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Why is it that "older" games, say 5-10 years old, running at maxed graphics look better and perform better than new games on low settings? And I'm not talking about games releasing bugged. I'm not dumb enough to play anything on release day.

I've especially noticed this on the Deck. Now that I'm actually paying attention to graphics settings and performance instead of maxing everything out out of habit, I've realized that games from ~2018 running on High or Ultra graphics can achieve high (60-90) refresh rates on the Deck and look great. While 1-2 year old games barely run at 30-45 FPS with everything set to low, while looking much worse than the older games on high settings.

What's up with that? Is it because the world geometry or models or something are so complex in modern games you simply can't "just turn them down"? It's certainly not about the games featuring more complex mechanics, because I mostly notice the difference in simple flashy action games.
because it's old games made for weaker hardware so it runs better on new 10 times more powerful hardware
i dont have a real answer i had the same shit with specially unreal rengine games back then like gears of war etc while source games ran much better

but also todays run have features that are vezry expensive and useless like volumetric bullshit, and also dont have lightning, cuz its made to run with SSAO wso when you disable it some games depend on it and become barebone AF without it

but also art direction im playign rage right now and it almost looks like a ps4 game the skybox looks insane. you can have high res textures but it doesnt mean thet texture is good work and will look good

i think its engines too. older games like SNES are super optimized next to modern pixel 2d games
Unironically this lol, and now that we have more powerful computers, it gives gamedevs and excuse to push graphics to it's absolute limit so it looks "realistic".
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I understand why the old game runs well.
My question is: why does the new game with its graphics turned down look worse AND perform worse than the old game with its graphics turned up? That doesn't make sense to me, aside from dev laziness.
that's simple, they stopped giving a fuck about lower resolutions or tweaking them, you just get noise blasted textures that look awful and no longer fit a coherent artstyle
I've noticed the same thing, fellow 'ecker. I think the skill level of developers has been steadily decreasing over the years, and you're seeing the result of that.
because deferred rendering and TAA are blurry trash
Every time a game is released as many people as possible are fired from the team to be replaced with cheaper people or not replaced at all.
The remaining people don't benefit from what the employees who got fired learned and have to do the work of multiple people by themselves so quality can only degrade and good solutions are forgotten. The good solutions who haven't been patented so others aren't allowed to use them even if you don't do anything with them, that is. Like the nemesis system.

This is (one of) the price of enjoying the best economic system ever created. Please kneel and thank it for all the innovations (financed with public money then privatized if there is profit to be made or nipped in the bud if there isn't) it's allowing.
Yeah but those old days where game programmers were John Carmack tier wizards who literally invented stuff no one had though possible to be able to put a video game on the screen are long gone. That's not really what I'm talking about. Game studios were already using Unreal Engine and ready-made dev tools 5-10 years ago.
Some truth to this, but I don't play the standard yearly Ubi and EA slop. Pretty much everything I play is either some cult classic, indie or "that AAA game from 2 years ago that got great reviews is now on sale".
Indies optimization is entirely down to the dev(s) and they usually have an art style rather than muh photorealistic graphics so they don't really fit this discussion.

Cult classics are cult classics because they are old and so is the dev team today so they're not working on the sequels, it's still overworked interchangeable AAA employees who never were able to learn from their predecessors and who are being bullied into meeting impossible deadlines by lazy managers who are working on those knowing full well they're probably getting fired soon no matter how well they're doing to allow said managers and shareholders to get a bonus for the end of the semester so they have no reason to care.
I wasn't really talking about indies in the OG post.

>overworked interchangeable AAA employees who never were able to learn from their predecessors and who are being bullied into meeting impossible deadlines by lazy managers who are working on those knowing full well they're probably getting fired soon
Yeah but I don't think that was so different in 2018. Also, I don't know if this necessarily a unique thing right now. I bet in 2030 games from 2024 on Ultra will look better than games from 2030 on Low.
Dark Souls Remastered vs. Elden Ring is a great example of this if you compare them on the Deck.
DkS:R literally looks better and runs at a rock solid 60fps (capped) while Elden Ring looks like a demake when stripped to the lowest settings and still struggles to maintain 30.
If you look at crysis 3 from 2013 and whatever sloppa from 2023 there's been nearly zero progress in graphical fidelity while system requirements have gone up by factor of 10.
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>older games
>5-10 years
Capitalism wants infinite growth in a finite market (let's not even mention the finite resources because it gets even sillier). That's why everything gets worse over time. They had a good time for like 3 generations because they made their children and their children's children etc pay for it. Now it only gets worse. Every clothing article becomes half plastic and falls apart in 2 weeks. Every appliance is made to last 6 months. Every non-indie video game has to be made by a worse crew than the previous title, because that's what's profitable to the higher ups and it's all that matters to a system that only cares about accumulation of capital.
There's no secret.
measured or judged by estimating the similarity or dissimilarity between one thing and another; relative.
Graphics settings haven't done shit for fps gains in like a decade. When your code is SHIT, the fps will always be SHIT.
I assume you're younger and having discovered the mechanisms of capitalism is in your mind therefore connected to modern times, but nothing in this aspect has changed for decades.
Well that's just not true because I always check graphics settings when playing gaymes and they always make a huge difference. Sounds like you have a slow CPU.
You use your fancy ivory words and I keep calling you an underage normalfag.
Calling a 10-year-old game older than a 2-year-old game is really not that fancy but whatever retard
play DD2 and tell me more about how my cpu is at fault
I'm answering OP's question.
I'm failing to see the point of your post. You're assuming wrong and then making a claim I already made, are you just trying to call yourself younger? Yes, indeed, things have been getting worse for decades because that's how capitalism works.
No thanks I won't.
Also I'm aware that DD2 runs like ass on every PC, but that's just a case of a game releasing unoptimized. Happens all the time.
In general modern games are much more GPU-bound than CPU. Graphics settings impact performance a ton.
Everything you described was in full effect already in the 2010s, so even if the general shittiness of capitalism plays a role in things it doesn't explain the shift from 2018 to 2024.

That's like explaining why your food tastes bad by saying "capitalism". Yeah, capitalism probably had something to do with it. I doubt it was the main cause though. Maybe you used less salt than usual.
dynamic lighting instead of baked lighting is a considerable part of it, I think.
Obviously you can't even read. Sad!
>graphics settings don't fix one recent release infamous for terrible performance
>graphics settings haven't done shit for fps gains in like a decade
Contrary to popular belief, things overall actually tend to get worse with time.
>Everything you described was in full effect already in the 2010s, so even if the general shittiness of capitalism plays a role in things it doesn't explain the shift from 2018 to 2024.
I'm sorry but "everything gets worse over time" does in fact explain things getting worse over time. I didn't think you somehow missed that, since it's so obvious, so I was confused.
But "everything gets worse over time" is clearly not true. The 2024 game on Ultra graphics looks better than the 2018 game on Ultra graphics. So a thing got better.
That's why I was comparing 2024 Low to 2018 Ultra. It was so obvious, I didn't think you'd miss it.
Your cherrypicking of whatever games you chose does not, in fact, make the overall trend suddenly impossible to see. You're just trying hard to defend what you've been told to defend since birth.
I don't have time for such childish behavior, so have fun by yourself with that. You've got the actual answer already.
Umm, sweety pie, I don't need to cherry pick to find games from 2024 that look better than games from 2018.
You're scrambling because your "umm actually capitalism is bad ummkay" didn't blow our mind away as the end-all answer to all question.
Especially weird with games on the same engine. Why is RE2R running so much better than RE4R? It looks better too
that's probably true.
alongside devs not bothering to include changes like a simpler lighting system as an alternative on low settings like in the olden days. the graphics settings are just different numbers to send to the post processing filters etc.
because the quality of developers took a fucking plunge
now every game has multiple parts being outsourced to retarded browngoloids
the industry needs more layoffs
Quite literally because of Nintendo Switch holding back gaming by a decade.

When a game is in development, they aim for as many platforms as possible. Only to realize most PS3 games would crash a Switch.
that makes no sense.
shouldn't that result in modern games being hyperoptimized? which is the opposite of what's going on.

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