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Biggest flop of the year confirmed.
Mass layoffs when?
that already went to stellar blade
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They can just unionize and cost Sony more than its worth in layoffs by demanding high severance.
Actually grim wtf.
You can't unionize if you're not a valuable work force.
Why would people play in 2 betas when the progress wouldn't carry over? I was fine just playing it once to test it out.
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>defies logic
who legitimately thought this crap was going to succeed?
And Sony still has 10 or so live service games to go through, kek
lol, lmao even
>Refusal to play pozzed shit
Stay on reshittera.
They cut that number in half from 12 to 6. There is Fairgames and a couple others still.
I wasnt looking forward to this game, retard. Those are just very abysmal numbers.
If basically the entire studio participates then yes, they can. And microsoft is careful around union busting because they were already pushing it with the activison acquisition
People had to pay and pre-order the week before. It defies logic because it became free to test and player numbers still went down
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A third person cinematic action game died for Concord...
Can they just fire or downsize or will a union stop them doing that?
Get woke get broke get chud go rich
I wonder if it is better for sony to just scrap it and make it a tax write off.
Y-yeah they still have Fairgame$
The first beta was free for anyone with ps+ and this game requires ps+ on console. There are zero new free players on ps5 in the second beta.
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Oh boy, can't wait for twittards to complain about unfair layoffs in an industry they don't work in when a game they don't support ends up flopping financially.
Remember, devs are never responsible for the shit games they make, just keep blaming the invisible executive meddling bogeyman.
Do layoffs even matter, all these people will just go ruin something else.
free games, IE the free beta, do not require PS+
you can play fortnite without it, warframe without it, warzone without it, etc
But you can't play CoD multiplayer and other paid online games without it.
It's not a free game though. Did they waive that?
The beta is free it gets included with free games.
I get random sharp pains in the top left part of my skull, am I dying
for how long?
It means you post too many fag frogs.
how long the pain lasts? Maybe 10 sec at most. For how long it's been happening, idk rarely happens though
Other unions are supposed to prevent that. But yes. Maybe without severance since they're violating their contract by striking if they do.
I can't wait for the shitshow on release. You know the devs are going to blame "Gamers" and racism/sexism/ whatever ism when it flops.
Hold up. What are the other contenders?
oh, then youre fine. if it was constant, then I would be worried if I were you,
Sony CXOs because they have spent over 100 million on this and bought the studio.
Suicide Squad
Skull and Bones
Some Silent Hill game
There are rules, but you can't force a company to keep an entire factory open. Most likely is that they have to give severance and warning and lube.

Check blood presure. Drink enough water. Eat properly, espeically not too much salty foods. And check with a doctor if you're not a broke american, you dumb frogposter.
how the fuck did this game even happen
1 brazillion dollars spent on a developer's first game, a fucking $40 hero shooter with a cash shop made by retarded ex-bungie castoffs
Wait? Some of the usual suspcects are already blaming racists. Oh, and also it's the fault of the Japanese who hate the new AC as well that are apparently committing 'economic terrorisim'

Holy shit. Whether this wins or not that's an all star lineup already. I thought DD2 would be a serious contender, but I don't even think it gets a nomination at this rate.
Some of them were ex Bungie devs who worked on the 1st Destiny game, I guess thats why they got a big budget
Whatever they spent on it, they got from ESG money. No other answer.
I think Suicide Squad: Kill A Beloved Franchise easily takes the cake for worst game of the year. I've never even played the Arkham games but god damn they fucked raped it.

Concord is just a boring, uninspired, MCU sloppa cashgrab Overwatch contender 5 years late to the party, it's completely inoffensive.
Good, fuck all of Sony's GaaS investments and fuck calisnoyfornia
I'm too lazy to go to a dr. The pain only really happens when I'm on the PC I think. At least I don't remember it ever happening when I'm outside or eating or at work. Probably my eye getting fugged up cause I'm looking at a monitor if I had to self diagnose
Sony is absolutely desperate for ANY games, and espeicially desperate for live service ones. See the Famitsu thread for more stats.

Sony abandoned studio japan, and they need motherfuckers in AAA to fill the void.

Finaly, their consultants, and internal people were all in on the designs. It's a perfect score by the activision diversity matrix.
People are waking up to slop. And nothing says slop more than this travesty.
What's funny about Suicide Squad is they still have to work on the rest of the seasons they promised until next year.
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My favorite thing about this game is how god awful the designs are.
The only way to properly explain this aesthetic is that it looks like a fake videogame from a tv show.
>DD2 would be a serious contender
Dragon's Dogma?
As rough as it is at times, it is still a fully functional game and can hardly be a contender for a flop in the first place. Streamers hyped it up for the next ER and was sorely disappointed when they couldn't freak out every ten seconds for "engagement"
Check blood pressure. See an eye doctor. If you're a fatass, lose weight. These are early stroke/diagbeetus symptoms, you dumb frogposter.
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I cannot fathom one thing endearing about this game that, at the very least, isn’t already on another game.
Jesus I didn't know about this game
>cheat the rich xD
>hippidy hoppy trailer
It really is unbelievable how pozzed Sony is nowadays.
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i'm sorry, is this the huge launch some retard was talking about in the famistu thread?
>could have funded a new socom
>could have funded a new killzone
>could have funded a new syphon filter
>could have actually finished the last of us service game that would have actually made money

jim ryan destroyed playstation and got a golden handshake for it
My favorite part was Jason Sheier burning crediblility trying to defend the developers.
The spiritual successor to Hyenas.
Only truly atrocious ones are 4 and 6, all the others are decent or could be improved by a few adjustments, like 1s baggy jeans and shoes
did they purposely make awful skins to sell other skins later on?
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I completely forgot about Skull and Bones.
What a year.
>hey we want to make this multiplayer game that's like stuff that's popular on the market and we'll put microtransactions in it
>also we worked at Bungie so you can say it's a new hero shooter from ex-Bungie staff

The only publisher I've ever heard dislike when you suggest making a copy of some other game is Nintendo when they shut down Retro trying to put their own spin on Portal back during the Wii days. Otherwise going with known successful formulas has basically been the go-to for when you want your game to get funded.
To think, all of this could have been avoided if they'd just made the characters either conventionally attractive or kemono.
Probably. Ex bungie devs on destiny make a new studio in seattle or portland or whatever. Sony sees their shit and buys the entire fucking studio. Funds it to AAA. New, huge campus building.

Well more than 100 million spent already.
And this is the result.
Yeah, in the AAA space, it's unsuual for shit to crash THIS fucking hard. Rough uninspired dispointments is usually enough for a nomination. But we're in a legendary year it seems.
I think I had my blood tested 5 years ago and it was fine, I'm not fat either
I don't think it would have mattered to be honest. It certainly would have avoided some "backlash", but if the game is uninspired hero shooter #2823789, nobody is going to want to play it. Overwatch is Hot Chick Heaven (at least OW1, no matter how many ugly gaylord characters they add in 2 Mercy, Widowmaker, Dva, Mei, Tracer and lets be honest every single female from OW1 still exists) and OW2 is still a fucking dying mess of a game.
Well lucky for you this shit which I've never heard of randomly appeared on my youtube this afternoon.
If you think a game can be propped up with hot sexy furry women that I want to have sex and touch their soft furry bodies while they cuddle me and tell me they love me with can prop up a game on its own, here you go.
>I had my blood tested
>5 years ago
a generation that goes from fortnite to fortnite in 5 years might be baffled, but a fuckton of things can change in that timeframe
Sony execs from America.
Is this game based off of that dead mmo?
I will now play your game.
>free weekend
>Early Access beta for players who preordered
so it's not free?
No. They had a early access beta and THEN a free weekend. And the numbers were WORSE when they opened it up to everyone.
Maninstream gaming journalists. They are baffled and gnashing their teeth.
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>Another purple game
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Sony does it again!
They can shutter the whole studio, but the union can demand a severance package that almost makes it not worth it. Not to mention exacerbating the PR and demanding certain things be made public. That can end up costing them potential stock losses.

There's a reason companies hate unions.
oh, so did they have two free betas and the early access beta? Headline said second free weekend, that's hilarious
Frogposters are often mercykilled by God, sorry.
I put 100 hours into Dragon's Dogma 2. Loved it, it's not perfect but neither was the first. Anxiously awaiting a Dark Arisen esque expansion.
No way is that even close to worst game of the year, not even by a mile.
Isnt only an 8% drop a really good thing?
Didnt Palworld drop like 90%
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Here's Palworld right now.
Reason why people are "shocked" is because the paid* beta had more people than the completely free open beta.

Which might be a fairly unprecedented thing
Seems like a repeat of the mid 2010s being full of forgotten abandonware that tried to compete with DotA/LoL.
And? As it should be for shit. What the fuck are you complaining about? SHIT should have SHIT NUMBERS. It's "grim" <--- faggot word btw, because people are not jumping to digest a fucking turd? Stop posting you fucking npc idiot.
Where the fuck did I complain about anything schizo?
Palworld isn't going to die anytime soon.
It'll never reach that high again but it's by no means a failure, a flop, or a dead game.
"grim" implies it's a bad thing. If you're going to use faggot slang at least use it correctly. You idiot.
Stellar blade won
>sold 1 million in 24 hours
>sold 48k on launch in Japan over 3 days
>16k per day
>currently at 111k in japan
>6.9 million global estimate, lowering it to "at least 5 million" to be in the safe side
Not even close to a flop, will likely hit bare minimum 10 million by the end of the year, especially with how strong of a holiday ps5 is expected to have, literally no competition at all
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Love these. They gonna learn the same lesson as the hollywood fags that went on strike.
Where is the PC release? I refuse to buy a ps5 for one singular game.
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>will likely hit bare minimum 10 million by the end of the year
Holy shit I thought I was crazy. What's with all the purple/pink shit in modern games? Is it a shareholder meme to attract a wider audience of women and women (male) or something? I don't fucking get it.
According to reports ShiftUp has hired people specializing in PC ports which would release alongside a DLC.
Yeah, colors trend like anything else, consultants and market researchers tell you what is "popular" and that is the only color pallet you can use. And yes, we all know it looks ugly, nothing we can do about it.
If you're a Concord dev, it's certainly bad. You should get your head out of your ass and stop consooming /v/tter all day.
There are jannies still running defense for SBI, despite the carnage they cause, so true believers are out there, somewhere.
>If you're a dev!!!
No one cares about shitty devs that worked on a.shitty pozzfest. Neck yourself.
Holy fucking irony.
What's actually gonna kill you is taking medical advice from anonymous people on the internet rather than going to the doctor.
Sony made this game just to make us laugh, they're comedic geniuses.
>I thought DD2 would be a serious contender
This board's collective brains are scrambled
That's why I always contribute to SBI threads. Two can play at that game. Jannies will not be winning this one.
No, the claim of selling 1 million units in one day is fake news from a Sony fanboy Twitter account. Three months after its release, the director of 'Stellar Blade' stated during the company's listing examination that it is 'speculated' to be close to 1 million units. If they had clearly shipped over 1 million units, they wouldn't have used the term 'speculated.'
This game doesn't seem very cool, they should probably not have the person who greenlit all this do that kind of thing anymore.

Doesn't Sony have infinite money though? They could have 100 failures like this and not break a sweat.
>can't into hypotheticals
Double digit IQ moment
Some of the players who first gave it a try decided it was shit and didn't play in the second weekend and I guess pretty much nobody who hasn't preordered gives a fuck about this overwhelmingly ugly game.
You should be getting your bloodwork run twice a year if your insurance covers it.
5 years ago you were practically a different person. For example, you weren't getting random sharp pains in your skull 5 years ago.
I just don't understand the logic behind the character designs. Why not have a couple of cute ones so everyone is happy? Did someone really forced to make every single character ugly and disgusting?
need to start testing jannie and mod blood samples for HRT, the hive and the mods don't seem to align much anymore.
You're just digging your pozzhole deeper Reshittera faggot.
Those are all toxic masculinity boys club rhetoric games.
Blame Hiro, he doesn't pay attention to this site at all.
>Received development subsidies from Sony.
>Received DEI subsidies from the state government.

This is not a problem for the developers at all. They have already become rich. Of course, if the game had been slightly more successful commercially, they could have maintained their honor as well.
There seems to be a drive to create some kind of resetera / SBI defence force cocksleeve and I just don't think it's really feasible but that's just me.
these are horrible designs

1 looks passably generic, except her weapon looks dumb
2 looks like some awful sneed meme remix and some scifi lifejacket looking thing is shit
3 = generic npc with goofy goggles
4s chest intestines look dumb, the square shoulders are ick, and the aquarium helmet doesnt work
5 is some sort of cosplay abortion mixed with fo4 institute toilet armor
6 is an awful reminder of how cool doomguy looks, except she isn't doomguy
7 is stupid, they might have had a good thing going with the ayylmao but they've ruined it with generic leather armor looking shit
8 is a dumb fucking robot there are better robot designs out there
>Genocide when?
>slightly more successful commercially
Anon, when you blow $100m, you want to aim just above like 2k players on release.
>I thought DD2 would be a serious contender
Pretty sure that one sold well despite being lackluster to some degree. Even if it didn't live up to everyone's expectations, that's still a game a lot of people anticipated and were excited for.

Ugly as fuck shitware like Concord and the other games are just trash that nobody even wanted in the first place. Nobody is asking for these things, at least nobody who actually plays video games. They're derivative and ugly, just nasty crap nobody wants.
This is dodgy as fuck, any normal company's investors would be calling investor fraud on this shit, nothing but crickets.

Maybe they get reimbursed by Blackrock or something.
Is anyone playing any online shooter nowadays? I feel like I haven't been into them for at least a decade, I barely play Splatoon 3 and a little of Halo Infinite when it came out. Are there any actually good titles out there?
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>mfw I always liked purple
Guess I have to find a new color to enjoy.
Is inclOOOOOOsive, this goes to the DEI $$$ score and will 100% grab the untapped female and truly mature audience.
At least the marketing people (twitter danger air nepo hires and consultants) said so.

That's the story for the clueless big wigs, the actual middle management knows is bullshit but they just want the DEI production bonus and fuck off.
Wecome to modern AAA production.
Yes, MW3 on Gamepass, that's what everyone's playing right now.
When execs tell you that 50% of the cast must be niggers and troons for good ESG rating, how are you supposed to make a good videogame?
If I worked in a modern AAA studio (which thankfully I never will), I wouldn't give a shit about making good videogames either, just collect your paycheck and move on when your videogame inevitably flops.
Yeah that's fine but $100m projects that have like 2k players at launch will start attracting feds.
Rumor is that is what is happening to Ubisoft right now, investors suspect Yves Guillemot is intentionally devaluing the company in order to sell it.
Anon, is it just me or does gaming attract the scummiest motherfuckers in business who mostly belong in prison?
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I believe it with the shitshow that company is in.
There is no defiance of logic, only retardation you retard. People who pre-ordered were inclined to play the game, because they pre-ordered it. People who didn't buy the game don't have any reason to touch the dumpster fire in the first place and have all the infos they need thanks to the retarded pre-order normalfags and youtube.
It makes perfect sense that the playerbase declined after it went free.
Concord is just space Battleborn
A good chunk of them come directly from the gambling industry, so I'm not surprised.
We need a rogue billionaire that likes gaming to create his own studio that isn't public and makes games that appeal to actual gamers free of DEI influence.
it's called Bisexual Lighting. I fucking hate it too.
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None of these had investors call out investor fraud, this whole woke thing is fucking suspect.
i shit blood since 2010 and never went to the doc at this point i know is cancer but im too scared to have a definitive answer regardless if i die in a year or ten years i had a decent life could have been more but oh well life aint fair
You know its bad when Forspoken sold more than the majority of these games.
Why do some people say it's the worst COD? Honestly every new COD gets called the worst one and that kinda stops me from trying them.
The investors don't make money on successful game sales; they sell their stock in the studio to other investors before the game comes out to make their profit.
Isn't that saudi prince a fan of videogames? His investments could easily return and his videogames would be protected from pozzshit and tranny canceling, because nobody cares about that in SA.
>Mass layoffs
The whole studio is done after this.
What the fuck is wrong with the fire emblem thread holy shit
Suicide Squad had to get a tax write off because it failed so hard.
>free of DEI influence
Yes but that's the mystery, bomb after bomb after bomb, money set on fire, DEI/woke/SBI whatever shit same results over and over and not a single motherfucker has been called out on investor fraud.

They're getting reimbursed or something's going on but this shit isn't normal.
I still play TF2 from time to time when I feel like shooting people.
kek, it was my favorite color too, but nowadays I just paint my characters white.
It's not like they're going to lay off any of the retards actually responsible for this mess.
Why aren't all the black people playing
>Saints Row
These games were literally made for blackies.
What's the next lolcow I'm bored with this one already. We didn't even laugh at Kunitsu-Gami and that flopped like a koi in a pond
Supposedly DEI shit is supposed to increase profitability by something like 30%... yeah, that sounds insane to me as well. But I think that's why they keep doing. Old people using old studies to justify their bullshit logic.
Yes but that's my point, the very next project will be the same, $100 blown for a playerbase of 150 people, what the fuck is going on here, this is either blatant laundering or a huge fraud grift. Yet nobody complains.
I don't like jews and I don't like globohomo, why would I play this garbage?
Flintlock is on PC gamepass so that’s part of why. Still only like 2K players at once max tho
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I genuinely hate overwatch clones. Go back to making GTA clones, or military shooters, or make a GTA clone that's a military shooter.
It means this game has negative hype. People still play demos, you know.
>jim ryan destroyed playstation and got a golden handshake for it
Our fucking hero, Sony got made jelly about Don Mattrick.
Wrong, they were made for white people who worship blackies. Just like trap music (which is made to appeal to white suburb kids on the nice side of town)
I usually get this if I haven't been sleeping enough.
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Hopefully the success of BG3 will bring back the surge of turn-based games.
That's what so bizarre to me, just practical business, if you or someone in your field releases a product consumed by fucking NOBODY, don't you emergency pivot and correct shit? Instead it looks like they keep repeating it, oh those guys blew $100m to entertain 50 troons, oh well, okay so lets get cracking on the exact same thing, with enormous budgets.

How are feds not crawling over these cunts.
I hope someone makes a Battletech CRPG. I've been waiting for one for like three decades.
so don't

you can survive not being able to play one game that you want to play.
I feel like I haven't seen a military shooter in a while lol.
I guess it made sense back then, when people were still hired by their abilities, so no matter what race or gender someone was they would be competent anyway.
The problem nowadays is that they're just hiring whatever dumb fuck who has a skin color or some dumb gender and think it's the same thing.

>this will sell our flop

These people need to go to jail
BG3 is a good example of how fucking good you have to be creatively to make woke shit work well, the tragedy here is the industry is oversaturated with completely morons who end up setting money on fire trying the same shit.

Larian is a hard exception, not the rule, it's a bloodbath.
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Holy shit this reminds me of Iron Man adventurers, what a blast from the past.
There's a fucking pattern here, it's being willfully ignored, something is very wrong and smells very illegal.
Huh, between this and the Concord gamepad, you think they're gonna keep pushing it no matter what until it sticks? At first I thought they were gonna let the game die immediately, but now I think they might support it for years and some retards will come and say that they fixed the game in the last update or some shit.
Being free of DEI is a monkey's paw because the only games widely ignoring DEI standards are gacha games, since they don't need the blackrock money.
God, I hope not. Maybe one or two big name releases of turn-based games per year, but that's all you troons deserve.
You mean they make bad games on purpose to justify firing people?
Operation Harsh Doorstop
came out just last year fren (although, I didn't like it) we still get mil sims on a regular basis. You just have to be really into that scene to find them because simmers like to gatekeep and don't talk much.
Jews print all the money we use. Just put 1 and 1 together.
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Silence zoomer.
You will enjoy slow gameplay, menu scrolling and one-hour cutscenes and you will like it.
Black men only play sports games and fighting games black women don't even play video games
Losing money isn't fraud.
Either it's to fuck with their own stock / insider trading, some kind of underhanded reimbursement scheme, or straight up psychotic anti-capitalist activism sabotage. Something isn't right and investors aren't sueing either, which is also suspect.
Year? this might be the biggest flop of the decade
They keep repeating it because it's not their money. The people who push this stuff KNOWS it doesn't sell; that's why they push it everywhere, to force it to be the only thing people can buy. It's all propaganda to them and they believe in the cause desperately since it fills the void that religion usually does.

These studios are all funded by investor or borrowed money; the only person with real stakes in it are usually the founders since you can't sell fake imaginary stock the studio might pay you with, so all the propagandists have is their wages and salary. If the game fails to sell, they lost fucking nothing; they were fed for 2-3 years. If the studio goes bankrupt, so what? Bankruptcy protects a studio from creditors, it doesn't mean liquidation until the very last dregs run out. And if rich capitalists will fund their anti-capitalist propaganda, so much the better.

If you want to know why studio heads aren't able to pivot away from Woke, it's just like that SBI talk at GDC: They are scared and blackmailed by the propagandists and the marketing department and HR department who employ them. They only get information from the people around them and in the industry, and that just means listening to a leftist echo chamber that reflects and promotes the worst, wokest attitudes. Then they come to believe it, which is what the propagandists want to do to all gamers.
Intentionally devaluing stock, insider trading, shit like that will get you locked up for a long fucking time, dude.
Maybe, I'll wait for the final numbers before I start making that claim. Worst game of the decade is not an award you give lightly.
>Concord Gamepad
Oh god I want it so bad. It looks like a Starfield controller but the negative color-reversed option. It's so cool.
This is a flop of TORtanic level proportions, historians will be dissecting the flop of Concord in 50 years.
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Good thing I only buy and play niche Japanese games these days.
You know, dude, sooner or later the wrong investor will be burnt, the executive will be in front of a judge, and "we were scared of twitter troons" will not save them from serving serious prison time, I think that'll quickly snap everyone out of this bullshit.
Absolute gross negligence, incompetence, and downright unprofessional game development. I demand the resignation of every single person on this team. The American people deserve answers, and the developers of this game should be ashamed of themselves.
nah, TORtanic was able to right the ship after some time. It's not comparable. And I'm struggling to think of a game that is.
Bro. The handful of times I blindly bought games that then turned out to be turn-based (cuz I used to blind-buy quite often), you could not imagine my level of disappointment.
>over 100 million
Please, anons. Tell me this isn’t even close to true. Should I just start a consulting company where I subtly poll /v/ on what game concepts would work or not and make millions by saving these retarded corporations from killing themselves?
No but that's the problem there's a TORtanic tier flop every two fucking months now, we're sitting here watching Billions in USD getting set on fire, repeatedly, it's accelerating now like it's a fucking sport.
>that's why they push it everywhere, to force it to be the only thing people can buy
This exactly the reason why they have been pushing so much for DEI shit in Japan, first normalize it by releasing as much of this shit as possible, but if it doesn't sell their next solution is get everything.
I'd bet on that first company being Ubisoft.
Based purple chad. Don't let them ruin the best color for you.
Well if you were an investor who lost money on it you'd say exactly that, but they just don't.
>"we were scared of twitter troons" will not save them from serving serious prison time
Will never happen because they can just argue "That's the risk of business." There's no way to prove deliberate sabotage.
I basically did that when I was running a recording studio. But this was back in 2010-13. /mu/ was different back then.
No dude, there's been too many high profile total failures in a row now and it's not stopping, there's a pattern forming and someone's going to get fucked up over this.
I think this anon is correct, something's also very fucking weird with Ubisoft.
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Imagine all the good games that could have been funded with that money, instead we only get derivative DEI crap.
If Ubisoft stops all this DEI bullshit, I'll buy every new game they make if they survive.
Yes, it was annoying in the begging, but now they're just kicking off $100m+ projects everyone KNOWS will die out the gate, it's frustrating not understanding what the loophole is.
>I basically did that
Without too much personal details, how’d you go about that?
yeah but rumors is the big man at Ubisoft is intentionally devaluing the stock as part of a seloff deal.
big project flops - media blame consumers
big project flops - media blame consumers
big project flops - media blame consumers
big project flops - media blame consumers

This is starting to look like fucking fraud.
Give it a year or two and it'll be illegal not to consoome.
They're already giving game studios tax payer money.
The entire studio that's making Concord? Who's even making it? The loophole in union busting was always that you can close down shop in response to it, but not pick and choose, say, individual stores/factories just because they're unionizing. Microsoft is not going to shut down all of Blizzard so it is just going union, but idk about the people that make Concord.
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But they already made one. Harebrained Schemes made it when they were still good. It's called Battletech. I have over 400 hours in it.
I used the soundcloud threads to get free reviews from eternally online posters. Took those reviews and revised them for my clients.
Imagine if one of these corporations funded 100 up and coming indie devs to make games with 1m each instead.
What made Sega cancel that Hyenas game so late into development? Everyone else pumps out woke failures and dies on the rocks, but why did they freeze?
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That is not a CRPG. But I did enjoy that game very much. I'm glad you liked it as well.
Sega moves in mysterious ways.
Forespoken actually had a few people ask, but it was more centered around SBI, and their use.
Ubisoft is using it as a poison pill. They've been fending off takeover attempts for more than 15 years now, and using Woke to blacken the reputation of their franchises while knowing they continue to sell well they are able to stave off people who might consider taking them over because the potential buyers don't want to be doing a Lucasfilm.
>But they already made one.
no, troonoid
Financials. They were able to take a huge tax writeoff that will pay off for 20 years.
But wouldn't that hurt their current investors? Like to illegal degrees?
>saints row with not even 3k peak
I knew the game bombed badly enough to kill the studio, but I didn't know it was this bad, what the fuck, Saints Row 4 did well from what I remember too.
So why did they do the smart thing but all these other studios willingly went to their deaths?
We KNOW what black people want. Watch movies that are popular in the black community. Watch some rap music videos and look at the hot asses.

Black people want sportsball, shonen anime. The women want to see hot black THOTS doing dramatic shit.

These games are more the equivalent of oscar bait. Except shitier.
That is the current topic within that circle of investors and investment enthusiasts. Nobody really knows, it's all theory.
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Jews print all the money that we use. They do not care about "losing money" because that is not a concept that exists for them. This isn't like in the days of Rome where all money is some precious metal that is extremely finite. They will spend billions on pushing their propaganda and when it fails they'll print up and spend billions again on pushing propaganda.

What ends up happening is they will devalue the currency (which is what is happening) but they don't care since that is not a problem they individually share in. You'll spend more on groceries but (((they))) will not singularly suffer for having billions wasted.
The other studios thought it was better to recoup some of their losses by launching rather than give it up, especially if they "believed" that reputation and gameplay trumped art, characters, story, and gamer sentiment. After all, Overwatch is lightly woke and it was a huge success, right?
So surely all these other studios marching happily to their death burning investor money would have come to the same conclusions and tapped out for tax breaks? What the fuck is going on?
It's the bisexual color scheme as I have learned.
>incel manbabies review bomb/boycott/don't buy product
>The women want to see hot black THOTS doing dramatic shit.
What are you some kind of sexist, ableist, body shamer? A 200lb black nerd woman with bedspring hair, glasses, and freckles is super-hecking diverse and will appeal to all the fat, ugly women out there in the world!
Compare the biz press to gaming press. The gaming press is blaming the failure of concord on right wing economic terrorists. I mean it makes Mad Money Kramer look like Charlie Munger. And the mainstream press has completely fucking ignored the Japanese angry about AC Shadows, saying it's all a bunch of white racists.
>What the fuck is wrong with the fire emblem thread holy shit
What's this anon an about it cant be tha...
At some point the tax writeoff aren't going to be enough to survive.
Why does /v/ love watching flops so much?
Yes it's a tired playbook but it's a PLAYBOOK which means there's a fucking grift in there somewhere that fucks over investors completely.
Lel, fuck off faggot, the devs are true believers of the esg shit too
Some have, but change takes time. Five to six years at best. The most heinous DEI offenders have only been in this cycle for about a decade. And I'm sure you've noticed, a lot of these newer games take between 2-4 years of development before they are even ready to hit the market. My guess is that concord got greenlit around 2015 or maybe a fews years after that.
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They can't keep getting away with it
>Gat Out of Hell had a higher peak

That's why Sega is dying right now. The tax writeoff was a last ditch effort to keep themselves going a little longer since the costs of marketing, servers, and moderation would've been greater than the $100 mill.
It's tanoshii.
For the love of Christ, why can these idiots not see this woke shit destroys everything?
Infocom had one back in the day.

Imagine this budget and effort if they had halfway compelling character designs.
So you hit your head fucking hard chasing woke bullshit, you nearly wipe yourself out financially, and what do these companies do? THEY DO IT AGAIN, SAME SHIT.

It's a fucking deathmarch, but why.
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Considering SquareEnix investors are worried and the whole Yasuke thing going on, I can see Japan backpedaling on this shit in the future.
Drop stock price to sell it to a specific target. Insider trading selling short. Divert funds to a DEI consulting group you own. I don't think union contracts are involved but fucking with those is possible. Devalue, buy more, then right the ship.

Ect, ect. Given Sony's leaks though, I think it's simple incompetence.
The Yasuke thing kind of escalated dramatically, kek.
>Infocom had one back in the day.
The Crescent Hawk
Which wasn't bad at the time, but I want something similar to Fallout 2 or Pathfinder.
Staff didn't change, so they keep pushing for the same thing to be made. If every game is woke, nobody will even think unwoke thoughts or play unwoke games.
>money laundering
Again with this shit? Money laundering works when you get your money back, and all those project failed their expectation margin
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>For the love of Christ, why can these idiots not see this woke shit destroys everything?
You've got a short memory.

The audience for these games is FINITE. F I N I T E. The audience is not getting any fucking bigger within any live service genre! That means in order for your game to be popular AND STAY POPULAR it has to actively kill one of the currently popular live service games catering to the same niche!

If they don't have proper controls in place they're likely wide open to fraud and corruption.
Holy kek. It legit always comes back to this. The people screaming flop and crying are butthurt PC players
very true
I feel like I'm in some fever dream, did we just unironically have like 5 giant projects all the exact same type of woke characters all the exact same game same presentation same everything trickle out? What the fuck happened.
I wonder if anyone believes the game would have sold more with a racially diverse cast. Guess we will never know, but still, sounds silly. They are correcting the nonsense console exclusivities, that's a start.
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what's with all the multiplayer-only slop on PS5 that would be 1000x more successful on Steam
HOW many live service games did Jim Ryan want to push out again? Holy FUCK.
>It's called Battletech. I have over 400 hours in it.
the funny part is that 50% of those hours are probably loading screens
i have no idea why the fuck junior devs keep fucking up loading times on unity, it seems to be a running gag
I don't even think it's really worst overall quality. jMaybe worst AAA designs. mayhbe worst financial loss.

What else is a contender?
Balan Wonderworld?
PES 2022?
Babylon's fall?

See also

>Suicide Squad
>Skull and Bones
They announced awhile ago that there would be a PC release. I don't think PC players are hating on the sales, they are hating on the fact that it was a Sony exclusive. They want to spend money on the game but cannot do so at this time due to that exclusivity.
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>what am i doing here? the game is a failure
>my feet hurt
>that she-man in armor tried to hit on me
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These two would be less popular if one of them was black.
Yes but you plug that logic into the "MODERN AUDIENCE" anon, you don't understand, the MODERN AUDIENCE is limitless!!! They're BILLIONS!!!
crysis is based
delet this
Wait that actually makes sense considering how slow loose and floaty the gameplay looks. Destiny is similar like the game does nothing but lie to you I bet you can even kill each other with melee attacks a second apart like other rubberband netcode vidya.
This is true and why I have said many times that making a new popular live service game is 9/10ths about releasing at the perfect moment to capitalize on the weakness of another game. The only way your new live service game can pry the whales away from their sunk cost fallacy is to hit them in a moment of weakness and bitterness.
I remembered that game the other day, I wanted to try it, it was 40 dollars, PS5 only, and apparently flopped so it's not worth it, I just played Splatoon instead.
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Crysis is closer to Micheal Bay slop. doesn't deserve to be on that list.
I think that DD2 is still a contender for game of the year. It is the game I have enjoyed playing most this year that released this year. Otherwise I have only been playing Fire Emblem games, modern gaming is almost all trash now but games like DD2 show that there is still some talent and redeeming quality to newer games being made still.
So the formula discovered is Live Service + Slow Development + Modern Audience = Complete Investor Death.

But you see it kind of becomes fraud if you produce a bomb and immediately apply the formula again with your next capital injection.
>The gaming press is blaming the failure of concord on right wing economic terrorists.
>The people screaming flop and crying are butthurt PC players
it's not PCfags anon, it's leftists, troons, and tendies.
t. PCnigger who fully supports based games like Stellar Blade and will buy the pc port day 1
Nigger DD2 was one of the biggest launches for such a niche series. It was a shitshow and downgraded experience here and there but it wasn't a flop.
It's a bit of a meme but those media (marketing arm) talking points have been repeated enough times now on both games and TV productions that failed that it's hilariously obvious what they're busy doing.
I remember when blue and orange where the thing all devs were chasing.
They have a headcount in the hundreds, a 1500 sq ft studio in downtown seattle. Based on linkedin positions, it's easily above 100 and could easily be up to 2 ther.
BASED. if ubishit is the sacrificial lamb that helps keep japanese games nogfree, i will be fucking ecstatic
It's mostly the Kotaku dullards. Nobody relevant is blaming the failure on right wingers.
anon? you don’t enjoy watching obese ameriniggers belly flop off a diving board?
i prefer the brown and yellow era
>sacrificial lamb
Yeah but more potentially worrisome is that it's intentionally done to devalue stock value, which is extremely illegal.
>why do people want to see their enemies/people who hate them get BTFO?
truly a mystery, anon
The games were brown and yellow, only the covers were blue and orange.
You just steal the audience from all the other games, idiot.
It's not really the flops, it's the fucking patterns forming that attracts the FBI and autists alike.
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Why didn't Concord have character designs like this?
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Lets see how Dragon Quest goes.
I bet that will be a good turning point for Square-Enix to stop with these dumb changes for their games.
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this is what I don't understand. Thes egames were made for women, brown and black people. There are literally billions of these people.

Why aren't they buying these games? Any SBI rep want to chime in? I really want to see an SBI retard try and spin this. Would be funny as fuck
What's unambiguous is that he wanted to sell the company.

Firewalk. New studio. No trackrecord. Ex bungie devs.

Sega has always been the video game equivalent of that one samurai guy on the top of a hill, with a katana in one hand, the flag in the other, and a baby on his back, who runs screaming no matter what the situation is. His ways are mysterious, and incomprehensible. More passionate than smart. Would rather kill himself a thousand times, and ALWAYS unpredictable.

Sort of the vg equivalent of Florida Man, ecept Sega has died more frequently.
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Because non-humans aren't diverse
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>Drops 8%, which is a bit... excessive?
Unions are only a positive for employees. If a company shuts down your studio, they have to help you find a job elsewhere in the company, while keeping your benefits and pay. If they fire you, you get additional severance pay, while maintaining your contracted benefits for a certain time.
>More live service slop flopping
Feels good man
All they had to do was include at least a couple of attractive female characters and most people would have probably overlooked the DEI stuff. It still wouldn't have been a massive success but it wouldn't be doing this poorly. Did they really think character design is a total non-factor?
Communist bunny UOOOOOHHHHHHH
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CA, the sub studio is NOT japanese for one, so they don't get as much space to fuck up. Second, CA fucked up it's primary project in the ASS super hard, and repeatedly, and Sega just wanted them to fucking focus.
That's how you know this picture is old, kek. Its literally a slur now.
>it was 40 dollars
I thought it was f2p for some reason
It not just the ugly characters at face value. The toxic as fuck dei dev environment would keep any game from having passion poured into it.
>What's unambiguous is that he wanted to sell the company.
All those random ass bad PR events at Blizzard also devalued them so Microsoft picked them up easier, they even had a fucking ex Microsoft guy heading Blizzard BEFORE the buyout.

So yeah whatever feds the French has need to investigate this shit, it's fucking sus. But, I mean it's not our problem, it's the respective feds problem.
>peaked in 2021
>all downhill from there
Yeah, it's over. Video games are finished.
Did you rike it?
They seem to be a talented studio. They just have bad direction. I would feel bad if they got mass laid off. When you can just replace the crappy decision makers in the studio, and then have the newly led studio make something audiences actually want.
It's just latecomers who think they can get a slice of the pie finding out that the market doesn't work that way. Live service games are not video games of old. You don't sell the public discs for retail price and then count your money. It's about the long-term hustle. Getting a large, stable playerbase that continually feeds you cash via microtransactions. The problem is there's already an ecosystem of these games that have had a decade or more to perfect their skinnerbox reward setups to keep players addicted. They're not going to stop playing the current crop of live service games just to play yours unless they have a very good reason.

And it turns out that ugly woke garbage isn't an attractive reason to change live service games.
Post 2016 everyone thought games like Overwatch were going to be the future, e-sports, always online services, etc. Investor class really thought they hit the gold mine. But they didn't anticipate the limited audience and lack of interest in E-sports would come into play so quickly. Same thing happened in film. Everyone thought they could beat netflix and youtube. Almost 10 years later and companies like Disney and Apple are figuring out that they cannot beat Netflix and Youtube. The investors did not expect to lose billions, they thought the pool of users would be infinite.
DQ3 is already fucked, anon. they removed genders options and censored the trolls lips because they reminded leftists of niggers.
the real test for me is Visions of Mana. it didn't appear pozzed from what we've seen so far, but I'm EXTREMELY hesitant. this is the last straw for me with SE. next month desu
because the twitter bots ran by jews would have a FIELD DAY
>suits are old men who don't play vidya
>marketing has been compromised
>they tell suits to hire consultants for the new game
>consultants say this is what the players want
>they waste millions making woke shit
>game bombs
>consultants laugh to the bank and the next project
i have a 2 year old and i specifically only buy 10+ year old childrens books because EVERY FUCKING ONE NOW features nigs. i got so many books at our baby shower that are like "100 first words" type stuff, and half of the example children in these books are all fucking nogs
i don't even want my daughter to know they fucking exist until she's old enough for me to show her chimpout videos until she's just as racist as me
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They were right.
okay, so sooner or later the words "modern audience" will become a big no no because holy shit so far everything associated with that buzzword has fucking went down in flames to such extreme degrees that the executives look guilty.
Brown kids can't read. Simple as.
Also, east asians have a lot of children's books, but they are in east asian languages.
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I'm more talking about how the sales will go. Sure it'll be fine in Japan because Japanese love DQ but the international release... yeah, that $60 price point is not going to make any American buy this game unless your name is Vinny Pizzaman Vinesauce
There's definitely a fatigue pattern forming, a bad one, we're no longer in the "oh it did okay", you now either completely self destruct with nothing or you make it somehow.
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>Biggest flop of the year
Au contraire.
>Almost 10 years later and companies like Disney and Apple are figuring out that they cannot beat Netflix and Youtube.
Something weird I realized lately is that I barely watch tv shows anymore, I mostly just watch youtube. When there was cable TV I would be watching tv almost all day and it would make me watch things that I normally wouldn't, now I don't even bother.
I can't tell these FUCKING games apart, it's insane.
To a limited degree, yes. It's why the companies that got their executives from the gambling industry are doing so well. Who knew that gambling and gacha could be so interchangeable?
Did that game release this year?
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Funny tortanic is mentioned as poster child failure, it straightened the course and is still alive and with players, producing hutt cartels, shadow of revan, valkorian family drama, all of it not as great as original class stories but still passable content. Only recent updates, 6.0 onslaught and 7.0 mandowank have been insufferable garbage. Outlived Wildstar, TERA, SWG, Warhammer.
Truly the most aggressive of actions, choosing to not engage with product.
If you aren’t upper management yourself being anti union is just moronic. It’s in your own self interest to support unions and be a part of them.
I find it hilarious that Sweet Baby is able to recycle the exact same designs over and over again and nobody has figured this out.
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>Wife Gal
Everyday I am glad I fell in love with Japanese Media.
compared to these modern disasters, tortanic did fantastic.
>DLC in the works
>PC release confirmed
>outsold expectations
>flop cuz game "journalists" told me it was mean to wahmyn
/v/ eternally terminally retarded
Agree, everyone watches different things now and there really aren't that many water-cooler shows. HBO/Paramount have figured that out and are beginning to consolidate. But I think this is a case of too little too late.
Blue and orange will always be the best because it's the ultimate cold/warm color combo. Nothing colder than blue, nothing warmer than orange
It's because they can't currently steal it so it's a 'flop'
When will these MBA retards realize if you use the exact same consultants over and over you're going to be indistinguishable from the competition in a creative competitive industry.

The fatigue is through the fucking roof currently.
Genshin Impact is not Live Service
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Sorry, I only buy games if they have sexy, scantily clad women in their main cast or no women at all, so none of those games qualify.
Those games are made for self-hating white people.
TORtanic did well compared to most games, actually. It was a very profitable game. In fact I'd say the only metric by which it "failed" was that it had a very bad public image on launch. It's mainly only in the imagination of /v/ that TOR was a failure, much like CP2077. That's the narrative /v/ wants, so it's what they repeat over and over regardless of evidence to the contrary.

There have been many actual disasters though, which /v/ often forgets about because they weren't hyped up nearly as much as games like TOR or CP2077. Games so bad they caused the studio to go under, games that were used as tax write-offs.
There are many other consulting firms but they all slack together, which is why all their "suggestions" are generally the same. Bunch of companies circle jerking the same aesthetic.
Generally, unions prevent unilateral, sweeping changes; closing and liquidating an entire studio and its employees, for example, is generally off the table if it's included with the union (doesn't necessarily or usually help if that studio has abstained from the union; corporate solidarity against unions actually just makes you the easiest weight to shed), but the company can still do things like close the studio and relocate the employees to other, usually in-union projects, or gradually downsize the studio with an estimated final closure date that they have to more or less abide by. They can't close a studio tomorrow, but they can do it in a year, and have to provide some combination of adequate relocation, compensation, or retraining opportunities to all employees effected.
A union might also make downsizing more difficult to do without providing adequate evidence of the necessity of doing so; doing things like liquidating a studio to report record profits due to their lack of upkeep and newly liquid assets, for example, generally won't fly, they would have to first provide reasonable evidence that the expenditure of operating the studio is a net negative, and would be less difficult to liquidate than reform; and given the slower time frame for downsizing entailed, that becomes a much more difficult prospect to prove, since number can go up is generally a stronger argument than number stop going down, outside of trains for whatever reason.

Now, all of this IS based on the assumption that the union gets big and widespread enough to encompass significant portions of the buisness' employees, since the principle leverage of a union is that, if the union is annoyed, all of its associated employees stop working. If a union exists only within a single studio, it's of mostly nominal use, since the threat of stopping work is mostly solved by liquidating that studio, and paying whatever contract penalties incurred by doing so.
>Market it as a WoW-killer
>Is just another small MMO
Truly a failure
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Yes, that was my point. Anyway, what was the thread about? Everybody laugh at Flintlock or something? right. hahahahahahahaha
People are having a blast tho
I would agree, but I think it's more likely that investors are just genuinely retarded.
Lots of them get swindled by those dumbfuck crypto/NFT game projects that are clearly scams because your average investor doesn't know shit about video games, so I could see them just as easily being swindled by SBI consultant shit.
It is the weird corporate conservative logic: avoid originality, do the "safe" thing to guarantee returns. They compare any project to investing in the stock market's index funds. Investing in an index fund is the "safest" thing you can do with your money to guarantee a return. So they want all their projects to be like that. Safe, secure investments to attract deep pocketed financiers.

Basically they're not even thinking about video games as entertainment, but as a way to lure more investors to make the stock price go up. These people are a cancer.
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>Genshin Impact is not Live Service
It still made a nice profit and maintained an active player base for many years. This is something that most MMOs fail to do, in fact.
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Stop trying to make another Tortanic happen, there will NEVER be another Tortanic.
Yeah bad news for them but I consider SBI and the fatigue they brought by onboarding too many projects to be extreme risk currently, but of course these retards won't realize that.
>the only thing sony is capable of is blatant theft
Wow, I mean, I shouldn't be surprised, but somehow I still am. Makes me glad that Nintendo backed out of the Playstation deal. They knew they were walking into a death trap for their company and IPs. Sony would have ended up owning all of it and would have driven that shit into the ground in only 10 years.
I think the real problem is that video games aren't index funds. You can't expect safe guaranteed returns by doing the same thing as everyone else, especially not in highly competitive niches like live service.
They are like locusts, going from field to field. stripping everything bare, leaving nothing behind but broken dreams.
Gachas are as much a live service as the vending machine that gets regular refills are a live service. A real live service game like Destiny gets constant story updates and plot progression, increasing levels of content, and is expected to be an ongoing pleasure to play, not something you pick up to do some chores every day.
>but what about stellar blade though
Lol, I see troons are STILL mad. One million sold, sweaty. Dilate.
Investors need to get the fuck out of vidya. The only way that will happen is for the AAA industry to crash. Hard. Like 1983 level apocalypse.

>Live service games are not video games of old.

Did you forget the 'Halo killers' of gen 6 and 'COD killers' of gen 7? It's the same decades old retardation of 'lets make an inferior clone of a thing with an established fanbase but not understand what made the thing appealing in the first place'' mindset. You'd think somebody might learn from the mistakes of the past, but no, ''this time will be different, from all the other times this shit hasn't worked, totally you guys!!''
>Steven Universe
Why out of all things to steal, you steal from that show? People were going to notice.
Yeah it's wild we kind of witnessed $500m worth of projects who had the same kind of characters, same game types, same target market, same consultants, same fucking UI, same fucking COLORS, it's like a sick fucking nightmare and not a single retard involved looked up and realized the gigantic fuckup they were all steaming towards.
Retard, gacha games only work as long as the server is running. If they shut down the servers, no more gacha game. That's the definition of live service.
I consider them to be doing gaming a favour. Its better for them to dramatically fail, eventually making DEI shit radioactive, than for it to continue as before with constant shouts of "Real DEI has never been tried!".
Anyway, unannounced Valve game crushes the numbers of Concord lmao.
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>A real live service game
Because they like Steven Universe
This started happening to me, then I got colon cancer. It seems like you’ve already made up your mind about what to do. Best of luck!
I think the big few games will have investors, but boy after this string of fuckups I think it'll scare a lot of people away. When these live service games fail, they fail hard, that's all your money fucked.

That's definitely not the pitch they got from executives when development started.
Betting both of those were animated in Korea, outsourced to china, which outsourced to either evil korea or some other asian shithole.
DEI isn't even the main issue it's making another fucking hero shooter game like 8 years too late
AAA is full of dumbasses
Where is that Pratchett fuck, that gaming investor expert, someone fucking sue him.
>Micro transactions
>Always online
>Battle pass
>New content on a regular basis
>Seasonal content that is gone forever after a while
Genshin is definitely a live service game, what the fuck are you smoking?
Imagine if you were a fund manager of a retirement fund or something and you lost everything on these "safe and stable low risk woke gigs", holy shit.
I am sorry you were retarded enough to cut your genitals, but lying and getting angry at fictional cute girls from successful franchises won't regrow your stump. Also, working for free as the harassment arm of western megacorps won't make your life less miserable, tranny discorder.
Why do you think everyone is freaking out in the year of our savior 2024? I use one of those wealth management fiduciaries so my ass can stay neet. And I can tell you that I am not happy right now.
I wouldn't put money near any entertainment right now, it's all schizoid. Up is down etc.
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At lot of companies are selling stocks right now because they know its over for them.
You should seriously be killed in a public setting for doing this faggot spam about stellar blade. No fucking shot your faggot gay ass cares about Slopcord.
which one do you think is crysis?
How did we get here? Gamergate, Fortnite?
They're all replaceable. All the people that made blizzard great have been gone for a long time
Well it all started with a game called Depression Quest...
>that handheld graph
it hurts. Full of soulful games that let smaller teams make games
kek, you're right, what a ride.
Having a varied portfolio is the way to go. Some entertainment companies are doing well, others are on track for a major correction. I think there is a light at the end of this tunnel.
Yeah, something is happening, but I'm not smart enough to predict what that is... which is why I got the fucking fiduciary to begin with!
I was gonna say Gone Home was the start of this shit but you might be right
Isn't it safer to invest in the top xxx stock groups? Like a (lower risk) spread of stuff?
What year are you posting from? Genshin gets BotW sized continents every year for free and you think a couple of Destiny maps for 40 bucks per update are a better deal than that?
overwatch lootboxes were an afterthought. The slotmachine was not front and center like gacha has them.
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I'm blaming the norwegians.
More like Mr anti freeze
Bro, some of us was raised playing shit like original C&C and Duke Nukem 3D, we're not going to run around as anime ladies in fucking victorian dresses. It's baffling to me how any of that shit is interesting but I'm happy you're happy.
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>defies logic
Ill check out genshin impact out of curiosity, just need to figure out how to hide it from friends.
We're going to reach a day where furious investors send goons to break every bone in faggot shills like those bodies.
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man this is beautiful
Yes, but even then you should be taking advantage of some relative unknowns in the high risk category. I'm not an investor, so I couldn't tell you how people go about doing that, or what the criteria for smart risk investment is.
Powerful, stunning and brave.....
How many flops are we at now? 2024: Year of the Flop
>They stopped eating our propaganda idpol slop
Name 5 AAA games that DIDN'T flop this year.

I'm waiting
Boys, let's give SBI another few tries, it's just money, who cares.
I know which one you think is Crysis but it isn't. I can't tell you what it is.
We unironically won

Not even redd*t leftist self shitters are buying this shit anymore
I can't even remember 5 AAA games that released so far this year to be honest.
All that garbage has just been flowing one into another.
reddit is not organic, you can buy upvotes for $5, it's a fucking horrible and financially dangerous metric for any kind of truth.
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I call it the flipflop-correct year. My mom used to hit me with her flipflop everytime I fucked up. I believe this is happening to the game industry right now.
>it's just money, who cares.
Yea, they will get it back with your taxes anyways
I'm black, i'm playing through my 3rd run of BG3 inbetween STALKER Gamma sessions. None of the listed games were ever on my radar.
Does Elden Ring DLC count?
2025 will be SBIs year, just you see. They'll keep using them until the FBI is literally called on dumbfuck execs.
Elden Ring is not subscribed to this propaganda ideology. So it's just another example of them shitting the bed for obvious reasons
>I'm black, i'm playing through my 3rd run of BG3 inbetween STALKER Gamma sessions. None of the listed games were ever on my radar.
Same, I'm looking forward to Mechwarrior 5 Clans DLC.
>These games were literally made for blackies.
No they're made to humiliate whites. You need to start paying attention and ask what any of these policies are for. Rarely do they ever help a nonwhite group, but they always humiliate whites.
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>The self insert of the main dev
>What people see white men as
>What the devs think a black girl boss is
>An vaxer mom in a suit that had 10 jabs
>The football guy they wanted to bang in highschool
>What they think a powerful fat black woman is
>How they see their main competitor Asian women
>How most white American females look like just a blob of fat
We'll never really know just what exactly SBI does, but it's got something to do with that mythical "modern audience" bullshit.
Easiest and most sensible way to approach this as a hopeful investor, tell the executives they can use shit like SBI, but they lose a finger / toe / ear for every million they lose you.
lmao then every single developer interview has the developers talk about how much they love niggies.
Uh huh. I'm sure it's the le execs and not the mostly left leaning development teams.
People are so full of shit, they associate modern audience with coloured people because they're different looking than the "old audience" when in reality everyone already engages with gaming there is no fucking untapped copper vein of random ass people who will rock up to the SBI grift like the fucking lion king.
I mean the only humiliation to be had was by the developers. I'm not humiliated by games I will never watch, buy, play or care about.

I can't even remember the name of that EA magic finger gun shooter that floped.

Asians are producing the game I play, Valve is and Indies and the few good guys.

Am I bothered by all the wokeshit in Anno 1800 yes but not too much.
Do I care that Overwatch 2 is dead? No.

I can play CS:GO, Dota 2, FFXIV for the time wasters.

I play all the Paradox stuff and the indies for interesting games like Agaist the Storm, Ratopia, Little Witch in the Woods, Factorio, V Rising and so on...
It's not about untapped markets
The truth is, the hobby was always fucking diverse, both games and playerbase, the "modern audience" meme was a fucking buzzword cooked up to introduce consultants and convince unironic retards they were an untapped potential goldmine when nothing fucking existed. It's a scam, a grift, a sham, it's bullshit.
>eyes that kiss in the corners
make a book called "skin pale as snow" and see how quickly you'll get cancelled lmao
Yes it is, and guess what, the untapped markets don't fucking exist, example of the outcome as follows >>683721958

It's the fucking result of retarded games journos running with a bullshit buzzword they drove while not being qualified to do any kind of market research.
Let's list them, /v/.

Suicide Squad
Skull and Bones
Dragon's Dogma 2 (?)
Hi-Fi Rush
Red Fall

>Honorary Mention
It didn't flop, but was a massive disaster.
I grew up playing Duke and Carmageddon and I'm playing Genshin. Why, because it's fun. I didn't play Carmageddon because I'm a maniac in need of gore and violence, I did it because it's fun.
Destiny 2 isn't fun, it's trash. Destiny 1 was fun. Can you tell the difference? Probably not, most Destiny fags forgot the time when Destiny was actually fun
I believe unions are massively harmful to businesses, ultimately driving them into insolvency, and therefore I strongly support every game publisher and tech company unionizing
While this is incredibly illegal, shit is so fucked up now that I wouldn't be shocked if the investors were in on it and didn't give a fuck
This. Unions would never become corrupt and nepotist organizations looking to benefit some of the work force while trying to milk business owners for as much money as they can.

You might be onto something. Yeah... let's get these fuckers unionized!
>Yes it is
No, it's not.
Surely they’d also never blackmail the rank and file’s livelihood and families if they even step out of line either.
>But wouldn't that hurt their current investors?
I think ubisoft and investors want to sell but no one wants to buy this garbage company at its inflated price so they are tanking their stock to get around the law and sell it at a reasonable price.

Ubisoft has a decent amount of IPs but they are mostly trash or just over used. This next AC is in Japan and regardless of the drama will sell well because that is the setting everyone wants but after that this series is probably dead.
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Your shitposting has inspired me to buy the game and will play it over the weekend. Congratulations, tranny.
Name one reason Ubisoft and Activision shouldn't unionize immediately then. Microsoft and Sony too. Disney and Netflix while we're at it.
Oh, those should absolutely unionize right now. Shit, they should just skip that step and fire all their staff so they can go down in flames!
It's not as bad as /v/ says it is. You'll probably like it. Different from the normal souls-like crap that is currently plaguing the action genre.
I feel like blizzard been making games with AI for past 14 years.
Disney currently has strikes on going that threaten to shutdown their theme parks. I'm ready for them to go all in on unions. It's going to be glorious. Universal is going to make a killing.
>It's a fucking deathmarch, but why.
I think for the longest time these middle managers convince the people at the top who just give a fuck about money and don't care how its done that these losses are ok and expected and it's just a cycle or whatever and other companies are dealing with this too but eventually that excuse won't be enough.

Like my brother is a stock broker he says this is basically how Disney is run where it may look bad as a stock but it's still better than holding your money in the bank
It's crazy the damage Destiny has done to the industry. Everyone is trying to copy Destiny and make that mid 2010's Destiny money but oh no plot twist now even Destiny is dying right as you all are releasing your Destiny and Overwatch knockoffs and Overwatch is barely hanging on
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I really really think some retarded high ranking DEI businesswoman made all these games that would translate to the PC well with the goal to pull the shit they tried with Helldivers 2 and dump all these Playstation games on the PC, make you link a PSN account and rugpull steam players and force you guys to buy a PS+ account to play these games online. I really think they were stupid enough to think this would work seamlessly and are going to panic now. No one innovates anymore they just take what they have and try to find more ways to skim off the top. PC players are playing playstation games online but are not paying to play online like playstation cucks are and I bet they wanted to change that.
>i specifically only buy 10+ year old childrens books
Robert Munsch, a Canuck made children books more than 10 years ago and even he had some negro kids in it.
"Grim" doesnt imply anything you colossal schizo faggot, I just used that word since having about 500 players for a new big game made by Sony IS FUCKING GRIM. especially since its free
You can't just instantly magic up 500 game devs
The idea was that a free beta would have more players than the paid one, and somehow it got even less. And memes aside, thats honestly baffling.
>investing over 100 mil
>just to get less than 1k players
Must feel like shit to be a developer of such games.
I wonder if it's bad enough they're going to delay it, but then again that could just make things worse.
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That's horribly garish looking even for a fag skin
>I-i-i-i will totally buy it and not just sperg about it online for culture war reasons
Kek /pol/niggers are pathetic.
>all this seething
They're rebrand it Concord 2.
Is the industry going to crash again? Say they get rid of woke, they are still just making nothing but remakes, hero shooters, Destiny clones and open world ubisoft collection games. Very few innovative titles are being made. Apathy is going to set in even if you have attractive woman in the games.
>Hi-Fi Rush
That was a well-regarded game which only fell victim to Microsoft’s Warner Bros tier financial collapse, whereas the others on the list had a more divisive reception
The wormtongue leftists that have the ear of every CEO in America.
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I think Japanese and Indies games will be fine.
Western games are fucked.
>Thinking /pol/niggers care about games or the quality of them instead of just their imagined issues and mountains they made out of molehills
They do not. All they care about in regards of games is how they can use it to sperg about "muh SJWs" "Muh JOOOOS" "muh trannies"
All western devs have to do is make most characters sexy anime whores. Why don't they just bend the knee and do it?
Tried the game to see if /v/ were right about hating it.
I am convinced every preorder is only for the platinum bitches at playstation.
>least schizo /pol/ack
>Dragon's Dogma 2 (?)
>Hi-Fi Rush
Both of those games shouldnt be on that list compared to the rest of those stinkers.
DD2 was disappointing but it didn't flop financially
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Cope. Seethe. Dilate. Repeat.
I am literally picking the game up tomorrow from the local store, tranny.
DD2 was also a fine game
Non whites don't think like that, white liberals are the only ones who feel good about muh representation and DEI bullshit like that
Guter Geschmack, Tobias.
>I-i-i-i, totally doing it, haha I am totally oqning you QQ
Kek you're so fucking pathetic
>When execs tell you that 50% of the cast must be niggers and troons for good ESG rating, how are you supposed to make a good videogame
Are you controlled opposition?
mein Beileid
>/pol/nigger thinks he has a grip on reality and knows what other people think or how the world functions
Cute, like a little baby who thinks he has it all figured out
Why did some AA korean slop action game cause so much seethe? Is having an attractive female lead really all it takes?
Go back to resetera tranny
>nooo if you speak of me and my verminous ilk you must be... A TRANNY
/pol/niggers and their direction brain is extreme
It’s already happening. Developers are being laid off left and right because the big companies bought them out and couldn’t afford to stay afloat.
>Why did some AA korean slop action game cause so much seethe?
Seethe? Laughter at best when mentally ill /pol/niggers had to spam about some crappy korean action game as the saviour of games because "omg booby lady". Which is hardly a decisive quality factor of a game, not that /pol/niggers care about games or their quality, or play them.
they hired them because there were zero interest loans. Now you actually have to turn a profit you no longer hire anything with a heartbeat
Holy shit. Yes, seethe. Why are you so angry at some flop gookslop?
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>looks like this
>dares calling anyone pathetic
Does you axewould smell like leaked intestine shit yet? Don't worry, it will soon, sweetie ;)
devs get paid and don't give a shit
the ones who are suffering are the shareholders
if you have had colon cancer since 2010 and lasted this long with no chemo or radio, yeah there's no need to go see the doctor at this point lmao. maybe it's like a "Schrodinger" cancer, it's not there as long as you don't look
going to the store tomorrow and camping it with a bottle of acid
>did they purposely make awful skins to sell other skins later on?
there don't seem to be any great skins either, a "rare" skin for fire crossbow "lady" is just a color swap to green for eg.
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you won't do shit
No you can't, which is why there is honestly zero hope for 99% of AAA devs now. They chose to murder talent in chase of (((profit))) and now they all get to die on the streets. I have no sympathy for any studio or employee who starves to death, besides all good games have already been made and only pale imitations can be produced from now into infinity.
Calm down Muhammad
>get yourself a higher pay as being part of a union
>everything else in the industry/working world trying to unionize as well, pushing up prices of goods/slower production
>your higher pay is meaningless as a result when everything costs more
The idea is that at the end of the road the distribution of money between capitalists and employees would shift more towards employees since they can bargain as a collective
Which unfortunately will never happen in my country with how many immigrants are pouring in looking for work out of a union.

Sp why aren't the blacks playing it then? It's made for them after all.
That's more true if shit like minimum wage, when a companies employees unionize its usually a company with enough capital that they can afford to pay their employees more, you'll never see a mom and pop convenience store with a unionized workforce, if you think WalMart HAS to raise its prices because of unions you are being buck broken by corpo overlords that are making you lack their boots while saying it's for your benefit. Don't be retarded anon.
How did it flop?

Character designs are charming, the lore is entertaining and the gameplay is the same as Overwatch and TF2
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A black Scottish cyclopes has more character than any of these freaks of nature.
That doesn't appeal to people as much in 2024. Maybe if this was 2014 that would be enough. But time waits for no man.
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who do you think allows them to come in
I'll give them the quality of the cinematic in their game and that's about it, that shit is pretty top tier, other than that though I can't agree with any part of their game being charming or interesting in any way, in part its that those other games already exist, what does this game do differently to stand out from them? If nothing, why pay for it instead of playing the two existing free ones?
>the gameplay is the same and TF2
TF2's 6v6 competitive mode is a shallow parody of what the game actually is, and that's what Concord is trying to imitate.
Send all of this back to your boss for their inquiries.
>60 burger tokens on release
It was over before it started.
It still doesn't "defy all logic" in an era where games are saturated in pretty much all genres. It's gotten to the point where the time you spend on a game is more valuable than the money you spend on it.

People 'will' pay for good gameplay regardless of how much it costs, poorfags are the loudest minority.
>Why out of all things to steal, you steal from that show
That shit from SU is stolen from elsewhere anyway.
Hellblade 2.

DD should shift to biggest dissapointment. Not full specturm failure.

Hi Fi rush should be Killed by it's Publisher.

Forspoken was last year. Time moves quickly.

Coming this y ear?

DA veilguard.

I don't think the rank and file employee or contractor is responsible for the failure of this game. All the decision (that I see) hampering the appeal are coming from the top down. There is story recently come out about one developers who is less than mentally sound. That is a problem that impedes workflow and creativity, you need a healthy people to make a good game.
Delusional Developers
Delusional """Journalists""""
Delusional Shareholders

They cant understand why their Uber-Woke of a game flopped when its scientifically engineered to appeal to everyone.
Isn't bungies marathon reboot a hero shooter too? They paid 3 billion for them, just leave it to them. Concord didn't need to exist.
Most of the time that is true, because the top has the final say about what gets done, but great games have been made under heavy crunch conditions, so I don't think it's that big if a factor around the quality if the game as much as poor leadership and and incompetence. That being said, crunch isn't ideal because to me it's an extension of some of those other things to some extent or another.
I think Marathon will have poor sales. I would be delighted to proven wrong, but I don't get a good vibe from their dev team.
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Possibly cause it keeps trying tick all the boxes of what's currently trendy in the hero shooter genre trying to appease everyone therefore appealing to no one
Why devs keep settling for shitty 5v5 and 6v6 boring competitive setups is beyond me
Anon why would you want the shitty corporate reboot of a classic video game to succeed?
True, lack of direction is a massive killer. It's most prevalent in film with re-shoots and last minute adjustments to CGI. Asking your art department to make 50+ different iterations of the same scene when ultimately you only choose the final because the smoke was black instead of white does not signify that the lead knows what they are doing. Sorry for the run on sentence.
I liked Marathon dude, I still "want" to see a good game even if that won't be the outcome.
It's multiplayer focused hero shooter reboot. I can't imagine actual Marathon fans wanting that to succeed.
It's not that I want that live service vision to succeed. I just want another Marathon game. For example, I don't want Piranha to make Mechwarrior games, but I am excited for every Mechwarrior game that comes out.
but yeah, it's still 40 bucks too expensive
Especially when all of its competition is free and established already. I dunno what audience they are trying to garner with this. Every publisher is looking for their fortnite or minecraft.
>uhhhhhh unions bad because
>t-they just are ok!!!?
You should die for being a frog poster, but go to a doctor instead of this shithole for advice

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