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I miss meteion from ff14. I wish she was like a easter egg or something in dawntrail
just get the bird..
Uhhhhhhhh tag your gore please???
cringe ass dead game
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Birds are old news. It's all about insects now.
Skjermbilde cool it with the avatarfaggotry.
I used the picture to explain what bird I meant.
whats with this game and brown people?
all of arcadion is brown
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You just want to put your benis in her
Poochie would have either one-shot Meteion or made her give up despair by teaching her about peace and tacos
Also I can't wait for the revelation that Shart Lamart singlehandedly prevented the Final Days from affecting Tural
foreign perception of america is place full of browns
Solution 9 isn't in America, though.
Very ironic
ay ay ay pablito seethe ay ay ay

final boss, spene listen incoming
Turn that frown upside down
Kill yourself
*tranny voice*
kill yourself! kill yourself!
this is the diversity expansion and diversity means brown
Crawl back to /wowg/ with your e-celeb shit you dumb fucking shiteating tranny retard
10 year storyline, ended on A. DEPRESSED. FUCKING. BIRD.
The despair kino will be amazing
>XVI was pure mediocrity with shallow gameplay, no RPG elements, zero difficulty and extremely forgettable characters.
>FF7 Rebirth had some merits but flopped spectacularly despite critical acclaim due to retarded story decisions, exclusivity, episodic nature, ubisoft open world design, etc.
>Endwalker patch cycle is terrible, with laughable alliance raids, mediocre savage fights, a moronic story that nobody liked, and zero incentives to stay subscribed.
>Dawntrail is a fucking disaster, gameplay design is completely stagnant and the story is abhorrent. Literally has a 78 on metacritic.
Final Fantasy never fully recovered from the FFXIII dark ages and now we're once again in a shit time for this franchise. If Meteion was real Final Fantasy fans would be turning into blasphemies right now.
It was looking up for a few years but in classic SE fashion they found a way to fuck everything up.
>Rebirth had some good parts but failed because it was shit
What are you even trying to say here?
Otherwise, spot on
What do you even want out of a game if you think Rebirth was shit? Fucking cutscene fags.
>viifag whining about cutscenefags
cosmic-level humor
i think anyone would argue that a jrpgs/rpgs story is literally half the game, and if you fuck up the story the game is bad.
>cutscene fags
it's fucking final fantasy 7 one of the most praised games in existence specifically for it's fucking story.
It was a flawed game but I enjoyed the combat system and the fact that it was a proper final fantasy with series staples like magic, MP, a party, summons, towns, etc. Unfortunately that's not enough to save a dying series like this. They dropped the ball hard on the narrative and story is a huge deal in JRPGs.
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You're crying that a GAME is shit because you didn't like the cutscenes.
Rebirth's story is 90% identical to the original, and more importantly the GAMEplay in the VIDEO GAME is great.
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Where am I? My mind is so hazy and my memories are fragmented. And who are you? Wait, it's starting to come together, you're...Wuk Lamat, and we were friends, right? Oh I see, I was an evil tyrant that you needed to put down like a dog and now I only exist as backup data? I'm so sorry for causing you all of this trouble even though we're friends, it must have been so hard on you. But why would I go through such lengths to do terrible things...oh, it was for my people! I would do anything for my people. How do they fare now? I-I see, you deleted them all for the good of the planet because of their unnatural existence. And now I have to be wiped completely too so I don't become a potential threat in the future? I can see the wisdom in that, thank you Wuk...no, Lamat'yi. I guess I truly have no reason to exist now, I should have leesend to you. But before I go, please tell me how my subjects in Solution Nine are doing, I know I let them all down and it breaks my heart. You're their new queen? That's wonderful, Lamat'yi, I know you'll be a wonderful and kind ruler! You say the women will be Mamool Ja breeding stock and the men will work hard labor until death for the glory of the Dawnservant? A fair punishment for my misdeeds, thank you for your clemency. And if could, please tell them all that Queen Sphene never stopped thinking ab-*BLEEEERP*
im sorry youre delusional anon but no one is playing a final fantasy 7 remake for the gameplay, they are playing it because they want to see the story with modern technology
Terminal case of the memberberries
VIIrgins really will eat up anything
except rebirth lmao
FF7R is good because they played One Winged Angel at some point.
Yeah I'm very aware of that because the only discussion about the game anywhere is that it's a bad game because they didn't like the cutscenes. You retards should just stick to youtube.
When the fuck did Sphene and Wuk become best friends what the fuck
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People will be divided about this, but I think people will end up looking fondly on Hiroi's experimental storytelling.
making a jrpg and fucking up the story is a good way to push people away from playing said jrpg
Erenville's mom is so fucking hot
Why did she have to die? What is Hiroi's fucking problem?
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Yuri writer pls understand
>theater kid obsessed with female main characters
he's gay
there is no yurifag in existence that can match the power of shaft schizophrenia
Anon people die when they get too old
She was ancient already, so of course she died
One bring thick
One brings pink
Two fat thighs tumbling through /v/...
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PCT chads.
What a nice gift for Y'shtola to have WoL send to Runar
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this is my plan...

when i become dawnservant i'll build on papa's peace! our people will live together in happiness!
This but Ryne
do miqo'te get spayed?
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Dawntrail in one picture
Hiroi definitely watches too much slice of life slop
If the regulators erase memories of when people died, shouldn't everyone have forgotten about zoraal ja and sphene?
So nice of Meteor to paint Runar and Y'shtola together.
She will get to him one day.
Jesus christ the Runarfags are REALLY triggered today.
why does she look like odo
Wuk is what would've happened to Alphinaud if for some reason his Crystal Braves bullshit went through.
>Get an immense amount of good will from everyone with 5.0, 5.3 and 6.0.
>Spend the two years after 6.0 completely and totally annihilating said good will.
>This culminates in the release of an expansion with job designs that are nigh identical to two expansions ago, a graphics overhaul that's both unfinished and underwhelming, horribly half-assed new features such as secondary dye channels, and a bloated story that is so despised it could be placed among the worst in the whole series.
How. How are they so incompetent.
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i'm just saying it was storyfags that keep posting eceleb reacting to shit in these threads, the amount of people that kept posting that one fat wow guy during endwalker was fucking disgusting.
How did Sphene even get "reached"? The entire dungeon prior to the trial was about how all her memories and sense of self were literally being deleted as we progressed. She was basically gone by the time the trial started.
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She won the bikini bowl.
Sphene was already dead and Zoraal Ja wasn't wearing a regulator when he poofed
B-b-b-but the combat content is so goated! It is sooooo fast now!
kek she kind of does
she deleted the memories of the original queen but not her memories of the 200 years where she was imitating the original
>or made her give up despair by teaching her about peace and tacos
that's basically what the twins did
basically what all the scions did when confronted with a racial despair, ramble about their character arc since ARR
>erenville's english voice
Wew, no wonder you guys don't like him.
All she had left were her memories as an Endless, not the memories of the living person she was derived from.
Why are WoWniggers so obsessed with e-celebs?
Yshtola needs to get with Runar and Thancred needs to go back to fucking bitches instead of being a dad that stepped up.
the funny thing is you know they won't bust their ass to try and recapture that good will by working harder on the next expansion and will just remembird even harder
because wow is a bad game that makes you want to kill yourself playing it so they watch it instead.
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Do you think Yoshida cultists will still exist going forward? I don't mean "FFXIV fans", I mean the kind of FFXIV fan that unironically believes Yoshida is the savior of the franchise, the kind that answers every criticism with "BUT YOSHI-P SAID", the kind that genuinely seems to believe Yoshida is special among game directors.
If there are people willing to defend Wuk Lamat, there are people willing to defend the man that actually unironically did save 1.0, even if he's become what he once was made to destroy.
I still remember when the only "e-celebs" players cared about were MTQ because of her Youtube guides. It feels like another time, another age but it really wasn't that long ago that I never saw streamerfags discussed in XIV threads anywhere... it can't just be all the WoW players moving over.
Whats the best way to level from 80-90? Can't do Bozja because I'm too new and all the fates are still getting bumrushed.
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>/v/ermin commenting on battle content like they actually play it
can't wait for savage to show up and we have retards in this thread posting about how it's le badly designed
Yoshida hasn't given a shit about what happens in XIV since 6.0 and it's clear he is mentally and physically checked out at this point.
my god you guys just need to learn to enjoy stuff
>it can't just be all the WoW players moving over.
it literally is wowfags, they all just post wow players reacting to the hecking awesome shounen scenes from the msq
He wants to make his own "original" MMO. He has said he wants to do it before he retires or dies and he's getting up there so I wouldn't be shocked if he wishes he could be done with XIV.
i'd respect wuk lamat more as a character if she freaked it when zoraal ja decimated tuliyollal that first time. she needed to be humbled and it would've been a good moment for the WoL and alphinaud to tell her to get her shit together and start acting like a fucking dawnservant
Well Yoshi-P clearly wasn't involved in Dawntrail and FFXVI turned out great, so I'll still white knight for him on his new projects.
>it can't just be all the WoW players moving over.
Realistically it's probably largely because everything is becoming more focused on ecelebs and streamers across the internet.
But also it's totally because of all the WoWfags moving over and bringing their grifters with them.
i love when you set up a falseflag post to reply to
you always say this
>forgetting Mr Brappy
>that unironically believes Yoshida is the savior of the franchise
I think those people necked themselves after XVI so I don't know what you're strawmanning.
All savage content after Heavensward is badly designed because good DPS is no longer rewarded with shorter boss phases.
The absorbed a lot of Turali (brown(american)) citizens.
ur gay
I wish we could go back to when we just argued whose guides were better between MTQ and MrHappy... with the odd based Anon showing some unknown guide maker that put a lot of effort into them kek.
The great jewening is coming on Tuesday lads are you ready?
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why would goku say this
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mr brappy was posted to seethe about guides about BATTLE CONTENT, you know the PLAYING the game and not doing the msq to sit in limsa all day
we really just letting them continue to use their regulators..?
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OH FUCK I just noticed the boner, holy fuck that makes this image an 11/10
I've seen like a dozen times before and I just realized
Like your mom learned to enjoy my dick.
That's what they tried to do with that single moment where she's losing it over the corpse but a simple
>Hey feel better
is enough to immediately getting her over her dad dying and a bunch of her citizens getting butchered under her watch.

Wuk Lamat MIGHT be a psychopath.
>holding dps to have favorable boss phasing or cooldowns
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This is /v/ - The Vidya, we do not enjoy video games here
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>Derek (Twelve Raid)

Why does this Hiroi hack always write the same oblivious to their own home character trope?
>FFXVI turned out great
No it didn't. It's an extremely mediocre game. Its gameplay is shallow, its story is meandering garbage with a forgettable cast. It's not an RPG, it's expert roulette levels of easy. It has nothing going for it besides flashy lights.
source for derek?
That's just your average zivver
waku waku
The fabled Wuk Lamat trance
Not only that but for the rest of the story she's completely fine. Absolutely no sequels from seeing her brother murder her father in front of her, just a "Well shucks, guess I'll kill him too".

Then she sees Erenville and Krile lose their own parents and there's no indication whatsoever that she relates to them or is forming a connection of some kind, it's just some lights show that's happening in front of her with the bare minimum "Oof, that's rough" comments. Wuk Lamat might be one of the least human characters in the game.
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Thankfully your opinion is the minority.
FFXVI was 10/10.
Are you wearing the new lewd outfit anon? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhLaACC23kI Shame on you!
Fucking blew my eardrums
This only ever happened in very few fights. Nobody was holding DPS in the vast majority of Coil or Alexander, people just DPSed as hard as they could to see fewer mechanics.
This was removed because Zurvan Ex had a skippable mechanic early on and it exposed casuals as incapable of doing their opener.
yeah, but according to this.. it barely affected anything.
the souls they are using are from a dead shard that can't return to their life stream, eventually they will die out naturally
Treasure du gdoms usually come with some shittg overpriced glam set what's it gonna be
why can't they return to the lifestream? rubicante and cagnazzo died on the source and returned just fine.
...in the opposite dimension
genuinely what were they thinking with using this guy, did they just not have enough time to find literally anyone else
As soon as it releases on PC it's going to be torn apart lol
Surely describing sexual acts in shout chat is against ToS?
Well now that theyre here in the Spurce they should be able to join the prime lifestream
>thinking Yoshida will let it come to pc after its mild reception
Wuk Lachads..she's laughing at us..

>yoshi p confirmed he watches zepla's videos
>will see her shitting all over msq

How's he gonna react?
Hiroi worked really hard on Dawntrail. Shame on all of you.
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PCT is probably the most feminine Job.
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>Touring houses on my ward because I never checked my neighbors
>Uncover an illegal carbuncle slave fight pit
FFXIV is used to train new Square Enix writers ever since Maehiro left. We didn't truly see the effect of this because we lucked out with Ishikawa, but now she's also gone.
Post the clip
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Nah that's Dancer.
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he's gonna cry on stream again
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All I need is a mod that lets you sprint immediately and I'm fucking sold.
> Hiring a shit play writer

They really thought they had the next Yoko Taro
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must die.
I want to see this kind of graph for the other expacs
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The fastest selling PS5 exclusive Maehiro-kino FFXVI revitalized the series, inspired old fans to return and brought in new younger players.
When it comes to PC, /v/ will be forced to acknowledge it like Ghost of Tsushima.
Is that Hildi's mom between Shtola and Lhaminn?
those women seem to be of ill repute
i'll take my business elsewhere (the first)
>Square Enix president Takashi Kiryu told analysts Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, Final Fantasy XVI, and Foamstars all failed to meet revenue and profit expectations, according to Bloomberg.

It did so well that 2 DLCs were released for it and nobody cared
Picto is like bard, flamboyant.
You wouldn't get it.
I just noticed Mablu is not in there.
I would have liked it if she followed you around and comment on your adventures. Like a zelda companion or something like that. Would be like her having fun times with you after all the shit that happened in EW
>The XVI shill shitposter from /ffg/ is here.
kek i'm steal this but use tonberrys instead
meds now retard
I think that's Lyse?
>I liked wuk as a character
I wonder how the Runar Cuck Anon is going to handle it when we use our key to take Yshtola home to The First and Runar. Do you think he'll be okay?
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that's lyse
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hateposting is okay
but don't you dare praise a game or you're a shill
I didn't even know the game got DLC
Read between the lines, she's trying her hardest not to insult everything
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I see twin tails...
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It goes deeper than that.
>Uma delicia
make a good game and it'll be praised. make a bad game and it gets shit on
>The XVIGOD is here
I-I'm shaking...
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Impressively wrong.
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The FFXVI DLCs were like 5 hours long between the two of them despite taking months to come out.
In the same time that it took CBU3 to make the XVI DLCs, Monolith Soft cranked out a full prequel DLC with new combat mechanics, characters, an explorable map and a 12 hour campaign for Xenoblade 3.
Yoshida's studio is simply mediocre, they're not good at anything besides cranking out small variations of the same FFXIV expansion over and over. In fact, FFXVI feels like an XIV expansion too, in a bad way.
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>sees wuk again
>starts vomiting
who knew making your games exclusive to a console nobody owns was a bad idea
>wuk lamat post credits jumpscare
god damnit
>wol is now going to be carrying azems crystal and a cum chalice everywhere
zepla is mindbroken
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You're right. That's why the 10/10 FFXVI received overwhelming praise.
She played all you faggots. She was being so over the top with her "hate" she got you all to watch. STREAMERS ARE GRIFTERS STOP GIVING THEM ATTENTION.
>the implication with the shoes too
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>actually playing with english voices
>FFXVI feels like an XIV expansion too
Is it the good kind of XIV expansion or slop like DT? Depending on your answer I may or may not get it when it launches on PC.
woke lemutt broke zepla. she's laughing hysterically
>Literally 100 people are still playing the game a few months after launch because it has non-existent replay value.
>1400 people come back to play the DLC.
You're so easily duped by industry PR.
Now post then one where he's sad that people are mean to him on the internet
it's written by the HW guy
Your neovagina is gore
Shitposting aside, who the fuck played this? There have been 0 threads or online discussion
They went by and nobody noticed
The kind where following the main path is fine, but all side content might as well be worthless and skipped.
These are just the side bangs on the other side. Weird, i know.
I had actually forgotten how Hildi's mom looked like.
>le i'm enlightened & above PR
>flubs preschooler math
I played through XVI twice,
it was pretty good tbհ
What foolishness Lamaty'i, where's your motivation?

>100 to 1400
>140% increase
is this how they teach math in south america?
It starts good (the opening hours will likely really hook you, this was the part they put on the demo) but it gradually degenerates into meandering shonen garbage. The characters are quite boring and the gameplay is mindless and repetitive.
The main thing the game has going is that the Eikon fights are huge spectacles, but between them you have hours and hours of boring, FFXIV MSQ style questing.
The side content is objectively better than the main quest, althoughbeit.
I'm not sure if this is supposed to be a parody or not.
>playing XVI
>little brother can turn into.the Phoenix
>the fucking PHOENIX
>they expect the player to take it seriously when he """'"dies"""
so its slop, got it
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Let me get this straight, some of you are actually seeing the story for the first time through Zepla and reacting here?
everyone was universally kneeling to belgians that year
There were threads here every day about XVI for months before and after release
It's a storygame so people aren't going to play it forever obviously
it's a ps5 exclusive, so it may as well not exist. square enix is just endlessly, psychotically desperate to make sure all of their products fail
That seems to be the cope or "covering own back" argument every single personality, streamer or reviewer uses. "Wuk Lamat is fine as a character, it's just the story that doesn't use her well". Which is a fucking stupid argument because that would apply to literally anything in existence. You can introduce a character and say they're a good, cordial person, but if then the character only acts like an asshole who does bad things for no reason and with no narrative payoff or purpose, and that's literally the only thing that character is in, then you can't fucking say "it's the story's fault". The character is just shit.

For comparison, the story didn't misuse Wuk Lamat. It misused the Scions, which is why everyone can tell "the Scions were horribly ooc this expansion" and not "Wuk Lamat is horribly ooc this expansion". Because this is literally the only character we've ever seen Wuk Lamat have, and it's terrible.
It feels like doing 20 hours of aether current sidequests. Cutscenes have the exact same camera angles and canned animations even. I was getting visions of XIV visuals as I was playing.
I was taught percentages by the greatest sages of Tuliyollal.
We still talk about it almost every single week, althoughever.
>literal collect 8 midnight penoy slop
What is wrong with you?
Being the obsession of a personality cult made up of secondaries that doesn't care about the quality of the product has definitely gone to his head. This is probably the first expansion that has completely failed to learn and improvise from what WoW is doing, the best they could fucking do is put a tiny bit of tilt on SOME of the flying mount to try and trick the player into thinking that there's momentum involved
I'm talking about the DLCs
Nah I beat the msq a while ago
I just love seeing people get annoyed by woke lemutt's constant retardation
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Maybe? Either way, don't stick your dick in crazy.
Speak the Wuk Lamat NOW!!!!!!!!!
Something like 70% of the threads were, and I'm not lying when I say this, posted by Barry to shit on the game. /v/'s genuine interest in XVI dwindled quite quickly.
wonder how he feels about the dawntrail metacritic scores then, lmao
It got completely overshadowed by BG3.
Nobody because it's locked to PS5. I don't know who is more retarded, SE for locking it up like that or the people trying to compare it's sales to other games that are on systems people actually own.
it has really cool boss fights followed by 10 hours of boring padding until the next cool boss fight
how doomed is the game if 7.1 msq turns out to be shit
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>Zepla went beyond tears and hate and just laughs at it now
Owari da...
You will call her lamaty'i.
HUH the hairclip actually checks out... that is a milf meeting.
holy shit it really is ffxiv
BG3 came out the following month and reminded everyone turnbased doesn't mean JRPG snoozefest
I've been saying this for a while now, but Yoshida is the Churchill of game development.
He was the right guy to lead the game during War times (1.0-ARR) but a fucking terrible Peace time (HW-DT) leader.
CS3 really needs a regime change.
you're never gonna see any streamer criticize Wuk or her VA for obvious reasons
The funny part is that he doesn't even revive with Phoenix magic. He just never died in the first place and was hiding under rubble after his transformation wore off. The ninjas who were supposed to be guarding him his whole life and were conspicuously absent during the night of the massacre while their charge was about to be killed luckily got off their smoke break and spirited him away while Clive wasn't looking.
Some retard told them it NEEDED to be 30-40 hours of content. The game would have been so much better trimmed down to 15 hours without the padding.
Living Memory is very Nomuraesque
X.1 is already written before X.0 releases, by the same writers. This was why 6.1 was so good, even though it was just a random adventure following up a super awesome conclusion, it was written by the talented EW writers. It was only 6.2 and beyond that was written by the slop writer
I was like that too. Especially in the final zone. She just butts in on everything.
Keep Yoshida as the producer and PR guy because he's great at keeping people on task and is a masterful marketer, but hand the in the weeds game director job off to somebody else.
These kind of objectives are also in the main quest, albeit (with Ash being the exception to the rule). Sidequests are where actual characterisation happen (and where most of the ensemble cast get their arcs and conclusions -> Byron, Torgal, Harpocrates etc.), actual in-game consequences happen (Lostwing falling to Primogenesis) and are generally far more thematically consistent to the world than Ultima twirling his mustache.
More wuk wanking confirmed
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i started playing last month and holy shit the localization is awful, im playing with Jap voices and the text does not match up at all, is there a mod that fixes this?
owari da
More like Wank Lamat M I RITE?
nah, stuff like clive sr.'s will and that revenge-seeking judge were terrible
>holding dps to have favorable boss phasing or cooldowns
Yes, having to plan out DPS is way more engaging than the 2 minute on cooldown slop in the current game
You fucking nu-14 faggots would shit your pants and run away crying if you had to do anything like T2 or T7 these days.
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Yeah at this point it's painfully obvious that 6.1 to 6.2 is where Ishikawa stepped out.

Btw that means Ishikawa is the reason we got Froth and Foam so APOLOGIZE FUJO ACCUSERS.
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6.1 was probably the writers given free reign to just do something fun with characters of their choice, so they took Y'shtola and Estinien who badly needed some time to shine. Turns out if you just let characters breath you get some fantastic results.
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Nope, better buckle up and learn what they're saying in jap since it only gets worse the farther you go.
>6.1 was so good
compared to the Zero and Wuk show, yes.
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So Alexandria, and thus Solution 9 are left effectively leaderless, with no government by the end of the MSQ?
>scroll thread
>off topic dragon ball posts
>they aren't funny
>scroll thread
>written by the talented EW writers.
all I recall seeing for years is how everything in endwalker sucks storywise. final days only effecting india/garlemald and nowhere else, twitter bird being responsible for everything in every previous expansion, zodiark jobs in 83 trial, OBVIOUSLY they forced two expansions into one, muh garlemald done a disservice for more ancientwank fuck you fujokawa, hydalyn wasn't le bad after all like shadowbringers was totally implying she was, extremely forced ff4 reference party member sacrifice scenes in ultima thule that are immdately revived right afterwards, how the trailer/5.5 implied fourchan was gonna be a badguy but then actually all of sharalyan is completely good and on your side after a misunderstanding is cleared up, boring moon rabbit filler on both the moon itself and in labirithios that goes against the tone of the apocalypse happening, literally every single part of the MSQ I saw people shitting on it in threads here and other places when 6.0 came out and they continued to shit on it for 6.1-6.5
Why do I get this feeling we'll get both Zero and Wuk in the patches. Hiroi please don't
Yepp, meaning we will spend until 7.3 dealing with whatever trite bullshit to fix that. I want to leave Tural...
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Her video of shitting on DT will be pure kino and Yoshida will cry, again. It's gonna be so fucking good.
if you can already understand japanese you might as well just play with japanese text, the localization is extra bad in dawntrail too i've noticed.
Don't you see bro? It was great!
I loved saving the universe only to get scammed by an indian again! Wasn't it great that we also turned down this treasure, like the amazing patch 4.1?
Yshtola got hit on the head by a book too! xD
Who would hog the most cutscene time?
Who would join the other's harem?
They have to be slash and burning that shit right now, No voice acting in the patch would be a give away
Imagine a world where we got an entire post patch quest series of the Wo( just kind of dicking around with the Scions in 6.1-6.5 and all the Void horseshit was cordoned off into the trial series like it was clearly meant to be.
No, Solution 9 now has a a puppet figurehead controlled by a rival leader nation
Just like real South America!
its very easy to plan out your DPS when your dps consists of 3-4 buttons and some cross class generic damage buffs because the optimal strategy is to just not use half the moves your class has due to them being numerically dogshit compared to just pressing your 123
World of Warcraft

62.3K Viewers
why did they toss away the chance for something interesting and just set us with koana?
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>So Hiroi san... you say 7.1 MSQuru... is carred... Wukfound Adventure...
Remember how in ARR every rotation basically turned into a priority order because you had to always adapt it to RNG mechanics, downtime, DPS-dependent phase timings and so on? I miss that so fucking much, it made the combat actually feel like you were interacting with the enemies in some way.
Nowadays everyone wants to learn a striking dummy rotation and never be forced to do anything but the striking dummy rotation on loop in all content. If a savage raid has forced downtime or, god forbid, RNG DOWNTIME, a million screeching fflogs addicts will throw a titanic tantrum lasting months.
E6S forced these retards to hold some cooldowns during the Garuda phase and the playerbase overreacted to the degree that the devs spent all of the next expansion making bosses have bigger and bigger hitboxes.
>set up challenge where you get paired with another contestant
>recognize the obvious thing, contestants will get paired with people they have friction with to encourage plot conflict and lead to natural character growth
>each characters gets paired with the least interesting person they already get along with
i just.....
has the writer never read a story before? my prose is fanfiction.net tier and even I can recognize the obvious play here
>final days only effecting india/garlemald and nowhere else,
everybody who bitches about this paid no attention in shadowbringers btw
That would be really funny
uhhh they have the power of peace and friendship, hello...??
>no you see we wrote the story so that we don't have to make final days versions of everywhere in the world, just the new zones, isn't that convenient =)
They fuse into Zuk Leero, white furred hrothgar reaper denied her hat
>Shadowbaby literally lying about ARR rotations.
ARR DRG literally had more individual keybinds in its single-target rotation than DT DRG does.
I do wish DPS was more like healer, where instead of having a rotation, you have a bunch of situational tools, a wide expansive kit to use at your discretion
im new to xiv tho, was it like that once?
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What will be the first thing he says next live letter?
zoraal ja or bakool ja ja would be even bigger plot dead ends, neither of them have any interest in the contest, this includes sareel ja who basically speaks for zoraal ja
And it was still more interesting than what we have today. Goes to show how shit the combat is now.
Hope you're enjoying your fancy finisher buttons this expansion that add nothing to the game, I'm sure it will get better in 8.0 like they promised.
it's going to be a silent, flat video of him cutting open his own stomach and spilling his guts onto the floor
i remember when EW finished i thought we'd be spending some time helping garlemald get back on their feet and try to get gaius installed but alas, we got to speedrun fixing an entire reflection with a castrated vrtra instead
the point is that wuk lamat would have to work with someone who she hates, she would have to learn how to cooperate with people that don't like her.....you know, something a leader has to do all the time......and the whole story is about HER GROWING TO BE A GOOD LEADER
consistency with existing rules BAD the stakes must be RAISED
Honto honto Gomenasai
If you believe this then you are just as much of a shitty writer as Hiroi is.
>Mining aethersand nodes in the forest area
>Botany aethersand nodes in the volcanic area
Who designed this? Are they stupid?
>Wasn't it great that we also turned down this treasure,
It was quite literally Vrtra's gold reserve, why the fuck would we take it.
a year's worth of patch cycles is us being Wuk Lamat's errand boy trying to patch up Alexandria. This is a worse case scenario
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The sippy cup was made by an Azem shard

And it will be an evil WoL (an actual evil WoL, not just Ardbert LARPing as evil)
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It is very funny that now they introduced PCT, which can actually take advantage of downtime unlike the other classes, it is absolutely annihilating the content.
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>it's not the VA it's the character
I'm so tired of people sucking the tranny dick. It's both.
It's obviously not ALWAYS great (I didn't really care for that one turkish guy's death), but it plays far closer to the strengths of XVI's narrative than the last third of the main quest, on top of being more focused on character moments. Gav finding solace in that woman he saves from Ash, Dion and Harpocrates, Clive being victim (and failing to escape) of his own cycle of revenge in facing one of Hugo's soldiers are moments I remember in far greater regard than any Clive / Ultima scene.
tranny game
wuk lamat will be his second no doubt
we're talking about two character pairings that would refuse to work with her at all, the only difference changing this around would make is stunting koana's leaving the contest and giving zoraal ja or bakool ja ja a keystone for a challenge they canonically lost because they had no interest in following the history lesson, else they would have found the box of banana leaves. like it or not the way it actually went is the strongest way it could have gone for everyone involved, the two antagonists lose because they didn't play along in the way the village wanted and koana is left doing a discord thinking emoji about what the contest is doing for them as people
>4.1 treasure hunting dungeon
>let's give it all to rhe Ala Mhigans cause they need it :^)
No no no fuck Mhiggers they deserve nothing give me the fucking money goddammit
unironically kino marketing stunt
something something smarr company prease understand something something we wirr do better something something prease rook forward to 7.x
>3-4 buttons.
DRG GCD rotation on a striking dummy was:
Heavy Thrust >Impulse Drive >Disembowel >Chaos Thrust > Phlebotomize >True Thrust > Vorpal Thrust > Full Thrust > Heavy Thrust > True Thrust > Vorpal Thrust > Full Thrust > Phlebotomize > Impulse Drive >Disembowel >Chaos Thrust > Heavy Thrust > True Thrust > Vorpal Thrust > Full Thrust > Phlebotomize > True Thrust > Vorpal Thrust > Full Thrust.
This isn't including off-gcds, which included:
>Leg sweep, Jump, Spineshatter Dive, Power Surge, Life Surge, Blood for Blood, Internal Release.
This doesn't look like 4 buttons to me, lying newfag shitter.
if your static's caster isn't taking PCT they're full on trolling
a green parsing PCT does more damage than the max recorded parse of BLM, let alone the other casters

watch as week 1 PF locks out the other caster slots
They have whatever day to day government they had before but now there's a kid in the 'king' seat that probably isn't actually necessary for anything important besides access to the back rooms full of shady experimental shit.
focusing on the VA is a groyper strawman
he will do a goatse and foxclon will take a shit in his ass for releasing yawnfail
I absolute LOVE that this is happening, because that means if another writer comes in and fixes it, we'll still have the tranny back doing more voices
So PCT is getting nerfed for savage, right? They wouldn't just fuck over BLM mains like that, right?
>Patch 7.1 Requires completion of " Alexander - The Soul of the Creator"
>Stop damage: the fight
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Nigga what the fuck does that even mean???
The voice actor did a terrible job and the character was an already terrible foundation below him.
If he could he would already be doing that anon. People like to RP that they understand the language cuz they can recognize a few anime lines here and there. Always take the "I can't read but boy do I sure understand everything from the JP voices" posts with a grain of salt.
they've fucked over other jobs before
why would blm be any different
>ARR combat gets mentioned.
>Shadowbabies immediately crawl out of the woodwork to shit on ARR.
>They immediately expose themselves because their criticisms are based on a complete lack of knowledge of what ARR was actually like.
This happens way more often than it should.
The benefit of separated normal/savage raids is that they get 8-man performance data 2 weeks in advance, so they absolutely know that picto is fuckin killing it. I'm certain it's not the first time an overperforming job was adjusted for savage, but I don't want to go back and check.
woah when did mrbrappy get skinny?
>Flare Star disappears if you're forced to go into ice for whatever reason
>a green parsing PCT does more damage than the max recorded parse of BLM
Considering the current state of BLM, that's not impressive.
>ARR DRG literally had more individual keybinds in its single-target rotation than DT DRG does.
true thrust/voral thrust/leg sweep/heavy thrust/life surge/invigorate/full thrust/blood for blood/disembowel/chaos thrust/jump/spineshatter/dragonfire + internal release. no you weren't using fracture or feint shut the fuck up the tp/time spent applying it meant other shit fell off so it was never worth it. 14 unique keybinds and thats including the generic damage buffs/tp restore that you mash on cooldown.

true thrust/spiral blow/chaotic spring/lance barage/heavens thrust/fang and claw/wheeling thrust/wyrmwind thrust/geirskogul/high jump/dragonfire/stardiver/life surge/litany/lance charge. 15 keybinds.
You literal retard, it's not about the end result. It's about being able to actually see and develop interactions and see how the characters handle each other in such a situation to understand them better than the limpdick shit we got.
how does she have the balls that everyone else lacks? no one else dares say anything to yoship and constantly suck him off
>we're talking about two character pairings that would refuse to work with her at all
And instantly every other point you have is discardable. The entire point should've been this entirely and you can't even say that they would refuse to work with her because you literally have no basis for this. Bakool Ja Ja ends up working with Lamat anyway and Zoraal Ja didn't like Bakool Ja Ja in the slightest but still cooperated with him.
>you do one combo, then another combo, also you hit ogcds/buffs on cooldown

literally how drg still plays in current year, you picked the worst possible class to make this point with
i'm still not understanding
there have been jobs that were demonstrably awful for a couple of tiers before getting bandaids
I like fights that force me to stop damage or require me to be creative in figuring out a way to keep doing damage while evading mechanics.
She's a woman, she has a built in deflector shield for true criticism
You missed your post positional and dropped your tagged reply combo
Who did you mean to reply to?
Make sure you get a personal single target Adlo, the raidwide thread deletion might ban you as Dragoon
RDM/SMN are the designated prog casters for the first 3 floors.
Assuming balance stays the same then yeah you should absolutely take a PCT to the last floor.
The alphabet mafia already hates her so she doesn't have to pretend to like it as to not offend leftist viewers.
Learning to work with people who hate you should have been the whole point. That's even what the fucking history lesson was. Is this the real Hiroi I'm replying to?
>ignoring Rise of the Dragon and Starcrossed
You could get him with those technically too
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>"Your society doesn't mesh with my own views so I gotta genocide your people Sphene"
you prog on a res caster. its better to see farther into a fight/practice later mechanics, then swap to picto once the res isn't needed anymore and you're up against enrage
given he specifically said "unique keybinds" and not raw APM I assumed all the moves that turn into other moves are out even if you can make them unique keybinds instead
This discussion was originally about raid design. The argument is that old raid design forced you to plan and adapt your rotation based on DPS-based phasing, RNG downtime, etc. Someone argued that this didn't matter and because "ARR classes only had 4 buttons", the implication being that Dawntrail jobs are too complex to have ARR-style raid design. What I prove here is that ARR classes had plenty of buttons AND you had to adapt how you used those buttons based on the fight and on random factors.
You missed phlebotomize and power surge, 16 keybinds, 1 more than Dawntrail.
Therefore "Dawntrail has too many keybinds for us to ever again go back to ARR/HW-era encounter design philosophy" is simply wrong, ARR had equivalent or more keybinds.
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lil nigga mooj
Do PLD tanks require more babysitting than the other tanks in dungeons or raids?
So a self-admitted white "woman" is stealing minority roles why?
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WARs do because they're the most played tank and thus the skill range is wider.
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>storyfags gone
>casuals told to fuck off
someone explain to be the business sense in throwing away the old two cards you had over your competition
she gets paysimps even when she streams variety

the real enigma is Xeno who can live off react streams forever but continues sucking yoshi p cock
>casuals told to fuck off
we don't go back to heavensward job design because you literally had the playerbase fighting with each other because of retarded job shit and some jobs being almost completely shafted because of it, the solution is obviously a middle ground between what we have now and what we had before
Furry and tranny whaling.
They fixed these problems with Dragoon in 2.45. Also I was merely using Dragoon as an example because it's the one ARR rotation I completely remember.
ARR had its own flaws and jank, but the idea that ARR was some dogshit baby game with 4 button rotations is completely wrong. Specially if this is used as an argument as to why we shouldn't have DPS-based phases, reaction-based mechanics, priority order rotations, etc. now.
On the contrary PLD requires the least babysitting because it has the only invuln that requires 0 healer cooperation meaning it gets an additional big cooldown.
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tbs may as well not exist with their new 30%
raids being .2% harder is not gonna make you piss and shit yourself fag, theres a reason why people are farming aglaia for xp right now and thats because they made everything in endwalker so fucking easy with literally 0 hp
This is 50% of the reason Kate cast Sena. The other half being to fluff up her own faghag ego.
fair tbհ
You realize in American Hispanics are all considered white, right? It’s not on a census form.
So, Stormblood.
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why is he so perfect bros
This is a discussion about raid design though. Raid design before Stormblood had elements that have been gone for ages now. You could push phases faster by doing more DPS, you had a lot more RNG with mechanics, you had a lot more target-switching and adds. These all made you adapt your rotation based on a priority order, whereas nowadays you just loop your striking dummy rotation for 9 minutes until the boss dies.
Job design only came up because some retard claimed that ARR could only get away with this design philosophy because ARR jobs only had 3 buttons.
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i miss tp, aggro management and non-decorative mana bars
yeah basically
oh well i don't disagree with that, im a big advocate for shit like random damage and bringing back boss crits and shit like that, more rng is good.
For dungeons I'd say DRK, but it's minor because this game wildly overtunes tanks to be way too self sufficient.
why'd they make him king what's wrong with them, leave the kid alone
Based Zepla
Deliver us from Poochie hell
GNB do because they're often too caught up in their CUH-RAYZEE combo to mitigate or stun.
He is my son
>casuals told to fuck off
They took the insanely dumbed-down jobs from Endwalker (themselves a dumbed-down version of Shadowbringers' easy-as-shit jobs) and casualized them even further. Stupid frog.
>Wuk is what would've happened to Alphinaud if for some reason his Crystal Braves bullshit went through
No, Alphinaud was way more careful and organized when her petitioned to start the Crystal braves, he was way more educated about politics and diplomacy so even though he was young he still had a way more ground views about national affairs than Wuk lamat. The only reason his Crystal braves failed, is quite literally because of Lalajews being Lalajews and it was only because of that.
Stormblood had adds during uptime
Stormblood had target switching
HP pushes enable very retarded skips or worse, repeating mechanics so it's a good thing they are gone from savage.
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He hired a known traitor.
they literally did nothing this expansion for like 99% of jobs, yoshi literally stated in fanfest that all experimenting it going into battle content to have more friction, 8.0 is the job design rework.
>your father that resented and hated you for all your life is dead... you MUST continue his legacy as KING, you are NOT free!!
What the fuck is wrong with japs?
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>prease continue praying for 2 more years
he's a genius, all right
Alphinaud didn't even recruit him, WoL does for some reason and we can't even tell him to fuck off because WoL canonically forgot him.
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Y'shtola would be improved by a thousand times if she was a loli.
Right now she's just boring and unappealing.
well the battle content is a lot more fun so at least they weren't kidding about that, if the savage and ultimate is good i can hold out for another 2 years
You did tell raubahn to execute these faggots right? What a bunch of retards
he's a white dude from kentucky
he's about as hispanic as gas station sushi is authetic japanese cuisine
Nothing keeping people from unsubbing until that rework goes live
If FFXIV went back to ARR/HW style raid design with RNG mechanics and phase pushing based on DPS, we would go through a several month long parsefag apocalypse in party finder, with endless drama caused by fflogs addicts deliberately causing wipes because they got tagged in a downtime mechanic, or because phases got pushed in a way that's unfavorable to their personal DPS.
It would be funny for a bit, but there would be a ton of blacklisting to do.
He is literally Latinx, specifically puerto rican
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What do you think the chances are that he has a mental breakdown like his dad?
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>she finishes the cutscene
>appear outside
>Dawntrail: Speak to Wuk Lamat
>she breaks down completely
Just made it to living memory
You faggots lied to me. Everything after Texas is pure kino

The zone music is destroying me
he might have done that pre-SHB, but now he'd give them some kind of job to learn their lesson
>this damage control over accidentally admitting he's a whitoid
Hello Sena.
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Shut the fuck up about your e-celebrity, you keep posting about her in every thread around this time, nobody cares. Nobody asked about her, nobody cares about her opinion beyond MSQ shitposting. Your purpose in life isn't to stay on her dick until you die nigga. E-celebs are a cancer
>He is literally Latinx
He is a fake term made up by Americans to pretend they're ethnic for diversity points, you're right.
Keep going.
Who the fuck is Zepla?
>You realize in American Hispanics are all considered white
??????????????????????? maybe if youre columbian but no one is calling mexicans or fucking peurto ricans/dominicans white
ooo tranny having a melty
Hogwarts Legacy won, sweaty
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another former wow eceleb streamer
>Latinx pretending saying they are white
It’s literally THE most Hispanic activity possible, what is bro yapping about. There’s basically two entire boards centered around this
Dawntrail felt like an attempt to try and create a weird meta parallel between the game and it's online presence as this watch-along game for streamers who get audiences that want to relive their own MSQ experience through them.
The WoL is thus turned into twitch chat, just standing off to the side and serving primarily as a spectator in Wuk's journey through the story. With that in mind I think the naming of the song as 'Smile' is very intentional given the way that emote is used by said viewers.
>He's shitposting about eceleb lore and expecting us to understand it.
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When did the grifters become this powerful?
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Should have never catered to those mouthbreathers anyway. I want to play an MMO, I do not want to play a single player game that occasionally has multiplayer dance choreography where certain effete dancers will get upset if you haven't rehearsed the performance extensively beforehand.
There could be a version of her like that on another Reflection.

Get that bullshit outta my face you fuckin' simp, ain't nobody on that internet celebrity bullshit.
I was literally just talking about this with someone today. I miss older raid style thar relied more on having to adapt to the situation. This obsession with 2 minute burst window makes for the most mind numbing content.
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>WoL has to go fight the big bad alone again
>everyone looks at Alisaie expecting her to get pissed
>no one is calling mexicans or fucking peurto ricans/dominicans white
Uh bro? Have you ever filled out a government form?
>White, Black, Native American/Alaska Native, Asian, and Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander

Those are literally the races the US recognizes internally including on the census. Hispanics are counted as white
uh oh these seething immediate replies
embarrassing meltdown
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>DT made it canon Alisaie has a cuckquean fetish
This is what happens when you give the everyperson a means to rate media.
>"Don't listen to the haters it's not bad, 10/10 to balance it out"
>"This is so overrated, 1/10"
>3/4 of one alliance dead, including healers
>none of them say anything
TALK you zoomer fucks
>Uh bro? Have you ever filled out a government form?
you pick hispanic, at least where i live.
I did, but I also told him to execute Fordola and she's still fucking alive.
this might be a stupid complain, but I hate the fact they use big zones and only includes like 1 zone. Othard feels like it got wasted by having just 3 zones in it. Eorzea have like 16 different zones and feels like a continent
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>when Dawntroons say the dungeons are better but run Aglaia instead
>2 minutes come up when the boss is 1% from phase transition
>parsies seethe, wipe, and disband because they couldn't push before 2m were up
I could see this causing a ton of drama with how autistic this community is about parses.
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>commit thousands of hours and dollars to game
>yoshitpiss take a big fat shit on it
>"why are you mad?"
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Laurentius wasn't even the problem. He would have been fine. if not for Yuyuhase who was lolorito's plant handling everything for Ilberd yo be ready to commence his coup.
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So this is a white man wearing Hispanic culture and Women's trauma like it's his own?
For shame.
I directly copy pasted the options on federal government forms. Hispanic is recognized as an ethnicity in the US, not a race. If you choose “Hispanic” as your ethnicity you are counter as white. The other option for ethnicity would be “Non-white Hispanic”
The phase pushing could be a headache, but I liked it overall. It was something to adapt to that provided at least a little bit of situational awareness. 120 second burst windows are not a good alternative.
i'd do them on dps if the queues weren't ass
>actually defending a ZOG government trying to push an agenda that spics = white
Jesus christ dude, you definitely ask "how high?" when told to jump.
I agree with you and I honestly would love it if we could have that style of fight and combat design again. I detest how nowadays the combat doesn't feel like combat. Bosses don't start doing different mechanics because your DPS is too high, they position themselves, they always do the same script and target the same people with mechanics. Tab-target combat is already abstracted to a degree, but nuFFXIV doesn't even feel like combat sometimes.
for whatever reason the US government always asks your race and then asks if you're hispanic separately and that's how it works on the census too
>on her period
didn't ruin the pic for me for some reason. I don't like the way her ass is shaped though
It’s an objective fact that Sena would be counted as a white hispanic
>Faster queues and more XP
>Why would they do these raids instead of waiting 30 minutes
>gay trans woman
Why are they always this?
The bird has been following me around since 6.1. No other minion counts.
solution 9 sucks
its so big that everything feels empty
See my post here
Hispanic isn’t classified as a race according the US government but an ethnicity.
allied society bros...
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>RNG mechanics and phase pushing based on DPS, we would go through a several month long parsefag apocalypse in party finder
We already had this in Abyssos with the split timelines fo A8S landing the two minutes at different points and the parsefags had their predictable meltdown
idk but it's hilarious seeing lesbians' reactions
He's 100% American, born and raised. That nigga can't say a word of Spanish to save his life.
Yeah, because he's like 1/16th Cuban or whatever lmao Just because the census makers want to destroy the white race doesn't mean it's correct
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>queue alliance raid for the materia
>it's aglaia again
>retards sprint between every boss and kill everything as fast as possible
>all fun mechanics skipped
>nothing hits hard
>20 minutes of static
Do these people actually enjoy playing this game? Are these the same people who turbogrind all jobs to max within a month and then complain there's nothing to do?
They consider Arabs White and Indians Asians, they are patently fucking retarded and nobody should ever endorse or defend them.
How low can we go?
Damn. Japs are pissed.
>That nigga can't say a word of Spanish to save his life.
Are you even American? That’s most 2nd or 3rd gen spics in American. The Hispanics in American either don’t speak English at all or don’t speak Spanish at all.
they forgot how to design good cities after ARR
>what does grpyper mean just let me complain about HIM
i dont think colloquially anyone is going to call a spanish person white, and the only cases where that does happen are cubans.
We live in an allied society.
Hispanic, like jew, is one of those nebulous racial categories that are either races or not races depending on the context the leftist psychopaths need at the time.
For example when it's time to galvanize anti-white grievance politics then it's a race. When it's time to talk about muh black oppression then it's an ethnicity.
I’ve come to realise I haven’t enjoyed anything XIV related since me and Zenos punched each other at the edge of creation. The Omicron tribe quest and Myths of the realm were the only thing I’ve enjoyed from the game in the last two years. I just hadn’t accepted it yet.
That's right. They're American.
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Mechanics stop being fun when you see them for the 50th time while leveling jobs.
the census lists egyptian and lebanese as examples of white people, I don't think the government's idea of race lines up with the average person's
holy schizo mode, maybe wuk was right you need to eat a taco.
But it is correct and Sena would be considered castizo, which is still Hispanic
Is groyper the new chud or something because you finally realized chud wasn't working? Sena is a man by the way.
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what did he say?
Idyllshire and Sharlayan were perfect though. The Crystarium had nice market and crafting areas but the rest sucked. Definitely need to make hubs smaller. Mor Dhona was nice too, now that I think about it.
Which one is the good one for XP?
Stay in school.
I don't know what the issue is with you people. This is 100% a white woman.
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>RNG mechanics and phase pushing based on DPS,
This caused such a huge shift towards meta comps and DPS racing, it was the most parse meta toxic part of the game's life cycle
Skip Soar or disband was the peak before they changed things so you couldn't skip mechanics
I bet his cracker ass says shit like tor-tiLah and kay-sa-dillah or JA-LA-PenO and he probably calls soda pop.
it's just him realizing erenville is black and calling him what you would think
>i dont think colloquially anyone is going to call a spanish person white
Every mother fucker in south america calls themselves white even if they are black as tar
>with the tias
this is genuinely the whitest spanish person in existence
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>What?!? Are you kidding me?
>Are you shitting me?!?
>What the fuck is this shit
>Even in the final trial?!?
>Wuk, just stop, just stop, let me enjoy the damn fight
>I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I can't
>She just had to make it about her, girl, I didn't even bring you here
>I cannot believe they did this(shit)
She's too based for this game lmao
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>"man this raid sure is boring after doing it 50 times for fast leveling"
>"must be the raid's fault"
>Did you know that despite being 13% of the Eorzean population, Lalafells hold 51% of the realm's total wealth?
There's no way to make your fifth job's leveling enjoyable, and people want the role quests done.
You seem like you don't play the game.
If someone who wasn't a tranny said this shit about food truck ladies, they would've been crucified
He's definitely the type to overpronounce any Mexican food to try and appear authentic.
Fun fact: crunchy tacos with 'salad' in them is an American thing, not Mexican.
Government forms usually have a "Are you Hispanic: Yes or No" checkbox off to the side for whatever reason.
thats cause they are retarded and the
conversation was about NA specifically
t. hispanic
Aglaia was always underwhelming, unfortunately. First time aside, of course.
What a retard.
He's a terrible VA and brought an already terrible character down further.
You still haven't explained what the fuck a groyper is.
>No other minion counts.
I've been using the goober sproutling ever since I got it way back in ARR. That lil nigga is more dear to me than any scion.
who are you quoting?
>People who suddenly bust out a Mexican accent but ONLY when speaking a Spanish word in the middle of an English sentence
>Wuk takes it upon herself to name the shard
Oh fuck off
Does DRK suck now..?
The problem isn't wuk lamat learning that lesson the problem is the other side of the equation.
If we went with Anon's version of events that are definitely so much better than the lukewarm version we got already we'd get one of two things:
1) Wuk gets paired with Zoraal ja. He spouts some shit about strength and goes off to get the meat. The team takes their time learning history and doing things right, Zoraal/Sareel ja complains that Koana (bullied into doing all the world by Bakool Ja ja) finished first but oops he used a techno oven and didn't get the banana leaves yadda yadda so Wuk and Zoraal ja win. Thancred and Urianger allowed this to happen without stepping in either because plot or maybe we can wring a 'teaching moment' out of it, sure whatever.
2) Wuk gets paired with Bakool ja ja, our team has to play nerds to his high school bully act and do all the homework and the rest of it goes pretty much the same. The only reason Bakool ja ja ever learns to work with Wuk is because she kicked his ass in a straight fight which shattered the glass house that was his confidence which doesn't happen until after the contest.
Ultimately Wuk Lamat can't learn to work with someone she hates if the person in question doesn't also play ball which is very clearly what would have happened.
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HORSE _____
Unironically, yes. A cleave going left OR right isn't exciting and engaging content. Boss mechanics need to have way more variety to them and definitely need to stop happening in order every time. Why can't a boss open with their unique mechanic? Why can't it randomly do 3 tank busters in a row? Shit is so fucking boring. FISHING should not be more interesting than your main content.
Then don't level fucking everything at once you clod. Stop forcing yourself to do boring things and then complain about how boring it is. I normally wouldn't care, but I get roped into your clownery when I just want an interesting raid that I haven't done 50 million times.
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He can't speak spanish, grew up in Kentucky, and his mom is literally pure aryan stock from Germany

Any native spanish speaker will tell you his accent is fake as fuck

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I love catgirl Casca
I wonder if pyromancer will try to defend wuktrail.
And your suggestion is to, what? Not level? Do a slower raid/dungeon/etc. that'll make leveling even more boring?
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>only have 13 dps jobs compared to wows 26 dps specs
>cant even balance them better despite homogenization and only providing full uptime single target encounters
NTA but groypers is just what /pol/ posters that worship e celebs call themselves.
Yeah you definitely ain’t American the types of people who say pop tend to put a ridiculous faux ethnic accent when pronouncing foreign words
It was fine in ARR, honestly. It became a problem in Heavensward because Heavensward was atrociously unbalance and the devs barely cared to buff the worst underperformers, focusing instead on a buff arms race between BRD and MCH that eventually led to casters falling off the meta entirely, because BRD and MCH were so strong you'd just bring both.
>Why can't it randomly do 3 tank busters in a row?
Do you like raids just randomly wiping to something they can't do anything about?
Red Mage bros.....
did we ever cure her mom
puerto ricans are not real people
t. dominican
Everyone with this in their name is mentally ill and hates humanity, what does it mean?
Only 51%? No way.
that difference is probably like 500 dps, so pretty irrelevant
LMAO fucking casual retard
She's gonna get Hiroi killed. Yoshida has admitted he watches English streamers going through story...
>He can't speak spanish
Like every single second gen or later spic
>grew up in Kentucky
There’s considerable Hispanic population in a majority of the continental US
>fake as fuck accent
See above.
Unironically, yes. Take your time and you'll have more to look forward to. They really should make leveling outside of MSQ a far more involved experience so people can actually have specialities instead of everyone being expected omni-role.
>Dude just sub for another four months so you can level things slowly!
You don't pay my sub.
>people prefer old content over dawnshart
raids should do things that require the party or individuals to react in same way shape or form thats what boss crits did. things shouldn't always just happen on a timeline, eventually it gets boring.
>don't level fucking everything at once you clod
Yeah everyone should keep paying for this joke expansion every month
>and then complain about how boring it is
>I just want an interesting raid that I haven't done 50 million times
You don't play the game. I see.
If your tank can't take 3 busters in a row he's a shitter and if that wipes you, you deserve it, simple as.
>the players learns about zarool ja's inferiority complex through his interacting with wuk lamat and bakool ja ja's superiority complex via koana/the archons so both reveals don't feel like asspulls
holy shit you're right it would have been way better
What's wrong with saying tias? Spicbros please explain.
it's the palestine flag, you can just block anyone who got that watermelon shit in their name
Why would you post a pic of cDPS? Ever?
that sounds great though?
>party wiping due to three tbs
how dogshit is your static?
It's the Yugioh class, dummy.
I am way more American than you, we call soda, soda. People who call it pop are weird. People who call everything coke are retarded.
No. Death is a release not a punishment. Send them to the salt mines.
Bahamut frequently does this in T13 and they're all instant and untelegraphed.
>leveling roulette
>get any pre 50 dungeon
>open task manager and end process
Honestly, I just do my 3 beast quests a day for whatever level range I'm in, then a Frontline and maybe a few FATEs. No point in burning out just to see a bunch of numbers hit 100. Besides, if you're actually doing Extremes and Savages, you can't gear more than 1 or 2 jobs at a time anyway.
because its the most comprehensive metric of how powerful a job is?
>Raids should just randomly wipe you and waste tons of your time
You do realize raids are normal mode content?
That's completely unfair and would make your runs either piss easy or ass rapingly brutal depending on RNG.
The average player isn't looking to play Elden Ring in Final Fantasy, that's too hard for the average person.
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Hey. Shut up.
theres nothing wrong with saying tias, i've called my aunt tia since i was a baby, it's just the phrasing of the sentence is the spanish equivalent of
>i'm somewhat of a nigga myself
just trying way too hard
Nah her mom's a used up mindbroke breeding whore for the Amalj'aa cock
And people fucking hate Coils.
>N-not me!
Nobody cares about a contrarian on /v/.
>People who call it pop are weird
Yes, and they pronounce foreign words with a fake accent to be “authentic”.
>people who say coke are retarded
Those are the people who say Kay say dillas
It's actually tías, but a buger RPing as a Latin American would never get it right.
>that's too hard for the average person
Great, that's what I want. Get fucked in the ass, please.
>Yeah everyone should keep paying for this joke expansion every month
Why the fuck would you want to level everything in a game you're not going to be subbed to? Retard
Actually lol'd nice comprehension
>You don't play the game
Oh yes the game was never good or interesting that's why you're here ohohoho
What? People loved Coils in ARR.
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Ad Hominem in place of an argument. Yup yup, you've lost.
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>And people fucking hate Coils.
Endbryo, this is sad.
you gotta give more context, Groypers are a group of people exist to discredit the legitimacy of certain views and opinions by going off on tangents that make the side they are on seem retarded. So when we tell you focusing on the Tranny va as the sole reason Dawntrail is bad, that's groyper tier shit and it makes people disregard the ACTUAL problems wrong with Dawntrail.
It's funny because this stull carried over into SB
Remember Ninja, Dragoon, Bard and Machinist parties?
don't be so offended dude, the taco truck people in my town tries to teach me spanish words when I order from them
very funny seeing the use of soda in wisconsin emanating out of milwaukee
Bro you're coping so fucking hard to defend your crush who's like 95% white. He's not even fucking cute, I can spend ten seconds finding a cuter Latino tranny from Brazil or whatever. Why are you sucking his cock so hard?
see >>683727797
>"no, you see, because it says 'normal' it should be braindead and made for retarded women."
Why is it okay to steal a lead actress role from a woman of color and give it to a white man with a fake accent and no acting range?
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>people fucking hate Coils
>focusing on the Tranny va as the sole reason Dawntrail is bad
Nobody has done that albeit, you're just incredibly defensive over your boy Brandon.
Coils are literally the best content this game has EVER had, you dumb contrarian.
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thats soulful though
NTA but a groyper is what Nick "I like catboys and trannies but claim to be a conservative christian" Fuentes' gay little cult call themselves. Anyone referencing them is either a glowie or an idiot who thinks those faggots have more influence than they actually do.
See >>683729838
>Nobody cares about a contrarian on /v/.
so which number is better in your eyes?
Go on Sena's twitter and you'll see a pinned /v/ screencap. He posts here.
>Coils are literally the best content this game has EVER had, you dumb contrarian.
based and true
T13 was funny because it was extremely mechanically simple for a tier final boss, but everything did truly retarded amounts of damage. Doing mechanics success
successfully would usually leave you barely alive, sometimes even if shielded. This was at a time that off-gcd healing was sparse and healer DPS required committing to Cleric Stance, too.
Because it's normal it has to be accessible to the normal playerbase. Savage is for your autistic shit, except even they hate random wipes.
When you tell your operating system to delete something, it doesn't actually zero that data out. It just marks that space as free, so that other stuff can go there in the future. Unless you specifically go out of your way, that shit's still around.
This is similar to why Living Memory can just be powered by something different and turned back on later - unless the Endless were stored in volatile memory, shutting the power off wouldn't get rid of them, it'd just pause them. Presumably their 'new' memories and personalities from their time in Living Memory would probably be lost since that could make sense to exist in giant volatile memory banks, but the baseline data from their lives would still be around to recreate them. Which is probably what Preservation is doing with Krile's parents' memory, just take a copy and probe for whatever the fuck you want, why even mess with Living Memory.
Defending? Brother that’s you. Sena is Latinx
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Source though?
>focusing on the Tranny va as the sole reason Dawntrail is bad
It's not, but it was quite a big reason that things were unbearable.
I expect far better from the English localization, it's been so good that I've used it since ARR despite the shoddy voice work before HW.
>Coils are literally the best content this game has EVER had, you dumb contrarian.

I unironically and actually believe this
i think people hate alexander more than coils, honestly most raid hatred always goes back to heavensward, not even ARR i think most people were fine with ARR raiding.
How would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast this morning?
>miss damage type specific debuffs
Fuck no. DRGs getting free PF slots despite eating shit all the time was terrible
Meanwhile honest MNKs (me) had to prove themselves just to keep a slot
Yeah that's precisely why your contrarian opinion is irrelevant to people who played ARR.
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>He posts here
It's their culture, bigot.
>10 years after the game launched
>we've had like 50 dungeons by now
>dungeon bosses STILL don't cleave with their normal attacks and their tankbusters aren't AOEs around the tank
It's like they don't want tank players to learn anything. What the fuck is wrong with these devs?
I agree Sena should not have voiced wuk, because he did a dogshit job. Should have been voiced by a British woman, fuck your DEI shit.

FYI Sena is Hispanic
Nick is an actual faggot and a CIA plant
So much shit he does gets swept under the rug so he can honeypot dumb young men
the fuck is cdps, cope dps? at least rdps and adps make sense, i dont know why the dev keeps adding more rankings just cause some retard cant play into buffs/is trying to get a funny number in pf
I'd be having nausea and stomach cramps from tylenol dissolving my stomach lining. And you'd still be a moron, of course.
They don't want a tranny to have a meltdown when they eat shit to a mechanic
no real hispanic people use this word
I played DRG and tanks. Not my problem.
Go ask around the aetheryte who liked coils.
Y’all basically invented trannies before most people even knew what that shit was
Coil raids weren't particularly hard, but the very notion of having to do raids to unlock story would drive the modern XIV playerbase into psychosis.
People were furious back in Stormblood that the actual ending of Eureka was locked behind Baldesion Arsenal, and this was Eureka, a boring story people didn't really care about. Coil was a huge deal plotwise and even had an unlockable CGI cutscene.
Okay great, so you can reason. Then hear me out on this one, I don't give a fuck about casual retards, ERGO, content should be made harder. Not Savage harder, but something between Normal and Extreme. My boredom is not a fair price of admission for someone's else's incompetence being tolerated and rewarded.
No, the SEAmonkeys did that.
you will never ever be a woman
cDPS is your aDPS + the damage you gave others through buffs so it does reward you for playing into buff windows unlike rDPS
cDPS rewards the exact play pattern that kills the boss the fastest which is the most absolute measure of dps
>Go ask the endfetuses who did them all unsynced in a single evening and saw them purely as a chore blocking them from watching cutscenes.
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>I'm gonna make the video
>I'm gonna give them feedback
>Although I'd rather not talk about the MSQ again
It's over, DEI shall be defeated by the power of a white woman. My greatest enemy has become my greatest ally.
>introduce NIN in late-ARR, forcing competition between melees
>introduce DRK in HW with an int debuff, removing MNK's niche
>introduce SAM in SB, a strictly higher dps monk because brotherhood was for phys only
>completely break MNK in ShB
I hear MNK-kun is doing well after the blitz rehab, if a bit, uh... slow.
Aglaia is so boring now!! Alliance is either that or ct
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You played DRG and floor tanked, you mean.
Sena will never be white, or a woman. They are a Latinx mutt like you
it's such a crazy contrast compared to the EW msq, where she would have to take breaks, because she was sobbing so hard
That is pretty funny.
I don't think anyone's pointed out yet how Sena is an obvious Homestuck fan (his avatar is a Sweet Bro edited into Wuk) which should tell you everything you need to know about his mental state.
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He is white thoughbeit.
>And people fucking hate Coils.
You're out of your goddamn mind
Ah, something this obvious must be bait
Why is his voice so DEEP?
once again, the best xiv threads are the ones that talk about raiding and battle content and not the faggot msq ones.
FF14 has nothing but fomo to keep players subbed, you have to do raids week 1 because after that there is no more fun to be had in them.
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rate this lala (she has Imamura orchestrion rolls and rroneek jerky for you in the van)
>puerto rican mutt
Except you always know when flare breath is coming. Any early phasing is obvious because it triggers a Gigaflare.
It's flare breath > flatten > 3x flare breath.
Not too different from now where you memorize the timeline.
Interesting how Kate has had a dedicated defender here in these threads for years who also uses homestuck image macros.
you would not be able to tell that is peurto rican unless you were told that specifically, probably like 1/8th puerto rican
Discussing combat design past and present is a nice break from two years of "YOU'RE A ZODIARK TRANCER" "NO YOU'RE A VENAT SCHIZO" and a full month of "Pray Return to Wuk Lamat".
>literally made for BBC
Can some black brothers help us out and give him a good dicking?
>yeah i'm a proud latino
>not born in south america
>doesnt speak spanish
>never step a foot in any south america countries
I hope they unfuck BLM in the 7.05 patch...
??? You can basically instantly tell they are a dysgenic mutt
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to further hammer in that Lalafells can total pieces of shit underneath the cuteness of them being small and stubby.
I get dizzy from my eyes rolling so hard with how formulaic bosses are now. A boss must open with the easiest mechanic, and if it's a left cleave it will follow up with a right cleave to really drive home that it can do that. Everything has to be extremely "fair" and "balanced" and I just want to die.
yeah no
Coil is cool but its a baby mode raid nowadays. The craziest stuff is T7S and T9S and they don't hold a candle to E8S or P8S.
go to /vg/
Sphene's English VA is perfect, it sucks she has to be paired with the troon
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I miss those threads so much bros. Could we pretend DT never happened and we're still in EW?
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>people still putting e8s on a pedestal
do you breath with your mouth
>I'd show you statistics but my people don't know how to write things down yet
that's the illusion created by tranning out
as a kid sena probably looks like every other white kid
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Dominatrix arc is weird...
Fitting, considering that's Wuk's entire character.
Amen, brother. I'm about to just start eating AoEs and fucking up mechanics to invent a challenge.
>Go ask most of the playerbase how normal mode content should be balanced!
I mean, yeah? You fucking retard? Why the fuck should people who play Savage dictate how Normal works, you dipshit? Your play level is too far beyond the norm to understand.
The funniest thing about blizzkeks is they actually think yoshida dickriders are a thing because they watched their favorite streamer watch the 1.0-ARR documentary
And yet people in Classic/SoD are still having a blast running raids for the 500th time.
what. T7S is fucking brutal, its basically the hardest content because of phasing and the renaulds spawning at awkward times that can just cause a fail state. E8S and P8S even on week 1 are a fucking joke in comparison
Why should people who hate video games and just want to watch cutscenes dictate how video games are made? They can go to youtube.
>Coil is normal mode content.
Newfag retard.
we've moved onto sphene trance
10/10 Made to be spanked and tamed by bunny girls.
why did we have to superkill her again
Do you have any more 'mask off' moments?
Holy fucking samefag
Show me a better savage endurance test. Yes Hallowed Wings and Wyrm's Lament are easy but it's a long fight that does not repeat itself at any point and decently challanges uptime.
Meanwhile Omega and Kefka have a ton of repeating.
She was already on her last legs. She just used the last of her power to test us.
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Too flat, I need my big crystal bazookas.
>Right when the thread is about to die, the anti-Coil fag reveals that he doesn't know "normal" Coil was the equivalent to Savage raids today, because he never played ARR.
>If you don't play Savage you HATE videogames!
Holy shit you are self absorbed.
Yes, it is. I don't see a (Savage) next to the name, do you?
If you think video games are supposed to be about you passively coasting through to get to cutscenes with minimum effort involved then yes you hate video games and should be watching youtube.
Because we can't have women in this game. It was fujoland then, it's troonparadise now.

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