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What are the odds it'll get a remaster? How would that make you feel?
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Please don't, fuck off. I hate most remasters. I just want the game to be playable on modern systems and give me a higher resolution. THAT'S ALL I WANT. And usually that's done by the fans themselves. I don't need a bunch of faggots to take artistic liberties with the graphics and make it look fucking retarded. Or make it look ugly by trying to "modernized it" and give a bunch of extra polygons or ugly lightening that makes the game look disjointed. They ruined Tomb Raider graphically. The only people who love remasters are sòi boy goy cucks and jewish youtuber faggot cunts so they can make another video on a game they already did so they can prop up their pathetic existence. (I.e shillmanlives).
Depends if the system shock 2 remaster is good
Shouldn't the first game get it before? Or maybe they could combine the two into one single package?
The original Deus Ex as well.
Yuck. The game works fine. I'm not a zoomer faggot who can't handle "old graphics". If they need fancy lightening so badly then why do they even play old games?
It's a PC game. You can run it at any resolution with T2Fix and even install mods. Why would it ever need a remaster? God I hate zoomoids so fucking much.
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The System Shock remake was surprisingly good but these really appeal to a niche market. Thief plays in a very antiquated manner and it requires a lot of buy in from the player to enjoy, most people would have to want to enjoy it and be ready to accept that it's a game made before there were any established "things that work and things that do not in video games." However, if it were remastered in such a way that it didn't play like a quarter-century old janky piece of shit, it wouldn't be Thief.
That's what I meant. Remastering both 1 and 2
>embracer group
No fucking thanks
that's how it's been with aspyr/nightdive remakes recently, which i think is fine. for games like tomb raider, star wars bounty hunter, system shock, you have to know that theyre fucking old and play awkwardly compared to new games. the people theyre marketing these remakes to are people who probably have already played the originals and can appreciate the concept
People obsessed with remasters are one of the reasons why the industry is trash. A game getting re-released/remastered because it legitimately doesn't work on new operating systems is one thing but a game that works perfectly fine does not need a remaster just because its graphics are dated or because it's old.
Yeah but there's not much money in making an unofficial patch for a game to make to work on modern systems. So they have to add a bunch of other dribble like "graphical enhancements" and so forth just to be able to sell it
>remaster walking sim slop
I'd feel indifferent since I'm not the sub-100 IQ target demographic
Thief is the archetypical nostalgiafag game. Its adherents play it for that cosy trip down memory lane and they'd be appalled by a visual upgrade that reminds them the 90s are over. If the remaster did anything to polish the mechanics of the game then they'd shit blood and swallow their tongues, because Thief is PERFECT you see, absolutely flawless and unimpeachable in its all its aspects. And definitely don't touch the SOUND, the immaculate footstep propagation, oh to swim in that immersive symphony of scratchy compressed audio files and be carried away to another world. NOTHING could be done to improve this. Oh Thief, oh-uh-oooh-uh fuck yeah Looking Glass and Thief oooaaah uuuhhh I'm rubbing my blackjack I'm plundering the candlestick oh I'm cumming I'm cumming I'm about to drop my loot URGH
If you're not gonna play it then why do you care? Zoomers get to experience it, and you can stick to the crummy Dark Engine version.
>Zoomers get to experience it
They can already do that.
man all these thief games start out bad ass. it's the paranormal shit that bugs me. I just want to steal shit
You just said they can't handle old graphics, so they're not gonna play it. A game from 25 years ago which you need to fix is hard to market too.
There are plenty of individual missions of above average quality with spider and paranormal trigger warnings for The Dark Mod, it's worth checking out.
Horrible. Remasters are almost always just cash grabs and bring nothing of value. At best it would just mean upscaled textures and models outsourced to pajeets, at worst it'd break fan mission compatibility. As a PC exclusive game there isn't even any content or features to port over from other versions.
is it a thief 2 gold mod?
I haven't played The Dark Mod. When it's mentioned, I always think of how voice acting played a large role in shaping the atmosphere and identity of Thief. How does The Dark Mod handle voices, if at all?
>which you need to fix
Huh? Not sure about Steam but the GOG version just werks, it has TFix Lite pre-applied.
It's a Doom 3 mod that eventually became a standalone game.
have a good link, or should I just use moddb
shut up retard
>A game from 25 years ago which you need to fix
Only if you aren't using the gog version. Also downloading a patch is not something zoomers can't do.
What the fuck is your problem, nigger?
quit trolling me kike. I want to know the actual base game for this mod
Fuck off retard, anything outside of DarkEngine/nuDark is total shit
Doom 3, you fucking idiot. He already told you.
this is a doom 3 mod that turns it into theif 2?
>That's what I meant
Well it's not what you said.
Fuck you.
come on that bait is so poor. zoomers are so bad at this
go back to >>>/b/ you fucking troon
Thief 1 and 2 really are amazing games
That was a different anon idiot
Use moddb. I couldn't get the installer on their site to work
it blows my mind that the subreddit actually fellates this game and calling it a piece of shit gets you ganked
Why are you throwing a fit, crybaby?
But you don't need Doom 3 to play The Dark Mod. It's a standalone product now.
Holy shit you are dumb
lay off the booze, faggot.
Why are you throwing a fit? Too stupid to have any kind of reading comprehension so now you're lashing out?
The only way for a Thief remake/remaster to make sense is if you could make the engine compatible with the shitload of fan-missions availables.

That being said, imagine a Thief remake with this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xFEbXWstCM
You can get it from its site. I use this see if more missions have been released:
It depends on the mission. Some are made by newbies just using the provided assets, which includes NPC voicelines. I think they have their charm, but they're not high quality.
Then you have the pro mappers, who sometimes team up. Those usually have good voice acting made for them.
This one is a community project, you get to explore a large area of the city:
looks good, but you need a ark atmosphere
Really? I thought it was impossible for anyone to defend this pile of shit. I can't believe subhumans like that exist. Why would you care about that abomination when you have 100s and 100s of FMs for Thief 1 and 2. They must be brainless sòi consumers who like what corporations tell them to like because it's a "new product"
If Left 4 Dead is a walking sim, then surely whatever this is is one as well.
Now you're just spouting off shit that doesn't make sense and is out of context. You have to be 18 or older to post here.
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wow. that's impressive
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>keep speaking your 3rd world Australian dialect
I hate the combat in The Dark Mod. I know that's the point but at least Thief 1 and 2 allowed you to defend yourself well. Dark Mod's combat system is fucking awful especially when it's near impossible just to kill a spider because it blocks your attacks. (I know they could do that in Thief 1 and 2 but that was rare amd wasn't a problem)
I know, reading is hard but you still have to back to school tomorrow kid
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>Thief is PERFECT
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>the fairies don't talk to you again until you're an adult
the struggle
Really? I had the opposite problem. Raiding haunted tombs was sick. Running around rooftops and stealing candlesticks in a totally not haunted steampunk cathedral was lame as hell. The deaf, dumb and blind AI that Thief 2 has didn't help either.
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I'm older than you think
I hate skin walkers
>>Thief is PERFECT
Thief with NewDark is almost perfect.
But Thief with a modernized Dromed, a shitload more types of geometric brushes and a more convenient way to import/export objects from Blender et al, THAT would truly be perfection.
That's even worse lmao
how can you kill a skin faggot? post strategies
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Huh? It already got a remaster when NewDark came out
I think skin walkers learned how to post
Remaster is not needed. With NewDark it runs perfectly fine on modern systems and it is installed by default on steam and gog game releases.

Also there are shitton FM's which can have problems on a remaster, so why do we need this again?
>Remaster is not needed. With NewDark it runs perfectly fine on modern systems and it is installed by default on steam and gog game releases.
Not Steam, IIRC. But GoG, yes (you will still need to update it if you want to play some of the more recent fms tho)
>anime cringe fag
Underage or manchild

>haha I reference old game. Can you tell me how mature I am?

What's with the influx of Thief threads lately? Are "they" testing the waters?
What are you talking about?
Remakes and remasters are goyslop.
No I just have been getting into this game lately and remembering how much I love it
You said the exact same thing last thread, Mr. Shill
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>B-but I need more money because I have nothing else to make a video on rn
Just people giving it a try in the aftermath of The Black Parade release, I guess ?
That's just OP's gimmick. I guess he really wants to talk about Thief here and not on the boomer board.
You're a fucking retard. You asked a question. I gave an answer. How fucking complex is that to understand, nigger? Get your fucking skull checked
/VR/ moves way to slow to get enough replies to satisfy me
This nigga mad, y'all.
I'm not the same person that replied to you. I don't mind Thief threads, it's one of my favorite games.
I think it would just be WAY too extensive an update. So much so you might as well outright remake it. Except current industry would just fuck it up. At least we'd get good laughs about how a 25+ year old game still has better sound design.
it's not really antiquated as much as it DEMANDS you play it stealthily. if anything a 1:1 updating of any kind of would just expose how stagnant the genre is.
>DEMANDS you play it stealthily
It's a stealth game.
To some people that apparently translates "stealth should just be an option".
I'm a gen-x boomer and I never played these.
Polish them how exactly? The appeal of these games is that no modern games plays like them, and if it's just about graphics then who cares?
Stupidity does that to others
I just want "casing the joint" and "masks" either combined, because the idea didn't work right, or have it done well.
And also just make a completely different final level. It was not clever.
Yesh or they should have made Casing The Joint a social undercover mission where you have to scout the place out and then the next mission is the stealth mission. That would have been better.
Engine too esoteric, they'd have to recreate the entire game and no modern developer could capture the soul
highly unlikely but i would welcome it
Doesn't need it, modern devs can't comprehend that clear vision and tone > graphics will always win.
Why are some FM so incredibly cryptic. I had to look up a guide to figure out how to get past an area and I was supposed to look in tiniest corner underwater to find a key that I'm supposed to have. That's fucking bullshit even for a Thief FM. No clues or nothing. That's fucking bullshit
>remaster a game that has no fucking problems running on modern day hardware and software
>have to pay tons more for the same game with "improvements"
>the original game is removed so that you can't purchase it since it's likely better than the "remaster"
>the "improvements" are basically censorship due to politics

Where's the Anon with the sign? We need to tap it again to remind this board.
I can overlook the weird broken continuity in Joint/Masks. Soulforge pissed me off quite badly because certain stages of the puzzle are just bullshit and it was the one level where I had to look up a guide. There's not much fun to be had in the place. It unites the weakest aspects of the game, with robots everywhere and wide vault-like rooms that underscore the low polygon limit and tend to look very basic. It's also one of the most quicksave-dependent, trial and error parts of the game. Definitely room for improvement.
I remember having that problem with Into the Odd. Fm was still kino tho. There isn’t many recent games that play so well with a ‘weird’ setting.
King's Story or The Patriot (made by the same guy) are probably the worse offenders
It's pretty typical of Russian FM authors.
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What the fuck is the point? The audio and music quality is still reasonable. The framerate can be changed to 60+ FPS with a simple .cfg alteration. The resolution can be put to virtually anything you want. You can rebind all the keys. All that can really be improved is some of the textures but there are mods for that.
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The thing is despite hating the gameplay and puzzles of King's Story I absolutely love the map. The castle is so well designed and has such a unique atmosphere different compared to other FMs. The castle was actually designed after a real life castle and the guy put a ton of love and detail in it. I don't know how accurate the castle is but it definitely feels authentic. You can see the care the guy put into it if you press the credits option on the FM menu. I loved the castle so much that even after I beat the game I reloaded another save just to memorize and reexplore the whole place. I honestly fantasized about living there. Too bad the puzzles are just fucked up. I had to rely on a guide to finish it
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Enough demasters.
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Isn't it kind of silly to everyone that you can hide in the smallest dimmest shadows and become completely invisibl
The worst part about remasters is that the originals get removed from purchase and sometimes you can't even find them online anymore from piracy sites.
He was trained by the Keepers.
Keeper training makes Garret translucent
Why do you think pagan pussy tastes like?
I kind of figured but what about the FMs where you play as someone other than Garrett?
Fuck off
How does being trained by a secret society make you go invisible in shadows? Is it magic? Also why does Sam Fisher have the same ability? Was he trained by Keepers?
Hairy. You just know they have thick bushes
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literally the first sentence, retard
Is anything planned for other anniversaries?
That's all thanks to NewDark though... never forget what it was like to run the game on modern operating systems without it. What if the game breaks on systems, say, ten years into the future, and Le Corbeau isn't there to bless us again. Then what? That's where a future proofed remaster comes in clutch.
Thief 1/2 are some of my favorite games and I played them for the first time in 2016.
As simple as Thief's systems are there aren't people that really have the skills to make those sorts of systems well today.
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because he is a /v/aggot contrarian. SS2 remaster looks fine if they actually finally release it. Originally it was supposed to follow the hype of the excellent system shock remake release
>Thief is the archetypical nostalgiafag game.
This is the archetypal zoomerfag post.
The series is dead and buried. It was an explosion of creativity and soul that can't be replicated. The only thing I want to see is some brand new idea that takes influence from it among other things and is good.
When is that supposed to come out? The last trailer came out like a year ago
Same except I first played them 2 years ago
Do you consider Karras to be a good villian?
Same but 2014 for me when I was still in high school
Fire is The Builder's purification. Blessed are those who are born of the fire. The flesh is sinful. Woe to those who are born of it.
Stephen Russell is such a great va
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Those HD model look gross. HD models with high polygons never look good in older game engines (Half Life's Hd models is a great example) I'll stick to the original game thank you very much (which is like only 2 dollars the last time I saw it.) At least they don't look like that Rebirth mods models. Those are genuinely ugly and look so out place.
fpbp, they already tried to reboot Thief and all we got was a steaming pile of shit.
What other voices has he done (in both Thief and other games)?
>That pic
He voices Garret too.
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Well I knew that obviously
>It's a throne room, how pretentious can you get?
Benny the guard in Thief. He's also the male voice for The Many in System Shock 2.
>Hey. I'm going to the bear pits tomorrow... You wanna come with?
How do you decline without spilling all your nostalgiafag bear pit autism spaghetti?
Tell him in a disapproving manner that they wouldn't afford to compensate me to go there willingly.
I would just start ranting about the (((keepers))) to him
Tell him my pet burrick is sick
Wtf is the bear pits anyway?
its mostly retard zoomers that are "nostalgic" about 2014 and dishonored, and they think the graphics of the original duology are too dated for any reasonable ipad-fed person to appreciate
Really? People are starting to say Hitman Absolution was a good game. You have to realize that, at this point, some idiot is going to claim something bad is actually good.
Hairy men having sex in a pit
What for? It's perfect. Oh I forgot, Nightdive fags need to milk money out of other people's games.
i hate those fuckers
Garrett is so hot bros
That smooth, silky voice
I've never seen a Thief fujo.
Imagine the Garrett x Karras doujins
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>dude old games suck
>but I MUST play raped demakes of them that keep nothing but a general location and generic video game story
I don't get it.
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karras gay shit was reasonably popular on tumblr
Fujos will stop at nothing. It's hard to imagine a less sexual character than Karras (who dindu btw).
Thief series desperately needs a modern remake
At the least it needs more onboarding and tutorials for new players, basic stuff like quest markers, proper quest log, working map and other basic hints (maybe something like the blue line in Dead Space that shows the recommended path since the levels in Thief are such a maze)
Also they should improve the graphics, animations, voice acting and change some of the characters to better reflect modern diversity standards
Mecha-Karras big drill
Does his in game model have a pencil thin mustache?
like bluepoint and other remake studios they have no creativity of their own and have to rely on IP made by better men to pay the rent
They did that, it flopped horribly.
Nice bait, taffer.
Also, guards no longer attack you on sight #AbolishTheConstabulary #OpenFrontiersForAllPagans
You can use your own custom textures if you are feeling cheeky
Nothing wrong with future proofing games, retard.
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Fuck off, we don't want a remaster. Make a new game, don't touch the old one.
imagine the hate sex they had
Her pussy is probably made out of wood and moss
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The truth booty blasts the OldBadNewGud contrarians.
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no, it'd break my gay little heart
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>What hast thou... built, Garrett? When the time comes to review thy life, with the Master Builder afore thee, and the question is asked: what hast thou built, what will thee say, poor Garrett? For thou art a man of... destruction, not construction. Tis the biggest sin of all. Build thyself today a good house, that would please Him much!
I can do a really good impression of this faggot
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>Breen was influenced by Father Karras, the sociopathic prophet of Thief II: The Metal Age
>“I was appalled at myself when I went back years later and listened to those Karras broadcasts, and realised how much I lifted from Thief.”
>muh builder
You know, the writing in Thief 1 and 2 is kind of underrated. The story itself is just a simple bond movie story but I can't deny that the writing is pretty solid. Also the world and setting is so great. It's miracle that it all works together so well considering how many different elements and themes they try to combine. It's amazing because this game went through so many redesigns. That fact that they were able to push out something so great
Anyone who can do the Droopy voice can.
I fucking knew it
Doesn't need it.
There's nothing wrong with the games from a design perspective. And if you can't play it because it's 'ugly' then you probably wouldn't enjoy it anyway.
It astounds me that they built so much around what could have been just another knock off dnd fantasy town, it could have been the bard's tale.
For some reason a lot of women were into Thief. I think they wanted the G
They understood the first and only principle of good storytelling: show, don't tell.

99% of games still don't fucking get it.
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I love how Garrett's usual motivation is just making enough cash to either retire or pay his fucking landlord. One of the first cutscenes in the second game portrays the landlord as some kind of evil entity.
>fully 3D game
Just turn the resolution up. And if you really want something that looks better, use The Dark Mod.
To be honest there is a lot of telling with all the notes
Resolution is the only thing that filters me about older games. It's not a deal breaker but it makes a huge difference in terms of looks
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>The story itself is just a simple bond movie story
tdp in particular is a simple narrative that stands out because of how well it's told in-game: the briefings/cutscenes, garrett's quips, the readables, the npc conversations, garrett's crappy unreliable maps, the mission layouts and architecture, even the art direction and sound design (luv me bonehoard)... i could go on, all of these elements add up to produce a story that could only be conveyed in vidya form. looking glass essentially perfected environmental storytelling before it became a meme used to describe skeletons shitting on the toilet in bethesda games
i'd also love to praise thief's worldbuilding, but then i'd have to praise ken levine, and i really don't want to do that
It's funny how Levine ended up using the exact same twist three times in a row.
yeah, on a video game board with people that never play videogames, now that i'm saying it it's like the famously known modern audiences execs keep talking about
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it's even funnier how that twist got worse every single time he used it. everyone loses their touch eventually, but ken could've retired after ss2 and the world would've been better off for it
rest assured that if "they" remaster thief, i will spend months relentlessly shitting all over it with the fury of benny after some taffer went and spilled mead all over that rug
> could have been just another knock off dnd fantasy town
It’s one of the reasons I love Thief so much : the ‘New Weird’-like setting, with its gonzo blend of stuff from d&d, regular Middle Ages, steam machines, and demons and lovecraftian entities and undeads, and yet everything somehow make sense, with people even pushing their version of an extended lore in fms. It makes for something that is well-defined and fascinating, but also that has with a great plasticity that you can change and adapt to your specific tastes.
> ken could've retired after ss2 and the world would've been better off for it
True words
If anyone ever touches Thief again it will be even worse off. Just leave it be.
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Please be warned
A misguided soul
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>everything somehow make sense, with people even pushing their version of an extended lore in fms. It makes for something that is well-defined and fascinating, but also that has with a great plasticity
i'm going to sound like a pretentious faggot for saying this style of new weird worldbuilding is the FUTURE of game writing, when thief came out 25 years ago and a lot of this postmodern shit was normalized afterwards, but i really think there's still untapped potential in it
it reminds me of tes, with ex-bethesda devs like kirkbride interacting with fans, writing their own lore independently, pushing ideas like tamriel being "anything you want it to be", and entire sects of the fandom outright ignoring official material and doing their own thing with projects like tamriel rebuilt. i'd argue the black parade and thief fms come from the same mold, except we're lucky that thief hasn't been desecrated since 2014
honestly, it feels even more relevant now, with the commercial games industry being so horribly embarrassing that it's led me to regard indie/fan stuff as being more legitimate. looking glass was so far ahead of their time that i'm still having a hard time processing it all these years later
homestuck is, unfortunately, the best modern-ish example of this mentality online that i can think of, but that's a rabbit hole i don't think anyone wants to go down
My favourite is these retards blowing themselves up on doorways lol
What's the meaning and point of this image?
What compelled Garrett to spend all that time drawing that image while the world was close to collapse?
Oh you didn't show smashing it til it breaks and throwing its torse around like a basketball
stealth game genre conventions have long since shifted towards giving the player some ability to deal with an escalated situation, as it allows for a wider range of valid outcomes and is generally more interesting than quickloading every stealth fail (which autists like me will do anyways)
>giving the player some ability to deal with an escalated situation,
Like using a flashbomb...
you're right, lmao, even though i hate to admit it. really, any major digital work that's built on fan collaboration embodies these philosophies, i just remembered that scp is another good example of this kinda shit becoming popular
if societal collapse was imminent, then i guarantee you'd be doing stupid bullshit 5 minutes before it happened too
I am touching it right now
Nick Valentine from fallout 4, also a good third of the characters in Skyrim. He also voiced Corvo in Dishonored.
good post
>walking sim
This might be the grossest misuse of the world walking sim I've seen. Congratulations. Even for a "slop" poster you're exceptionally retarded.

>Thief is the archetypical nostalgiafag game. Its adherents play it for that cosy trip down memory lane
I played Thief and Thief 2 for the first time over the last few years. I was lukewarm on Thief outside of a few missions that I loved, and I loved Thief 2 from start to finish and started playing FMs for both of them.
I liked the first half of the final level. I did not like the second half.
That's not specific to Thief FMs, it's a problem with all mods in general. A lot of them are made by autists for "hardcore fans" so they try to make it a challenge except it ends up being tedious bullshit because they don't have the skill or creativity to make a fun challenge that works within the game's mechanics well and end up either making combat kill you in one hit, have additional bullshit mechanics and health bloat all enemies, or do stuff like you mentioned for a non-combat game.
>Where's the Anon with the sign? We need to tap it again to remind this board.
You're a retarded faggot and so is he. There are plenty of worthwhile remasters and remakes, and only angry third worlders get mad at them as an entire concept.
This. Fuck off OP. Thief works fucking perfectly on modern machines.
Same and that's pasta.
It's been so long that most people who would claim Thief played it long past its day. Hence, not really nostalgia.
No, fuck off.
Plus if they remaster Thief, it will go from a game that costs a dollar to twenty something fucking dollars.

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