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Why are protagonists in indie games made by western developers rarely ever human meanwhile protagonists in indie games made by japanese developers are almost always human? Is this western developers trying to be "inclusive" by not having you play as any one race?
no you fucking retard it's because the average anime design doctrine is human focused while here in the west people tend to be inspired by a higher variety of works
Western devs try to recreate the games they played in their childhoods.
Eastern devs try to recreate anime with cute waifus.
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You don't need to waste time doing cultural research or deal with (((consultants))) if your characters aren't human to begin with.
Western people are inherently more creative, Japanese culture is built around just stealing the more advanced cultures of other people (China and Europe)
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Keep your pants on, dweeb, the next game I’m making stars a human.
>Is this western developers trying to be "inclusive" by not having you play as any one race?
Unironically yes. I asked this question to a leftist before, and this is the answer I got.
Maybe you should play more indie games because you're severely (team) cherrypicking.

The last few western indie games I played were with humans or humans with pointy ears.
Non-humans are just more fun.
Also, furry porn.
I will forever kick myself in the nuts for not getting the Sybil plushie.
1. Faces are the hardest thing to get right so making it obscurred or non-human is a crux for bad artists.
2. People with severe social have a thing against faces. I've seen in it ones as young as 9 years old. And basically anyone who is "indie" is only there because they are too socially ackward to work in a real team. Notice that the "good indies" like Wayforward are not actually indie. They are not leaderless unheirchacial guys who can't get hired. Wayforward has a proper leadership and hierarchy structure and everyone in there is good enough to land a job. The indie fags are such a-social spergs they cannot do this. Anything beyond 2-3 people and their social skills prevent them from functioning. I was involved in such a project and our lead artist ghosted without notice. Later I found out that the stress of the role was giving her panic attacks and she just had to delete everything to cope. The lead programmer was hostile to the point where they couldnt talk to other people. Naturally nothing got made.
this much text for such a shot in the dark says a lot more bout you than any indie game.
damn dude gottem
Anime style is easy for humans.
Imagine how ugly a human would be in the hollow knight artstyle
>Boring simplistic stickman with no face and body
>Boring human with covered simplistic eyes
Real question is when western indie will begin to actually try to make actual interesting design instead of trying to be as cheap as possible?
Japanese aren't meant to be any one race either, except instances where they are, in which case they're heavily exaggerated so that you know it.

Otherwise, they're designed to be racially neutral; the viewer sees them as whatever race they themselves are.
>while here in the west people tend to be inspired by a higher variety of works
then why does everything the west has done since the 1900s is either "tolkien BUT...", "game of thrones BUT..." or "bladerunner BUT..."?
Actual character design is expensive, especially when westoids can only do calarts goyslop.
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Yes, thanks for proving my point.
Calarts is not a real thing, and "goyslop" is a term that applies to food, not media
That's not from an indie and it's not western tho
It's hard to make human characters that don't look like shit without a budget
yeah thats the point anon. its retarded to say that only the east can do good character design. they can both make good looking characters and utterly shit characters like picrel.
because you're wrong and fucking retarded?
if all youve got to defend yourself is insinuating im a pedo for thinking that dogshit looks like dogshit then you lose.
>3 years
This must be wrong or im not understanding it correctly.
>says picrel
>there's no image
thanks for agreeing japan is the only country that can make good character designs
of all the ways you could keep this troll going that was a very silly choice. kind of endearing actually
I wouldn't say that clearly faggot character is good character design but at least it's well drawn
Non-human designs easily filter normal fags. Their brains can’t understand playing a character that’s not “literally them”
>Non-human designs easily filter normal fags.
they only filter people without a soul like niggers, kikes and pajeets
notice how the smash fanbase has a lot of nogs for example but because it's mainstream shit "everyone" plays, then go specifically into the kirby fanbase for example and the ratio of nogs to people like a soul drops like a stone
the only exception to this is furryshit like star fox because that attracts soulless goylems like shit attracts flies
being able to appreciate a wider variety of things is indicative of a higher level of emotional intelligence. waxing philosophical about why its based that don't like the peas on the side of your chicken tendies says enough about where your heads at.
And retards like you get filtered by looking at characters with more than 3 frames of animations
sounds like i struck a nerve
kys, maybe next time you will be born with an actual soul
>indie games made by japanese developers
so touhou and what else?
it doesnt really sound like that if you read it again.
It's amazing how mentally ill nu-4chan is nowadays. Any difference in design, any trend, must have some kind of sinister agenda behind it that just so happens to reinforce my own politics. How do you faggots who post this nonsense look at yourselves in the mirror? You don't, right? You don't have any sense of self left.
I'm deathly serious that /v/ has programmed a whole new generation of /v/tards to think of pattern recognition = kneejerk negative response. anything that happens more than twice is slop, because if it was good enough to happen twice then people must like it, and if people like it then I'm not special for liking it.

its the façade of being a trendsetting while (not so) secretly desperately seeking validation.
The sinister agenda is that nowadays 4chan is invaded by pretentious retards with taste for horrid and no standard and poor understanding of art and videogames who self claim to be altolocate and with fine taste.
I described people other than me. That I personally knew. That's why it's long.

You didn't even read it. You guessed at the content and than padded yourself on the back for dunking on whatever you imagined I wrote.
>be in "real" team
>have to crunch yourself to death to make perfectly realistic horse balls
>develop indie game
>instead get to from design stages all the way through a finished game with your simple cartoony character

Gee I wonder why people chose the latter if they can, must be autism
One of the greatest indie games ever was a 2 person team with an external hire for music making total people worked on it 3

It's hardly the work of socially anxious autists
Human designs do exist in Kirby, though. They're just rare.
i did read it. you didn't say "this person" you said "people" i know plenty of spergs but i dont make sweeping generalizations about the nature of man based solely on their fondness for sonic the hedgehog
>The autistic gator from I Wani Hug that Gator
Pretty good taste
Don't forget Klonoa
Is Hyper Light Drifter any good?
Yeah. It'll likely feel a bit simple now but the movement is still very crisp (especially dash chains), the art and soundtrack are still stellar, and the world design is still solid. The gun variety is eh and the attempted zelda-ish progression using the guns to solve varying "puzzles" that are pretty surface level doesn't ever congeal, but the game's quite good. There's an intended order for going through the world based on difficulty curve but you're fully empowered to do whatever you like.
Japs are horny as hell is why.
They make humans so they can waifu them and immediately print body pillows and toy figures to put on their shelves where they can look under the plastic dresses and so on.
Might want to include this site to that list considering how they freak out when a game has a non-white or black protagonist.
Because humans suck shit and it's way more interesting relating to a weird mute bug person than a japanese high schooler.
the knight is cute
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Technically human
Wait, the stupid looking lizard guy wasn't the protagonist? Were you just spamming him because you're a furry?
Because human sucks so i like to relate to a flat billboard of a children drawing
>Notice that the "good indies" like Wayforward are not actually indie.
Wayforward is godshit, when's the last time they made anything worth a damn?

>People with severe social have a thing against faces.
Nothing wrong with that
Looks like shit
WF is dogshit, they have only made 1-2 good games in their entire existence which is fucking embarrassing and all the people that actually had the ability to make games all left because that trash company was holding them back.
The seminal Japanese indie game has a robot protag though
cave story is peak indie
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No, Fygoon is the main protagonist of his own series; the Lieutenant is protagonist of a separate series that I intend to also work on so I don’t burn myself out on the Fygooniverse.
This is what anime brainrot does to a “man”.
>hollow knight and hyperlight drifter thread
wtf based easily the 2 best indies of the last couple years
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>Is this western developers trying to be "inclusive" by not having you play as any one race?
I legitimately see no problem with this. It's probably the best way to go about being inclusive in this hyper partisan time period.
It's not brainrot, your models genuinely look like low effort shit. It's obvious you don't have what it takes to game dev.
Tell that to the 30 members of Fygoon Squad and the over 200 people who downloaded my game.
I’m going places. Can’t say the same for a hater coomer like you.
listen to critics, blow off haters. good luck anon
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seems like you cracked the code

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