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>According to SteamDB the game’s peak concurrent players in its first 24 hours after release only hit 648. Not only was the number of players abysmal, but the game only ranks 85th on Steam’s top sellers list indicating that people are not purchasing this game
We wuz colonial soldiers n sheit
baffling they practically made a forspoken-like and it failed again
It is almost tragicomic how many people in the industry have apparently actually believed that lack of relatable "literally me" characters has been literally the only reason why women are not buying millions of video games except Candy Crush and The Sims.
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absolutely fucking grim.
is this the true power of Sweet Baby Inc.?
people pushing for this shit care more about taking away nice things from white men than making anything for women or shitskins

from a business point of view it makes no sense but it still gets pushed because it is the agenda
>Sweet baby inc developed
that's just a blatant lie though
>650 people
when you factor in the reviewers and press (i'm talking actual """"journalists"""" and jo schmo with a youtube channel) what's the actual number ?
200 actual people ?
less ?
They're just leeches that ask people to do things and get paid for it. Devs are not forced to do shit, they choose to. The game is genuinely bad and the more you deflect onto the leech the less you notice the fucking swamp it's in.
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I don't give a fuck about sweet baby politics and all that bullshit. I just don't want to play a shitty action adventure. I was actually looking forward to this game since I loved Ashen, the dev's previous release, which provided a great twist on the soulslike genre with its open level designs.

Every reviewer says Flintlock is a mediocre action-adventure game. Why couldn't they have just made another soulslike?
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why do gamers refuse to purchase games with delicious chocolate wamen? i don't get it
>It is almost tragicomic how many people in the industry have apparently actually believed that lack of relatable "literally me" characters has been literally the only reason why women are not buying millions of video games except Candy Crush and The Sims.
They know women will never buy these games, they do this because they hate men
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You did not buy this game because of the protagonist's skin color.
I did not buy this game because the gameplay looks like shit.
Lawbreakers failing didn't stop people from trying again (Battleborn), again (Hyenas) and again (Concord), so it's not like Forspoken failing would.
>You did not buy this game
you could've stopped right there
What's the deal with Sweet Baby Inc and why should I care?

Nobody bought the game because there was no marketing, what i've seen was that the gameplay was mediocre, and the market is already full of games like this.
Can this dev make a game without somehow riding off of Soul's success?
>Dulce Bebe
they could promote r*ce mixing so much better if they made them attractive, feminine and somewhat submissive/agreeable to the protagonist of the game
Extortion racket that whitewashes your games with diversity so them and their peers don't shit on you after release, basically. You know that one christian game reviewer that rates games with a scale of how well it follows christian values? They make sure your progressive points are above a certain threshold before it comes out the gate, basically.
So, are we just going to be in a neverending loop of Sweet Baby Inc. injecting propaganda into mediocre games with all of them flopping but still getting paid for it? Isn't Black Rock getting sued right now? What happened to that? This feels like the most artificially inflated business model ever and there's no way it's sustainable.
rich people have so much money that they can waste millions of dollars on things they know will fail every single day with no repercussions.
The gamplay looks fun, but good god did they pick the worst music for their trailers. And a horrible time to release the game too with every other banger that is out right now
This. Rich people something like quintupled their fortunes during covid.
Vidya industry (except mobile) as a whole has kinda bubbled hard, and there is going to be a lot of shrunk in the future. The normalfag explosion that started in seventh gen has slowed down to the stall, there isn't really growth for AAA games anymore, and buyers for all the games that come out simply do not exist.
Literally hadn't heard of this game until I saw this thread just now
You didn't watch GOTY or E3? This hidden gem was featured in both
>black woman protagonist
They knew it would fail. They didn’t care. Western game devs don’t make games anymore. Just political statements. I look forward to reading about their studio getting closed down.
i didn't even knew of this game existance till a few days ago
the nigger doesnt make it any more appealing anyway
Same. These companies do no marketing or ineffective marketing, then they pray the same sells through some miracle.
Battleborn preceded lawbreakers but otherwise yeah
I did but if a game trailer looks like boring generic shit I usually don't bother paying attention long enough to see the title
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Whats even more baffling they have the entire Eastern Asian markets data at their fingertips and their entire data charts show that Women will buy video games if they have attractive males in them as rewards even if they do not like the game play. And even then if they're not actually in the game for the game play they will still go massively out of these way to buy out of game toys and basically anything to do with their favorite characters and he'll it's also been proven they'll do it for female characters if they're designed right to appeal to them.

It's just baffling, the most popular booth and Tokyo Game Show last year was you guessed it Mihoyo with thousands lining up to get merch.
When I was went to the New Years event in Shibuya where they had the New Years greetings cards signed by characters as sort of tokuten emm "free goods" I had to go on twitter to trade mine because I got two boys, I found hundreds of girls wanting to train girl characters for male ones. And so I did.

I simply am baffeled by how America as a society keeps ignoring the basics of humanity and behavior. Even the fucking Chinese noticed Communism simply is not human nature. Why is that pay to win games are the number 1 in China? Why is it that spending money to advance in a video game is the most accepted thing in a communist country run by the Chinese Communist Party?
The difference between you and us is that you’re desperately clinging to some retarded centrist view of, “W-w-well, I’d probably play a game with an ugly protag IF the gameplay were at least good!” without grasping the very simple truth that people who make horrible character choices like this NEVER produce good gameplay. There’s a reason why they constantly use muh raycisms as a deflection against the overall quality or the game.
>taking things away from white men
But no one is, what's it like wanting to be oppressed 24/7?
are my choices for video game news really between fucking kotaku and thatparkplace
It's narcissism.
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Take a look at this obvious shill thread lmao
I didn't even care to torrent it.
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I wonder how disappointed "The Professor" is right now.
Not only has the growth stagnated, but normalfags are also leaving the hobby again due to boredom, starting families, etc., while the next generation isn't all that interested in playing games (themselves).
The suits are in for a rude awakening in the next few years.
Why are white men giving up on society? Arguing they're just being hysterical is typical victim-blaming. Something must be going on.
Bunch of clueless "feminist allies" not realizing women don't care about shooter games and best way to get women to play your game is to add a lot of shirtless bad boys as romance options, like this autist said: >>683728962
It's more about childless women diverting their babying instincts towards vapid social causes more than a consistent inability to recognize that women "just aren't interested" in your type of game. One is a deeply-ingrained biological imperative that can't be tricked by numbers, the other is.
i have never even heard about this game. not on youtube not here not on reddit nowhere. i see more threads about an dead
>i have never even heard about this game. not on youtube not here not on reddit nowhere.
It got a minor amount of buzz like five months ago when the developers praised how their game was going to focus on exploring the concepts of colonialism.
Never heard of it.
Looks bad.
All I need to know.
Hey now that's a insult to forspoken. I would rather play forspoken again at least its interestingly bad and you can sorta see a good game in their. Flintlock is dull as shit and is so forgettable that I worried I going to forgot I played it and buy it again in a few months thinking i missed its release.
That would be alzheimer's level
its clearly a exaggeration
Why even make games at that point? Why waste money on something which will bomb anyway?
please don't advertise clickbait here
>a great twist on the soulslike genre with its open level designs
lol no
game was terrible - it appeared okish in the first couple of hours, enough to win positive reviews from media
but after that, it was horrible boring empty world with nothing to find and repeated enemies
solid 3/10

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