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For me? It’s The Feed Bag.
Merchants Inn has the best merchant in the game if you have the DLC
>walk in at 3am
>buy all of his food
>craft 30 restore stamina potions
>drop them on the floor
more like Sneed Bag
I don't understand the joke.
The Feed Bag isn't fancy, but it fills you up.
which one again? i don’t remember
The Copious Coinpurse is a fine establishment and I'm tired of hearing otherwise.
>drop them on the floor
Why not sell them?
60 gold isn't worth the menu navigating
You don't want the very best. You want cheap pussy. And I got cheap pussy.
Don't talk such rot.
>talk to trader
>click trade
>click potions tab
>ctrl + click on potion to sell 1 at a time
>get mercantile gainz
you DO have the sell 1 at at time mod, don't you anon?
yeah im not doing any of that
You deserve to get swindled by (((traders))) with your low bartering ability, midwit. Meanwhile, I'll be over here rubbing my hands and my Septims.
>60 gold
bitch nigger you can build an empire out of stealing and buying food and then turning it into potions
Hear any news from the other provinces?
be seeing you
They say syndicates of wizards have led a boycott of Imperial goods, in the land of the Altmer...
The Altmer have powerful wizards. It could be a dangerous situation.
I'm a Drunken Dragon Inn guy
Fucking high elves. Talos did nothing wrong.Sieg Heil
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what the FUCK was his problem?
I just wanted /v/ros to know about dxvk. Playing Oblivion at a consistently high framerate even on modern hardware is impossible due to the horrible mesh optimization taking up CPU cycles with unnecessary draw calls. Using dxvk alleviates that a bit. Went from having drops to like ~70 fps in Cheydinhal and ~60 in the Imperial City Waterfront to solid 120fps at all times.
is oblivion the funniest game ever made
Chameleon 100 is funny.
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kino armor
agreed. I was fighting Mythic Dawn enemies, and one of them started saying "I do not fear death!" but interrupted himself halfway thru by shouting "RUN AWAY!!!"
Another time I was exploring a ruin with a follower, and there was an underwater section. I lost my follower, and it turned out they drowned themselves.
I can scarcely think of any other game that delivers moments like this.
>Show up to Aleswell Inn
>Nobody around
>Look out back
>Floating garden hoe tilling the field
>Promptly leave
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Anvil is my favorite RPG town of all time
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>is oblivion the funniest game ever made
Absolutely, the fact that it's not an intended comedy game and pretends to be serious is what crowns it.
>Try to solve this towns problem
>Get killed by invisible mountain lions
very nice little quest
Where does the Bloated Float go?
Oblivion is the junkiest game of all. Every time I played it I kept finding floating rocks and other items, the ragdolls are terrible since every humanoid you kill somehow flies upwards and then falls down. One thing I liked though is when in Imperial shitty an NPC gets an aneurism and attacks another for no reason and then everyone joins in and it becomes a huge clown fiesta. I never even bothered joining in, I just watched all of the city's NPCs kill each other
Anvil is 100% certified SOVL
For me? It's Cheydinhal
Such a nice little town with a nice lake and everything. Shame about all the dark elves, but what can you do? Nothing is perfect in life.
Some people say they hear strange noises from the abandoned house there, but pay no mind to those rumours.
Ho hey, sweet lady of Wayrest! Ho hey, sweet lady of mine! Oh I'll see you again, yes I'll see you again, sweet lady of Wayrest so fine!
>Better Cities mod is at the top of every recommended list
>Try it
>Lags the cities considerably and has forced, unskippable in engine cutscenes and amateur voice acting by ESL's
better than immersive slop in skyrim/fo4
I don't know you and I don't care to know you.
can you even buy the game without the dlc anymore?
I've had it on Steam without the DLC because I saw no point in buying them since I could pirate them and slap them on the Steam copy. Nowadays my copy is upgraded to include them but its a different listing so I can still buy the GOTY edition as if I don't own it
Steam has 2 versions for some reason, one with KOTN and Shivering Isles, the other with all the DLCs. You need Fighters Stronghold DLC to get the merchant I mentioned. He has both 2500 gold after investment and buys anything
>it's lunch time at the Imperial City
>time to go to the Feed Bag
>try to talk to the proprietor to buy some food to eat
>accidentally pick up a pewter mug on the counter by accident
>entire imperial legion guard come pouring into the building to arrest me
>resist arrest
>paid with my blood
>someone in the room has high disposition with me and starts fighting the guards
>all out brawl begins as I'm lying on the floor dead
such is life in Cyrodiil
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*sniff* Have you hear any news from the other provinces?
Shit man even the Master level training quests are fun. The one where you had to hang out underwater for a whole day was unique
I'm through talking to you
Another thing that can help on modern PCs is to disable C-states or tune them with your power policy. Helps with those single-frame spikes in CPU load that make the game stutter.
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Seen any elves recently HAHAHAHAHAHAH
Great questline and no one ever sees it because Ayelid ruins are such a drag
The town is haunted by ghosts retard kun
When people tell me news about foreign countries I want to respond like an oblivion character. I want to say things like "it seems like times are treacherous in the land of the Chinese".
>Saw a Palestinian the other day. Filthy creatures
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Falanu Hlaalu
Aura, rizz, charisma, etc.
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Bruma was a nice little preview of things to come
>Skingrad house is impossible to buy because the NPC you're supposed to talk to walks off a bridge and dies every single time
my nigga, also Deetsan a best waifu
i never had this issue, what are you talking about?
For me? It's not knowing vampirism exists in the game, getting infected, then not realizing until it's too late and I don't have any pre-vampirism saves
>if you go here too early, you get locked out of the entire side quest
>In your dream, you see a beautiful young woman holding an infant to her breast. It is only as you draw near that you realize that the woman is a desiccated corpse and the child is purple and bloated, dying of plague. As mother and child crumble to dust, you awaken.
> In your dream, an old wise-woman treats you for burns on your hands. As she applies a salve to your skin, you feel the tingle of magic as the pain begins to subside. But as you watch, the flesh of your hands begins to bubble, crack, and split, falling in chunks to the floor of her hut. As the wise-woman smiles, you wake up.
>In a dream from your childhood you remember playing hiding games with your young friends on a warm summer afternoon. You hide in your parents' barn, sure you will not be found. Soon, the sweet smell of hay is replaced by a darker, sickly smell. You move deeper into the barn, only to stumble on the rotting corpses of your parents, their throats ripped out. You try to scream as your parents rise and pull you into an embrace.
>You dream of a sumptuous banquet spread out before you. You feast on a particularly choice cut of roasted meat, and its aroma makes your mouth water. It is only as you cut into the last portion that you see the larvae squirming inside. You cough blood as the larvae begin eating their way out of your stomach.
>You lay on your back, with a blissful feeling of peace swirling through your brain. Your every muscle is relaxed. There is no tension in any part of your body. You feel completely at ease. As your vision comes into focus, you notice others standing around you. As a man leans towards you, you recognize the robes of the Necromancer, and you see a glint of light from his scalpel as it begins to cut through your flesh.
>A warm, gentle breeze causes a tickle on your face, but as you go to brush it off, you find you cannot move your arms. Looking at your skin, you realize that it has turned to a brittle, green glass. Standing perfectly still, you breathe in shallow gulps of air, knowing that moving would cause your skin to shatter into thousands of pieces. The tickle on your face worsens, and you know that you are about to sneeze. As your skin shatters, you wake up sweating.
>In your dream, you open your eyes to a beautiful blue sky. The sun is bright, but you feel cool, even a bit damp. You draw a breath but begin to cough, as you expel blood and dirt that you've inhaled into your lungs. As you try to draw another, you see a shovel of dirt being emptied onto your face. The sunlight grows fainter as you view it through the soil that covers your body. You would scream, but your mouth fills with dirt before you can make a sound.
>In your dream, you approach a vampire ancient. Having just completed a perilous task for him, you swell with pride, sure that he will now bestow even greater power upon you. The entire clan's eyes are upon you. Walking towards the dais where he stands, you realize that your task for him is actually unfinished, and that all of your vampiric powers have left you. You cry out as the clan descends upon you, and the ancient's fangs rip into the flesh of your throat.
>You dream of walking through the cool night air. Your body cries for blood, having not fed for days. Weakly, you stumble to a small pool. As you bend down to it, you see that it is not water in the pool, but warm, fresh blood, steam rising off of it. You lower your head to drink, but cannot open your mouth. As you realize in horror that your lips have been sewn shut, a pair of cold, white hands reach out from the pool and draw you under.

Now ask yourself, is +20 to your skills and attributes really worth being literally raped to death then brought back to life by Molag Bal?
just SOVL
Formerly The Fuck Bag
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<----- >>683715207
No, I have the unlimited training mod that actually makes gold valuable and lets me control the rate that I level up
You remind me of my homeland. During the Blight.
You might as well just use the ~ key and save some time if you're going to cheat anyway, you didn't beat the game btw
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For me? It's the Nine Divines.
I think this is still the best armor set in any Bethesda game.
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hlaalu fookin shits
Does tcl count even if I'm only using when I get stuck behind that rock next to the silt strider in Balmora?
Fucking hate Azzan, how was I supposed to know talking to him at a certain point locks you out if an achievement?!
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>tfw Aryon's Helper
The biggest sin of the later Elder Scrolls games is ruining the Enchanting System
explain how you get locked out of an achievment
Oblivion dungeons need help so badly. The quests are so charming it's such a shame.
I hear islamic worship has become increasingly prevalent in the british isles.
it used to be my shop. that's the joke.
Slash and Bash baby. Need some big Orc weapons.
I dislike Oblivion's cities. They're praised by almost everyone, but I fail to see what's so great about them. With the exception of Anvil and the IC (and perhaps Leyawiin) they look uniformly dull.
Even if you do own the dlc I'm pretty sure you can enable or disable each one as you would a mod.
Out to sea. Or maybe niben bay is bigger than portrayed in game and not something you could casually swim across, and you're out in the middl of it.
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I hope sloads are a playable race and you can force yourself upon elven females.
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Be seeing you!
The prey approaches…
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I don't know you, and I don't care to know you.
>get to anvil
>hear about some chicks luring men to their demise
>can't join them
i was so disappointed
sex with dunmer women
sex with argonian women
From best to worst
>Imperial city
dumb phone poster
It isn’t fancy, but it fills you up.
>we want the LOTR audience
it worked ngl
>the count's son sucks skooma in the favela
>…… is the dark grate of the sewer drain where foul and unappetising debris collects. It is the poorest and dirtiest of Cyrodiil's towns, the oldest and shabbiest, the most plagued by criminals, drunkards, and skooma-eaters, and most popular with beastfolk and other foreigners.
Anon did not stutter.
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Literally built for duplication exploits
so, do they drink or smoke or eat skooma? i still don't get it
You smoke moon sugar. Add nightshade to make skooma, which is smoked. Skooma can be processed into a potion, basically reverse freebasing.
right, thanks
wtf. I must have 100s of hours in Oblivion and I've literally never noticed Anvil has a lighthouse or that peninsula.
For whatever reason, I really love breaking in those buildings and stealing stuff. Oblivion, despite its jank and shit combat, has a special place in my heart. I think I am installing it again.
You never did the DB questline? That’s the best one.
I'd like to stick my falanu in her hlaalu if you know what I mean
tall elf girls
Nope. I don't think I've ever done the thieves guild one either. At least not completely.
My usual playthrough is Mages/Fighters Guild, Main Quest, fuck around in dungeons, then quit because level scaling made the game unplayable. I don't think I've done most of the Daedric quests for similar reasons.
it's incredible
What are the best Oblivion coom mods?
That was the same as my main save file. But then I made another character and I had a blast with the sneaky shit. Oblivion’s DB and Thieves guild are some of the best quests in a Bethesda game.
Is Skyblivion it a playable state yet?
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>coom mods
who tho?
are you into terrible animations or something?
It's also where you first meet the Listener in ESO.
You walked up to a porch nigger in central chicago and tried to strike up a conversation. How the fuck did you expect it to go?
I just want to play Oblivion but with good graphics :3
H-how about Beyond Skyrim: Cyrodiil?
play oblivion then
my favorite bar is pretty obscure, you've probably never been there
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Bravil Underground is a DLC expansion tier mod and extremely funny
I did a playthrough not that long ago, at least with the game looking like skyrim and with all the improvements with Skyblivion it will feel like a new experience.
Get out n'wah
I'm actually replaying it right now, but on xbox.
The game's feels just right with controller, but I can't get over the fact that THEY ARE STILL SELLING HORSE ARMOUR FOR SEVERAL DOLLARS.
What the fuck.
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who is this guy?
The thing about computers is that once they're told to do something they generally don't just stop on their own
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I played it on the Xbox 360 when it came out and it blew my mind. The only game I've ever played for 48hrs straight.
I have been playing Oblivion on my Ally and it is exactly what I dreamed that the PSP version of Oblivion could have been back as a teen.
you will soon be able to play Oblivion on your phone thanks to openmw
No thanks. I have played OpenMW on my phone already and (((touch screen controls))) are worse than dying in a desert with no water. And trying to get a controller that can clip on my phone is such a hassle and never works how I want it too. My Ally is far superior to my (((phone))), I only have a (((phone))) because my mother would track me down and skin me alive if I didn't update her via text every few weeks or so.
does oblivion deserve a remaster?
Ah, the hero of Kvatch!
Maybe, but the modders will just do it for us.
Yes, it wouldn't be hard to do, they could use the ESO assets for it.
>Oblivion coom mods
Just get Skyrim, anon.
No, it's not anywhere good enough to warrant that kind of effort.
Chuck's Feed Bag?
Chuck's Fuck Hag
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>little preview of things to come
>is bigger than any town in Skyrim
the ugliest armor in any vidya ever
lmao, it's hideous but as a kid I liked it because I liked lime green
You feeling a little lonely today Pablo?
>L*y*w**n above Anvil AND Chadinhal
no game deserves a remaster or remake
Nhippless Omelian the darkie elf.
What if they redesigned them so that they always remind you of niggers? Just the Qunari in Dragon Age Inquisition.
I agree with House H.
The darkie elves are le bad and need to be punished.
Fallout 3 needs one more than Oblivion
Edgar's Discount Spells is the most based store
Any mods to get rid of the level scaling? I didn't care about it until I saw people talking about it here, and now I can't play it.
don't need mods, just pick skills you won't level much as your major skills, and only sleep to level up when you feel like it
I already played more than 1000 hours like that

You can thank me later anon. Why nobody ever seems to recommend *this* mod, I've no idea.
Thanks, you made my evening

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