immediate post collapse being awful, but that's all online where political opinion isn't worth much
Russia's political landscape is the rape of their past and total schizophrenia. Young people hated the government and thought that USSR was better for being less scummy, while the government itself regularly used Stalin and religious imagery, worshipping USSR's legacy while simultaneously hating it. They don't have politics but they do have guys in charge, and people who hate those guys in charge.
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Dangerously close to summoning the Evola quote poster.
I wasn't paying attention.
as someone who considers himself a Marxist, the thing that most made me realize that the devs definitely are communists was talking to the gendarme by the coast. He's such a perfect encapsulation of the archetype of a right wing cuckold who claims to be a patriot while waxing poetic about slaughtering his own countrymen for the benefit of foreigners that I literally cannot imagine him not being written by someone who devoured The Civil War in France and came away from it hating Adolphe Thiers and the Versailles government as much as Marx did
You mean, putting down the revolt of the Commune?
Fuck off midget
>the only option is to
You didn't play the game.
I'm not reading all that sobbing shit from an armchair capito-fascist whose feelings got hurt by a video game
>[Self Awareness: Fail]: No, wait--!
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how the fuck does harry not get fired
when i found the fucking car in the river i thought hes definately donezo
This dude is into race theory and believes you are of a superior race with a natural superior body

He is saying your degenerate lifestyle is in contradiction of what your body is supposed to be as default therefore its betraying your degenerate actions
>You're a loose canon, Mr. Du Bois, but you get the job done.
>And with a significant cost to RCM Property and Civilian Lives.
You are retarded.
Bryce and Vicquemire have probably spent more time overseeing and following Harry than anyone else we see in the game (besides THAT ONE) or that we ourselves know of and its likely this isnt the first time something this insane happens, or that these episodes arent uncommon but in the end he does enough to compensate for the shambles he gets into.
he got away with crippling a guy simply because said person and his friend were such an annoyance to everyone in Jamrock that putting the case down was worth it.
My headcanon was Dolores Dei (and the other Innocences) are depictions of a player save-scumming their lives to get the best results possible. "Taking information from the future via the Pale (and in turn creating more Pale" is failing a series of checks, re-loading with that "future knowledge" of failure and repeating until they pass even the most ludicrous of impossibilities. Example, Dolores Dei directing Irene the Navigator to just the right Isola and perfecting the Volta do Mar to make the journey in the span of less than a decade is bonkers. Then look at what a save-scumming Harrier Du Bois achieves in just 5 days on one tiny corner of Martinaise.
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>thank Marx in their acceptance speech
>"they're not communist!"
This is the worst he's ever been, we're witnessing his true rock bottom, and then he goes and gets the biggest win in his career.
You both sound like whiney little bitches getting outraged by words in a spec fic video game
>cannot physically match males
They don’t need to if they’re given the same tools an officer possesses. Guns aside, you don’t need to outmatch your opponent in strength when you’re armed with mace, a baton, a taser, and cuffs.
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you didn't beat the game
and it wouldn't have mattered anyway.
Th most based devs who ever devved.
Disco Elysium shills are like fucking parasites from a lake they just won't fuck off
Yes, you really do. You need to wrestle people to the ground frequently, tasers aren't a perma-stun net gun. Some guy much bigger than you just swinging on you can absolutely batter you senseless through mace and a taser.
If he doesn't have someone to vouch for him he does get fired
You can fuck off to your 13264334873th gacha general outside of /vg at any moment, fucking tranime coombecile.
Your entire faux-generals are pure long-winded tripe that completely stick out from the board just like the non-game you fellate. You have zero self-awareness
You're all such fucking pathetic snakes. I don't think I've seen such a weird group of shills on the board either
>losing the beard
>keeping the expression
The game really couldn't have been made without marx. If devs were honest every WW2 game would be thanking Hitler
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Now you're equating three of your subjective interpretations against your fourth interpretation which you have determined to be of an esoterically differing quality. I think you're projecting your preconceived idea of the game's message onto it, and on account of the cynical and grotesque themes of the game, this presumption of yours has genuinely made you interpret the game's message differently, making you retroactively correct in your presumption of its themes.
unfortunately there is only one game quite like this so it will persist until something of similar or greater calibre comes along
This shit is all explicitly laid out anon.
6573234545 gacha threads every hour
>i'm sleeping
1 Disco Elysium thread in a week
Go make yourself useful and fight with actual shills. Or go and kys, fucking piece of shit.
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>fucking piece of shit
The communist symbol is very clearly shopped in.
>devs say it's communism
>commies say it's communism
But the enlightened anons in this thread know better.
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>the antagonist of the game a communist incel
literally me fr
>1 Disco Elysium thread in a week
Not him but lmfao anon there's no need to lie, here's three just from today, not even counting this one
Moralism is literally child-raping/eating lizardpeople blowing up your country because you made your own bank.
I'm not here to discuss philosophy or politics, I just need to borrow a pair of bolt cutters, thanks.
Oh shit, i'm really sorry, it's 4 threads in a day, yeah it's totally worse than 238724873 gacha shit in an hour, please eradicate these fucking commie shills.
>Oh shit, i'm really sorry
Well, you should be.
And you should neck yourself.
Calm down little guy. Breathe
I don’t respond because I realized I forgot to ask granny about cryptids
This is gacha shit retard
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>it's only one thread per week!!
>okay fine it's actually four threads per day and therefore, 28 threads per week
>but that's like nothing compared to an entire sub genre of games with multiple popular titles currently fighting for market share
>our little indie game from years ago that begat a bankrupt studio and dead IP deserves four threads per day because... because it just does okay!! neck yourself!
Woah, tranime coombecile is melting.
Damn, you actually gaslighted me for a bit into thinking it was just one a week now. Should've known better
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>"Kim! I've finally changed! I promise everything will be different now. A new me, a new life. You'll see it!"

this quip paired with the pic got me hard ngl
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I'm the original person you first called an anime coomcell here >>683745715
It's nice to see you faggots getting outed with your underhanded tactics
>arguing over which flavor of rich untouchable oligarchs get to fuck you in the ass
Are any of you part of the Homosexual Underground?
I challenge him to a powerlifting competition and humble him.
Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of your tiny little muscles screaming to keep your frame upright.
>commie astroturf exposed
>thread drops like a rock
>gachanigger kills vidya discussion by spamming schizo bullshit
>claims victory
>game allows you to be bad
>always be good anyway
I would feel like trash if I let Kim down
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There are two kinds of moralists, the chumps and the IMF/rothschilds/etc. Kim is, unfortunately, a chump
really disappointed that i wasn't able to use my rock solid NET WORTH (aka NET GIRTH for all you ladies out there) to pay viquemare for the car in the final scene

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