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If Linux user are so smart why can't they figure out a way to deal with anti cheats?
They did. The way to deal with spyware is to not let it on your computer unless it's no longer allowed to spy on all of it. Which is how EAC compatibility works, by the way.
Linux works in a way that is inherently secure, unlike windows. Changing that just to be able to play Fortnite would be retarded at best.
They're smart enough to avoid that malware altogether.
I can play lots of games on Linux with EAC, that stopped being a problem ages ago
>Elden Ring
>Dead by Daylight
Don't think I want to play anything else with EAC
EAC already supports linux
I just don't play them
>Easy Anticheat games tend to be esports shit and infested with cheating and having terrible communities regardless because >Functional Anticheats
not even a linux fag but if you're playing a game that installs kernel level shit, then you're just fucking stupid. modern online gaming is literally nothing but battle passes and skin shops disguised as video games.
EAC/Gameguard/Xigncode/Battleye all support Linux. It's up to the developer to enable the feature.
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Don't the majority of linux users utilize a windows emulator (Idk what the right term is) to begin with?
>that installs kernel level shit
is it really that much of a threat or is it just the possibility that it could be used/exploited for malicious purposes
I don't let kernel shit get installed out of principle either but I really wonder if Riot or whoever is really gonna do anything to your system
>Riot or whoever is really gonna do anything to your system
that's a good question, but the point is, they can if they ever wanted to. look at what Crowstrike did recently.
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EA is busy bricking all their perfectly working games for troonixies. Sad.
There was an incident where some old genshit anit cheat was used my malware because it had a flaw but was signed.
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if windows users are so smart, why does their system breaks every other week?
hey might accidentally send out a bad update and bsod every computer running it
No home user will ever have Crowdstrike installed. That's a big enterprise kind of malware. At best, you can say "lmao windows servers".
Wine used to mean WINdows Emulator, but because how it works its now "Wine Is Not an Emulator."
fedora 40 / ubuntu 23.10
>games ran fine
fedora 41 / ubuntu 24.04
>if there is too much detail on the screen, all games drop to 1 fps. i can even trigger this to happen in quake 1 when using darkplaces engine
back to windows for me. I don't even know what to search to fix this
>implying every action EA isnt inherently retarded and/or evil.
Works on my machine
I'm not joking btw, I use Windows 10 on my laptop and didn't experience a blue screen
Home users won't install enterprise "security software" but will install Chinese "video game anti-cheat" that has the same privileges.
glxinfo and vulkaninfo should list the used driver somewhere near the top. You probably ended up with the opensores nvida one or some shit like that.
>anti cheat software
>has kernel access
>has zero impact on injectors, the easiest fucking shit to do ever, as they load into the memory
lol LAMO even
turns out modern "devs" don't know shit about network coding and just leave all the authority settings blank so clients can do whatever the fuck they want. you guys are also thick as shit for accepting these garbage programs that do nothing but delay piracy for a few hours
I'm using AMD.
Because I don't care about online shit.
>inb4 sour grapes
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How do you expect linux contributors to "fix" chinese government demanding mandatory rootkit installation? White people's games work.
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It's out.
>Upgrade instructions for 21.3 will be provided in a few days.
scrolling through EA published releases it looks like the last game of theirs I installed was Titanfall 1 in 2014.
everything they make is trash, how is this even an issue
>look at what Crowstrike did recently.
what'd they do?
oy vey anti-semites! delete these posts
Using Linux is much more important to me than any shitty video game.
I earn my salary with Linux, any game that blocks me can fuck itself.
Pushed an update for their Windows kernel driver to all their fortune 100 clients, and soft-bricked every PC using their security software. Causing global service disruptions.
And the fix is completely manual. One PC at a time.
I can tell none of you could write a single calculator program despite feeling confident to say all this stupid shit.
OK mr. red hat faggot
>he thinks writing a calculator is supposed to be a gocha
hello fizz buzzer
Because the "problem" is that the kernel is publicly available, meaning that any cheater could much more easily edit their kernel in a way that blinds anticheat modules. Basically the only way around it involves writing a "gaming" signed, hardened kernel that launches alongside the anticheat in a secure boot mode, and even then if a distro maintainer jumps through all those hoops there's no guarantee the anitcheat devs won't just tell them creating an anticheat variant for their kernel is too much work for the potential profit.
>no wayland OOTB
Who the fuck wants to deal with a system that actively bans people trying to bypass it? So you can go and buy skins on fortnite and support people trying to lock you out? Peak cuck
You know the CrowdStrike thing that took down just about every major airline and countless businesses? That was a bad update pushed to a piece of kernel level software
Its funny how the people most obsessed with cyber security are the ones that are the least likely to be targeted because they have nothing to steal
2 more weeks until it reaches feature parity with X sister
The trick is to not use a babby version, and then disable auto updates. Which reminds me I should probably get around to update win10. It's been like 2.5 years since I last did it.
The thing in question was enterprise Windows and it had no auto updates (but the kernel-level malware had its own). See >>683726941.
I would call it "opening a huge backdoor for cheaters" rather than "supporting Linux". Protection on Linux is much weaker, and some private cheats are already taking advantage of it.
It's the most basic program I can think of, and you can't accomplish that.
How can you assert that you -actually- understand how any other program works when you couldn't complete the most basic one to save your life?
Checkmate faglord.
BTW for anyone reading none of these little bitches will respond because they know I'm right and they're wrong.
Easy AntiCheat has been reversed (decompiled) already, we know what it does. It reads the memory of the program you are running (e.g. Fortnite, Dead by Daylight, etc.) and then tries to see if the memory is being changed from what they have tested. If it is changed, they check what values it changes and if you did some fucky-wucky they ban you.
You fucking retards say words like goddamn monkeys with no idea what they mean.
>b-but heckin Windows is BAD
>because I think so
Kill yourselves. All the reasons you think Windows is a pile of shit apply equally to Linux. Unless you run some systemd-less linux/self-compiled linux/bsd instance, I don't want to hear your faggy replies.

Fucking know-nothing skiddies.
They have, it works perfectly fine under linux, it's just that developers don't want to click on a literal button to make it work.
EAC and battle-eye work perfectly fine under linux, WoW, ESO, OW, FFXIV for example work perfectly fine under linux.
>opening a huge backdoor for cheaters
You say that like any of these anticheat solutions work and modern games aren't violently plagued by people cheating.
It just means the devs don't want to invest in server side anti cheat which is a sign of cost cutting or straight up incompetence. MMO private servers exist that strip out the invasive system anti cheat (gameguard/xigncode/warden shit blizzard uses) and replace it with server based solution that works better. Speedhackers get banned instantly instead of "lol report them and wait 5 days later"
oh that thing
didn't look into it because I was affected by it
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>If Linux user are so smart why can't they figure out a way to deal with anti cheats?
But we did: we just don't touch that shit and that was really smart move
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>multiplayer slop
Let me guess...
Pushed a bad .sys file that broke Windows users that had that third party service.
>It's the most basic program I can think of, and you can't accomplish that.

>>var a = 3
>>var b = 5
>> a + b = x;
>> return (x);


Suck my dick, if you want a GUI you should've mandated that.
>starting interactive shell
>not just opening the browser console
We use a windows compatibility layer. There's no windows kernel so nothing for the kernel level anti cheat to latch onto so it just fails to initialise.

There's a runtime now that allows some games to launch but it requires the developer to allow it to run.

The biggest pain in the ass is Vanguard since it's so strict that you can't even dual boot if you want to play valorant or league.
EAC works on linux, I'm playing elden ring online right now. In instances where EAC isn't permitted, it's because the devs are niggers who purposefully aren't allowing it.
Why would linux users not only install kernel level malware but beyond unsecure that hackers love to abuse to take over systems kernel level malware.

You have to be mentally retarded to use EAC all your info is on Russian hackers servers within 10mins of installing it. Those fucks dont care the morons that bought it signed the contract. As long as the hackers dont show off what they are doing ACE can claim its all fake and gay and that its completely safe.

Any company that gives them money is the kind of company that would sign a life time contract with denvo(not reading fully allowing denvo to jack prices or sue) or some other retardation
>it's so strict that you can't even dual boot
what? not that i'd want to play riot games but this sounds insane
From what I've heard it requires secure boot, which doesn't play well with most Linux distributions.
>to latch onto so it just fails to initialise.
so does that lock you out of games that use those anti cheat systems unless they have that runtime exception?
>you can't even dual boot if you want to play valorant or league.
probably for the best

I really ought to look into this stuff since There's a good chance I'll switch to linux once windows 10 really starts being unsupported
What map pack is that?
>so does that lock you out of games that use those anti cheat systems unless they have that runtime exception?
Yep, they throw up an error that says something along the lines of 'EAC failed to initialise' and either crashes the game or boots you into the title screen.

If you want to check there's a handy site called protondb that's a community aggregate of compatibility.
I'm not a troonix cultist but games that utilize anti-cheat are online cancerous shit like league of assholes and dorknite which no functioning adult plays so nothing of value was lost
>it's because the devs are niggers
or even worse sw*des
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I only reinstalled after 2018 because I wanted to switch to an SSD because my spinning rust was dying and couldn't be cloned easily. It still works fine and idle RAM usage is like 2GB unlike winblows 11.
Secure Boot works perfectly fine in distros used by people with jobs.
kernel drivers can blow security holes into your system. just look at the sony rootkit. i think it was securom or starforce that was also exploited.
That's not bad, they're ensuring they have a functional upgrade path before springing it on to users. Common wisdom with Fedora updates is to wait like two weeks before making the jump because it used to break spectacularly.
>beats Linux fags for over 20 years
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Together we are indestructible
But it is easy, just don't play the game. Anti-cheats are basically kernel level malware that barely do their actual job, why would I willingly install such shit software on my PC? Windows or Linux, doesn't matter
Deal with what? Don't use faggot software that requires kernel level access to your computer, let alone video games of all things. It's dealt with.
Steam also scans your pc
Discord stores everything you send and requires admin privilege to run often
Correct, but it does it at user level. The difference is that at kernel level you're granting third party software the privilege to do whatever they want with your PC. And if something goes wrong, well, you only need to see what happened with Crowdstrike
these work just fine on steam deck / arch linux though.
EAC was being ported to Linux, and then Timmy Epic bought it and shut down the efforts.
Very curious
tl;dr it's fucking nothing
the anti cheat program looks at the game you are playing to see if you are cheating by tampering with the game's code
none of the people claiming it's a problem know anything about computers
This retard missed the worldwide outage caused by kernel level antimalware.
This is the biggest load of nigger nonsense I've ever read, because if Linux was so secure, why are there 50,000 privilege escalation exploits for it? All EAC would need to do would be to write an EAC driver for FOSS cucks, but reality check jewboy who doesn't want to pay a simple $100 license fee for an OS, Epic doesn't want to pay an entire team of developers to learn niggernux to write a driver. They don't even want to update EAC for Windows 11 compatibility, you have to shut-off kernel compliance on 11 to get EAC to run, and Windows 11 is like 30% of PC gamer usages. Do you really think Epic gives a fuck about <1% of you niggers? You're not secure, you just aren't worth paying attention to. Deflate your ego, buttboy.
>, why are there 50,000 privilege escalation exploits for it?
Probably because it's used in most servers world wide doing important shit and they still can't crack it like they do with windows daily, because at the end of the day, if a linux system gets breached is only fault of the user.
Eh, who cares, he's just pulling the same accidentally admitting malicious usage of your data thing since Valve
>Tells you exactly what data they collect (and are compelled by law to)
>Have a functional business so they don't operate on illicit data collection

YEAHOKDUDE. Keep lying to yourself. Linux niggers aren't any more attentive than Windows users.

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