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So I thought Miyazaki was doing the classic "wink wink, nudge nudge" bit when talking about the new level up system in the DLC. I was under the impression that these were optional and not really required for a legit run.
After being Relanna though I'm thinking differently. Fights are way too long and tedious without leveling up your blessing.
I know we all like getting a good laugh out of the YDBTG meme but there has been too much misinformation about these dumb fragments.
The DLC literally literally feels like it was designed expecting players of all skill levels to use them. I don't think this is an optional slider mechanic. I think we're all supposed to use them.
Radahn is impossible without at least lvl 18 scadu
I did it with like 12 bro, not even trying to brag, I hated the fight, I think the diminishing returns once you get into the teens is super bad, it's like a couple percent more damage going from 14 to 20.
They're the equivalent of attack power in Sekiro
It's okay to use scadutree fragment, if someone wants to YDBTG, ask them, did they level up flask and upgrade their armaments?
Also, scadutree fragment is fucking stupid because they might as well not increase the numbers in the DLC
> but what if I don't use it for the challenge?
Use fists, daggers, don't upgrade your weapons, etc. - there are already ways to limit yourself that are not specific to the DLC
you are literally retarded
a playerbase of actual retards
The shadow fragments was fine. You don't need them all to beat the DLC.
The last 6-7 fragments are only about 12% damage increase and 8% damage reduction.
I'm literally missing 1 (one) of these fuckers and can't find it. Any tips?
From doesn't make hard games, they make games with shitty play-balance.
Are you sure you don't mean 1.2? or in other words 20%?
Because I'm pretty sure that, at max skibidis, you're suppose to have 2x your damage resistance and 2x your damage.
I'd double check the video or guide you're using but my last one was from a grace I missed in Shadow Keep. It was like the fourth floor or whatever. Fucking insane because there's like five paths to Messmer so it's easy to miss.
I don't get why they needed to do scadu fragments desu. Where there level 200+ guys just chilling in ng? Just go to NG+ if you think you're overleveled for the DLC
Commonly missed ones seem to be in Abyssal Woods or east of the burnt ruins in Gravesite Plain, carried by one of those pot shades
>guide you're using
I guess I'll go through the locations again, hope its not glitched or something, I read that the pot fuckers might despawn

I already beat it, retard. Just collecting whatever I can before NG+
you are basically handicapping yourself and doing a challenge run without these
>Just collecting whatever I can before NG+
Do you keep scadu blessings going into NG+? I feel like they'd reset so you don't start the DLC again at lvl 20
>I read that the pot fuckers might despawn
The pot guys are really stupid and I hate that there are spots with pot guys that are different from the ones that drop fragments so I got baited into killing pot guys that weren't required.
From what I heard you keep them
Yes, Scadu blessing and spirit ash blessings are like the golden seeds and sacred tears. The level you're at moves into NG+ cycles.
Fun fact, the smithing stone bell bearings now also move into NG+ so you only need to collect them once.
Same as flasks, they carry over

From what I understand if you kill them but don't pick it up and die/reload it despawns and you're fucked. 2 fucking years and they couldn't playtest it
He's easy at any blessing with a shield that has good magic and holy negate
>Fun fact, the smithing stone bell bearings now also move into NG+ so you only need to collect them once.
Yeah, the fact that that wasn't the case on launch is mind-numbing
I did it at 15 with a DMGS build
>Fun fact, the smithing stone bell bearings now also move into NG+ so you only need to collect them once.
Thank fuck, took them long enough to include this.
>using shields
you didn't beat the game, etc etc
>I was under the impression that these were optional
Your fault for being fucking retarded. You were straight up told that there was going to be a new leveling system, did you think he was joking?
Well yes obviously. That's been clear to 99% of people since release. Fragments are a parallel levelling system to make up for the fact that most people entering the DLC will be high enough level that their build has minimal use for additional levels. If they didn't have it or something like it, there'd be no way for people to go away and come back with more power when they bounce off a hard boss, as these games are designed around the player doing.
I had my save on NG+ and had entered NG+ before this was the case
Was very confused after entering NG++
>did you think he was joking?
There's always been a bit of a disconnect between what Miyazaki "says" versus what's expected from the players.
People in the know, know that we're expected to overcome difficult challenges and beat the game in a proper, respectful fashion.
The game just happens to usually offer tasteful difficulty sliders to help a wide range of players reach the end as well.
That's because it was retard. Your wepon upgrade and RL don't matter compared to a blessing that gives you 80% more damage and 50% or so more negation.
The game already has that, it's called spirit summoning. This was described as a separate leveling system, ergo not using it would be like attempting to beat the base game without leveling, which is a pretty ridiculous challenge to the overwhelming majority of players.
You don't need these to beat the dlc. And if you used them the you didn't beat the dlc.
The game is fucking unbalanced mess.

The thing that pisses me off the most is that now to survive more than 2 or 3 hits from a boss you need to do a stupid ritual of golden vow, crab and physick before walking in and even then you still take a fuck load of damage at 60 vig.

They should just tone the fucking damage down so you don't need to do this shit. Honestly the DLC was ass and I'm done with the series after this, the games have just become a parody of themselves.

I just hope we get another Sekiro game to wash the foul taste of Elden Shit out of my mouth.
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>So I thought Miyazaki was doing the classic "wink wink, nudge nudge" bit

When has he ever done this?
You have not played sekiro and probably not played elden ring, discord tranny
I've played and completed both, ask me anything you want about them. I still think Elden Ring is shit.
Since the beginning. There is a magic system in Dark Souls 1, after all.
What exactly do you think "wink wink, nudge nudge" means here?
They did this so you couldn't just bring your level 700 character into the DLC and completely steam roll it. They told you there's a system you would use. They put in all this shit so you can adjust the difficulty however you want. If you refuse to use a system, don't complain that the game is drastically harder.

The only time you haven't beaten the game is when you say and don't accept it yourself. If you feel satisfied killing a boss after getting 20 fragments with a mimic tear, that's fine, don't let people on the Internet say otherwise.
I'm assuming he means secret optional easy mode.
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>The only time you haven't beaten the game is when you say and don't accept it yourself. If you feel satisfied killing a boss after getting 20 fragments with a mimic tear, that's fine, don't let people on the Internet say otherwise.
But... but why are we posting here then?
Because most /v/irgins are masochists and submissives and want to be insulted and mistreated
What the fuck is a "legit" run?? Not using a mechanic that was clearly intended to keep the DLC from being too easy for level 500 characters? If so, you may as well not used other intended mechanics like upgrading weapons or using flasks. Jesus, every day I hold back tears laughing at how utterly mindbroken these things made people.
You're way too deep in the memes. There's never been a "secret" easy mode. Sorcerer and pyromancer were starting classes for fuck's sake. There's just balance issues that get accentuated in the late game.
>magic is the easiest since Dark Souls!!!!
>when Shields, STR, DEX are vastly easier than it on ER especially with all the hyper armor stunlocking AoWs like Lion's Claw or bleed spam + Endure/Ironjar Aromatic etc.
What's even more funny is the notion that is applied to DS1 as well, you know, the game where Havel set literally makes you untouchable? At least in ER you need Endure or Ironjar for that and you can still get staggered by a few attacks
Unironically, I wish the game was structured like Ghost Recon: Breakpoint

>Basic skill tree that opens up into prestige specializations that allow you to focus on a specific gameplay style (swappable at will)
>Hostile Areas display their pinnacle reward on the map (permanent gun schematic unlock, etc)
>Horizontal progression structure
>Weapon progression and customization without grinding

The Tarnished should have been a legit character like Wolf, The Tarnished, a demi-human warrior bull that can do anything. Get rid of Souls leveling, like Sekiro, and replace it with perks and skills. Make it a combat playground with lots of flexibility instead of a vertical progression shit-slope.
There's always been a million ways to cheese these games. People are just choosy about which cheese they frown upon.
How do you manage weapons and their damage scaling? Tie it exclusively to the weapon upgrade?
With 12 fragments you have a 1.85x multiplier, with 20 you have 2.05x
2.05/1.85 = 1.10810810811
The last 8 fragments combined boost damage by about 11%. Defense follows a similar formula, reducing damage taken by ~11%
Sorry. I read that as the first 6-7 fragments, not the last 6-7 fragments. My bad.
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I wouldn't have weapon smithing, maybe a system that lets you modify their weight, attack speed, or whatever.

Maybe just set the game up like Sekiro where your global weapon damage is based on / gated by some key items.
>It should be more Ubislop
weak b8 m8
>After being Relanna
What was it like?
Elden Ring is already ubislopped up. It's closer to Assassin's Creed in terms of design than it is Morrowind, Outward, etc.
That HEAVILY nerfs the RPG mechanics and build potencial, leaving you with an action gameplay that no matter how much you tweak will always be very weak.
Even if you introduced skill points as the progression rather than the current leveling through stats, the base action gameplay would only be improved if at most you added the Bloodborne mechanics. Even then, as much as I love BB, that game also benefits from its RPG mechanics as far as builds go.
Fact is From games are not good action games and never have been. They're good RPGs primarily.
Well, duh. How were they going to make the DLC challenging and provide a sense of progression to people who have characters that are already end game level? By halving their attack and defense relative to everything in said DLC. The Scadutree blessings aren't an "upgrade" in the way you're used to, but rather a way to bring your character's stats back to the baseline you were at before. That's why the blessings are only active while in the DLC.
Because our dopamine receptors have burnt out and the only way to feel something to handle it in extremes. It's the same phenomenon that you experience with porn addicts; you jerk off to vanilla stuff so much it doesn't achieve the same highs, so you go for progressively weirder stuff because it feels new, fresh, and more risque. You chase a bigger thrill and then force this new identity onto yourself.
You're trying to portray it in a negative way with the talk about dopamine burn out and the comparison to porn addiction, but you could just as well phrase it as seeking greater challenges as your skills improve. Seeking taller mountains to climb and seeking out new fetishes are essentially the same underlying drive for novelty. It's just a difference in context.
not if you use bleed
I use them so I can see bigger numbers as I wreck shit with my Troll Knight Swords
I'd say it's bad when you become miserable enough to insult other people who want to do things their own way. There's nothing wrong if you want to keep playing, trying new things, and finding a new challenge, but the issue becomes the ones who want a self imposed challenge are much less vocal vs. the people that attempt to force the view on others. As much as "you didn't beat the game" is a meme, there are people that take it seriously out there. OP feeling like he can't do it because the community called it easy is an example of pressuring newcomers into playing a specific way and not feeling free enough to just try out what they want to do.
>secret optional easy mode
so 90% of the builds?
I had another save that was DLC ready so I went in and got the scoobs this time. Fought her with +4 and it felt like a proper hard boss rather than an exercise in voluntary castration.
The DLC is already locked behind an endgame area and tuned for endgame/softcap characters. They did because of numbers must go up game design autism and so they would have some more generic collectibles to sprinkle around the map.
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What do you guys think is easier, doing Radahn at RL 125 or doing Radahn at 150 on NG+?

Please respond
Same shit.

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