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you've taken the immersion pill and are playing games in japanese to learn right?
desperate, attention whoring loser
friendly reminder games are a bad source for learning
tools to learn with games
The fairy is green in the nihon (that means "japanese") Gamu? (that means "game" in japanese). gw2yv 8ntja
>t. Localizer mad
bro is yapping
great thread so far guys
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>games I actually wanna continue Japanese for are retro titles that don't use kanji
painful feeling
I tried and failed to play gba pokemon and understood how useful the kanji were
the retro games your trying to play at least have spaces right?
I already translate jap vidya, I don't want to read gook shit in my spare time.
How do you anons overcome the initial barrier?
How do you do so that when playing nip, you not just see random doodles but actual words and information.
Anki. Everyday!
At least nu-pokemon has furigana. I'm pretty sure I could play one of those (and I'm a casual jap learner).
i have been seeing this with THAT girl for so long that the original version just feels wrong
20 words a day in anki using fsrs and trusting the process
also stuff like
and level start tadoku books once you learn hiragana/katakana https://tadoku.org/japanese/en/free-books-en/#ls
it really does get easier
and just changing my mindset to realize even english is just arbitrary doodles and shapes that we recognize as words and the combination of the letters we are also just memorizing as chunks we can glance over anyway same as we would do with japanese words
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>try to play DS game in Japanese
>the font is so small and pixelated that it's impossible to differentiate certain kanji
>that game was Etrian Odyssey (or 世界樹の迷宮 for my nihongopilled brothers)
>the HD remaster completely fixed my issue with its high resolution fonts
>I have since played it and loved it
Couldn't find the dekinai version, sorry.
>European inspired setting
>japanese text
friendly reminder that we only care about playing games, not about le speaking the language.
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What games are you playing in Japanese?
been there done that
though google lens ocr is REALLY good at pulling kanji from the worst quality images
it was able to correctly pull blured kanji from a picture I took of my psp
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>the HD remaster completely fixed my issue with its high resolution fonts
whatever keeps the learning train moving brother
very very basic graded readers
because once you realize you can read them
the process for improving and learning more is the exact same it just takes time, it gives you that basic trust that you CAN do it
memorize these
congratulations, you now will be able to read kanji even if said kanji is as small as a 5px square
What gaem
You gotta study hours every day. Every day grind new words/grammar and practice reading/listening
zwei the arges adventure though I highly recommend it's sequel Zwei Ilvard over it
Zwei II is great.
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Unlike western languages, Japanese still uses "archaic" speech (conjugations, vocab, AND dialects) in common media, this allows it to have a much deeper and broader range of prose to use, and this is before getting into the range of role language of pic related.
In other words realize you're just kinda fucked, there's no "initial barrier", that's just how things will be until like 5 years down the line when you realize "Oh wow, I only need to look up a new word I didn't know like once every hour these days".
Yes and for JRPGs and VNs I'll never go back. Action titles I can play either way since story isn't important
Eh people like to complain about that but at the end of the day it's a vocab issue.
I like Jap because it's like a language that was made by a council of autistic people. There's lots of autistically specific ways to write/speak it depending on context.
It rules.
That and focusing too much on text only.
By N3 any game with hiragana only should be a non-issue due to the extremely basic vocab they use, but this requires you to know the words by voice and narrating the kana rather than mindlessly anki grinding, those games are literally designed for kids to play them by reading shit out loud.
I don't know anon, autistic shit tends to follow rules. This language is a bunch of random shit thrown together, and you have to memorize everything on a case by case basis. But then so is every other language on this gay planet I guess, rules are just suggestions when it comes to language
>This language is a bunch of random shit thrown together,
have you tried not using literal kike sabotage "guides"?
It's no worse than English, really.
>Believing that Japan as a nation could build any of the great societies portrayed in video games

Reminder that, left to its own devices and governance, Japan was almost as culturally and technologically sluggish as Africa and North America, and their big bootstrap was a handful of people importing civilization from China, which, while enough to elevate tons of other Asian and European cultures to civilization, merely elevated Japan to warring tribes practicing the bizarre, homeschool version of jihads for 300 years, until the 1900s beat the autism out of them.
Reminder that Nobunaga was as successful as he was, entirely because he wasn't a fucking retard and puzzled out the idea that if you have two lines of firearm wielding troops, the front line can actually, and shockingly, clear the line of fire for the row behind them, while still maintaining line of sight themselves. Genius level thinking right there.
Reminder that a goddamn port town with some Dutch sailors and their cargo was the peak of Japanese science, because the random garbage left behind in their cargo holds and in their pockets were magical future technology to the Japanese.
Reminder that the Japanese struggled to figure out why they kept almost starving every time they killed all their farmers in wars between autistic homeschooled children.

If you aren't playing in French, Spanish, English, or Chinese, your immersion is a lie.
But never you mind that, those crusaders, musketeers, and early modern citizens (Japan never reached Early Modern, they had to be bootstrapped through it) need to go to the onsen and drink milk afterwards, and speak in retarded puns that only exist because Japan claimed an alphabet they couldn't read or reproduce accurately, then generations later learned they fucked up the alphabet. For immersion.
Explain why 大人 is pronounced the way it is
because they felt like it that's why
>tripling down on ad hominem instead of trying to learn in good faith
to answer your question, >>683727731
Sex with Anju.
holy based
I'm tired of this weeb pretense that japs only do this shit. It's a global thing, not related to a specific language or even culture.
You have the dumb shit poyo and stuff alike that gyaru's were doing in early 00s, and western girls at the time were saying LIKE, LIKE, LIKE instead of a comma.
Even other shit like "can you not" clearly represents age, gender of the speaking person and even the decade the story may take place in.
You're just confusing literal translation (as a cope because you lack proper language skills) to what closest equivalent would be of similar sentence of another language, if you wanted to preserve minute details of speech pattern, age, gender and decade of whatever work we're talking about here.
So a counterpoint: Go play GTA Vice City and San Andreas and then boot up the jap version and let's see how well they preserved the minute nuances of speech pattern and dialects (and ask yourself if it's the issue of the language itself or just the person doing localization...)
>Go play GTA Vice City and San Andreas and then boot up the jap version and let's see how well they preserved the minute nuances of speech pattern and dialects
Never played them, is the jap translation bad or good?
>kike instantly gets into a schizo tantrum the second anyone says something good about japan
do not redeem your meds sir
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I love Japan, and Japanese is the most beautiful language in the world!
I wanted to learn Japanese but I gave up when I found out that the language has three alphabets with two of the alphabets having 46 characters each and the third having over 2000.
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hey man I'm gonna be real with you. even if japanese was all in roman characters you wouldn't learn it. you don't have to make excuses.
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>girl uses wa particle
I think it's B-1 and E-5
can't imagine what seems to be a trendy girl saying おります or using ですわ, that fits the housewife-looking woman much more.
You gave up before you started, anon.
useless language
I have been told the opposite from actual people working in japan who learned by practicing with games.
Fuck kanji. I rather struggle with figuring out the ends of statements over dealing with that shit. Fortunately, I only care about old ass stuff that barely used them.
kanji is an extremely good goylem filter, especially when it's not even the hard part about japanese
I learned katakana so I can write dumb stuff for fun like ゲイ ニガ and make out words like AISUKURIMU in the middle of japanese sentences.
I'm too old to learn the whole language now, I feel like.
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>initial barrier
doesn't exist, there will be no "aha!" moment when it all suddenly clicks, you just slowly piece it together little by little by autistically and tirelessly pounding it into your head every single fucking day
if you're not studying for 3+ hours every day you're not learning shit, you have to get serious about it
You are a zoomer who grew up in an era after the internet was already corporatized. You literally cannot comprehend the concept of true freedom. You are an eternal slave.
>Barely any good Anju porn
In the end it's no different from how you do not read English words as individual letters once you know them, but rather you learn the shape of the word and your brain simply autocompletes what it says based on what it looks like.
It's why you can read words that are misspelled so long as the beginning and end are correct.
If it was over 3000 roman characters to learn, yeah I wouldn't.
Japanese is a dogshit language anyhow. They literally invented a new alphabet purely so that they could pilfer any word from any foreign language to fix their dogshit language, and it's STILL dogshit. Whereas English might has 8 synonyms for something, Japanese will only have 1 or 2. There is very little room for prose, variance, or expression in their language compared to English. This is, ironically, also reflective of their culture.
Sometimes that is the wisest option.
>*kike propaganda noises*
If all you care about is reading games, it's honestly better to just use AI translation overlays. We can get autistic about minute details lost or dykes secretly tampering with the algorithm, but you will get atleast something on par with a typical fan translation, which is good enough for most.
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EACDB? Did I get it right?
ugly ass 3ds version
What was their skill level when they started? I can imagine games like Zelda with pleb-tier writing being great for grinding out the fundamentals, but seems counter-productive if you don't have a solid base to work from.

For example, I could piece together 90% of the writing from DQ3 HD screenshot, but I know as soon as they start talking real war/fantasy stuff I'll get completely lost furigana be damned.

I'm 30+ and doing fine, if really slow due to life obligations. Better than when I first tried a decade ago. With smartphones you have no excuse not to drill cards, read, or listen to podcasts on your downtime. And you do have downtime. Just do it gradually and do it everyday.
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I don't know, looks more posh than trendy to me
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What's a good one?
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That localiser was definitely getting paid by the word.
>start reading this post
>brain morphs it into EADGBe
no way. shes not supposed to be a trendy girl shes supposed to be like a videogame princess or something. The way shes talking is ultra formal and girly.
if it was 26 roman characters you wouldn't either. I'm sorry to break this to you.
>Start thinking you got a handle on loan words.
>Begin running into loan words from fucking German and Dutch.
>And their abbreviations.
Japanese isn't a real language. It's a long-form troll that started in ancient Chinese times.
26 is a reasonable amount to learn.
>Japanese still uses archaic speech

No it doesn't. You don't have to go that far back in time until you reach a form of Japanese that modern native speakers can't understand.

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