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Now that it's had some time to percolate, was it really THAT bad?
It's pretty empty, but I prefer it to any souls game.
good combat, literally everything else ranged from objectively shit (enemy variety, dungeon variety, exploration reward variety, clearly unfinished MQ) to just being passable but completely forgettable (quests in general, characters/NPCs, overall environment design)
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No, but it enraged far too many CPUlets (third worlders) like >>683710392 and >>683710751 so they will tell you "yes" out of butthurt. The only real problems are the 4 skills limit instead of 6 like the OG and too many fucking goblins.
Rather than bad, it wasn't as big enough of an improvement on the first game, and was even worse in several ways.
I liked it but it needed more enemy types.
just keep posting it
I'm sure we'll find out in the next thread you make tomorrow.
Worst thing I played this year.
dragon's dogma was never good
but enough about FF7 Redditbirth
Fair enough. Second worst thing I played this year.
I expected it to be amazing but it was simply OK, so it's bad
Holy based
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I had my 200h hours of fun. Too bad the game is mediocre at best, it has so much potential.
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>Souls games out of nowhere
Found it very disappointing with some good mechanics and ideas. Irritated that it was hyped up as “the game I always wanted to make” by Itsuno because it honestly feels like it’s missing a lot. Do not like how the movement feels less snappy with more heavily mocapped animations integrated. But I wouldn’t have minded it as much if the content was up to the standards I had.
There's really no excuse for the game being worse in almost all ways than DA.
Imagine getting completely mogged and overshadowed by a DLC
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I hate nu-Capcom's dithering so fucking much bros
>random letters
>schizo image
honey, your bot broke?
They made every art asset and system from scratch, sorry you only play asset flips.
I honestly don't know why this game wasn't more popular. I thought normalfags liked empty open worlds. Not enough ubichores to do?
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There is, it's a vanilla game with no DLC.
DA version is the full package with DLC and it was sold at pennies compared to DD2, it's simply an unfair and malicious comparision. DD2 is objectively 70% better than vanilla DD1, period.
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DD2 reputation got immediately raped and curbstomped at release by the last minute MTX implementation (self-sabotage) by Crapcom's marketing team + the Crysis tier performance struggles
e-celebs who never played the game sicc'd they're rabid fanbases on the game then apologized after the damage was done.

This game has
>cut story content that offers a nonsensical & bad storyline past a certain point
>good gameplay but nothing groundbreaking (especially if you've played DDDA)
>good map exploration that falls flat once you realise the majority of weapons/armor are sold by vendors instead of being found in dungeons, and that the only worthy thing to discover is the Sphinx
>bad performances considering what is offered visually or in terms of NPC AI
It's the biggest waste of potential I've sever seen and it's absolutely NOT worth 70$.
I saw a black person in the trailer so I was smart enough to not buy it
all of twatter and youtube's e-celebs dogpiling to parrot lies on DD2 for clout money was beyond depressing, even more so when you consider that DD2 real problems have been drowned out by the fake problems in a cicle of dumb slander and not fixing the actual issues
>coping about DD2s objectively shit lack of content by comparing it to the 12 year old first game

LMAO. The enemy variety especially is absolute garbage for a $70 AAA game. There's objectively no excuse for how bare bones the game is. Even by capcoms usual standards of cutting content to sell later as mtx or dlc, they really put in absolute minimal effort with this. You gotta be mentally ill to defend them.
thats every game this year.
i c wut u did ther
The amount of gaslighting surrounding this game was nuts.
>"We all expected a half-assed remake of DD1 and here's why its a good thing!"
Niggers even had the audacity to claim the removal of something basic like armor-layering is a good thing.

I love Dragon's Dogma (DA) but I hope all you fans and that hack Itsuno get cancer.
I don't think it's even the lack of content the issue. That can be added later. It's the gameplay itself that is fundamentally flawed to the core.
The game is full of camping sites to fully restore a way too lenient and casual loss gauge system, and in the unmoored world you'll have 29472937287*e^27 wakestones unless you are a truly dogshit player.
Dragon's Dogma 1 was too easy but I remember the pain of being tossed by Cyclops, or occasionally mauled by a Garm. DD2 removed those little spikes of challenge and the only true threat to the Arisen is approaching a bang of mobs without more pawns and getting stunlocked by pebbles.
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All the overblown "enemy variety" complaints really come from the fact they fucking spammed goblins all over the fucking overworld, you can't make 100 steps without having 13 goblins almost literally dive into your asshole (while getting perma-staggered)

Holy fucking JESUS
Cool, now I know who to send packages of dead animals to once Capcom announces there won't be any DLC or any more DD in general.
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Good combat and character building but I missed several skills from the first game and felt the character building was better in the first game as well.
Dungeons were alright, about to be expected. Overworld was very good generally but needed more landmarks akin to the first game.
Quests were middling to bad, story and characters pretty awful. First game was bad as well in that regard but DD2 managed to be worse.
Overall I'd still put at about the same if not slightly better than the vanilla first game with DDDA being better. Still very disappointing.
No, its a fine game, it is massively underwhelming though, thats the real problem. It lifted problems directly from DD1 and didnt learn anything, and the result is a fairly average game unfortunately. You cant just be "good" today, its not enough, you have ER and BG3 releasing around it, people expected much better than what they got.
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This is what retarded cope looks like.
After DDDA, the devs know what works and what doesn't. Unmoored world is better than DDDA but it comes at the very end, which begs the question as to why the hell the rest of the game wasn't on that level. There is no excuse.
You have to send a lot of packages to tons of /v/-celebs on twatter and youtube, then
I'd be happy to.
Shut your shit caked cum canal you shameless fucking slut.
>durr dd2 is bettur den base dd1
You may have had a point but there's one big fat glaring issue when you dumbfucks say this. Even before ddda came along DD1 had a post game. Dd2 does not. It has a ending segment.
>evil eye
>abilities and skills outright butchered
Tell me more about how the rotten sludge masquerading as a sequel is better than the first. Not that anyone with a brain would expect you to, because objectively you can't.
what could have been, man. It hurts.
This is such a stupid thing too when you see how they've implemented a system that would make for a better armor layering system.
It's worse than DD1
I don't know what that word means.
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The hope is the expansion adds the "good half" of the game, Capcom has been doing that shit with their games for a long time. Like the expansion could add reasons to do NG+ and actually effect the base game, with things like more difficulties and armours, and even though its not official, having more monsters via DLC means adding them to the mod pool where you can mod them to show up in the base game as well.

Thats one thing DD2 has over DD1, its actually quite easy to mod, for me this is one of those games I want to come back to years later and play it only with a bunch of completed mods, like I wouldnt touch Elder Scrolls games without mods, I wouldnt touch DD2 without mods. Simple stuff like random encounters and random chests adds so much to the game in terms of exploring.
It's just extremely mediocre. Doesn't feel glaringly bad to play or anything (aside from the performance issues) but it's a complete wet fart in terms of a sequel. For every improvement it has, there are two things it does worse. And somehow it carries over a bunch of the same flaws
never understood the remake meme
You and I both know Crapcom pushed this unfinished game out so they can please le investors and get more investor shekels, it's evident they get far more money from those investors than if the game were solid and sold 10 millions or something.

Still a better game, but a worse product.
>evil eye
combined into sphinx

combined into drake


added to harpy variants

knackers and choppers

retconned into warfarer + new vocation

>abilities and skills outright butchered
not defending this, but wrong.
>capcom shits out another RE demake
>this is fine
>capcom shits out another ugly SF
>this is fine
>capcom shits out a sequel to DD
>now we have standards for some reason?
interesting dialogue around this game, I have to say
Game is good just needs hard mode, speedrun mode, and BBI equivalent
Feels like stuff was excluded solely so they wouldn’t have to make too much for DLC though
I thought it was pretty good. Maybe like a 6.75 out of 10. I got to bonk monsters on the head with a big mace and carry around a lady with a big ass. I didn't walk into it with very lofty expectations since I played the first game at launch back then too.
is there a mod to enable 3d world positioning/environmental effects for the pawns dialogue (like with normal NPCs)? I hate that they can be far away and they still sound like they're stood right beside you, talking straight into your ear with studio clarity. It's just really immersion breaking and gives uncanny valley vibes.

Whoever decided this and the "your pawn is down" ALARM sound that plays through your controller was a good idea... I have genuine questions as to how they gained professional employment within game development.
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It wasn't bad at all. It was great. The problem is that it was ONLY great and not what DDfags wanted as a followup. This is what we wanted. Instead, we got a bunch of shitty corridors slapped together and called a world. There was maybe 20% of the world map in DD2 I really enjoyed exploring whereas I have fond memories or all parts of the DD world map, and dreams of this one here.
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see >>683713142 >>683713168 >>683713726 while considering that none of these jackals ever cared about Dragon's Dogma (a literal who franchise at the end of the day), unlike fucking STREET FIGHTER and RESIDENT FUCKING EVIL, which are legendary and nostalgia heavy franchises. That's your explanation.
>combined into sphinx
That's not a good point
>combined into sphinx
I can't tell if this is an attempt at a joke or actual mental retardation.
I meant to say sphinx and medusa. Also like most good things, DD2 got patched into the ground. On release, you could not make a new character, so if you were under prepared for a fight you'd either had to fight your way out of what felt like a soft lock with absolutely zero advantage, or rest at an inn. Fleeing wasn't really possible as enemies had infinite tracking.
It's a 6/10. I had a good time with it. I really liked the combat, I enjoyed exploring the new world more than the old one, I was disappointed with there not being more enemy types to kill, I was hoping for a more interesting variety of new vocations (would have liked a monk class).

Shame we won't be getting any new content because of the jewtubers.
RE4 Remake has fantastic gameplay and so does SF6. SF6 also has hot girls as well as ugly alien looking ones. You sound like a retarded third worlder.
>Good combat
I disagree
>it was great
It's a 6/10 where discourse died out the same week it was released and the game left no impact on gaming whatsoever.

It even killed off the /v/ DD community which has shitposted for over 10 years now. Now gone.
I just wanted difficulty and more of what DD1 had. The problem is they kindof went backwards on some of the shit I wished they expanded upon
>reduced customization, armours are even more restricted by class, as well as having less armour slots to play with
This is a game about customizing and sharing characters, like why can you not change the color of stuff in this but they added that as a thing you can do in Monster Hunter. In DD1 the surcoat had 4 variants of different colors, DD2 has 1...they couldve just had a color system to have these other armours and have more variety for players to mess with
>classes were not expanded upon at all
I expected more abilities and features, at this point if they made DD3 they are just going to lift the exact same classes and abilities and drop them into that game without adding anything new to them, which is fucking lame
>LESS enemy variety
>no reason for NG+ at all
>lacks difficulty options or scaling so the game gets way too easy too fast
>writing got worse
And I liked the game, it is just so underwhelming, to the point where if the expansion isnt monumentally impressive I am done with DD. Its just average at best and doesnt seem like it wants to get better. At thius point I expect DD3 will just have no customization at all and when you pick an armour you pick a whole outfit, and you play a prescribed character who talks. They have no idea where to take DD in terms of improvement.
Hey bucko, I wasn't gonna outline this because it should be glaringly fucking obvious to even the dimmest moron on this site. But you notice how I never referenced any content from DDDA? Its cause I was emphasizing how much the base game from over a DECADE ago has compared to the sequel. But you're trying to actually excuse the shit sequel so congratulations. You surpass my expectations for how absolutely fucking moronic dipshits can be now of days.
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>It even killed off the /v/ DD community which has shitposted for over 10 years now. Now gone.
It was a collective, tactical retreat out of shame because the TORtanic discordtrannies who hated DD for a whole decade basically won the lottery.
But we will come back with the 10/10 expansions that will be released in 2025. Surely.
Trust the plan.
No but it was a massive disappointment and a downgrade from the first in most ways. It absolutely isn't worth the money and feels like a soulless cash grab.
You're the retard saying unmoored world, which entirely changes the entire map of the game into a post-apocalyptic hellscape, is not post-game. I am putting literally nothing past you.
I really wish there were more games with combat like DD but now we're not going to get anymore because jewtube decided they were not okay with the same mtx they ignored in DMC5 and RE4. Ain't that some shit.
This reads like a post made by someone more concerned with meta shitposting than actually playing games.

>The problem is they kindof went backwards on some of the shit I wished they expanded upon
Yes. Not building on a lot of 1's strengths or giving us what they originally planned for 1 was the problem.
I too am copin, in hope that this was all worth it when the expansion is great. At this point though, I dont even want to speculate on what they could do, given what speculation lead to with the base game. I expect the bare minimum of what we have already seen, so a BBI clone with a hard mode added(that isnt hard), do not expect more than that, but that alone could be fun still, as 90% of any players time is in BBI, so if they pull that off maybe it will be ok in the end.
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don't care, had a blast
The only improvements are the physics engine. Everything else is either the same, or like in most cases, straight up worse. Just because you love doing the same boring shit doesn't mean it's good.
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>more concerned with meta shitposting than actually playing games.
It's not a matter of disagreeing. You're a third world shitposter who hasn't played the games.
I disagree
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I don't need to play a game to have an opinion on it.
I'll take good vidya over shitposting any day of the week, but we still "lost" a /v/core game at the end of the day, and with it we lost some board culture as well.
Stop replying to yourself you fucking loser. Christ.
You can give your play character and pawn fat fucking asses and make them over 6'5 and put them in tight panties.

My pawn is basically Noi from Dorohedoro by as en elf paladin and people give me all these rare gives and fully kit her out in the most expensive armor in the game. It's incredible.
Dissapointing is the better word. People expected it to capitalize on the only thing DD1 got right with DA. Dungeon Crawling. They double downed on the open world meme but the game still felt shallow besides that. It really just felt like a remake of 1.
It's a game for true pimps.
DD is DS for noobs who didn't git gud
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B A S E D, this is how you unironically enjoy DD2
I made a huge, muscular white tiger amazon furry bitch and had, forgive the play on words, many BLASTS
Really? Which country are you from?

That ain't me, chief.
It wasn't as good as DA but I had more fun with it than Elden Farts
so true and epic xD
drake sword FTW >:)
gwyn best sad character EVER :D
I'm from Disagreestan
Same, surprisingly! I was much more hyped for Elden Ring.
>it has so much potential
Clearly it doesn’t because we said that about the last game and look where 10 years later got us
Mine was a short, stacked and vaguely east asian woman with a big braid lol. Very popular pawn for some reason
I liked this game a lot but I like open-world ARPGs in general even when they're not that good.
Terrible story, terrible exploration gutted vocations
No secondary weapons
Oh boy do I love exploring the same exact cave 70 times
Once you reach the bakbattahl the game is pretty much over and all the story shit you did doesn't matter
Trannies will cope and say performance is a non issue but that's just a small drop in the shallow puddle the engine itself can't even handle multiple NPCs on the screen which accounts for the terrible pop-in
it was censored so I didn't even play it.
>but we still "lost" a /v/core game at the end of the day
What in the absolute fuck are you talking about? DD is still beloved here.
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>wait 10 years for the sequel to one of my favourite games
>it has denuvo
>guess I can wait another year or two
I can assure you will play a better game if you wait for some real patches to drop and for shitnuvo to go
I like it. Got 3 full playthroughs and some change before ER dlc dropped, and I didn't even get into modding it yet. Looking to do a randomiser save later.
I did 7 playthroughs of DD in 3 years, but I really don't have any desire to replay DD2. The world is too much of a slog.
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I haven't played it but it seems it's lacking content

If they release a big expansion like Shadow of Erdtree with more skills and they release more quality of updates, it could be great
>I haven't played it
Then don't comment on it.
Refer to >>683717523.
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For something that copied Witcher 3 quite a lot they somehow forgot to also copy the monster variety. The lack of new monsters is completely unacceptable, I love DD because what seperates it from Monster Hunter is you have all these low and mid tier creatures that isn't just a dragon or dinosaur. I was expecting way more unique monsters in all these places like angry living trees, some kind of bridge troll with big tusks, a swamp thing in the misty marshes. No instead you get shit recycled over from the first game. And the new shit they actually DID put in like the Dullahan and skeleton lord are so rare, out of sight, put on the end game volcano islans and one of them is on a timer that disappears after sunrise (it spawns just before sunrise at night)
well you can do a trillion things to each DD enemy, but you can't in witcher, so it makes sense. i can't imagine how annoying to implement the climbing mechanic was.

This here was the problem. Itsuno had a second chance to make what he originally envisioned and instead he's on record as saying he'd essentially "moved on" from that and was just doing something else. So all of the lessons he should have learned from the original release and from Kinoshita's Dark Arisen were pretty much tossed out so he could start over from scratch, meaning we basically got Dragon's Dogma 2.0 instead of Dragon's Dogma 2. It's still a really good game; the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, but it didn't live up to a decade of fan expectation, and there's no reason it couldn't have.
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>still doing this over four months after release

Another day, another Shazamfag thread.


>Pass Date
/DD cultists/i
/no co-op/i
/Dragons Dogshit/i
/Dragons SHITma/i
/Dragons Slopma/i
/Dogma 1.2/i
/Dogma 1.5/i
/Dogma 0./i
/pause healing/i
/9 voc/i
/9.5 voc/i
/only 9/i
/only 10/i
/meme vocation/i
/is a meme/i
/are a meme/i
/buy an ad/i
/no lolis/i
/no new/i
/loli I'm not/i
/no buy/i
/no layered/i
/enemy variety/i
/What went wrong/i
/how fucked am I/i
/give it to me straight/i
/piss fucking easy/i
/piss easy/i
/12 years/i
/It's over/i
/so over/i
/went so wrong/i
/fucking over/i
/creature diversity/i
/I don't know bros/i
/one save file/
/1 button /i
/20 hours/i
/22 hours/i
/27 hours/i
/40 hours/i
/awesome is the kino/i
/lazy cashgrab/i
/my hype for/i
/where is the hype/i
/the less I'm hyped./i
/no longer hyped/i
/losing traction/i
/30 fps/i
Don't get me wrong thr climbing and combat is the supporting foundation of this game. But the lack of anything really new in a supposed larger sequel is what really just fucking sucks. The entire Battahl continent what's the point of it if there's not any NEW monsters? It's the same shit we've already seen just reskinned, not a SINGLE desert and arabic themed enemy. There's not even a mummy, HOW COULD THERE BE NO MUMMIES?!
>there's no reason it couldn't have.
really the best way to put it.

I honestly can't even fucking tell if you're for or against the game with this
>For something that copied Witcher 3
Fucking what? How?

>This here was the problem. Itsuno had a second chance to make what he originally envisioned and instead he's on record as saying he'd essentially "moved on" from that and was just doing something else.
No, he literally said that the biggest inspiration for DD2 was DD1 but being able to do all the stuff they couldn't when making DD1. Then they didn't actually do that stuff, and even watered it down from DD1's final product in some ways. That was the problem.
>not a SINGLE desert and arabic themed enemy.
Or Arabic themed NPCs. Just cat people and niggers. Even the first game had the Arabic innkeep.
>Needs to curate discussion THIS much or else his feelings will be too hurt
I am ambivalent towards it, I am against a retard obsessed with the game enough to make daily threads about it for months.
get fucked Neusch
>I expect the bare minimum of what we have already seen, so a BBI clone with a hard mode added
IMAGINE this guy's disappointment when he finds out the DLC is just more open world zones dotted with recolored goblins and it doesn't add a hard mode.
Probably the worst fuckin game I have ever played.
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Music, third person shoulder view, it's horrendous story focusing on goT court shit.
>third person shoulder view
I hope you're just pretending.
Eh, it was good for one playthrough. But i feel no reason to replay it considering how much of a slop traveling was. You'd fight the same enemies over and over again every ten feet outside the cities. Plus the main storyline was over rather quickly, and the end game was short as well.
That would be below bare minimum though anon, what were expecting is just BBI again, and nothing more than that. If it is just open world recolors of the base game then DD is dead to me.
Theres absolutely no excuse for poor optimization
Are you Reiinabae's husband?
Autistic mother fucker you just need to let it go. Games said and done til they add more if they ever will.
For a new player to the series or just a non-fan it's probably a 6.5/10
For someone who enjoyed dd1 it's probably a 7.5 to 8.5/10

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