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Why did it flop so hard?
did you see it being marketed?
It's the kind of game only very few elite gamers would appreciate so it was doomed (commercially speaking) from the start.
Style over substance
Zero marketing
I don't care. The original was a cult classic in the first place, a sequel was never going to be a million seller. I'm just happy it exists.
1. it wasn't that good
2. it appealed only to people who played the first
3. bad marketing
4. ugly overworld graphics (battles looked a bit better)
localization was shite
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i wouldn't even say they marketed it, it feels like square actively tried to hide it's existance. i didn't even realize it came out on steam
The same old cope, Twewyfags
>emo shit sequel to emo shit original that was never good
it may forever be a mystery, OP
That game was on my wishlist because I loved the NDS one but the shills on this board tried so hard that I lost interest in it.
I didnt like the demo
it's not even shilling, there are just a few autists who feel the need to write essays defending this game, like it's their duty to deflect every slight bit of criticism
i almost entirely avoid threads due to it, definition of a circlejerk
Square Enix marketeers not trying to market it.
its just one guy im pretty sure
it was the perfect sequel, normies didn't get the og and didn't get this one
Because it had a terrible localisation

Confusing title, I thought it was a re-release of the first game
Maybe don’t release a sequel on a console that doesn’t have the first game. Same shit with Octopath Traveler 2.
OT2 isn't a sequel. It's also on Switch and OT1 is multiplat. Both NTWEWY and OT2 are kino, don't knwo why square gets so much hate when they pump out AA gems like that. Their most recent AAA game was also fantastic.
Gameplay alone doesn't actually sell a game. It wasn't flashy enough and nobody was pushing to shill it.
They need Nomura to work on their big brand projects. If NEO was more successful, it would give him an excuse to tell them to fuck off when they keep making him step in to direct their biggest games.
Limited appeal, zero marketing and stuck on platforms with no userbase for said product
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Weak gameplay
No marketing
Underwhelming demo
Niche ass franchise
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>stuck on platforms with no userbase for said product
>literally released on all platforms
>Released on Steam in 2022
What the fuck.

Also I can't imagine the game is as good as the original. The original worked so well specifically because of the DS dual screens. I can't imagine it would have the same feel on PC.
Did I stutter?
PSniggers don't buy this sort of shit and modern Nintendo manchildren don't even know this is a franchise, PC was an even worse deal since it was originally kept hostage on Timmy's sweatshop, the game didn't have a chance in hell
When you learn japanese you realize every single game ever had a terrible localization/translation.
Its different gameplay entirely anyways
Managing a large party all at once instead of watching 2 screens
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what kind of fuckin loser reads dialog in videogames? you just skip that garbage
oh no my words words words are turds turds turds
who gives a shit, honestly
It released on Steam the same day as Persona 5
holy copium
I’m surprised you typed all that out considering you can’t read
You're right, clearly they fucked up by not putting it where the true market for exactly this type of game was: Xbox
I can read fine, story in videogames doesn't matter to anyone but children who haven't seen it all already
No sexy girl like Shiki. Neet fujobitch and hijabi goth don't sell games, anon, and there are much less fujo that would buy this game for the hot ikemen. Just look at the game promo art and ask yourself honestly why would anyone buy this game if they aren't gay or fujo.
If it had been a gacha game like a Hoyo game it probably could've been really popular but they choose to do the single player one time play.
Not really sure what square is thinking with 90s tactics in 2024 but get with the time already.
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>wanting TWEWY to go gacha
Fuck you for even shitposting this angle.
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TWEWY already went gacha
It copied the themes of the first game but did it worst and had worse designs.
If you want to sell gacha then you need to lose more clothes on the girl, which SE ethics department would sooner commit mass suicide than to allow that.
It somehow has mom feels
I didn't pay a single cent after pirating this shit.
>It somehow has mom feels

What do you mean?
>Nintendo manchildren don't even know this is a franchise,
Here's your (you), stop being so retarded and brown
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>which SE ethics department would sooner commit mass suicide than to allow that.
I don't think you understand how SE actually operates
I don't know what that is but fuck it.
it's funny how this often backfires because the japanese version is too often lame shit in comparison.
typical friendless weebo losers
>Niche ass franchise
>play rpg
>complain about text
>all of these morons ITT
>weak gameplay
You’re in charge of the buttons you press. Experiment with your shit.
So you're not a real fan got it.
Is Squeenix rhe stupidest company in gaming right now? Did they just not know or did they think it could compete?
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>it wasn’t flashy enough
At least 7k people thought that the gameplay actually looked pretty sick when someone bothered to put up a decent showcase. The problem is that Squeenix fucking sucked at actually marketing the game.
Thank god this shitty franchise is dead.
Feels like Squeenix should’ve hired some super players to show off the game’s combat when the Switch port came around.
>but muh spoilers!
It’s been a year at that point and they are actively showing Shiki’s true form as well as Haz, it was pretty clear that they didn’t give a shit by now.
Did a TWEWY fan fuck your wife or something?
Horrible characters, also the same reason Reynatis will flop. No wonder both flops are doing a collab.
>horrible characters
I actually liked the new cast more than the original’s.
Is that good?
For a niche APRG series, that’s actually pretty strong. Now imagine that but backed up by an official account. Numbers would probably skyrocket by a lot.
>no marketing
>sequel that came out 15 years after the original
>plays nothing like the original, the combat also sucks
>new cast sucks and it relies on the old cast to much
>notoriously shit localization
>the story was also just shit, the pacing was horrible packing absolutely everything into the last week, making most of the run time being focused on turf battles no one gives a fuck about
>staggered release delaying the pc version, then the pc version also being EGS exclusive
>leaked a whole week before launch

The only good thing that came from NEO is the music and the 2d art.
This, Epic killed it and Persona rope the courpe.
Oh wow. Almost everything said here is wrong.
this, people aren't ready to hear this
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>making most of the run time being focused on turf battles no one gives a fuck about
3 days out of 24 is not most of the run time, you lying fuck. Why do people who hate NEO love to make up shit about it?
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>T-The localization!
The lack of marketing, annoying characters, and horrid button configurations, yet you claim it's the localization. As if replacing voice actors with AI scripts and voices is something that gamers organically want to happen. FUCK OFF!
>Advertised a new release 5 years after the original
>get everyone expecting a sequel
>It's an iOS port
Everyone who was waiting for a sequel got let down and honestly most refused to get this out of principle.
>annoying characters
They’re just as "annoying" as the original’s. Have any of you guys actually replayed the original TWEWY?
OG TWEWYfags are nostalgiatards to the 9th degree, it’s insane.
>the combat sucks!
>i-it just does!
It was never going to sell well. It's a sequel to a niche DS exclusive which required the prerequisite of playing the first game to understand the story, it was never going to be a hit. I'm grateful we got it but its clear the devs and publisher had no expectations for this to succeed.
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>Nomura: Let me preface this by saying that I always take a look at feedback and reactions, not just for this game. That being said, the response has been unbelievably positive. People were much happier than they have been with my other games, so I'm glad that I was able to make this title.
>Nomura: I'm sure that many people who have strong feelings for this series have already played this game, but there are also many people who have never touched TWEWY before. As I mentioned before, the feedback from people after playing the game has been so good that it's almost scary, so I would like to encourage everyone to feel free to play it even now.
So people trying to go "nobody liked it" are lying out of their asses considering how the people who actually tried out the game actually came away loving it.
sex with shoka
I mean it makes sense he feels that way because TWEWY fans LOVE NEO, whereas FF and KH fans bitch about the new games nonstop.
I like this tweet because it proves that the narrative of "the game doesn’t look fun/cool enough" for people to play is total bullshit considering how it DOES actually look appealing to people. Squeenix just dropped the ball on marketing (as per usual).
I'm shocked that with all their yapping about inclusivity and fighting against racism, the retards of Xitter never said anything about Beat being a white blonde that talks like a nigga. They're not even using the Eminem excuse, they just think he's fine when people in the music industry have been cancelled for way less.
>repetitive combat
>long load times even on an SSD on PS4/Switch
>looks like a mobile game production-wise but was full priced
>combat was simpler than the first game
>half of the soundtrack is just the first game's soundtrack
>story takes two years to get going
>your team partner is annoying as fuck
>S-E didn't market it, didn't even give us a "countdown to another countdown" like that shitty botched port of the DS game
I could go on.
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Because Beat is best boy.
>>combat was simpler than the first game
With the amount of new hit states and interactivity between pins, NEO’s combat is unironically more in-depth than the original’s.
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>>combat was simpler than the first game
When will this meme end?
I mean, i personally don't care, but i'm more pissed off about their blantant hypocrisy in order to justify/defend to the death how they translated the game.
>repetitive combat
Can you niggas stop lying for 5 fucking seconds?
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Never as long as people are still stuck on the past. I love the original TWEWY but the amount of people who claim that NEO has less depth/isn’t unique drives me to drink sometimes. It just scenes a refusal to actually expand their horizons (har har) and wanting to dump on the new game just because it doesn’t play the same as their childhood game, ironically acting the same as people who passed over the original TWEWY just because of how it didn’t play like other games at the time. There are people who beat the original TWEWY without ever unlocking the additional pin slots or Fusion levels, but that doesn’t take away from the actual depth the combat has. So why aren’t we also applying that towards NEO?
No fanservice and changed 2d to 3d also I doubt it was that popular to begin with having long time between releases. Also shills don't care about multi platform releases. Square Enix can fuck off no money for them after their censor and woke shit.
>no fanservice
Did you not see the shopkeepers?
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>no fanservice
it's one retard who writes the same shit and posts the same pics. anyway don't bother with the game it isn't half as good as the original
>it worked well because of dual screens
the top part wasn't actually that additive to gameplay, it was just schizophrenic and distracted from the actual cool parts happening on the bottom screen.
>isn’t half as good as the original
You’re right. It’s better.
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NEO’s gameplay is basically pic related. Simple to pick up but with a shit-ton of depth for you to explore even right from the offset.
there he is, your game will never be as good as the original
Never played twewy, who are these characters?
You're right. Because it's better
And yet, you never actually go into detail why.
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>your game will never be as good as the original
I would certainly hope not because the original TWEWY is an overrated piece of shit.
we all know you samefag by phoneposting to make it seem like more people hold your opinion
>noooooo, it’s just one guy, nobody else can possibly disagree with me
You’re pathetic.
>Too long since the first
>Ugly overworld
>Lack of marketing, the game would have been better if Switch timed exclusive since at least it would have the Nintendo push
>They tried to sell to Persona 5 fanbase, who are different that usual Persona base, instead of being their own thing
>Peak of the horrid localization.

Game has some qualities, but the mistakes are too big to get ignored.
hmm what a coincidence your replies are less than one minute apart once again
>Sequel to a Nintendo DS title
>DS title ported to Phones for $20-40 more than DS title was
>Don't port to modern consoles the phone port
>Release sequel on modern consoles and PC that DOESN'T have the modern/phone port of the Nintendo DS original though PC can emulate either
>Wonder why it flops
...Because Square is retarded, anon. Same reason Soul Hackers 2 flopped. You don't release a sequel on another platform without releasing the original first unless it's a AAA massive game that everyone already played (Red Dead Revolver 2 before 1 on Steam, for instance)
I never played the DS game, randomly downloaded this from ps plus and absolutely loved it. Is the ds one worth emulating?
>>They tried to sell to Persona 5 fanbase, who are different that usual Persona base, instead of being their own thing
Literally how?
Did it flop? I've been playing it for the past couple weeks. Feels good to get baked and beat the shit out of some noise after work.
Someday(NEO mix) is my favorite song I've run into so far, so I set it as my menu song.
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Anon, you are aware that we don’t spend every waking minute on this site, right?
I mean yeah, if you liked this one. Just understand the controls are different so you'll have to fix the "DS-isms" if not going with the phone ports.
He’s probably going to say some retarded shit like Nagi, as if nerd girls haven’t existed in multiple games before Futaba was a thing.
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>implying the localization isn't better than the original
Ugly character designs. Hated that fat little mexican looking motherfucker.
So, like the original?
You find out within 5 minutes of booting up the game, so don't miss out on a rare 10/10 vidya
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>check out responses and replies
>a lot of people weren’t even aware that NEO was even an action game to begin with
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It's the percentage of Persona fans that believe these games are just anime dating sim and then discover there are RPG mechanics attached to them.
Yes but somehow they made them even uglier.
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I disagree. I like them quite a lot.
Thanks for proving my point.
I was pretty disappointed with NEO and TWEWY was one of my favorite games.

The story isn't as good, honestly. Neku as a character is sort of an angsty loner who thinks everyone is dumb fake and gay and slowly learns to trust and rely on people. Rindo doesn't have nearly the journey. Both you save parts of Tokyo but the first one had a lot better personal journey.

Gameplay isn't as good either.

Localization sucked. TWEWY had some shit moments but it had the 00s "whoops hahah we're trying to be funny and we're kinda retarded" localizer moments instead of the "we found a way to sneak in 'cultural appropriation' into the script lets do it!"
TWEWY: Organic success propped up by word of mouth

NEO: *flops*
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It's basically a reflection of modern society on the youth, which clashes especially with Hanekoma's message in the first game about inspiring new generations to be better.
Welp, the future is now and it's even more cringe than 2007-2008. How depressing.
This guy is a literal groomer. He sends his dick to underage girls and puts them through "loyalty tests". Search his username in the /b/ archive if you don't believe me.
>TWEWY: Organic success

It had no such thing you dumb fucker, we had to wait 15 years for a sequel for a reason.
Bad lolcalization. They had to shit on the original game's ending to justify this one and they barely did anything with Neku after they went out of their way to kill him again
I stopped playing it during the first chapter where I had to time travel multiple times to talk to specific NPCs and whats his face said zeptogram for the five thousandth time.
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I disagree. Rindo starts off as a judgmental piece of shit that thinks he knows better while simultaneously being too afraid to make his own decisions. He refuses to take accountability for when things go potentially wrong so he overly relies on others so if shit hits the fan, he won’t take the fallout for it. And when people call him out on this, he pushes back. He’s hypocritical, can be very insensitive at times, passive-aggressive, pessimistic, and can be a total dick at times. He's high and mighty and his friendship with Fret is surface level for most of the game. If anything, he's perfect as a mid to late 2010s teen just as Neku was perfect for the mid 2000s.
>Gameplay isn't as good either.
I also don’t agree with this. I think the game has a lot of depth in regard to its mechanics and enemy designs that people refuse to give it credit for just because it isn’t the same as the original.
Also, the original TWEWY quite literally had this in its localization.
>mfw some people thought NEO was a vn
>mfw no mfw
Sounds like a lot of bull to me.
As someone who loved the original for so wholeheartedly being a DS game, Neo is shockingly good as a followup to its gameplay systems despite being a low-budget home console action RPG played with a standard controller.
Again, search his name in the /b/ archives if you don't believe me.
>nostalgiafagging: the post
There, I summed it up.
What do you think Shiki would have done if Neku's underwear also had a loose button while she was fixing the button on his shorts?
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I'm salty that the other teams and leaders remained wiped from existence after the game with almost no retribution against Shiba for killing them.
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The noises Nagi continuously makes as she's getting pinned by the wolf noise make my penis the big penis
there he goes again, at least make it less obvious you samefag it's always the same shit
>see post you disagree with
>write one of your essays in one post
>about a minute later write another post shitting on them or agreeing with you
if I'm looking at the cover of your game and I literally cannot make out what the title is then there might be a problem with your marketing
I have and it honestly just seems like someone trying to set another guy up. Like, this especially seems targeted.
Yeah, that’s definitely just some autist trying to go after the guy.
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>No fanservice
Did we play the same game?
Any more schizophrenic posts you want to make, anon?
That's the /v/ archive, look in the /b/ archive.
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>Fret simps for this
That should tell you everything, really.
>No vagina bones
If flopped because instead of marketing the game They blew the marketing budget on a bad anime adaptation of the first one. Honestly though it seems like square actively wanted it to fail with all the bad prelaunch decisions so they could force him to work on shit they think is more profitable instead of his own stuff that they think wont make money.
Game is fucking great. Replaying it on PC after enduring the absolute garbitch that was the shitch version. Any good mods?
As someone who has never heard of this game I can tell you why I, the average consumer, would never purchase it:
The cover is such a busy mess my eyes would just scan over it at the store.
The name of the game is... NEO? Japanese symbols? NEO: The World Ends With You? So NEO twice? What the fuck? And what a stupid Engrish title anyway.
The characters look like store brand Kingdom Hearts.

There is nothing about this game that interests me, and even if there were, it looks like I could find a different game that does everything NEO NEO the world ends twice does, but better.
The story and characters have zero depth towards them. I wanted to like this game but it wasn't fun at all
Sent out to die so Square can have Nomura focus more on FF7.
Same reason the next 2 KH games are in dev hell
Ok, James. Now go back pretending you don't have enough time for anything.
And how is that also not targeted?
>this autist has been obsessing over one guy for four years
>the story and characters have zero depth
Did you just speedread through the game?
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Do you think Mr Hanekoma ever thought about fucking Neku?
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He has great taste.
No one cares, autist.
gameplay was boring and characters were 2deep4u tryhard storytelling. wish the combat was better and wasn't just holding down a button and occasionally pressing another to get a bonus. it's like they couldn't decide whether to make it a action game or a rhythm game so they mushed both concepts together and failed
You cared enough to respond.
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>cute as hell
>actually has honor unlike the other team leaders
>starts off cold towards the Twisters but gradually warms up to them, even looking after them for their safety
>actively tries to help Fret get over his own issues
Kanon’s great, I honestly don’t blame the kid.
>The Amerimutt learns a different language for the first time in his life and realizes translations aren't 1-to-1
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>too skinny
>too young
>hipster hat
The only appeal is that her nipples are detailed under her shirt but that's it.
>search archives for this literal nobody
Or I could not care like I already don't.
>complaining about characters being too skinny
>in a TWEWY game
Nigga, what the fuck are you doing here?
i loved it, but
>poor marketing
>switch release had framerate issues
>poor marketing
>mid pandemic, main character looks like he's commentary on that
>poor marketing
>PC release was on epic for a year
>poor marketing
>gameplay is too nonconventional to appeal to average gamers
>poor marketing
>sequel to a more than a decade old cult classic
>poor marketing
>despite being a sequel, doesn't have a two in the title and a not insignificant portion of potential buyers might not even realize it is a sequel and not a remake
the only reason i knew about the first one was because i was a retarded middle schooler who spent too much time on deviantart, and they had that art contest for designing your own noise that advertised the game. it sucks, i loved it and would love more, but the biggest fault is not advertising it enough.
>wish the combat was better and wasn't just holding down a button and occasionally pressing another to get a bonus
Collisions? Status effects? Ground bounces? Wallsplats? Preserving enemy hit states?
gayest post I've seen on this board in weeks.
>>too skinny
>>too young
How are these flaws?
>too skinny
anon that's kinda of the point of TWEWY characters. They're all pretty much skeleton tier skinny
Dommy hags are the new meta, boyo, get with the times.
like I said, rhythm-action game knockoff
>>too skinny
>>too young
twitter might be a better fit for you anon
You’re not even using that right, dumbass.
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He's not wrong. The vast majority of japanese-to-english game translations are either poorly translated or purposely mistranslated/sabotaged by localisers with an agenda. This affects Inti Creates, Atlus, Square Enix, Bandai Namco, Nintendo and virtually every other company in the industry. Square Enix itself is filled with localisers sabotaging localisations and censoring localisations. Nier Replicant got fucked by localisers hard.


don't care about your autist terms, the combat is shit
>nothing of actual substance said
There, I translated your post to be more fitting.
Never played it because I'm afraid of it ruining the original (which to my mind was almost perfect and never needed a sequel) like pretty much every sequel ever made.
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four channel is, always has been, and always will be a cunny site
>autist terms
Have you never played a fighting game or beat-em-up?
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So, this is the average intelligence of NEO combat haters.
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>autist terms
>autist terms
>statu effect is now autism
How do you even play RPGs then?
yeah, this is known as localization. the rest of the world who learns about this in elementary school when they are taught to speak foreign languages. they have been aware of what happens during localizations all their lives, instead of having this drama revelation from twitter when they find out their favorite waifu anime has been CENSORED.
good keep it that way. I regret ever touching neo
Definitely recommend it. I was fearful of the game turning out to be shit but it ended up winning me over.
It had a very low budget. The shitty VN storytelling was particularly bad.
the game is shit though
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"Localisation" isn't needed. It's just a term localisers use to justify censoring and rewriting dialogue. Literal translation will always be better.

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I heard there wasn't enough Joshneku so I didn't bother getting it
there is no such thing as a "literal translation". this is also one of the foolish notions of the monolingual amerimutt.
Didn't this game rip off some story elements from KH3? Particularly the time travel shenanigans and it having a price and also the noise storm/heartless storm at the end of each game.
Has the sales team committed seppuku over this?
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Poltergeist is such a funny ass psych.
>lasso a bunch of Noise into some ice pillars
>they die on impact
looks like shit
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Here's the thing. If I don't notice, I don't care. The localization for NEO is not immersion-breaking like most of those other games in your link. The game is enjoyable, the writing comes across as great, the voice acting choices are great. If they take liberties, there is at least nothing as fucking retarded as Triangle Strategy using the word "chud".
Post brown hands
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It actually pulled off those elements better than KH. Plus, TWEWY and KH always took influence from each other. Beat and Riku’s arcs are practically parallels to each other.
>both joined an enemy group (The Reapers, Maleficent) to save a person that they care about (Rhyme, Kairi)
>both developed new powers during their stay there (Reaper powers, Darkness)
>both attacked the main protagonist of their game (Neku, Sora) multiple times
> both switched sides to help them, and both had a part defeating a final boss in their game (Kitaniji, Ansem). This is on top of the fact that they like to put up tough guy personas but are quite emotionally vulnerable underneath that. The sequels show them in a much better place emotionally and mentally, though Beat is far more put together compared to CoM/2 Riku, who took until DDD for him to finally conciliate the darkness and light within him. Plus, let’s not forget SUBMIT.
I'm Finnish.
>Triangle Strategy
Wrong game, that was hundred heroes
Looks cool to me.
>Triangle Strategy

Sorry, I meant Eiyuuden. It's hard to keep all of these "new retro games" straight.
I'm sure you are brownoid.
whiter than you :)
>rider kicking a rhino into another rhino
>not cool
>took influence from each other
looks more like twewy has always been ripping kingdom hearts off
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You know, if OGfags are so adamant that it’s better than NEO, then surely they can post their own gameplay?
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Bad-faith shitposting exist for every game/topic. Nobody who claims the combat is bad is ever willing to actually defend that point.
The noise storm was done so much better though. The heartless storm was so fucking disappointing after they hyped it up so much.
Kingdom Hearts Recoded literally took the level slider from TWEWY, not to mention BBS took the concept of Unversed from Noise.
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yooo this gameplay fire fr
it does look like shit
Wait we're really defending the localization of NEO now?
Enjoy playing slop that were purposely mistranslated, censored and rewritten by SJW localisers I guess.
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>this post again
Again, you can literally make the original look bad by this metric as well.
nigga who do you think most of twewy's original staff were. Hint: they were KH devs
>replying to the post again
I would argue the Command Deck in general as seen in BBS/DDD is just the TWEWY Pin system. NEO makes the parallels obviously even closer.
God Panthera Cantus was a shit secret boss.
I'm not even sure what the purpose of this back and forth is. They are literally the same exact dev group making these games. COM was made by the TWEWY team as well. They have been reiterating and building upon the same gameplay systems with all of their titles.
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this the "gameplay" you were hyping up? ain't no way
nope. I'm sure there are terrible terrible translators that abuse their position.

it's just funny when weeaboos who apparently have never in their lives paid attention to anything but video games find out about a universal thing like "LOCALIZATIONS NOT BEING LITERAL!!" through some reference to panties being cut from their nintendo game. and treat it as some smoking gun they need to post articles to prove. as if the same hasn't been happening since the invention of the fucking printing press.

like, have you ever read a translated book? watched a movie with subtitles? did you think those were "literal"? everything is localized. it's not even possible to create a "neutral" translation because languages have different vocabularies and cultures and histories and associations with words etc. that's the job of a translator to sort that mess out.
>Sequel to a game that came out 14 years before and only sold like 100k copies.
It was never going to sell well.
It looks fun, yeah.
everyone knows this dumbass
I think I got eye cancer watching this. Why does it keep stuttering every 2 seconds?
I mean the only guy talking about the translations in the thread is me and the guy constantly linking to these "proofs" that some game translations aren't literal so apparently he didn't.
man, i love the combat, but i think if more CUHRAZY gamers gave the game a try it would breathe new life into discussion of the game. it isn't quite a dmc, gow, ng, or what have you, but it fills a lot of the same niches.
it looks shit and only gay little faggots like it
>anon hasn’t heard of hitstop
Then you should be all over the moon for it.
Anon this has nothing to do with literal translations, everyone knows they don't work. The japanese-to-english game localisation industry is filled with SJWs who censor "problematic content" they personally don't like and change dialogue to leave their own mark. The people who are actually professionals and fluent in Japanese are translating government and business documents where the real money is. The SJWs go into game localisation even though the pay is shit because it gets them the opportunity to censor and push agendas.


They can’t, that’s why. Much better to shit on something than to actually show off what you mean.
I liked it for the first week, went through the second week, then dropped it because I just didn't like the structure of the character drama or gameplay. They extremely overdid the gimmick of the new crew meeting someone from the first game, and immediately getting the wrong idea because they don't know the character.

It felt like none of the returning characters got to have much development, instead it's a slow pulling of teeth for them to truly introduce what they were already like to the new characters and replace the out-of-context impression with the "oh, that's who they are" that the player already has. Like 2 or 3 times would maybe be fine, but they did it nonstop.

And the second week had the main party with vibes worse than the fucking FFXV train ride post-fiancee death, but for like 8 hours instead of 15 minutes. Fucking whiny babies.
It’s funny you should say that because even Nomura confirmed that to be the case
>complaining about whiny teenagers in a TWEWY game
What the fuck are you even doing here, then?
>this post again
Anon, that only pops up for Beat, Sho, and Uzuki at the most. Kariya and Neku are pretty much accepted immediately by the rest of the crew.
>Fucking whiny babies.
Replay the first game because you would have the complain about it now
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these are either total nothingburgers or some zero budget gatcha games I've never heard of
>it's ok because the first game did it too
not an argument
has a better reception and gameplay than Forspoken, Barry
>Play game about teenagers
>Complain that Teenagers are acting like teens
The average SMT game manages to do it without people talking like retards.
>It felt like none of the returning characters got to have much development
That’s bull, though. Uzuki actually gets an expansion on her arc from the first game.
>first TWEWY had her act as an overly enthusiastic go-getter who constantly sucked up to Reapers like Konishi in order to try and get her promotion only for her to realize that she and the other Reapers are just seen as tools for the head leads
>NEO expands on this even more and has her struggling between deciding whether she should keep following orders to prevent even more Reapers from dying under the hands of Shiba or fighting for Shibuya’s sake, which culminates in her going “fuck it” and being willing to go against the rules of the Reaper hierarchy and protect Shibuya even against orders
doesn't excuse the shitty writing
>he says when Persona exists
This is three whiny teenagers, for an in-game week straight, for a worse reason than any other one in TWEWY did. Like despite fucking around barely trying they almost "won" that first week as far as they knew, but they sulked for fucking ever that they had to go another week.

They hero worshiped Neku well beyond what he actually was, which is what had to be cleared up (that he wasn't some magical legendary fix-all savior and is another person like them). Also Sho and Beat are your partners for the entire first and second week, both returning characters, way less given to develop them than Shiki or Joshua in 1 for those first two weeks.
>It's shitty because I don't like it
"Average" doesn't mean "every single one" for a good reason, anon.
>it's not shitty because I like it
not an argument
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What is shitty about the writing? You fags keep saying that they’re shitty without ever actually explaining what you mean. Both TWEWY games are a dive into the "teenage experience" and an encouragement to value social interaction on a genuine level to seek out purposefully different people and grow while selling this message in a package and using protagonists that try to appeal to people who don't already value those things. It pretty much is a dissection of why being an emo aggressive "ugh whatever" kind of teen is inherently a bad thing that makes you miserable and lose out of the potential value life can bring you.
Neku in the OG game and Rindo in NEO are teenage personality types that exist in people even to this day and both games use those character's journeys to dissect all the problems, pitfalls, and shortcomings of this line of thinking to hopefully teach people who are this way better. Rindo especially is given a lot of spotlight on how passive he is. With this underlining assumption that if he does nothing then he can't be blamed for what goes wrong as he constantly leans on other people to pick up his slack, but Rindo gets rewarded the handful of times he actually takes action instead of phoning everything in.
honestly kill yourself bro or at least get a trip so I can filter you
>Kill yourself
not an argument
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This has to be bait a man can't be this retarded. Square enix put this in a game recently I doubt they seriously give a fuck about skimpy clothes
>can you explain?
why say anything if you aren't willing to stand by what you say or rationalize them?
A lot of reasons IMO
>not making a timed switch or ps4/5 exclusive (alongside the graphics/style) so that those two can market it for you
>not much effort spent marketting (especially on a sequel to a cult classic)
>what marketting there was was bad
>bad tastes sometimes from normies
It's like asking why Jet set radio isn't selling brazillions, but on steroids
>Mainly appeals to weabs or fans of last game
>not a direct sequel (doesn't feature Neku in a direct way until the third week)
It's a great game, but there's a few blunders
>AA budget
>Epic gaymer bucks
>unity engine
This game was made on a shoestring budget
>but they sulked for fucking ever that they had to go another week.
Because they just learned exactly what would happen to them if they were to lose (getting erased from existence) as well as being made aware of just how ridiculously rigged the Shinjuku games are, especially with the "Ruinbringers remain on top" message being repeated at the end of every day. No shit they’re be gonna downcasted. Also, Shiki literally didn’t even want to come back to life thanks to Higashizawa poking at her issues.
get a trip, faggot
It's a gamer game and there aren't enough gamers in it for the games in gaming today.
Yes, unironically
>The thirteen games
>like 9 year gaps between releases of big brand IP
>FFXIV launch
>Marketting for CHAOS and Rindude's game
>FFXVI (kinda decent tho even without a mountain of dlc and rereleasing)
>That one mecha game they shat out that was dogshit
>untold numerous disasters
I don't think they actually know what they're doing anymore
Is Sega still trying to do their AAAA 'megagame'? Because that might give SE a run for their money.
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>not much effort spent marketting (especially on a sequel to a cult classic)
This is what baffles me especially: they had the original on the DS and its remake on the Switch, with this sequel coming to it as well, and the game was not featured in a single Nintendo Direct despite those having at least one Square announcement in them all the time. Why? I don't understand.
i'm not even the anon you were arguing with, i just wanted to point out what a tremendous retard you are. if you are going to make a claim, back it up or shut the fuck up. also
>And the second week had the main party with vibes worse than the fucking FFXV train ride post-fiancee death, but for like 8 hours instead of 15 minutes.
fucking 8 hours in the second week? you really are retarded. why are you here, did your wrangler take a day off and now you are left unsupervised?
I think NTWEWY's writing wasn't as good because they didn't have as strong of characters, reuse of old characters can feel cheap if they constantly withhold information that could very easily be given, and the characters they do have aren't used as well.

Like Week 1 of TWEWY, the major things done are establish and develop Neku, Shiki, and Beat. Week 2 is a new circumstance, Shiki no longer is around and no longer gets much more development since she's out. Neku and Beat have new circumstances.

Joshua is a new character and introduced in a way that tests Neku's new developments. Joshua's spot on with the kind of attitude Neku had just a week ago, and seeing this from the outside perspective and going against it is good development. You even have Sho, who makes a great villain of the week.

Then week 3 pays off with Beat, because he's been cooking for the 2 past weeks. It's a much more enjoyable trip with good buildups and payoffs. You are very in sync with Neku, in terms of where he's coming from, where he's at, what his problems and motivations are, what he and you know of the situation, all of that. It feels good.

I don't feel like any one of Rindo, Fret, or Nagi got that kind of development or attention, and the whole time as a player I know more than them and so does every party member they get. And I know what those party members know, so there's just an annoying disconnect the entire time where you're waiting for them to clear up the obvious misunderstandings and they drag their feet to do it.
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>even bothering to respond to someone whose argument is "it's bad because I say so"
It's shitposting Anon. Literally every game on the board has these shitposters.
I think squeenix is pants on head and games pretty much sell on brand recognition for them alone nowadays. I have not seen a single competent ad or trailer by Square that wasnt a
>Now in development
Also, they wanted it to be multiplatform so Nintendo was basically against marketing in a direct
Neku had Mr. H at the very start of Week 1 set him straight and push him onto the right path. Rindo didn't have that and is, by his very character, passive, reclusive and is not only willing, but tries to have things sort themselves out without addressing the problems himself.
It's almost as if the entire game is centered around this and building to the boiling point where Rindo is forced to address these problems head-on instead of hoping someone else shoulders that responsibility I understand if you're not a fan of that writing, but I wouldn't call it bad.
>but they sulked for fucking ever that they had to go another week.
>go through another week coasting by thanks to the help of some autistic math man
>think that you’re gonna finally win
>get sidelined out of nowhere by circumstances way beyond your control
>then realize that the reason everyone else hasn’t been able to leave is because the game is rigged to a ludicrous extent
>on top of that, your MVP just ups and dips on you, leaving you to fend yourself
>"wow, I wonder why the Twisters are so pissy during the second week?"
Anon they censored that scene in a patch.
I don't like how they tried to tie in Hype-chan and Coco into the game. It's obvious they weren't designed to be in this game and were shoehorned in just because, more so with Hype-chan since they had to write her backstory around her design rather than the other way around (like how she ended up wirh Mr. Mew).
It would've been better without any of the original characters returning too since it undermines their whole story and robs them of the ending they deserved. There was absolutely no need to have them in the game since their roles can be easily replaced by a new character but I guess they weren't confident the new characters could carry the game. I wouldn't mind having them have a small cameo but giving them major roles was a mistake.
You're saying that as a cope because you can't speak japanese and have no choice but to play localiser's slop
>I don't like how they tried to tie in Hype-chan It's obvious they weren't designed to be in this game
Hype-Chan had Shoka's role very far into development before Shoka was made.
The thing with NEO compared to the original is that it does this thing where they show you the ramifications of and RESULTS of a character arc, with the actual buildup to it being shown, not told, through character interactions and minor changes in behaviour that you're probably not gonna catch unless you pay close attention, or you're playing it through a second time and therefore have more context to do so.

The beginning of the story with Rindo and Fret is a perfect example of this. They both want to be around one another in order to cover up for each other’s faults and their flaws feed into a loop that prevents the friendship advancing so that they don’t have to try but when it actually comes under serious strain, the flaws are exposed. Rindo being closed-off and content with just letting things stay on the surface level is perfect for Fret since he doesn't need to address his true feelings whatsoever and also fulfills his desire for someone to talk to because Fret is a pretty social guy and the class clown, letting him ignore his own problems. For Rindo, Fret allows him to also fulfill his desire for social companionship while not digging too deep and delude himself into thinking he’s autonomous and avoid the hurdles that comes with decision-making, which Fret is aware of and fine with because he’s more of a follower. The restaurant choice at the beginning of the game is also a great example of this. At first glance, you think it’s just Rindo making a choice until you realize that it’s mainly Fret narrowing down the choices for Rindo without his input and he’s perfectly okay with that. On first read, the intro doesn’t seem like much, only seeming mundane at first glance, but it builds up a lot of the characters in subtle ways.
beat and mathman are fine for returning characters without doing retreads of their story arcs, they're supporting cast for this time. hype chan may have been a rewrite
The part you're quoting in your post isn't even by the person you're replying to, but you're really being as much of an ass to start namecalling over taking 8 hours for the 2nd of 3 weeks, right when you get a new party member and beat drops.

The thing is they did a piss poor job of making Sho feel like an MVP or the gang feel weak. Even when he dipped they usually did decent scraping by, and that's with awful direction and not taking it seriously. Felt way too shitty for way too long, I just did not like it. With how well they did all things considered it's like watching someone about to commit suicide over getting a B+ on a test.

And again, it had a high bar with week 2 of TWEWY as the comparison point. Not like Neku expected a 2nd week either, and he didn't have other people directly helping like Fret, Nagi, or Swallow at that point. Guess I just don't like these characters.
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The other thing with NEO is that it is, at the core, a time travel story and like any good one, it uses this aspect to inform a large majority of its themes and character/plot writing, which is thematically appropriate in a way when you think about it: a game all about using time travel to notice the little details in a way that can have you get out of a sticky situation also rewards you with a deeper understanding of the characters when you go back to it or notice all of said aforementioned details beforehand. As such, the new cast tend to write off other people as shallow and not worth the effort at first (Nagi with Fret, Rindo with quite a wide variety of people, the Wicked Twisters with the other Player teams in general), but they become better about this as the game goes on.
Another thing to keep in mind is the structure of the games, both in-universe and out. The Games in both have their purposes but one in particular (Shinjuku’s) has been intentionally muddled due to a large number of influences that even leads to one character viewing the entire structure of it with an uncharitable, biased light.
On top of that, OG TWEWY makes it shown that Neku’s blunt personality needs the message of the game drilled into his head by the other characters to REALLY have it sink in or else he’ll misinterpret it as something else, like what he did with Hanekoma’s words as CAT, hence why the partners have their arcs spelled out in full by the end of the week, so that Neku can better connect with them and relate that to his own growth.
He doesn’t take the subtleties into account and even misinterprets Mr. H’s message of "Enjoy every moment with all you've got" to be something self-serving when in actuality, it’s the complete opposite.
I agree that Sho is an acceptable returning character since even before the remix it was speculated that he would somehow come back to life but I disagree about Beat since the only reason he's back is because he's looking for Neku and I explained earlier why they shouldn't be brought back. The only other acceptable returning characters are pinky and lollipop since the game is literally their job.
>The thing is they did a piss poor job of making Sho feel like an MVP or the gang feel weak.
Rindo would’ve died several times if it weren’t for Replay, not to mention the entire day where he and the others ended up helping Susy K for jack shit.
If that's the case, why was Rindo pissed at Fret for choosing twice the team's name without asking him?
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In NEO’s case, you have the majority of the party with you throughout all three weeks so they deliberately made it a slow-burn for it to eventually pay off in week 3, with weeks 1 and 2 being used to set-up several different arcs, hidden flaws, and dynamics in advance (though character growth is still apparent, just in more subtle ways). The game leans heavily on its varied ensemble cast of characters and showing their growth and development through all of their interactions with each other and how those dynamics subtly shift and change as the game goes on. You can see this in a lot of characters but primarily in the Twisters, Shoka, Susy K, Kanon, Shiba, Motoi, and more. Unlike Neku, Rindo doesn’t have his own equivalent of Mr. H to bluntly tell him the message of the game (hell, his Mr. H turned out to be a fake) so he has to learn those lessons by himself.
What would you do if you met Rindo during the reaper's game? I would give him an energy bar with chopped up Carolina Reaper pepper pieces and laxatives in it and tell him it will replenish his HP six times.
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Because Rindo thinks it’s cringey, just like how any other teen his age would. Note how despite finding it cringey, he doesn’t do anything about it and just bitches and moans.
Imagine putting "cringey" in the game's dialogue. Kill all localisers.
Not just any devs. TWEWY is a Tokyo Team creation as much as KH2 and Dissidia 012. Rebirth too, thank you Nomura
>Tokyo Team
Square is in Shibuya. Surely you jest
But he has replay. He STILL has replay in Week 2. And they got that close to "winning" even spending an entire day fucking off.

Like going back to that suicide over B+ thing, this is like if you get to retake that exam and one of the things you got docked points on was you forgot to put the date on it.

Sho should've been ungodly strong in gameplay to show off how he's carrying them, with bosses that more or less required him. He's only around for the introductory week anyway, and if that's still a problem, make him cut out more for times when the team isn't facing stuff that requires him (or they die and Rindo replays to avoid it). That would do a better job showing Sho carried the team and they stood no chance without him, as is he was a replaceable button and didn't even end up with the best stats pretty quickly.
a lot of words to say nothing of substance
Teenslop for teenagers but current teens don't like it and the people that liked the original grew out of this a long time ago.
>square actively tried to hide it's existance
Well yes. Much like SoP Square is still too anime for normies. This is the same logic that drove Matsuda and Wada to replace Nomura with Tabata who turned XV into a poor man's RDR1
He reposts these everytime someone says they don't like the story.
I know it's pretty annoying seeing this autist every thread
>complaining about teens talking like teens in a game about teenagers
Which is even weirder, because Rebirth and 16 went full chuuni and they did well. Not very though but good enough. We might not be all there yet but we're getting there.
You read the writeups, didn't you?
>does nothing to actually counter against it
>the writeups
I saw it Rindo being mad over fret pushing them into everyone's sights rather than giving him more time to think. Rindo is kind of a chronic overthinker
check the archives if you want to see my counters, this retard has posted this every thread so it shouldn't be too hard to find.
>it's like watching someone about to commit suicide over getting a B+ on a test.
It's almost like that's Rindo's character where he and the team could get by fine on their own if they apply themselves but Rindo is too scared about taking responsibility and putting himself at the front. Sho leaves so that Rindo can actually try to develop himself since he is capable of doing so but Rindo just tries to look for somebody else and assumes that he, Fret and Nagi are just being carried by others.
Because it wasn't a Switch exclusive.

laso SE did everything in their power to kill it. 3 fukcing times
>it shouldn't be too hard to find.
So post them.
Read >>683747514
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Shitty localization.
nah I already have. if you want to see them go make the effort to find them.
Tell me you know who Stellafag is.
it's just not that great of a game. Gameplay is good but the story is lame, uninteresting and very much recycles the same characters from the first game.
>And they got that close to "winning" even spending an entire day fucking off.
Only due to the upheaval rule on Day 5, and when then none of that matters when the Ruinbringers will just rig things in their favor again.
>Sho should've been ungodly strong in gameplay to show off how he's carrying them,
He’s half of their total HP combined and note that the minute he leaves, not only do the enemies get tougher but your Mashups become weaker as well due to not having him there to add onto the combo. Hell, the reason they’re even capped out 100% is because they don’t have to try as hard to win with Sho there and thus, don’t need to get closer. And when he leaves, tensions are high between the team so it’s still capped out at 100%. Only when Beat joins the party to help lighten the tension that they’re able to actually start connecting with one another (note how Rindo and Fret start off the week fighting and end up apologizing to one another) are they able to go to 200% and become stronger.
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>"It's more like real life so it has to be good!"
It's just a good reminder why scripts for fictional media usually tend to use netural type of languages while accents and slangs are reserved for very special occasions and are not the norm.
Imagine if when meeting Yozora in KHIII he started saying stupid shit like "Yo dawg, that keyblade be wack, imma fight you for it fool!"
>Rebirth and 16 went full Chuuni
I'd say 16 is less chuuni and more derivative of off revenge flicks, at least until later on. It certainly was chuuni later on though. I think both of those games, on top of rebirth being an openworld rpg, probably made it more markettable to normies along with the relatively more photorealistic graphics. I suppose Square wants to distance themselves from the negative western perceptions of anime but wants to keep what they think is cool or good about anime (like AoT, a big inspiration for 16)
>You wouldn't recognize actual good writing anyway you animeshit loving weebs!
Yeah, you don't understand how the industry works in Japan. Japanese developers will always say positive things about what the english localisers do because they want people to buy their game and because japanese devs do not get involved with what the western division does with their localisations. Square Enix praised the Nier localisation despite the fact that the lead localiser Brian Gray admitted to heavily censoring the "problematic" parts he didn't like and admitted to heavily rewriting the script to change the story.
Ok, so they told a story I don't like with characters I didn't like who I don't think had good chemistry or enjoyable, well paced character development. I'd say the opposite of all of that about TWEWY, so I just do not like NTWEWY.
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>if you want to see them
I don't, I'm just making a point to everyone reading this thread.
This is literally an excerpt by Tatsuya Kando himself.
And I personally feel the opposite. I liked NEO way more than I did the original TWEWY.
>I just do not like NTWEWY.
My point still stands, i don't care who has to be blamed for it.
cool my point was this autist spams the thread with his copy pasted posts and replies and his posts aren't even worth replying to seriously.
How do you even know it's the same guy
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>not even worth replying to seriously
Sounds like you did many times if your "counters" are so easy to find
I liked NEO more just for the fact that Mingle doesn’t exist and the third week doesn’t shit on itself.
that excuse would fly if they did it just once but then proceeded to make it a fucking EGS exclusive for a year and then the coup of grâce, releasing it on STEAM one day before of fucking Persona 5 Royal.

that not taking in account this game came argubly 10 years too late, I'm bafled how this game was allowd to even exist to begin with.
pattern recognition
Being a fujo-coded game, with the female lead even being fujo self-insert.
As far as they know, Ruinbringers rigging the game is like how they tricked the Twisters into fucking around all day, a dumb trick they know to look out for now.

And HP is a nothing stat given they incentivize you to play with the lowest HP possible for better rewards. And again, any body filling the slot for the button would've done as well as Sho.

We had Jesus powers Joshua in TWEWY 1, having a temporary character that's extremely powerful to show that he is also strong in plot (likely well beyond your characters) is a thing they can do. It's a thing RPGs do in general, Sho is terrible at showing the kind of strength the plot (and even other party members) says he has in this gameplay. Like it's a way bigger letdown than something like Chrono Trigger's Boss Magus vs Playable Magus.
>HP is a nothing stat given they incentivize you to play with the lowest HP possible for better rewards
The scale is percentage based so having higher overall health means you'll have much higher health at 10% than if you were ignoring HP as a stat.
>Square wants to distance themselves from the negative western perceptions of anime
Which astoundingly resonates with the claims against KH.
>too many characters
>too convoluted
>too serious/boring
>not fun enough
>too emotional
A certain KH team game also had these complaints too
>Keep game in line with the slang translation of the first game that nobody complained about for 15 years
>It's suddenly a problem that characters speak like this
I don't get it
I think it often gets overlooked that the original release on PS4 and EGS released during the same week as Great Ace Attorney Chronicles. Every weeb friend I knew picked Great Ace Attorney over NEO at the time and never got around to playing NEO, even the ones that seemed interested just forgot it existed because they were busy grinding through both TGAA games.
>We had Jesus powers Joshua in TWEWY 1, having a temporary character that's extremely powerful to show that he is also strong in plot
The actual ingame effect of jesus Josh compared to losing a button is far more noticeable to a player.
>TWEWY thread
>don't know who Stellafag is
Are you even a real Nomura fan at this point?
>HP is a nothing stat given they incentivize you to play with the lowest HP possible for better rewards
That just makes any HP you do have even more valuable, anon.
>And again, any body filling the slot for the button would've done as well as Sho.
That’s kind of the point, they end up doing way better due to Beat’s supportive influence and lovable attitude, and are even able to take down Tsugumi twice. Rindo and the others DO have the capability, they just needed to realize it.
>sho should've been ungodly strong in gameplay
His base stats are much higher than Rindo or Fret. He's got almost four times the hp, 6 times the defense and double the style of both of them, the style being the most important by giving him more options for threads to equip. When he returns in post game, unless you have been doing some serious grinding his returning stats are also either higher or on par with everyone else.
yea all Sho does is have higher stats than your team week 1, there's no actual gameplay difference than any other character. the story just says he's powerful but they represent it through stats alone. in the original twewy as soon as the story has Joshua reveal more of his power his entire gameplay changes and reflects just how much more powerful he is. that's another thing I don't like about neo, there isn't really any gameplay difference between the characters. you just slap a pin on them and it plays pretty much the same as if you put it on another character.
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Kando is the director of the TWEWY series, no shit he's going to jerk off the localisers. He wants the western audience's money. What did you expect him to say? NEO TWEWY's english localisation is horrendous and the localiser added in shit like rupaul's drag race quotes and other nonsense. NEO's localiser Matt Furda also ruined Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's script as well. Stop defending these people just because you don't know Japanese and have no choice but to consume localiser slop.
Your Joshua example doesn’t really work for me because Neku and by extension the player, are supposed to be hateful of Joshua due to him replacing Shiki at the beginning of the second week. But I never felt this way due to not really liking how Shiki plays, finding her to be more boring, and finding Joshua’s gameplay to be more interesting from the offset. By contrast, I felt way more impacted by Sho leaving since that’s a whole ass button I’m losing to do sick combos with.
As in Joshua makes more of an impression? Because Sho being gone just says anyone who can fill a slot would be just as good, and that's not giving the impression that he was as strong as he should be and inspiring awe.

They don't even have a combat system where characters are in static buttons, you can equip them to different ones. So like even the exact move he comes with, you can have Nagi doing just as well as Sho ever did while Sho's still around.

Like again, tons of RPGs do this better. Playable Ghaleon in Lunar or Sephiroth in FF7 lets you know "oh shit, they are way stronger than me", it'd feel super flaccid if those guys joined for a segment and were like same level as your party members, sometimes doing less damage.
He’s literally talking about the original Japanese version, did you even fucking read the interview?
I have never played TWEWY but really like Nomura's peak 2000s aesthetic in character design.
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I don’t quite agree with that and I actually think Beat as a character does a great job at bringing the story and gameplay together. He does this in four ways
>He gives you another button to use again after you have had to deal with having one less after Sho leaves the party, thus allowing you to better stand up against foes that gave you trouble previously.
>He gives you access to the ability Soundsurfing, which is incredibly helpful for building up Groove before fights and helps you get across the streets of Shibuya in a faster manner.
>His Social Network node unlocks the "Divine Dodge" skill that gives you increased invulnerability frames, reflecting how he’s there to help shield the team from any assholes that come their way and get them through any obstacles
>His presence ups the Groove meter cap to 200%, allowing the team to unleash even bigger and more powerful combo attacks than they can before.
This is especially notable because his integration within the team allows the more cautious members of the team, Rindo and Nagi, to come out of their shell more and he provides Fret with another lighthearted figure to bounce off of in an actual genuine manner, thus allowing the team dynamic/synergy to become more cohesive and balanced. Whereas Sho’s main contributions was being the looming shadow and backbone that scares off the other teams, Beat’s main contributions are, along with Fret, being the heart of the team and motivating them via kindness and support.
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>He’s literally talking about the original Japanese version, did you even fucking read the interview?
hmmm so through a gameplay perspective Beat ends up being a stronger addition than Sho. doesn't make much sense storywise
Multiplying doesn't really work when stat increases are static, so like of course you can be x4 of the smallest something can be. He doesn't find most of the cheapest, best stuff tasty so it's a lot easier to boost other people and get bonus stats, and if you're a completionist wanting to max pretty much every pin at least once to get them all while playing hard/level 1/chaining battles, you can cram food often. He's like your party in 5 good meals.

You also don't have access to or cash for much that requires super high style for even that to matter before they can catch up eating crepes and drinking tea.
I really liked the Social Network for stuff like this
>Sho unlocks the game’s hard mode since he acts as the equivalent of a sink-or-swim mentor to the team and constantly pushes them to step up to the plate
>Fret unlocks the game’s easy mode has struggles with trying to form a genuine connection with anyone so he puts on the hyper, overly enthusiastic persona so that he can interact with others without having to put in the actual effort into getting to know them on a deeper level AKA he wants to take the easy route throughout life so that he can spare himself from going through anymore grief
By contrast, the Fusion stickers in the original TWEWY don’t do this nearly as well.
Kill yourself
>As in Joshua makes more of an impression?
No as in from a gameplay perspective, losing an entire button makes you far weaker while jesus joshua isn't that noticeably different when you first unlock him.
>ust says anyone who can fill a slot would be just as good
That's great but the point is that the player is immediately made weaker by losing Sho in a way they will absolutely feel until they get Beat.
Besides, you gain stats in this game by eating food. You can turn any single character into a god while ignoring the other characters, and have scenarios like Shiki oneshotting a boss where the other characters can't even touch them. If you want to get meta to the point of
>it's just a button that any character replaces
then the whole thing falls apart. Besides, the 'button' you replace Sho with is Beat who is certainly very strong himself.
Author of these writeups
>TL;DR for Stellafag Writeup, Side Green (Part 1)
>The green image AKA Stellafag writeup Part 1 (picrel) talks about the events in Square Enix that caused Versus XIII to turn into XV. Crystal Tools and mismanagement turned XIII and XIV raging dumpster fires that almost killed the company under Wada, forcing the Versus team to be split across any and all Crystal Tools games to make development easier.

>It mentions the Crystal Tools graphics engine and how it affected development. It also talks about how trying to get mass-market appeal affected gameplay (changing from a more complex KH2 like battle system to the simpler one we see in FFXV).

>Nomura's team was constantly taken away to finish XIII, then XIV and then help again with ARR. His game was never in constant development like some morons think it was, because more than half of the time he didnt even have a team. With no team or deadline he thought of new ideas like any director would in that time to keep the ball rolling. Square restructured like 3 times during that period and in an effort to fast track production; they told Nomura to start working on both Kingdom hearts 3 and FF7 Remake. All the production work done thus far was given to Tabata with Nomura overseeing the transfer. Tabata who unfortunately was a layman of a director and a mediocre one at that.

>Tokyo Team anon's comments
>I'm surprised Stellafag didn't pick up on this but other KH2FM/Versus team devs worked on XIV or under Yoshi P during Endwalker apart from Ohdachi and how many other KH2FM devs that weren't former FFXI team members also worked on Parasite Eve 2 when all of them were known as Square's Osaka Team. Yes, even the guy who (note, no longer) works at DeNA for Pokémon Masters after wasting his battle design talent in XV after KH2FM and early Versus is from Osaka, everyone's former favorite battle director Yuichi Kanemori
Are you saying that on the assumption that Sho was operating at full power despite him explicitly just giving these guys enough to get their feet on the ground?
>TL;DR for Stellafag Writeup, Side Black (Part 2)
>The black image AKA Stellafag writeup Part 2 talks about why changes were made to pander/appeal to the Western (North US American) market and how they ensured success and the longevity of the FF brand along with how Nomura felt about these changes.

>Nomura was incredibly pissed that the original, dark and chuuni as fuck Versus 13 was dumped for making a product with mass market appeal thanks to changing sensibilities in the western market, as such, he included links to the corporate politics that led to it in Kingdom Hearts 3 via Verum Rex, an in-universe video game. Stellafag speculates the next game will be Verum Rex and it'll be a retelling of how the internal corporate politics of square that led to the downfall of his baby (Versus).

>Stellafag says that Versus 13 was decringed into 15 to save the Final Fantasy brand at the cost of removing everything Nomura wanted to put in it in terms of story and gameplay like the Kingdom Hearts combat and all the dark shit you saw in 2000s anime which became cringe in 2010 so it could sell outside of Japan and save the Final Fantasy brand. It made Japanese games semi okay because it saved Square financially but Forspoken is now the fruit of Nomura's pain and suffering.

>XIII turned off a lot of consumers, it was expected to be a BIG success and a lot of money went into the trilogy. Nomura wanted Versus to be a more "serious" story about contemporary modern day problems [compare: FF12, Vagrant Story, 14, 16, Code Geass, Gundam, Death Note] but SE felt this was too risky, would cut out certain markets like China and risk being another failure. XV was made readily appealing to FFags and fans in general and overall separated itself from XIII. But sales were not good enough and consumers didn't stick around while long time fans felt the game was lacking. Elements of Versus got recycled into KH3 and Nomura took cancellation of the project hard.
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I’d say it does. Beat is pretty much the team dad of the Twisters and helps them to come out of their shelf and from the brink of despair multiple times throughout the game. This is even reflected in his stats, since Rindo is initially against the idea of bringing him onto the team since he had to be rescued by them from Tsugumi and he’s not the almighty Neku, and if the Player had spent an ample amount of time leveling the party, his stats are definitely not up to snuff due to being out of the Game for three years. But it’s through his support (both gameplay and narratively) that he ends up being a valuable member of the team.
You might have seen other writeups like this but rest assured these are the only ones written by Stellafag. He got into Nomura games through TWEWY and is playing through the Saga games at the moment.
Not really, Sho is much stronger than Beat but this was poorly portrayed in the game.
>Nomura took cancellation of the project hard.
And that is why Tanzo Kubo looks like Hajime Tabata
Rindo has a bad habit of riding others' coattails and seeing them for their performance value first, personality second (Minamimoto, Beat, Neku when he was seeking him), especially if it's something he's heard about them from other sources. So he bitches about Beat joining the team despite him saving his life in the end of the previous week because he’s not as strong as the legendary Neku and had to be bailed out by them. So when Beat joins, his stats obviously aren’t as good, but he still ends up being valuable anyway thanks to all of the support and abilities he brings with him that matter far beyond just raw power.
why did you reply to me twice
>Tanzo Kubo
This character isn't in the game, never seen him before.
Who-jime Whatbata? kek
That’s because he’s actively trying to hide his power/real stats so that people don’t immediately catch on to what he’s doing. Note how when he rejoins in Another Day, his stats are already equivalent to yours despite the time gap. (173 ATK, 161 DEF, 291 STYLE, which are higher numbers than Neku’s). He’s perfectly capable of keeping up with the Twisters in the post-game and the Secret Reports even imply that he still has some of his Taboo powers but chooses not to use them when he fights with the Wicked Twisters, because Shoka says Sho isn’t any less powerful than Reaper despite being a Player, and because Sho effortlessly erases several Plague Noise in the Final Day’’, meaning his stats in Another Day may be his real stats.
What are you on about?
Meant for >>683750890
exact same posting style, you ain't slick
Being able to structure actual sentences is a posting style?
Meds. Take ‘em.
>It also talks about how trying to get mass-market appeal affected gameplay (changing from a more complex KH2 like battle system to the simpler one we see in FFXV).
I didn't know this was Tabata's fault. Granted 15 sold 10 million copies but no one seems to want to do what 15 did anymore. Even Nomura went to command-based action combat.
punctuation, grammar, vocabulary. last of all pattern recognition.
You sound incredibly autistic.
I'm not the one copy pasting posts in every twewy thread
>Nomura wanted Versus to be a more "serious" story about contemporary modern day problems [compare: FF12, Vagrant Story, 14, 16, Code Geass, Gundam, Death Note]
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>he actually thinks Sho was showing off his full power
What part of this >>683750456 is copypasted?
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>le no marketing meme
it had more marketing than the original TWEWY did yet sold less than og TWEWY did in its first week despite BEING ON THE FUCKING SWITCH AND ON PS4 and came to FUCKING PC
most of your posts are copy pasted and the ones that aren't just use the same talking points over and over again
>still nothing shown off
this nigger does the same in action threads lol
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kill yourself already mageknight14
Barry, not even fans of the original TWEWY were aware of its existence.
>replying to yourself
Hi baby Bar-Bar Zoomer faggot
>he’s still at it
NEO will always be a better action game than FFXV
I don't care. Post them right fucking now.
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looks and plays worse than Forspoken
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With pleasure. After all I'm already half-Stellafag
Way to expose yourself mageknight
Didn’t that game cause its studio to shut down?
>What is fact and what is fiction? (Assorted side comments)
>Stellafag is trying to explain why Versus XIII was changed to FFXV. They believe it was to get more widespread appeal, especially from western gamers that were used to playing games with easy to digest writing. They also talk about how Nomura being taken off of Versus XIII is similar to Takahashi and Saga being taken off of Xenosaga 2.

>Was the Xenosaga/Xenogears comparison a necessary part of it anon?
>I think it helps to make a comparison to another creator being taken off a project they've put a lot of time and thought into. Personally I think he Nomura took the situation too seriously. It's certainly hard when something you're passionate about gets taken away from you, but this is an industry geared towards selling products primarily. And unless you're the boss you don't get to decide what the company sells.

>There was one guy named [GameFAQs user] Yuriev/AC [who] wrote the famous Xenosaga/Xenogears Study Guide (Blogspot archive) that (noted Xeno fan) Stellafag pretty obviously [took] inspiration from. That said Yuriev was set to throw Soraya Saga under the bus when she and Takahashi got the boot for how she reacted after Xenosaga got Tabata'd. That's probably why Stellafag just won't shame Tabata for what he did when Nomura and his vision for Versus XIII was dropped for XV.

>In the earlier days of Kingdom Hearts Nomura was actually able to deliver a vision based on those trailers. Even birth by sleep tied things together as well. Whatever you think of Nomura's ideas and execution, it's only FFXV that turned into some one dimensional dull crap about kings with a completely botched aesthetic. [Because FFXIII singlehandedly made anime plotlines cringe and in the case of XIV, gameplay in Japanese games was rejected]

>"Oops our baby fucked up. Time to cannibalize this asshole's pet project to save our baby."
> - ex-CEO Yoichi Wada and ex-CFO turned now-ex-CEO Yosuke Matsuda
Now off any other boss fight in NEO and Forspoken each.
>Like, is any of this for real or not?
>Nomura wanted ... edgekino serious edgedark shit and square [changed] everything in XV to gain what they thought would be mass market appeal. XIII destroyed the final fantasy brand and interest in [RPGs] as a whole. sales for the last XIII game show how little people cared but for whatever reason squenix decided to take nomura away from his baby to keep trying to shill it.

>It worked until 2017. BotW was out and XV just felt like another JRPG to the same mass market Square tried so hard to pander too. [15 fans said] they were glad the Nomura edgekino was cut out [and] made fun of SoP when it was announced.

>The novelty of the Stellafag writeups is even if they're obviously headcanon (I'm sure Stellafag knows this) they captured the vibe ... felt during the time it was made. Western journalists and gamers alike taking the piss out of Japanese games for being too 'serious' or 'anime', dying emo subculture in the face of Marvel, Square putting Nomura on all those handheld games for no reason ... to spell something out that a bunch of us felt ... something to consider.

>... Games like Mass Effect, GTA and Skyrim had very simple combat systems with minimal tech and GTA was praised for a balance between a sandbox that also told a story. That meant the combat system the people who Nomura hired was dropped, combo modifiers, weapon changes and broader magic in favor of hold O to win so it would be as seamless as the games mentioned.

>Long story short a [big Nomura fan] mostly present in more general Square threads made a super detailed breakdown on why V13 got turned into 15 including corporate restructurings and public perception. This has gained a following because of other people linking Nomuras Chunni autism and as a counter measure against another notorious anon who obsessively loves FF15 as it came out alongside its dev team and denigrates everything else Square has made to try and prop it up.
It's funny, every time i keep hearing only about the presentation and the awful dialogue but almost never about the gameplay.
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It’s kind of funny (and sad) how he still spams this one webm instead of anything else.
>some youtube videos is marketing
holy retard...
>it had more marketing than the original TWEWY did
the original had a big deviantart contest promoting it to all the kingdom hearts fans on that site, way more personal and targeted than a few trailers on youtube. did se even get any streamers to play NEO to advertise it or did they just release it into the wilds on a prayer?

>More on Nomura and Xeno (pic related)
>Xenogears Perfect Works is to Takahashi and Soraya as Versus XIII is to their eldest son (loljk but you all know what I mean) Nomura. Takahashi said Xenoblade 2 was supposed to show "if you just change your thinking a bit, there's such a colorful world out there." This was to his kids, I'm sure, but I also wonder if he was also trying to cheer up his eldest son after his Square mismanagement took away his project (kek). People theorize this is why Verum Rex exists in KH3.

>The Xenogears and Xenosaga comparison exists in Stellafag Writeup, Side Black because Tetsuya Takahashi and Soraya Saga are the most similar to Tetsuya Nomura in style among other former and current Square developers. Takahashi and Soraya are themselves two of Nomura's closest friends which is why Nomura said yes to working on Xenoblade 2. ... and Stellafag using it helps us understand what Nomura felt when he was taken off the project.

>Takahashi had the lowest self-esteem of his life and Soraya lapsed into suicide ideations that started with an unrelated incident after online harassment [faulted] her for being fired from her project along with her husband, one they co-created. Nomura was depressed enough to buy 2 cats after he was removed from Versus 13 but he was still furious enough for his anger to explode when Square made him change engines for KH3's development from Luminous to Unreal Engine 4.

>Years have gone by, and you're right anon they're a lot happier now. In fact Takahashi seems to have done some self-reflection on his part. I don't have the specifics down since I never played it but he uses the Zohar and various reflections on creating virtual worlds as the Architect in the ending of Xenoblade 2. It's likely Nomura played Xenoblade 2 and then was so moved by the ending the Versus Epic came back within him or maybe Takahashi was speaking to Nomura through the game since he knows exactly what his fellow Tetsuya felt.
the original TWEWY sold more than neo in its first week you retard
meds now
>FFXIII was white in color, Versus was black in color
>XIII had a good vs. evil story, Versus was never going to be morally clear-cut
>XIII had ATB-style wait-based combat, Versus had KH-style action combat
>XIII explored the good of humanity, Versus was going to do that but juxtapose it with everything we hate about ourselves
>XIII is about defying fate, Versus is about accepting fate
>XIII had segmented worlds with Dyson spheres, Versus was going to show an interconnected single world like Earth
>XIII was about creating friendships, Versus was about testing and breaking them
>XIII was Hollywood and mainstream TV, Versus was anime and doramas
>XIII is hopeful in the end, Versus was going to be so dark that the ending would leave you "crying for a week" making it the darkest FF
>XIII is flashy and bright, Versus is gory and grim
>XIII had some light moralizing, Versus was going to say stuff about the CURRENT YEAR political situation
>XIII was going to make you question if it was a Final Fantasy game, Versus when Nomura and the Tokyo Team was making it was always being made with 'this must be a Final Fantasy game' in mind even Yoichi Wada wanted it to be that way

>Versus is Gen Urobuchi and Toshiki Inoue's Final Fantasy
>the angriest and saddest, most ambitious game unmade
>KH2 combat with a Gambit system
>Political kino handled by writers of Vagrant Story and FF12
>Weapon switching and growth with magic differing between users
>Anime style psychological drama balanced with Tactics Ogre style social commentary
>Prompto is Delita, Ignis is Mustadio, Noctis is Denam and Ashley AT THE SAME TIME, Gladio is Balthier
>Stella gets possessed by Etro and becomes the final boss Alma style

Nomura's vision of Versus XIII was going to be the darkest, most political, emotional, psychological, mind-breaking, chuunitastic AND socially relevant (i.e. GOOD) game ever made.

Stellafag was right. We were robbed of the superior XIII game.

Harness the burning anger.
neo is the worst arpg ever made next to ff16

nope they got assigned as SE CS2 and are making ff17

meanwhile twewy is dead
Way to expensive for a shovelwaresequel of a shovelware DS game
>Versus was going to say stuff about the CURRENT YEAR political situation
I don't follow.
>neo is the worst arpg ever made next to ff16
But it has actually RPG elements.
>mad he got called out lmao
>nope they got assigned as SE CS2 and are making ff17
Takatsugu Nakazawa is a hack
Wait, I thought FF7R was the worst ARPG? Or was it KH3? Make up your mind already, Barry.
>irrelevant devianart slop is more than youtube vds with hundreds of thousands of views
ok schizo. glad your game flopped and put the nail in the coffin of twewy
Says the schizo replying to himself.
I'm not a racist so I will never use the n word in my posts
Aside from certain groups, the game looks too japanese and is not marketable outside
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>What will become of the Tokyo Team?
>Pic related. Theoryfagging assumes all of them have been pulled away from other projects to work on either 7 Rebirth, KH4, or FF16.

>But not-Tokyo Team anon's understanding is that the battle system developers went to 13 and the level designers went to 14. TTA-san also added:
>Many Versus devs were asked to work on 13, 14 1.0, and then The Last Remnant around that time. Several Versus assistant directors were even working on Crystal Tools.
>UPDATE: Versus 13 VFX director Shuichi Sato is also VFX director on 16.

>Masato Yagi of The Last Remnant said that after TLR got released, he was assigned to the Tokyo Team on Versus afterward. He likely worked on the 2011 build, which only happened because staff was freed up after 13, 14 1.0 and TLR got released in late 2009.

>There was a much larger collection of developers from KH2 being sorted into CBU1 or 3. I think this is more relevant since it addresses where the big names went like Kanemori, or Abe or Kujiraoka. Even Jun Akiyama. I didn't know an FF12 dev was a Tokyo Team member until TTA-san said all this.
>Update: Takeo Kujiraoka was sorted into CBU3 along with other many KH2 devs and even KH2 devs that worked on FF15.
>Update-2: Masanori Sato and Daisuke Sase are on Rebirth for level and lead boss battle design, Yuji Abe on Ever Crisis.
>Update 3: Kujiraoka is also on Dawntrail.

>Tokyo Team anon also missed that Mitsunori Takahashi has also been absent from Nomura projects since he was credited on patents for 7R's battle system. But there is an equal chance he might be working on Rebirth and not 16.
>Update: he isn't. He either left Square or is working on KH4.

>For more clues, look at the links between The Last Remnant/7R and KH1/KH2, the 13 games/7R and KH1/KH2, FF14 from 1.0/7R and after to KH1/KH2, Days/coded and NEO/7R, FF11 and KH2/7R, and even FF12 and KH1/7R.
>Update: Links between FF14/16 and KH2/7R must now be considered too.
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New Shoka just dropped and yup, I came to it already
oh this shit bussin fr fr
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Say, Barry. Did Forespoken ever get something like this? >>683730174
I mean, if it was so good, it had to be recognized as such by the developers, right?
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>What will become of the Tokyo Team? (Part 2)
>A short list of KH battle team members Yoshi-P could be taking from/Nomura could be holding on to for 7R and KH4:

>Tokyo Team:
>Yuichi Kanemori
>KH1, KH2, 13, Versus 13, 15 Duscae, Pokemon Masters (but he left)
>Mitsunori Takahashi
>KH1, KH2, Dissidia, 012, Rampage Land Rankers, 7R1, likely KH4
>Yuji Abe
>KH2, 13, 13-2, 13-3, Flame x Blaze, creative supervisor KH3, probably KH4, currently on Ever Crisis (can change)
>Takeo Kujiraoka
>KH2, Dissidia, 012, 13, 13-2, 13-3, NT, FF16 (and DLC)
>Daisuke Sase
>KH2, 11 ToAU, 11 WotG, 14 1.0 (!), 14 2.0 (!), 14 3.0 (!), 14 4.0 (!), Konami PES, 7R2
>Masanori Sato
>KH2, Versus 13, 15, KH3, replaced Mitsunori Takahashi for battle system design on 7R1, 7R2
>Junichi Oka
>KH2, The Last Remnant (!), Versus 13, Vanquish, Metal Gear Rising, Wonderful 101, Bayonetta 2, 15, KH3, 7R1, 7R2
>Nobuyuki Matsuoka
>KH2, 11 WotU (!), 13, 13-2, 13-3, Mobius, 7R1, 7 First Soldier (flopped), Ever Crisis (can change)

>Kyohei Suzuki
>KH Days, Re:coded, FF All the Bravest, KH3, 7R, NEO, probably KH4 due to other NEO creatives on it

>Osaka Team:
>Tomokazu Shibata
>T3B, Type-0, DDD, 2.8, 3, 3 ReMIND, FF16, SaGa Emerald Beyond
>Tai Yasue
>Vagrant Story (!), all Osaka Team games, NOT on FF16, probably KH4

>Who could be working on KH4?
>There are more in pic, not just battle designers. Pay attention to the ex-Nomura people in CBU3. If on FF14, some worked on FF16.
>Update: If they weren't on 16, they were on Rebirth, gone or on KH4. But people who left the Tokyo Team seem to be coming back again.
>Update-2: Tatsuya Kando is now considered a part of Creative Studio 1 Division 4 as of Crisis Core Reunion. Division 4 is also known as the Osaka Team.
lmao this gameplay fire BAHAHAHAHA
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>What will become of the Tokyo Team? (Part 3)
>It's funny too because if Nojima is to be believed, Versus was finally ready to get out of dev hell in 2011-2012, the script was finished, Nomura finally had a proper team to work with even if they weren't Tokyo Team [KH2, TLR, and FF12 devs], the project shifted to next-gen so they got a fresh start, everything seemed well until Wada dumped 7R on Nomura without consulting anyone then replaced him with Tabata who wasn't even involved in the project. Many veteran devs followed Nomura so now Luminous has no clue what to do with Versus, on top of that he makes them scrap Ebony in favor of Luminous which was being developed alongside the game because that worked so well last time with Crystal Tools and 13.
>Pic related is the Tokyo Battle Team pre-Final Mix.

>Barry repeatedly insists that despite the obvious shakeup, it's the same team. But key devs were demoted. Yuichi Kanemori, battle director (turned) lead enemy programmer left after Duscae ... while (KH2) grunts such as Takayuki Kanbayashi suddenly got lead roles despite no experience because Tabata wanted to flatten the hierarchy.
>He also says if Tokyo Team lackeys are there, it's a Tokyo Team game and better than Versus (... as) Nomura's team was incompetent until Tabata stepped in and made everything work.

>Reminder that the people more deserving of Forspoken's battle system direction were office administrators during their time in Luminous.
>Taisuke Ooe, KH2 Lead Battle Animator, FFXV Buddy System and AI
>Takayoshi Nakazato, VII Battle Planner, Dirge Director, Versus Planning Director, XV Development Manager

Realistically this all stems from the fucking disaster that was 13, and the decision to move Nomura off 15 which nuked their upper staff.

Before Barry replies to me, remember half the leads on Versus quit after Tabata was brought on because Nomura is the only man in all of Square Enix who's autism has resulted in a maxed CHA stat.
>appealing to heavy KH fans in the mid 2000s versus a general trailer where the average joe would think “neat” and move on
Anon. If you advertise to a niche group, they’re gonna buy. Why else do you think fanservice nonsense consistently sell well enough to keep getting sequels
>Before Barry replies to me, remember half the leads on Versus quit after Tabata was brought on
>Nomura is the only man in all of Square Enix who's autism has resulted in a maxed CHA stat.
It was that bad huh
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Takatsugu Nakazawa is the savior of FF and the only talented game designer FF ever had

Kando is a hack
Maehiro is a hack
Takai is a hack
Kujiraoka is a hack

those are both at the bottom
neo and 16 are worse
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>What will become of the Tokyo Team? (Part 4)
>Takeo Kujiraoka has only ever worked closely inside Creative Studio 1, the Kitase Unit. (FF16 is CBU3)

>The content of the interview follows the same template as Suzuki-san. Namely, his experience in action games for 16 years. His credit is similar as Ryota Suzuki, but this time listed as Battle Content Leader instead of Battle Director.

>What does it mean? Takeo Kujiraoka started at Square as a battle designer on Kingdom Hearts 2 [under Nomura], then proceeded to become a battle designer on Dissidia, and becoming the battle director of Dissidia 012. He was also one of many designers on FFXIII and then directed the Team Ninja-developed Dissidia arcade game. Dissidia Arcade ended development back in February, therefore was potentially free to move on other projects.

>I thought the wording of Battle Content Leader is curious, so I checked the credits of most recent Square games. This wording has only ever applied in recent FFXIV expansions. FF7 Remake, KH3 and other CBU1 games have never listed a Battle Content Designer or Leader.

>Of course, this is not 100% confirmed and is still speculation, but the similarities are there.
By famed Matsuno fan and Whisper of Stellafag Dreamboum (who is pro-Versus like us, Kujiraoka is now Lead Combat /System/ Designer and /DLC Director/)

>“The Kingdom Hearts team at Square Enix has been especially helpful in contributing to those real-time combat and boss battles,” Yoshida said. “It can be said that the battles in ‘FFXVI’ are in some ways a culmination of the company’s past experiences.”
By Yoshi-P for The Washington Post (The Figure Sleeps in Fantasy)
>What will become of the Tokyo Team? (Part 5)
Star-studded Versus team below:
Hideki Matsuoka (TLR, UE3 testing, UE4 development for KH3 and after)
Takashi Isowaki (FF12 Gambit system, TLR, KH3)
Kengo Naka (KH2, TLR, Bloodmasque, KH3)
Mitsuru Kawahara (TLR, Gyromancer, Bloodmasque, 14 2.55, 16)
Shinichi Kurokawa

>Battle Planning
Takeshi Yamagishi (FFCC/Dirge team)
Hiroshi Tomomatsu (FF12, TLR)
Mitsuru Yokoyama (TWEWY)

>Event Planning
Masato Yagi (CONFIRMED, Legend of Mana, TLR, Guns and Soul, Rise of Mana)
Koji Kobayashi (FM5, TLR, 13, Bloodmasque)
Takeshi Tateishi (FF12, could also be storyboards)
Shuhei Ishikawa
Akihiko Maeda (?)
Atsuko Ishikura (Jun Akiyama's wife, also Tokyo Team, 12 TZA)

>World Planning
Daisuke Inoue (FFCC/Dirge, FF13 Hunts, LR Dead Dunes and Lead Monster Planner, Director of SoP)

>3D Modelling
Fumitaka Yano (CONFIRMED, Dirge team)

>VFX Leads
Mitsuharu Yoshida (CONFIRMED, Dirge team)
Yoshimitsu Inagaki (TLR, Gyromancer, Bloodmasque, Scarlet, Emerald)

Gakushi Kobayashi (Tokyo Team, Dissidia 012, SaGa)
Shin Matsunaga (FFCC/SaGa)

>Battle Animation Lead
Yusuke Takano (Tokyo Team, 14, KH3)

>Battle Animation
Hiroshi Andou (CONFIRMED, Dissidia)

James Williamson (?)

>Lead Character Texture Artist
Toshiaki Watanabe (13 team, eventual 7R team member)

>Character Modeling Artist
Tomohiro Tokoro (TLR, Dirge, 13)
Takanari Tajima (?)

>Cutscene Animator
Hiroshi Fukasawa (KH Days, Dirge)
Tatsuya Uehara (Days, BbS, Dissidia and 012, 13, Type-0, KH3 and 7R)
Rei Kato (Tokyo Team, Days, BbS, coded)

>Lead Background Modeler
Yasushi Kameda (Tokyo Team, 012, Wizrogue, KH3)
Azumi Naganuma (11, Code Age, Crystal Chronicles, Crystal Bearers, 13)

Not included are the younger KH2 devs (much larger in number) and most devs who worked on this game from 2009 to when Tabata changed Versus to 15, releasing in 2016.
>10 people looking at slop on devianart vs nearly 1 MILLION people being exposed to multiple NEO twewy trailers
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>Takatsugu Nakazawa is the savior of FF and the only talented game designer FF ever had
That's like saying Final Fantasy is about character dramas when they're much more than that. Nakazawa is also bested by Ito, Tokita, Yuichi Kanemori, and everyone else in (pic related).
The characters are so unlikable it's not even funny and their interactions with each other feel shallow
>but they're suppose to be like that!
Doesn't matter, as the player it's annoying to watch the story unfold especially since the character progression is so predictable. Nothing done in this game is innovative at all.
forspoken beat FF14 Dawntrail, the fruit of yoshitpisses 10+ years in building a shitty mmo

but hey I'm sure all 3 people who played neo are happy! good for them!
>buzzwords: the post
>Final Fantasy is about character dramas
Kitase, your games just pale in comparison to Matsuno's epic tales of clashing societies. Please, step down.
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>What is Nomura's endgame?
>There is an effort by Square to forget that XV under Tabata ever existed.

>Tabata already gave FF the status it used to have in America so he pretty much did what the suits asked him to do even if Tokyo Team anon is furious they made the writing MCU tier. This allowed Nomura to come back onto the spotlight with 7R even if it was essentially assigned to him against his will.

>But moment they found out XV's momentum was flagging and Project Athia wounded profits in 2018, they kicked him out. Considering that new fans kept associating Tabata with XV since 2016, they probably thought it would be in bad taste to let it continue so they cut him off and dropped him just before Episode Ardyn. They're probably only letting Forspoken out on the open world so Luminous Productions wipes their hands off the project that Tabata kept on talking about for years after XV's release.

>At the same time though everyone suddenly asked Square Enix about Versus in those surveys and Nomura suddenly added the Verum Rex trailer in KH3. With him suddenly leading multiple projects in supervisory positions and even getting promoted internally things seem to be looking up for him, and in the FF11 interview between Nomura and the producer that got released today no mention of XV is made in any form whatsoever even if he was credited as creator.

>Forspoken looks underwhelming, I'm surprised that S-E didn't cancel it. Unless they're trying to recoup the costs that were spent on Luminous engine and the formation of Luminous productions.

>I think that's exactly what they're doing. It's squarely aimed at the XV demographic, but unfortunately the entire reason why Forspoken exists is the same reason why NEO TWEWY and 7R didn't do as well as Square Enix expected: because serious anime plots with lots of meaning and good and substantiated political commentary is cringe, and vidya like MCU movies exist for spectacles and nothing else.
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Kubo, a boost if you would.
>Now then
>as for our losers, 'the namefags'
>Let's keep this brief, you showed real spark.
>It almost hurts me to snuff out a flame like yours.
>Thanks for heating things up this thread.
>The Ruinbringers remain on top
>And with that...
>I bid you adieu.
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only like 3 people from nomuras versus team left and one of them was a character designer who didn't go with nomura he went to ff14 instead and the designs he did like ravus and iedolas were alright finished before he left in 2012
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>What is Nomura's endgame? (Part 2)
>I thought about something similar before. Assigning a mobile/handheld developer on a AAA project with already troubled development was retarded. But having Tabata be a scapegoat for it's failure totally makes sense.

>It's just weird to me Tabata went into FFXV with the mindset "even if we fail it's OK" when he started changing it into a Westernized open world kusoge as if it's some indie project he's experimenting with. There is also that insane marketing campaign that practically shoved FFXV down everyone's throats. S-E is run by a bunch of monkeys.

>Did you hear about the theory with the legacy of Tabata's XV being actively covered up?
>I mean, Tabata left SE and took some people with him. I would be surprised if anyone would want to defend his legacy as the opportunity he got to direct a mainline FF game was a huge honor. That he would just leave and take some talented people with him no doubt hurt SE, even if it was an amicable parting. I personally don't believe that he was fired, but I do think that the way the FFXV DLC was canned after he left meant SE was ditching whatever direction Tabata was taking his team and sending it in another. And with Nomura a more powerful force at SE, I'm sure he'll be very happy to help everyone forget about that time so he can redo things the way he always wanted to.

>Kujiraoka: This costume was actually from Versus XIII's costume...
>Nomura: Wait are we allowed to say that name?
>Kujiraoka: Yeah, it's ok.
>Nomura: Because before it was not allowed...
>Hazama: Uh, it's complicated.... but it's ok now.


>This memory holing is even [happening] likely because Nomura has been getting more power and pull in the company [so Stellafag says] NEO and SoP getting his final sign off on every aspect are indicators of influence and more likely making a team being set up for bigger things.
Bought it on clearance at walmart (ps4 $11) and I felt ripped off. Every character is monumentally unlikable and terribly written. I imagine the same Lloyds who handled Forspoken dipped their fat fingers into it.
Takeshi Endo, Takeshi Arakawa, Masahide Tanaka, Takayuki Ohdachi did not work on XV. Kanemori's work was removed outright.
>What is Nomura's endgame? (Blocked by Suits)
>Why is Nomura so unlucky? hasn't he done enough for square? hasn't he given them kingdom hearts? hasn't he created an iconic jrpg style? hasn't he contributed to ff7 significantly?

>Because people want the opposite of what he makes. They want simple handholdy stories with simple handholdy combat systems. The Tokyo Team battle system was scrapped to praise from Tabata, journalists and zoomers alike. And the original Nomura-authored political conflict was taken out and 15 was successful because it was 'made less anime'. SoP and Days were shat on for making people experience negative emotions and drama that got in the way of their gameplay.
>Note: You can argue that 16 still hasn't captured the elusive American/European mainstream market for this reason (aka breaking 5 mil like 15 did). This market calls the above KH nonsense.

>Edgy and dark still really isn't cool enough for the mainstream. I saw someone on Twitter say that RPG fans will only play Final Fantasy games if it had the combat system and writing of Borderlands and the aesthetics and quips of a Marvel movie. Even Zelda has too much plot for people who don't play Japanese games. Square will do anything to become as big as Ubisoft even if they shouldn't.

>People don't want a good RPG; they want a lame power fantasy with fancy presentation. All hype, no substance.
>That's why Versus XIII was retooled into XV.
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kanemori worked alongside Nakazawa on XVs combat, so did sato
Nakazawa is the glue of true FF

FF7, 8, 10, 15
the 4 highest selling FF
the 4 FF Nakazawa was battle planner/system designer on

also takahashi was removed from ff7r combat team, he only did the cancelled 2015 prototype which was all deleted, not the final game in 2020
reynatis came out in japan, has the crossover content been revealed yet? i imagine it'll be an underwhelming asset flip
>What is Nomura's endgame? (Dreamgame Development Denied)
>CEO asks you to direct KH3 and assign a guy who helped you make CCFF7 and T-0 to co-direct your other game
>You cannot make a trilogy and have to compress the game into a single entry
>You fight with the CEO since you worked your ass off and you really want to finish this passion project
>He lets you work on the project a little bit more and tells you to watch E3
>"Wow a fucking FF7R remake that's cool"
>Directed by Tetsuya Nomura
>You are removed from your 'weird' and 'dark' passion project to work on 'more lucrative' products
>Be told Tabata will faithfully finish the project provided you can fit your vision into a single game
>He doesn't
>Develop KH3 with a shitty engine that barely fucking works only to delay it because of said shitty engine
>Everyone blames you since no one has a fucking clue about how shitty Square management is
>Meanwhile you are forced to direct FF7R
>Outsourcing is so bad you take it upon yourself to develop 7R in-house due to the love for the game
>15 releases and it's completely different from your vision. You hate is so much you make VERSUS references left and right in KH3
>Meanwhile Disney fucks you over and over again with extremely heavy restrictions
>KH3 releases but it's not what many expected thanks to mismanagement, restrictions and juggling development with another equally as huge AAA game
>You are so angry about VERSUS you want to make another game which is kind of sort-of a reference to it but isn't as ambitious and dark as VERSUS would have been
>Get news that FF7R has a new director to help you out

>Tabata got fired. Luminous dissolved. Kitase is too busy with FF7 and Nomura has two directors on FF7R-2 to watch his office for signs of Kitase looking for him.
>Nothing can stop Nomura. He's making a game about an angry man, one that's as angry as he is. Angry about Versus. Angry about Chaos.
>FF7, 8, 10, 15
>the 4 highest selling FF
>the 4 FF Nakazawa was battle planner/system designer on
7, 8, 10 and 15 especially did not sell on their gameplay. And honestly only 7 and 8 are good out of those 4.

More on Reynatis later
I've seen hundreds of dogshit english localisations but NEO's is by far the worst


The localisers really went above and beyond to ruin the english localisation
>What is Nomura's endgame? Re:located
>Square Enix will relocate its main office to a new building currently under construction in the East Side Square of Tokyo's Shinjuku ward. Construction is expected to be completed in April.

>Nikkei BP says the Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest developer/publisher will move from its current headquarters in another part of Shinjuku to the new building some time in summer.

>Square Enix was previously based in Tokyo's Meguro ward, but the company moved to Shinjuku in 2004. Famed composer and former employee Nobuo Uematsu previously claimed the move was spurred by a fortune teller's prediction.

>"[Square Enix CEO and president Yoichi] Wada took a couple of locations to a fortune teller named Pao," said Uematsu. "Pao said the Meguro space was not going to bring any fortune to the company, and pointed to Shinjuku. That's why he decided to move it there. I heard this directly from Wada."

>Reminder that XVI also features an emperor who is himself ruled entirely by fortune tellers. Ask an old Square Enix employee and they will know what Yoshi-P meant by that.

>Nomura knows this too.
Ah yes I loved the part in the story when the protagonist has to face his problems head on with resolve, this has never been done before! And what's that? A side character has problems of their own they need to overcome too? WOW HOW FRESH AND EXCITING! They are actually assholes to each other but it's fine because it's part of their character! Bad writing? Nah they're meant to be like that! Whoa time travel solves all! But wait it actually doesn't and the power has drawbacks! Who could have seen this coming? Look! It's your favorite characters from the last game! Their story was wrapped up but we had to bring them back! Also a previous antagonist will join you on your quest, but their intentions are unknown, how ominous! One of the bad guys leaves their team and joins ours, what a stunning twist! Oh the antagonists of the game aren't actually that bad and we need to join forces to beat the real big bad guy who was hiding his intentions all along! My expectations have been subverted!
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what the fuck is this mental illness blud is literally talking in copypastas, is that a bot?
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>he’s still going after getting BTFO last time
This is pathetic, Barry.
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>What is Nomura's endgame? (Dividing Good Hires/2 Teams Or More In Their Early Days)
>There are theories that Nomura is making use of a power vacuum at Square ever since the 2 CEOs + Tabata left. Koichi Ishii [of Mana] told him to cement or maintain SquareSOFT's old culture for a new generation before he put up Grezzo.
>That's why Nomura stayed.

>Nomura has big plans for Square in and out of KH. He plans to take control of it and make it a safe haven for younger devs like what he did with KH1, Dissidia, TWEWY and Versus each time. Even the 7R games are him just sending design documents his apprentices to work on.
>This happened with Kingdom Hearts, this happened with Dissidia, this happened with Versus and to some extent the Osaka Team is this too.
>What he needs to do is to get his old KH team members stuck in CBU1 that only recently got senior positions (Mitsunori Takahashi and co), move them to CBU3, rehire Yuichi Kanemori and make Versus under Yoshi-P, Maehiro and Nojima clashing in the writers room for another trilogy.

>Kingdom Hearts
>Younger FF (7 and 8) devs who did some work for 9/10, Legend of Mana, Chrono Cross
>Now I know why he's playing those games

>Osaka Team
>Younger KH devs /also/ mixed with people from Musashi 2 who wanted to please the boss by making 3D CoM

>Younger KH devs who only worked on KH, a few from FF11

>Versus 13
>Nomura reportedly looked for people who worked on 7 and 8 but never got lead positions on purpose
>KH but 2FM hire Masanori Sato was immediately promoted to Lead Battle Planner under Yuichi Kanemori (then unceremoniously moved to the Regalia when Nomura was removed)
>Younger half of Dirge devs, some stayed on 13 but did not work on 13-2 including future SoP director Daisuke Inoue
>A large crop of FF12/SaGa devs including Gambit system dev Takashi Isowaki
>Some FF11 devs like Nobuyoshi Mihara
>Devs from Team Gyromancer/Last Remnant lumped in with Kawazu devs like Masato Yagi
>Nakazawa is the glue of true FF
Not to be a weird guy but I'd like to ask what 'fake FF' is.
I dunno who’s more autistic: you or the other guy.
>What is Nomura's endgame? (Part 3)
>He's definitely fantastic at what he's good at, but I'd like to think by now he also recognizes both his shortcomings and the particular strengths the company has. From the things already said and done with how he's gotten the right writers and developers for the right projects and those comments about him trying to pull together a particular team, that very much seems like the case, and even reminds me of a certain recent SE protagonist with a knack for leadership. (This is Kanade Rindo from NEO The World Ends With You (TWEWY)).

>The comments about how [Nomura is] trying to reform Tokyo Team (more on that later) as well as aiding on all these different projects not by managing them himself but by finding and placing the most talented people for them in that position and assisting them in getting to that path is not unlike the leadership style Rindo shows especially at the end of the game, where his awareness and understanding of the qualities and relations of each and every one of his allies and the capacity to connect them is what allows him to put in motion the plan that ultimately reawakens the city.

>There's likely more parallels to draw from, after all the game prominently features people from Shinjuku encroaching upon Shibuya but settling their differences, and even Rindo himself from the start of the game is very adverse to taking responsibility and putting himself out there to make decisions out of choice paralysis and the fear of what could happen, instead just drifting along and passing on details that could be crucial.

>After all, imagine you got the chance at a project that could be everything you want to make and have it taken from you due to all kinds of circumstances, while your other prized project is subject to all kinds of corporate meddling.

>That sort of thing might make you never want to take such decisions again, at least for a while.
>even managed to get no damage
Not bad
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4 hacks
all of kanemori work is intact since he did all the enemy combat design which he finished in 2015 which are all identical in every versus to xv trailer to the final game, and even his base noct combat from versus is still intact
The other guy.
lmao isn't this guy in this thread right now?
>What is Nomura's endgame? Limit(ed Filesize, So Two Games and Half My Team Got) Cut
>When Versus XIII was cancelled, Nomura's heart found a home in CBU3 and suddenly took Naoki Yoshida twice during the production of Shadowbringers and Endwalker, which is why KH2 battle planners, programmers, designers, modelers and artists joined the FFXVI team. The Nomura Tetsuya we know at CBU1 is Xamuron Sexyutta, his angry Nobody.

>And Versus was itself sundered into Shards:
>Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin
>Kingdom Hearts 3 and 4
>Final Fantasy XV and Forspoken
>Final Fantasy VII Remake, Rebirth and Regame 3
>NEO The World Ends With You
>Final Fantasy XVI
>Verum Rex
>Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers and Endwalker (pic related)
>Reynatis (NEW)
>All complement one another. When they reunite the market will remember and ask, "When is Versus XV?"

>That means Nomura should join CBU3, the disciples of Yasumi Matsuno and have Maehiro and Akiyama work their magic at a political narrative with high octane Nitroplus drama. We will have our late night anime kino.
Nah, I’d say you’re just as much
matsuno and yoshitpiss ff is not real ff
>What is Nomura's endgame? (Part 4)
>Pay attention. The rule of good writing is to show, but not tell, and Nomura knows that.

>It's not telling Jack that he'll remember the past, but that he will be *forced* to, and that that makes him a liability because he chose to ignore it and has immediately started feeling the effects.
>The only "telling" part in terms of a narrator insert is how it echoes and reflects Nomura's thoughts on the Versus XIII situation.
>The line in question which is before the "liability" remark is awful and stands out as a conversation the characters absolutely wouldn't have.

>"Hey, Nomura-kun. We need to have a talk. Now that Kitase and Hashimoto can't protect us from Matsuda like what happened with Wada, Versus XIII is a liability. You depended on your tenure to keep it in development."
>"In other words, you'll be forced to do your favorite thing: acquiesce."
>"Uh-oh! Well, it was nice knowing you, Tetsu!"
>"Shut up. [Laughs] I don't care about any of that crap."
>"If it's not Versus XIII, making Versus XIII, or edgy and dark, who cares right?"
>"Wrong. All of that's just background noise. All I care about is-"
>"Finding something to replace that purpose you lost?"
>"You got it. I need a game - something to create. I'm nothing without a story to tell."
>"I wouldn't say that."
>"It's a matter of principle, you wouldn't understand. [Laughs]"

>This is Nomura's story. There may be one more chance.

>Harness the burning anger.
I like how the other guy doesn’t even go the Assassin Strike backstab once.
I am not the one talking in copypastas.
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>What is Nomura's endgame? ReMIND:er.
>Reminder that this is the heroine of XVI.
>The bottom is the heroine of Versus XIII.
>They know. Just a reminder to stay pissed.
Again. Harness the burning anger.
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What is Nomura's endgame (Multistudio-Link)?
>There's that one rumor going around where it says Nomura is trying to gain more power in Square so he can shepherd younger creators like Sakaguchi and Takahashi did for him. (Koichi Ishii told him to when he left after Dawn of Mana.) It's also related to how he's waiting for changes in the market to justify the viability of a Versus reboot.

>NEO TWEWY and SoP were used to test out hunger for Nomura products which might explain why they were marketed badly (Square was anti Nomura when Matsuda was president) and 16 even proved that there is an appetite for dark, politically heavy action RPGs. Verum Rex will be the final phase of Nomura's 'market research and testing phase' since it looks like Versus (and there's the other rumor saying Nomura will use Yozora as a stand-in to talk about how his life was ruined in Shinjuku/Insomnia by Yoichi Wada, who is Luxord).

>The game pegged by many to be a pseud Versu is Reynatis. Published by FuRyu, directed by Takumi Isobe, a self-professed Nomura fanboy who set his game in Shibuya at night, touches on lots of political commentary and convinced Square to let him collaborate with NEO TWEWY. He urged Nomura to make Versus and outright said "I wanted to play your game."

>What makes this interesting is that FuRyu published Legend of Legacy, made by SaGa battle programmer Kyoji Koizumi, considered the catalyst that brought SaGa Scarlet Grace and a revival of the SaGa franchise westward. Perhaps something similar can be said for Nomura...
Instead you respond to yourself multiple times. What a life you lead.
schizo moment
shits bussin frfr
Barry only thinks games by Yoshinori Kitase and his people like Toriyama and Tabata are real Final Fantasy games, anon.
Says the schizo.
>Real FF
5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 15
>Fake FF
11, 12, 14, 16
>In limbo
1, 2, 3, 4, 9
I dont. Seeing you samefag a few days ago was funny though https://arch.b4k.co/v/thread/683339049/#q683369914
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>nearly 1 MILLION people being exposed to multiple NEO twewy trailers
anon, you are ignoring the "targeted" part. kingdom hearts was huge on deviantart, and it was still reveling in the wake of KH2 and nomura hype from two years prior before all the handheld sequels while lots of fans were hungry for more. it was on the DS, a massively successful console.
>10 people looking at slop on devianart
deviantart is not very big anymore, but it was HUGE back in the day. you wouldn't understand, though. you were barely cognizant then.
Niggers and social media transmigrants were big mad about this post btw
Real FF is from Kitase's camp which came from Sakaguchi's camp

Fake FF is matsuno slop and yoshitpiss slop
To address this:
>Final Fantasy is a series by Squaresoft (now Square Enix) best described as a ragtag group of unlikely heroes learning about their world and their place in it. Personal growth stories. Crystals also play a role in these stories as small as in FFII with the Crystal Rod, or as large as FFXV and FFXIII where crystals define what characters can and can't do. Though not every unlikely hero is playable, their growth takes center stage in both gameplay and story, which is why you have Jobs, character classes, and changes in ability acquisition systems every entry or so. Combat systems also tend to differ from entry to entry. Games also use physical appearance to show that strong changes in character have taken place for certain characters, like Kain in IV and The After Years, Garnet in FFIX, and the l'Cie brand system in FFXIII. No matter what the worlds look like, there is always a mix of magic and technology influencing the setting.

>Now there are two 'main' strands of Final Fantasy games.

>Games by Kitase and his people (Nomura, Toriyama) strongly focus on interactions within the player party, and by seeing characters develop, you learn more about the world and the events that go on in it. Characters tend to drive the plot as a result and by uncovering themselves do story events move forward leading to many plot twists and turns. as is the case in the XIII 'Lightning Saga' trilogy. These give these games strong emotional impact, which is what X is especially known for.

>Games by Matsuno and his people (Yoshida, Maehiro) instead focus more on warring factions affecting the player party, and characters develop separately from lore. In these games, characters act in response to political intrigue with long in-game history, which what drives the plot. You also get some commentary here too, like with the Yugoslav Wars and Square company culture as in Tactics, or even some nation building in response to migrant diasporas in XIV.
it was a sequel to a game nobody played
>implying Sakaguchi didn't beg Matsuno to leave Quest so he could make Tactics
>Games by Kitase and his people (Nomura, Toriyama) strongly focus on interactions within the player party, and by seeing characters develop, you learn more about the world and the events that go on in it. Characters tend to drive the plot as a result and by uncovering themselves do story events move forward leading to many plot twists and turns. as is the case in the XIII 'Lightning Saga' trilogy. These give these games strong emotional impact, which is what X is especially known for.
>Games by Matsuno and his people (Yoshida, Maehiro) instead focus more on warring factions affecting the player party, and characters develop separately from lore. In these games, characters act in response to political intrigue with long in-game history, which what drives the plot. You also get some commentary here too, like with the Yugoslav Wars and Square company culture as in Tactics, or even some nation building in response to migrant diasporas in XIV.
And Versus was going to link both, with Nomura copying Matsuno. We were robbed.
Are you retarded?
no memorable songs
>no status effects
>no utilization of Mashups
>just using shit randomly
What are you even doing here, man?
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>"What I want to do is to examine the humanity of the characters in this game. This is not going to be a fantasy world in the traditional Final Fantasy sense. Rather it's based in the world today with all of this world's ugly issues. There's this mainstream tradition of Final Fantasy games and, in Versus I'm trying to propose new vision of how a Final Fantasy game can be. The game's going to be more human than the science-fiction caricature we so often see. It will focus around current world events - in that sense it's darker."

>"This game might be closer to my real-life taste than kingdom Hearts is, for example, but there are undoubtedly areas of crossover. Kingdom Hearts is an example of a game world which I have worked on which is full of good things, light and magic. That's fine but I've worked in these worlds for a long time, perhaps too long, and it's time to work on a new kind of world - a bleaker place. This kind of theme is traditionally unappealing to a mainstream audience who want to role-play in generally happy and safe worlds. It's a challenge."

>"The stories from the past entries in the Final Fantasy series are not exactly as I would have done, but that's as it should be because I didn't direct them. My only concern in terms of Versus XIII is that [Final Fantasy] always talks about human emotion and psychologies in a broad way, and I want to go deeper in terms of offering some crude reality in terms of human emotion or human [behavior]. The goal, when a player holds a controller and plays [a role-playing game], is to make them believe in another world – to experience a dream in a fictional world. It will be different in Versus XIII because of the intrusion of the real world, and things that are really happening. There will be less fiction and more reality."

And now you know why Nomura hired based Jun Akiyama of Team Ivalice/FF12 to work on Versus 13.
Says the schizo.
>he says when OHHHHHHH, TAKE A LOOK AT MEEEEEEE exists
So you admit to be talking in copypastas?
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I don’t think you know what samefagging means
doesn't ring a bell
No, I’m asking how is that samefagging?
I pity the deaf
Why does Barry keep posting webms of himself sucking at the game?
oh no 10 faggots on deviartart is somehow more than 1 MILLION people actively choosing to click on new twewy trailers

people made fun of faggots on devianart even back then you retard, literally nobody gives a fuck about an insular niche community of autists in a hugbox
learn how marketing works because Neo twewy objectively had more marketing than twewy and already had the benefit of an existing twewy fanbase plus had the anime recently air in leadup to Neo
holy fuck you're actually retarded

you fucking think this

is more than this?
What’s wrong with the third week?
matsuno has never worked with Sakaguchi and was an outsider to his group
All Sakaguchi did was hire him at Square because he liked ogre battle
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>What’s wrong with the third week?
Do you even need to ask?
>"To right the countless wrongs of our days…"
The bosses were also a hit or miss as well, mostly misses, and the final boss sucked ass.
mageknight14 you can stop pretending neo twewy has depth

its a cooldown simulator with inconsistent hitstun and QTEs out the ass
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>same filename
How exactly is it not samefagging when you replied to the same post multiple times pretending to be a different person?
Not him but it definitely felt rushed. Half of the week is spent on you going on a wild goose chase and getting interrupted by random encounters (which sucks ass in a game that allows you to pick and choose your own) because Beat is a dumbass. A lovable dumbass but a dumbass nontheless. Not to mention the varying boss quality, Uzuki/Kariya and Konishi are great but Taboo Sho felt underwhelming, Kitaniji could’ve been great if they didn’t fuck up with Shiki’s coding, and the final boss didn’t feel it utilized the themes of the game as well as it could’ve.
Oh, this dumbass take again.
>he still doesn’t know about 4chan’s coding in regard to filenames
This is pathetic, anon.
Using filenames is not the gotcha you think it is. Even random images I downloaded would somehow get the same numbers as the guy I got it from.
Holy retard
>inconsistent hitstun and QTEs
Sounds like FFXV to me
I never enjoyed TWEWY outside of some of the music. The story was propped up by people who played it at the age of 13 on the DS, and the gameplay, while unique, isnt actually good
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Very convincing anon, must be another twewy autist who also happens to talk in copypastas!
Congrats, you want a cookie?
What is supposed to be the problem here?
How do you operate on this site and still not get the copy part of copypastas?
>oh no 10 faggots on deviartart is somehow more than 1 MILLION people actively choosing to click on new twewy trailers
again, you are downplaying how big deviantart actually was (because you weren't there) or how big of a difference targeted community involvement while people are still hungry for more nomura content after KH2 had just come out can make. the contest was judged by the design team of TWEWY and the contest was reported on by multiple publications. it wasn't just some randos hosting their own little competition, it had squeenix involved. this is definitely a better marketing strategy than putting a few videos on youtube that people may or may not watch and may or may not care about.
>people made fun of faggots on devianart even back then you retard
and people make fun of faggots on reddit and on twitter and on any site, doesn't change that they are a paying demographic.
>you fucking think this
disingenuous fuck, that isn't the contest or the marketing, that's just a random piece of fanart.
So you admit to be talking in copypastas?
You were asking why it flopped, because contrary to popular believe everyone who your cult game 15 years ago didnt all enjoy it and a sequel that does not improve upon the original does not make a compelling product
That is not what I said, dumbass.
>a sequel that does not improve upon the original
Did you even play it?
>the gameplay, while unique, isnt actually good
Are you a bot?
the original was ported to switch before neo came out
I can ask the same of you.
I am not the one who replies in copypastas for 90% of the posts.
>Less people bought it
>The sequel is not as well regarded as the original
>Not even porn artists give a fuck
>Nobody talks about the music
>People talk about how objectively worse the localization is
>Worse metascore
>People just jerk off to the goth girl
Anon, its fucking obvious by every single metric, why the fuck would I play a sequel to a video game I did not care for 15 years after the fact? You can blame advertising for some of the issues, but it doesnt cover every little issue. As a child, I was always waiting for "The Super Mario Brothers Movie 2" because it ended on a cliffhanger with Daisy! Oh Boy I cant wait!

Now imagine if they released that shit today? Obviously, that impossible in many MANY ways, but me, who is fucking 33 years old, would not give a single solitary fuck. You cant honestly tell me, discounting the people who literally died waiting for this game of course, that everyone who played the game back then gave a fuck. If anything, the modern ports of the first game werent pushed enough. If people dont care about the first game, why would anyone give a shit about what was pushed as a direct sequel after many years of waiting?
>I didn’t even play it
>I just listened to the opinions like others like a sheep
You’re pathetic.
>Looked at every metric possible
>Looked at the gameplay
>Listened to the music

Nigga Square Enix is probably one of the companies least deserving of my time and money, im not about to give them fucking money for no reason.

Guess what? im not the only one who drew this fucking conclusion which is why this game was a fucking flop. Dumb fuck.
All I’m hearing is you being a little bitch.
ah i remember the days on DS when I was playing twewy and also spamming the ice lance badge.
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>still wastes him time not playing games on 4chan
Absolute state
See you in 15 more years :).
I’m not the OP, you goddamn retard.
You seem to be slurping Square Enix cock as much as OP, sorry, its kinda hard to tell you apart
>implying I give a shit about Squeenix and not just TWEWY
>nigga who is arguing that people here are too young to remember deviant art and too young to enjoy TWEWY trying to argue about age
>>People just jerk off to the goth girl
Way to prove that you don’t know what you’re talking about. People talk about the combat all of the time.
>Nobody talks about the music
You cannot be serious.
>implying I’m the same guy
>No bro, its Square Enix's fault that this game flopped so God DAMN hard!
>They should have poured more money into the marketing!!!!
Nigga nobody fucking talks about NEO music, they talk about TWEWY music
>implying I wont curbstomp your face into the pavement and shove your nintendo DS up your ass
>nobody fucking talks about NEO music
There’s been entire threads just talking about the music alone, not even getting into the ones that start off threads with one of the lyrics
That sounds gay, anon. Why are you thinking about another dude’s ass?
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>made 15 years after the first one
>shoestring budget
>nonexistent marketing
>wanted to appeal to both 2000s Japanese millennials and 2010s cringey western zoomers. ended up appealing to no one
>ugly as sin. there are actual chink mobile games that manage to look million times better
>eye bleeding combat system and effects that make Kingdom Hearts look clean and visible
>40 minutes of low budget 2D visual novel cutscenes to present something that could've been said in 3 minutes max
>unlistenable ear bleeding clusterfuck soundtrack
>cringeworthy story and writing for middle schoolers
>atrocious overdesigned characters based on equally atrocious 2010s Harajuku fashion
>God awful English translation, localization, and voice acting that made already terrible dialogue a million times worse
>managed to be way worse than the first one which itself wasn't even all that great
it could've been a good game if it was made back in 2009 on a 3DS or something
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>Nigga nobody fucking talks about NEO music
Why even lie like this?
>not the first post from this IP
>Hype-chan image while also talking shit about the first game
>nobody fucking talks about NEO music,
t. Never been around for lyrics threads

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