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>Game has multiple romance options
>One option is clearly the one the devs favored
Where's the titty jiggle?
she moves like a fucking robot
>game has no romance options
>forces you to work with threats of starvation and homelessness
The fuck? They made us live here lol as slaves
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Yea, Frog Girl jump on your dick early on and you're stuck with her unless you want to betray her feelings.
If the devs favored her she wouldn't look like an attention seeking twitter whore.
I've seem cuter girls selling crepes.

I wonder how much they paid for my head. Sent me to the fields of McDonald's to burn fries. Warzone. Had tons of sex working there with my coworkers. But I didn't enjoy going in to burger flip.
The devs intended you to PLAY as Shadowheart. That's why they made her storyline way more interesting the the main story of the actual game.
When I look at Shadowheart all I can see is a 40 year old post-wall, wine drinking, cat having woman and that honestly disgusts me.
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Your previous advertisement thread has been 404'ed. Tell us, how do you pull ban evading, 700+ threads in a year shill, then fuck off to /vg/.
Imagine playing BG3 when superior RPGs like Quake exist.
Lae'zel? Yeah, it's pretty obvious.
Is it true she cucks you or is it just a /v/ shitpost? I'm in Act 1 and thinking of pursuing Shadowheart.
Imagine being this fucking retarded. I bet you think half the characters are trannies too, right?
no, but she WANTS to cuck you in act 3
her VC is a lesbian irl so....
you have to dig to find the option in the dialogue options but in the brothel in act 3 she can be convinced to fuck someone else in front of you, where as all the ugly girls do not suggest this and are monogamous. its demoralizing propaganda.
oh and >>683711341
she also openly flirts with Halsin and keeps calling him handsome no matter, so be sure to kill him
Tencent Game
Tencent Whores
You get to choose if you want an open relationship, but even if u say no she dreams of getting her holes ran by other men.
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>dev-favored girl makes a horrible first impression
>please ignore those other girls who aren't crazy bitches, she gets better we promise
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i mean, lae'zel is all you need
yeah, i can't imagine what kind of troon/freak you have to be to NOT choose default male shep. Man's literally the face of Mass Effect
kys tranny
>game features several romanceable women
>all of them are horrible
Thats how you know you're playing a westoid RPG.
You get a chance to hook up with some whores in Act 3, and a companion will offer to join.
If you're in a relationship with Shadowheart at the time, she'll also join and talk about dreaming of fucking that companion.
Jesus. How do people defend her after that?
By saying that the PC started it by trying to hook up with whores while being in a relationship. And for inviting the other companion.
I'm in act 1 at the goblin camp. When does the game get good. Seriously want to enjoy the game. Also does the game play get better when I'm stronger?
I throughly enjoy bg 1/2 and this turn base combat in 3 kinda blows, story isn't great either. I'm trying but its not sucking me in. Also how many hours do I have to play before I'm allowed to give an opinion?
What don't you like about it?
This game is so fucking ugly. Its embarassing.
99% of fans haven't played past act 1 either so you're fine.
It is the best looking game in a genre known for having bad graphics
She wants to be stretched by the druid companion and will disapprove if you don't let her fuck him
lots of schizoposts in this thread
if act 1 isn't doing it for you then act 2 and 3 most likely won't either
Act 2 is probably the least good, I hated the aesthetic, too drab to be fun.
I even went as far as purposefully failing the Wisdom check with Ethel to keep her area looking pretty for the most amount of time. Act 2's macabre look was just unpleasantly gross.
>we need to make her look good for DEI and our fetishes
>let's add uhhh...
>skin blemishes
>a superficial scar that looks like a rub-on tattoo
>grey hair to indicate that she's old despite having absolutely no wrinkles
Do artist really put 100 hours of effort into the 3D modelling and 5 minutes into animation?
Why does this game look like a WEG?
You wish.
you can choose to not get cucked and she will hate you for not giving her real dick
or you can let her get fucked by real men so she can be happy
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Astarion is my one and only
>you're stuck with her
Just say no?
Mostly the combat i guess. Story doesn't really feel like an epic adventure either. Seems like everyone is already established and I'm starting a story halfway through. Bg you feel like you start at the beginning and grow through the games to become a godling by the end of bg2. Also it has that same weird sense of emergency that doesn't make sense similar to fallout 4. I lost my kid but let me just build up these 20 settlements around the map. Getting the same feels. I know there's a term for it. Bug in my brain let me just wander the wilderness and hunt olwbears instead.
god I fucking hate mocap
>tits are frozen in place

Does this game not have any body physics?
i dont think so
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>Game has multiple romance options
>One option is clearly the correct one
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Boob jiggle is problematic, please understand..
it has cock and ball physics but none for boobas
this alone proves that the game is not chinese because as we all know chinese love giant tits
I like dialog trees and dice rolls and stuff just the underline story isn't doing it. And I don't like to stand around helpless in turn base combat. Again, I am trying to learn it. I want to like it. But just feels weird. I'm hoping enough time spent on it and it'll just click. How long does it take to start enjoying the combat for someone who's never cared for it?
Not only that, all female love interests have dialogue about how they want to fuck the bearfag, it just got disabled last-minute.
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>Julia from expedition rome
anyone i missed? i dpn't play jrpgs so i have no clues which one is the most favored in which game
Nope. No sliders during character creation, either: you just get an array of heads to pick from.

Absolutely shocking they not only got away with this in the 2020s, but won GOTY with it at that. People really will slurp up anything nowadays.
People got tricked into treating Shadowheart like an innocent virgin princess love interest in some romance isekai when she's a 40 year old death cultist. She's meant to be a narrative parralel to Durge a creature also around 30-40 with a past drenched in blood. She's a person whose done awful things trying to get a second chance, or who you can talk into going full suicide cult alongside you. I guess its sort of the fault of design. Shes too innocent looking and some of her story beats and dialogue seem more suitable for a teenager. Her design should have been more like Morrigan from dragon age

The fact that Shar Shadowheart gets no romance is really gay though, unless they changed that in a patch I havent checked
>How long does it take to start enjoying the combat for someone who's never cared for it?
If the base combat experience isn't doing it for you I suggest you try making your own fun. Maybe try out a retarded build idea or something like that.
I say this as someone who has pretty similar gripes with the game and after 3 seperate tries I dropped it. But if I was intent on playing the game this is what I would do.
I'd say Morrigan and Aigis count.
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Nothing wrong with that.
in early access she was an absolute bitch as you would expect from a cultist of shar. but they toned her down heavily for launch because people complained too much about her character.
The fans they listened too in early access definitely murdered a lot of characters. Wyll is another that could have been interesting but they made him a goody two shoes instead of the much more interesting posing charlatan.
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by far the best girl. she is so sweet and loyal
>Blue Drow
Nah, it was Lohse.
They gave her a song and everything.
you can have a weird foursome with her and two elves (make + female). and you can make it into a fivesome with another male party member and then she talks about how attracted she is to him.
also she has dialogue talking about other men being attractive.
also she talks about how she's had tons of sex before meeting you.
is this game worth pirating? serious answers only
i don't like it but i think its worth a try
divinity original sin 1 and 2 were better
defintely worth pirating at the very least, it offers a very complete role-playing experience and is at least worth trying. if you don't like, you don't like it and that's fine
it's fun
Indeed she is.
Yeah it's amazing
It's kinda fun as long as you don't take it seriously.
Depends what you like about CRPGs. For story and companions I think its very good. With nearly every piece of dialogue voiced fairly well its very immersive.

Character building is on the simple side. but allows some good multiclass freedom.

Combat has nice sound and visuals and lots of fights have environmental props for you to use to your advantage.

If you love autism building a party for max difficulty campaigns then it wont be very satisfying.
Picture, as always, unrelated.
Compare Indian website horoscope to USA one. Psyop made to shift value around. Indian guy told to work hard, for free, and promises any day now. USA guy was told to travel and spend his money.
>stand around helpless in turn base combat
the game is piss easy though? why play a turn based game if you just don't like turn based combat.
I agree though the story feels like it starts halfway in, the introduction should've been better. If you aren't enjoying act 1 just drop the game now
the best thing is all the gay rape you can experience
Budget spent on penis physics
Am I still a troon/freak if I self insert male shep instead of using default?
Pic unrelated. The favored option was clearly Astarion
>complex character that can break up with you if you fail to understand him
>can be either a comfy bf or a manipulative asshole depending on your choices
>will turn you into a vampire if he is the latter
>can consider an open relationship without thinking about bears
>at the center of the cover
she's absolutely the cuck option
anyone telling you otherwise is being bad faith intentionally to deceive you
Lae'zel is a more developed character.
Astarion is a flamboyant gay elf, that disqualifies him from being good.
Astarion was BUILT for cute and innocent Paladin girls
would be funny to actually play different companions if the game itself wasnt so boring and tedious after the first time
Don't think I ever had her licking my male human fighter abs before Shart already wanted to be wined and dinned, so that got to reflect
>cunt (dis)approves
Only origin companions worth playing are Gale, Astarion and Shart
Im with that dev, she's perfect.
she even has a loli model
im not gay and he rejected me in my playthrough but same
he was such a catty little bitch
shame they made her really ugly
It's in the game, it's this bit
True, the cast is mostly made up of characters that are pretty well established persons.
This isn't all that much of a zero-to-hero story unless you headcanon it for your Blank PC.
I don't think that is a bad thing, having fully realized characters before game-start is a good way to avoid the tropey hurdles of making them competent.
The problem is that they made huge use of Mo-Cap for the PC's movements and their facial expressions, and then didn't give them much expressiveness other than making some vaguely uncomfortable face to most events.
I feel very uncomfortable to play as a woman romancing a man.
Also he leans too much into the rape fantasy stuff later on if you pursue his quest.
Can you fuck multiple party members?
not without mods, i think u can fuck minthara in act 1 without problems but anyone else is "committing" to the relationship
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I once again ask if this game is de-faggot yet? (by mods)
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Is there a single attractive girl from that game? I've never seen one posted.
welcome to wrpgs
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fuck halsin. seriously.
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AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH Shartfags? Explain yourselves lmao
Anon that face is all kinds of fucked up.
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I think that only happens if you have gay sex with the druid lol
>Your chances of getting killed by a cow are low
boo get out of here
she's a barbie girl in a barbie world
people playing a gnome or a dwarf or some other manlett are literally mentally challenged. those are joke races
i love playing a dwarf in bg1/2 but yeah they look fucking retarded in bg3, especially when the dialogue camera is so shitty with them
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I strongly disagree
Fucking BG3 is a mindwipe for making people think, that "beautiful is bad, ugly is good". Unlike blindly throwing ugly characters at the player, it subtly attemps to make him think, that new "standarts" are at least acceptable.
All female "good" characters, that aren't outright ugly and aren't tieflings, have this subtle disproportion of face features like just slightly wider mouth, that creates face interpreted as ugly, but not ugly enough to quickly put your finger on it before analyzing it properly.
Fucking tieflings instead of half-evil by their demonic magical nature are now "poor dindus".
There are so many fucking tieflings including every cinematics with background people, that the game resembles Avernus more, than Faerun.
All beautiful and/or charismatic faces mean, that character you see are evil, the more charisma or beauty - the worse the character is - all main villains, demon Raphael, some "ignorant" noble NPCs, that exist in a single scene of crowning Gortash, that after that conviniently go behind columns and have barely a single line of word exclusively to show, that all that good-looking nobles are ignorant and stupid, so player wouldn't decide to interact with them, and tieflings dindu refugees to further increase player's sympathy to them compared to other characters - all of this is only to create an association, that everything with a good-looking face is inherently bad. Additional place goes to evil vampire lord Cazador, who have mostly proportional face features except asian eyes to show, that asians (japs and koreans by the look of the face) are bad too.
All this and other subtle things, essentially, work as a subtle mindwipe. And this is infuriating. It is not just bland showelling of uglyness, it is an attempt to slowly make people think, that "beauty is bad".
This is unacceptable. Uglyfication is bad, mindwiping is even worse.
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Shortstacks are based. You are homosexual.
>perverts playing out their depraved fantasies
wow that is new
>Game has multiple romance options
and no good ones
Cows can get very aggressive when they have young ones nearby. Tourists get killed or maimed by them a lot here (alps)
It's overrated but still a solid game and worth a playthrough. I'd give an 8/10. I don't get why every reviewer and player was losing their mind over it. I suspect many of them have never played a CRPG before. It's a good newbie CRPG.
At time of posting it's a very polished and well thought out RPG. Everything is permitted and your actions will have consequences, either now or in the future. It leans into the romance side of things more than I care for, but the companions are all pretty solid characters minus one or two.
Today, I shall remind them:
Womp womp.
what do you lose out on for killing Halsin?
Shadow Curse can't be lifted.
A happy Shadowheart gf
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ay thanks a lot anon, never thought such a thing would exist this fast

is there's other stuff for other games I should know of? like hogwarts legacy or anything eles
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It's unfair how stacked the blonde was against blue haired girl's.
why do modern writers always ruin every romance option?
romance in 2000+20 is very VERY problematic anon
My girlfriend can never acknowledge anyone else we know as good looking or she is literally cucking me

If this line made you feel anything beyond mild amusement then you have an ego more fragile than glass
You can do it straight after the portal, booal willing
My heart said Karlach but I went with Shadowheart because I felt that's what the game wanted me to pick.

Anyway I'm not reading the thread only now going through act 2. We have not fucked yet.
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I want to be stuffed into a giant Shadowheart's pussy making out with her cervix as she fills with expanding whipped cream, pumping up every inch of her until she's so full she finally explodes in a tsunami of cream
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Durge bathes in her blood and plays with her guts. Faerun is his votive fodder, O Bhaal below.
bhaalcucks are nothing but stunted dogs and bhaal is bane's bitch
>anyone else
its not anyone else though
its halsin aka the BEAR aka the subject of shadowhearts many wet dreams
Durge masterminded the whole thing and Gortash was basically his bitch. Even the Netherbrain thought he was a fag.
Whenever I play “as myself” the only person interested is Gale. I have to intentionally go for anyone else, and even then half the time I do something that pisses them off enough to dump me.
I’m simply built for BW(izard)C
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Blue hairs are meant to lose
I actually hate her. I can't stand her.
>free her from the hentai tube
>escape from the ship
>moments later snarks "guess the frog abandoned you, huh" as if she could possibly know that
Immediately established as a liar and an instigator, can't stand that. Was so happy that she can die via the story in act 1.
She is the most open to poly shit if you choose to go that route. Otherwise, she doesn't bring it up unless you do. /v/ says she brings up having lots of sex with other men, but not once did I hear that dialogue. She mentions utilizing seduction as one of her skills, but that can mean anything from fluttering the eyes and flirtation to having a roll in the hay. She's a good romance though. You go through a lot with her and can choose to make her worse or help her redeem herself and uncover the truth
If I ogled women or made similar comments, my wife would rightfully feel disrespected. Same thing as if she did it. You only don't see it for what it is because you're a cuck loser. Hope this helps you out.
Why is her voice so shit? Every other actor in the game varies between good and mediocre, but I couldn't fucking stand talking to Shart at all because of how grating her voice is. She sounds like she's way too close to her microphone, and combine that with this faux cuteness that the actress seems to be going for and it's actually sickening to hear for too long. What the actual fuck were they thinking?
does have an evil asshole route? (and get away with it)
the game actually has some decent writing when it comes to npcs but why is every companion so badly written?
i liked minthara's writing and performance
Because they are all special snowflakes that the writers self-inserted as, which means there's an expectation that the player will be unceasingly tolerant of their bullshit.
The exact same problem existed in Mass Effect Andromeda, but nowadays I guess the standard has been incredibly lowered.
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I romanced her only because I fuckedup and couldn't romance Karlach, she's a good second option.
I'm so fucking pissed about this bitch

>didn't even know I can recruit her
>non-lethal setting was turned on by default and never bothered turning it off
>technically spared 80% of enemies in the entire game
>of all those enemies it happens I nuked mithara with some spell

you can do ACT1 romance on several companions, but you later have to commit.
As other anon said just install the mod and fuck everybody. I was on ps5 and I managed to fuck the frog and shart.

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