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New stream soon, and new drama dropped
Get in here
Stream announcement
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oh wow KR drama

I hate gacha. Where's our city management game?
What was it this time and why should I care
What if the blunderlab artist was forced into being the directors concubine. But instead of being VIOLATED and RAPED she was sat on the cuckchair and watched the director and monzo have gay sex.
You can have the gook raws, they said they would post the english version later https://x.com/LimbusCompany_B/status/1816507856532992032
long story short leviathan and blunderlab artists are trying to claim total ownership of their respective works and PM is going to court for the copyright
>New stream soon
In ~16 hours you OP clown
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Soon is soon
I would have said the hours if it was actually close
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Wonderlab won.
>New stream soon
the stream isn't for like another 16 hours
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and near the anniversary of the veilmori drama too
Will be won by PM in the lawsuit*
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So Wonderlab author was huge faggot in end
I was defending comic but it was never hill to die on and I stopped doing that after artist ragequit last year
I hope they lose and Wonderlab character will appear again with canon genders
I believe today is actually the 1 year anniversary of her being fired
Nothing wrong with a hype thread.
See the countless "days left" before x game releases.
>leviathan and blunderlab artists are trying to claim total ownership of their respective works
But...why? What's the plan if they manage that?
>pm user association causing shit again
Color me surprised.
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there is nothing hype about this gremlin
Man i should probably replay LoR
>Binah realization
>Reverberation fight
maybe next month
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Nice lawsuit, limbabs
Imagine winning wonderlab but losing leviathan, it would be the funnies shit ever.
Who's next?
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Thank you, Drake.
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Reminder-to-Reminder Communication
>did Time Ripper event Floor
>didn't get clock gift for fusion
It would be funnier if they won leviathan but lost wonderlab. Imagine PM being forced to settle with non binary nuggets.
What's wrong with gramgram realization?
Wonderlab and Leviathan comic looked like shit, I knew that the artist was probably some tumblr retard
Mark my words. The wonderlab artist is going to be the gook Ken Penders.
Angel of ruina dlc for LoR that adds a level beyond impuritus.
Blunderlab sucked by Leviathan was decent enough.
They're two different artists, thoughbeit.
My favorite part of Canto 6 is when Heathcliff put on his iconic meat helmet
Your admins are pedos btw.
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she won.
We are not waiting for her, we are waiting for what comes next.
Along with the canonization of genders for characters from Wonderlab, we are also canonizing that the employee BongBong is male.
Thank you.
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>1000 gold at end of Hard MD run because no other gifts left with upgrade option
At least it didn't matter much, with Lunar Memory fight was finished quickly
Tremor feels pointless with this gift
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Fat chance
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Philipbros... does that mean he's another BVLL for Yuna?
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Unironic philipbros went extinct after reddit tourists took him away from us. The only hope is that he returns as an egomaniac.
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New non-gacha game doko?
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Maybe one day...
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after all the sinners cantos are done

trust the plAn
leviathan more like noncanonthan
>long story short leviathan and blunderlab
Nobody gives a shit about WL but wouldnt it destroy Limbus if they claimed Leviathan? Does it mean PM wouldnt be able to use Vergilius, Charon, Ring characters and Faust?
>PM loses the Leviathan case
>They now have to drop both Vergillious and Charon from the game
I've been reading Philip's song, trying to guess what the other children would be like if they were fully grown. My best guess would be this:
The deaf kid would be someone obsessed with praise and trying to be a hero. But he would never truly be a hero because he can't hear who needs help and who doesn't. So his murder sprees end in both innocent and guilty being butchered.
The blind child is heavily opinionated and single minded. Only his truth is real and everybody else is false about what they believe in. Of course if somebody were to manipulate him, he'd follow whatever they say.
But that's all I got.
Which sinner is getting EGO from the Oz gang?
Meursault gets the iron man
Faust gets the straw man
Sinclair gets the lion
No clue about the rest, maybe Outis gets the lying adult?
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Wait fucking leviathan is being contested? What pissed off that artist?
You should've waited for the announcement to get translated, but no matter. Another thread's good.
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we discord drama now
Outis is Road Home retard
I forgot she was based off of the odyssey. Whenever I think about outis I just think "designated jobber"
Surely almost everything about Leviathian was provided by the director right? (script, writing, character concepts and so on) so I don't understand how they can have the balls to be this openly retarded.
Gregor Cowardly Lion
Road Home YI Sang
Faust Warm-Hearted Woodsman
Outis Scarecrow Seeking Wisdom
>logs saved
we have this suit on the bag lads
artists with 0 law knowledge are getting FUCKED
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Why do people constantly shit on Outis' IDs when she has the best sinking ID, the ID that makes burn usable and the best tremor ID(for Reverb)?
What does Gregor have in comparison?
>Artists are getting fucked left and right and will replaced with AI
>and basically? you are fucking stupid
>click here to learn more
Philip is less of a cuck than Deku.
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In the future instead of dealing with lowcow-tier artists we will instead have sexy angela AIs that will draw for us while we fuck them.
There's a lot of directions his character could go, I hope he gets brought back in a meaningful way soon.
Honestly I'm expecting an update on Limbus in a week where we get a cutscene with Dante getting a lawsuit from a random NPC because Charon parked the bus in the wrong place and Faust going
>hmm, Dante... this will delay our way to the next Golden Bough by at least a few weeks
Followed by Ishmael saying
>By the way, Miss Faust, what about the new abnormality threat rankings?
>hmmm, it should arrive sometime soon
If it was before canto 6 I would have said he would play a foil to Dante. However I don't think the director will employ historical references. So at this current moment, I honestly don't know how he would return.
OK so, to summarize what the gcs of korea is saying: pm is denying mimi's copyright of wonderlab + telling monggeu to give them compensation as well as give up the copyright for leviathan. That's pretty much it
The director should sue them into a new district of poverty that nobody else has ever experienced.
honestly just give them blunderlab
Legerdemain's broken enough to carry basically anything
Nah fanficlab got uh... actually I was trying to think of some neat abnos it had but I can't think of any worth keeping.
Maybe the blue hood? Eh.
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the few koreans awake are laughing so hard that director is dumping chat logs with mimi at 3am
I liked the bitchy swan.
>What does Gregor have in comparison?
Legerdemain, Zwei as one of the fastest if not the fastest unit in the game, amazing bench passives on his LCB Sous Chef and G Corp IDs, Edgar Gregor hits like a fucking truck, Lantern has the best self-heal in the game (and god damn, 5 target corrosion plus it's a positive coin one), most of his IDs got gluttony and sloth so they fuel immediately into Leger and Lantern, AEDD is the savior of rupture along with Rosespanner.
Oh and his Liu ID's bench passive is great for railway.
Director has swag ngl.
White Lake was hot
Someone needs to get director away from the fucking computer already
Compensation for fucking what
Read the thread you fucking faggot.
Man that would be so funny.
De-tranny-fication of wonderlab to make it canon. What a world we live in.
>noooooo you can't get the copyright of the comic you wrote
if PM wanted the copyright of Wonderlab they should have made it so they owned it from the beginning, instead of letting the artist have it and THEN bitching about it
What if the director makes the wonderlab characters non binary to show the effects of the seed of light?
KJH got provoked and is off his meds
project moon headquarters bombed by wholesome feminists
(Oswald lost)
They have it, dumbass.
It's the artist that's trying to get the copyright.
All the nuggets have been castrated and are considered eunuchs. I hope this answers the questions regarding the sex of nuggets.
Oswald always wins though.
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idk what that means
Oswald died in the explosion
They literally don't have it, stop humilliating yourself.
He never expected to live long so he died smiling.
Right, alright man.
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They still get fucked though
Yeah, they take it in the butt.
Now reveal that Dante have only ambiguous gender (so he can turn out to be either guy or girl later) instead non binary
Dante is actually a hermaphrodite.
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Precisely one year after the wonderlab & leviathan artists double crosses PM as well as that PM user association stirred shit, they're trying to get full copyrights for both works, and this will be taken to court. It's the middle of the night in korea and Director himself uploaded statements and past chat logs about this and the arguments they were having (including gender discussion, yes really), on the official twitter.
If PM wins this Wonderlab might be canon again and Catt might be a real girl.
I hope they win wonderlab but lose leviathan. Just the idea that Vergilius and Charon are fanfiction characters while Catt is official would be really funny.
Stupid... Why are they doing this to a based smalltime soulful company like PM. Very uncool.
Money, probably.
They are even more sovlful indie artists who need the money.
Why'd we get Gloom instead of Greed anyway?
>Catt might be a real girl.
What about Taii
It's so the artists don't generate any sin resources for valid law EGOS
Greed is a virtue in the city.
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Another disaster, limbabs? Oh wow
Because everyone is greedy in the city just by sheer survival instinct so it'd be pointless
Besides the above answers, greed is just gluttony anyways, so bringing back old theology is more interesting.

>inb4 but greed is wanting money and gluttony is wanting too much food
Too much crossover with gluttony, lust, and envy probably
Was this this empty last season at this point? we should be at most 5 weeks away from Season 5, right?
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PM deserves it for giving us two great games then making a fucking gacha like a pack of gook monkeys.
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Im back from work, what happen now?
I almost replied to your post seriously then I saw it's the catnigger.
Forget it, not worth it.
sorry, meant to reply to >>683731304
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Thanks for your concern, Drake!
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What catnigger? I just like that image, fucker.
I almost replied to your post seriously then I saw it's a fucking cuckholdlip poster.
Forget it, not worth it.
sorry, meant to reply to >>683731803
Looks like 2 Ids left at this point, probably a heathcliff 000 as "the wolf" from the others uptie stories and whoever gets the warp event ID
>it's worse
>he is philip cuck
The hall is healing...
Is the B here?
The mute child represents cowardice
The deaf child represents an inferiority complex
The blind child represents prejudice
No Boruto is not here
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Benjamin is long gone.
If your distortion can't be explained within 3 words then it's a bs distortion.
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something's wrong with my B
>"I shat myself" is a good non-bs distortion
Black Silence Distortion?
kino. i can understand why he distorted.
The Shitter...
>I forgot pizza
Bongi truly is the best distortion in the series.
The annoying thing is I would never distort or attain EGO because I'm too perfect to have faults, so I wouldn't be able to acknowledge any flaws as there are none, so I can't get EGO, and I'm too strong willed to distort and listen to Carmen's babble as well.
Indians don't exist in the city, go back to the drawing board GOOD SIR
They will kill Charon, Virgilius, Faust and replace them with Paimon from genshin impact.
Actually they will be replaced by Philip. The blind one will drive and the deaf one will screech at Dante.
average peccatulum post
>Pride resonance
Why doesn't dante gain virtue points and use virtue distortions?
>I rape Sinclair
>I cook chicken
>I watch farms
>I slay japs
>my fucking violin
>I kill time
checks out
Even if I turned into a Peccatulum (it's not happening) it'd be into an ALEPH one.
That's how great I am.
Kromer never distorted.
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That's Chadlip to you, pussy.
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yes she did
also I forgot
>I kill Cathy
Even if we were to sayin I'd be a ZAYIN, it'd be one of those disguised ALEPHs wearing a ZAYIN suit.
You cannot hold me.
She didn't. Sinclair was just internally reciting every yabadabadooo copypasta in sheer fright of Kromer's presence and made her into a big monster.
>self ntr
I still can't get over learning from these threads that the battle animations are literally just png sprite sheets and it only looks fluid because they add particles on top that actually move good
And that's a good thing.
The ntr in question? Being incredibly tired and being near death as a clown starts tormenting you mentally trying to get you to distort.
But let's ignore how anons from these halls would distort wayyyy before that.
Aaaaand that's my work done. Thanks for the 6 PE little guy!
Let's be real if I were dropped off into the City I'd become a Color in a week.
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>ntr lives in his head rent free
What a terrible existence you have, although I suppose it explains why you're willing to suck the shit out of PM's ass and play their dogshit gacha. Nigger.
doing a lot with a little is smart work for a small company like this
Really sound like non chad argument
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wtf are you even talking about
She's literally a lust peccatula centaur
Sinclair peed himself in terror at the sound of the whistle so the golden boughs made Kromer into a big monster.
Kromer would be the one posting yabadabadoo pastas because Faust put on her ID and molested N Corp Sinclair
Sinclair DOES seem like he'd do that.
Ryoshu on the other hand seems like the kind to spam scat porn and cuck copypastas in the halls and cartel executions whenever she loses an argument while trying to defend her favorite character (NuJOBly).
Why didnt kromer just rape sinclair and hide the idiot under her bed, is she stupid?
So that's why she starts staggered against N Corp Sinclair
Dante is an unironic goku bro and he would leave the halls the moment Philip (bejita bro) starts posting the diaper pics.
Sandwich eats people
Did Ahab ever acknowdlege any of her faults?
Why didn't Kromer obsess over another boy? Like my oc named felipe.
Yeah Ishmael is part of her crew, the crew is part of her and the fault lies with Ishmael.
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I love single pulls
Bro really announced to everybody on this thread that he's a pay pig
>using paid lunacy for anything other than battlepass purchases
holy kwab
You dont need to pay to do single pulls?
I don't think that anon is Philip.
I also got both sad frog egos within 3 single pulls. it's worth throwing a couple bucks in for currency for the occasional daily pull. and now that I've gotten both things from this banner, I'll go back to not rolling
If Philip was a black guy he wouldn't have distorted. That's all I'm saying.
We're not a bunch of free 2 play cucks.
>f2pCHADS are playing the game for free while battlepassKEKS gets cucked out of their money
Yep yep yep, feels good being completely pure
Hey, I'm here supporting ProjectMoon to fund the director's theme park, what are YOU doing?
>There are people unironically wasting money on gachaslop
Sigh, you should have only spent money on actual games.
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I'm playing videogames until new Limbus event.
>Paying for Gacha
Nah you're definitely a cuck.
>he unironically wrote Sigh as if he was sighing IRL
>He is unironically making up words as if anybody understands him
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That hole?..
I filled it.
>The fellows before me have fell for the modernist concept of minimalism in all sincerity. instead of writing up a long essay to describe in depth what they as authors are feeling and to express their world views. So that the anonymous users of this site may argue with each other in a similar practice to Johann Fichte's theory regarding the thesis and antithesis resulting in new synthesis and original content. But alas, they hate scholarly discourse and simply want to talk about their cuckolding fetishes
It's truly over, isn't it?
me when the mortal junior doesn't even have elemental schlong realm cultivation pills
This is one dogshit thread.
This is a way better thread than the previous one.
We know, you really took a big shit.
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It was me
how exactly does time janny don's defense buff thing work? I thought I understood it, like you defend to get the buff, but then you have to defend again when the buff is about to expire to refresh it, but she still loses it anyway
You match 3 colors and you kill things, enough said.
Reminder that the blond guy with the crossbow killed ALL the sinners with a gas grenade and fucked off with loot fine and dandy.
Btw, he has sex with Dias daily.
You use defense = next turn she wears the helmet and gains clash power & haste equal to the buff she gets and fragile too.
If she gets more bind than she gets haste next turn she gets staggered next turn.
Using the block while you already have the buff active just gives you normal shield and applies tremor to the enemies, you can only re-use the self-buff when it's not active, you cannot refresh it, I'm pretty sure that's written.
On the first fucking line.
Actually, did the guy infringe on a contract by doing so? I can imagine that the LC After team going after him since he also stole certain goods.
The lc after team in question? Filled with milfs yearning for his seed.
Just part and parcel of living in a big City innit
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>[Combat Start] If this unit is not in a Borrowed Time state, gain 4 Borrowed Time at Turn End (once per turn)
ah, so it is, whoops. ok so it's not something you keep up continuously, it'll have to go down eventually, and then you can refresh it. got it
The part I don't understand is the stagger
I assumed it would happen when the buff runs out but that didn't seem to be the case, I've never seen the auto stagger
>a couple handfuls of Enkephalin
Hopskins is retarded
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>Soompi, prominent South Korea news organization regarding celebrities (TMZ basically), leaks that a touring comedian will be collabing with a currently unrevealed smaller gacha game
Uh... What exactly is Director planning here?
Uh... Has Director lost it?
You... you don't auto stagger.
It's just a thing you have to watch out for if you fight an enemy that can apply bind/next turn bind, or if she was to use an EGO that gives her bind next turn like Fairy Gentleman.
The latter case doesn't apply to her right now, but if she had Binds EGO like Heathcliff or Outis and used either while she was in Golden Time it'd be a guaranteed stagger for example.
I don't think it's something that will happen naturally, there has to be extra bind coming from another source like an enemy
As of right now you'll only get staggered if you're fighting an enemy that inflicts binds. Everyone thought the same before it released.
For fucks sake just let me enjoy wonderlab and leviathan

Even fucking TF2 is about to receive it's last comic yet here we are: trannies fighting director for comic rights
So if michale bay is making a skibidi toilet movie. Does that mean he'll make a lobotomy corp movie after he's done with the skibidi saga?
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You'll enjoy it... once I CRUSH those traitors into the ground.
Deadlock won.
I must say the 3-4 threads of /v/ utterly raging against skibidifags was entertaining.
And as for the Lobotomy Corp movie... it'll happen when Director stop being a jewish bitch and starts by making a merch store for other continents.
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>new drama
Limbus is dead, it's time to move on to the superior single-player Project Moon RPG AKA Library of Ruina.
>Fully mod supported with a large amount to choose from.
>Consistent story that doesn't have fillers.
>No jew gacha, if you want to change the skills and looks of someone you assign a page, no transactions required.
>A well programmed deck-building system ensures that almost every reception you do is different than the last, promoting replayability.
>even if you get bored of playing the same main story all the time, there are plenty of great custom receptions to choose from.
>has one of the most advanced clashing systems in a vidya.
>Kether realization still makes faggots and shitters seethe to this day.
Fuck off, I'm never gonna play Ruina.
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You will enjoy Wonderlab but your headcanon about character gender will no longer be true
I still hope main trio are girls
>well programmed
How exactly are you going to stop enjoying them if this happens? it's not like it'll stop being avaliable online
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>there are Limbus onlies in this very thread
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The next HHPP Location will be in Belgium because fuck you. 300 Lunacy compensation.
I can see Taii ending up being a boy.
All girls because director is reverse trap pilled.
I'm starting to realize why corpos have community managers if "let's post discord chat logs in our main twitter" is what happens when you don't have one
>dotard needs to bring up his dead game into discussion
subhumans like you who play hivatnik game deserve to hang on same rope as gachaniggers
And l4d type pasta spammer here, wow!
All we need now is a fucking crossover with Artifact to summon the Valve schizo!
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Mmm no.
>will be in Belgium
Fuck yeah, I live there.
About time they gave their most faithful soldier some love.
I don't care what you say I'm not reading Silent Girl passives
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Limbus doesn't even have it that bad.

Project Moon screwed over the Distortion Detective fanbase by canceling the serialization without even allowing readers to breed Moses's delicious hag body like they said they would back in January 20XX and does not deserve your financial support for these gross consumer-unfriendly practices.
That's not what a community manager does, THOUGH
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115 In the profound and shining-clear Existence
Of the deep Light appeared to me three circles
Of one dimension and three different colors.

One seemed to be reflected by the other,
Rainbow by rainbow, while the third seemed fire
120 Breathed equally from one and from the other.

O how pale now is language and how paltry
For my conception! And for what I saw
My words are not enough to call them meager.

O everlasting Light, you dwell alone
125 In yourself, know yourself alone, and known
And knowing, love and smile upon yourself!

That middle circle which appeared in you
To be conceived as a reflected light,
After my eyes had studied it a while,

130 Within itself and in its coloring
Seemed to be painted with our human likeness
So that my eyes were wholly focused on it.

As the geometer who sets himself
To square the circle and who cannot find,
135 For all his thought, the principle he needs,

Just so was I on seeing this new vision
I wanted to see how our image fuses
Into the circle and finds its place in it,

Yet my wings were not meant for such a flight —
140 Except that then my mind was struck by lightning
Through which my longing was at last fulfilled.

Here powers failed my high imagination:
But by now my desire and will were turned,
Like a balanced wheel rotated evenly,

145 By the Love that moves the sun and the other stars.

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>the B actually confirmed he really posts in here
Yep yep yep, tf2kek already mindbroken by deadlockCHADS. Enjoy your time while you have it.
That armful of Enkephalin? Enough to powerful W. Corp's energy needs for 0.00000234th of a day. Worth an equivalent of 5.2 billion in American Dollars.
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I actually want to find out their actual genders though
He already confirmed it you dementia ridden narrator.
Catt is a girl.
Catt Ryoshu next Walpurgis.
First Ryoshu ID without her sword. the spoon is usually made of a person, after all
We need CUNNY to save Limbus.
tell me, how much you've wasted on commissioning porn on anthropomorphic bat? Zero, that's right, because you're poorfag subhuman who bumps his thread daily to spam about his DEAD and locked game, lmao
Back to Blue Archive with you, pedophile.
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But dondon is RIGHT THERE and is mentally a child
>replying to filtered words
They don't have kino korean voice acting, hard pass
As opposed to wasting hundreds of dollars gambling in mvm, commisioning fem pyro porn and going into adderal trances?
Lets be serious. PM movie could work if it was somebody like Christopher Nolan or Tim Burton (he especially could work as LobCorp director)
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>he doesn't know
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So true!
Oh Claw can do this?
>BA out of nowhere
BA broken
>let's see you CLAW your way out of this!
Yes, your 3rd world poverty problem doesn't concern me
Now I'm curious, any other PM VA in this?
Discount Ish
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NOT kino.
>He admits being a gambling addict
the absolute state of tf2keks
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I can't roll outis for my charge tean
>future Ish ID
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We're going to recite to you every law and policy to you regarding age alongside consent in the country you reside in, then proceed to beat you to death with such said information
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Premium Ish.
Quite few
>Don Quixote - Azusa, Izuna, Ako
>Outis - Serika, Koyuki
>Ryoshu - Ui, Hanako
>Hod - Arona, Plana
>Gebrua - Kasumi
>Angela - Shiroko, Sakurako
>Sayo - Shun
>Isadora, Miao, Beta - Wakamo, Toki
>Catherine Ernshaw - Chinatsu, Chihiro
>Wolf's time Tanya - Tsurugi
>Martina - Tsukumo, Shigure
>Eileen - Haruna
Iori - Aris
Charon - Renge, Hinata
Faust would not be allowed into the Dieci as she is too retarded.
>Ui voiced by Ryoshu
>Aris voiced by PT
>Kasumi voiced by Geburah
>Koyuki voiced by Binah
>Izuna voiced by Don (kino)
Most of PM's VAs did Dragon Ball voice acting.
That alone got me into the games
Middle East.
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Don and Ish feet. Nobody else matters
Maybe Ryi
videogames are same addiction as gambling, tranny
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Who is the highest ranking identity we currently have available to us?
Who do you think the highest ranking identity at the end of the game's lifespan will be?
>faust joins dieci
>is initially the strongest member ever
>but she begins deleting knowledge from the entire collective fuast database, making every faust in every universe retarded
More tf2keks are troons than deadlockers.
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I still can't believe that they got Broly as Ricardo.
>Who is the highest ranking identity we currently have available to us?
Uh... probably Linton Gregor.
He's got Wuthering Manor and he's from that fixer family and he has enough assets to get a golden bough.
N Corp Faust is a second solid place contender, I'd say.
And? Your game has 100 time less players than tf2 and also more gays, furries and negro ugly women, enjoy your beta test until Icefraud goes back to his dream project, discordtroon
The tf2 player count in question? Filled with bots. Your gamer is closer to deadlock than it is to csgo. Enjoy your rotting corpse of a game while deadlock rises into the next star.
How many lawyers do they actually have? Definitely not many compared to Nexon, who still lost the Dark and Darker case
Is this why Leviathan never got a complete official translation?
Lipton Iced Tea Gregor? Wealth mogged by Base GOD Lu.
Femcel Faust? Woman, and therefore inferior to my Chinese overlord.

Boom, done.
Valve should do a limbus company crossover with deadlock.
Base sinners don't have the same ranking they did before they joined, otherwise you'd just put Ryoshu and Outis above every other ID so far
Some shit could've happened with TF2 if they released their game a few years earlier honestly.
Even literal who games like Don't Starve made it.
Deleted and banned, by valve personally
>rises to next star
Not until you unlock europe region for slavniggers, then maybe you will reach artifect numbers, lol
Your tears are delicious, seethe more
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Nah... he'd win
also isn't hong lu not necessarily disowned per se, but low on the family totem pole? I don't know how much pull he would actually have inside the family
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Wuthering Heights unironically wealthmogs Hong Lu.
>above anyone else
She'd be at the fucking bottom of the barrel, just barely above actual hobos like Gregor.
Kekky, the unbridled seethe of a tf2kek is hillarious. Let's not forget about your wholesome trade bots which inflate your player count. Your game is still dying because of mym, and soon it will be forgotten after deadlock releases. So enjoy your time gambling addict.
>Envy peccatulum babble
Not canon, my hero can get anything he wants
they weren't using weather-changing technology, it was the golden bough
Hong Lu's family probably owns five of them
Maybe he never saw it cause it was always sunny.
On topic of artists and comics
My dream is for Ishida to make PM manga, preferably something like DD
Marvel should by the comic rights to PM and make lob corp comics.
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Fuck you're right. False alarm.
>just barely above LITERAL WAR HEROES like Gregor
Mmm, fresh cup of cope
I see, the argentian tranny bot hoster is still malding, pls dial 8, hang on your rope and do a nice flip
Just cuz you're a veteran it won't make people treat you any less shit. Just look at Salvadore
Mindbroken. Tf2kek you can't even play the game for one day without thinking about bot hosters.
Marvel is broke after disney let the DEI infestation flourish, no one cares about capeshit and soi wars
Just fuck already
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Anything going on of LC besides RR4 which I already decided to skip on because I hate the game's gameplay and will only bother with plot from now on? Is there a W corp event coming?
Would dante be a tf2 "fan" or a deadlockCHAD?
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The W Corp event already came out two weeks ago, retard.
It's ending in 2 days.
They're doing a live stream about the game's roadmap soon
>Anything going on of LC besides RR4 which I already decided to skip on because I hate the game's gameplay and will only bother with plot from now on?
What was the point of this entire first sentence?
Nobody asked about what you think of the gameplay or railway.
Just ask if there are any events.
You were talking about mym, right?
Only tranny bot poster would bring up that update, or you're seething poorfag who was scammed, lol
Also post your playtime in deadlock, I want to laugh at your retardation more
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>The W Corp event already came out two weeks ago, retard.
>It's ending in 2 days.
Please tell me you are joking.
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Since thread is borderline useless... Recommend me some zombie movie to watch tonight.
There was suppose to be a W Corp event upcoming, unfortunately Project Moon is getting successfully sued over the rights of Leviathan. Vergillius and Charon, plot vital characters to the story, will be removed. This is expected to have a game rewrite with current expectations being a temporarily shutdown until next March at the earliest. Truly, if only Director paid the artists what they were owed this could've been all avoided
As the bigger man, and a more scholarly individual who played tf2 since 2013. Having seen it's prime and downfall. I'll after this message not respond to you. As you are an imbecile incapable of admitting defeat, therefore if you respond to me. You admit you are mindbroken by deadlockCHADS and bothoster boogie men.
I'm not your fucking friend, faggot. If you want to talk about pointless crap go to /vg/ or somewhere else.
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Of course he would beat the poor allegations.
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Filthy machine.
Lying is bad.
Love Town cutscene on youtube
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But *THIS IS* the thread about pointless crap, retard-kun. Might as well ask about movies.
Last warning, avatarnigger. You go to /vg/, or ELSE...
Watch I am Legend again.
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This, goddamn, out with it already, working on fund-raising gacha gaiden shit can't possibly be occupying that much of their time.
>spelling mistakes while typing a whole paragraph of seethe
>admits playing tf2
I accept your concession
Machines can't lie retard
The original kino version of the slop version?
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You can't do shit.
Fine, thanks.
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Drama and Livestream have increased incoming /vg/tard invasions. Keep a look out, soldier.
I feel like the person shitting up the threads recently is just one guy.
The Will Smith original, yes.
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>>683743086 (You)
>he's hot on my (our) trail
I'm the guy. I wrote the zoomer buzzword and then is heard no more version of the song. I posted basedjaks whilst philipposting in the halls.
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There's 344 replies, 89 images, and one poster. So yeah, that checks out
Kill yourself post haste
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yup, you got me
Why doesn't the director make all of the female sinners lesbians? It would be really hot. Yurichad btw, also Philipbro
Aiyn was a faggot for not even thinking about fucking those breasts, everything was his fault
I can see why philipfag would not be into hetero stuff
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They were too small.
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Sealab 2021
They'll never be her's...
If he was as smart as Cave Johnson, LobCorp would've had the entire city under their control
Boku no pico
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what are the chances of Director winning and this becoming Canon?
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Anon, nothing is more pedophilia than being attracted to breasts. Those are meant to feed and nurture infants and by placing yourself in that role, for a sexual purpose no less, is incredibly repugnant and representative of a more concerning issue that you should reflect on. Ayin, being a well functioning adult, instead prefer meaty thighs from the likes of Kali
Worst ending
>what are the chances of Director winning
>and this becoming Canon
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It will only be kino if leviathan was the non canon one whilst blunderlab was canon
Ok but did he FUCK Gebura?
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Clickety clack
Down the track
Vergilius the brown stain.
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Charon's dad!
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The man who couldn't save Garnet
The man who couldn't protect his orphans
The man destined to job against everything that's not a low tier abnormality

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<A friend who ■■■■■>
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wrong, he's FANFIClius the NOTCANON
Mr. No Longer Canon.
Realistically what's the endgame if they lose the rights to Verg and get told they can't use him no matter what?
Does the Korean shadow government cult win again?
As a Sailor Moon fan who really likes Chibiusa, that shit was so cringe.
>Making fun of my hero
die mad lobotranny, limbus is perfect masterpiece, we litteraly do not need anything else
Redesign to make him more zombie-like.
Nai_Ga will be overworked even more to make this happen.
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Director is autistic enough and extremely violent from the prior employee business reviews that I truly think that he'd proceed to acquire a bulldozer and ram into as many buildings as possible as revenge before he's stopped. His wrath knows no limit
LobCorp stumbled drunkenly so that Limbus could have a seizure and bite its own tongue off
The only trannies here are ironic wondershit supporters and (You) know that.
There's nothing wrong with kinolab
It's okay philipbro, he will save his reputation in lc2
Nothing because they had already created Vergilius & Charon long before Leviathan.
That's boring.
Honestly would be the most kino way possible to end the Project Moon experiment
A simple man denied his right to call society shit
now this is cope
>tumblrshit fanfic is ok if it's done by gooks
Really now?
I wish i could say that even with sarcasm.
When they were teasing Limbus
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>tyrannical pride
>expect giga-buffed mili Ahab kino
>get Hurtily
It's ok because 4chuds hate it or some less stupid excuse
Doesn't Ahab have her own pack?
wait a minute... that powerful beam.... that HAS to be coming from someone EXTREMELY powerful, maybe even the strongest opponent the library has EVER known....
while laying in puddle of urina, yes
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Leave b8rs to me.
They can't even roll 4
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>Theres nothing wrong with kinolab
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Fifteen sweepers?
los ratos das estradas....
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I can.
>Finn is a selfless and hopeful optimist, having the hope to become a great fixer for his sister's sake, even though he is labeled as mediocre by Yun, who he sees as a bit cold but kind enough to teach him things, which shows how Finn wants to see the best in people. Finn shows passion about his role as a Fixer but also loyalty to his Office

man, it's going to be so soulcrushingly lame when they will realise that noone actually got that default zayins are actually originated from c**ckhead and will try to spell it out but fail miserably and make everyone think they come from C*rmen instead, not your average kiddie cringe but a fullfledged spanish shame. Can't wait.
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>Four fingers
Alright I'm mad
>esl bable
Pete decimates him btw
Wouldn't it be funny if something AGAIN will happen to PM in September, 11? Third time's a charm, eh
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What the hell is blud talking about
If 4 all gacha niggers are double black and will be deported to the city's equivalent of africa.
....in the JOBBING competition.

Yes, I completely agree!
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Skibidi rizz GYATT bunda ohio bro :skull: hell nawh
oh shit it's evil goku he's gonna kiss his wife
Finn JOBBED against pete when he was empowered by Carmen.
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The thread has been up for a while, this is your reminder to restock on nutrients for the remainder of the day.
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Danteh's clock is filled with hundreds of sex organs of various monstrous beings
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I'm out of words, honestly.
Bro, your Charon?
unless you think she's a hebe, which is possible I guess.
I am on a strict 25 hour energy diet where I consume nothing but 104,165% of my daily value of vitamin b12 and edge my heart attack so no thank you
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Charon is good but she's not a loli or hebe
Charon is literally a fucking retard
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So what?
What if Philip forced dante into Yuna clothing and raped him?
girls are the cutest when they're retarded
see; aqua
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Artists lied to me.
The fault lies with Ishmael.
bro just called dice-rolling an advanced system
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PM copyrighted Limbus long before the comic author claimed copyright over Leviathan
So wouldn't Charon and Vergil still belong to PM
well yes but how then i doompost now
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Enough Charon posting.

You have been warned.
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>thinking PM will lose the rights of leviathan
lol, lmao, did you guys really forget how stupid artists can be
it's ok verg she's the one who sent me those pics
fanfiction name
BongBong will be the new guide AND driver.
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>it's tranny, tranny, tranny, tranny all over again
Lmao, looks like even native artists figured where pm located on spectrum and know where to strike, well, you reap what you sow
Anon are just retarded or want to doompost
Ok now remove slop
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who's going to replace vergil now that he's been cancelled?
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For (You) all NSFW (of Charon) i have just because i got tired from these retards.
Threads are never this bad during Europe hours btw.
It's always Canadians, Americans and Mexicans.
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after you remove westoid uggos, lmao
PM is chudcore
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Awww shit
Here we go again
PM is actually transcore.
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will my daughterwife be okay?
months old jumpstart gacha with more male cast then in entire pm franchise mogging troonbus gaypany
Director himself is clearing all trannies
The series was created as a critique of a miserable ultra capitalist nation run by a feminist cult and a half dozen gigacorps all colluding with each other
Frankly I'm surprised el director hasn't been suicided yet
I got a 3-day ban for saying Dante was trans before, I think tranny janny was having a melty though
I wonder how the same joke can become so unfunny when repeated so many times.
She died on the way to her home planet
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...won the Yuna bowl and get his little prick sucked
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too late now, the damage is already done
>Open world 3d gacha game with Tencent holding a stake on it with 100 times more budget than Limbus has more marketing on it.
Oh. Sorry if a /vg/troon went into threads about your game to shitpost with limbus pics.
Btw, deaflip rapes yuna everyday unable to hear her pleads for him to stop.
>muh moneh and funds cope
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Parasites always devour the weak.
It's fine because he makes good food, and as we know governments love restaurant owners.
and pm straight up flaunts this weakness
So Garnet is in danger?
See you in 10 hours when the live suicide stream it's on.
Who the fuck is Garnt
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>Frankly I'm surprised el director hasn't been suicided yet
Come on now, anon...
Why would a crystal be in danger?
Someone with 47 friends i'd presme
Read Leviathan you WHORE
I want to sex her
Damn my managers I missed this thread
and FUCK niggers
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Enough with low-quality baits.
Post butts or else.
We didn't cute and funny hard enough to keep the rent low... Although these parasites were always there from the start of LobCorp, it's just that they've started coming out of the woodworks, since Limbus became so popular.
Too many fingers, how the fuck am I supposed to jack off to this?
stop, there's people who came from twitter here and they see these posts and end up leaving
Why would i read FANFICan i'd type that if i was a braindead moron
hello project moon thread im late to the party i just got limbus company yesterday and i'm on day 10 it's pretty fun i might play some more today ok thanks bye
sorry i meant lobotomy corporation i mixed up the names from reading this thread lol
before the thread dies, im eriously considering giving PM and official call to see if we can bring Ham Ham Pang Pang to America
Reckon with some money we can convince them to open a place here?
I shit you not i already found a nice spot in Austin that looks decent enough for Korean food
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Then do it yourself, you fag
Arbiter or bust!
Ah shit, uh hold on

yooooo this is peak fr, uooooh hags pm really cooked with this one
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FINE. I'll do that.
Give me my wife.
I'll make sure she won't be able to walk.
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Eh, could be worse.
May you have the strength to push through the final day.
With how autistic director is about his IP?
Highly doubt it but fuck if you're a Texas millionaire or something go for it why not
you may say it's a stretch but i belive that lack of eroticism is their cue to get in and down or so they see as they are themselves brainfried, like, why on earth would chud care if faust, rodion or any other girl is "getting top'an'bottom surgeries"?
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Let's go home
Hmm today i will get worst girl
oh shiddd
good bye thread
>lack of eroticism is their cue to get in and down
I agree 100%. Back in the day, when people were still finding out about LobCorp, the threads were full of either porn, or erotic art. Nowdays, it's not only rare as fuck, but most of the time, some """people""" even begin to seethe when it's posted. Curious, isn't it?
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Hmmmm, does this include the cute faries too? Or just the big monstrosity.
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Fairies too
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I loev Laetitia
Give BoD wife.
Excellent, I can work with this.
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Glad to hear that
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Gebura Kali , or Binah
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Lucky bastard
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Thread is dead and i can say that i got tired of some fags
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Check em
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The only instinct work Angela is getting is beatings.
Dayyymn! Lyolyan~ is such a lucky man! Yabadabadaaaa!
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File: post-the-full-already.png (1.12 MB, 1980x1440)
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1.12 MB PNG
>man of the Box

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