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When exactly did the persona franchise become shit?
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It lost a ton of quality when 4 released, slowly got a tiny bit better then p3r released and killed it.
Persona 2 Eternal Punishment.
When you became too jaded to enjoy things.
Persona ended at 3
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any idea how to reverse this?
>i cant sleep
>gets in bed with me
>continues to not be able to sleep from me steamrolling over her in my sleep
The persona franchise has only got better every (mainline) release aside from EP which is trash.
Never did
proper sleep schedule, physical exercise (simple calisthenics are good enough), cut back on alcohol
or low dosing MDMA
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I understand the idea behind Persona 4, but overall I feel it failed in its execution and ended up being wasted potential. But for people that just wanted a slice of life simulator it was a love letter. P5 I feel struck a much better balance between light hearted antics and taking itself seriously but people like to mock that game in particular. Acknowledging the original PSX games, only the first one is any good. 2 Duology has a great concept but held back by the game being so fucking boring, I DO NOT understand why people treat it like peak of the series other than most people won't bother playing the dispute them.
>Duology has a great concept but held back by the game being so fucking boring
I legit have no idea how they somehow made a combat system worse than the first game. It's just so fucking boring.
> I DO NOT understand why people treat it like peak of the series other than most people won't bother playing the dispute them.
It's a mixture of SMTfags being hipsters (uhh this was before Persona got GAY AND POPULARR!!!!!!!) and people hearing it had a good story and adults so they latch onto it despite it being so aggressively bad as a video game (4chan in general has a real issue acknowledging that story is only an aspect of a game and that there's other shit involved with it. That or they try to claim all RPGS are boring gameplay wise anyways)
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anything else that I'll actually want to do, or just that?
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Agi hime gf
Never. As of right now the mainline persona games have only gotten better in production values and gameplay. The spinoff games are hit or miss but they don't make the mainline games worse for existing
Nah Persona 5 was a little too dorky. It had too many goofy anime tropes. 3 was the perfect balance of humor and melancholy and the character narratives are much more fleshed out. Look at the teaser to P5 and the tone is like night and day. We should have gotten that game instead.

sars good morning sars do the needful sage sars
All the things needed to get yourself out of that apathetic / depressed mindset require a lot of effort.
But when you've got no motivation to do anything, it can seem kind of impossible to start or stick to things like that.

Anyway call me if you ever figure it out Panda-kun, I want to know too, still waiting on that miracle cure to effortlessly feeling happy again
>I DO NOT understand why people treat it like peak of the series other than most people won't bother playing the dispute them
Retards are trying to look cool in front of newfags by just copying what they've heard. Story and characters were decent enough, but it's just so fucking god awful to play that the gameplay alone puts the game on the lower end of the series.
>but overall I feel it failed in its execution and ended up being wasted potential
The Izanami twist will always be retarded.
the secret is an Adderall prescription
stop visiting this website #1 pro tip
its permanent im afraid
good artist but he draws way too much trash idolshit
3D was a mistake.

it was ff9 necros tier retarded.
What the fuck happened in the fire emblem thread
P3 was perfection in tone and the actual peak of the series but it definitely more on the dark and heavy side where even it's light hearted moments were tinged bitter. When I say P5 struck a better balance I feel its perfectly centered between P4 and P3. I'll always wish we got to see a P5 where the characters were more morally grey but I still enjoy the cast and story we got. As a game the series peaks with P5 but as an experience it peaks with P3, but if you're more into the comfy rural setting I can see people viewing P4 as peak experience. Either way all these games are great and I really wish the fanbase wasn't so fucking insufferable. I blame P3P female protagonist inviting the wrong type of crowd.
You talking about the scat spammer? He's been around forever. Literally just ignore every single fire emblem thread, which you should be doing anyways since all their games are shit.
FPBP, every single Persona entry is faggot shit.
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>The Izanami twist will always be retarded.
He actually was exposed as the eceleb “donlot” recently since he pulled the same schtick on other discords
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How do I get a Yukiko gf irl?
why are the posts still up? mods wanking to scat?
That does sound nice, I ought to get myself one of those.
They probably don't just hand them out though
>He's been around forever
I don't remember him being around a few years ago. Was I just lucky?
Every single woman in japan
Asian massage parlors are full of them.
Holy fuck i see that’s true
Why would someone on YouTube do this
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Did anyone else love PQ & PQ2?
I mean it kind of isn't, and note because /v/ likes to only deal with extremes no it's not the best thing ever either.

Persona is just an above average turn based JRPG that had a lot of elements borrowed from other games and franchises that cemented itself during a time when turn based RPGs were a dirty word in gaming and because it blended together so many good it punched far higher than it should have.

What you say is shit is because you can't divorce the fanbase of persona from persona itself. Because Persona's fanbase are the worst of the worst turbo weebs, the one old /a/ used to make fun of for not hiding their power levels, and eventually with 5 brought in a bunch of normies who's values far differ from /v/'s in the wake of the culture war which made them and the franchise an easy target to rail against.
When xitter zoomers and trannies started adopting it as their game franchise and posting about how problematic it is and making ironic memes about le pedophilia or whatever. So when persona 5 came out.
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PQ1 yeah
Chie's sweaty armpits
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i like when faggots say they don't like persona, just shows me who the tastelet zoomer retards are.
my only regret is waiting until this year to get into the series. i just started Innocent Sin last night
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They're pretty good, but I never seem to finish first person dungeon crawlers for some reason
>Play PQ two times
>Both times fall off of it later into the second dungeon
>Play PQ2
>Get a few floors into what I assumed was the last dungeon, then just never opened it again
I got into it when P4G was released on Steam. Loved it so much I got a PS4 for 5R.
Are you saying that a small animation that played at the beginning of an 80 hour game, the name of the school, and Edogawa's lecture that took place during the same period of time as the Club Escapade shenanigans weren't enough to clue you in?
It hasn't. Persona has been getting better and better with each installment. This is an undisputed fact. Fuck I love this franchise so much it's unreal.
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The sheer amount of red hot rage Ann's body puts into some people will never fail to make me laugh
>finished P3R yesterday
>on autopilot at work today
>still in the feels phase
It will pass by tomorrow but those games still do it as they did almost 20 years ago.
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Haru is at least a Norwood 3
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just simply lie
Psychiatry is horseshit anyway, they're just a gatekeeper for stimulants to make sure you're not completely retarded
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Bigger forehead for more kisses
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Persona 4 made me appreciate many things but mainly pantyhose's, long hair, twin tales, girls with raspy voices, womalets and other stuff.
Unironically true if you are serious about needing a temporary boost but long term stimulant usage is just another form of nightmare (plus it's expensive when the sadboy state was at least free).
ignore every fe thread with Fire Emblem anywhere in the OP. they're never good and they make for easy targets since you can just search it
nah, p5 and p3r were shit
Okumura's Palace
it's not that great, the longer you take them the more you dread it
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5, 5 is just shit with not a single redeeming thing about it.
Only zoomers whose first persona game was 5 or fujos who plaster pictures of the shitty light yagami clone all over their wall would like it.
The Answer soon. Anyone else excited? What changes do you wanna see?
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Like the halfway point of her social link
Spot on. But also the games are legitimately good if you have any interest at all in the occult. Everything is crafted subtly to express lots of esoteric ideas in a relatable, digestible way. It's just sad normalfags are incapable of appreciating it.
I know that feel. I didn't think the end would hit me as hard as it did when I was a teen, but damn.
Persona 4 fans a truly mentally ill and so deep into their connection with their fake friends anything else feels like a bastardization. Persona 5 is a great game and no amount of waifu posting will change that.
>still can't cook by the time of arena
Yukiko is truly irredeemable.
Dunno man, 5 has the best dungeons, great music and aesthetics, individual characters are good
It's just that the story is some garbage after the first arc or two
The only think she needs to cook is my babies in her womb
just hope they dont come out burnt
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>I DO NOT understand why people treat it like peak of the series other than most people won't bother playing the dispute them
oh no no no no the newfag frogposter just cracked the code, shut it down.
Storywise and characterwise, nothing, but I'm not afraid because Reload was extremely true to the og (inb4 that one tranny gag, based devs erasing trannies when they were there before). It will be polarizing for zoomies just like the original answer was for us. At most they can rephrase a couple of the magic explanations to tie in with the clearer lore from both P1/2 and P4/5 (all or most of the paranormal is the collective unconscious taking shape, which is explicitly stated in the rest of the series but was apparently not understood judged by P3 discussion in old timey forums at the time).
In terms of game I doubt it will change much from main P3R, they'll just have to rebalance things for party control. Most of the original answer was the worst aspects of FES concentrated so it can only be an improvement.
Except having actual handcrafted levels, I guess.
I'm willing to cut P4 some slack. It was a game made out of desperation. Index Holdings was going under and Atlus' sales throughout the 6th generation were pretty mediocre to outright bad. They needed some way to keep afloat so they slapped P4 together. They even admitted they didn't really have a design document put together for it so for a lot of the story they were just kinda flying by the seat of their pants. That's why the "murder mystery" isn't all that well-written and the final bosses just kinda come out of nowhere. Hell, I'm willing to bet that the only reason "fog" is such a big deal in P4 is entirely because the PS2 was really good at rendering fog.
The thing I like the most about smt games in general is how autistic they went with all the background objects. Having random products just exist around the rooms makes the world very lively.
I know it's a silly thing to be happy about.
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>I DO NOT understand why people treat it like peak of the series other than most people won't bother playing the dispute them.
I like the writing/characters a lot but yeah the game basically playing itself and tarot card grinding is inexcusable. The PSX versions are slightly better in terms of gameplay but not by much
Wish she would do that for me
The main story is bad in all persona games, which are good despite the main stories which are just serviceable to tie together the slice of life and ebin battles.
P3 is a giant filler until the last two months, it's a candidate for the worst paced story in a long game. It is saved in extremis by the last act and dungeon. P4 relies on heavy suspension of disbelief to accept that every character acts like a retard repeatedly for an entire year. Once again it is saved at the last minute by a charismatic antagonist.
Arguably the difference in P5 is that it's the beginning of the story that is better than the end, and only in the original release because the Maruki act is kino.
LSD helps give you back some neuroplasticity. Shrooms might work too, but they don't do jack shit if you're already taking SSRIs.
Aside from that, sometimes you just gotta force yourself to try new stuff until something clicks. Don't allow yourself to go a whole year without finding something novel to amuse yourself with.
Frequent Japanese inns and find a poor soul that's being pigeon-holed into the family business.
Is this the original image that spawned the 'always has been' meme or was it taken from the meme?
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I've had more fun playing Eramegaten than any of the actual persona games.
I don't want any story changes, but for mechanics. I want save points BEFORE the minibosses. I want Dodge/Evade skills to come back so we can't just unga everything by hitting weakpoints. Some kind of superboss would be nice too.

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