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Goddamn this game is hard. I feel like I need extensive knowledge of a room before I even open a door or I get blown the fuck up.
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Just always assume a fight is waiting for you and prepare ahead of time, even if you lay down one or two beartraps and it turns out there weren't any enemies you can just pick them up.
It's not hard, it just artificially inconveniences you to slow things down. Absolute dogshit game. Uninstall, and refund if you're still under 2 hours.
You need stealth, anon! Don't fall for the tincan assault rifle no stealth build. Getting to go first every battle is a huge deal.
Styg gave NPCs the same skill and arsenal access that the player has, which makes combat fast and deadly in the Underrail. Most developers nerf mobs so the player will always feel more powerful...here, fights are settled by how well you set an ambush because getting caught flat-footed is a death sentence.
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Zoomer mentality
it feels great when your build starts to come together and you can just mow down waves of enemeis
redpill me on tasers, how useful are they for ranged builds
Yeah I had the bright idea of playing blind and I went for a psycho monk, but apparently I don't have enough points in the right stats so I can't even get the good abilities geared towards that build. I also ignored stealth cause fuck it, I'll just use my mind magic and punch people. Clearly I made a mistake.
I realize how strong grenades and traps can be so I've tried using them, but I feel less like a fist caster and more like Bill Murray in Groundhog day with bombs. Depot A is filtering the fuck out of me.
they are useful on any kind of build, it's a 1 turn stun for 10 AP and requires zero feat or attribute invenstment apart from the electronics skill to craft it.
Enemeis can resist but it's fairly rare
does it have a hit chance that scales with melee?
No, you don't use it for damage, it's for the stun
underrail characters be like
level 1
>I can barely beat a rat 1v1
level 5
>maybe I can kill a human if I'm lucky
level 10
>small group of humans is doable with traps or good terrain
level 20+
>I am a walking god that kills 20 people in one turn
level 28
>I genocide entire tribes
It plays like Fallout. As in, it ecourages you to savescum constantly. Just play on easy and you can make any build work. Minmaxing is only needed for harder difficulties.
>runs up
>stings you
>skitters back away around the corner
Those stealth ceiling fucks made me uninstall the game
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use flares, and fire
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>enter room
>YELL from the top of my lungs
>roofniggers all fall down and shit their pants
>proceed to evicerate them with my little bowie knife
>take yell specifically for crawlers
>still forget to use it every time
It's good for luring humans into a specific place aswell without wasting grenades.
not hard, just poorly made.
game is actually easy once you read all of the docs. but why not read a book in that time instead
Dude just put on the large fannypack, people won't think lesser of you
Fuck off zoomer
underrail has amateurish game design. Everything is designed to artificially inflate play time, especially the backtracking between areas which is endless. Some areas are designed to be traps so you have to do them over and over again, without any good reason.
It's discount fallout
i mean ... yeah? thats when the powerful feats and high level crafting come online so of course you start getting super strong if you know what you are doing at level 20+. but i think you are also exagerating how weak you are before that. on dominating sure, you have to know the mechanics of the game and exploit them hard but anything lower than that you can easily start fucking shit up much lower level than 20
how you capture a creature in the snare at the beginning of the game
just enter turn bsed mode and use the dog crate on them
Chase them into one of the ends of the map so they're stuck and crate them.
i want to play crossbow but i was told they are shit :(
just use stealth and start sniping bro
just make a sniper
>DLC Expedition made it canon that your character is able to manipulate reality by rewinding time (reloading) every time he dies when discussing philosophy with the old sea captain.
They lied to you
did the new DLC come out already?
Yes, apparently from what I heard the new area sucks and people only like it for the new weapons and gear.
I instantly disregard anyone who uses this word's opinion when talking about vidya
>the new area sucks
It doesn't. Some people were simply delusional and thought that it would've been as big as the previous DLC.
how is the companion stuff and the final arena thingy?
I heard it has infinite respawning enemies, that sounds like it would get annoying very fast.
For shotguns, I imagine the 6 pellet is best for armor and the 20 is best for squishies? I can completely ignore 3 pellet and 12 pellet basically?
>how is the companion stuff
Very well executed. Makes me wonder if it was a test for Infusion having companions.
>the final arena thingy
Hard. Also extremely optional which makes it better. This answers both "arena thingy" areas :)
>I heard it has infinite respawning enemies
There's simply a load of them. Eventually if you kill enough you'll get the "last resort" waves of freaks.
i feel like you cant really call turn based rpgs hard, even underrail. its like learning to solve sudokus, when you learn how its done theyre kids play. similarly underrail is actually fairly easy to solve, even at dominating. you just need to plan a build well, and when you get to level 12 and up, combat becomes mostly rote.
learning it is a challenge up to a point, but when you've learnt it the game stops being challenging. its not like some action game or a high level pvp game with an infinite skill ceiling.
I'm still pissed about the psi 'rebalance', there was no reason to neuter it while the other stupidly OP shit like grenades and traps were left alone.
>still strongest build you can play by far
>psiniggers upset that they have to spend 1/100th of what normal build pay in ammo, batteries and repair kits instead of 0
You were pretty much a squishy glass cannon with no other way to really fight back except grenades if you spec'd in all psi classes, it was way more than fair.
what a retarded argument, i guess chess is easy cause its turn based
so what? its a single player game, who gives a rats ass about balance. constant inventory management and cooldowns are fucking gay as fuck. i havent bothered playing a psi build since the nerf.
Psi is far from the strongest.
If anything it's on the lower end.
A knife build, assault rifle or sniper can wipe an entire room with just the basic attack.
Meanwhile with psi you have to manage your cooldowns, synergies and psi points.
>have the best defense against other psi (LoC)
>have the best defense against snipers and hammers (PSP)
>never had restrictions on dodge/evasion/armor
>was improved to give additional benefits to high CON with Hemopsychosis
>You were pretty much a squishy glass cannon
>Just get build checked by the last boss.
Why waste the dude's time?
>If anything it's on the lower end.
Delusional. What kind of retard would even thin-
>with psi you have to manage your cooldowns
Oh, my bad. I'm sorry to hear about your extra chromosome.
Stealth makes the last boss a piece of cake, what are you on about?
there are 10^120 different ways a chess game can play out. underrails combat is fairly deep for a crpg but i dont think you can honestly compare it to chess.
anyway i am just ruminating, i love underrail, dont let my stray thoughts get under your skin. i realise you could use the same reasoning to explain that actually no game ever made is hard.
>dumb nigger has no arguments
As expected.
Even without the reserves being added in you were still limited and couldn't spam abilities back to back and needed to wait for the psi boosters to cooldown for more psi points.
Stealth, bows, and unarmed are all perfectly viable. Admittedly, they need some help from feats, armor, gear, and knowledge but are quite strong once understood and kitted out.
My first build was the typical tincan AR asshole, and my last was dodgy stealth melee. Both quite fun in different ways.
My only real complaint is that there isn't enough of the game and it feels somewhat segmented, which I have to expect from indie development.
I literally killed the boss in two shots on my stealth sniper build as soon as the fight started without having to deal with the tanks or tentacles first.
It's basically "read the wiki" the game. You're never going to beat it unless it's on easy.
You need to hyperfocus on a certain type of weapon. Temporal Manipulation is extremely strong and pretty much mandatory.
some quests are brutal, like i was looking for the Baker traders quest and its said to be north caver of Rail Statation or something, ofcourse they are dead and you have to figure it out going through 7 dangerous areas in random direction on a body guarded by fucking monsters
chemical blob pistol + nades + laser pistol = break the game. every encounter is childs play with this.
Everything breaks the game. You just need to choose how to and how much.
I've started it yesterday, going for a heavy gunz(LMG) build with stealth.
So is Expedition really just a genocide simulator? You wipe out an entire tribe of savages and also pirates if you didn't negotiate with them like a bitch and killed them all to rescue the professor.
whichever one of you autist fags posted about this game a month ago about hidden gems:
Fuck you.
I'm having a great time
its pest control. the natives are literally corrupted by space satan(s)
just imagining a dude trying to sneak around while carrying what is basically an APC turret with a massive dangling ammo belt that gets caught on everything is fucking hilarious
>hidden gem
theres at least one thread about it every day on /v/. if you consider that "hidden" then you are not very good at finding stuff.
A surgical strike also works.
Eliminate the leaders and all hostilities stop.
if you're smart you firebomb the entirety of the red marshes too
absolutely nothing native to the black sea deserves to live
>throw flare
>crawler wasn't there yet because it won't "spawn" until it gets off the ceiling
>it fucks off to some random spot so you could spend a whole turn throwing flares and still not find it
goddamn this game is so boring I quit playing during the tutorial usually
does anyone actually enjoy fighting crawlers / deathstalkers / whatever the nastier variants were called? i hate their shit and just use the cheapest overkill tactic i can come up with when i encounter any of them, usually i paint the floor with napalm. what was styg thinking? a video game should be fun, not frustrating.
If I didn't visit /v/ threads I wouldn't know they're even problematic at all. Just position yourself in a narrow corridor place that psi trap behind yourself and they get caught in it 100% of the time or use locus of control or have 10 con so you don't get stunned. Or likely like a dozen other things you could probably do.
Now I've played underrail like 5 years ago when expedition was freshly released so things maybe changed I don't know.
considering a single doppelganger can kill 90% of character builds in this game no matter how strong they are he basically never wanted the player to steamroll the game at any point, of course you can still do it but its much less intuitive than in other games of this genre
how the fuck do you deal with that? i had that arena fight with guy who summoned 3 of them and only reason i managed to win cause i save scummed till i won an initiative roll and one shot him before he could act.
The only time I didn't hate having to fight them was with a tin can build sine they couldn't really damage me.
This game best part is when you don't know what's next, once you start looking at guides and builds the magic is gone. The difficulty is more bearable yes but change a survival game to a steps to follow
Are LMGs broken when using stealth attacks? I feel like the damage gets cut off and you don't even deal a fifth of your burst attacks.
PSI characters can damage and kill them with their abilities, otherwise you have to kill their summoner before they get a chance to summon it in the first place. you can't tank their damage either because you can't reduce it in any way.
that's why the strongest builds in this game are either those who one shot everything, thus not allowing the dangerous enemies to react in the first place
Yeah what the hell it just fires one round even if it's supposed to be a 7 round burst.
Am I supposed to initiate combat instead of attacking an enemy in stealth?
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they actually don't stay on the ceiling at all, if I remember correctly.
When it goes "upward" it's just stealthing and teleporting to a nearby nook or corner
you are supposed to press enter to start combat, attacking from stealth rolls initiative after 1st bullet
>Get stung
> Place trap with the feat quick tinkering, in a chokepoint
> Stand behind my trap
> Stinger gets trapped
>I am no longer stunned
> Stinger now faces the barrel of my gun at point-blank with nowhere to go

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