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>requires epic account
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>Heh, I bet Gabe didn't think through this one out! Fuck his monopoly!
>requires psn account
no i wont faggot.
A dummy account that the Epic Online Service automatically generates for you while you keep clicking Next Skip Finish. It's not your real Epic Account (the one that you use to receive free games on Epic Store).
I'm sorry Helldivers 2.... I'll come back for the new difficulty patch.....
Helldivers won
but does it make you install epic game client on your machine or no?
Fuck you nigger I cannot unsee this now
>epic game client
What is that?
There's no Epic Game Launcher installation if that's what you mean. The Epic Online Service is just Epic's online component to match players, similar to Steam's, or god forbid Garena.
Or imagine Hamachi but except made by mega corpo and it provides the game devs with more numbers for excel chewers to go through.
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I never said that. In fact, if it bothers you, don't install EDF6. I'm simply explaining the differences between an actual ebin gayme account and the ebin online service component.
I thought it was worse than that, people are definitely overexaggerating the issue.
Though I do remember what happened when Payday 2 migrated their crossplay servers to Epic Games, that was bad.
I thought the same when linux anon posted an early screenshot with his 100Mpbs network. Then I saw the "No email or" whatever required and had to try it. I only had to input my (fake) DoB. Definitely a weird implementation.
That anon is lying; you have to install the EGS launcher or the game doesn't even run, and after that you have to create an account so you can access the online features.
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One anon logged in with his actual, real Epic Game Store account and bricked his installation.
>first the /vt/umors and now this shit
The ABSOLUTE STATE of edf trannies lmao
Man, what the fuck did they do to fencer. It's so slippery now and jump boost feels like shit compared to 5.
Where did you find mention of having to install their full game client to play? I can only see people complaining about needing an account, but not game launcher itself.
yeah dash jump feels like having 50kgs weights strapped onto Fencer's legs. The feel of momentum is gone.
Source: his prolapsed anus
I pirated the game and it didn't run on my machine; I don't have any Epic software installed.
The people in charge of the crack and the online for pirates patch explained on its website that you need to install the Epic client or otherwise the game won't run.

Of course the people playing the legitimate copy don't say anything because they already have the Epic launcher installed on their systems.
Wrong you have to install Epic Online Services API, this has NOTHING to do with EGS
Thousands of games on Steam use this API running silently in the background including huge releases like Elden Ring, the only difference is that EDF6 has a popup with single button press informing you that it's happening instead of doing it automatically without your knowledge. People are mad because they just found out about something they most likely have already been running on their computer for years.
Again just to reiterate since you are stuck on this point it is NOT THE EPIC LAUNCHER, it's just an API. It requires one button press to join the online multiplayer and zero button presses for anything else. You don't even have to actually make an account, the game just does it for you. The entire fuss is so blown out of proportion it's insane.
>Game requires an EA account
/v/ sleeps
>Game requires a Steam account
/v/ sleeps
>game requires a Battle.net account
/v/ sleeps
>game requires an epic account
Stop lying. I'm playing Elden Ring online without having anything Epic-related installed on my machine.
You literally need to install the Epic launcher if you want to play EDF6,
The devs knew what they were doing. It wasn't listed on the Steam store that it requires Epic account, if it had, hardly anyone would've bought it.
will probably be removed by the time it's $15 on sale which is the first time I wouldn't bought it anyway so DON'T CARE
>>epic game client
>What is that?
>There's no Epic Game Launcher installation if that's what you mean.
>devs use the lazy method of including EOS
>makes steamies seethe about tim

I hope more devs make EOS transparent from now on so that steamies will continue to seethe about it like they have been for years now.
Find any game you've run on your computer in this list and then shut the fuck up
Once again it's not the Epic launcher, it's Epic Online Services, an API built into many games to enable online functionality.
You have Epic dll files when you download Elden Ring, you don't need to "install" them separately from Elden Ring. Also Easy AntiCheat which Elden Ring uses is also Epic.
Is EGS still Chinese spyware?
Did I stutter?
Elden Ring didn't force me to install the Epic launcher and create an Epic account just to run the game.
Yes just like Steam
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Why? It's a singleplayer game, no scoreboard or anything.
Who cares? Valve will remove all the troll review and then we will be back to its glorious real rating.
That's a pretty funny attitude to have when you ostensibly want people to play a game.
>>requires epic account
that sucks, I'm not gonna buy it until thats removed. The Epic Store can piss off
How is the game though?
I don't buy shitty games that require EA or Battle.net accounts, and I would seethe if they paid third party devs for exclusivity and games I wanted were locked to those platforms as well

Steam is actually a well made platform that provides benefits to both the user and the developer, so I don't have an issue with it. If these other launchers weren't garbage I wouldn't hate them as much either, but they are, so I do
I just wanna know what the army chant is like in this one
It just did it silently in the background so you didn't know about it.
Just admit you were uninformed and take the L
The only crime EDF6 commits is telling customers what it's running on their PC instead of doing it in the background covertly.
I've played games that use Epic's online services before, and they didn't ask me to create any account or have any review bombs on them at the time.
Did EDF6 do this in some dumb way? Put a big "CREATE EPIC ACCOUNT" on the main menu and people just assumed they needed an EGS account?
Never before seen low levels of reading comprehension. Anyways EDF fag's deserve to eat shit for having a bot shitting up the famitsu threads when their dog shit games can't even beat the worst tendie titles
Are you illiterate or something?
I can play Elden Ring, both offline and online, without having the Epic launcher installed and without an Epic account; in fact I've never had an Epic account.
Meanwhile EDF6 requires both.
Its the same thing, but other games that use it just auto-generate a dummy account without even letting you know. EDF 6 for some reason tells you and makes YOU do it instead of just doing it in the background like everyone else.
Elden Ring does the same thing, but it just does it right when you log in without telling you.
Multiple people have been telling you that Elden Ring includes the Epic files when you install it and autogenerates an Epic account tied to your PC when you run it, it seems you're too dumb to understand what you're being told.
I haven't played either games and I don't plan to but who do I trust here?
This all feels like some scheme from Epic to lie about th and size of their user base
That wouldn't make much sense considering the other games like ER still do the same thing. Its way more likely the guys programming EDF 6's PC online features are just retarded.
Elden Ring does definitely generate an Epic account for you when you launch it, I know that much to be true.
And I've telling you that I can run and play Elden Ring without having to create an Epic store account and downloading their client. So you claiming that EDF6 and Elden Ring work exactly the same is a bold faced lie.
Check the link to all the games that include the Epic Online Services files, you can see who is being retarded.
You don't need to download the EGS client to play EDF6.
D3P is an awful publisher, simple as
Yes you need to.
I also don't play games that require ea accounts, blizzard accounts, xbox accounts, etc.
You don't.
You just get this shit and need to click allow. Which is annoying on its own.
Im so tired of the steam review bombs. It was funny when it was finklecore crap, but seeing good games get caught up in this crap is sad.
>Get game
>Requires 3rd party launcher
>Launcher is buggy
>Devs eventually abandon game
>Tons of people locked out because of the shitty launcher
>Devs never bother to patch it
Ever. Fucking. Time
Good game with shit publisher deserve to be called out. Fix your fucking customers service or I won't give your game money and praise.
I don't now who to believe
It's never been so over
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I don't have any of the Epic software installed and I get a white screen any time I try to run EDF6.
I just mean in general the way they do the dummy account thing with games. I am also a retard so take that in consideration.
This year has been nothing but dissapointment after dissapointment holy shit
Oh, they probably include it as parts of their services and numbers for sure. Would look good to investors.
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Also, EDF6's desktop icon is literally the EGS client icon.
I respect others and their choices. I want to give them the most accurate information for them to make their most conscious choice with their money. I'm not here to sell EDF6. The game isn't for everyone in both gameplay and presentation, that's a fact.
I don't know if I can believe you
you downloaded a virus
Okay but I have Steam, why do I need anything from Epic????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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>All Reviews:
>Very Negative
Don't you just love democracy?
I can run Elden Ring and show you the small window if you want.
Every game requiring a third party account deserves this. You shouldn't be allowed to peddle your own services on a storefront that already has its own.
Epic's networking backend is supposedly better for cross-play. They did actually explain in detail why they chose to use it for EDF6 in one of the development blogs.
Nah, it's the proper pirate version and its online fix.
Here's the post >>683706613, the pirate anon literally explains that you need to install the Epic launcher.
Because this particular API helps developers implement online multiplayer with crossplay etc. It's very popular, it's just usually opaque so people didn't realize they've been using it the whole time until EDF made them click a button.
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Yeah well I'm not poor so I have a legit copy, no EGS, and the game runs. So, seems like a you problem.
no it doesnt
I remember seeing a handful of turbo-shill threads for this game over the past couple of months. And specifically people pretending as if this dogshit aesthetic meme series is somehow a hidden gem of a series. And now, >>683719982 . Every time when a game gets mega-shilled and it tanks like this. Beautiful.
Except none of those games have crossplay with console versions so they're inconveniencing the player for no reason.
I wasn't the one shilling but this dogshit aesthetic meme series is somehow a hidden gem.
>no EGS, and the game runs
You have it installed.
>hidden gem.
The EDF franchise is one of the most famous franchises out there. It's like claiming that Dark Souls is a hidden gem.
Only when my side wins. When it doesn't, it's not democracy.
I don't, just the "online services".
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Gweilo is cantonese you fucking retard
>I don't have Epic software installed, I just have Epic software installed.
you spend too much time online.
go ask people on the street and you're lucky if 1 in 1000 has heard of EDF.
For like 2 hours people have been telling you that you don't need the Epic Games Launcher, just the online services. No one ever said you don't need anything from Epic.
>15 year old r*ddit meme spouding retard thinks his pozzed brand of choice is better
you're the best advertisement against this game, good job
EDF5 was released in 2017 and reached total worldwile sales of a whopping 1 million units five years later in 2022. It is not one of the most famous franchises out there.
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>It's the same as Elden Ring!
Obviously there's some difference. Why would Steam force EDF6 to put in a notification but not Elden Ring if both games require an EOS account?
>Why would Steam force EDF6 to put in a notification but not Elden Ring if both games require an EOS account?
one got review bombed day one for not burying it
Pretty sure Elden Ring mainly uses EAC which is built into EOS, no clue if they use it for anything else.
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>hey this one is on me kid
Does it require an epic account for fucking not?
There's gotta be a vid on this, everyone is saying different shit.
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>requires epic account
I tried EGS once and it was unbelievably bad. Why would anyone be surprised that Steam is a monopoly when this dogshit is not only missing basic features, it's also actively making your games worse?

This guy says it requires linking an EPIC account.
How the fuck do you do this when we just went through it with HD2? It's baffling, I can't comprehend.
More specifically it offers the option of linking your existing account or creating a "dummy account", the type that most Epic online services games use.
It's a shame too, a small game like EDF really doesn't need this controversy.
No, I don't like any of them. GoG or pirate.
Who said Steam "forced" anything? They added it themselves after the review bomb. While Elden Ring got GOTY'd.
The real difference: EDF6 informs you about doing it. Elden Ring doesn't. So it didn't become a scandal that neecssitated a response.
It requires you to either enter a birth date or link an epic account. That's the final answer.
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>people still can't figure out if you need a EGS account
Regardless of how easy it actually is to create the dummy account, this is such a huge fuckup from a business perspective. You have customers asking around, having no fucking clue what they need to do to enjoy their product, being forced to scour forums to get answers from other players instead of getting straight answers from official PR. What a blunder.
Absolutely. Took me about 10 minutes to find out the definitive answer and I consider myself better than the average consumer at this stuff.
>the only difference is that EDF6 has a popup with single button press informing you that it's happening instead of doing it automatically without your knowledge.
And this is why being dishonest > Being honest

It also foretells that PCchuds can't read and are reviewbombing for NO REASON

This kills the Japanese market and ensures the future will be westoid with more and more westoid devs making eastern games and slapping a different name to it. Like Helldivers did.
Yeah if you only need to make a dummy account, all they needed to do was say that right up front and then people wouldn't be panicking.
And HD2 pre-trained people to respond immediately and viciously so that devs will fold so that's what everyone is doing
They just put up an official post on the Steam page in broken English and using the phrase "signing in to your Epic Games account" three separate times.
I mean, I know you're right, but seems like they're confused too.
I wonder if they would seriously piss off Epic if they just said you can make a dummy account with fake details.
Unlike steam, Epic actually provides a cross platform API. More games would have crossplay if they embraced epic services.
A simple message like "Linking to an Epic account is not required, just enter blah blah and you are good to go" would be enough.
It's not that kind of dummy account. It's an autogenerated one. All it asks for you is a birthdate (probably for some underage data law reasons) and then it generates an ID that is tied to your Steam account and that's it. It's an intended feature.
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Go back >>to /r/FuckEpic
This is a Tim Sweeney board.
All of my friends play on PC.
Don't care. Having fun with it.
And you'd have more access to more friends with cross play. You've never been locked out of playing something with someone due to platform differences? Arguing against cross play is retarded.
No one besides Epic and Microsoft (Playfab) support cross platform APIs
Also in this case it's only between Steam and EGS, no crossplay with PlayStation players.
I'm not arguing against crossplay. I'm arguing against signing in to multiple botnets to enable a feature I don't have anything against but don't have any use for either.
Epic is included in ER, that part is true at least. I verified it a while ago.
>grade S cringe and cope
I am arguing against crossplay. I don't want to play with contards or people dumb enough to install EGS.
I would rather have fewer people to play with than open the retard floodgates.
Most of those games also tell you before it launches that the account will be required and not edit the store page hours after launch.
I don't think people generally play EDF with strangers.
Do you have malaria? No? Well then, would you like to get ass raped if I offer you some malaria medicine? Oh and also to play vidya you need to get ass raped too, sorry it's just part of the deal. You don't hate malaria medicine do you? It helps people with malaria.
I don't think that's a real installation. Are you a third worlder? I smell a thief complaining is stolen product doesn't work.
is this shit even cracked?
not seeing anything on crackwatch
uploaded to ggn 11 hours ago
Negative entirely because of the Epic games store thing. Runs 100% perfectly fine otherwise.
is there a fix for the epic cancer? i dont care about playing with randos online but id like to be able to play singleplayer and host a server for my friends without any epic account involved.
Who else would I play it with? My friends play call of duty and fifa. They don't play literally who games.
Nope. EGS or fuck off and get white screen of death.
damn, hopefully somebody fixes it somehow, i guess ill stick to edf5
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>this shovelware kusoge supports ultrawide natively

what a shock
not to run complete defense but you click create account and it autogenerates one for multiplayer, so its not a super intrusive thing, but I get it
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It's not just an account you have to install (((Epic Games Services))) aka chink spyware.
You people will take a stand on the most retarded innocuous shit
What a false flagging homo
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99% of the reviews aren't from /v/

You're on the wrong side of history. Simple as.
It was only a matter of time before an innocent game was brigaded by knee jerking retards
>even the pirated version requires you to install EOS to play
What a fucking shitshow
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All the shit series that I hate are dying. This is delightful.
When will this epic is le bad meme end?
Sandlot did the basic implementation because it's all they can do
>GAPED asshole game
how embarassing for you
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动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
Never, because Epic *are* bad.
If I make a troll epic username for this can they ban it? And will I get banned from EDF online?
Like if the name involves noggers, or Tiananmen square?
Of course. How hard is it to just be normal, dude? What's wrong with you?
I just pirate the DLC so they aren't getting anymore from me.
EDF fucking lost.
Are those devs fucking retarded? This was their big chance.
They didn't do anything wrong. You're just a Sheen following the Helldivers fandom.

Kist of games that do the same shit ESF6 has done:
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Epic shit aside, there's some stuff I like about the game, especially with some of the design decisions like how the remnants of the EDF are so absolutely fucked in terms of resources and equipment they've resorted to mounting fucking Nix torsos on the back of flatbed trucks.
Also fencer miniguns aren't as much of a pain in the ass to use any more.
>no requirement before game release
>after game release say you need to link Epic Games account on store page
>actual players say you can create a dummy account
>last part is not communicated at all through official channels
>this is just after another PR disaster regarding linking accounts in another game of the genre
This is 100% retardation and they deserve the hate for this utter lack of customer communication.
The epic launcher is installed on first launch and is made -silent so may or may not see it installing the Epic Online Service dependency, this is exactly the time it checks and updates vcredist and other redists. While it's possible some might already have it, most won't even see it be installed.
BattlEye might have been a piece of shite but at least it asked you if you wanted to install it.
>But what about OTHER GAMES
Other games connect to EOS. EDF6 installs the software itself to my PC, fuck off Jeet shills.
I don't care, fuck Sweeney
even though helldivers II has like 1/10th of the playerbase it originally garned its still going to shit on this doa game.
i just want to play but every thread is niggers crying ffs
lobby where
where is the fucking scene release aaaaa
Yeah hard to imagine some people just wanna help regardless of if you want to play a game or not. Probably impossible for your retardation addled mind to comprehend. instead of posing completely braindead ponderings, maybe you should just stick to typing your faggy memes and eating mommys hot pockets. Kike.
mission 41, good first day, tons of fun, harder than 5 for sure
Maybe you boomers could just stop being retarded faggots? Have you considered that?
>ohhh nooo oh mah gawd i gatta click 2 buttons insteada 1? Wut kinda muhlarky is theyusss??m!! Heckin devarinos!!!! Downvoted!!!!!
You sound completely fucking fat and gay
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Thanks for convincing me to get a copy anon
Had to sleep from staying up late but I just made it to grenadiers
Holy shit they are so chaotic even the giant ones nuke a place.
Maybe if a company tries to sell me a product, they should get their story straight so they don't come off as either idiots or scammers, both untrustworthy.
I guess reading terms of service is too much for you zoomies, enjoy your credit card debt and predatory contracts when you get older.
does japanese have a slur for white people?
of course there’s “gaijin” but that refers to any foreigner
Blame the company for assraping its consumers, not the consumers for lashing out at the company trying to assrape them.
damn, seething much over your slop getting reviewed properly like the trash it is?
No, jeet. I will not. Refund pending.
Then explain account log in. Those other games didn't require account creation. And con confirm that as my Epic account was locked and dead until I reset the password. That leaves two outcomes that either those other games use your Steam log in details (which is even worse) or Sandlot is hyper retarded in how they implemented the Epic system.
Ignoring the rest of these complaints, if I didn't play through 5 all the way, should I just skip this one til I play 5 to death if I already have it?
Having play 11 hours now, half of which is online, I have to say this
I have never before experienced desync in EDF till now
Playing with my friend as host, if I was anywhere near him and what he was attacking anything, I am completely unable to hit anything because its just not there
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Goodluck on the reviewbomb. We did it with sony we can do it again. Not sure why people are trying to start fights between EDF and Helldivers though. I sadly understand console wars, but these are two videogames that share the same kind of gameplay. How can you say helldivers/edf is shit when you play edf/helldivers
Multiplayer lobbies in every other EDF game have been fine how they were, but now they push this shit in and it's suddenly terrible for no reason at all. Why would they try and fix something that worked fine?
They did plenty wrong, but all of it because of incompetence rather than malice or greed
>Why would they try and fix something that worked fine?
Timmy Tencent paid for the data he's harvesting as we speak.
imagine being this much of a shabbos goy. And no I won't go back to /pol/
Has anyone actually seen anyone online using Epic to play?
>Game requires an EA account.
Games made by EA.
>Game requires a steam account.
If you play it on steam, if not you can get it on gog, Microsoft store or gamepass.
>Game requires battle.net account
If it's an Activision game.
>Game requires an epic account.
Games Epic doesn't make.
It is only available in Japan on the epig gay store, so no.
Just play 5 and wait for a sale, hopefully by then they will have gotten their shit together and fixed this shitty netcode implementation
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Does EDF6 even tell?
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Why did you post a picture of yourself?
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I've played Pal World, Multiverus, and New World just quickly looking at that list. Last I played Multi was last weekend. And Pal World in Jan. Through out that entire time my Epic account was dead and far as I can tell, the launcher not even on my computer.

Installed EDF 6 today and it shows you installing the Epic shit. Then requires you to enter account details or won't work. I couldn't play EDF6 until I reactivated my Epic account.

tl:dr anon is full of shit unless all those games listed have been secretly smuggling the accounts you make with them over to Epic and burying that little detail in the fine print. Sandlot being lazy japs could also be the case as well.
Yes, unless you disable it, all players will have STEAM or EPIC by their name.
At least I assume they'll have epic, I've only seen STEAM so far.
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Don't care still gonna play for 100 hours minimum.
Gonna do the same but with a pirated copy.
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>I'm playing Elden Ring online without having anything Epic-related installed on my machine.
Easy Anti Cheat is owned by Epic and integrates the same EOS that EDF uses
>Easy Anti Cheat is owned by Epic and integrates the same EOS that EDF uses
Objectively false. EOS incorporates EAC. EAC is a component of EOS. Not the other way around.
It's never happened to a good game.
Good to know. Be sure to post when you find a single EPIC user then.
Upon launching the game, it installs the EOS. I immediately went to online multiplayer. After playing the intro cutscene, the Epic log in pops up. I hit create new account and it asks for a birthday. Then it created a new account with a random name and linked to my steam account (which I don't even know if I would be able access the credentials to log into EGS because I only have the name it gave me which I immediately forgot while typing this up).
Wish I could crush the head or this rat with an anvil
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>Initially, EDF6 was targeted to release on PS4; however, with the release of the successor console, the PS5, during the development, there arose a demand for "compatibility with both PS4 and PS5" and "cross-matching." It was determined that the current system could not accommodate processing commonality and matchmaking between different hardware, necessitating the search for a new solution.

Holy shit can poor fags die already? Demand for new PS4 games should result in instant revoke of food stamps.
Damn, you know it bad when even fighting game titles btfo your numbers.
EDF bros, what the fuck man.
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Please tell if the EOS implementation actually crossplays with console players too and not just other PC platforms.
Fucking WHY?
Blame the PS5 for being a giant useless piece of shit with no reason to exist.
steamies are literal toddlers lmao, this level of brand loyalty and hatred for account linking is insane
we're living it
>the day even EDF isn't completely safe
All I see is record numbers for the series
that's the funny part lol
>the one thing saving their game from existing
>they hate it
steam trannies are a joke
Dunno. It says though it will accept your EOS account info from consoles like Switch, etc though.
>wojak poster
>reddit spacing
This is who's doomposting the game huh...
>Charging full price for a glorified expansion to a game series that is meant to be budget priced
>Epic Games
>Tim Sweeney talking to his staff at the quarterly meeting.
Your game store is dying, Timmy. COPE and eternally SEETHE.
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Then what's the point of having EOS for "crossplay" when its CLEARLY A WASTE OF EVERYONE'S TIME
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Here's how other games use EOS without requiring you to link a dogshit Epig Gay account, and without you needing to install additional bullshit:

Connect Interface
The Connect Interface handles authentication to Epic Game Services. It is provider-agnostic, and can thus be used with a number of Identity Providers (such as Epic Games, Steam, Xbox Live, etc.).
The Connect Interface does not rely on Epic Accounts but instead uses a Product User ID (PUID) that is unique to a particular product in your organization.

The easiest way to think about these two Interfaces is that the Auth Interface deals with Epic Accounts and the related social graph APIs and the Connect Interface deals with the unique user IDs that are created on behalf of your game and must be linked to an external identity. Because the IDs used by the Connect Interface are not a social graph, they can be used for cross-play and cross-progression connected to multiple identities and can be used without the Auth Interface entirely.
edf 6 never had a chance jesus christ
what a bunch of idiots all around
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Why does EDF6 require you to install Epic Online Service on launch, meanwhile other games using the exact same service such as Satisfactory or Palworld (multiplayer), do not? You can check it yourself if it installs or not after running a server instance. The only thing Satisfactory does is the dummy/temporary/account thing for networking which EDF6 also does but it gave you a popup instead of it being automatic, yet it still needed to install EOS?
Fun on my machine
The removal of the IP counter has been disastrous for anti-samefagging on this website.
why do people think hate raiding for autistic and petty reasons does anything? It's not like EDF doesn't commonly get "bad" reviews in the first place.
>buy game with mates who i played the other EDF with
>download and play it, see it needs a epic store login
>doesn't say on the steam page but oh well, corporations ganna corp
>not like corporations respect their costumers anyways, always been like this since it all about making money and getting those shareholders more money
>we play for 4 hours before we all have to sleep with with our wives and work
>had a bunch of fun like the good old days
>writing this as i'm on site in the toilet taking me shit

outside of the dishonest act of not telling us about the epic account needed, the game is a true EDF game
the VA is so bad it's good
the music is great
the passion each VA put in screaming out EDF is there
the weapons are even more fun to use now
and i get to shoot my mates fav vtuber, the shark one and kill her
so much winning here
>anon is right
>zero replies
This. Publishera and Devs need to be accountable for shit products.
I mean you certainly seem to think it does with your nonstop "I am...forgotten" and "[x]bros..." threads
>look at the reviews
>negative ones are posts word for word from here
>some including greentexting arrows....on steam
Wow... real organic

its over. Refund and go back to HD.
>I let a corporation rape my gaping asshole
Thanks for sharing, faggot. Did you suckle your shit off of Sweeney's STD-riddled dick after you let him fuck you?
No, but ER did :D
But yeah, Epic is on your PC already, you've just not had to sign up for an account
Why does it rape my GPU when 5 was doing fine?
Botched implementation of the service that's all. D3 didn't bother doing more than the bare minimum
>People dont know the difference between a gamestore and a SERVER
is /v/ really this retarded? Yes.
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All D3 and Sandlot need to do is remove EOS and crossplay!
After how smug you guys were in the Helldivers threads I feel so vindicated.
Eat shit lmao.
i hope the timmy cash was worth it devs
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How does the series still not have matchmaking? A lobby host system is not matchmaking.
Wow you owned him! I'll be sure to share this post in the Helldivers 2™ Official Discord so you can get +10 supercredits!
it does work. you just need to install EOS because tenoke are a bunch of buffoons and not a real scene cracker group.
Look at the increased graphic fidelity, mongo
D3 is a smol indie publisher, prease understand
>i am a true free man and i let no corporation take advantage of me
>use netflix that promotes paedophilia, amazon that abuses their workers and pays shit, such a free man I am

welcome to the real work mate
once you've understand that corps are soulless fucks and no matter how hard to try to 'stand up' nothing will happen
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my maxxed out gpu clock in 20% of utilisation is flabbergasted by it
>increased graphic fidelity
fucking lol
I don't use any of those things, faggot. Go bootlick some more corporations.
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>its only cross storefront play
>not actual crossplay
>every company has to waste time implementing EOS because they want to put their game on a shitty storefront like EGS
This explains WAY too fucking much.
I honestly dont even remember the last time an EDF had better graphics than the previous game
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This feels like a worse version of 5. I expected some fucking IMPROVEMENTS if you're gonna sell me the game again.
Uninstalled my pirated version. 5 years since EDF5 and basically no qol changes outside of gameplay. Everything is a pain to navigate. Even figuring out what a weapon does requires going over paragraphs of poorly translated text. Serverlist is a fucking mess as well. Yeah give no way to arrange by mission or hide games already started
>EDF6 launches and flops as the shitty rehashed crap it is
>Helldivers 2 gets 2m views on its new free expansion
We are in the based timeline
>>Helldivers 2 gets 2m views on its new free expansion
What expansion?
If it at least supported PC and consoles it would have been worth something.
Otherwise it's like 99% Steam users and like the 7 guys who bought it on Epic
I remember 2025 to 4.1 added normal maps to enemies like ants and Caves could actually be dark. Usually nothing big though which I'm okay with.
Graphics arr rook same.
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The Helldivers situation was completely different. PSN isn't available in half the world but they were selling the game in those regions anyway. EOS is a very minor annoyance that doesn't prevent anyone from playing the game. People are schizoing out over it because Tim lives rent free in their head.
>updates to your GaaS piece of shit are now called "free expansions"
die zoomer
What even is being provided by the API? Crossplay? Also its very obvious this is probably an API and people don't understand that Valve doesn't have crossplay support in their API.
So you can accommodate the 5 retards who actually buy games on EGS.
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Thanks for the heads up. I'd not played the game in forever, but your post has me reinstalling
While minor dropping it on people with no warning is bound to stir up a shitfest.
Like there are several things they could have done to not cause this but didn't do any of it.
This whole shitshow is because people thing EOS is ESG. It's poorly worded and the masses are freaking out over nothing.
Please understand. At $60 a pop for decade old engine, can only afford hamsters to power servers.
Now that I have to have Epic's launcher installed for Unreal engine, it's not that bad. The requirements are probably because it uses Epic's servers.
New difficulty, new enemies, new missions, vehicles leaked. All of it free.

Yeah god fucking forbid a game do live service well and all the major content is free. All praise EDF which locks missions behind paid DLC and has $40 of individual weapon DLC on a full priced AAA for rehashed missions from EDF5.
>heh, i don't use any of that. look how based i am
you go girl, slay anon, SLAAAAAY!!!
look anons, this guy is sooooo cooooool, doesn't use anything from corporations, i bet they make their own power and gas too!
doesn't work, makes their own food and everything
this guy is anti-corp so you know he's a bad ass

sucks to be you mate, enjoy your life of being angry at everything
do better drones get the camera positioning like bombardments do? I keep blowing myself up because aiming them is so wonky
Only but Sandlot is to blame. PS4 was at least the Bloodborne machine while theres no point to owning a PS5.
low iq retard post
Thank yoi for being a voice of reason.
I'm installing the Epic Game Store launcher right this moment!
Damn, these copycats are fast
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>Hop on EDF7
>It's made for PS3 instead of PS2.
>You can hop into a quick match and just shoot a bunch of bugs with strangers.
This is my nightmare. I'd rather play EDF5-3
Enjoy paying $70 for EDF 7 in a few years that adds one new weapon and 20 new stages.
>n-no low iq edf does updates the best
Uh huh
either low iq zoomers or chat gpt
>New difficulty, new enemies, new missions, vehicles leaked. All of it free.
>for free
Retards like you are the reason why gaming is so bad these days.
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Pirate chad here, how do I get around the Epic login authentication? I downloaded the online fix
lmao the vtumor shit was the writing on the wall
I am in a constant state of tension in all of the "old" maps, because I THINK I know what is going to happen.
Its the same shit but people are touchy after the Helldivers shit
The pop-up doesn't even appear after the first time you go online
What's your issue with his post?
No you retard, difficulty/enemies/missions are confirmed. The vehicles have been leaked to launch with this expansion. And yes its all free instead of $30-60 like EDF expects for it mission packs.

I dont defend EDF. Im calling you a zoomer retard for saying that update to your piece of shit game as a service is a "free expansion".
Die zoomer retard.
>guys here it is!! What you've been waiting for... New enemies!!!
>it's uh... Not the illuminate. It's just some dogshit enemies made to literally be annoying as fuck and ruin the game, lmao.
>Free content
>Expands the gameplay
>Is not an expansion
The newfag doth protest too much
Theres no workaround, you have to log in
Last (you), you clueless normalfag zoomer.
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EDF bros. I'm not gonna accept this shit this time around. I'll just wait for 7 for the next reboot. Hopefully by then, they won't increase the price for the game + its DLC missions + guns + pre-purchase shenanigans by then.

I hope you guys have the most fun possible. Love you, always.
Thats right, stop posting pretending you made a point and somehow won after providing 0 counter arguments and losing to me. Just like how EDF lost to Helldivers.
>release a pointless console upgrade every year
>people stop buying them because they're all the same
>this is the buyer's fault somehow
Expansions are when you pay full price for the same game + toilet paper thin storyline to justify reusing all of the same assets & levels
Wtf? You might as well just play Helldivers at this point.
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>EDF 8 rolls out
>Enhanced for PSX suuport
>Leaves DC online out to dry
>PC won't even install DirectX 3

Well l-least I still get 45 FPS.
Personally I am happy Helldivers got so popular, because at least the EDF dev team might wake up to the fact they have been milking a tiny fraction of this genre and could do so much better. As much as I love EDF, 6 is terrible for a sequel vs 5 and we need a big improvement.
Helldivers is cheaper looks better and has free DLC. You fuckers that buy EDF6 are the reason gaming is such a shit show
>game was on a pre-order discount
>launch day full price
>suddenly back on discount again
Anyone else feels sleepy? I feel like we need to go back to Helldivers.
PC master race here. I stopped following that shit back at Dreamcast and just pick up whatever plays the newest Smash/Bayo slop. Don't care who is at all fault but they to stop hindering my glorious bug killing.
Because its flopped hard, this epic scandal has killed it
I played helldivers too and like most people have dropped it by now. I checked back on this thinking there were new game modes and nope. Just new enemies worlds and objectives. It's the same game. That is not an expansion thats more of the same dlc they've been dropping and it's not enough to get me to come back.
I'm interested in a less retarded answer
This killed the company btw. HD won the culture war. Its so fucking over, you guys just don't get it how bad this is for Japan.
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Leaked sequel plans.

Ranger can now change 3 colours instead of 2.
Spiders (Monster B) can now be found with additional limbs.
Enhanced version of EDF8, with rebooted story & all the DLC from previous versions.
Divers can now wear KPOP shirts for 3.99 (or free if downloaded before the first 24 hours)
Another remake of EDF1, but this time it has quickplay matchmaking (there are now only 3 enemy types)
>MDF (Mars Defense Force)
EDF5 again, but with a red filter
Accidental rerelease
Another reboot, but DOUBLED the amount of enemies from EDF1 Remake (Now there's 6 enemy types)
Emotional story about how we were the bugs all along (Also a reboot)
Players can now control how enemy bugs spawn in
>End of EDF
EDF5 released again, but you can use DirectX12
You're retarded for not realising thats the exact reason
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>get a Kepler tank that's high level
>its red in the menu but the game still lets me select it
>try requesting support in the middle of mission
>they don't bring it in
Why are you surprised that the game is full of bugs? Just shoot them
>new game modes
Why the FUCK would you think any dev would add new game modes, segregating the player base? What an absolute retard take. Even EDF isn't that stupid to have different online modes outside of difficulty.
The trailer specifically says there are new modes.
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What the hell is wrong with this game, my FPS are at 60, but the 99% are 30fps, so when rotating the camera the game runs at 30FPS, this is on a 4090 and 7800x3d. I understood the game was a "piece of crap" and that was part of the charm, but I don't know if I'm willing to play at possibly sub 30FPS on a high end PC.
Why are bikes the single worse vehicles ever put into any video game ever? The smallest pebble instantly throws you a mile.
this thread convinced me to reinstall slop divers
Honestly, just stomach it. We're in a really trying time as EDF fans.
That's intended. If you're trying requesting for red-labelled vehicles in the post-apocalypse period, you won't get it because of story reasons.
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EDF6 did that for me
>Miniguns aren't as much of a pain in the ass to use anymore
They never were. You just needed the proper supporting gear like everything else they use. The only bad things on the fencer were the shields. Never understood their use.
You start in the future with no support, after mission 13 you get to go back in time and then you can use all the weapons as normal and the reds become usable.

Why can you select it but not use it? Because the devs are so incompetent they could not do the basic level of programming needed to actually lock/remove the weapons you can't use in the first few missions. This would literally take a few minutes of work by the way. That'll be $70 plus tip.
I don't understand how there's 0 polish after working on it for 6 years
The mission 13 twist is absolute kino. I love how it's even reflected by the UI and music changing. Even though it's pretty much recycling content.
>it flopped !
>record series numbers
yeah this fucking sucks
The whole "Sometime jump-dash does forward dash instead" thing is really fucking with me on Fencer.
They got greedy. It should cost half this price to represent what it is; incremental improvements to the series. They're charging full price because they're jews now.
I'm gonna play EDF5 anyone wanna play and not talk at all?
30fps on a 4090 is really good for a Japanese AAA game. They're very demanding.
Yeah, that's called a flop, everything EDF is competing with is doing better and after this Epic issue its going to get no sales in the west to go with its tiny sales in Japan.

You asked why they extended the sale, its because the game has a 30% approval rating and is flopping, there is your answer you butthurt fanboy.
Sorry, I'm too tired to download either EDF5 or 6 after today.
So, anyone not refunding it?
Why would I refund it? Game is what I wanted and the EOS thing is a nonissue and was proven as such. Its just shitty that they didnt hide it better or be honest before release.
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How many flashback missions are there, this is ridiculous.
fuck these scummy bug-eyed faggots
they deserve all the backlash from this and more
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If you didn't already have an Epic account to play Unreal Tournament 4, you're a fake nigga.
we need to send uninstall screenshots on twitter to the devs. Make as many of them to kill themselves.
This is what they get for trying to one-up Helldivers.
Well refunded. Maybe if it didn't run shitty and actually had real qol improvements I could deal. Still no fucking matchmaking or joining in on a current mission.
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It seems the game doesn't even use epic services for the multiplayer lobbies (they're still p2p) but just for the lobby / matching server.

You can literally disable the EOS service after your friends join and kill the epic online service tasks and overlay render.

pic related, it's actually true
Why are japanese programmers like this?
This will be the final nail in the coffin. You actually believe they will survive long enough for an EDF7?
Too late
Already refunded
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If I remember from the console version, there's lots before it finally turns into a "we're changing the past" sort of mission.
Already refunded it. Reinstalling HD2.
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Aside from EOS which I spent five minutes on because >>683746835 it's everything I've wanted so far.
Granted all I wanted was more EDF5 but it's fulfilling that VERY nicely.
So glad this shit game failed.
funnily enough that's on epic's blog post about it

>This ensures smooth action for relevant enemies while saving bandwidth for other players. However, there are trade-offs, such as increased bandwidth concentration on a single player targeted by many enemies and potential decreases in reproduction accuracy of enemies’ behavior for distant players.

Not sure how it managed to desync up close but they wrote about it
>Devs don't even play the game while nerfing every fun option in the ground
lol lmao
too bad no /v/ lobbies because /v/, as a collective, absolutely despises this game.
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Name: /v/df
Passcode: rage
Diff: Hard
Mission 32

>already 20 AMERIDOLLARS as DLC
What the fuck is wrong with them?
>game is on sale again
This shit is the blunder of the century holy shit
>Mission 32
I'm literally on the second mission. Fucking NEETs.
steam instantly refunded my edf
Fuck off, Epic slop-sucker.
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Same. They know shit stinks.
>unironically playing an Epig game
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unironically you guys right now
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Nigga, I'm refunding it, this piece of shit is dropping to 18FPS in the tutorial section on ace hardware. It's my first and likely to be only earth defense force game, what a piece of shit.
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I took a vacation for this. Pulled an all nighter with other /v/ros.
Can't blame me for your lack of preparation.
Small indie botched it then. I don't see them turning it around unless they remove the dependency on having it installed, no one actually wants Epic stuff client side. And most are probably fine if it just takes network data like every other game.
Graphics aren't everything lmao
I don't get it.

I've played 4.1
I've even played 5

But how the fuck are people still justifying buying this shit? It's literally 5 with extra maps and it's not like the devs don't have the money, these games sell.
This is super lazy recycled assets sold as a full price game.
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Pirated and accepted the retarded EOS authentication. I just wanna play EDF. Waited two years since the jp release for this and nothing will stop me
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>finally port and release the game to PC
>fuck it all up with incompetence and the worst misunderstanding possible
>possibly screw over the franchises' future if they don't fix it immediately
Bros, I fear for EDF.
Thanks for the spoilers..
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/v/ reviews:
Failure to mention the requirement for an Epic Games Account until AFTER game launch is a cardinal sin. This will be a permanently negative review. I will not be changing this review after your EGREGIOUS transgression.

2: Was sold for the first six hours with no indication that epic installation was required, spend 60 dollars just to be tricked into installing chinese spyware.

Daily reminder you're getting CLOWNED on steam reviews for leaving a positive review to this game. The community HATES this game.
This was my first EDF game, should I refund and just get 5 instead or can this be patched?
>I've even played 5
Wow, daring, aren't you?

Dumb normalfag.
>Why can you select it but not use it?
It's to punish retards like you.
And in 2 years you couldn't manage to save 60 dollars? Fucking incel.
the game is 2 years old already
the dlc was trickled out in Japan as store exclusive deals while the west gets it all at once
besides the actual mission dlcs for some reason
They don't deserve my money
EDF5 also has EOS you retard. The only difference here is that EDF6 actually warned you about it instead of hiding it like a slime.
15fps is more than your eyes can see. Only jews argue differently
>probably doesn't pay for anime either

Fucking bloodsucker.
He's right tho, these games have never had over 30-35 FPS, its part of the charm of the franchise.
>I have "fun" getting my ass raped by corporations
Okay, faggot? Who asked?
You think mandarin is the only language spoken in China ya fucking dumb mongrel?
Anime website
Honestly, just don't refund it. You'll understand. Just play 2 more hours.
EDF5 uses product user IDs instead of forcibly linking accounts, retard midwit.
>be me, pirate first, buy later
>decided to pre-order game because the last game was god tier fun
>get fucked in the ass instead
Why does this happen to me? I pre-ordered Blood Bowl 3, and it sucked ass. I pre-ordered EDF6 and its completely unplayable. I also pre-ordered Dragons Dogshit 2, and I pre-ordered Digimon Survive.

Every time I pre-order, the game is shit.
Anon can you take one for the team and post a video to check? Make sure it doesn't start back up
Answer the question, incelboy.
It would be charming if it were a bargain bin ps3 title.
This is a full priced game running on PC. It shouldn't be running like dog shit. It's a rip off.
Prove it
Indians eat cowshit and call it holy
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>It would be charming if it were a bargain bin ps3 title.
that's also part of the charm...
>It shouldn't be running like dog shit.
It is designed to run badly on any hardware.
Why do you refuse to be part of the botnet? You're already on a list anyway. Just buy the game and accept Epic's Game Store. You're drowning yourself in a glass of water.
>Just let another corporation rape you XD
Fuck off, retard.
>See the shitshow Helldivers 2 went through a few months earlier
>Decide to do literally the exact same thing

What the fuck were they thinking?
>a single butthurt mid 30s brown man with a rape fetish has ruined this thread for 5 hours
they didn't tho
they used the exact same method as these companies do:

the only difference is they asked you about it, the games in that list don't ask you, they just do it in the background without you noticing.
Why do you even care? Your hymen has been broken already. This isn't the first time a corpo raped your ass. Just take it like a man instead of being a cry baby.
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Just got home, time to try out this GOTY I got. Wish me luck lads, see you on the battefield!
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They took the wrong kind of inspiration.
No they arent, maliciously misinforming retard. Other companies use the EOS Connect interface which doesn't require any account linking, using PUID (product-userID) tokens to communicate with the back-end. They also don't force separate installs of Epic Online Services (which isn't needed for the library to work). You're just going to parrot the same thing again in five minutes because you're a braindead paid epic pajeet shill, but you'll be as wrong then as you are now.
I guarantee you almost everyone in this thread crying about spyware already has EOS installed from over 2000 games on steam that use it already without telling users. They all do the same shit of generating dummy accounts EDF does but in the background.
EDF made the grave mistake of actually telling technically inept room temp IQ gamers what is happening.
Since you're a faggot who bends over and takes it up the ass from anyone, how about you let me have a go, huh? Shut the fuck up, pussy, and choke on my cock, since you just let anyone do whatever to you.
>using PUID (product-userID) tokens to communicate with the back-end.
So does EDF6
I'm playing the game and don't have EGS shit.
I've played games that can crossplatc with epic and NONE of them require an account.
>don't have EGS shit.
Oh nonononono
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Name one game that isn't EDF6 which separately installs EOS onto someone's computer. I'll wait, dipshit. Hint: there are none, because that's not how EOS works.
>So does EDF6
No it does not, faggot. You are forced to link an Epic account to your Steam account. Go spread your misinformation on Twitter, where you can use bots to boost your engagement. It won't work here.
neither does EDF6...ask me how I know you haven't actually played the game.
do the needful and redeem the epic
why are you lying on the interwebz?
>It is designed to run badly on any hardware
I'm rolling
Why are you gay?
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>mission 24
>randos struggling because they get overwhelmed by the dubstep androids
>be me, chadwingdiver
>equip phalanx w1
>4200 damage in one charge to the teleport anchors
>melt all the anchors in no time
>still lose because we are forced to clean up the enemies and by then the place is swarming
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>Retarded shills are now denying reality and trying to gaslight people into thinking you don't need an Epig Gay account to play EDF6 online
Pathetic. Get some better material, Pajeet and Rajesh.
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You shills are retarded
>Name one game that isn't EDF6 which separately installs EOS onto someone's computer
Megaton Musashi Wired
this game is goyslop, never post these greentexts again. Read the room.
It works but only after you're in the lobby meaning you still have to make the account and have it installed. It just proves that EOS is not technically needed.
>Game installs EOS as part of the game itself
>Game installs it separately
Doesn't the game stop working if you remove EOS though
that was put there by the devs themselves AFTER the blacklash.
It's true. EDF is a series that's meant to look and run as bad as possible to evoke 60s/70s B-movie feelings. It's literally intentional.
the lobby is part of the game, so yes it does stop working. You need EOS to access the lobby, but you don't need EOS for the gameplay part of the videogame
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>Game installs EOS as part of the game itself
That's not what the word "install" means, retard. Having a library on your computer does nothing by itself. That is not what's happening here. It is actively installed as a separate program, that won't even be deleted when you uninstall EDF. You need to go out of your way to remove it. Grow some braincells, idiot.
>Thanks for the spoilers..
Oh woopdefucking do the game is years old already and the "story" is a joke. You get through the tutorial in literally 20 minutes before you get time traveled back to EDF5.
Holy moly, what on earth am I supposed to bring to Mission 8 as a solo Ranger on hard? I can't out DPS these aggressive monsters, and the AI vehicles are outta fuel or something. I can't defend this crater!
>creating an account was 2 clicks and a dob entry
this is nothing like the helldivers shit
He ain't lying tho, its a campy game
they're japanese anon. they don't know what goes on outside their office
>read the room
I did and specifically posted that to disrupt the circlejerk going on here
Why does Timmy need my friend list?
I mean like completely stop working, doesn't want to start kind of stop working. even if you were only in it for the singleplayer
Are they fucking stupid? If free GTA V wasn't enough for a person to make an EGS account, what makes them think fucking full price EDF would?
Indians are a bizarre breed to see
>mission dlc that has been out for over a year in japan simply not available yet on steam
but why

EDF has betrayed gamers.
EDF is worth five gtas
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Look Sweeney's a smug cunt and I will not be using anything related to epic as long as hes CEO.
Buy the DLC please. After this fiasco, they're gonna need the money to avoid bankrupcy.
Outdated backwards Japanese logic, don't try to understand it
Any lobbies?
If devs sold their game for ten bucks less on egs I'd buy it there.
But they never do that.
that's only if you uninstall EOS, you need EOS for the game to launch. It's part of its infraestructure. The game was built for EOs.
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I've seen people say online that previous EDF games allowed pirated copies to play with pals online
do you guys think the crack will get better and allow for something?
They also intentionally designed the UI to be as dogshit as possible and require needless online services to be installed that during an actual game can be turned off to no detriment. Just like those B-movies
>Kills unreal tournament in your path
Gladly will when I'm actually permitted to
I'm gonna try running into the crater with some C20, this'll go great.
Anyone else falling for the doomers? I was enjoying the game but now I just feel like the game is bad. I might try to refund this. I don't know.
I blame Gura, the cumbuds, and Hololive. Hopefully this flops so there won't be anymore vtubers in the future.
I already can
>Bro handing over my data was so easy!
>retarded pirate nigger is so stupid he can't even read the thread he's in
Game doesn't work on pirated copies.
Steam has been selling all your data for years.
>They also intentionally designed the UI to be as dogshit
That's called SOVL
>game is good because it has Epic Game Store on the cover
Said no one ever. Fucking shills man, they piss me off.
>Game doesn't work on pirated copies.
It does, you just need to accept EOS
Refund, get your $60 back, spend it on a better game that won't require spyware on your computer to run even in singleplayer.
at that point might as well buy the game
really? just log in with a dummy epic account?
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>It's a red drone mission
For me it's either buying a game OR making a bullshit online account. EDF decided to force me on this issue. Refunded then pirated
The first search result I got determined that this is a lie
Crossplay with EGS, and the best part is that EDF on EGS is regionlocked to Japan only.
Of course they're not going to advertise it
>Bro the AMERICAN government already has your data!
>Why not give it to the CHINESE government as well?!
Retard. Stop digging your own grave and go lie face-down in it until you die.
Why not? Gaben is our ally.
>ITT: /v/ learns that you can't implement cross platform multiplayer on hopes and dreams alone, you need software and servers too
pls tell me how i am retard
He's right tho, the chinese government is way more benevolent than the american one.
pretty weird that the steam installation doesnt mention EOS at all.

piratenigs are theo nly ones affected by this
https://archive.is/lNdze It was added like 6 hours after release when reviews hit 40%.
>what is peer to peer and/or self hosting your own server
crossplay is a retarded buzzword
Ok but it's easy to figure if it is being done because every other company that has done it in large enough quantities to make sense have been exposed for it
>pretty weird that the steam installation doesnt mention EOS at all.
You will literally get a "DOWNLOADING AND INSTALLING EOS" popup the first time you launch the game. If you don't get this, that means you already have the Epic Gay Store installed on your computer, shill-faggot.
EDF doesn't have cross-platform play, moron. The Epic Gay Store is not a platform, nor will it ever be. There is no crossplay with consoles.
>my data
>a steam username and easily faked date
yeah the chinese are really going to pwn me with this
That's just asking for hackers to break your computer
You got absolutely busted you dumb little brown zoomer. Go jerk off to dogshit again
>We swear this service we separately installed on your computer isn't sending us data, goyim. ;)
Try again, Rajesh. Put some effort into your talking point this time.
I'm out. I don't go on the internet to be insulted by this. Fuck this. it's not worth it.
These are the only EDF threads we're ever going to get again huh
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Throw in required Devono with Chinese DLC and I'll take two of each.
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>Accidental rerelease
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>EDF on EGS is regionlocked to Japan only
God damn it
maybe they shouldn't fuck up the game with bloatware
4.1 and 5 ran just fine in terms of online connection but only now is it giving me issues
Let's say you are a game dev and you are with these EDF chucklefucks for 3 years. Would that even qualify as work experience? Surely even indie dev would look at EDF6 and think what the fuck is this PS3 looking dog shit being sold in 2024?
The games are fun, but come the fuck on.
Expected when we get a sudden surge of negativity couple weeks before release.
You get what you deserve for shitting on helldivers.
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Well, I refunded it. It was scummy to hide the EOS requirement until release date and at full $60 price, there is little charm to be had with no graphical options like v-sync or having the game run above 30fps with drops into 15fps on a 4090 and 7800x3d. I'll review purchasing the game when it's $16 like the previous game is on cdkeys.
Next time don't release an indie quality dlc riddled game for AAA price.
Larping Poorfag. Game runs fine in my machine
bring back the ip counter
you fags deserve every bit of spite for shilling your rehash trash
>indie quality dlc
aren't you being too harsh on indie dev?
Upon launching the game, it installs the EOS.
t. retard with all things tech
This is the part that I find discomforting, mostly because I don't know the full extent of its functionality. There is also that list showing tons of other games use this service as well, but were they installed in the same overt manner as edf6?
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>game starts in the future and doesn't let you use fun Air Raider stuff
this stuff pissed me off more than the fucking epic stuff, what the fuck was the idea behind that
Played whole fucking night
I'm loving this game so far
I only wish this game was $30-40 instead 60, can't able to convience my friends to try this even on pirated copy :(
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Do you type like a retard on purpose or are you merely the 2nd most disingenuous shill present here tonight?
I Lovin 6 so far but cmon $60+20(dlc) is to much plus EOS
Is there still no way to limit armor and weapons in offline mode
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Buy now!
That's like 10 missions anon
A wise choice, anon.
>out for half a day
>already 12 DLCs
What the fuck.
>all invalidated within the first 10 missions
>out for 2 years
It's been out for over 2 years
D3P are the worst of the worst
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Alright, I'll bite. Only because this is quite literally the only game all year that I was even remotely excited for, any other game and this would be insta-refund no questions asked.

Is there any information regarding how EOS phones home, or otherwise what it does on your computer while the game is open? If it literally is just the back-end shit like in Ror2 and Elden Ring like the apologist shills have been saying, only D3/Sandlot is incompetent enough to just not integrate it properly without an external program then thats one thing but if this is just EGS-lite then we have a problem here.
Then it shouldn't have been $60 when it released in the West today. Or at the very least, it should've included the DLCs.
Are the worst
Of the worst
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First time seeing a Japanese game on Steam? They always launch with a dozen DLC packages, basically all of which are just the shittiest cashgrabbing scams either filled with Items that are worthless within 1 hour of play OR vanity outfits they nipped out of the base game to sell as individual DLCs.
Actually, it just got a 10% discount haha
Its exactly how elden ring works
>I eat catshit everyday. I hate it but it is what it is
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Epic online services was not on my app list after I installed elden ring
It was just buried in the game itself.
Can some lawfag explain to me how this isn't illegal? Seems disingenuous to only make this a footnote in the system requirements.
Oh why didn't EDF do that then?
blame d3p or epic
Sandlot and D3 are not...the smartest group
But how do we KNOW that? How do we even know what Elden Ring is sending since Epic's involvement with these games is obviously news to a lot of people.

Again I am trying to give them the benefit of the doubt that computer illiterate Japs are just too stupid to integrate it properly, that doesn't excuse the Epic account thing in MP but that is not e personal concern of mine so I personally am willing to sidestep that part of the issue, provided it's otherwise safe.
walter helmet
That is the question everyone wants to know. The only reason this shitnado is happening is because they didn't do it like that.
Other games use the EOS library to connect to EOS backend services.
EDF6, for whatever reason, forcibly installs the EOS service on your computer and refuses to boot (even if you just want to play singleplayer) without. Shit stinks.
What mission do you unlock the Air Ranger's full arsenal to play with? I like the drones but I want to use my Rocket Cannons again too.
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1 slot open

Now at mission 38
>You people: Indicating a foreigner's opinion
>Take a stand: "how dare you goy have an opinion"
>Most retarded innocuous shit: "why do you care about who gets your data? That's anti-semantic"
Shoo, jew!
The fact it could've worked without any additional installation is infuriating in so many ways.
You need an epic account + eos installed to play solo btw. No idea why you fags are okay with that
I still haven't installed the game because of this so saying I'm "okay" with it as I actively say I'm not happy about it and try to gather more information is reaching, but from what I've seen you do not need an Epic account to play single player, it only prompts you when you go to the MP menu. You do need the EOS installation - which is bullshit, but potentially harmless if it's just stupidity at play, that's what I'm trying to find out - but the account itself sounds optional if you do not intend to play MP, which I don't.
Oh that explains why the season pass is only on EGS
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>pirate game
>it still updates for free

Thanks tim.
I can see it in Australia

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