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Does Video Game History have a Nintendo Problem?
I ain't clicking
Ain't reading
kill yourself
No, Nintendo drones (aka USAnian subhumans) aren't relevant to the rest of humankind.
ChatGPT cadence
Not reading that.
Answer is no.
Nintendo basically invented video games with SMB on the NES.
Nintendo is the most evil and greedy company in history
Anglo and American opinions on gaming don't matter. Fuck off.
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Clearly it does
Banjo is a much bigger and more ambitious game than Croc tho.
>Nintendo makes games people like
>everyone else seethes
What is name for this phenomenon?

>well well you like Mario too much!
It's good, you bellend.
If you want me to like Alex Kidd or Crash Bandicoot more, maybe they should still exist in any relevant context. Maybe they shouldn't have completely flubbed their series after about two games.
Much easier and safer game too, being mario 64 with less depth and more gimmicks isn't ambitious
Croc is also kind of archaic and bad, even for when it came out, and was rejected by Nintendo on those grounds.
>What is name for this phenomenon?
Cute aggression.
>dolphin porn
sick fuck

It's classic and streamlined, like SMB1.
And nobody gives a shit about Croc.
>super still tank controls, after Mario 64 and Crash, and various other games unmentioned
ChatGPT summarize this article for me
Did you get filtered? It's just modern dual analog controls. Left stick controls the character, right stick controls the camera.
Nintendo makes games
This Damien guy needs to go back to sucking dick.
We're not comparing it to Mario, we're comparing it to Croc.

And I'm not just talking gameplay. In terms of graphical fidelity and general presentation, and that played a big part in what made the game so charming and memorable. Banjo was playing in a whole different league.
>did you get filtered?
No, I played better games.
I will actively strangle every single retarded snoy, fromshill, and PCvegan on this website.
>bawwing about youtubers because he can't cope with other people having different opinions
What a tard.
Why are snoys so insecure about their history?
Not even EA deserves that title. And we all know how appreciated EA is today.
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>It's just modern dual analog controls
What modern games are you playing? The right stick is definitively doing a different thing, turning the character rather than strafing
It has a console problem in general. PC gaming is treated as a footnote, lots of PC titles aren't getting preserved and nobody gives a fuck
Tendies are not real Nintendo fans.
Yamauchi is responsible for saving video games so of course Nintendo is going to be important in discussion of video game history.
The fact that so many sites still name Ocarina of Time as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" video game ever only tells you how far video games still are from becoming a serious art. Film critics have long recognized that the greatest films of all times are Citizen Kane and The Birth of a Nation, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Literature critics rank the highly controversial Joyce's Ulysses over classical novels who were highly popular in libraries around Europe. Video games critics are still blinded by commercial success. Ocarina of Time invented lock-on (not true, by the way), therefore it must have been the greatest. Film critics grow up watching a lot of films of the past, literature critics grow up reading a lot of classical books of the past. Video game critics are often totally ignorant of the video games of the past, they barely know the Nintendo games. No wonder they will think that Ocarina did anything worthy of being saved.
Yes. Tendies are tumorous and loud. PS1/2 had bigger impact.
>Tried to make a bigger, more expansive version and feature rich version of one of the most successful and innovative games of the decade in an era before it was common place while also pushing technical boundries with graphics and sounds isn't ambitious because the game is easy

Ok retard.
>commercial success
It's called a rehash
More so than any Sega console ever released and the original Xbox.
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I love when this shit comes up. People, be it SEGA fags or PS tards absolutely hate the N64. For being the loser console, it still causes so much butt hurt. Maybe the problem with people not caring too much or talking about your favorite non-Nintendo console has something more to do with that console's true importance and impact than Nintendo YouTubers.
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Tomb Raider 1 and OoT both sold around the same amount, 7+ million. TB came out earlier by two years. OoT is the one credited for the invention of lock-on (a mechanic TB also has) because of Jap-centrism, barely any western games went on to use lock-on, favoring free-camera style controls, while Japanese devs became stuck in 1998 for two decades.

Video game history has HUGE a weeb problem.
I'm not reading this shit.
No it's all a grand conspiracy from big youtube to keep Croc down.
Pretty much.
Mario, zelda get way too much praise that it overshadows actual good games cause of nostalgia and it bring normalfag bait.
You can take them seriously either cause of it either.
Tomb Raider was sold only on its protagonist. The games suck.
Trying to imagine what the video game industry would be like without Nintendo is like trying to imagine what the world would be like if World War II never happened.
The originals are still played to this day and TB1 got a recent remaster. Cope seethe dilate.
The article is about some seething snoy (or Argonaut dev) crying that Croc is not highly regarded.
Well Croc is a botton of the barrel adventure game so that might have something to do with it.
>More so than other losers
Who cares about them, when most people in this thread are trying to argue Sony deserves the reverence Nintendo gets from tendie youtubers?
Better than belonging in the trash like Croc lmao

Banjo is remembered because people actually enjoyed it. It has a unique personality that oozes out of every corner of the game, SOUL if you will, and an OST so good that it's remained in the popular zeitgiest to this day. Croc is a mediocre cheap cashgrab to cash in on the mascot trend Banjo helped start, and got lost in a sea of similar forgotten b-list games.

But keep coping lmao.
Sony are soulless and their games reflect that. There aren't as many people jazzed up for trend chasing games from 20 years ago.
>unique personality
It's the same flavor of britshit cartoons as Croc. The difference between the two is that Rare are competent game designers while Agronaut was mostly tech guys.
ITT: "People don't like the game I did so I must take it out on other games"
Nu Sony are soulless, yes. But how can you call OG Spyro, Crash Bandicoot, Ico, SOTC soulless? only a mindbroken console warrior can affirm that, and such opinions belong to the trash.
>Ico, SOTC
The original pretentious walking sims.
Wrong, Banjo actually a very dry, british wit to it's writing, and that clever sense of humor that made it stand out from the slop.

Keep coping though.
You've never played them
I played them exactly one time since they both have zero depth or replay value.
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>The original pretentious walking sims.
But enough about Zelda
Classic snoy deflection.
What replay value do Zeldas have? you play them once, discover the way to solve the dungeon puzzles, and that way doesn't change any time you replay them. You growing up to be a speedrunning tranny doesn't change that fact.
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hmm sweaty OoT is a snoy game now, it belongs to us, you lost.
>not rolling all the way there
There is more to Zelda than dungeon puzzles, despite what a certain youtube video has lead you to believe.
sidehop there you fucking casual
You are english, the absolute lowest form of life. Your opinion will never matter and your pathetic grey island will continue its slide into the mud.
Sales =/= Critical Reception. Millions of people could have bought a game and claim it was shit.
Where's the problem? If you want to talk about Croc, talk about Croc. Just don't expect everyone else to stop talking about what they want to talk about and join you.
I remember people talking about this in the early 2000s. People blowing their (still impressive) legacy out of proportion and sidelining other things. It's part of a larger trend with a 'console problem' where the arcade and PC is not fully appreciated for it's historical contributations. It's also partly an 'american problem'. For example in Europe sega systems were much more dominate but the narrative is that nintendo was dominate full stop because that's how it was in the USA.

I'm actually pleasantly surprised at OP's post. I expected much less awarness.
No, that's a completely different phenomenon, and one widely used by transexuals to justify their grooming activities.
Z-Targeting was just way better than Tomb Raider's jank. Ocarina of Time also had a lot of other innovations and improvements that games like Elden Ring still draw from.
Mega Drive outsold the SNES 2:1 in Europe, but Americans think SoA did the heavy lifting for Sega despite being outsold by Nintendo on their turf
>biggest game made to date is slightly more polished than indie effort made in a garage in Bristol
even king autismo zfg doesn't sidehop that journey. you still backrun it until hess
sidehop's only really viable on shorter distances
No one cares about Yuropistan.
>Z-Targeting was just way better than Tomb Raider's jank. Ocarina of Time also had a lot of other innovations and improvements that games like Elden Ring still draw from.
Armored Core 1 (released in 1996) already uses lock-on. Why would FromSoft draw inspiration from outside when they simply got there earlier and refined the mechanic incrementally with each new release? Anta baka?
good post, but it's hard to break the conditioning on a fully indoctrinated cultist
time to admit without japanese devs, the vidya industry would be fucking garbage.
>still unmatched in level design and puzzle design compared to Mario and Zelda
A*glos are so delusional lmao. Always massively overestimating their work.
Both of these were absolutely massive in Europe, but since early Youtube was mostly dominated by English speakers of the autistic variety who grew up on Nintendo consoles the discourse shifted. Nintendo consoles (other than handhelds) were rare as fuck here.
>muh polish
>muh sma indie team
Tomb Raider'a original controls sucked and were improved by later games. Not just Ocarina of Time but shit like Ico and Prince of Persia Sands of Time that were on PlayStation.
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>6 people
>Mascot Trend Banjo helped start
Eh, that's kinda overrating Banjo.
Sonic's the one who really kicked off the animal mascot thing.
To me the biggest gaslighting ever is pretending the N64 was on par in popularity with the PS1, when the PS1 outsold N64 3:1 and even in the USA, the ratio was 2:1. Thankfully the N64 kids are becoming irrelevant and we're now seeing an influx of Gamecube-obsessed retards. But at least the Cube was a much better and underrated system than the Nintendo 6.4 frames per second so I don't mind them as much.
How is the hyrule field a walking sim, it's a medium sized map lmao
>Cube was a much better and underrated system
cubekiddy spotted
I played both Croc and Tomb Raider when I was a kid and I think Super Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time were better and way more influential.
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Don't you see guys it's the cabal of Nintendo YouTubers programming the brains of the next generation? That is why people don't talk about my favorite consoles and games.
Tomb Raider was known, but not because it was an innovative video game, people just wanted to fuck Lara. Croc was overshadowed by Crash, a much better game.
Nintendo is for children, manchildren, women, LGBT, and pedos.

Real men and big boys use PC.

Cucks and homos and fruits use Xbox and PissStation.

Deep down, you know I’m right, so seethe, cope, dilate, cry, tee, and get it all out.
N64 emulation became available super quickly since Moore's law was in full effect at the time. Most people who played Ocarina of Time did so on an emulator. This is the reason why Latinos went to watch the Super Mario Bros movies in droves.
And billions of retards play games on their phone, yet nobody is discussing them here and nobody makes videos about how influential they were. Definitely a conspiracy, sales are the only thing that matters.
tl;dr internet broke and run by nintendo weirdos that ascribe all of gamings advancements to them
Real men and big boys don't play video games.
If anything, there's a region bias: you know what was popular where you lived, and fail to see that your experience is not universal. Many systems that flopped hard or weren't even launched at all in America were actually very successful in Japan (Saturn, Turbografx, MSX, PC-98, X68000) or Europe (Master System, Amiga, C64, ZX, CPC, BBC, Archimedes).
Nintendo is the best and most humane company in video game history
>t-they hated him
>two replies, one of which probably himself
Are you seriously reposting a screencap of your own post from not even a week ago?
I was a PC guy mainly during the 5th gen era, and I hated playing N64 with my tendie friends back in the day while he couldn't stop cumming about it, the fucking framerate for 95% of games was awful. Every fucking game he was calling a masterpiece, I found overrated. Best game for me was F-Zero X actually, at least it was fluid and fun.

When he got the Cube I actually had a pleasing time with it and even convinced me to buy one for me. It wasn't the best system of its era but at least there wasn't this cult around it like the N64.
I'm as much of a nintentard as the next guy but I've been saying this for years. The problem isn't video game history, it's lazy retards who think retro means Nintendo, and they're just completely ignorant about other games.
>bawwing about youtubers because he can't cope with other people having different opinions
That's what you're doing.
ICO and Udea are mostly mentioned by other devs as inspiration nowadays. I wish more devs took from Ultima than Wizadry on the rpg side of things.
You can tell how much these arguments are fueled by sheer butthurt by the way they push in the other direction and start downplaying the influence the Famicom had on the industry
Sales are all that matters to you when Nintendo win the gen, but goes back to not mattering when they lose the gen.
Anon to a real man you're all manchildren by playing games, the differences you make are completely insignificant.
The NEC PC-9801 was not a console
Tomb Raider does not abbreviate to TB, dumbfuck.
friend, not friends*, thankfully tendie delusion wasn't that common in europe
Banjo Kazooie isn't Nintendo you microdickjeet
The lock on in OoT is leagues above TR or Megaman Legends or other games at the time, especially how responsive it is.
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The real name is Tom Braider
Pretty sure in America SEGA was able to be somewhat comptetive even if they lost in the end. By comparison Mega Drive in Japan couldn't even beat the PC-Engine. And of course, Europe had the weakest market in terms of Nintendo presence, so of course the competitors did better there.
As for people conflating SoA and SoE, I think it's mostly because memories of those days are only really brought up in context of Sonic and while there were some differences, the American and European takes on Sonic were much closer to each other than Japanese Sonic.
>it invented it better
Well duh, I mentioned several computers there. The point is that some systems were hugely popular in a region and not in the other.
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Influential where, in the Nintendo bubble? I can't recall playing any S64 and OoT-likes growing up with a PS1, PS2 and later on PC/360. The closest thing that comes to mind is Maximo on the PS2 and that just reminded me of Medievel more than anything.

Hell I didn't even know who Link was until I peeped him testing out the Wii at a neighbor's house and he brought out Brawl to play.
It's more like a win button, games like Tomb Raider and Mega Man Legends create different challenges out of the lock on system functions that oot does not even attempt. Juno is a really fun and energetic boss in Legends that has you predicting his movement, reading his attack patterns and jumping far and wide as well as circle strafing in a huge arena. Ganondorf has you shoot a guy and attack spam like the first boss.
NTA but I think their argument was that OoT improved and polished other games' z-targeting, but many Zelda fans still claim that OoT outright invented it.
And then newer games than OoT further refined and improved on the formula, but they don't get special recognition for polishing. Only OoT does. Because it's made by Nintendo and only Nintendo must be exalted.
Pretty much every game stole from PSO but gives it no credit.
Gamers and game developers, not snoy kids who only buy their console for PES
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>Euros and zoomies throwing a tempy tanty over the N64 yet again
nice argument my nigga
Z-Targeting was a big deal because of how it changed the way the camera behaves and makes sure both Link and the enemy stay in frame. It makes the game experience so much better compared with the insane jank of shit like Mega Man Legends.
crocfags cant make youtube videos about their scrimblo bimbos? ITS NINTENDOS FAULT!
Nintendo only done platformers and action adventure puzzles right. Everything else is done better by others over the past 30 years. Nintendo could've been great leading tps/fps if they didn't ignore Metroid or Star Fox. They suck at rpgs thobeit.
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Every single 3D game today draws from Ocarina of Tima and/or Super Mario 64. Go play Elden Ring and Uncharted 4, then go play those four games. The influence from the N64 games is still palpable.

However, Tomb Raider's non linear exploration of Tombs was lost in many modern action adventure games, but it's actually conserved in games like Elden Ring. But that's something that comes from older dungeon crawling games like King's Field.
The real history is that greedy western companies nearly killed video games and Nintendo saved them. They want you to forget this because we are seeing the same thing happen again.
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Imagine you have two guys who call themselves car aficionados. One of them has tried every type of car; FF, FR, MR, RR, knows how to use manual shifting, knows what every car demands from him and how to drive them. He knows classic RR cars are unorthodox to drive. He doesn't cry about them. He doesn't call them outdated or wrong. He adapts and enjoys the pleasure of taming an RR car.

The second car "enthusiast" never advanced beyond modern FF cars with automatic shifting and tons of electronics. He doesn't know how to drive manual, or how to drive rear biased cars. Worse, he calls any other type of car "outdated", flawed, badly designed because he doesn't know how to tame them. He drives the equivalent of a bike with learning wheels for kids and never evolved beyond that. He calls his automatic Civic the peak of cars, the best car ever, and doesn't accept you calling that old 911 Carrera good because it threatens his life if he gets behind the wheel. So imagine a world where more guys like the second type exist, and they brainwash the world into thinking the Civic is a better and more complete car than the classic 911 Carrera because he associates ease of drive with quality. He argues that the Civic sold more than the 911 Carrera, so that means it's better. He says the Civic had more influence because look at those auto FF cuckmobiles on the streets. How many RR cars are out there? therefore the 911 is bad.

That's how it feels with video games.
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Saving you a click
TL;DR journos use the classic ass mad sonyfag tweets
>Croc sold as much as banjo why isn't it looked on as fondly! You live in a bubble!
>we're only angry because people called the N64 perfect for years give Sony attention too!
>Nintendo stole the idea for sm64 from Croc when it was a yoshi game! (which was never true)
>sm64 didn't do 3d plstforming first jumping flash existed before it!
To make it look like people are unfairly biased towards Nintendo.

Basically it's an article of Eric and ACfag's shitposts.

I can't fathom why a site would even make an article like that beyond trying to shift interest away from Nintendo using their influence over their audience because they were blacklisted.
>food analogy
>analogy analogy
I hate this dumbass mindset so much. People remembered and talked about Banjo in early youtube because it was a good game that still holds. It doesn't matter how many people played Croc because looking back it's a shit game that isn't worth talking about.
Also isn't this the same retard that said only AVGN and Brentalfloss cared about Castlevania and Mega Man?

Tomb Raider was fucking gigantic back in its day, easily more well known in pop culture than Zelda at the time. You know why people forgot it and remember Zelda? Because Tomb Raider was a dead franchise by the middle of the PS2's life, while Zelda kept getting good games that kept the series and its legacy in the public consciousness.
Nintendo fans are the first group everyone else is the second.
It wouldn't make sense otherwise since Nintendo fans are usually idorts.
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It's clickbait, basically. Like, actual definition of clickbait for ad revenue purposes.
At least I fucking hope it is, the writer must be fucking insufferable to talk about video games with otherwise
Come off as less of a tendy next time
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I clicked the archive link and holy shit the article is literally just a few screenshotted twitter posts and a few paragraphs of inane commentary.
Current year journalism is literally just reading shitposts lmao.
I don't see it, I see much more DMC DNA in modern action games than anything Nintendo.
Instant-access news feeds has removed the need for article writers who can't think for themselves, so they can only invent bullshit opinions to make people go to their sites
>Every single 3D game today draws from Ocarina of Tima and/or Super Mario 64
Such an asinine statement repeated over and over again. Everyone has played it, that's the only basis on which you can say it influenced everything. Much like you can say milk has influenced everything because everyone drank it. How often do you actually see the influence of Mario 64 today? The entire genre is nearly dead. And no it didn't invent cameras.
No it doesn't. It's just a retard jealous that their shitty platformer went under since the dev didn't want to do more of it because they were chasing the trend at the time. Hat Kid is a true modern successor that doesn't suck.
That's Nestlé.
Newest pokemon just dropped, tendies rioting
>Other companies disrespect or hide their old games, and don't keep them relevant to present day audiences
>Other games' fans aren't actually that passionate about them
>This leads to the knowledge and relevancy of many older games falling after successive generations
>This is all, somehow, Nintendo's fault
And also, on the topic of S64, I think it's influence fell off pretty much immediately since collectathons essentially fucking died with the N64/PSX generation. Also am really baffled how Uncharted of all games made you think of S64 and not Tomb Raider.
It came out 7 years ago and there's no sequel in sight.
It's called an editorial
Good for you, doesn't change its quality
Sony is the one who supports BLM
>I can't recall playing any S64 and OoT-likes growing up with a PS1, PS2 and later on PC/360.
So you didn't play any platformers or action adventure games during that time?
Jak and Daxter?
Dark Souls?
It's not Nintendo's fault per se, but it's the fault of the "passionate" "gamer" who considers himself "very knowledgeable" but refuses to pay attention to old games unless said IPs get new games to this day. Imagine thinking classic films are shit because they don't get new entries like Marvel slop constantly do.
Nintendo invented video games.
Nintendo made every single video games breakthrough.
Nintendo is the only video game company worth a shit today.
So yes Nintendo literally IS video games.
>This is all, somehow, Nintendo's fault
Nobody said that, it's Nintendo fans' fault. They can't go beyond the games they played as kids and remain eternal casuls.
Every Playstation kid I knew had a big binder full of pirated games from the local Moroccan guy their dad knew. They generally grew into extreme casuals who only play CoD or Fifa every year or grew out of gaming altogether.
Is it really such a surprise that Nintendo has left more of a lasting cultural impact?
Again, all of these games just reminded me of Medievil and Sonic since they didn't rely on lock-on.
>Shadow of the Colossus
Really nigga.
>Imagine thinking classic films are shit because they don't get new entries like Marvel slop constantly do.
And now you know why everyone hates Sony fans and their company.
Maybe start making fun games and not pozzed trash.
DMC wouldn't even exist without Ocarina of Time.
All 3D action games are essentially OoT clones
I think it is of reasonable quality, focusing on segas historical contributions is far more relevant to gaming. After all the playstation only became a 3d console after ken kutaragi saw virtua fighter. Now imagine a game industry if the PS1 wasn't 3D.
>car analogy
You mean without Megaman Legends, the other Capcom game that already used lock-on?
Considering their entire customer base is wiggers, homos, and nogs… they kind of had to.
I'm sure the company that developed Megaman Legends would've been more than fine without OoT, not to mention how lock-on in DMC works nothing like OoT's.
Nintendo needs Mario and Zelda to survive. Sony is a monolith that doesn't care for their shit and create like 2-3 games of their darling franchises before discarding them after the next gen. They have enough fuck you money to act as a safety net.
Ocarina has also aged way better than classic Tomb Raider.
No you see, we give ALL the credit to OoT for polishing the mechanic but DMC needs to give all the credit to OoT even though it improved on OoT's formula. Because this totally makes sense.
>uhhh I can't attack the argument so I'll say analogies are... le bad!
imagine being at cars
Lol no
>doom revolutionized FPS
>but what about Heretic, we have a Doom problem
Nta but Okami is the only real Zelda clone.
SotC is a Zelda clone based on what? The fact that it has a horse?
DS is obviously nothing like Zelda, it's an action RPG, continuing the long tradition of Japanese action RPGs. Which Zelda ripped off way back in the day when it borrowed from Hydlide, but we don't talk about that around here
>all of these games just reminded me of Medievil and Sonic since they didn't rely on lock-on.
>not relying on lock on
Even then that's not the only aspect that they borrowed.
Jesus you people really do live in a bubble.
Milk is the foundational stone of Western culture.
Devil may cry has a unique targeting system where dante only focuses on the nearest enemy and it's used to enable inputs like toward and away which is distinct from forward and back.
Yes great point anon there are no good games in history except for those made by Nintendo. Gee why do people think you guys might be a little casual
This person was born after the year 2000 and thus didn't experience what things were like when either Croc or Banjo was new.
>Nintendo needs Mario and Zelda to survive
Zelda was a floundering series until Botw and then we're doing just fine.
>blacks, trailer trash whites, LGBT
>teenagers, Mexicans
>white men
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>Every single 3D game today draws from Ocarina of Tima and/or Super Mario 64
This kind of exaggeration is why people can't take tendies seriously. You repeat this empty tautology all the time but never explain how they influenced every single 3D game to this day.
That's not even what Doom was about, wolfenstein was first.
Because Uncharted draws more from Mario than from Tomb Raider in terms of shit like basic movement and camera controls. The original Tomb Raider was meant to be played with a D-Pad or a keyboard.
Dark Souls is several years removed from the rest of your examples and so far removed from OoT that to claim it borrowed from OoT of time specifically is absurd.
>sold 6.4M copies between 2011 and 2023
Nintendo is irrelevant when you look into RPGs and other genres that aren't baby tier action adventures or platformers.
tv ads really got kids to demand games they knew nothing about
i remember really wanting to play tomba even though it was a mid game
tomba 2 is great though
Beyond Good & Evil and Arkham Asylum also were very blatantly copying Ocarina of Time's formula.
Specially when FromSoft already had experiences with lockon systems even before OoT was a thing.

I hate tendie hubris so much it's unreal.
It's also hilariously oblivious of the fact that dozens of games were in development at the same time.
everyone thinks Doom was the first FPS. less people know about wolfenstein
Not at all, if anything video game history has a snoy bias.
Mega Man Legends' controls and camera were complete garbage and the environments were flat as fuck.
Uncharted is a clone of the 2006 reboot of Tomb Raider. Try playing it and you'll see. The only thing Uncharted added is the cover based shooting, no doubt inspired by Metroid
Yep, this is the problem with trying to make inferences from statistical data. Same sales doesn't capture that croc didn't make a dent in the public consciousness while banjo made a huge splash.
MediEvil predates Dark Souls yet shares a lot of similarities down to the healing system.
Kamiya also made Okami which is a blatant love letter to Zelda.
Several games had lock-on before OoT, but somehow they think the industry wouldn't have been able to advance past 1996 jank before OoT, no, the industry can't advance without Nintendo. The fucking hubris. And then they always mention "but le Dark Souls! Le GTA 3!" when FromSoft has used lock-on in their games since 1996 and GTA 3 plays like GTA 1 & 2 on a 3D plane, using an optional lock-on so simple that if it was a game predating OoT they would be saying it doesn't count.
after OoT*
MGS and Winback came out years before Prime and had a cover shooter system.
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You have to be mentally retarded to think Team Ico games weren't strongly influenced by Zelda and Mario.
impotent tendie rage
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>Jak and Daxter
Allow me to introduce you to the chief manager of Subway.
wait, do we unironically actually have a Doom problem then?
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The whole thing with Lock-On/Z-Targetting is absurd, because the only examples you can only give are the same always, DmC and Dark Souls. And you know why it's the only two examples you can give? Because lock-on wasn't as revolutionary as you think it is, nope, console FPS making use of a second analog to control camera and give free manual aiming to the casual player is what changed the gaming landscape and what 80% of games based their mechanics on, not lock-on only used for a tiny niche of weeb games. That Alien Resurrection game for the PS1 is single-handedly more revolutionary and influential than anything OoT ever made, even if nobody plays that Alien game anymore.
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I have never owned a Nintendo console. Every single Nintendo I have played I did so on an emulator.

Tomb Raider hasn't aged that well but it was very influential. But shit like Mega Man Legends belongs in the trash bin of history.
>but somehow they think the industry wouldn't have been able to advance past 1996 jank before OoT, no, the industry can't advance without Nintendo. The fucking hubris.
Way to miss the fucking point you mongoloid. It's not that the industry couldn't thrive without Nintendo, it's that Nintendo perfected all of these things and set the foundation on how to do it from then on as well as innovating on game design for several genres, namely action adventure, platformers, and kart racers.
Christ, no wonder you people are so pissed at Nintendo, you live in your own little world where you think everyone attributes the conception of all gaming ideas to nintendo.
The Jak and Daxter thing is hilarious because it's just Twinsanity with a different PC
astro bot gets nothing from Mario
SOTC has absolutely no fucking lock-on and the platforming is heavily scripted and overly animated tight jumps with stamina management that are closer to Tomb Raider of all things, it has fuckall to do with Ocarina or Mario 64.
Yes, my favorite memory of ICO was when I was making triple somersault jumps with the protagonist while saying bing bing wahoo.
I'd imagine more people played Banjo Kazooie because rentals were a thing back then and the N64 just didn't have a huge amount of games. PSX had more games so more players tried out a wider variety of games, but N64... eventually you made the rounds of the shelf-or-two dedicated to it.
Miyazaki himself has admitted th Dark Souls wouldn't even exist without Ico which in turn was heavily inspired by Nintendo's games.
>t-t-that's a lie! Nintendo had them at gunpoint to write this!!!
There are anons who will sincerely argue this.
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>Nintendo invented video games.
This gay anglo created the first computer game in 1951.
Final Fantasy and Metal Gear were more influential than Mario and Zelda.
I'm sure the American managing that twitter account has special insight on FromSoft's development views.
I don't mind you being retarded, just don't be so cocky if you're retarded.
Ico was influenced by PoP and Another World, as Ueda has said many times. And the similarity is pretty obvious if you don't live in the Nintendoverse 24/7
SotC is Ico with a horse and a climbing mechanic, a mechanic that BotW later stole. They also stole gliding from SotC's beta. That argument backfired didn't it you dumb fuck
Demon's Souls lock-on has way more in common with Zelda's Z-targeting than with Armored Core's lock-on systems. The archstones work literally the same way as SM64 paintings.
Dark Souls wouldn’t exist with ME you insufferable cuckold. I AM the Ashen One.
Armored Core's is less casualized, true, you have to work to keep lock-on attached to the enemy instead of being the I Win Button
The first iteration of Nu Tomb Raider was copying Prince of Persia Sands of Time.
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Imagine being over 40 and having a temper tantrum because people liked Banjo and OOT.
>it's that Nintendo perfected
in your own headcannon
Mario has freeform platforming where your character's freedom of movement dictates how you proceed in an environment that exist to test your skills, while Ico is a game that wholly relies on you getting in the right position to be allowed to engage in platforming so it can be more cinematic and slow-paced. These are two entirely different worlds.
Maybe it was but the game ended up being Uncharted 0.5. Even had a dynamic rope that Uncharted didn't steal until Uncharted 4.
Armored Core is piss easy. So easy it’s kind of a joke.
Kek, almost 40 years and Crocfags can't stop crying hahaha.
>Ico which in turn was heavily inspired by Nintendo's games
Why don't you try at least googling what Ico looks like. Imagine thinking it's SM64 style platformer.
nah its a zoomer that thinks youtube created a false history
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The industry would have advanced regardless but Nintendo were the ones who set the stage since they were ahead of everyone else. FromSoftware made 3D games before Nintendo but there is a reason why the eventually followed the standards set by Nintendo.
Just a reminder, that post was made within the context of Smash rosterfagging. Any arguments based on it are invalid.
it's no use, they simply use the same empty tautology about muh ico muh gta 3 even though none of those two play remotely similar to the games they claim influenced them
The bigger example of the N64 problem is Goldeneye. The game came out the same year as Jedi Knight, Blood, MDK, Outlaws, Hexen 2, and Quake 2 yet everyone acts like it was god's gift to shooters.
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>Is that a Scrimblo moving in a 3D environment!?!?!
>This is literally a carbon copy of The Legend of Zeldario!
It's zoomers and/or Euroboomers. That's where a large amount of seething over the N64 comes from.
It's literally a SM64 style platformer. It doesn't control like the Tomb Raider PSX games at all.
4 player split screen is a hell of a drug
>because the only examples you can only give are the same always, DmC and Dark Souls.
Anon, people do that for the convenience of the users on /v/ since those are the most common games with Z-targeting like lock on. Anyone could make a list of games that also use it that don't come up like
Kingdom Hearts
Rayman 2
Rayman 3
But let's be honest, most of you here probably haven't touched any of these games so you wont know shit which is why everyone defaults to DMC and Souls since even the most casual of casuals have touched at least one.
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When your game plays at 9 FPS, each frame feels thrice as good
The only thing Nintendo invented was forcing exclusive contracts onto third party developers
Link is not even a Scrimblo
>Imagine being over 40 and having a temper tantrum because people liked Banjo and OOT.
My brother in Christ, you are having a tantrum because people don't believe OOT invented the concept of 3D and that people think Nintendo developers aren't divine beings that bequeath knowledge to humanity to copy.
That would be Sony. If Nintendo had that we wouldn't have things like the genesis aladdin game with the sword.
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The original PSX controller didn't even had analogs.
scrimblos are subgenre of 3demups created by oot
When you have to namedrop Psychonauts and Madworld, you know you're running on thin evidence.

Meanwhile think about the games that use a double analog free aiming scheme, and compare. Why doesn't Alien Resurrection (and later Halo for LE POLISHING) get the same plaudits as OoT? Halo is easily more revolutionary than OoT can ever claim to be, not only limited to the aiming system.
GoldenEye was the first commercial game with headshots.
what the fuck, where the analog sticks?
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Dude, you literally had to make up something no one said just to be mad at.
Are you really in a position to say that anyone else is throwing a tantrum?
they made one with a stick (a psx controller i mean, not the ps2) to copy the n64 shortly after
This fucking mulatto doesn't even know about Nintendo's practices during the NES era
>Nintendo invented potentiometers
And it's a better controller than the N64 controller.
Play the original Armored Core for PS.
DMC doesn't even derive from Zelda I don't know what that other faggot was smoking. None of these games play like Zelda at all, especially not SOTC, lmao. And fucking Kingdom Hearts? The game that becomes several leagues WORSE when you engage in the awful lock on system they tacked on? KEK
it didnt have them you stupid bastard
>Dude, you literally had to make up something no one said
Read the thread dummy
It's insane that Symphony of the Night STILL hasn't seen any official release on PC or Nintendo.
>PoP and Another World,
Those are 2D games you bloody retard. The transition to 3D platforming was made with strong influence from Mario and Zelda.
The PS1 didn't have have an analog controller before the dualshock, most PS1 games are built around 8/16-way movement for the d-pad

Analogs were repopularized by the N64
>Video game history has HUGE a weeb problem.
OoT invented 3D gaming. This is your gaming history now, goy.
>The PS1 didn't have have an analog controller before the dualshock
Also wrong
DMC is entirely derivative of Zelda.
The problem with this is that there still was incentive to design 3D games with the original PSX controller in mind, as not everybody owned a Dualshock.
I fucking wish Zelda had an inkling of similarity with DMC, maybe then I'd bother finishing the snoozefest that is BotW.
no, croc never sold to begin with, it was a literal "nothing", something magazines tested in half a page instead of 2
also this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_Analog_Joystick
Name one 3D platformer that used an analog stick before SM64.
>When you have to namedrop Psychonauts and Madworld, you know you're running on thin evidence.
Way to prove the point, jackass. There are a ton of games that anyone could refer to that has Z targeting or something similar but people choose souls and DMC because you pull shit like this.

>Why doesn't Alien Resurrection (and later Halo for LE POLISHING) get the same plaudits as OoT?
Because it didn't improve or invent it, it just applied it to fps games. Not to mention kbm was always the perfect way to play a shooter
I stand corrected, I had forgotted about the Dual Analog
they should've stuck with the concave sticks
How is that a problem? 3D PS1 games play great with a d-pad. Crash is a joke on an anal log stick. I don't understand tendies projecting their anger over their failure of a controller at a controller that's better. Be mad Nintendo fucked you over.
This is like saying Mario Kart is entirely derivative of OutRun
Halo is just a Doom clone. Doom can claim to be as influential as Mario.
> grrrr they keep calling my games walking simulators
> let me go find another game where there's walking and deflect with that!

Way to miss the point on why they call it walking simulators, retard.
Well it's a blatant copy of the SNES controller.
Halo polished it, sweaty. Polishing is all that matters according to OoTsnoys ;)

Also I declare all further polishing after Halo invalid to win future arguments.
wrong, it's wolfenstein that can claim to the influential one
>Crash is a joke on an anal log stick
Because Crash can only move in 8 directions, nice 3D game you got there LOL
>Why doesn't Alien Resurrection (and later Halo for LE POLISHING) get the same plaudits as OoT? Halo is easily more revolutionary than OoT can ever claim to be, not only limited to the aiming system.
Because they were never the best way to play shooters. In fact, because of aim assist it ruined shooters on console.
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>makes Europeans seethe due to cultural Nintendo hatred
>makes zoomers and alphas seethe due to not being hand-holdy enough
>makes Switchfags seethe due to THEIR new Zelda formula inducing fanbase fatigue after only one followup game
truly the GOAT of all time
and the longer handles
I grew up in that era and never heard of Croc until I started browsing /v/
Go ask Kamiya on X (formerly Twitter).
It's an improved version of a beloved controller with better feel, better grips, well integrated additional buttons and an iconic button scheme.
The original PS controller is the most uncomfortable modern controller known to man
Nintendo won 6 out of 9 generations.
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Name one thing Halo invented.
Only true with Crash 1.
I like Tomb Raider more than SM64 or even OoT.
headshots do more damage
Regardless of the game, Croc's 3d engine on PS and especially Saturn was a technical miracle back then
It's about influence, not the best way to play shooters, which is why I named "casual players" in my original post. If the only way to play FPS remained exclusively tied to PCs with KB+M, FPS games would have never become as big as they did. Even then, Halo then made autoregen, two weapon limit, and grenade button popular. Even if you think these changes were for the worse, it's still a massive influence still felt to this day, way more than anything OoT ever did.
Kamiya hasn't made a good game in two decades and he can tongue my anus.
Read this post.
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Sega had to port games from other companies themselves.
Nintendo had a monopoly on third party developers back in the 8-bit and early 16-bit days. Third party developers that signed a contract with Nintendo were prohibited from developing games for competing consoles.
>Verification not required.
tendies once again proving they know nothing about video games and have been brainwashed and groomed by their cult
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That's just false. That said the DualShock remains perfect to this day.
>and the longer handles
don't encourage them
The tendie motto is never play anything outside Nintendo systems, claim Nintendo invented/revolutionized everything (just like they claimed BotW revolutionized open-world, lol), and then act surprised when people who are actually more knowledgeable than them show them receipts that remind tendies of their own ignorance.
GoldenEye 007 and Quake Team Fortress did that first.
least insane nintendo fan
I think games inspired by OoT sucked and also OoT itself.
Why do europeans have to always bitch about the N64?
Based baby hands sissyanon
They have shit taste
why do Americans simp so hard for a Japanese company?
Why do nintendo weirdo disparage Europeans when Rare is responsible for pretty much the only n64 games worth playing?
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Wrong. This is the controller for real men with real man hands.
regenerating shield/health
even though that's actually a bad invention
They're more exposed to vidya than tendie mutts who live inside a bubble.
Nintendo derangement syndrome.

Nintendo pretty much won the console war.
also RARE know-how on N64's architecture was key for developers being able to extract N64's potential.
*Apathy. Nintendo was viewed as the kooky company that made handhelds to keep kiddos occupied during roadtrips until the Wii launched, then it went on to become normalfag central.
Mega drive sold over 40M. The n64 sold barely 30M and out of those 20M were in the us. It lost to the Saturn in Japan
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>GoldenEye was the first commercial game with headshots.
I think MDK did it first.
PC, Sega Genesis, and PSX had a larger library of better games
Definitely, Nintendo's contributions are overrated. The PS2 had a far greater impact than any of their achievements.
because they make good games unlike you rapefugee lovers
absolutely. the tendie cult thinks nintendo is the only company in the world
genesis sold 30m
n64 sold 32m
saturn in japan barely sold over the n64, yet the n64 sold more games over a million than the saturn.
>Former Rockstar Games vice president of creativity Dan Houser stated in 2012 that "anyone who makes 3-D games who says they've not borrowed something from Mario or Zelda [on the Nintendo 64] is lying". Rockstar founder and Grand Theft Auto director Sam Houser also cited the game's influence, describing Grand Theft Auto III as "Zelda meets Goodfellas".

>Ōkami director Hideki Kamiya (Capcom, PlatinumGames) said that he had been influenced by Zelda when he developed Okami.

>Soul Reaver and Uncharted director, Amy Hennig (Crystal Dynamics and Naughty Dog), cited Zelda as an influence for the Legacy of Kain series, noting Ocarina of Time's influence on Soul Reaver.

>Dark Souls creator Hidetaka Miyazaki (FromSoftware) said that "The Legend of Zelda became a sort of textbook for 3D action games".

>Ico director Fumito Ueda (Team Ico) cited Zelda as an influence on Shadow of the Colossus.

>CD Projekt Red (The Witcher, Cyberpunk 2077) cited Zelda as an influence on The Witcher series, including The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

>Final Fantasy and The 3rd Birthday director Hajime Tabata (Square Enix) cited Ocarina of Time as inspiration for the seamless open world of Final Fantasy XV.
Anon, that's almost every game after the 2000s.
Too cucked to learn to fucking emulate.
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Insanity. I will NOT be lectured by contrarians who think Jet Set Willy is "peak" gaming, or crank out dogshit takes like pic related.
>Hey Goys, it wasn’t a bunch of Japanese men who invented gaming: it was actually a bunch of transgender black lesbian females!
Guess (((they))) want revenge for Yasuke and asscreed shadows.
>retard tendie thinks nintendo invented video games with the NES
many such cases
What did Citizen Cain even influence, jack shit?
No one talked about Croc before "le evil youtubers" either.
The Avatar movies are the highest grossing most seen movies ever made yet NO ONE fucking talks about them its not all about units sold
I'm still waiting to hear in what aspects SotC resembles Zelda. Is it because the Wanderer doesn't speak?
Nah, gaming has more of a judaism problem. Since japan has been the only developers
unaffected by jewish behavior for a long time, most of gaming history and great works can be credited to the japanese while the west as a society embraced jews and stagnated its progress to get bogged down in communism, feminism and psychopathy (judaism).
White men invented gaming but Nintendo perfected it.
I don't play most of those and FF XV sucked so bad. My stance still stands.
Does locking on recenter the camera? does it change the attacks you're capable of? Z-targeting isn't just lock on, you people are retarded.
People talked about banjo because the N64 had very few actual good games on it, and the other platformers were absolute garbage. banjo was popular at the time but it wasn't big.
Croc was big but when you talk about playstation platformers it's spyro that people remember most.
But that's just another thing that croc and banjo shared- never the most popular but known enough as a "good alternative"

You're right about tomb raider though. That shit was bigger than OOT but shitty and low-effort sequels killed it.
Trespasser did it first.
It's on Saturn
and no one played it so no one knows it did it first
Halo, everyone played it so it gets to be the one that invented it
thems the rules
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'ate nintender
'ate nogaemz64
'ate merry-o
'ate banjew
luv' me speccy
luv' me ps ecks
luv' psygnosis
luv' croc
luv tomb raider
simple as
>the most influential PlayStation games are Grand Theft Auto III, Ico, Devil May Cry, Demon's Souls and Uncharted
>every single one of the creators of these games mentions Ocarina of Time as a major influence
But Sony locked it (and Rondo) back down last gen with Requiem.
Virtua cop did it first
Apathy would mean you don't care anon. Hatred is far more accurate considering the bitching and moaning about their existence.
Also Nintendo was never the "kooky" company over here, if anything that was more Sony since they're European releases we're always weird.
Nintendo at least makes good games (most of the time, they also get it wrong sometimes), so the fact that there's a distortion isn't so serious because at least people know something of quality. It's not as if there were retards thinking that only Atari knew how to make games or something.
Still, of course there's a distortion. The Nintendo 64 was the worst console of the three main ones by far, but the focus on their ugly, input-lagged shitty ass games is insane on Youtube, while you don't see those cuckold-faced fags deeply analyzing some 2D Saturn or PSX game that never made it to the West but has quality comparable to the best 2D games being released to date.
Maybe if you had played it you would know.
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Yes, not because Nintendo is bad but because a lot of other companies also did incredible things but don't get talked about a ton.
For instance, I would 100% consider Yu Suzuki on par with Miyamoto but you NEVER hear them come up together despite being the guy behind Space Harrier, Out Run, After Burner, Virtua Racing, Virtua Fighter, AND Shenmue, all of which had a significant impact on the industry. Similar things go for games like System Shock, Dune II, SimCity, HoMM, etc.
When people talk about Nintendo bias it's usually unimportant stuff like >>683718913 and going "MY CONSOLE'S GAME SOLD MUCH BETTER THAN YOURS!!!!" instead of actually talking about significant improvements and innovations. Banjo is a better game than Croc but in the grand scheme of things, neither is anything special nor broke any new ground. Gaming has a Nintendo bias problem, but if this thread is any indication, most people who point this out are missing the forest for the trees, or in this case, missing it for console wars.
Thomas Crapper was not the first person to invent a flushing toilet, but he was the first person to make one that actually worked, and that's the same for Ocarina of time, it's lock on system was vastly superior to every single one that had existed beforehand in just about every way and it was the mode that was replicated by later games, and it's strange that people don't understand this aspect.
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Nigger too afraid to answer.
Again britoids made the only games worth playing on the nintendo 64
I mean if you're on "official sites" like editing Wikis or an active Redditor and Twitterer or reading "gaming journalism" then yeah, you'll probably find a lot of Nintendo fags. They're the same kind of soulless consoomers that watch Star Wars and Marvel etc. and have no problem bowing down to corporate gods. No surprise there.

Also, this guy >>683722564 has a point. The Playstation 1 was universally popular in Europe. The N64 was a rarity. In the US where a lot of influencial gaming youtubers (especially early on) are from, the N64 had a much larger market share. Thus its bloated coverage in all the "retro reviews" and other "historical analyses" of vg history.
>non-functioning flushing toilet
lol what?
damn didnt know sin and punishment and wave race 64 were made by bongs
Just make a video essay.
Hatred implies people even knew about it to begin with. I knew fuckall kids who owned anything Nintendo other than the SP or a DS.
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these animation is doing something for me
>Croc was big
No, not really. Croc was never big at all, sure the first game sold 3m but the other games in the series completely floundered unlike Banjo who's second game matched the first.
Is it a cult
>I knew fuckall kids who owned anything Nintendo other than the SP or a DS.
Which means that they knew of Nintendo, hatred is binding you anon.
The sequel was worse, banjo tooie barely sold the same despite the console sales tripling.
Nobody hated the SP or the DS though? What a weird narrative to try and spin.
Wait, you can't just continuously push?
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Outsiders looking in, seeing people having fun they can't have, and getting jealous and angry.

Literally same as Euromutts and Latinx thinking of Americans and getting a ragie meltie because they ain't us
Tomb Raider was fucking huge though. Not just the game, but Lara Croft. Lara Craft in magazine covers, Lara Croft in the evening news segment, Lara Croft cosplayers at every tech event. They even got Angelina Jolie at the peak of her popularity for the tie-in movie, that says something.

I got OoT for free with my Wind Waker and had never even heard of it.
>hey you got croc? how is it? can i borrow it?
>it stinks
middle school kids were better than any game journalist
you know nintendo won when the bare mention of this company drives retarded third worlder niggers mad.
Upvoted, dear sir!
>People talked about banjo because
Jon Aryan Jafari talked about it, and it being one of the few good n64 games.
Anon, please read your posts back to yourself and think about what you're saying.
Croc is the most brainless retarded games ever made, and he can also thank his existence to Yoshi.
Anon, you're saying it's apathy because no one knew about Nintendo but simultaneously said that everyone had a gba and DS.
You can't separate the company from the systems like that.
So this is it huh. The Nintendo won the console war and the cannon fodder is trying to pretend it never happened. Literally election denial tier battered wife syndrome.
What about Nestle?
Meant for >>683731773
Sands of Time came out in 2003 for the PS2. Tomb Raider came out in 1996. During what was arguably the fastest time of development for video games. No one was expecting to have Sands of Time tier controls when they bought Tomb Raider.
>but look how bad they were for *checks notes* one gen 35 years ago!
Holy shit you're obsessed. Sony has been pulling this trash each gen since 1995, fuck off.
No the N64 controller replaced everythinh
Miyamoto has a long standing reputation because he kept making beloved games for a long time and still sticks his name to content that people care about. Nintendo as a whole still makes good games, that's Miyamoto's legacy. Meanwhile the Shenmue guy will always be remembered as the guy who wasn't able to save the Dreamcast and didn't made anything of note afterwards.
Europeans liked Nintendo's handhelds while being largely ignorant about their consoles, then the Wii came out and it was both universally liked by normalfags and casuals and disliked by enthusiast and delicately ripened gamers, same deal as in America and everywhere else. That's it. Had nothing to do with Nintendo as a company and was just a byproduct of the Wii and the crowd it garnered.
The topic was always non-handheld Nintendo consoles which were very rarely seen or mentioned over here. How the fuck can people hate the N64 when most went their entire lives without even knowing it existed?
Latin Americans and East Asians love Nintendo tho.
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>They're the same kind of soulless consoomers that watch Star Wars and Marvel etc. and have no problem bowing down to corporate gods. No surprise there.
Do you faggots even read the shit you type out?
Not him, but he said the only people he knew with Nintendo products had a DS or a GBA. Not that "everyone" had one.

And I sorta agree. I had a Gamecube. Knew nobody else with one. Handhelds were kids' toys. The first proper handheld that allowed for "full games" rather than just short distractions was the PSP. It's not like today where you can develop a fully-functional video game and just decide to release it for the Switch or optimize it for the Deck. Back in the 90s and early 2000s handheld video games were slightly more evolved Tiger electronic toys. The thought of comparing them head on to "real" video games was ridiculous.
Probably the only company still operative these days that actually caused a genocide.
Nope, latinx love snoy
>lost a debate to bloody Cuckstinity
Yu really tarnished his name with shenmue 3
Not sure about inventing but it's one of the largest reasons why dual stick control styles took off.
>The topic was always non-handheld Nintendo consoles
The topic is just Nintendo anon, not consoles, not handhelds, just Nintendo. Again, you can't separate the company from the systems like that.
You eastern European types can't argue to save your life.
you'll survive
That's stupid, Game boy and GBA were as strong as the Nes and Snes. Also yes they were 99% for kids
euros are so embarrassing. Jealous of a console
>How the fuck can people hate the N64 when most went their entire lives without even knowing it existed?
I don't think people hate the N64. They "hate" the circlejerk fandom it has that blows its importance out of proportion. The N64 has like five good games and everything looked and ran like shit. And the worst controller known to man. During the worst generation of video game consoles. It certainly wasn't the pinnacle of video games some people try to make it out to be.
One reason: PAL. They literally experienced N64 at half the framerate and still think to this day that's what everyone else got.
This post is patently retarded, the criticism of puzzles is completely subjective, puzzles in ocarina of time are more numerous and more complex, easily better by going off of the standard of complexity, and most of them aren't just pull switch or find key, and you don't just randomly play a song to spawn a scarecrow the fairy tells you where you can summon him
I've seen this shit countered before, I'm not the first one
Ocarina of Time wasn't the most popular game in it's age, there are loads of games with much higher sales.
Why would you use the standard of Core Designs core team for determining how much devs Tomb Raider had and then use a completely different standard for Ocarina of Time that includes the person who set the games schedule as well as budgeting etc. Ocarina of Times credits list around the same amount of Tomb Raiders, and no shit Ocarina of Time had more developers than Tomb Raider, it features multiple times the equipment, multiple times the enemies, multiple times the collectables and multiple times the levels and on top of that it has the overworld and npcs and side quests etc. it's a far more complex game.
>only a retard would give credit to a game that comes from all these factors
That's a complete non argument
Tomb Raider wasn't the first game with a lock on system, Virtual On did it a lot better earlier that same year and there are no doubt other games that did it beforehand, but I don't see you crediting it here, Ocarina of Time is incorrectly credited as having invented it because it's lock on system is the one that other developers based their one on because it unlike Tomb Raider actually did a good job with it
Your post is cope and cringe, you make claims of historical revisionism while pushing your own outright historical revisionism.
It's moreso a matter that the winners write history. Miyamoto's latest two games are Super Mario Run and Star Fox Zero, but no one says he's a fraud. Nintendo won, Sega lost, and that's the narrative that sticks with people.
Literally false. USA has had every console since gen 1 while Euromutts had nothing until PS1. Your entire fake continent calls video games "computer games"
>I don't think people hate the N64
Europeans HATE nintendo because americans dare talk about it. Thats literally the only reason, they are mad that americans owned an N64 and liked the games on it and dont talk about GEX and Alex Kidd
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oi Nintendo was only ever popular in 'merica, everyone else in the world was playing on good ol' zedecks and playing Dizzy and Manic Miner instead of Mayrio
>The N64 is only liked because of youtubers
This is funny to me because whenever I see a "retrospective" about a N64 game on youtube its always bitching about how "poorly aged" it is or shit like that.
Yeah in retrospect I know there are some complex JRPGs and stuff that got zero coverage and marketing in the West at the time, but in 1998 I'm not comparing fucking Mario Tennis to Half-Life like they're two examples of a comparable product. The Gameboy was fun to fuck around with for 10 minutes before you got bored. The PC and consoles had actual games.
Croc is unironically a better game.
OoT invented Z=targeting "as we know it" like how Henry Ford made the Model T, sure it wasn't the very first automobile, but nobody cares about the shitty ones, being the first to do things right is far more important.
this is like the time al franken brougth a ps1 to danny devitos house
Didn't always flush, had other issues like resetting, costly to manufacture, cumbersome, large installation etc. The thomas crapper model worked as expected, others didn't.
PS2 isn't a brand retard.
I literally replied to a guy that singled out the N64 to claim we hated it and corrected it to apathy, you obnoxious fag.
>you can't separate the company from the systems like that
I can and will do so again, because that was the general consensus here: Nintendo did handhelds, Playstation made consoles and PC was for true nerds. It was a very incorrect assessment but who fucking cares? People just wanted to play fucking games and not argue gay-ass brand loyalty.

Hell the separation was so influential parents still call handhelds gameboys and consoles playstations over here in my country.
does animation history have a Disney problem?
>Europeans liked Nintendo's handhelds while being largely ignorant about their consoles
Are you pretending to be European? Nintendo's home consoles weren't unknown over here and we all knew about sm64 and oot as well as it's influence on gaming since even things like Sony magazines couldn't help but have 'is this the Mario/Zelda killer!?' as a headline. And like the other anon said, you can't act like people didn't know Nintendo l's home consoles didn't exist especially when one of the most popular Nintendo titles across the world let alone here in Europe had a Nintendo system in every single game.

Also even gaming TV shows back then would regularly feature Nintendo games more than anything else, I remember one having regular smash melee competitions, winner stays on style.

The world doesn't exist in the bubble you think it does.
You may think this is a puzzle because that's what puzzles in zelda are
>The Gameboy was fun to fuck around with for 10 minutes before you got bored.
Whaaa? People logged hundreds of hours into those things. Man the original Pokémon alone was a wordwide phenomenon.
OOT is hardly a walking sim, a walking sim would imply that the vast majority of the gameplay involves walking and nothing else.
Gaming has a Sony problem
Uncharted 4 alone has sold more copies than most of the Switch's library
technically, shiggy's last two games are Pikmin 4 and Tears of the kingdom if you count producer credits
People talk about how bad the N64 library was by bringing up objectively good games and then saying other things were better while mentioning no games. Curious. Maybe try talking about games you enjoy instead of shitting on games other people enjoy. It's not Nintendo fans fault you literally don't have fun playing other games.
no impact on my favorite movies
Destiny is a cuckhold and started shrieking that assassinations need to happen.
Debates are an optics game and destiny lost
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Seeing British smiles a lot on /v/ recently.
I think Max Payne did it first. But that was just imitating PC control schemes for FPS.
it definitely does unless all of your favorite movies came out before citizen kane
>never played OoT or seen gameplay surprisingly enough, play it for the first time
>start rolling because usually thats quick in games
>for whatever reason I ended up sidehopping once instead of rolling in the middle of hyrule field
>hey hold on a second
>start sidehopping
>It's faster than rolling
Good to know my game sense hasn't dulled.
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It seems to be getting worse as time goes on. They/them are now trying to claim the ps2 sold more than 162 million consoles, even though sony's official numbers dont agree.
Croc unironically did it first, and Medal of Honor after that.
>They're the same kind of soulless consoomers that watch Star Wars and Marvel etc
No that's clearly sony fans
reddit hates nintendo, son
Croc had tank controls meant for the D.Pad. I played Medal of Honor games on the PS2 and the controls were horrendous.
>vita so disappointing they rather not say
oh wow
The only one that lives in a bubble is you. The PSX and PS2 utterly eclipsed Nintendo consoles here, hell even fucking PC was more popular than the N64 or GC ever were. Non-handheld Nintendo players were the rarest subset of gamers until the Wii came out, hell when I traveled around Europe as a kid the only games I'd find on second hand stores around the continent were GBA and DS games amidst PSX and PS2 games gallore.
Nintendo games are rarely discounted but games that sold half as much as Uncharted 4 on Switch would have generated more sales by dollar value than Uncharted 4.
The top selling PS4 game enters at number 10 on the top selling Switch games list.
Nintendo have sold about 600 million units of software, almost all at full price throughout the Switch's lifetime.
Why are Europoors like affirmative action DEI blacks all the sudden? Make your own stupid videos reviewing your eurotrash games then. Make your own wikis. Shits free. We don't need to do it for you.
Yeah and most of those kids didn't have anything else to choose from.
I had a GBC myself and Pokemon was one of the 2 games I owned for it. Not because I didn't have money for games, but because I used all that money of PC and Playstation games instead. Then I played Burnout and GTA on PSP and realized "actual" games are now portable.
its funny because this article only happened because some zoomoid was bitching about mario 64 aging poorly on twitter then a bunch of butthurt segafags (all of the european btw) began complaining about the game getting too much praise while other games like virtua fighter or daytona are "forgotten"
the influence of the game doesn't exist in a vacuum
>gaming TV shows back then would regularly feature Nintendo games more than anything else
Gaming TV shows back then were 50% PC, 25% PS, then the rest was some snake tier mobile crap and video from TGS.
Ironically, the Chinese selling those pieces of radioactive plastic full of pirated games are doing more for the history of games than the rest of the world.
I got one of these with my cousin, started playing random PC-Engine stuff and it's super interesting to see how some Japanese games from the 1990 already had such advanced concepts, many of which are objectively better than the stuff that indies are releasing nowadays, which for me is something unforgivable. At the very least, indies should be matching up to games from more than three decades ago.
>How the fuck can people hate the N64 when most went their entire lives without even knowing it existed?
Simple. They saw people having fun with things they couldn't experience and their coping mechanism is saying it was bad.
Cool, that doesn't discredit the post.
Croc literally had dual analog controls where the left stick moves the character and the right stick moves the camera and was the first game with this type of set up.
>I owned two games for my gameboy
You sound like an angry weirdo.
lol the movie didn't influence much, kid
It's not about discrediting, it's about adding context.
Goldeneye did two sticks first actually but its irrelevant because it wasn't universally adopted until Halo made it mainstream.
Ah yes, I'm forever seething I didn't pack my malleable childhood brain full of memories of playing generic chilidish collectathons all by my lonesome instead of pure AoE2 LAN KINO
I watched citizen kane and it was kind of boring
>he's not a boomer that watched movies in theater before Citizen Kane
>he doesn't know how bad the lighting, camera work, and lack of proper three act structure of the other movies of its time
Croc didn't have analog inputs. For example the camera control was just L and R mapped to a stick.
At this point, I'm starting to believe it's just BR's and seamonkeys larping as euros.
Sounds like those articles whining about history being too white
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Croc had analog controls.
>Croc literally had dual analog controls
Dual stick controls. The inputs weren't analog they were digital like an arcade joystick or a d pad
>more than 155 million
>as of march 2012
Smells a bit fishy, but it's not impossible that it sold a few million units more until its discontinuation in December.
>luv' psygnosis
Bought and killed by Sony.
They were analog, you are mistaken.
You know what system actually has a fake fanbase fueled by influencers? The Saturn. But nobody wants to have that conversation here, I bet. After all, the "wrong kid" died in the 2000s, because how DARE Nintendo not have put all their eggs in the "being stupid bastards" basket unlike SEGA!
watch out sweetie, or your butthole rugs will become loose with that hemorrhoid.
Nintendo has always had this Japanese "shiny corporate image" with no bad words or bad thoughts. Whoops, actually we can't even allow you to communicate online except using these pre-made slimies because otherwise you could say something naughty. The modern censorship and corporate worship on platforms like reddit and wikis are all totally normal for Nintendo users.

Compare to say PC gamers used to calling each other niggers in voice chat for decades. Naturally more of them would be more drawn to the underside of the internet where you still won't get shadowbanned if you don't love the newest product or don't think that trans representation is the most important thing video games need.

If you're "a fan" of any console manufacturer it's basically the same fucking thing.

That shit is for autistic faggots, i.e. Americans. You just take your adderall and keep filling out those Pokemon evolution spreadsheets. I wasn't complaining about there being an over representation of Nintendo coverage online, I was explaining why it exists.
>more than 155 million
it means it sold 155.1 million
I see. Because you couldn't experience it you think Nintendo fans couldn't experience something you did. Hate to break it to you but we played PC games as well.
5 Marketers
10 QA
1 Exec
Original Concept is just TG again
3 Additional Programming (always means borrowed/bought code)

Youre right in saying its not 6 people.
But the core actual team is 6. Extending to people who actually worked on the game only hits 15 as a stretch. Which is just a bit less then 200+
Browncel turdworlder post
>Why do europeans have to always bitch about the N64?
Unironically racism. They cannot tolerate that the yellow man surpassed them.
The SS sold more than the N64 in Japan, Sega really fucked it up in the west.
No it had digital inputs mapped to analog sticks, my child.
That is a lie, it had analog controls: >>683734003 that reacted to how far you pulled or pushed the stick. Why are you trying to be dishonest and condescending? You're failing at both.
No they weren't, son.
I really REALLY don't like N64
I have great memories of GameCube, tho.
GoldenEye control scheme sucked a million dicks.
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have you seen what the euros think is fun? no wonder they hate nintendo, where's the work simulator?
Are those influencers in this board right now?
This is the shit that annoys me about this topic, you can dislike the n64, fine, but the fact that even saying something positive about it is enough for these annoying tards to screech and post essays about "muh evil nintendo american youtuber cult" is fucking obnoxious.
I'm sure you did pal, now either pick Mayans on my BF 4v4 or fuck off my LAN.
>If you're "a fan" of any console manufacturer it's basically the same fucking thing
Or a fan of PC gaming. PC vegans are the largest band of cultists in gaming fandom.
Which part of owning two games for the gameboy makes me angry or weird?
I 100% bought the thing to play Pokemon. I played Pokemon. It was good. I bought a second game, it was a glorified Tiger Electronics game. I stopped playing with the thing and went back to playing with big boy devices. So mostly counter-strike and quake 3 and unreal tournament.
If by a "Nintendo problem" you mean that all of the early gaming content online was done by Nintendo fans who made it seem like Nintendo was the only game company that existed, then yes.
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European personalities are autism central, lol. Talk about throwing stones in a glass house.
Funny enough, they also try to claim the vita outsold the Wii U.
No. I appreciate the offer though.
you didn't have that one rich kid that did regular sleep over where the four of you played turok 2 and WWE no mercy multiplayer all night long?
I kinda wish we had good trains, and bus services, but our poor people tend to be poor because they're malignant people.
Are you even gearing yourself right now? You're using your personal views of the world to say that's how they were when gaming media at the time says otherwise.
Also you didn't even consider that anyone with a Nintendo handheld could buy Nintendo magazine which aren't just about the handhelds.

You are the definition of living in a bubble since you can't or rather won't consider any other vectors other than sales of a system.
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tfw PC games are simulators and nothing else
No wonder they emulate.
Most likely, yes.
Circle the part of that image you think proves anything. I'm honestly stumped here. Is it because it says the word "analog"?
The ratio of sales to historically significant games is in favour of the N64. also it came 2nd.
>Uncharted 4 alone has sold more copies than most of the Switch's library
I mean, it sold 15m, that's at least top 20.
Not spectacular but not bad.
N64 sold more than Shaturn thoughbeit
Yeah it was terrible but it existed none the less
I mean you're here crying about Nintendo, and this isn't the first time this topic has come up, so...
CrocBros we are so back
I played Croc on PC without the disc so the game never had any music, which I think actually improved the experience since it made the game world feel more surreal and even creepy at times. Coupled with how hard it was it felt more like playing Dark Souls.
It's a different type of autism. It's not "medicated since 9-years-old so gets a panic attack if leaves his room so decides to become a woman and stops showering and spends 18-hours a day moderating the r/Gaming."
Germans are more into forklifts.
I often wonder why euros say they are euro and not which country. I have no idea where the prototypical euro is from. Tbh I subconsciously assume they’re all French.
I'm sorry your platforms didn't give you any games to be excited about.
Nope. I am a poorfag, and I was always surrounded by poorfags.
I am still a poorfag, but who now has Switch, Series S, and PS5 connected to TV

GC had Metroid Prime, Resident Evil, Baten Kaitos, Tales of Symphonia, Fire Emblem, Phantasy Star Online...N64 had, what, Zelda and Conker?
Well the PS1 was popular all throughout Europe while the N64 was popular all throughout NA so it doesn't really matter in this context. But I'm Finnish if that makes any difference for you.
I often wonder why americans say they are euro and not which country. I have no idea where the prototypical american is from. Tbh I subconsciously assume they’re all Californians.
See: >>683734540
Because you sound like you were just following the Pokemon trend while never being interested in Nintendo products to begin with.
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>sales matter again
Fuck yeah we're back Nintendo chads
I've spoken with enough Europeans on this topic to confidently say Nintendo non-handhelds had a relatively small presence. The fact you're the only person so far that vehemently tries to oppose it just reinforces my assessment.
>when gaming media at the time says otherwise
This is the gaming media I saw. Magazines barely touched upon Nintendo console titles, and when they did it was usually third party games like Killer7 and RE4 (back when it was GC-exclusive). Fuck, I remember hearing more about the N-Gage than Gamecube in gaming shows at a time.
They are from """"Europe"""" (Israel)
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I guess euros really don’t see their countries as separate countries
It’s weird
Chad kids grew up with PSX.
N64 was always for the weirdo spergs who got bullied.
Imagine getting invited to play vidya at anon’s house and all he has is cringe babyshit like mario tennis, lol.
Support me when I say that every board needs a country flag by user's post and you'll know.
I absolutely was. Just like most kids I knew who played Pokemon or had a Gameboy. That's sorta the point.
Because every euro country is shit in some way so it's easier just to say Euro and avoid the potential shitposting when the person you're arguing against loses.
I was just being a pedantic cunt, sorry about that anon
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Saturn only barely outsold the N64 in Japan (Saturn 5.7M vs N64 5.4M), and only 2 games reached above million units there (Virtua Fighter 2 and Sakura Wars), meanwhile there was like 4 ot 5 N64 games that reached million units in Japan and overall it sold more games than the Saturn.
>nintenduh is da best!! y? cuz I live in a country where it was heavily advertised and I ate up all their marketing shit yum yum more shit please

fat ass consumertards
tendiemutts are so pathetic
Better to say Euro than to potentially rile up some third worlder or American into getting irrationally angry about your country for no reason at all. Now you can't even say Euro as a blanket statement ot avoid /int/ faggotry anymore, which is fucking sad.
I’m down for that.
Makes sense. If I found out the person calling me a fat American was from Portugal or something I’d laugh all the way to the McTrough.
i guess the N64 was for kids that had friends
>mario party 3
>perfect dark
>diddy kong racing
>smash bros
>conker's bad fur day
>worms armageddon
Pretty much, except Goldeneye was cool.
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>Tendies claim Zelda is the most revolutionary/influential IP ever
>Check Zelda threads to learn what they mean
>All they discuss is fetish porn
>I've spoken with enough Europeans on this topic to confidently say Nintendo non-handhelds had a relatively small presence.
Anecdotal evidence isn't helping your argument, it just means you have confirmation bias if you even have talked to Europeans.
>This is the gaming media I saw
Okay, name a show. Let's look it up.
I accept this reasoning and will continue assuming you’re all French.
crash team racing is all you need
It's not dual analog if one or both of the stick don't use analog. I'm sorry. You may as well call Mario 64 dual analog because of c buttons.
Fuck off ACfag.
I will never play Smash.
>Fuck, I remember hearing more about the N-Gage than Gamecube in gaming shows at a time.
NTA but where are you from? Like what part of Europe.
Other way around
>dollar bin mario kart
guess you had to take what you could get, eh?
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Black people/white trash played Pissstation.

Normal suburban White kids played N64.
What separates normal White people from spergy Whites isn't playing nintendo but how old they were when they stop. Pretty much every White middle-class millennial/early zoomer has good memories of Mario, Zelda, Pokemon etc. Even normie White girls played nintendogs, Mariokart, and animal crossing. turbo-normies all went on to play COD and GTA on the 360 or PS3. Mostly the spergs stuck to Nintendo games as they got older.

Real spergs probably played pre-steam computer games or other egghead weirdoshit .

Eurotrash was doing their own thing.

Why do degenerates hate Nintendo so much? It is THE system of the White American male culture from 80s-00s.
Are brits all spergs?
>Sega and Sony weren't heavily advertised in the US
No, just dour miserable contrarians.
Considering this tracks sales of the ps5 up until 2021, Sony had 9 years to update their ps2 sales, but they didn't, which tells me the sales are closer to 155 million than the journalists or youtubers would like you to believe.
Not as pathetic as snoymutts
Yeah, most people here are.
That or crackheads.
Rich white people played PC
Straight men grew up with Lara Croft and Crash. Manchildren and closeted gays play as Mario and Link (formerly boy).
Why do you have to bring your weird race fetish into everything
Where I live there were 4 gaming-related TV shows around 2000 I regularly watched.
>PC-peliluola (PC only)
>Play (console only)
>TILT (all gaming)
>OverDose (PC e-sports only)

Even the "Play" was originally called PSX-Peliluola.
The singular issue it has is the reserves system.
It's otherwise objectively better than Mario Kart 64 and Super Mario Kart, and reserves only really became an issue with online play since faggot deterrence ceased to be a thing.
N64 games were also more expensive to buy due to being on cart. PlayStation games were often dirt cheap because disks were cheaper to print. I don't know if there even exists data to support this (maybe if Blockbuster kept a record of rentals?) but it must have been a factor.
Not if they played sports. kek.
I like Nintendo games and consoles but he’s right about Banjo Kazooie, it’s a game people pretend to like to fit in.
When I was seven I sexually identified as Waluigi
>N-No my anecdotal evidence is superior to yours...!
Okay bro, sure, Europe was N64 and GC ride or die, totally. Do you think I fucking remember the name of the piece of shit AXN (I think that was the name) offshot gaming show I saw during the brief months we had cable in my house? Get real. I remember HobbyConsolas which had a notable lack of Nintendo in general, outside of the big titles. I assume the fact that Nintendo Power existed made other magazines not really bother digging into Nintendo that much.
ctr is leagues above any mario kart lmao
the driving physics and the skill ceiling with the chain boosting make it such a more competitive game than mario kart which is basically babbies first "anyone might win!" "party" "game".
EA sports games actually had their best versions of the PC up until the 360 era.
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>Why do you have to bring your weird race fetish into everything
>crash team racing is all I had
Yeah. Here in America we had more and better options.
>autistic faggots
Aren't PC gamers susceptible to "trooning" out, as they say? There's a reason they call it troonix or the tranny deck.
Post your hand
that’s cool
remind me which series went on to be a massive success with multiple installments and is on-going to this day again?
CTR is still the pinnacle of the genre so not true. Besides, I had a PC. And I already knew how to pirate games.
Why did "straight men" allow all their IPS to be DEIified and turned into butch lesbians?
Cool story bro
Autistic people love Linux and the Deck and autistic people are much more likely to troon out.
Not sure if that has much to do with PC gaming though.
So why did the CTR remaster sell like shit then?
Here's my challenge to the "N64 isn't special" faggots. Why don't you spend more time celebrating the supposedly good games on other platforms? Nobody's stopping you from doing that. nobody's going to stop you from talking about how great MGS was, or RE1 was, or Croc or whatever was. Go make threads about them. Broadcast speedruns of them.

Or maybe it's not about elevating your own experiences but bringing down those who actually had good memories?
Agree to disagree.
I mean, yes? They just released the new one a few years ago and it sold a ton.
Besides, real American burgerbrain logic that the one that becomes MORE POPULAR!!!!! is MORE BETTER!!!! Because Marvel is the pinnacle of film making and Subway is the best food on the planet.
>pinnacle of the genre
of kart racers, nah faggot that would be Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
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Germany is weird like that. They're so anti-fun that goddamn RIVER RAID used to be banned there for being too violent.
Crash Bandicoot was the Horizon of it’s day.
Garbage irrelevant series nobody would remember if not for Sony aggressively marketing it to hell and back.
Must not have been because people literally stopped buying and playing those games
Don't know, don't care. Never played it. I'm talking about the original.
Hey man, fuck you. The Crash and Spyro and later on Jak and Ratchet friendly rivalries were kino.
This but for banjo kazooie
I've actually played that one. It's alright. But it has that boring Mario Kart style control scheme where you're really just guiding a thing around a track. CTR's controls feel more like pulling a long chain in THPS.
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the germans were right, it's making me want to retake all of Europe again
How many realms are in that game?
I agree, I loved Spyro and Sly growing up but the only Snoy platformer normies care about is Crash, the series was always just a mediocre Donkey Kong Country
more like sony seething impotently while Nintendo just did it’s thing.
it was pathetic when sega did it and 5x more pathetic when snoy did.
That explains it. You wouldn't have gotten the good gaming shows like Gamesville, Games Network, GamesMaster, GamesWorld, Bad Influence, Thumb Bandits since they were mostly UK and Western Europe shows.
People "stopped buying and playing those games" because Naughty Dog stopped making them. CTR is the last Crash game and it's among the highest-selling PS1 games.
Nintendo 64 had a lot of "real" racing games besides Mario Cart. Rush, Wipeout, hydrothunder. I remember playing Rush.
What? I meant the rivarly between Insomniac and ND, you brand obsessed subhuman.
its funny that they kept trying to make it a thing after crash 3
same with killzone, really trying to force it to be the halo killer
This is so accurate holy shit lol

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