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Comments like this about Helldivers 2 will never not make me laugh
Do comments like that about Helldivers 2 ever not make you laugh?
this is somehow dumber than a twitter screencap thread.
go back
>reddit discord screencap about fotm goyslop
go back
xitter/predditor/retardera screencap threads need to grand a perma rangeban
Another rage addicted nigger posting reddit screencaps instead of playing video games.
why? if the thread is popular enough to get replies then it's a good thread
kill yourself OP
how am i wrong exactly?
The biggest problem for this game is that it's a shitty console shooter that isn't good.

>Desperate redditor wants her echochamber
fuck off retard
Cant wait for Trump to win again, reddit is going to lose their mind kek
We need to add a disorder to the dsm thats a variant of schizophrenia where instead of thinking the tv is sending you secret message, you instead think that everything is inherently political
I haven’t played Heckdivers 2, what politics are they referring to?
I just assumed it was tongue-in-cheek like the Starship Troopers movie
except this time the media is literally shilling for zion don
Mario especially pisses me off with it's political messages. Have you ever actually sat and thought about the states of the Mushroom and Bowser Kingdoms specifically? The Mushroom Kingdom lives in a society full of same faced individuals ruled by a woman who hoards all the magical Stars, Shines, and Sprites, denying anyone else any real citizenship or value. It's a state ruled by poor ruling, poor laws, and overall poor handling of their regions borders. Nothing about this Kingdom is good, yet the game tries to convince you that they're good for the sole fact that the Princess makes some cakes sometimes and they have regular sponsored games and events to draw in more revenue for failing economy. It's a feminist and corporate shithole primarily built on the backs of so called undesirables, bland automatons, and lies. Meanwhile Bowser's Kingdom suffers in degradation, and is relocated to being forced into harsh environments to survive, needing to build a grand army in order to expand their influence and take lands that should otherwise be open to them, but are not due to the Mushroom Kingdom. If Bowser was actually such a menace, he wouldn't be politically invited to the various games and events, even as a political gesture. He is a freedom fighter, fighting for the rights of the varying peoples and creatures of the world to all have a rightful place, and for the wealth of Stars, Shines, and Sprites to spread, while taking down the conglomerate shithole that Princess Peach Toadstool has caused. And yet we are made to believe that Bowser and his Kingdom are evil.

Mario is a problematic series. I urge you all to spread the word, hopefully this reaches Nintendo post haste.
Literally break your arms you waste of space
>no argument
I'll save an explanation (you)r eulogy.
It's modern day contemporary political messaging that's bad
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>Reddit thread
important bump
yeah, its all extra/background stuff. all of the ACTUAL gameplay is just combat stuff. people want to play up the "message" of how starship troopers is actually political, when its just an entertaining action movie. you have to jump through hoops and mental gymnastics of scrutinization to extrapolate a "political statement" from either work. sure, the "message" is simple, but its really not the focus. the focus is the action, and the "message" is really understated.
That's straight up just a small chested woman like what the fuck
The problem with political messaging is that most game developers are too politically illiterate or just straight up pushing the most corporate liberal idpol shlock that the political messages turn into an annoyance.
Disco elysium is the only game where I felt the developers handled it with tact, being clearly Marxist in its expression and analysis but not being afraid to also take shots against self-proclaimed communists and ridicule their shortcomings.
become a femboy and become irrisistible to buff futas
Can someone give me a good reason why OP doesnt get perma banned?
because he hurt your feelings?
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>Disco elysium is the only game where I felt the developers handled it with tact,
I disagree.
Disco Elysium is insufferable, because it is nothing but Žižek-style cynical wank-fest where it hides any actual moral or intellectual responsibility behind layers upon layers of dishonest cynicism. It's the kind of childish bullshit belief that thinks saying that "actually everyone is an asshole" is super mature and world-weary, instead of being obnoxious, alibistic, and straight up dishonest.

It's making zero effort to find the best of each belief, instead it revels in vapid "every belief is bullshit in the end, and by simply stating that we proved we are intellectually superior, and can hold on to our particular brand of bullshit as much as we want."

If you want to see a game actually exploring philosophical and ideological concepts in a tactful way, you'll have to play something like Pathologic 1/2. Because that game actually sets of to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and tries to find reason in each perspective, rather than chosing one ideology and then "justifying" it by dragging all competing ideologies down to the same worthless level.

DE's handling of ideological and philosophical concepts is the EPITOME of insufferable edgy teen's view.
>The problem with political messaging
The problem is they rarely make you think, they just tell you what to.
Anyone who isn't a mental void waiting to be filled with whatever garbage is spewed at them will be repulsed.
>it's bad because it doesn't try to preach
It's good exactly for that reason. It's entertainment not a manifesto
>It's good exactly for that reason. It's entertainment not a manifesto
It's an exploration of the subject, and it is fucking awful at that. And it shows that they are, as people, dishonest, despicable cunts. Who revel in that fact, satisfying themselves by loudly saying that everyone else is just as bad as they are, which makes them justified.

And seeing a spoiled dishonest cunt telling you how you are just as bad as they are, which actually makes them better than you are, is not entertainment in my opinion.
I like to be challenged. And I like to explore all kinds of subjects, because it's fun to learn and consider things I haven't considered yet.

Disco Elysium, as far as any form of basic philosophy or ideology goes, fails to do either. It does not provide any new, thoughtful or challenging ideas or arguments, and the message it ultimately provides is actively harmful. It fails as a message, it fails as an exploration of it's subject matter, and it fails as entertainment as a consequence.
What the hell did I just read?
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>w..wait why isn't anyone playing anymore PLEASE PLAY THE GAME PLEASEEE
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holy fuck i hate literatureniggers, for some reason you're always casuals who literally cannot comprehend the sheer concept of fun in any meaningful way
i bet you fucking gush in braid threads about how it saved the indie scene from a "bleak and dark path towards an enlightened and complex future" and snivel at the retards having fun quoting soulja boi
go ahead, prove me wrong, tell me that braid was shit in both story and gameplay
Thanks anon, I'll try Pathologic 2 at some point.
when people say political they mean propaganda. Helldivers 2 is a parody, not even a satire, because it provides no commentary about what its parodizing.
This. Most media absolutely should not have topical content that has no place in the story or setting.
Mario originated as the Yakuza laughing at the "New Italians" of new york after they fleed to there after WW2. You know Mario is never actually able to get his girl back from the monkey.
>people want to play up the "message" of how starship troopers is actually political, when its just an entertaining action movie.
In this context, "people" refers to director Paul Verhoeven.
Holy fuck that game is just some shithead Estonian novelist's ramblings. It's pretty much a huge reg flag for me with people, you can't even talk to people about this fucking game because once you start explaining the themes you realized that the game's success has been the "aura of intellectualism" and they don't comprehend shit that actually happened to them.
Because OP is a source of amusement. He's literally too much of a beta pussy to argue his points on reddit because he's afraid of getting his account banned so he comes here to circlejerk in safety.

Once you realize that, twitter screencap threads and reddit threads become more sad and funny than anger inducing. The OPs (like this one) are genuinely TERRIFIED of pissing off twitter users and redditors.
I can't figure out what anon meant by this image.
crazy how death of the author can at any given moment be either good or bad depending on whether it aligns with your positions
>draw femboy
>literally just draw a woman, not even a flat chest or dick bulge is necessary
might as well jack off to women at that point
Because twittereddit screencap bait threads get posts, which means engagement, which means it makes Hiromoot money, therefore it is in his best interests to allow these threads. Board quality goes down, but money goes up, and money is what matters.
Suicide. Now!
I choose grefina, of course.
whats even funnier is that when trump gets back in the loony troons will double down again even tho he is a new york dem
DEI incentives have destroyed western media and china loves it.
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>you're always casuals who literally cannot comprehend the sheer concept of fun in any meaningful way
What exactly is "fun" about cunts smugly condescending to you, and boasting about how being shit makes them not shit?

>go ahead, prove me wrong, tell me that braid was shit in both story and gameplay
Braid was equal parts great and awful, actually. Johnatan Blow is actually extremely smart, but unfortunately, he is also incredibly insecure, and that insecurity haunts him, and ultimately harms his own products. He obsesses over postmodernism, both of his games are entirely dedicated to that philosophy, but postmodernism is an intellectual refuge of people afraid of criticism, and the same can be said about the games he makes.

The worst part of Braid is the narrative device of the "braid", ironically. If he threw out out those tangled text dumps, and ended up the game before the epilogue, it would be genuinely great. Unfortunately, the epilogue, and everything that exists to support that epilogue, is god awful, straight up insulting in a way, and drags the whole thing down.

As for gameplay... I had fun with it. And I really appreciate the ambition to convey narrative themes through gameplay, I think Blow is one of the three people/studios who fully understood that concept. But it is fairly simplistic and (I assume by design), very limited. Neat, small, has a point, and only rarely overstays it's welcome. It's fine. Not every game needs to be Factorio, and not every game needs to be Braid, as long as there is variety in the industry, I'm fine with oddities like Braid.

also, you whine about braid's gameplay, but you defend the literal VN that is DE? Really?

>game's success has been the "aura of intellectualism"
I don't agree entirely. There is one aspect of DE that deserves praise. Ignoring the intellectual concepts - the game IS extremely well written. It's morally abhorent, but EXTREMELY skillfully executed as a piece of text.
>tranny quest
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>literal gamingcirclejerk posts on /v/
Fucking kill yourself faggot
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kill yourself reddittor

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