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Pic related is every game. No matter how many victories and achievements you get, in the end you shut off the machine and get nothing
you are brown and have low iq
top to bottom:
>russian oblivon mods
>skyrim sex mods
>fallout 4 mods
Destiny 2
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That's right! He's a loser, you're a winner!

> Pic related is every restaurant. No matter how much food you get, in the end you poop it out and get nothing.

> Pic related is every amusement park. No matter how many rides you go on, in the end you leave and get nothing.

> Pic related is getting married. No matter how many years of love you have, in the end she dies or leaves and you get nothing.

> Pic related is living. No matter how many years you live, in the end you die and get nothing.

See how retarded all of this sounds? That's you op. You sound this retarded.
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Yeah, but it really is Minecraft more than others
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You'll die eventually, so just don't do anything.
Might as well kys yourself since everything you ever do is the bottom most mining situation.
What does it mean?
He is literally 1st in parses bro, he won. It takes dedication to achieve victory. Normies will never understand, and they are incapable of respecting achievement
>its just a game
you can say this about anything, losers.
>Its just a med school degree
>its just a good job
>its just a nice car

See? but somehow its "ok" to shit on games and gamers. Society.
i play csgo and get money selling skins
Everyone's machine shuts off someday and that's the end of (you). What's your point?
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Thanks, fed.
You get the diamond by playing the game in a way the developers don't intend
Kill yourself, OP. You'll die some day no matter what, so just get it over with.
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all things are impermanent, and we will all lose everything.
no u (you)
it's called a massively multiplayer online role playing game
Yeah, welcome to life.
demoralisers working extra hard today.
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Can't find my courage wolf folder, have this instead.
I already make enough money, what else is there to achieve in life? Games are at least fun, grinding in life is not.
OP will never have an answer to this. Time for OP to kill xirself.
Every MMO.

Correct. Which is why the only reason to play video games is to have fun. Time-wasting digital collectathon bullshit (MMOs) is for low IQs and br*wns.
This, they even had their big narrative payoff finale where you fight a bunch of guys you've never heard of before and the game isn't even over somehow
dude must have been an eshitter, else where would he have gotten the money for that banging setup? if he's making money from it, then who cares? and if he's not, his parents are enabling faggots.
this "comic" has no point.
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>It takes dedication to achieve victory.
At the expenses of who?

That seems a bit extreme. Like yea op is a fucking idiot, but I don't generally wish death on people over a disagreement.

Literally have a good job with the department of transportation, and my own studio apartment, and I still game like 10 hours a day when I'm not at work.

Plenty of gamers have jobs and live productive lives, your argument is invalid.
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> at who's expense?

My own expense. I work for a living, I pay my own bills, I have my own place, what I do with my money in my apartment is my own business.
You’re not a loser or nothin but this isn’t really the proof of victory you think it is

Your argument is that all gamers are losers who live with their parents and leach off them right? That's what your pic implies anyway. I'm a gamer. I live alone and don't leach off my parents. Many people I work with are also gamers who live on their own too. Therefore me and my social group are both living proof that not all gamers are losers who leach off their parents.

forgive me if I'm wrong about what you're arguing about and feel free to correct me. I just got here so I didn't follow the whole thread.
>> Pic related is every restaurant. No matter how much food you get, in the end you poop it out and get nothing.
Unless you have a malabsorption factor of 100% and shit out undigested food this is false

It is not false. Yes you may absorb the food into your body as nutrients, but eventually those nutrients will be used and exhausted, therefore you are eventually left with nothing.
>And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie
4cuck will remain more delusional than anyone else.
That's life for you chud
One day you die and get nothing
People will forget who you are and world continue without you

The point I was making is that much like life itself, it isn't about the end of the journey, its about the journey itself.

You don't go to a fancy restaurant to keep the food forever, you go to experience and enjoy the food.

You don't go to an amusement park and ride all the rides expecting to keep the roller coasters. You ride them to experience and enjoy the thrill.

When you get married you know that one day, one way or another, you will eventually part ways with your wife. Either one of you will die, or you'll get a divorce. But you do it anyway to experience the joy of sharing your life with someone you love.

and life itself is about the experience. It's about the journey. We will all one day die, and when that happens we will all have and BE nothing, but that shouldn't stop you from enjoying life. You don't live life to get to the end, you live to experience life.

And it's the same with videogames. You don't buy a game expecting it to go on forever. You know that eventually the game will end, or you'll get bored of it eventually and play something else, but you play it anyway for the experience and amusement of playing the game.

I'm not sure what you got out of my post earlier, or what you're trying to say now, so I figured I'd just make what I'm trying to say very clear.
nigger do you know where you are
EVE Online

Yes I'm aware that what you say is very common, and I still don't agree with it. Like there's another person just like you behind that screen. That person may be a fucking idiot, but he's still a person.

Just because a large group of likeminded people are being shit-heads, doesn't mean everyone else in the group has to hop on the bandwagon. We can choose to be better than that.

Star citizen unironically is just like the OP. the game is never going to be finished, we are never getting to those diamonds.
Let me guess, you have depression and take anxiolytics
Same goes for movies, TV shows, and watching any kind of event without participating yourself.
I don't play MMOs
fpbp + /thread
>live life of a billionaire
>fuck hundreds of pussies
>enjoy endless holiday
>got nothing

By ops logic, even if you actively participate in the event itself, you're not actually getting anything out of it. Even if you get prize money or something, that too is fleeting, will one day be spent, and you will have nothing, which according to op, renders it all pointless.
thats just rpg games
you play for anything but gameplay
jusr reading and expecting to get to epic gameplay but it never exists
The people he could've been helping with a meaningful job.
The loss of economic movement from him not going to bars, clubs, or parties.
newfriend-kun, you don't understand...
when people wish death on you here, a good chunk of us genuinely mean it

I've been using this site for over 15 years, don't be calling me a newfag, and that only reinforces my original point, that it's kinda extreme to wish death on someone for a disagreement.

Yes, everyone fucking does it here. I've done it myself sometimes when I've reacted emotionally to something I didn't like. It doesn't make it right.
for some reason I thought you said you are new here
apologies, I am drunk
I don't agree with you though. The ability to be caustic is a remnant of the old internet and an essential part of the culture here. I already get banned for being even a little rude anywhere else. It's my godgiven right to call you a niggerfaggot and tell you to kill yourself.
NTA but I'm in the same boat as you. Lurking here is a young man's game, and the appeal of telling others here to kill themselves gets lost once you start experiencing the deaths of loved ones irl.
>inb4 some edgy cunt says "they deserve it" or something similar
Lurk long enough and you hear just about all the edgy shit that can be said and it stops offending you, it just becomes a minor nuisance

It is indeed your god given right to call me whatever you want. It is also my god given right to point out when something's wrong. I do agree that the toxicity of 4chan is deeply ingrained in its culture, and part of the draw here, I just don't agree with how far people take it sometimes.

But that's the beauty of the world, we don't have to agree with each other.


I also feel like "kill yourself" is very overused on here, and contrary to what some people say, very few people actually want to see someone die, it's just sort of the norm here. I think we can get a little more creative than that in how we insult people.

I like to tell people that I hope their anus gets infested by a wholesome family of ass flesh eating owles. Far more creative then just "kill urself" and if it actually happened to someone, they'd probably want to die the entire time, and eventually actually die so it's just as extreme if not more technically.
I've been lurking here for 13 years and I've never once told an anon to kill themselves. If they killed themselves, I wouldn't get the joy of winding them up into a frothing rage anymore. I want them to stay alive so they can keep getting mad over inconsequential bullshit. It sustains me.

Forgot to mention that I too am drunk. How can you not be unless you're at work? Alcohol is awesome.

That's the 4chan attitude we need.
whites are a failing race
Diamonds only spawn on certain layers. They were in the wrong ones.
Next time you press F3.

We've just recently hit 8 billion people on the planet. Life spans are longer than they've ever been before. We're all fucking multiplying. There are no dying races, all of us are growing exponentially.
brownoids never succeeded to begin with
>It is indeed your god given right to call me whatever you want. It is also my god given right to point out when something's wrong.
I agree. I feel no indignance towards your opinion. I am not even racist nor think you deserve to die. I simply think you are a nigger and should kys yourself.
make sure to take a month or two off of the stuff every now and then

I hope your father drowns going down on the cum clown.
you're being outbred, your cultures and countries overrun and all the races of the world are inexorably tied together through globalism making it impossible for whites to get back on their feet
your people simply don't want races or nations anymore and for that, you will fall
succeeded in conquering everything you've ever built in a few decades
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>I am not even racist nor think you deserve to die. I simply think you are a nigger and should kys yourself
legitimately real life huehue'd
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This post smacks of lily white cityfag who watches too much anime lol, why do you talk like that?
Post hand you larping wienie so we can make fun of you
even here a whiteboy tears down someone speaking properly because their race has themselves forgotten to, all replaced by ebonics and memes

> You're being outbred

It's not a race or some contest, we all share this planet together anyway. There's plenty of white people, and if you look at the top richest people in the world all of them are fucking white dudes.

> Your cultures and countries overrun

I'm gonna stop you right there. You're acting like people aren't people because they're the wrong color, which is just kind of dumb.

> all the races of the world are inexorably tied together through globalism

Yes the world and the people in it are closer together than ever before. I can make friends with people clear across the planet on another continent in a matter of minutes. This is a good thing. If you don't like globalism why are you even using the internet. It's like the main platform for globalism, go join the Amish if you hate it so much. No seriously, that's an honest suggestion. They have the lowest rates of depression and shit among people, and seem to be genuinely happy. If you hate the globe there's a whole group of people who can take you in and help you lead a simpler happier life.

> impossible for whites to get back on their feet

The majority of the richest and most powerful people are white. We are well on our feet already.

> Your people

I love how all of the chuds automatically assume that everyone who even mildly disagrees with them is automatically the race or group of people they hate. You people just can't imagine a fucking world where someone the same color as you disagrees with you. I'm white too, but im sure you're gonna just ignore that and keep larping that I'm the head representative of your most hated group of people.
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>no hand
Concession accepted Mr. "you will fall" SHEEEEEESH
Mf Gaara soundin ahh

watching overwatch sfm for a decade instead of ever playing the game

NTA but it's been like 5 fucking minutes dude. You're acting like the guy not immediately dropping everything to do what you want proves some kind of point.

Im the guy who just replied to you. I forgot to say that, I do agree with you. Dude is 100% white, and probably has never even had a conversation with a black dude in his life. A lot of the people I work with are black, and none of them talk even remotely like that.
>if you look at the top richest people in the world all of them are fucking white dudes.
>I'm gonna stop you right there. You're acting like people aren't people because they're the wrong color, which is just kind of dumb.
no, race which definitely marks someone as different from another, what you are limits you in all that you can understand and build
>If you don't like globalism why are you even using the internet.
never said that at all, in fact globalism is what will wipe out all enemies, merge all into one and create the one world religion, one world identity that will prosper for eternity, it's what the world has been build up towards all this time.
>The majority of the richest and most powerful people are white. We are well on our feet already.
they're kikes and none of that money is going to you wageslave.
>I love how all of the chuds automatically assume that everyone who even mildly disagrees with them is automatically the race or group of people they hate. You people just can't imagine a fucking world where someone the same color as you disagrees with you. I'm white too, but im sure you're gonna just ignore that and keep larping that I'm the head representative of your most hated group of people.
I see that you are incapable of basic reading.
Brother it is the year 2024, you can take a picture and shitpost on 4chan(n̶e̶l̶)̶ on the exact same device. This isn't the early 00's where you have to use a digital camera anymore.
Elden Ring

> Jews

White jews. Jews that are white. In fact the majority of jews are white which means by your logic, if race is what defines you, you're at least half jew by default.

> no, race which definitely marks someone as different from another

Different does not mean bad. Apples and oranges are very different, and they're both still edible healthy fruits. We all also look and function the same on the inside. We have the same organs, the same blood, we're made of the same stuff. There's some differences in bone structure, but if say me, you, and some black dudes all hopped into an industrial shredder together, we would all look exactly the same and need to be identified by dna.

> never said that at all, in fact globalism is what will wipe out all enemies, merge all into one and create the one world religion, one world identity that will prosper for eternity, it's what the world has been build up towards all this time.

That's an interesting theory that I have no comment on.

> they're kikes and none of that money is going to you wageslave.

I never said their money was going to me. I'm just saying that the majority of all the successful people in the world are white. If we where really desperately needing to be on our feet, why are all of the most powerful people white?

Also I don't get the whole wageslave thing. I get paid very generously for my work, and I don't have to do much work for that money either. Slaves generally do not get compensated for their work. I can also leave the job at any time I want and for any reason. Slaves do not generally get to leave. I also get to choose what I want to do. If I don't like my job I can fuck off and get another job. Or I can not get a job and find other ways to get money. Slaves have no say in their lives.

> I see that you are incapable of basic reading.

You're obviously white, and I'm not going to participate in your little larp. If it looks like a duck, and it sounds like a duck, it's probably a duck.

Yea he could do it quickly, but he doesn't have to give you an irl pic, even just of his hand, he owes you nothing. If he wants to prove us wrong that he isn't white he's totally able to, but he doesn't have to and it proves nothing.
Dota 2
The trench never fucking ends.

You don't get to the diamonds in Elden Ring. Elden Ring IS the diamonds.
Do you not get enjoyment out of playing games? If not, why play them?
Having fun is the reward.
If you no longer have fun then yeah you should stop playing games.
maybe this is the case for retards who play games for achievements, extrinsic rewards, and shiny things for monkeys like gacha garbage
if i'm not enjoying the act of playing a game i just stop playing it
You could post this in any thread on 4chan and it would have a 70%+ chance of being true.
Literally BOTW and TOTK. The whole game is climbing shit hoping the reward on top of the mountain will be actually good content, rather than a shitty blessing shrine or a korok seed (if there’s anything at all). Traversed the Depths desperately hoping there’d be SOMETHING to do. I mean, Nintendo couldn’t be so cynical and shitty they actually put a big empty cave the size of the overworld (literally an inverted map) and put fuck all in there?
The condition was set, he proves he's nonwhite with a picture of his hand, or I don't believe him and dismiss his weird doomsaying as larp. He failed the condition, so I dismissed his weird doomsaying as larp, saving us both the time and energy of the long winded conversation he's currently having with some other poor sap who genuinely believes his ragebaiting.

The burden of proof is on the accuser, not the accused. If you cannot prove that he is white, then us assuming he is white is just that. An assumption. He doesn't have to prove anything, and owes us no evidence. We are the ones who accused him of lying, and so if we want proof, its up to use to get it.

Now I'm very lazy and this is just some stupid 4chan thread so I'm not gonna do all the work to actually prove that he's lying, I'm just gonna use the circumstantial evidence I have to assume that he is, but I recognize that it is in fact just an educated guess, and the guy could very well be a very scitzo antisocial black guy.
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I don't care, I am not reading all of that

I think what you mean to say is that you know I'm right and cannot be assed to find an argument against it.
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You don't get anything period. Things in life are fleeting and meaningless, your legacy means nothing and there is no "deeper" plot to it. Your destiny is to perish and to be forgotten.
Moving forward and making your experiences enjoyable is the ultimate goal in life. It does not matter how you achieve it as long your brain rationalizes it as time not wasted in vain.
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Quit videogames.
Do NoFap.
Start taking cold showers.
Read non-fiction and exercise as your only forms of entertainment.
Mew 30 minutes a day.
Take a nootropic stack.
Dress like an adult.
Have a skincare routine.
Learn to code.
Get a 7 figure salary at an AI startup.
Learn 5 different languages at once.
Travel the world.
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>demoralization thread
Why are there so many demoralization posts nowadays? Literally everyday there's some bozo trying to shame you for playing video games.
Do jews hate video games that much?
The experience is the reward.
No amount of self-help is gonna help that monkey lmao.
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Normies mine dirt, neurodivergents mine diamonds.
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(((They))) are going full scorched Earth after the past couple months of failed DEIslop shitheeps, like flintlock and concord, unceremoniously burned to the ground. Naturally, this means us toxic grifter gamers need to be punished.
Like the saying goes, flak is always heaviest when flying over the target.
>Why are there so many demoralization posts nowadays?
EU parliament elections just happened, US presidental ones are going to happen very soon - the Ruskies are ramping up their farms.
You lack the autism needed to enjoy live, but this is fine, just join the normie and do party to get wasted and win at life
>Fake wealth by flashing expensive cars, trips and vacation
>Followed by the usual influencer life speech to try to become the new Andrew Tate
>All of this effort to get 30k follower on insta
This is actually more pathetic than playing videogames
What kind of fucking nigger needs to get something physical from every action or he thinks it's a waste?
What kind of absolute nimrod dipshit subhuman filth replies to a thread like this without sage?
>gamers screeching and hollering over the fact that their "hobby" is called a waste of time,even resorting to racism for no reason at all
>if race is what defines you, you're at least half jew by default.
jewish logic is getting weirder
So the russians are the ones pushing for wokeism, DEI rules and sweetbabyinc?
And anyone who doesn't hate white people is russian?

Counter theory, you're a kike and you're behind it
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literally me 1:1 looking for diamonds
i found them and you are jealous
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holy shit my fucking sides
yeah i'll take the video games, thanks
is there porn of the young mom fucking the shota?
It's hilarious how easy it is to make you immediately reveal yourself. Do you know that?
OP, the experience of playing the game is the reward. If that isn't rewarding you should stop.
I'm sorry, mew?
Playing overwatch but never watching the porn

No I'm not Jewish either. Again you absolutely cannot fathom someone who is not your chosen hated group disagreeing with you. I'm just saying if race is the sole thing that decides who you are, and almost all of the juden are white, and you are also white, that means that you share the very same trait that according to you, solely defines you, as the juden. If you are solely defined by being white, and all of the juden are white, then that means you must be juden too by your own logic.

I don't even like the jews, I'm just pointing out how dumb your logic is.
Andrew Tate and his consequences have been a disaster for the zoomer generation.
>That shot of him sitting in the back while his mom drives him around
Fucking kek

> you are bad unless you live exactly the way I tell you to.

Naw thanks. I'll enjoy my own hobbies and interests and live my life the way I want. I work for my money and time and I'll use it any damn way I want.
risk of rain 2
I got to have fun
this dude actually looks like a racist caricature from the 40s, but that's his actual face
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No hobbies are "worth" it. You die regardless.
>erm aktually p-playing the piano is high art and nurrr
All hobbies are the same thing. Just wasting time in different ways.
>b-but some hobbies can make you money and
Damn nigger, sounds like a JOB and not a hobby.
The only hobby advice I'd recommend is to try many and see what clicks, ideally have more than one or two so you don't burn out, and don't expect any sort of financial meme return on them.

This dude looks like he desperately needs an escape from the real world. Look at those dumbo ears, the fucking goof. I don't normally like to insult people over their appearances. I don't think its fair to insult people over something they have very little control over, but when you point a finger, you point 3 other fingers at yourself, so dumbo over here is fair game in my book.
>stop eating
>stop playing video games
>don't die
Kill yourself retard
>Play game
>Finish game because a game that can't be finished is shit
"Wow! What a great experience. I will use this game to fuel my creativity, problem solving, storytelling and providing me with experiences and worldviews I wouldn't otherwise get."


"Wow! I'm so glad I got to spend time with my family and friends by playing this multiplayer game. We are both married with kids, but we can still play a round of fortnite or two despite living across the country."

Just don't play shitty games / don't play multiplayer games alone.
Invest in real estate while you were 4.
Overwatch, CS:GO, League of Legends and DOTA and Factorio.

Hate those games.
>> Pic related is every amusement park. No matter how many rides you go on, in the end you leave and get nothing.
Your branded t-shirts/sweaters bro? Your over sized plush toys from the shitty games bro?
your childr...ahaha you'll never breed.
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Just fucking turn off the internet how is this hard?
Meter his usage.
Take away the computer.
You are paying for it, not him.
The topmost is any game that gets good after a certain amount of time.
Living in a studio apartment is not something to be proud of
>clearly compfag supporting his hobby as he can upgrade his PC
>more than likely supporting his dying mother too
Literally nothing wrong here.
Cool gramps but this thread is off topic.
Its time for your nurse to put you to bed.
I've played like 200 hours of kenshi and probably 1000 hours in the M&B series, same with X3/4, I really thought starsector would be up my alley.
but it's just a worse version of those games, I've played maybe 20 hours forcing my way through and I'm not sure what people actually see in this,
runescape. Make money to get better gear to be more efficient to make more money to buy better gear to be more efficient to make more money to buy more gear to be more efficient it never ends
Nah ive met countless /v/ermins irl and online

You're all a bunch of losers calling each other incels, the joke tells itself

I'm gonna live forever just to spite you.
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What are some "ultra-complex" games that have very good learning curves. so you're going to have fun from the start? Also helps if the game does a good job of teaching you through gameplay, so you're not going to need to consult some wiki or youtube guide constantly to learn to the gameplay.

So many games are known for this "you're gonna have thousands of hours of fun but it only gets good after the first 20 hours", the thing is that you can't really tell for sure that you'll enjoy it so it becomes a sort of time investment which many people don't have the time for.
zachtronics games?
I don't think the Russians have that kind of money or influence. They have almost no soft power whatsoever, all of their power is concentrated in the military that had spent the last two years being bogged down in a land war in Asia, their attempts at information warfare have been pathetic.
>dude is probably earning more sitting behind his pc than if he had worked a shitty service industry job
>oh no, how fucking dare you not being a heckin' cubicle worker
>Oh I know, I'll resort to emotional manipulation because there's people growing old and looking sad in the picture because the kid isn't doing what they want him to
This is pathetic.
Playing TF2 seriously
OP blown the fuck out in the first post
porn is disgusting
TF into Mew...
picture hitting too close, loser?
>in the end you shut off the machine and get nothing
I turn my back on fate
Nah, this is a life of a leeching loser.
Would throw him out as a parent.
You get a job and pay your bills.
It's so bright and so clean, double diamonds, double diamonds, it's so intense...
that's a death sentence for it
all because you didn't raise it right
Literally all true.
Yay! The zoomers are finally starting to understand! Welcome to the human condition!

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