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THIS is the game people worship as one of the best written RPGs of all time?
Nope, only trannies like this game
OP has a 3 incher
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Companions and DLCs are the bad parts of NV (although DLCs have their moments). Might as well get custom mod companions or JIP mod and recruit some random NPCs.
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Yes it's well-written by vidya standards. It's exactly the kind of line a woman like Cass would say.
how would you have preferred her to say it?
how many times are you going to make this thread?
3 is better
It's just an actual sequel to the first two games and is better-written than 3, which is a low bar.
Please, it's as much a sequel to 2 as tactics or 3
I'm convinced anyone who doesn't see how much NV references and expands on Fallout 2 hasn't played Fallout 2.
It does but it's still a shitty oblivion mod at the end of the day. It's like saying fallout 3 is a real sequel because it has harold and the enclave
Yep, that's a certified FPBP right there
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>Timmy thinks fallout 3 is the greatest game ever
>Timmy goes on 4chan and is told that fallout 3 fucking sucks
>Timmy grows up to shitpost nonstop about fallout NV
Why are you so offended by dick jokes or raunchy humor?
Be specific.
I understand that NV is a different genre from Fallout 1 and 2, but we both know it was never going to be an isometric RPG. I consider that a moot argument.

NV's spiritual connections to 2 also extend far deeper than just token references or building off Fallout 2's 'lore'. Having Cassidy's daughter, Marcus and the NCR being a major faction isn't the full extent of it.
Look at how New Vegas handled the Super Mutants and the Enclave. The antagonists of both Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 are shown as the remnants of the forces they once were. It respects the actions of the Vault Dweller and the Chosen One enough to have their victories matter to the broader development of the setting. Fallout 3 doesn't do that at all.
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>fucks a nigger soldier if you let NCR win
>long dick
>not long dong
One fucking job.
How did she know? Personal experience?
No, this is a re poast
Are biodrones, owlcucks and lariantrannies really so brainwashed by their glorified dating sims that they thought they were romancing Cass?
It's actually her horse.
Yes it is but to quote Nahtzee
"The best writing video games has to offer compares to books the way a birds penis compares to Shaquille O Neals."
Or something of the sort.
Benny Croshaw is a washed up faggot who never in his entire life had good videogame opinions. His only contribution to the industry is talking fast and making bizarre analogies for giggles. And now that he's no longer an edgelord who'd end a video on
>Then maybe all the races could unite together and work to build a better world! Not that they know what work is, the lazy nigge-[roll credits]
He has lost his last remaining smidge of value.
Nope, I'm Canadian
his NV was embarrassingly bad, though. It's patently obvious he barely played the game before he shat out his review.
No not Yahtzee, Nahtzee. It wqs a video parody but it made some good points.
It was right about video game writing all being shit at least.
>Good mornig, ser, my neim ees Jeims, I'm from Kuabek, Keneda, hau arr you todey? Good, I'm calling you todey becuze of virus in your fone, it's-
Don't care.
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>A leaf
Woah, what mod? Asking for a friend
Looking at the shadow somehow makes it 10x hotter. Why is this?
It was funnier before reddit ran this kind of humor into the ground.
Wtf is this real?
Because watching the actual models fuck is just sad
Her, Sarah, and hookers at Gomorrah and Atomic Wrangler with mods
less janky than the actually animations, I guess
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modlist, I beg, and plead.
because of the implication...
Sometimes less is more, like with the lingerie.
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Because it's kino
I could genuinely jerk off to this, wtf.
I don't remember coomer mods for FNV being this good.
Do you get these from loverslab, or nexus?
is this new age of shitposting here to stay?
when did the trend change to ragebaiting against NV?
loverslab, there aren't even all that many
but why is implied sex hot?
Have more vids? Also, maybe Joana and or other hookers?
>I could genuinely jerk off to this, wtf.
The things I jerked off to from loverslab... I don't even need some pretty model overhauls for it either.
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Only this cass one
Alright. Do one for Joana so you get the triple, blonde, red head and brunette.

Do you have a modlist you could share?
Man, I really need to get into loverslab. I dabbled with it in my skyrim coomer modlist, and now I'm gonna use it for new vegas.
What about the lighting mod? I don't remember seeing NPC shadows this clearly in vanilla.
>I don't even need some pretty model overhauls for it either.
Context can make things hot, even if they're not pretty.
I don't have it installed currently, it's in cold storage as repack, too lazy to boot up my NAS right now and unpack.
I used the viva new vegas as base and just kept adding LL stuff with the occasional nexus gameplay and animation mod.
imagine wanting to date that alcoholic, foul-mouthed, cynical bitch in the first place
I see. I only wanted to know the LL stuff tho you used, and maybe body and outfit mods, the other mods I will do for myself.
It's New Vegas Reloaded, similar to skyrims community shaders but in NV it's superior since ENB is absolute cancer to work with as it ignores UI elements and many other little things.
Penis music fits this webm a little too much
True, she's only for one night stand.
This is good writing, same as Cyberpunk's gonkspeak. On a surface level it's stupid, but underneath it helps to paint the atmosphere and bring characters to life.
It's just sexout with fade to black replacer and mojave pimp for the prostitution stuff.
Body is the default Bouncing Natural Breasts mod, it has a few big outfit packs on the nexus.
The LL stuff is the lightest, there's not a lot unless you want to go full degen with breeding and whatnot.
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Yeah, I know, I played Fort/Tryout before for the kinky degeneracy aspect.
Thanks king, I'll put that in my notes for future reference.
>not "Long Johnson"
>Bouncing Natural Breasts mod
Does it also change face textures?
New age zoomers with shit taste have infested this website and don't like that the old meta was shitting on Skyrim and Fallout 3.
I want to know as well, because I really love using New Vegas Redesigned 2 for NPC faces.
Is there a better choice out there?
no there are overhaul mods for that and also different textures for the body you can use as replacers
his last name is Johnson, its there in the quote.
The base game is broadly okay but Old World Blues is so bad it killed my last playthrough stone dead. Absolutely insufferable.
If you remember them - share.
Dunno, never looked into mods for that before.
It's reddit, only saving grace is that you kind of take over Big MT for yourself and have super cyborg Courier. That fits for Independent or House runs.
In general NV DLCs are kind of bad, even if they have their moments.
So you can keep the vanilla faces, but give every female NPC abs and huge boobs if you want?
I saw it as just tardwrangling some mad scientists for a few hours to get the useful abilities from the appliances.
>fallout new vegas thread
>it's just porn addicted degenerates
why are trans people like this?
Face and body can be modded seperae, yeah.
But the face overhauls will state what body types they are intended for due to texture UVs.
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>Implying that you can't do the same in other games
Picrel is a case of hidden buxom.
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When it comes to writing, the best video games are just a step above Harry Potter. Sometimes you get something like Yakuza 1, a solid B-movie plot.
People like to point to RPGs when it comes to great writing, and yes, some dialogue are nice and all, but RPGs over focus on the dialogue only consequences and too much exposition really drags the genre down. New Vegas is a good example, we have techno-autocracy X archaeofuturistic military fascism X american liberal democracy, but the only things we get from this combat is Ceaser and House spewing their worldview at the player
I don't see anybody harping about a chosen one prophecy or the power of friendship in that screenshot, so genuinely yes
>Fallout 3
>muh clean water
>Fallout 4
>just build a water fountain, lmao
Nah, Bethesda is just shit.
>thousands of billions of mods to make serana from the elder scrolls 5(v) skyrim by the makers of morrowind into your wifeslut fighting while pregnant with nipple clamps from the starting cave to end of the game
>zero mods to mating press cass after she teaches you hwo to make moonshine
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What a faggot, how do you make a anti-player character like Ulysses appear to be a shining light in darkness when you try to make the same point about how your actions having consequences.
You could just install sex mods and do it yourself.
Unless you also need dialogue romance mod on top of it or something
>fallout 1
>muh water chip
>fallout 2
>just have a bunch of water chips, lmao
this is how you sound
F2 is kind of shit as well, desu.
It's like somebody made the decision to make OWB to be bloated as shit in dialogue, scale, and combat encounters. Why is it that every time I'm fighting three lobotomites a tribe of the fucking things comes over?
>fallout 1
>both you the player and you the character have no idea how small you really are and how small your problems are and eventually wake up from a small vault to the huge world
>fallout 2
>you the player and you the character are more knowledgeable and just get a reference to how small your mindset was before
>and you have fun being a 17 year old 10 cha sex machine(girl)

do you get it?
>My father was pretty MYSTERIOUS, he was almost a STRANGER. Sort of a...MYSTERIOUS STRANGER...
Did you play the game? The entire game through the world design, locations, and side quests conveys the greater narrative around the dam and the consequences of each of the factions. The exposition from talking to those leaders is a fraction of the way the story is conveyed.
Vault City having a million water chips that they received via shipping error is intentional dark humor, that builds on how Vault 13 was fucked over by Vault Tec incompetence.
The Sole Survivor being able to shit out a thousand water purifiers across the Commonwealth, after the Lone Wanderer had to kill himself to turn on 1, was just stupid game design.
No, the water situation was just unique to DC
>Desert with a water crisis
>Highest annual rainfall location in the United States water crisis
DC is a meme. It's a grey dead wasteland. There should be no people there. At least in 76 they added more plant life.
But desu, Fallout is not a realistic setting in that regard and in how radiation or mutation work.
>decide to get implants in fallout1
>game over
As the capital of the USA, Washington DC should have been turned into a hole in the ground.
How? Did you not have enough endurance, did you run out of time while your character was recovering, or what?
>All those samefag "fpbp" posts
Removal of the ip count has rendered this board practically useless
They should bring it back and add thread IDs and geographical flags.
> did you run out of time while your character was recovering
to be fair, Fo3's map encompasses far more than DC. The scale is way off, but the NW part of the map is all the way in Pennsylvania
>the vault dweller joined the 40%
At least with those you don't get this blatant same-fagging that makes it pointless to talk about anything
Shit has gotten so bad here since they removed the count
>t. little dick larry
Really? It didn't feel that big, probably because the scaling is off, as you said.
that too
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She's raunchy sleazy rough and tumble whiskey drinking liver cancer having tomboy cowgirl. This is exactly the type of dialogue I would expect from her character.

If you've even gone hunting with a bunch of blue-collar guys they talk exactly like this, even more so when they start doing shots alongside their 5 beers.

And why should I care what other people think?

Undertale is also one of the best videogames of all time btw and I'm tired of pretending it's not.
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okay we all know it was long
but was it thick
what if like, he had a noodledick
can you even call that a long dick
>Red Lucy
Bring her eggs so that she gives you her eggs, if you get what I mean.
I can't believe they didn't let you sleep with her. Why are so many games written by asexuals?
>blue ui
It is a spiritual sequel to Van Buren.
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Trannies are also known to like breathing air. So you better stop breathing air, tranny.
That's the subtext. Cass didn't fuck Johnson, she probably heard about him while out on the road with her caravan like any blue collar worker would banter and gossip about.
A better career choice for Cass.

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