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Nerf her
Be patient anon. The next Ivy nerf is scheduled for August 1st.
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Sex with Abrams
More like Dead-before-launch
I don't care how much /v/ shills this game, these characters are all ugly af, especially that gypsy bat.
Kiss her
why, everyone who uses this ugly lizard is a shitter with negative K/D
basically the dedicated feeding hero
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>gypsy bat
She is a pure blooded gargoyle who can trace her ancestry back to Notre Dame. Shut up.
How do people manage to die with Ivy. She has 4 stamina by default, her 3 makes her invincible and can heal half her health, and her ultimate has a short cooldown and allows you to fly over buildings to safety.
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still think that?
She looks okayish. Still not enough.
You don't want to fuck Paradox? You might have the gay.
There's no such thing as an alchemic burger, where tf did you get that?
>I checked the game files
You sneaky jew, scrambing in cupboards and behind the fridges like the rats you are
how do i play this game?
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Maybe you should give it a try?
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We don't answer you that, nigger
Nurfing should be a last resort, buffing should always be the go to.
That's VERY fucking late, but I'm glad.
>didn't erase the watermark
lmao goodbye
>he didn't get in
>up against vindicta solo
>they're aimbotting, die twice
>lose my guardian at 4 minutes
>ask for gank
>say I'm going to leave lane after vindicta just kills me two more times at walker
>nobody responds
>vindicta starts taking base guardians
>suddenly THREE fucking retards on my team sperging about what the fuck happened in lane, when did this happen etc
people are so fucking stupid I swear
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The lock who is dead
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welcome chosen
EU or NA?
I seriously can't tell if you're fucking with me...
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How come I always get the retard lash that has literally no impact?
>The game is 10bg now
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the setting is kinda cool but the game is completely shit like all moba games
but seriously, nerf ivy some more. she's plenty strong and the seething from waifu players is hilarious
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>That sweet spot mid game part of the game with geist
>ivy is shit and ivy pickers are basically throwing
>ivy is strong and should keep getting nerfed
which one is it because people keep parroting both
She is heavily dependent on her team compared to other characters.
so people that say she's shit are the shitters themselves?
which hero did you play like theres 1 or 2 that should lose to vindicta in lane
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>rape your lane
>kill tower in 5mins
>gank other lanes
>kill their towers/heroes in 10mins
>perfectly set up your noob team to succeed
>mid game arrives
>ping towers to push
>nobody helps
>ping teamfights to fight
>everyone leaves to jungle after clearing wave
>you end up in endless 1v2s/1v3s, somehow win most of them
>ping boss, team finally shows up
>ping to push towers for the rejuv
>everyone leaves to jungle
>the next 10mins is team just killing creeps in lanes and going back to jungle ignoring all objectives
>"you guys are retarded"
>"stop crying, its just a game"
>reported for toxicity
You can't say "rape" that's very offensive.
To be fair Nigfernus must have felt the same
>Get put with the 4 stack of hyper casual retards who have never played a video game in their lives
>All scores like 0-15
>Versus 4 literal pro players from other competitive shooters
Solo queue needs to be fucking forced already. This is just ass.
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>find teammate with multiple brain cells
>stay next to them during fights to give them ~40% fire rate and lifesteal.
Shrimple as that
its good
Dota is better
prove me wrong
real dota? sure but that game doesnt exist anymore
>5 team mates literally just sitting in jungle all game next to mid holding eachothers dicks never ever pushing out a single wave
>get distracted chasing 1 person who they never catch
>I'm expected to depush all 4 lanes all by myself and suicide for walkers into 5 people
>Call out that they just wasted singularity, combo, seven ult, abrams ult to catch me
>Absolutely zero aggression aroused, they just keep sitting there afk in jungle not farming because they must BROOOOOOOL 1 person
I'm in fucking shock. I don't think even dota was this bad.

The level of gameplay is night and day from NA, at least NA knows how to joke around and banter, EU is just pants on head retarded toxic faggotry
You misunderstand, the 14-0 vindicta was aimbotting literally (EU)
I want to queue NA east forever once it comes out desu. I'll take the slight ping disadvantage for actual team mates. I fucking hate europeans so much. No comms, play like fucking retards all game, first words out of their mouth is flaming.
DotA 3:rd Person
ive realized its all the braindead fps fags shitting up the game without any moba knowledge and how youre suppose to play objectives
youre also not allowed to point this out to them because you will instantly be called a crybaby and that its just a game
>No comms, play like fucking retards all game, first words out of their mouth is flaming.
This happens on NA too. Take off your burger-tinted glasses.
i sometimes hesitate to mention how to farm creeps etc to players on my team. most people seem to listen and understand to catch up on farm, but they have no item build when they GET the farm.
you're not wrong but my favorite part of dota is patch notes and this game gets them every 2 weeks now
I have the same feeling for NA servers and would take EU servers over them
is it open beta yet?
Dota has been dead for fucking years nigga.
>Brain dead brool meta
>mid to late game is just both teams deathballing across the game to BROOL
>Str hero meta
>The pos 1 being retarded means the game is over before it even begins
No thanks, deadlock killed that game for me for good, I can't go back to that brain dead brool patrol gameplay anymore now that I've tasted some good ol skirmishes and everyone being a carry so I don't have to worry about my cores single handedly making the game impossible to win.
then whats the point of the thread
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>he's not in
for people in closed playtest, are you dense?
what an odd game. Going a hybrid between gun and crowdicta seems to be pretty good. You don't feel gimped when having to push anymore
shut the fuck up ivan you nigger you're the reason EU is so trash
have you seen mid-high mmr it's either brool or afk jungling retards vs broolers. barely anyone has a brain.
I'm banned....
wtf I just got banned too
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EU or EU2(slav containment). I've noticed after the split people are more communicative. Normally EU servers are wastelands communicationwise. But most people speak English or at least respond to English. Don't tell me you're in The SlavCage
Honestly, while there is an advantage to more verbal teams, I think I would grow very sick of playing with Burgers. They talk way too much. Like, I don't need to say something every 5 seconds
>AYO bruh this fuggin haze be steal urn yooo
>nah for real I be chasin her. OOH GOTTEM LET'S GOOO
Whenever I get connected to American servers on other games I have to leave from cringe although it's refreshing at first to hear so many people chatting
Stay on EU servers we don't want you here
The way americans speak is torture to my ears I genuinely had to mute most of them the few times I played there
>Damn yo that haze do be doin crazy damage bruhhh
>Maaaaan cc in this game is drivin me wild they better nerf dat shit yo!
They genuinely can't speak like normal people without non stop ebonics and slang and the way they try to sound cool or funny is just CRINGE.
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And yet some people claim Americans have no culture. baka
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Ivychads, the truth is it doesn't really matter whether Ivy is hairy or not. What matters is that she SHOULD be shorter, like a kobold. Because right now, she is about the same height as Infernus.
yeah they cannot shut the fuck up and play the game (canadian here)
Meanwhile on EU servers:
>*unintelligible brown people noises*
>*unintelligible slav "people" noises*
the truth is I like killing her and making Ivytards seethe
honestly i'll take the funny noises over whiny passive aggressive american cunts saying useless shit any day
yeah but atleast third world accents and banter is SOVL
return: false
NA servers legit are awful because:
>All americans act like they are pros when they are shit
>You have at least 2 people constantly using voice comms, 1 of them trying to be "funny"
>Get titled easy

EU you get actual peace and quiet for the most part.
i flame everyone in eu but only in text chat so thats not as annoying as voice chat
This game is so dead.. I'm gonna piss on its grave.
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>its a loose streak thursday
so glad this is not my experience at all and i just get normal, friendly ameribros
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Yeah it's rough to hear. And I think we're under playing. They love "ironically" saying shit like "yo the skibidi rizz be gooning". I must say they are preferable to russians though, because they're loud and annoying too but extremely toxic and hostile. Americans are normally quite friendly even if annoying.
you guys are the same
Nah, I'm US east so I get like 30 less ping on EU than I do US servers. The EU itt are just coping with their shit, literally every game is just overtly toxic if you can even communicate with half the team because of the language barriers that exist anyway in europe, not even counting the russians

I've played like 8 games euro today after not playing euro games for a few weeks and it's seriously night and day, only 1/8 had anyone communicating and they were a stack that passively farmed and refused to play around the other 2 of us who weren't when we were nearby
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>see we have infernus AND Warden on the same team
>"yeah we got this in the bag"
>literally every game is just overtly toxic
Why are you lying? Literally no one says anything in 60% of EU games. Maybe we're not hugs and kisses like Amerifags. Germans are really toxic and angry though I will not deny that. Something's wrong with them

Most of the really toxic people are confined to the balkan servers
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I'm wondering why some people think that way.
Is it due to the "body positivity" and "inclusive" propaganda bullshit forced on the media? Coom brain from over consumption of generic and bland anime waifu games?
Valve clearly has a motto when it comes to create fantasy characters. Give them a strong personality, an unique and easily recognizable design. Top it off with top tier theatrical voice acting and you get a soulful cast.
If I had to best describe that style with one word it'd be "caricature".
A real shame to not appreciate it but what can you do.
brown cope
it's just a russhit seething that people would rather hang out with americans than them.

t. ireland, have literally gone on vacations just to hang with american friends
> not even two minutes in
>duo on our team rage quit after dying once
Hard region lock russians right fucking now
yep they're crawling back in by abusing console commands and shit they need a hard ban desu
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Infernus already has enough in his toolkit to help you avoid such situation but I cannot simply fathom the level of mouth breather one needs to be to not make Warden work
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>Max the 1
>Don't understand you need to press the 3 on the target to use it
>Only uses the 2 to run away
>Channels 4 in front of the enemies ESPECIALLY if theres a Dynamo/Haze/Wraith
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>Try every character in demo
>Read all the spells and test how they can combo like a good boi
>Do the lane tutorial
>Watch a game
>Everyone is spazzing the fuck out
I... I don't think I'm ready to queue yet
Just play bot matches
oh and don't forget, only grabs spirit lifesteal and cd reduction so he can "use" the ult more
Yes I will. Got to learn how to navigate the map beforehand and how to build my stuff up properly.
messing around with the beta heroes, and viscous is so damn cool, really hope they make the early cut
>I... I don't think I'm ready to queue yet
wait so is there no update today
i might uninstall this
it was fun but i dont see how the hype is going to keep up
and the player count keeps falling
If it makes you feel better, the game does have hidden MMR. As a new player, you are going to be matched with other noobs.
The matches you are watching are high MMR matches where people are already REALLY good. Go get'em Anon.
god I hope those are paws in there uooooh
>All this bitching about balance and teammates.
I'm jealous. Someone send me an invitation.
Friend code: 100750185
invites are over, sorry.
playing NA servers
god coms burgers
didn't realize calico's cat-bomb can ricochet off walls. seems kinda buggy atm, but when that gets fixed i'm assuming she's good to go (also some animation bugs when cat bullet ult is active)
WAIT, the slime is a girl?
wrong hero
Update: thanks for the invite.
>NA Dynamo
>Proceed to ignore and go kill a Walker
>Get raped by 4 people seconds later
you forgot this bit!
retard it's an unannounced closed pre-alpha, they don't care about hype right now, they just want people to help them perfect the gameplay
NA coms be like
>3 Heroes dead for 30+ seconds
>retards follow because the "designated leader" said so

I hate how voice comms people think they are the chief cuz they talk alot.
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I like Ivy but even I have to admit she's solid C+ at best
You don't, /v/ is just paid to promote it
not nearly enough "dude" and "bro" spam
>bro? we need to group up dudes! this dude is fighting solo like he throwin dude? he's throwing? why are we throwing bro! Bro?
>trade in our favor
>team starts doing midboss even after I warn them dynamo and seven are still up
>right when we're about to hit the rejuv dynamo gets us all stuck in his ult
>teammate comms "your mother will die in her sleep tonight if you don't reply to this post"

Every. God. Damn. Time.
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The more chirping on comms, the more I feed. That's just how I roll
cancel this piece of shit like the last 3 games, valve. we all know you have no talent. portal 2's writing was reddit and that was like 15 years ago. half life 3 is never coming out because greedy corporate reality is more depressing than any dystopia could ever be. fuck hero shooters. fuck mobas. fuck niggers and FUCK YOU!
i don't think any of them are ugly im just sick of these types of games
as he said wrong hero, but also yes, viscous is female
This makes my penis happy.
They aren't really doin' it for me either, and the game doesn't look like anything I wanna play. I didn't play Artifact or DOTA 2, so I guess I haven't been Valve's audience for a lot longer than I realized.
NA coms be like
cute little angry men too scared to get on coms and be the change they want to see.
mic up if you don't like what's being said, retards.
No i just mute instead.
If you have a better idea you should say something faggot. Otherwise its better to go full retard as a team than only going half retard because you refuse to communicate.
how is me also being a retard on coms going to help
I did say it on normal chat, that we should push blue that was already hitting the last 2 guardians.
>mic up
No, I'll mute the comms at the start of the match, jungle for 30 minutes and come for your patron.
you can use the command selecthero hero_viscous in the testing map and you can hear its female, though they might change it with the model rework
the neon prime model is also a female pufferfish controlling the gelatinous mass, while it seems to be the spirit of a girl inside it, with the new model
>he isn't in the sekret club
>jungle for 30 mins

you'll lose all walkers, double guardians, and then blame everyone else you mean
can't wait for viscous porn, watchin the dick go in, just like my slime girls
This. It's a guerilla marketing campaign.
sea anemones don't have a gender silly
>press r
>type "steam://rungameid/1422450"
>press enter

Ignore the error steam gives you and then
>press u
>press u again

anyone saying to post steam friend code and email is just looking to make fun of your account, you're welcome anon
>you'll lose all walkers, double guardians,
Enemy team is never competent enough to do objectives and not endlessly teamfight
Based on your description of the game state, mid boss was the correct call. 30 seconds is not very long. If you continued you to siege the base its likely the enemy will respawn and wipe your team in response. Then they will be the ones getting mid boss. Taking mid boss first acts as insurance against this outcome. But by all means if you really feel confident about your call then you should be more persuasive in game.
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>50 minute match ends because our haze snuck into their base and killed their weakened patron while we were getting wiped
How do find my login info for the forums? The email references a widget in the bottom right but there's nothing.
typical eu insecurity itt, it's okay you guys can stay in EU servers
if you click on ur profile ingame im pretty sure theres a little button that shows you ur forum info
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You did dm Yoshi, right anon?
i will go dm him right now
Sent 1 TB of Ivy porn and asked him if she has a hairy or hairless pussy, I hope he responds.
Do bats have hair in their pussy or something
WOW Games in 30!! I can't believe it!
Do NOT do this. This WILL result in a VAC ban.
DM him what though?
the plan
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it's hairy and it smells like a damp rain gutter
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what's the plan?
Proof anon
Its smooth as a polished stone.(which it is)
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Why did Deadlock flop?
Fuck off kys
As a brain dead fps fag who played a lot of L4D2, I have no sympathy. Never even got upset about someone just fucking up, it happens. People just refused the cordinate or acknowledge choke points. The amount of times I've repeatedly asked "no open spits, please?" has me certain that I will be mumbling it on my deathbed as my last fading memory.
Lack of advertising. I get paid $.03 steam wallet funds per post in these threads but I can only do so much.
Why are all the characters so ugly
something about being a shooter makes people get total tunnel vision over the map and objectives where they'll literally brawl 5v4 over and over on the walker while 2 people push in your side lanes despite you begging your team to show up
nigga nobody is even suppose to know it exists yet
wait you get paid to give feedback?
yeah i quit my job to play this and give feedback full time
No, he does not. Ignore that message.
woke baby inc helped doing consultations on this game.. this game is dei through and through.
I don't agree with it being the best play because in 30 seconds, with blue pushed in, our Wraith and Warden and Bebop could easily push both shrines, and THEN we can back and get mid boss while the team scrambles to fix their lanes first.
Getting midboss and not being able to do shit with it for 30 seconds is a waste.
instead of nerfing or buffing anything how about Valve makes their newest game work on their newest hardware.
>singling out deck users specifically making them unable to queue
fuck you gayben, you fag son is going to ruin your legacy
I'm gonna show him this post lmao
>closed alpha
though dota 2 specifically got deck support and it ended up being forgotten about completely a month later
and counter strike 2 is unplayable on the deck
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Fuck IvyFags, post memes
Handhelds are gay.
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Is this a meme?
RUNS like shit because of cosmetics. same will eventually happen to this game unless they put work into it. deadlock's built for deck
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>Sex with Abrams
I want to swab her throat
>t. seething tf2ranny
runs like shit because source 2 is unoptimized as fuck compared to source 1, plain and simple
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>think you still have one last chance to turn the game around
>enemy haze presses R next to your patron
>get her while she reloads
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imagine not using q,e,r,f for your abilities and binding reload, melee, and block to your logitech g502 thumb keys
Only ability 1 is awkward for me to press so I set that to M5 but everything else feels fine.
Gabe could be ITT rn idiot
you can't say bad things about source poo
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>get vindicta and ivy on team
>lost game at matchmaking

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>lost game at matchmaking
Don't worry anon
I feel the same way when I see Nogcket and Nigfernus on the enemy team
t. ivyfag
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I am, I like impersonating Yoshi
I think it's funny for some reason, oh man I am such a hack let's just make dota but a third person shooter
I hope we get more insight on the world
We're gonna purposely keep it vague so Slacks can make his lore videos!
does steam really show your steamid in the game library?
gargoyle pussy
^this post right here
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EU comms be like
>Have to play the game 5v6 and lose
Literally happens every other game
this game looks like fucking shit, wtf is this game design? Did garbage like ZZZ and Genshin make game deisgners forget how to fucking make games?
someone's mad about people summeri*ing NA comms that they're fabricating things about EU comms. Very few people speak with an English accent in EU. You're far more likely to encounter people from nonEnglish speaking countries
>Mo just TELEPORTS on top of you and stuns you

very cool
Whats the optimal itemization strategy with Ivy these days.
What are this designs? I can go on deviantart and find better designs than this right now
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wow an actual cute ivy art
Nice selfie lmfao
>Seven life as an Ult bot day 90

Yes yes when its off cooldown he's a Static Charge bot
is gun talon even worth? hes 1 damage is fucking retarded
smoothbrain slopgulpers always say the same stupid shit. yeah, we know the designs aren't generic neon sci-fi garbage, fuck off
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>wow an actual cute ivy art
There's lots of that though
I love this neet so much bros...
Bro if you think these chracter designs are good you are the slopgulper incarnate. The only decent one is the furry bait
>eu dota3
>toxic retards who play like shit
>NA dota3
>retards who play like shit
uhhh dota3ards??
tell us what game you think has good character designs.
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She's not a neet, she's got the job of being best girl
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Team Fortress 2, Dota, basically all valve games before this dreck
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Super busy ivy phone sketch
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>he can't handle the banter
Nice anon
"Monster only on the outside" is the highest form of waifu.
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>being unfunny and cringe is "le banter"
Ameridopes can't banter
>moba slop
where are the pubes?
should be "super bushy ivy"
>moba kino
>close game

tomorrows another day
Ok Ivan
I should probably just accuse you of being a TF2 shitter who is mad because you think deadlock is causing your ancient game to not get updates

you really think trash like Dota2 has better character design? wow they are all so DIFFERENT and UNIQUE! the easiest thing for an amateur artist to do is make random gnarled fantasy shit with tons of greebles, because if nobody knows what it should look like, then you can't make it wrong. take a look at the normal human characters here and tell me they look better than any from deadlock.
I'm playing against an unusual amount of Spirit Wraiths today. Did some faggot post a guide on Discord?
>t. malding tf2 shitter
Is this picrel supposed to support your opinion?
This guy gets it.
>gargoyle wife
gray talon players really think he's hard to play? LOL
>only one build ever leaked
>nobody in the test is saving anything
Deadlock's character designs have more thought in them than "how can we make this wc3 model legally distinct enough for blizzard to not rape us?"
Any draw requests? Can be for any female character
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Yeah or she'll get fat
shut up diaper man i still want to fuck traxex
pretty sure there's one guy autistically saving every build but I think he fucked off to the modding discord
>play with "aj little"
>immediately starts crying like a baby in chat

Is this kid a nonce or something it's very creepy
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>He didn't reply
>Lose too much and now im stuck in a losing streak against enemy teams who clearly know what theyre doing while i have brand new players on mine
>Also now all the low MMR players do nothing but talk shit in chat even when they all have shitty K/Ds

Cool i guess im stuck here now
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>ivy gets fat
>now able to sculpt her and give her big boobs
it's because valve wants every hero to have an easily identifiable silhouette. you can see a hero out of the corner of your eye or in a chaotic team fight and know who's doing what and where. it's the reason why games like league of leftists team fights are garbage - so many heros look too similar and with no real signature design. anime girl, edgy hooded faggot, big rock man, armored Chad with axe.
Lock status?
are you sure theres only 1?
>Rabscootle in a random match i join

Hey only cool thing to happen to me all my life
only 1 that I know of
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>literally every game has multiple slowing hex buyers on the same team
fuck off

>team getting raped by infernus, pocket, or some other retard
>no CC actives just full spirit or gun builds

yea i wish. although you'd probably lose anyway because a team smart enough to stack CC is discord stacking
same reason why tf2 scout players can't dodge

How are we so sure that a new hero is coming?
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Hey everybody, Peter Griffin here to explain the joke: No, it does not.
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Just got finished playing some Marvel Rivals after my bro got me an invite.
It's fun, 100% OW-clone.
The destructible environments are the most interesting part.
I will say though I remember why I eventually got tired of OW. It's fucking exhausting for a game to keep funneling you into non-stop team fights the whole game.

The most understated part of Deadlock is how its paced. You start with 1v1s/2v2s across the map that shift and change depending on the objective. In fact, you only get a handful of full on 6v6 clusterfucks in a game. And you don't just stay with the same hero the whole time, some of the items and how they improve your skills can actually change the way you confront enemies which is neat.

The ASSFAGGOTS pacing/macro + the item build variety is by far the best part of Deadcock.
That said, Marvel Rivals is probably gonna be a chill game I'll hop in once in a while if my friends want to play it. The hot chicks are a bonus.
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Oh hey that's me, or I would assume so since theres like 2 people doing this and I'm one of them. I'm not in any modding server though, so probably the other guy.

I had my fill of the game already and the community is really becoming unpleasant so I'd rather just do my thing. My goal is to save every build until they either drop the SKU entirely and fire up a new depot for a general release. There's reasons for that but I figure my handling specifically would come in handy since it's several terabytes of builds, and my tooling allows it to take up negligible space. It'll be useful one day, but probably not today.
also got into the beta and played a couple of hours today
movement fucking sucks but I might just be spoiled by dash-jumping
people say aim doesn't matter for deadlock but aim literally doesn't matter for rivals, there's no headshots and all abilities have grey talon arrow AoE; obviously designed to be a console game first.
most of the ults are autoaim kill everyone grouped together at the objective as well
overall it's a fine product and will probably be massively successful
Oh yeah I got that feeling too. The animations and models are fine but it really feels like none of the skills have any impact or oomph to them. Like I tried that Hulk and he feels completely limp.

Though Deadlock has this problem as well. Mo & Krill's ult is dogshit flare wise. His burrow and spin has way more impact.
If it's okay to draw Ivy with a nose ring

then it's okay to draw ivy with nipples rings
I lost 10 matches now so can i stop being put against Lash's buying actives please? They clearly know how to play and i dont.
based take
she actually has a nose ring
she doesn't even have nipples
alright, im listening, you have my attention now
>the community is really becoming unpleasant

How so? Is there even much of a community for an unannounced game like this?
Is there an open beta yet or are you just being a cock
Probably talking about the tryhards screaming on mic in-game.
big door knockers
there is no open beta
there isnt even an open alpha
its a closed alpha
Yes but you can chalk it up to the Discord itself being the problem. Allowing those who dont have access to the game in there was definitely a mistake. In-game it's also a disaster more often than I'd like. The MOBA salt has already taken a comfy seat and it's really hard to enjoy it now. But it's not a bad game at least.
Then why do people constantly go "YOU NEED TO PLAY IT" when it's impossible without sending your cock to some morbidly obese anon for a code
NA is surprisingly chill, EU is just a tryhard central, always has been and EU 2 is fucking shit unless you get to a higher mmr.

t. server hopping cyka
I feel like I am just genuinely getting bored of the game. Most of my friends don't want to play anymore, and the cadence of new content is just so slow. It is wild to me that they have such a small team working on it that they had to delay patches to every two weeks just to try to put in heroes that are 90% finished. Feels like a small subset of people at Valve are making the game and are desperately fighting to keep the plug from getting pulled. I probably should just take a 2-3 week break, maybe come back with a fresh attitude.
nigfernus bros consider buying ethereal shift over quick silver reload. It acts as a save or you can use it mid fight to insta reload.
>he's not in

Dude, this
was me, I literally had 2 niggas hit me up to invite me like 2 minutes after posting.
>I had my fill of the game already and the community is really becoming unpleasant so I'd rather just do my thing. My goal is to save every build until they either drop the SKU entirely and fire up a new depot for a general release. There's reasons for that but I figure my handling specifically would come in handy since it's several terabytes of builds, and my tooling allows it to take up negligible space. It'll be useful one day, but probably not today.

Pretty sure plenty of youtubers would love to have access to all the builds to eventually make a video of the development for Deadlock.

There's no ranked in this game so it's not like grinding means anything. Just take a break lol.
i buy curse every game
does it actually come in handy?
Yeah game's not bad it's just sadly suffering from players who can't learn from their mistakes and as soon as shit hits the fan they blame a teammate or two.
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>Pretty sure plenty of youtubers would love to have access to all the builds to eventually make a video of the development for Deadlock.
Keep in mind the game still has DRM, and sharing it would lose the access I have, so I'd rather not yet. And while you're right, I think YouTubers are already well-fed with what they have already so that's a hard pass for me.
For now it's save builds, maybe play a match here and there when the balance changes drop, and wait for what Valve's next move is. If they make a new SKU/Depot, then I plan to share it since I expect them to eventually abandon this one or revoke keys across the board but only time will tell that one.

If you're curious, the current archive is at 3.27TB, including the data up to today, and only takes 27GB to store with the tooling I'm using. It's honestly the only saving grace I have because no sensible person would want to deal with dedicating hard drives to one single game. Pic related. I save each build uploaded to each Depot separately since it's more modular. A single build typically needs all 3 of the latest data in each Depot, but since it can be a mix of them it's better to save each build and tie them together as needed. Still waiting on Linux-native Depot to be used but so far it's not, but when it is, I'll be ready.
thank you Peter Griffin from the hit tv show Family Guy
I obviously mean after the game releases. You know those videos where it's like a history of early development of a game game until the current build? It'll be like those ones.
>Zombs, the cofounder of the Sentinels is playing now
Cool, to see more and more known names grind this game and love it despite it being a moba.
Deadlock is a pretty accessible ASSFAGGOTS.

And it actually shows casuals how fun item builds are just because of how kuch the items, active and passive, can actually affect your hero.
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If that's the case then yeah that would be good. There's some interesting stuff on their CDN but without a matching build it's kinda useless. The dada we have only goes as far back as SteamDB has, but these files we found are replays that include versions older than what we have logged so far, so now we just need to save those somehow. Unfortunately without Valve devs sharing the IDs and such, it's unlikely we'll get anything older than what we have, which would include Neon Prime. There is one interesting aspect to it, and that is the time this specific depot has been used is just a little under 4 years, so there's quite a bit of things that could be there.
didn't stop her from having hair on her head
now I'll ask again. where are the pubes?
I do love me some nipple rings
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>warden AND lash on enemy team
Well, she doesn't have hairy armpits. that means her gargussy is also pretty smooth and hairless.
finally some solid logic. the debate is settled.
I'll chisel her alright
>afk timer added to matchmaking
>going even on lane, getting closer to just out bursting them
>get ganked by haze
>k...but she stays for like 3 minutes
>she's like 12-0

*sleep daggers you and runs away*
I need to stop playing dota I would love for someone to welfare me an invite.
Friend code: 52698201
>didn't stop her from having hair on her head
It's a wig
>*dashes backward*
nothing personnel bobby
>briefcase ni
Lash isn't as scary anymore.
>Warp Stone you
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All the characters are ugly as sin and soulless. It's like new Oddworld instead of Classic Oddworld.

pls give
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>*dashes backward again*
heh I was almost forced to face the fact that my positioning was bad... but unfortunately for you, I bought superior stamina.......
better luck next time, kid........
Hey, Lash here. Why did you leave out the part where you cried on mic in your autistic, squeaky zoomer voice constantly and told Bebop to kill himself for saying chill out bro
im gonna FUCK yoshi/ice frog in his indian ass unless he fixes this PAJEET MMR
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>pocket AND infernus on enemy team
I still try my best, but inside, I know it's over
>superior stamina
How the FUCK do I hit a Haze with this item?
Bro, your Acme Anvil?
I guess I'll beg for an invite too
>private profile
no thanks this game has enough cheaters
>Ctrl gargoyle puss
>only one result
I'm disappointed Ivyfags.
We NEED a hero that just outright drops a nuke on someone.
Yakuza guy does this but could change
it's called wraith
Mirage does this sorta
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Spirit Paradox does that, sorta. Unless you mean a literal nuke
The graffiti is shit. Get rid of it or turn it occult-themed.
leave feedback
believe it or not you have the power to influence things like this rn
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>fifteen (You)'s out of one post
A new record
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I already posted in the forums.

Also, I know Yoshi reads these threads.
>Also, I know Yoshi reads these threads.

>he doesn't know
Does anyone have a link to those VN slides?
I don't
they used to counter this obvious fact by saying "well, it's in alpha, so you can't judge it yet!"
notice they don't say that anymore
Now that I think about it, who the fuck makes a VN out of a bunch of separate images with baked in text, what the fuck is this? Is that just an artist mockup
>gypsy bat
I thought she was a goblina? Might have been some misinformation from some faggot on /v/ but that would make her even hotter
the ivy shit blows my mind. she only looks good when completely off-model
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She's neither a gypsy nor a bat or goblin, she's a spic gargoyle
She's also tall as fuck, she just looks short because she's constantly leaning over
>one more week

What happens in one week?
Lash gets a .5 dmg nerf
more ivy nerfs
Game gets shut down.
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ivy becomes real
I will personally choke someone out if I find out they're playing a competitive game on a handheld piece of shit.
It's just a game bro you don't have to be mad lol
so have you guys accepted Deadlock will just be a flop with a small/niche community, and not an undeniable success/great game?
Sex with Abrams gets added for real
i got gentoo to boot on my samsung fridge and it's downloading right now you mad?
>t. tf2ranny
im a dotard...
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>Empty billboards now have placeholder art
>more signage
>more occult signs around lanes
Or the retards who say nothing. Just as bad.
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Don't really give a shit as long as I have healthy player numbers. Not everything needs to be CS.

Funny. Deadlock fixes the problem that Dota has where the skill floor is far too retarded to warrant starting playing nowadays.
It’s all coming together…
Yes I do. I'm going to murder you.
Yeah I'm so fucking mad right now I'm gonna stick you in your freezer and murder you that way.
No moba players want to play a third person shooter
No third person shooter players want to deal with moba mechanics

There is a small group of people that will like this game. But it will clearly massively flop.
Keep in mind that this isn't the first time this genre has been attempted, all previous attempts have failed too.
Just wish they would lock down the map, so the art people can actually come in and start laying down detail passes.
oh is this why my game runs at 50 fps now on low instead of 110
>all previous attempts have failed too.
Smite has 40 million players. Unless by "failed" you mean "it's not on the news"/"there's no porn"
Nah, anon. It's the same texture and this signage is so low poly it has no impact on your performance.
smite does not have 40 million players
Smite isn't really a third person shooter. Smite is league of legends but with a camera lock.
>Smite has 40 million players
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>got banned
Now what?
Now you're free to just bee yourself
Gamers are not welcome here.
Consider acting like a responsible adult next time.
did you leave multiple games? or do shit that would get you in a devtest so small that valve employees can manually moderate it?
>called the other team faggots after losing due to lag spikes
>quit match cuz having a troll and a leaver on team
>queued up just to see that same troll a game
>quit lobby
What did I do wrong?
Consider acting like a responsible adult next time
People like you are not welcome in online games
God does this thing where he tries to bring us down to the level of a spic. He basically says, "forget every single person you've ever met. All your friends. Forget them. Compare yourself to the Jeet street vendor". It's very annoying. That's why we all consider him our enemy.
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>lane-coloured trimmings
What an odd thing to say.
Stop abandoning games. That and cheating are literally the only things that get you banned. A player called "Maybe" was literally calling his team mates niggers on the front page infront of 15 people and got reported and is still playing.
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>How do people manage to die with Ivy.
I see you haven't met a silencing bullets Haze player yet.
She's gainfully employed.
Or someone literally just buying slowing hex (1250)
these faggots won't last 2 seconds in a cod lobby bro fuck em
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>Melts from headshots
>tries to run away with the ult
>Ulted in the head

Aditionally, she suffers from the same issue as Vindicta and Talon where Slowing hex fucks you up. Warpstone might help with that but I never play her so I dunno how much of a core item it is.
I love going onto this fags comment section and seeing random people break apart his shitty argument it's really fucking funny.
I also love seeing these retards try extremely hard to say "Oh you love the game just because it's valve." Only to quickly crumble and say shit like "S-Save tf2!!!"
>Spelling error
Who gives a fuck. The point is her ult is countered by a cheap item.
why would i read the opinion of a retard?
>Say nigger on a frontpage game because you're a mad faggot russian
>No ban
how is this shit even still allowed up, russians post gameplay and get drone striked by Yoshi but this video has been up for 3 weeks
That explains your self doubt, huh?
I have no idea what the fuck you mean, find a better translator or something you ESL niggerfaggot. Or just stop posting that would be cool too, then nobody has to try to interpret your dribble
It's because you're not reporting it to Yoshi
yoshi has had enough of r*ssians after they spammed his forum profile page with shitty memes
>piss and shit your pants over some random dude who made a spelling error
lmao. Fine, keep dying to slowing hex, Ivytard :^)
okay and you stay in the lowest income bracket
Reminder that the best anti cheat is a region lock. Fuck vatniggers.
It does filter out a lot of the Igors but some still bypass the regionlock due to the console command.
r*sshits caught doing this need to be perma'd btw. hardware ban.
Why the fuck is everyone but me invited to this fucking game.
Try this:
>type "steam://rungameid/1422450"
>press enter

Ignore that shit warning steam gives you and then do this:
>press u
>press u again

you're welcome anon
You make this joke every thread, doesn't it get old?
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Post your steam account and I can help you out with an invite.
>It's heckin based when Valve does abominations it but /v/ will seethe as a collective when other companies does ugly designs.
Pcbros everyone.
As much as I'm tempted to, I really should know better than to post my Steam on 4chan. If you are legit, can we do this via email or something?
yes i am very tired
Just get a burner steam acc, m8. That's how I got mine. Got the inv there then I used it on my main.

But sure, someacc4randomstuff@gmail.com
Good try.. However, i am a Arch Linux user, and as an Arch Linux user, I am acquainted with computers and how they work, even when I was still using Windows. I know that, that input will shut down your Windows PC. That is not what I want, what I want is an invite to Deadlock.
Check out the Vindicta's perspective in this game 417624
Thanks, I sent you two mails, I included a burner Steam in the second one.
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I think I gotta stop playing on the asia server
I'm tired of every lane being lost and absolutely nobody responding to vc, callouts, or pings
Even on the offchance I win it's just not fun
Oop sorry sir, the post was not meant for you. It's to filter out the zoomers that have no concept of what a file path is.
>Glass canon build against a lash and wraith
Found the problem
He expects to play like a pussy every game and cries when people don't carry him. Russian pig. Look at this. That's him.
I just got in and am very bad at DOTA, if you see me in-game please be nice thanks.
>click the faggy flag on discord to make vatniggers seethe
they are all gay though just look at how much they like sucking each other off on the frontline
Yeah, I've taken a look at early game. It was... Okay at best, his positioning was kind of meh and got ganked twice but he definitely could have bullied THE FUCK out of lash if he was smart.
Stop shilling your secret club game, if you're not offering access then I don't want to see it.
His mid-late is full of him frontlining, narrowly avoiding death then going back in to frontline again with no HP. Like he is so fucking retarded. This is what qualifies as a high MMR russian btw.
Hey man, other dude here, care to give me an invite as well? Or does that not work?
Either way, the friend ID for my burner account is 1789411397
how the FUCK would I know it's you
tell us your name so we know who we are not supposed to scream at
Whats stopping you, retard?
Haha, no
anyone who types "sex with abrams" before or after I do gets put on the internal no bully list
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>wanted to play ivy
>get put on w*rden instead
It's fitting that the ivy should be the worthiest foe there I suppose
Valve has a system in place to detect burners, and doesn't invite those.
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>green vindicta
>Spirit/Green Haze
>Infernus with no sustain and focusing on gun
What in the fuck
ivy is actually crazy. if you build weapon, her gun is just too powerful. she melts everything easily and has insane sustain, while topping off teammates with her tether. I'm not saying she should be nerfed, but if you really wanted to balance her better, hit her gun more.
you're retarded. gun is the worst one in the game baseline. kys.
Easy, just look for the guy who spends 5 minutes in the shop each time and farms all game.
ivy main cope
hop into a game right now and spam headshots into the dummy. you're going to see 330 damage. now do the same on any other hero and you'll see anything from 600-900+

you could've tested this easily by now and seen for yourself but if you wanna remain ignorant that's on you. just know you're wrong.
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>someone said the dreaded nigger word
>post it on 4chan because you're upset he doesn't worpship niggers like gods
you don't belong here
Give Ivy nipples you cowards.
she has one of the fastest base fire rates in the game, as well as one of the largest base magazines. her gun scales better than most heroes in the game due to it being full auto. she has the ability to burst down any hero late game in less than a second. i have never seen a health bar melt faster than when I'm playing gun ivy.

On the other hand it's a valve game so a lot of people will try it out by that virtue alone and it's being designed with the new player's experience in mind.

It's also very addictive.
My favourite part is when he's taking potshots at a hero in a different lane and deals like 24 damage, which is used as evidence in an argument about sightlines.
>vatnigger and a furry
Kill yourself
>slows you and stops healing
>using healing rite while the enemy is still in LOS
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uh oh watch out
someone pinged my based alarm
My knees are bending on their own!
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This, her gun is decent in lane but it scales real fucking hard the more bullets you can pump into an enemy
The uptime of Ivy's gun is fucking shithouse early but lategame it's even stronger than Wraith's, she just doesn't have a lockdown that she can use while still shooting like Wraith does so you have to actually aim
Having said all that I wish they'd stop nerfing her healing
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I'm sure that the wraith that was jingling was really worried about the lack of heals and slowdown.
This shit game will end up as dead as artifact and underlords less than an year after release. Valve cannot make games anymore
>10 people circlejerking
everyone who got in went through the humiliation ritual of begging for an invite here or had a friend who did that before
they aren't sending out direct invites, it's only daisy chained
the posts in this thread? all me.
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Not sure if based but I appreciate the moxie either way
>All the good players going back down to low MMR while your team is literal newbies

I have never seen so many bad dynamos in my life after losing too many games
Bro got deleted for posting a featureless gargoyle?
I don't really think that was featureless
One has to wonder where the fuck she's getting the hair from
Her head?
she steals it from her foster mommy at night
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>It's your turn to have Infernus on your team anon!
How do I report these threads for fake game?
I would love to hear this sound somewhere in this game like an easter egg or just ambience, idk why but it fits the atmosphere. I love unexplainable creepy details in vidya.
pretty cool
It sounds like someone's playing generic rock music in the apartment next to yours, where all you hear are muffled sounds.
>She is a pure blooded gargoyle
Is that why she doesn't have nipples?
thoughts on a character that can steal souls from other players by hitting them with an ability?
as in a character that doesn't have any powerful abilities of its own but relies on items?
whats with people and stealing money just FUCKING DENY
Sure, just port Bounty Hunter from dota
make it based on some kind of real urban legend or creepy demon
There should be a magic hobo hero
>buy Extra Health
>but also Combat and Enchater's Barrier

explain yourselves
put it on an ultimate
only if its a black character(nigger)
This. I don't know why gay manbabies like this ugly emo looking goblin.
I was thinking about making some kind of tragic homeless veteran who died and became a ghost who appears out of nowhere and slashes people out of spite but it was in really poor taste
the map is so fucking yuuuuuuge i wonder what people are gonna do when valve releases custom tools
because she is:
>a tomboy
>a wifeable gargoyle
it's not rocket science, anon. And you probably prefer generic animu girls or kpop idols which doesn't make you the opposite of a 'manbaby', it just makes you an idiot
Retards truly have gaslight into liking this trash character.
With the amount of heroes in this game and number of player spots, you realize the amount of games played with exactly those heroes in exactly that player order is single digits, right?
post your waifu
I hear a classical depressing tune or some shit straight from The Caretaker.
Which is evident by the shit game design and even more shit character design
yeah we get it, retard. you like anime and cunny shit. too bad this game is not for weebfaggots like you.
hey op here
im trans btw if that helps
You're doing a poor job attacking that strawman you've constructed.




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they need to give her a reliable heal because currently the best way to heal your teammates as ivy is to build gun while stacking lifesteal

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