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remember Quistis Trepe from the hit game
Final Fantasy VIII.
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Yes I love Quistis!

Her DEGENerator blue magic move is so funny
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She showed up in WoFF so she is more popular than the main love interest.
didnt she groom and try to rape an underage squall? FFVIII would be canceled today
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it's ok, older women can rape younger men
she was only a year older
i didn't play her game but she looks pretty
Useless teacher
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Don't mind me, just posting the actual best FF8 girl
why is she sticking her tongue out like that?
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>Year older
That makes her like 40 in Anime logic.
she's doing analingism but the man is not rendered because he's too close to the camera
She looks better in her school teacher outfit.
>is clearly smitten with Cloud
>ignored like a lone sock on the laundromat floor
everyone treats her as an unmarriagable old hag in the game because she is older than the rest
*the long opening note of Hot For Teacher is heard and braps its way through the universe*
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She's also pretty much this meme, she has an entire fanclub lusting after her that she ignores
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quite a harem
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I wish this artist had done more.

Wrong picture, I'll fix that for you.
They did a few
is there a mod for this game than removes the god awful juncton system?
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>best girl
>Great Value brand Tifa

This fuckin' guy
It's funny because Tifa looks awful in that outfit while Rinoa doesn't.
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>retards like 683719445 STILL get filtered by a system I completely broke when I was 12
Sometimes I think the yellow paint is actually needed.
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Where's Zell?
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Devour is my favorite one.
imagine all the tutorials and handholding if FFVIII was released today
>2 hour tutorial up to the t-rex
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My dumbass back in the 2000s didn't even know how to use the Sphere grid in FF10. I can only imagine kids, let alone adults trying to figure out the Junction system.
I've never been able to accept any of the characters in FF8 being 17, especially her.
Books says 18 but I'm thinking 24.
It's pretty much just big numbers good. Wasn't that hard to break the game even if played casually.
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Sorry VIII bros but it's all about IX. Too bad the translation to English neutered the hell out of a lot of Zidane's cheesy, romantic idealism and tried to make him "cool" or whatever people thought he was in the early 2000s.
8 years old, I was a good boy student.
The first thing I did in FF8 was read all the shit in squall's laptop thing.
Years later, when people were talking about the retarded using GF = memory loss thing coming out of nowhere I thought they too were retarded when it was shown to be there since the start of the game.
Of course, hiding it away in some optional file is still lazy but the reveal never felt out of place for me as a kid.
As far as game mechanics go, I remember having a notebook with what cards turn into what spells and how to get instakill to farm shit.

Later in FFX I would stress where to put spheres down to optimize characters, I wrote down what if I use the this key sphere for this area, what would the character's stats be later etc. Of course before getting farmable Clear Spheres and Teleport grid shit.

This was all before I had real access to the internet so I couldnt exactly just google my answers, and I never bought into the guides.
Now, of course with people having less time as their older I wouldnt really knock having tutorials explain everything though, because I know not everyone has time to "waste" figuring it all out themselves.
You can argue whether their dopamine receptors are fried or whatever but, thats just how things are now.
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Quistis if she real
Reminder that she wears pants under her skirt, not thigh high boots
Miss Trepe is NOT quite a HAG yet but.......
She's totally a hag tho... Not that it's a problem.
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the 18 year old hag
>when people were talking about the retarded using GF = memory loss thing coming out of nowhere
I thought the complaint was every single player character except for Rinoa being conveniently from the same orphanage and using GFs as a convenient excuse.
The memory loss bit is VERY underused outside of that reveal.
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I played FF8 when I was a kid and understood both junctioning and drawing and spent most of Ifrit's cave just drawing various spells. I don't think I ever actually finished the game but I know I got to around Ultemecia's area. Pretty sure I stopped because I found out missable cards existed and was sick of Triple Triad stealing all my cards and having to savescum.
With the Library Girl, both of them chowing down on hot dogs / sweet bread.
What a super fucking sexy tutorial waifu.
Fell in love with her on first sight back in the day.
Squall should have put at least one baby in her.
How is it at all difficult to understand? You equip magic to a stat, make stat bigger. Have more or stronger magic, make stat biggererer.
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If there is eve a remake, I hope they make Zell eat hotdogs in sweet bread as a fun nod.
I want to shoot my man bazooka juice all over those armpits goddamn man I am horny as fuck rn
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I thought the numbers on the side were my level. Because bigger level means stronger.
I was a very dumb kid who couldn't read, please understand.
Cute HAG on the left.
Final Fantasy VIII should get a remake.
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she can give me aqua breath if ya know what I mean
Yes, the idea that all of them happened to be in the same orphanage that was run by Edea was the annoying bit, but it was exacerbated severalfold because of the amnesia angle which ultimately meant nothing. It was a plot point that only existed to further enforce Squall's "I'm all alone" moping, when that could have been better established just by making Ellone's disappearance (and Ultimecia possessing Edea) more impactful.

The GF-Amnesia could have been dropped, and the kids could simply have only been around one another for a brief period of time. Like Squall could have been an orphan for several years, while the others like Zell came and went, being adopted earlier. That could have enforced Squall's feelings of being alone/unwanted, as well as tightening his attachment to Ellone who had been at the orphanage with him for much longer.
None of them really knew or remembered each other (naturally) but Irvine happened to have a good enough memory to recognize a few of them even though they hadn't seen each other for years. All of them would then recall that they were all once under the care of Edea and did for a short time know Squall, giving the lot of them a personal connection and unified goal. ggez
I like Quistis a lot. I lost a lot of respect for her when she abandoned her post during the parade mission, though. That was just pathetic. Squall and Irvine ended up being the only two characters who get their shit together, even though Irv needed a pep talk.
>Rightfully calls Rinoa a fucking retard
Based. Best girl
>immediately feels bad about it and compromises the mission by running back to apologize and stops being a character for the rest of the game
Nevermind, fuck this shit game
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It's adventure time
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FF8 has a very stupid story and I love it.
that's enough internet for today
She's retarded, as if you can't tell from the hairstyle and the fact that she obsesses over trains like all spergs and tards do
Funny that we had the same opinion at the same time.
This isnt the case. She just has feelings for Squall and isnt interested in other people romantically. She never complains about not having a partner in general.
I think the way you put it moves too far away from some of the important parts of them having been in the orphanage.

For one, each character's deeper connection to Edea is important, for when they realize that they have been unknowingly trying to kill essentially mom. That doesn't really work if you don't have all of them be there for a significant amount of time. Squall remembering all the things that they did together in the orphanage and essentially realizing how warped the way he viewed things was is pretty important as well, while also underscoring that what was actually real didn't define him the way that what he remembered did.
There's also the predestination theme, Ultimecia trying to get out of fate by messing with time and thus actually engineering the events that lead to her downfall is very well presented in the party gradually ending up together again. They completely waste Laguna at the end by just having him cheerlead with cheesy friendship lines to make this point.

There's definitely a lot left to desire in the way they presented a lot of these things and the relevant information, but the underlying themes are carried very strongly in many of the events put together, so often changes like these miss the mark just as well.
Reminder that Zell does in fact give more infodumps than any other party member. In fact, if he isn't present in the party at certain times, certain things in the info menu are locked out forever. Thanks for helping us 100% the game, Zell!
>They completely waste Laguna at the end by just having him cheerlead with cheesy friendship lines to make this point.
Strongly agree with this, most of all because there was an opportunity during Time Compression to have a final dungeon where Laguna, Kiros and Ward from the past are able to fight alongside Squall and the gang. It seemed like an obvious setup to have them interact at some point on the way, which would also inform Laguna a bit on what he should do just like Edea was informed.
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>Active as fuck
>Punches shit
>Saves his friends
>Stays clean
>Eats hotdogs
>Loves his mom
>Gets library chicks wet
People should strive to be like Zell.
okay roastie
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Best girl, all these years later.
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Quistis is so good that even AI cannot be tricked into a sexy scenario and both her (and Squall) stay in character.
It does appear that in the original script, it was supposed to be a dual-protagonist plot, with Squall and Laguna getting equal screentime so you saw two generations dealing with the the turmoil caused by Witches. Laguna's side had to be cut down dramatically, with only the "fairy" segments remaining.
Strangely, the Remake treatment that FF7 got regarding a much bigger presence for Zack is the kind of thing that would be expected if not desired for an FF8 Remake, where Laguna's story gets to be fully told and he can assist Squall more.
That might actually be a cool idea, I hadn't thought about something like that.
There is just a general lack of satisfying payoffs in the latter half.

You get all these nice scenes and development with Laguna, Raine and Ellone which Squall gets to relive, only to find out what he does when(if?) he goes to Winhill and then at the end they make Laguna go 'We'll talk about this later.' Squall's development absolutely hinges on how he sees himself and what he is meant to do or become and then you have him meet the single most important remaining person for that and there's mostly nothing.

This is a major part of the problem, that there is actually a lot of stuff there, you might just never encounter it if you don't dig around absolutely everywhere and pay serious attention.

>Watch this Lis, you can actually pinpoint the second when his heart rips in half
He is literally the chad stride meme before it even existed.
heard she's got Bad Breath.
Literally still my waifu after all these years. Unbeaten. Perfect.
What the fuck was it with Nomura and trying to shuffle off any cool Job shit into the limit break system, what is seriously the point of Quistus and Kimahri being blue mages if they can only use it for limit breaks
I love it too. But what hurts the most is that it had the potential to be up there with the best stories of the series. It had all the interesting background lore. Hyne etc. But really does fuck all with it and ultimicia's goal is like 5 mins at the end with minimal exposition.
Plot holes and asspulls, miss matched scenes.
>They completely waste Laguna at the end
Present day is not Laguna's story though. Maybe the flashbacks were supposed to be longer and more fleshed out and we just never got that version of the game, who knows. But it's up to Squall to save the day in the present, Laguna already lived through his version of these events and he has to live with the outcome. Laguna is the past, having him "act" in the present would be thematically inappropriate.
don't care, would suck the turds straight out of her ass
>Maybe the flashbacks were supposed to be longer and more fleshed out and we just never got that version of the game, who knows.
Yes, I think they were originally meant to be given equal importance. The FF8 ultimania world map shows an entire cut continent, and many of the locations on it are story events such as "battle between x and y" which make it clear that Laguna was meant to be half of the game.
Why does Quistis need glasses if she has Laser Eye?
why does cyclops need glasses if he's got laser eye?
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It's a tired point these days, but it is true that the English translation does have some part in this as well.
The original Japanese doesn't magically avoid a lot of the more significant problems, but a lot of scenes just flow a lot better, I thought.
Just to say that for those that are able to I would recommend trying it.

I agree, but having him mostly be a cardboard cutout that only spouts dwarven vow #7 just isn't what should be the case either, is what I'm saying.
Chicken wuss
I know it was hilarious
tramautic brain injury in his youth from parachuting also optic blasts arent a lazer
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I mean yeah all the events parallel each other because the point is that Squall will do what Laguna couldn't and resolve the sorceress conflict for good and end up with his fated true love. The entire story can be summed up as
>Laguna and Julia missed their chance but their kids won't
That's why Eyes on Me plays for Squall and Rinoa.
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Reminder they made Seifer and his gang literally children in KH2
The real reason is her little fanclub. Those fucking groupies are effectively cockblocking Quistis with how pushy they are.
Quistis's stoic exterior aside, everyone else can't take a chance even if they tried.
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She was a dumb pointless character with no resolution or growth
why isn't fujin wearing the belly shirt instead. this game is so fucking gay
>Squall's development absolutely hinges on how he sees himself and what he is meant to do or become and then you have him meet the single most important remaining person for that and there's mostly nothing.
This is also why I think VIII would benefit from having two possible endings (or more, with slight variation) based on how much of a sense of self he has, how close he gets to his peers, and how much the use of GF causes him to lose his memories / self. I posit that Ultimecia being Rinoa from a failed timeline in which Squall cannot return to her, causing her to go mad and eventually become Ultimecia is the best narrative outcome. It would be a bit annoying to have to replay it but would encourage replay to know that rushing to the end (like I did) would end up making Squall into too good of a SeeD and not enough of an individual to be Squall.
>dommy mommy bombshell teacher
>turns out she's retarded
I liked the part where her limit break 1HKs most enemies in the game and the rest can be dealt with using Selphie's.
>Ultimecia being Rinoa
Another retard who doesn't understand the story. Laguna and Julia were already torn apart. That's your failure, it's already in the game, the bittersweet tragedy of love being denied. You don't do it twice. Squall and Rinoa WIN, because anything else would be an idiotic downer ending for no reason and no payoff.
U=R never made any sense
I understand the story just fine. The GF amnesia plot is underutilized and offering the player a different ending depending on what they do before fighting the sorceress is how to incentivize doing side-content.
It only takes one or two extra sentences to explain it. Ultimecia's behavior and dialogue as well as the existence of Griever GF are sufficient enough to accept it possible.
One of the first hentai pictures I ever saw was her upside-down on her shoulders with legs spread and pussy wide open and a fat ugly bastard cumming on her.
I have never played the game.
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Squall should have fucked her.
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I'd like to add that they win by Squall finally realizing that she is someone he wants to keep around, and fight to get back.
Where much of the previous relationship development is fed by Rinoa, it's Squall's decision that makes it possible in the end, instead of leaving her to remain frozen in the stasis cell via indecision or fear, or having someone else make the rescue happen.
People often critique the seemingly sudden change, but it's understated how much it empowers Squall as a character, stepping up to the plate because he wants to and no longer because he is forced to.
It's a crucial part to have them win their love story this way.

And in addition, showing the mindset of Rinoa accepting her fate in this instance, rather than rebelling against it as she did before, and as many, certain, sorceresses would.
blue mage will always be the best class in FF
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I played FF8 this year and it's genuinely such a good game. Had a really great time playing it. I did the remaster, so next time I'll do the original which has much harder and more autistic steam achievements like the one to keep Squall at his original level for the whole game.
you can literally find it in five seconds on any rule34 site
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Such a great scene
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Oh I remember her and most of the party members being irrelevant past disc 1
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She is real though...
Raijin is beta version Wakka. I love it.
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realistically every FF game has a partially fucking stupid story
XI:CoP has probably the least retarded and still has dumb irrelevant shit in it
The game is undoubtedly rushed. Sorceresses aren't explored enough, Laguna was meant to be like half of the game instead of a few sequences.
But the Ultimecia = Rinoa theory is entirely to blame on the shitty translation. They completely removed the bit at the last fight where Ultimecia states she'll create [Griever] from Squall's memories ala Ghostbusters.
Instead people thought that her GF having the exact name Squall tells Rinoa meant that she was Ultimecia.
She's still my favorite boss though. Her last words are someone thrashing powerlessly against fate/time and they make me feel worse the older I get when I replay this.
thats just japanese culture for you. they cant write characters with any growth. they're nearly always 1-Dimensional tropes.
They needed Quistis to help set up the start of the game's setting and then sidelined her when they realised they had nowhere for her to go after graduation.
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>and the rest can be dealt with using Selphie's
>One of the guys actually counts his pushups
>It's not just some one-off dialogue, he really does count
>If you talk to him too much, he loses track and starts over
Are you playing the PAL version? that feels slow
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FF5 was pretty kino.
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I love all the small details in the game.
I thought this was Vaan from the thumbnail.
It's stupid because the fanfic erases the actual thematic significance of Griever as a boss. It's the resolution to Squall's character arc, he doesn't need Griever anymore so when Ultimecia manifests it out of his mind Squall literally vanquishes his trauma.
Men actually don't like desperate women, and she reeked of desperation
Devour was a GF ability, not blue magic. It was taught by Hungry Cookpot, which is dropped by the ayylmao known as PuPu!
Miniskirts on every female npc was the only reason to play this game.
That's why Squall's Dead will always be the best fan theory.
Anything you don't like after disk 1?
I never found Master PuPu but my GF had devour.
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Eden also knows it by default
Eden can learn it by default.
So cool
>wait, odin? surely they're not gonna let me just oneshot a seifer fight
I was very confused because I only had played the PS1 titles.
this ended up the only PS1 game where Gilgamesh appears, right?
He's in 9.
This is the biggest fuck you to the player gotta love it.
>this ended up the only PS1 game where Gilgamesh appears, right?
Honestly, I could never like 9 too much despite beating it.
I think that I was tired of FF by the time I played it and I also missed the endless throwbacks to older titles. If he showed up there I forgot.
It was a very small appearance and he was extremely different to his usual self. It was essentially supposed to be him before he became a big dimension hopping adventurer.
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It's a shame FF5 wasn't popular or well known in the west, and probably not by the loooooocalizers, to understand how Girugamesh mistook Seifer for Bartz.
why would he mistake him for bartz?
>monsters live on the moon and their migration to the planet can be weaponized via a fuckhuge crystal into obliterating mountains and continents, as well as other purposes.
The fact that we got to see this the way we did and it actually being part of the villains plan is amazing.
All the space stuff was just plain cool.
Exdeath purposely trained him wrong as a joke, please understand.
Really wished this ost wasn't removed for when the monsters invaded Earth it sounds like nightmare fuel.
This was so unbelievably cool that I got chills seeing it again just now. I'm also really glad I played VIII for the first time this past year so I was up to speed on Greg.
>wasn't popular or well known
Well, that tends to happen when the game doesn't even get released in that region. Best you could get was crudely fan-translated roms
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>Well, that tends to happen when the game doesn't even get released in that region
What did they mean by this?
I wish that Adel had boobs
The first part gets used for a scene, right? When they flashback to the aftermath of the disc 2 Edea fight in order to show you what possessed Rinoa said to Seifer
Yeah, but they removed the creepy voice.
Comparing the 3 PS1 titles: 8 had the lamest normal fight music but Laguna's theme was the goat.
You already have Edea and Ultimecia bro for sexo.
Please do not sexualize Edea
She's taken too
I remember seeing this the first time and being awestruck. I was with my friend, and we were laughing at the RNG of getting Odin on a boss battle. Incredible bait and switch.
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Her crotch tattoo makes me diamonds.
All she really needed was some SeeD and this whole timeloop could'a been resolved peacefully.
>click video, music starts
>shing shing
positively pavlovian

Her feelings for Squall was just her sisterly affection for him that they all forgot due to the whole amnesia thing. She confessed as much after the orphanage reveal.
It's really funny that Hyrule Warriors' story is just 'all powerful sorceress is so thirsty for the hero's Master Sword that she can be convinced to fuck up the multiverse."
doesn't she say that but still doubt herself? I think it's left open
>sisterly affection is when you want to fuck someone
yeah, ok
This was just her coping.
Well, the point they make is that she didn't really know what she was feeling and only later realized that what she assumed must be feelings of love were actually not.
But as others are saying I also recall that, while not entirely untrue, there's dialog to suggest she just uses it as a convenient excuse to save face about the whole thing, and she actually hasn't resolved it, or actually knows that it's also love.

Yeah there are some areas on the world map you can see. They don't do or give you anything besides flavor text when you interact on thos locations. Just things to add to the game's lore like that huge crater or that empty barren field between forests that tells you there was civilization there originally.
Nigga, you know damn well that when you wanna fuck someone you wanna fuck someone. No way someone would confuse that feeling with a feeling of sibling love
She's only 18 BTW
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Well, you're free to project her having that explicit desire onto barely-past-teenage Quistis but in the real world orphaned kids being drilled into mercenaries for war tend to not be as emotionally mature or stable.
It's actually the entire point of Quistis' character, where she is made to have all these adult responsibilities like being instructor, but she feels like she's just still a stupid girl, which she is.
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Quistis if she Edelgard
No thanks.
She's 18. Do you have any fucking idea how randy girls are at the time? She'd know whether squal made her pussy wet. And if she thought it was love, then he definitely did
It's insane how SHIT this game would have been if it had been released on the PS2 instead.
It starts with practically a slice-of-life look in a highschool that graduates teens into mercenaries.
Can you imagine the schlock it would have been with the 00s anime voice acting?
I thought that ffx va was decent, considering that it was the first fully voiced ff. And FF12 of course has top tier voice acting
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I agree, she'd know if she'd know.
The point is that at no point do we get reliable accounts of what she is and isn't actually feeling and how emotionally mature she really is. You're saying all this stuff that we don't know where there.
For all we know she's an emotionally messed up and repressed orphan girl on the inside. Clearly there's some reference to them being aware enough about it with the Girl Next Door magazine for example.
But saying that you know for certain that her panty status was going genesis 7:17 is just plain overreaching.
I hope when they redesign her for a remake they get rid of the stupid pants. It ruins the whole outfit desu.
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It can't be "explained" without entirely discarding the bootstrap time loop.
Ultimecia fled to the past because Squall defeated her in the future because Ultimecia fled to the past because...
Future Squall returns home, exiting the loop with Rinoa at his side for a happily ever after.
The "prophecy" of the Ultimate Witch both creates and closes the loop.
There are no parallel timelines nor other time paradoxes in FF8.

You would have to inject foreign time travel concepts into the plot about a fixed loop, going way beyond Tidus Kicking a Landmine level of stupid bullshit for Rinoa to mindbreak and turn into the ultimate evil after/during the events of the game, explain away the many things that would keep Rinoa tethered to love even if Squall died tragically, explain away how Rinoa would live for hundreds of years until only then popping up as the Ultimate Witch in the distant future, and explain away why "Rultimecia" would forget everything (Ultimecia does not use GFs).
All of the logical hurdles aside, R=U undermines both Rinoa and Ultimecia's characters as well as the story's main theme of love. The two are polar opposites in life and love. Under no circumstances could Rinoa become Ultimecia, nor does the game's writing even so much as allude to the idea, not even the poor english translation, and especially not because the two of them posed the same fear of hatred (because they choose the opposite paths as their answer to it). Only through miserable comprehension and retarded logical leaps could someone believe R=U is in any capacity a good idea.
yeah 8 was fucking ambitious for its time.
like compared to shit now its like meh whatever but compared to other games at the time nothing else felt like it had the scale or world like 8.
just pity that 8 in general feels a bit rushed, with empty space on some continents (bottom continent has almost nothing) and Disc 4 being basically 1 dungeon, 1 boss fight, 1 cutscene.
>big tits
pretty much sums them up yeah, based japs
>Suicide requires pain...but
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