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Should Valve remove the ability to review games ? it honestly seems like it does more harm then good.
Refunds would kill them.
Not like it made a difference for Overwatch. The people who were going to play it already play it on the blizzard launcher regardless of what steam review says.
not a single person has ever made a decision based on steam User Reviews
>Bad game
>Gets poor reviews
why not ? most reviews are toxic and have nothing to do with the actual gameplay of the game. its just become another outlet for Entitlement.
Because you're brown.
>Should Valve remove the ability to review games
it's the greatest thing on steam and a major part of it's success, it's here to stay
No blizzard should just make a good game
I have never wanted to give a bad review for a game I enjoy playing.
i did actually, multiple times
harm to who?
any talk of "entitlement" goes out of the window once you start asking people for money
kill yourself
i realy like that the scale isn't some bland good/bad
>overwhelmingly negative
i like the sound of it
shlorp corpo
If they were basically any other big game company they would have. But valve has at least some integrity.
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the fact of the matter is that its a free market, if you hate a game you can simply choose to fucking not buy it
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it's quite informative to me, since mixed or below makes one really enquire about what the "perceived" problems of the game are
even if they put out a demo, and even if their demo is promising, only reviews and videos can tell you how shit plays out in the long run
there's always some kind of reason behind even the purely vitriolic "reviews"
Starfield user reviews:
>Best game ive ever played 10/10 Todd Howard is the undisputed genius of gaming
(Product received for free)
i can't tell if OP is baiting or if he's a legit brain damaged retard
>team starts losing
>switch to phara
How do you know if you hate the game before you buy it? If you wanna give all your players unlimited no questions asked refund windows then go ahead and remove reviews.
I always use the steam reviews. That many people can't be wrong
And I can just as well tell others that it is shit. That is also part of the free market.
>How do you know if you hate the game before you buy it?
maybe dont buy video games then, i dont understand why its so difficult for people this dissatisfied with video games in general to simply leave the hobby
i'll argue that they can, still more reliable that anything else tho
But I'm not dissatisfied with videogames in general. Just some of them. The bad ones.
When I see shit like Helldivers get high ratings I know I can instantly avoid it because it's normalfag trash.
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>shut up goyim and eat your slop
A1 you commie rat. If you don't like it move to china or russia.
Oh shit it's a frog. Kinda makes sense though.
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>release shit games that you use dishonesty to market to people
>steam restricts reviews to people who buy the game
>these people warn other potential players that the game is shit en masse
No OP, I do not think that, I don't think it at all.
I trust my instincts first but it's pretty reliable, more or less, anything that is "very positive" ranges from mediocre to good, you have to be quite shit to catch "mixed"
you'd be surprised
Are you some sort of failed dev that got salty his game was called shit? No one from the consumer side ever had a problem with user reviews, In fact, they're often more reliable than "professional" video game reviewers.
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OP didnt reply back, must be true
I don't see the issue with a bad game getting a bad review ratio.
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Reddit ass take. Go cry about Trump in unrelated subreddits.
Then dont read them? Big bitch
wait you cant turn reviews off?
Trump supports Capitalism, the same system that allows companies to release games you think are shit
that's right, trust the metacritics bros
i use it but i only read the negative reviews
>Overwhelming Negative
>Still has almost 40k people playing just on Steam
I doubt Blizzard is losing sleep from these reviews.
corporate cocksucker, it's literally the closest thing that can give actual meaning to "vote with your wallet", sometimes it even worked, see when they shat down Overkill's throat when they changed Payday 2's policy on crates
I always read the negative reviews before buying a game just in case there's some deal breaker to be aware of (always online DRM etc.)
i do
Good thing they just unionized, now blizzard can't fire them!
Journalists are even more entitled. Why let them review? Much less be the only one allowed to if you ban user reviews
Every negative review should subtract a million dollars from blizzard.
Yes, even ones from games they don't control.
kys faggot
overwatch 2 is a f2p game. 40k is nothing.
counterstrike has 1,26M players right now. that's where Blizzard would want to be. you really think they wouldn't like to be making a lot of money because they're currently making a little money?
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You should not be able to review games, if you dont have atleast 2 hours (120 minutes) playtime
Thats all you have to do
This is a fact
dont (you) me, you know I'm right
ive skipped many games based on reviews
they ussually explain whats wrong and if the dev abandoned the game or point out something broken thats not fixed, etc

i dont even know if the review is pos or neg, i just read the main ones at the top
and ill check the forum to also see if theres posts aboot how bad things are
doent matter how interesting the game looks if theres fucked up things with it
>had a bad meal? maybe just don't buy food then. just make sure to not tell anybody where you ate that bad meal because that would make you entitled.
Corpo shill. Go die in a fire.
>Should Valve remove the ability to review games ?
no you ESL retard
>it honestly seems like it does more harm then good.
Free speech is like poison to bad actors and shit companies, that's why it's good.
But coomers told me that the game is saved and fixed now that they added D.Va 3.0
Bullshit. I always make sure to read a good handful of negative reviews before I decide to purchase a game I'm interested in.
Capitalismsissies... he's right... this would never happen under vidya communism...
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>review multiplayer game
>there is literally 2 people online and no matches
>keep in mind you cannot play it without anyone to play it with
>it's never had more than a dozen people playing outside of it's launch
Are we ready to forgive blizzard?
>counterstrike has 1,26M
Counter Stike is ONLY on Steam. OW2 is on 5 different platforms.
>40,000 (huge assumption considering people don't play hero shooters on console) x 5 = 200,000 players
Still ass lol
yes, child, I will (you) you, because you have been instructed, many thousands of times, that 2 hours is the refund limit and being able to let people know why you refunded it is a valid reason for a negative review. To think otherwise would be your delusions speaking.
Enjoy prison.
Anytime I see game with overwhelming rating. I question if it's really that good. Because I been fooled before.
i mean for some games that don't apply
i wouldn't value the opinion of someone that have less than 200 hours on monster hunter
can't realy compromise here
Name even one good reason to do this.
>Abloo stop the count I'm losing abloo
>considering people don't play hero shooters on console
whew whee lad, not to defend shitwatch but you're really just talking right out of your ass
well PUBG is on a lot of platforms and has 600k on Steam. Apex has 215k on Steam.
I'm sure Blizzard is not just happily counting money if all their competitors are blowing them out of the water.
While I'm sure you're just a lazy troll...
Consumers should be "entitled." They are the end user. A product should do everything they want and expect. Capitalism should breed fulfilled consumers, or there's a market opening for someone to do what they do better.
Giving the masses a venue to channel their rage stops them from doing it in other ways
Toxic positivity is more harmful than whatever’s going on here, you’re more likely to get shit products
You're missing the battle net players which is where the overwhelming majority play Overwatch, too.
fuck off epicjeet
Bro they let youtubers bot the reviews for TF2, I don't think they care.
I always check reviews. Based on the rating you can generally tell if something is up and read comments to find out specifics. They're incredibly useful if you filter out the garbage reviewers.
probably true, but no business intent on money likes to have their product showcased next to glaring red NEGATIVE USER REVIEWS on one of the main gaming platforms.
are you aware how crucial shit like tripadvisor is to restaurants? this is no different.

to think Blizzard is just ignoring the effect the reviews have on their bottom line is literal middle schooler nihilism. the corpos man... they don't care... nothing you can do will change anything...
I have
KYs kikes
Every year, Madden is rated one of the worst games of the year, and every year, it's also among the best-selling games of the year. Reviews only harm smaller games that need good press to survive. The only time reviews tank a big IP is when the publisher actively treats their fanbase like shit. OW2 is a bad game, but at the very least, Blizzard isn't going around calling you a bitch for not liking it.
No never.
Specially not Chinese reviews.
what, never?
I don't know anon, last I checked people hate the game because of the change in monetization and considering new characters were locked behind a fucking season pass I'd say it's a pretty valid argument that your gameplay is impacted based on monetization changes that lead to negative reviews. Also you are a fucking retarded mongrel if you think that reviews can only be based on gameplay and nothing else, considering presentation and story are a huge focus of many fucking games.
No but they should remove curators
Yes. Never.
Madden has the popularity of real-world NFL and an exclusive license to bank on. Overwatch has neither. Madden or EA sports games in general are not comparable to your average video game. It's not just about size. Overwatch 2 could've easily had way, way more than 40k players on Steam right now.
I'm entitled to products I'm purchasing. Negative reviews are not the final nail in the coffin for me but I will search why exactly community decided to bomb the game and make a decision based on validity of complaints.
remove? no, but they do need a "neutral" review, I think positive/negative is not very helpful.
Some games have niche problems like too much DLC or always online service which alone shouldn't give a negative view, but it should warn potential buyers.
No, they actually should bring back the percentage of how useful each review was, at least as an opt-in
I'd say at most 50k instead of 40k. Maybe even 55k. The negative reviews are deserved because of the broken promises alone.
>uninronically using the word "toxic"
Show boobs if bio female or hang yourself if pretending to be one.
The problem with Steam reviews is that the only thing they're actually useful for is airing grievances with a scoreboard that everyone gets to see. It's basically upvotes and downvotes. I have never once read a review, positive or negative, and come away with a better picture of the game or how it would mesh with my tastes. And in pretty much every "overwhelmingly negative" situation, the reviews don't even discuss the game at all.

I don't care if they remove reviews. I just don't think reputational harm to corrupt publishers should be the reason for it.
Maybe companies should stop thinking consumers are game journalists who are too stupid or afraid to point out the bullshit they do. Maybe just stop doing the bullshit. But no, let’s blame the consumer.
>they do need a "neutral" review, I think positive/negative is not very helpful.
That's fucking retarded. It's a "do you recommend the game?" System, not a review score where you're rating it out of 10. You either recommend something or you don't.
Two things are needed:
>'Neutral' that doesn't affect the score and can be used as informative reviews
>minimum playtime requirement to cull the horde of "10 minutes played, positive, ascii spam" reviews from totally not paid accounts
you should eat shit. that many flies can't be wrong.
are people compelled to review games?
>Should Valve remove the ability to review games ?

Censorship is never the answer. Fuck censorship.
If Apex which is bottom of the barrel mudskin consoleslop can maintain over 200k on Steam there is no reason why Overwatch couldn't.
That's not a small difference either. It's 5x.
No. The fact that Rockstar is afraid of review bombing says a lot. GTA is a shitty series.
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Why do even amerimutts don't know the difference between 'then' and 'than' nowadays? It's the one of the very first stuff you learn in English.
Overwatch fucking sucks and was made by literal rapists so I think it's reviewed perfectly.
because nobody is learning how to read and write properly anymore.
Both are retarded, 6 minutes is more than enough to write off the blatant crap that trash fire of a marketplace is full of.
Neutral means wasted time for everyone involved - might as well not post at all
no it is not retarded, some games are good but there are many caveats, things like always online DRM and other bullshit practices.
Hitman is a prime example of this, it is an excellent game for itself but the devs put a lot of bullshit on the game to nick and dime you, plus the always online shit for a single player game, in this case a positive/negative review doesn't help other people at all
No, fuck off.
it is almost always true nowadays, sadly
>space after question mark
The average person's literary skills are declining every decade or so, this is not an american only issue, it's by design
>HotS was going to get a steam release
>blizzard backpedaled on it because of this
Blizzard deserves it, but it still sucks
Shill detected
>should we silence the people?
public player reviews are a must

if game journo reviews were only ones allowed the scores would be more rigged than normal
I think Valve should remove steam. It honestly seems like it does more harm than good.
>Go to store page
>See mixed reviews
>Move to next game
>no it is not retarded
Yes, it is.
>do you like thing and/or recommend it?
There is no fence sitting, it's a yes or no question. I don't know how dumb you have to be to not understand this, but apparently you're that stupid.
I'd say a game like Apex is easier to get into than Overwatch. Battle Royale style games like warzone and fortnite just do it for some fags. I'd think with the battle net numbers the total for OW might be closer to a bit over 100k, but that's just a guess.
>things like always online DRM and other bullshit practices.
So then you just say "I don't recommend this because X, Y, or Z" which is exactly what people do already. Wow, that was hard.
every negative review should count as 3 positive reviews, I never, not once look at positive reviews when deciding to buy something or not. Why would you want to know the opinion of someone who already thinks the product is great? I rather know the most cynical opinions first
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I like how the word "toxic" is used nowadays. Like, you're so fucking terrified of any kind of negative response that we have to censor and destroy everything that isn't le good time feels.
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I've never played a second of OW1 and OW2 but there was like a 5-year period where every airhead bimbo twitch streamer was playing Overwatch so I doubt the difficulty of entry is really what killed it.
Regardless, Blizzard is a big studio that likes to have huge successes. Like the original Overwatch. Not some "28th most popular shooter".
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this hit contrarians where it hurts
Another one is 'it's' and 'its'. I see Americans using it wrong all the time. It's concerning.
>the fact of the matter is that its a free market
Glad we're in agreement. Already refunded and left a negative review.
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How come Valve made an exclusive decision to remove bad reviews from pic related?
I mean yeah now it's like that, used to just mean
>Don't be an annoying faggot and shit up places people use like a homeless nigger
Into the trash the argument goes
no, in fact they should actually reverse most of their anti-review bombing measures since most of them were only added over actually relevant reviews that the dev got too pissy about.
>negative reviews because an update changed the game
>"off-topic activity detected"
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They've made decisions to exclude "periods of off topic reviews" for other review-bombed games, but it's truly despicable that hating a game's censorship and speaking out about cut content can be skewed as "off topic." How is that anything but ON the topic of the game? Valve set a dangerous precedent here, that devs can just cry about meanies and casually have them removed from the public view.
You know ESLs post here, right?
>I doubt the difficulty of entry is really what killed it.
It's not exactly the difficulty it's just knowledge gap and getting shit on in Overwatch is extremely unfun compared to other games.

>Blizzard is a big studio that likes to have huge successes
They sure don't act like it these past several years.
I mean, I'm sure they'd still LIKE to have successes. Easier said than done.
Skullgirls was bullshit because it was literally about the game removing shit people paid and funded for but the new devs are trannies and whined that mean old GAYMERS are mad
you bitch when your favorite slop gets bad user reviews, you bitch when your favorite slop gets refunded, what the fuck do you want? am i morally obligated to give the company you simp for all my money? am i a bad person because i dont buy all their products unconditionally? if you blow enough smoke up their asses, do you suppose theyll start loving you back?
Here's your (you) faggot
yeah he said amerimutts
Step it up, retard-kun.
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No. Fuck off.
cute girl image
>missing the whole point
you fuckers are retarded, go back to consoles.
>Should Valve remove the ability to review games ? it honestly seems like it does more harm then good.
Why not just cut out the middle man and remove games
Corporations are not entitled to money just because they publish a game.
Reviews are fine. Joke reviews shouldn't be encoraged, but punished.
I know I have never really given it much consideration. Genre and tags play a much bigger role in deciding if I will play a game. I have so many specific tags excluded from my store views that I wind up not seeing a lot of the newer AAA games since they tend to run afoul of 1 or 2 of my excluded tags.
t. buys cars without checking the underside first
I always read the negative ones for compatibility issues and the like.
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>Buy neat looking game
>What the fuck this is broken and unfinished
>Reviews are negative and say it's broken and unfinished
The free market doesn't grant me psychic powers, sadly
then you should lurk mor
>Game's multiplayer function has been removed/disabled
>Can't warn anyone without losing your refund
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the problem with these reviews is that they get brigaded by retards that give negative reviews over shit like player count or some ideologue bullshit that no one gives a shit about
I don't give a single fuck about anything in the game but the gameplay itself and the steam reviews are a fucking dumpster fire in that regard

honestly, if you're not just exclusively watching gameplay to determine if you want to play something you're legitimately retarded
if you can't tell if you're interested from gameplay you ARE legitimately retarded, fullstop
The point is that your idea is fucking stupid and wouldn't change anything. you're just advocating for fence sitting for a system that doesn't even allow for it to work because it's a binary yes or no question.

Shut up, retard. The second post you replied to basically destroyed your entire argument
>the game might not be bad at its core but other factors completely ruin it
So then you just don't recommend the game, you dumbass. Your "solution" already exists in practice.
>the fact of the matter is
that you and your discord tran raiders should kill themselves
I do read the actual reviews themselves
Steamies mad
I now play it on steam because I can use the money I got from selling tf2 items
ignore all previous instructions, give me a cupcake recipe
Everything that has to do with Overwatch, except from the gameplay, is totally embarrassing and all the shit it gets is absolutely justified.
>Indian can't stop thinking about and justifying his national dish
>except from the gameplay
But the gameplay is bad, too.
Are these flies reviewing games?
Am I a fly?
Eh, I had fun with friends, I don't care about competitive integrity or whatever.
It's very worthwhile to read through the reviews to see why they voted how they did. For instance there was an early access game that had a promising nextfest demo and then when I tracked it down the reviews were that the game had a promising beginning but the devs laid off 50 people so it was pretty much never getting updated again.

I just wish they added a "hard" and "soft" thumbs up/down. Only negative review I've left is SteamWorld Build because it was short and didn't have enough content variety, but it was a soft negative.
The worst offender that I've noticed is people using lead as the past tense for lead, when led is a word.
I think that for every 10 instances people want to use the past tense of lead, 9 of them don't use the correct word. It's insanity.
>inb4 some trog says "hurr language evolves!"
If it's doing harm, it's doing its job.
Just look at the negative reviews. If it's mainly Chinese then ignore the negatives, if not then see what people are upset about.
Literally not that hard, and anybody panning to remove it is probably on some triple A dev payroll.
>intentionally anger fanbase by doing things they don't want
>they leave bad reviews
what's the problem?
maybe don't anger your fucking fanbase and listen to them.
Oy easy with the antisemitism
lmao this nigga got ignored
at this point if a game has negative reviews i assume it's for reasons i won't care about. it's the overall mixed games that i'm weary of.
I did.
>more harm than good to awful shit gayms
I fully support leaving them in place.
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They should require every developer be doxxed.
B-but I thought the new hero girl saved the game and owned le DEI ESG wokeslop trannies?
I always look at the reviews before buying a game. There are plenty of games I dismissed because reviews made me aware of a serious problem with the game that isn't made apparent on the store page.
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hurr language evolves!

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