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Why is Persona 5 so heavily recommended to people? It's overrated.
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This dude doesn't believe the Moon landings happened, LMFAO
It's recommend because it's a well made RPG series that is slept on by Final Fantasy fans who they hear constantly complain how un-FF current Square Enix made installments are.
Everything heavily recommended is overrated. You should already know this by now.
this nigga has spoiler on his hat LMAO
P5 taught me to let women get raped
baby's first jrpg. personafags are the soulsniggers of jrpg fandom.
He used to post here in his late 20s
>it's a well made RPG series that is slept on by Final Fantasy
Yeah that's what FFags have want, a Pokemon dating sim set in modern times. P5fags have such a warped perception about this game it's obsessive.
Hot chicks
So how we feeling about him being forced to play Persona 5 now and when can we expect the forced FF14 playthrough before the inevitable Undertale playthrough?
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>dating sim
Looks like it will suffice the FFcultist taste.
I do that.
Meant to say Life/Friend sim.
What would Vinny's persona be?
It's very accessible and easy to understand.
>See jerma is playing ER with ster again
>Its just some arbitrary speedrun bingo thing instead of another rando
The Crow played by Tommy Wiseau.
Jer,a's last enjoyable stream was who wants to be a millionaire, I'm kinda glad he fell off so hard so I don't need to get my hopes up anymore
FFBROS...our response!?
I wonder just how many of you recovering Vinepedofags there are who hate-watch him despite lambasting his current status so much. It can't be no more than 30 autists.
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Autistic zoomer friend simulator
Why is Persona 5 so heavily shit on by /v/ specifically? It's overhated.
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Because of fucking Joker getting in Smash
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Still won’t play your shitty anime garbage, too cool for that basement dweller shit
Persona isn't a dating sim. The dating doesn't even take up 10 minutes of a 100 hour rpg.
Waifu fagging will always exist and no that doesn't make FF7 a dating sim either, although the dating in Rebirth is indeed significantly longer.
Moving the goalposts.
Are you talking about FF or Persona? You have to be more specific
All other JRPG fanbases have an envyboner because P5 is the most acclaimed JRPG ever made.
>Why is [Popular Thing] so heavily recommended to people? It's overrated.
I feel the same about tuna.
The last stream I really cared for was the house flipper 2 thing. Making a bunch of breadtubers endure joels autism is always funny.
I don't really feel like he makes a good gameshow host, like he wants to be, but people seem to enjoy that so I guess I'm in the wrong
>No u
it's a bit blackpilling seeing such a direct comparison of how stupid and unfunny the popular streamers are compared to the smaller ones, and then watching jerma give his boss who he pretends to be friends with the highest marks in all categories is the cherry on top
True, but I'm still right. Persona's all about the life sim elements right down to its gameplay mechanics whereas it's supplemental fan service in FF games whereever they show up in.
>his boss
Jerma has a boss??
he works for ludwig's production company thing
Why is Vinny so bad at Elden ring
When did this forced "Melpert" shit start? Bring back BOOTI!

I don’t get why we’re comparing it to FF of all things
The poke and ster house was just perfect. God damn fire alarms. But yeah joel went super retardy with that giant stairway to the sky. Was funny how he made that while vinny was just making a simpsons house under it
Because he's bad at every video game. Watching him play anything that demands even a crumb of attention is pure torture.
He’s bad at F-Zero 99 too, not a single win
People have bad logic.
>Oh it has has SO many collabs it must be popular!
>It's popular so it MUST be good
>Ergo, because it has had so many collabs it MUST be good
is there any game vinny is actually good at?
>I lost the argument but I'm still right
He is better at it than me, clearly. He's breezing through with that dogshit build while I struggle with my amazing build.
>"FF isn't also made in Japan"
Chrono Trigger
I have never once gotten a game over in Chrono Trigger and I'm bad at video games
When will he troon out?
Because tendies played it after 7 fucking years of it being released. Atlusfags can be retarded, but not as retarded as tendies.
that's like saying he's good at go fish
>When did this forced "Melpert" shit start?
When the underaged trannies got the hiLARIOUS idea to vandalize his fanwiki page making up a bunch of "lol so randumb xD" aliases, like 'Doorknob, Bed frame, Mustard, Car keys', "Melpert" being one of them that just so happened to stick.
It wasn't until I think sometime this year is when it started being forced and became his new nickname. You can blame the Jerms for this due to the overlap of fans, memes, etc. between Jerma and Vinny since they need a new replacement after Jerma's extended leaves and they've been trying since last year to force as many nicknames and memes into the collective conscienceness of the nu fanbase for a while and no thanks to Vinny's constant meme spouting.
>"Final Fantasy is not anime" argument
The first ster house that baits you into thinking its a trad life escapism hut, only to reveal its a dirty degenerate gamer den on the inside, was by far the best one. But yeah the ster/poke one was also good.
Zelda 2, because he played god knows how many hours of it as a kid when nobody else even wants to touch that game.
He's about as bad as Egofagtor with his ADHD brain and lack of spacial awareness. There's too much complexity and variables to consider so he relies on child instincts of button mashy SNES ARPGs he's played. Like he's even admitted to having a habit of just glossing over text in vidya he's that spastic.
At least Persona still acts like an RPG.
It's a lot more weeb/Shounen than FF, queermo. Have some taste and play SMT prior to Shitsona.
This is the cope no-pussy getting cringe manchildren use when they try to pretend anime like Ghost in the Shell or Cowboy Bebop are totally the heckin same as the embarrassing, subhuman harem isekai shows they love and moe anime about middle-schoolers for pedophiles who never touched a woman.
>Vinny is so creatively bankrupt he relies on memetics and consoomerism in order to make something
No wonder he'll play remakes of older games and FotM slop. They're literally TAILORED for him.
I still regret looking at chibi's dick pics
Vinny definitely feels like he plays things too "safe" now a days. Anything that isn't FOTM or nintendo is now forced into sunday only for whatever reason.
he just played a half-life 2 mod two days ago
Ya'know I've been thinking: Is there an "Anti" Persona game where you play as a Socio/Psychopath? Persona's all about building bonds and shit for good, but I've always wanted a power fantasy RPG where I could be a Ted Bundy or Jeff Dhamer Anti-Hero.
inb4 Mass Effect
it's a different kind of rpg but pathfinder wotr has a couple different bad guy routes where you fuck over your party with varying levels of cruelty
Because everyone else is doing it.
Why else do you think he's recently been streaming creepypasta-tier streamer bait? Because it draws in a huge crowd since he's desperate for money now and because everyone else is doing it whenever one drops.
there are 276 viewers watching half-life 2 content in twitch right now
why are purse owners trying to force this fake rivalry with final fantasy like sonicfags did with crash?
Things are getting heated in the person-final fantasy-pathfinder rivalry triangle
trasnsgenders are a weird cult with weird cult like behaviour. So when one tranny obsesses over something they all do.
i hate this faggot so much
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>fake rivalry
Ask Larry
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>pretends to not be into feet
>brings it up all the time

What did Vinny mean by that?
sounds like this board.
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Im not even mad. At least this might encourage people to think for themselves and question their beliefs.
Maybe he just likes to look at them
Video games, stupid faggot, VIDEO GAMES.
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Imagine being that chronically online turbo incel loser that puts so much stock in fucking 4chan.
Unironically go out and touch grass, you pale fragile fuckwit.
Sorry we'll all go back to the ai slop thread, the softcore porn/discord erp thread, or the /pol/bait thread where the world's dumbest witgnats and armchair marxists hash it out for 500+ replies
I'll check that out. Thanks for the rec.
Just to rant, I'm just so tired of choice based games where the "Bad guy" route is just being a crude prick and Atlus being too scared to deviate from the norm of having a blank slate MC who's inevitably good.

I mean it's a series about choosing the objectively "correct" options in order to enhance your Personas to save the world and all that, but the consequences for what amounts to being lazy or being a NEET is just being a gimped loser and the world explodes. I get the message, but still, it'd be neat if the series had a little psychopathy tinge to it, especially mechanically with the karma system.
>there are 276 viewers watching half-life 2 content in twitch right now
NTA but I think that half life 2 thing was a trend that was going around for a hot second. It came and went about as quickly as most things in streaming. I saw that a streamer whom I wouldn't have expected to be interested in that sort of thing play it.
Did you check YOUTUBE for it recently?
Some of the people in these pics look like straight up degenerates to be honest.
Maybe they belong here after all.
I really enjoyed Akechi's somewhat psychotic characterization in the new Royal content, it would be nice if they went more in that direction with the next game
Larreh? Who the fuck's Larreh? Barry's new boogeyman scapegoat?
Around half of /v/, yeah.
Fatlus games have always been shit on here.
wait till you hear what Harry's been getting up to
I'm embarrassed to admit I can identify most if not all those e-celebs and the 2010 era ones all thanks to /v/ shilling them. It's crazy how this board went from a pseudo-kiwifarms to straight up TMZ-tier drama with these people.
I never cares for DSP, Low Tier Nigger, 4 Dollar Pedro or Boogie, but oh man the unfunny shut-ins at the time thought they were the funniest shit.
How about you just come out with it instead of being an unfunny limp-wristed fag.
believe me, you DON'T wanna know
You wouldn't if you only knew
If I had to take a guess it's some autist starting some made up fanbase war while falseflagging as his alter ego and pointing at himself being the instigator similar to the "Erictranny" spammer.
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>It's just a boogeyman I s-swear
And then you call Barry a boogeyman and the entire FFcult lose their minds
The difference is Barry's been a known schizo for 10 years while no one can seem to explain or have a QRD of "Larry's" origins.
Hey hey people
Why is this fag such a schizo?
tommy post
Apparently either a samefagging Clerithfag or an anti-atlus autist obsessed with FF.
>Vinny playing TWHL tower source.
>Chat losing their shit on the anime girl floor.
What the fuck was their problem?
>Barry's been a known schizo for 10 years
Your headcanon narrative doesn't mean shit. Now post the pics and memes that the FFcult made to blame their boogeyman for everything.
Mod's must've given up considering a Vinesauce thread hit bump limit and archived yesterday. They usually prune them on sight or /b/anish them.
vinny feeds into with his weird forced aversion to anime
There's so many name drops on /v/ now it's hard to keep up with all of them
Vinny is /v/ core.
I got tired of p5r after the pyramid place
i maxxed out ann's slink and there was much pushing me forward after that
Lurk moar, tourist.

>Shoot game with shoot levels
>Forced walking AGP simulator level
Why does this guy hate Jay Leno so much?
People were mean and nasty in that thread for no reason. Seems there's no way to talk about stuff online without attracting a crowd of haters nowadays.
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Reminder that Voices of the Void is SHIT and furfag trash.
They majority of them are boogeymen made up by other namefag schizos with a breadcrumb trail they can be linked to. If you can't get a straight answer asking who they are, chances are you're dealing with a namefag.
Vinesauce threads have always been full of drama and/or parasocial bitching about the downfall of Vinesauce.
The big problem with the game is the dev has no incentive to ever "finish" it because he can just milk patreon money forever.
A year ago it already had 10x the content of signal sim, but now the dev is incentiviced to keep making stupid meme updates every month for supporters. With the meme updates being the exact shit people hated with the original signal simulator.
It's funny to me how Joel's unwitting influence is the only thing keeping the game from devolving into pure furfag fetish shit
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>high school anime drama, catching pokemon, same old combat

I would rather play Dragon Quest
Japanese Highschool is like the most powerful thing in the world
Your time there is like you are a god among men
Every bit of your existence meaningful and fulfilling
Then you graduate and become a loser salaryman who gets bullied by brats
>he's desperate for money now
Why? He's always been fine. I'm pretty sure if he was actually desperate he'd start collecting donations.
>Former /v/irgin who sold out to walk on eggshells is "/v/ core"
what did John Persona do to you?
What is happening in the fire emblem thread
>stopping saying nigger is selling out
Most people don't finish games so probably only played the beginning which is good falls apart after madarame
You do?
did he ever say nigger?
and it is if he stopped
if a man wants to say a little nigger and spice up his language he should be able to
Medical bills and taxes out the ass because he's rich, has 10 editors, lives in a posh neighborhood in fucking NY.
He's trying hard not to resort to sponsors so the next best thing is shitty YT titles for the algorithm.
He killed Midir in like ten attempts and almost got him on the second
The game got me to waste hundred hours on it.
No, tranny Zoomer, that's not what I mean. He doesn't swear as often anymore because he'll get demonetized and stopped saying 'cunt' because of it. Not to mentioned appeasing the trannies by taking about the Vivian drama instead of ignoring it.
Jimbo has been trying to push "Larry" hard
Spamming endgame spells sure
>just demonetize yourself by screaming NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER in the first thirty seconds of the video so some /v/irgin will think you're based instead of getting paid for playing video games
I know he’ll never do it but I’d like to see him play some Sonic, obscure SNES games or even Brawl Mods like PMEX Remix (now called REX)
Vinny a tranny chaser now?
Is he gonna troon out himself?
Don't bother arguing with his nu fagbase. Zoom Zooms are prone to accepting the meta of chasing dosh online because they're born into this environment when the majority of oldguard turned popular e-celebs weren't about that until the internet got more regulated.
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>Pretends not to like Ashley
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Love my Kerfs.
Skipping that one, though.
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Based Dragon Quest Bro, wish Vinny would check out the older games, especially now with the HD2D Remakes coming
Not what I said, troon. All I want is for him not yo be a pussy and tell trannies politics aren't welcome here and then ban the pride emotes from chat.
Tranny spam literally does get banned if its too much.
>Mod for a game hes put hundreds of hours in already
The very definition of playing it safe.
The QRD is:
>Idk shit about this shit, but I'm cool with whatever Vivian's cool with.

Tranny logic:

>Vivian's still a femboy despite the history revisionism and gaslighting by trannies
Don't forget retard logic like >>683732637 who will also insist vinny is saying trans rights by simply ignoring the shit.
Not nearly as much as you think it does.
>vast majority of the people are just nonsubbed
Wow so just tourists trannies.
>Vivian's still a femboy
holy cope, she literally uses the idiom for "female heart in a man's body" in the JP version
Oh boy, time for tranny discussion! Everyone's favorite topic!
trannies are america's second god after niggers
he do be likin the trannies
More like the opposite. It's baffling how many of them speculated on his tranny stance during the Dreams pack incident AND after the Vivian statement. He's never hated trannies. He was friends with the Egg game dev or whatever years ago.
Damn, it do be like that
soon it will Vincenza Sauce
>He was friends with the Egg game dev or whatever years ago.
Oh. Well that puts the "egg" in a darker connotation. I wish I didn't know that.
We're not doing this. The remake's script is sloppily botched fanfiction in all languages no matter how you spin it. OG JP's the true version.
What happened to GeePM, he was my favorite?
im sure whatever happened it was very cool and normal
For what it's worth, he dabbed on that faggot un public after it came back from a meltdown.
>king of style: Persona
>king of substance: Trails
>jack of all trades: Tales of
>queen of spades: FF
Simple as.
I liked today's stream.
fantastic game was in 2012, was the tranny egg shit even a thing back then
Too lazy to spoonfeed. Just copy/paste the Egg dev's name in b4k and you'll get the lore dump.
I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't at the very least still browse.
Idk, he needs chat to explain pretty much any new buzzword like "forced soul".
How he likely does. He got uppity over a chat member calling his mods "jannies".
I will have sex with Imakuni
So who are /v's based and redpilled streamers that aren't faggots?
Frankly I find nearly all streamers to be insufferable in a certain way, get them together and it's main character syndrome gone rampant. I've watched some of Jerma's content after seeing it referenced endlessly over the years and while he's really not for me I can see how he unlike his peers, he has the chops to be a decent "entertainer" in the most general sense. I really only keep tabs on Vinny from time to time and part of that stems from the fact he was the first streamer I remember watching back in 2013 when he still posted here and had a shit wagie job.
babbies first jrpg
babbies first party focused game
babbies first hanging out with characters game
babbies first ADULTS BAD on the surface level game
Based binny, shutting down trannies and exposing NASA lies
I'm always surprised with how much shit he gets away with
Binty supports trannies and hates DEE EM SEE TOO
Not saying he's an avid /v/ lurker, just that I wouldn't be surprised if he lurks from time to time. I wouldn't doubt it either if he feigned ignorance of the things both of you described as to maintain some kind of clean image and get chat engagement.
Mandalore lost
Vinny has had sex
How? The brother streams every day and hasn't had a girlfriend for the past 12 years. I know he fucked fangirls occasionally, but I doubt that's a regular thing
It's the most common kink on the planet so I could really give less of a fuck if people are "secretly" into it or not. Weird it's still some kind of social taboo. I say that as someone who gets down with that and while I haven't been with a lot of women most of those that I have are totally cool with that.
Did he really?
Vinny became even more of a normiefag who plays it safe at all times, afraid of his own viewers should he ever step slightly out of line.
God I miss old Vinny, the guy who called people fags and didn't have conniption when he saw swastikas in is community minecraft server.
Having sex unless you're extremely physically disfigured is not a hard thing to achieve. There are massage places near me that will not just give you a handjob but let you fuck with (with a condom).
its hard for /v
it's a social taboo because feet are fucking gross. normal people see this is only slightly less gross than being into piss
You're disgusting.
>but I doubt that's a regular thing
True. He practically said he watches porn when making a Jerkmate joke. And I only know of that ad because I iphone gooner.
Loving these stealth Vinesauce threads
>could give less of a fuck
It's "couldn't", retard. Saying you "could" give a fuck means you do care.
single 40 year old italian man watches naked women through internet
what a loser
I respect your opinions but I couldn't care less, it's just reality.
I enjoy the choicer voicer streams
After all these years and having seen much worse things, I still find the idea of some people being into feet funny. It's an innocent joke, a low hanging fruit. Just like how Dobson is brought up here from time to time.
People underestimate how easy it is to hide your personal life on the internet when you are not a social media addicted loser like most normalfags are today
The Red Letter Media guys most possibly have children
Until this day no one managed to find out anyhting about Doug's wife or even if he is still married despise every single aspect of his life being scanned by weirdos
That map was extremely unfitting and was the most attention whoring thing ever.
>Serious waifubot loli story
>Full of anime figures and Jenny posters
Surprised having looked up the creator HASN'T trooned out yet.
rent free
it's a great intorduction to JRPGs as it's story is basically an full anime series in terms of writing style and presentation with a basic but very satisfying battle system. I think 4 is far superior in every aspect outside of the dungeons but i think that, it's overall (comparitivley) clunky controls and ps2 era graphics that are barley improved in the remaster would make it a bad rec, P5R, FFX. FF7 and mabie Xenoblade are the best first rpg's desu ne
SMT IV Apocalypse has a route where you turn against everyone and recreate the universe with yourself as god.
Struck a nerve, tranny? You're day's coming once Trump gets elected.
Every old e-celeb is like this now, where they now wouldn't dare say stuff that they would have casually said back in 2010.
go back to /pol/
>Criticism and truth is /pol/
You lost, troon.
No undiagnosed schizophrenia is /pol/
Your sad anime girl contribution to the mod sucked, tranny. Learn to take criticism.
How will you ever go on?
Settle down troon.

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