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>black rabbit brotherhood creative gank fight with each add jumping in individually while you have to focus down the boss. no BS and no healing, the health they have is what they get and if you die it's on you >leda just make them all jump the player at once with infinite stamina and constant rot pot spam. also boss health for each one with extra heals on top of constant magic spam that will one shot you nice bosses until you are forced to play their amateurish gank fights, how can a souls clone do it much better than from themselves? there is 0 thought put into this, it's just about random bullshit go by being jumped by 5 npcs at once, no coherence or depth at all. the laziest shit i've seen elden ring pull so far. from should contact the devs from LoP for the gank fights as from has no fucking idea what they are even doing
the developers very clearly want you to summon for the leda fight and if you do that the fight is completely fine

>b-b-but if i summon i haven't beaten the game
get over yourself faggot
That's not how you use greentext "sis". Lurk a few more years before posting.
i didn't need to summon shit in the LoP gank fight, but then again there was thought put into it
no one even wrote "sis" you retarded illiterate faggot
>the obvious intended strategy
>n-no i dont want to so its bad because i suck
it's bad because there is no thought put into it just like in your peanut brain. having 5 npcs with infinite stamina and all of them having boss health and heals on top is not putting thought into a gank fight, do yourself a favor and play LoP so you can experence actual well desiigned gank fights and not something from scrapped together in 5 minutes
Leda's fight is absolute trash, but it's obvious that it's meant to be a brawl between fighters. Problem is that From is so shit at writing it just comes off like Leda read the script and now a bunch of morons are willing to die trying to kill a guy who has wholesale slaughtered gods.
whatever you are complaining about wouldnt be a problem if you simply used the strategy the developer intended
>Black Rabbit Brotherhood
>Built up ahead of their area
>When you reach them they have an obvious presence and taunt you as you move through their turf
>They're all dynamic, leaping from rooftop to rooftop or slamming doors and portcullis to bar your way
>Hinged on P's development as a character and related to the world's setting
>Their boss fight is them toying with you until you kill their brother and they flee in frustration
>Final showdown they go all-out, using buffs and fighting in tandem to throw off your timing
>Phase 2 their brother has been resurrected with Alchemy, showing why they're back and fighting with the villain

>Leda's whatever
>A gang of seeming misfits, none of which existed previous to the DLC
>Members like Thiollier are straight up useless or they serve no purpose other than to hand out maps like the nameless hornsent, or challenge the player pointlessly like the Dryleaf monk that says nothing
>Ansbach is the only one with any actual agency
>Get near the fortress as Grace tells you to go and it breaks 2/3rds of what little dialogue they have
>They all fuck off to go their own way and Leda turns into a psychotic moron who can't accomplish a single thing without the player despite her lore being some hyper-competent Miquellan Knight
>The most dynamic of them is Freyja, who kneels down and recites the same bit of dialogue over and over against through three floors of a massive fortress so that the player knows she's near
>All of them but Ansbach accomplish literally nothing and have no agency other than what you or Leda tell them to do, then they die or go crazy
>p-please pay attention to OP's thread, who is totally not me btw
LMAO, into page 11 you go.
anons's first greentext kek
>why yes I am a mentally ill discordtroon, how could you tell?
seek help, faggot OP
>Greentexts properly
>Completely different complaints
Yeah they're same person.
>discordtranny still trying…
>something something dick-ripped DaS3 is amazing
The Fromdrone discord hyper-fixation will never not be funny.
>Members like Thiollier are straight up useless
That's probably the worst example you could have given, Thiollier is straight up probably the best developed member of the group outside of Leda herself, fucker is tied to one of the most lore important side quests in the DLC.
>discordtranny nigger samefagging its dead thread
what about the second Black Rabbit fight where they all come at you at once
I solod the fight pretty easily, I don't know what op is bitching about. They don't even get summoned all at once, it's staggered so you can pretty easily focus them down one at a time until Dryleaf gets summoned and refuses to die, fucking faggot ass weeb shit character. Even then though you can pretty easily handle two npcs at once in this game.
Leda’s fight wasn’t designed to be solo’d.
Not that it makes it a good fight, but that’s still one of the most blatant examples of a boss designed with npc summoning in mind.
>They don't even get summoned all at once
you get like 5 seconds before the next one is summoned and good luck killing them one at a time before the next one jumps in when they all have like 30k HP
>both fights are the worst fights in both games
What did God mean by this?
why do tranny faggots like lies of piss so much?
they don't jump at you at once, the others are passive 90% of the time
because it's a good game and unlike from they know how to do gank fights? what a dumb question.

>why do people like breathing

no one aside your faggot kin cares about this soulless plastic gook game.
apparently people cared because it was well received, stay seething retarded faggot
>well received
as was elden ring and its expansion.
>good game and expansion was well received
and? what`s even your point faggot?
my point is that lies p is a soulless gook game.
yea I agree
maybe if the devs put more effort into the game it could be discussed here more often, without having to make a ragebait thread for engagement haha...
>didn't summon
Ah that explains it. This boss is absolutely kino if you summon the blood dude and use a spirit ash. It makes it a 3v4.
>they take forever to kill
Build issue

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