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they will NEVER explain what the Elden Ring is
they will NEVER explain how the Elden Ring works
they will NEVER explain what the Crucible is
they will NEVER explain how the Crucible works
they will NEVER explain what an Empyrean is
they will NEVER explain how an Empyrean works
they will NEVER explain what a God or Outer God is
they will NEVER explain how a God or Outer God works
they will NEVER explain what the Gate of Divinity is
they will NEVER explain how the Gate of Divinity works

so the lore is utterly pointless
you can never understand what or how or why anything actually important is happening
james franco asking "first time?".jpg
>they will NEVER explain what the Elden Ring is
op's fucking retarded
>they will NEVER explain how the Elden Ring works
op's fucking retarded
>they will NEVER explain what the Crucible is
op's fucking retarded
>they will NEVER explain how the Crucible works
op's fucking retarded
>they will NEVER explain what an Empyrean is
op's fucking retarded
>they will NEVER explain how an Empyrean works
op's fucking retarded
>they will NEVER explain what a God or Outer God is
op's fucking retarded
>they will NEVER explain how a God or Outer God works
op's fucking retarded
>they will NEVER explain what the Gate of Divinity is
op's fucking retarded
>they will NEVER explain how the Gate of Divinity works
op's fucking retarded

go back to dark souls 2 you stupid troon
>game is named elden ring
>but you collect "runes"
>Angry drone doesn't know
Sadly, far too common.
5INT IRL thread
r/worldbuilding ah post.

Not everything in a piece of fiction needs to be explained, it's called keeping a sense of mystery. Use your own imagination, logic and creativity.

Why don't you tell us YOUR answers to the questions instead of wanting everything spoonfed to you?
I know. I'm just not spoonfeeding you. The game literally explains all of these things through item descriptions and dialogue. You're just too retarded to actually pay attention, you're the demographic goyslop companies seek
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This is like when the DLC trailer released and all you ERtards tried to pass it off as some big revelation, but ended up being completely fucking wrong about literally everything.
My headcanon involves piecing together one or more of what I believe are earlier drafts of the story, and accepting that the story is secondary to putting out a game on time so there will never be a coherent narrative.
You are either the ultimate retard or are looking to be spoonfed (the average retard).
All completely coherent.
Unfinished ideas masquerading as a story.
is there something wrong with this? Are you so autistic that you cant fathom a group of people discussing their own theories on the story in a fucking trailer? jesus, how insufferable are you?
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why do yall keep trying to do this?
but what IS the Elden Ring?
lol, if anything DS3 and ER are the most on the nose the series has been, if you cant understand the story then you're actually retarded.
>OP is a moron
Sad, many such cases
What's incoherent about it?

Bot post.
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Literally every anti souls thread that isn't DS2 is entirely composed by DS2troons wanting every fromsoftware game to fail out of spite for their game being shit
Best guess?
Funny japanese L and R translation meme.

Elden should be "Erden" like "Erdtree"
where "Erd" means earth

that's doesn't really help explain WHAT it is, but maybe helps its association with the Erdtree as an Earthtree, Worldtree, Yggdrasil

Some kind of "Earthen Ring"
You are exactly as schizo as whoever you are obsessively stalking.
OK schizo.
This post reeks so much of stealth DS2 apologists I had to open my window
that is some serious schizo theory anon
Maybe I should've put a trigger warning for you. What is the Profane Flame and where did it come from btw?
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>no answers
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Exactly. They're always trying to sneak DS2 into their hypothetical "Good fromsoft games" but literally anyone with a brain can see how transparent this is.
The elden ring is an artifact from another civilization that came to earth from deep space, it lets the owner or wielder shape reality, it's not that hard to understand
>1 tranny defeats entire Soulsdrone fanbase on accident
they will NEVER explain what the Elden Ring is
>the ruleset of the universe embodied in a collection of runes

they will NEVER explain how the Elden Ring works
>the Elden lord can configure it like an options menu in the game

they will NEVER explain what the Crucible is
>the precursor to the erdtree, the safeguarded location protecting the Elden ring

they will NEVER explain how the Crucible works
>in the same way the erdtree does but in a different form

they will NEVER explain what an Empyrean is
>someone with the prerequisites to become a god

they will NEVER explain how an Empyrean works
>he/she has a fated path to godhood. Whether they follow or reject this path is up to them.

they will NEVER explain what a God or Outer God is
>An external force that channels its will on the world through present forces

they will NEVER explain how a God or Outer God works
>it latches onto someone or something in the real world that is similar to it in some way and uses that someone or something to exert its will

they will NEVER explain what the Gate of Divinity is
>a sacrificial altar through which an empyrean must pass (along with their consort if they deem it necessary) in order to attain godhood

they will NEVER explain how the Gate of Divinity works
>an extreme feat of power must be exerted before it in order to justify the sacrifice it took to build it, allowing for the attainment of godhood
>literally seething over fire giant
>anon finds out that the lore is just there to justify "we thought this looked cool" and doesn't mean shit
xhe beat the community, no one cares about some shit boss you can just ring a bell and beat with your COPD machine
What happens to the demigods you don’t kill when you become elden lord?
The last one, what kind of external feat of power
>OP plays his first Fromsoft game
Dark Souls has so much dropped points that are never elaborated on. You just get used to it and accept that Miyazaki likes open ended storytelling and letting people interpret shit since that's the style he prefere.
>vague headcanon
>vague headcanon
Most of this shit isn't from the game, it's some vaati lore he stole from 4chan cope threads.
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they failed in creating a story. but sometimes i think they didn't even try in the first place. it seems like the lore is just flavor text to fade into the background of le epic cutscenes and one liners. and they literally doubled down on the forgive me... zanzibart shit so they're probably in on the memes and are just shitposting at this point.
I already know all of this, try not being fucking retarded
go watch a disney movie op. it will be easier for you to grasp
>Normal game
>Gives a brief explanation of what things are so everyone is on the same page
>Has events that are causal for future events and builds the plot out of that

>Fromslop game
>No one knows, but maybe this
>Here's a thing that happened we don't know when or why
Dark Souls did this well because it knew what needed to be explained, what could be implied or left up to interpretation, what didn't need to be expanded and what should be left as a mystery. By the end of the game you're left with many questions and a lot of trails, but you still have a good idea of the story beats and the way the world functions.
Elden Ring fails at a fundamental level in that nothing is really explained or explored adequately and reveals generally just feel like asspulls for how out of nowhere they tend to be. People can't even agree on if the elden ring enforces metaphysical laws or just plain ass laws.
The only game that has a coherent story is Sekiro, all others have a lot of holes in lore.
Demons, maybe DS1 and Sekiro are the only ones that I would say have a fully complete and coherent story and even they don't describe certain parts in detail.
why do people try to pretend the Souls game have lore? can you imagine analyzing a porn plot where you spend hours trying to figure out the name of the pizza place the guy is delivery the pizza from? what a bunch of fucking retards
Videogame lore is a fucking meme and nobody who isn't a transsexual with Asperger's syndrome on reddit is going to create an entire universe with it's own history from the ground up and describe everything about it
Just enjoy the game, none of it means anything
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>they will NEVER explain what the Elden Ring is
>they will NEVER explain how the Elden Ring works
>they will NEVER explain what the Crucible is
>they will NEVER explain how the Crucible works
>they will NEVER explain what an Empyrean is
>they will NEVER explain how an Empyrean works
>they will NEVER explain what a God or Outer God is
>they will NEVER explain how a God or Outer God works
>they will NEVER explain what the Gate of Divinity is
>they will NEVER explain how the Gate of Divinity works
They did, for all of it, are you stupid?
What a bizarre postn why not pick the actual unexplained shit like what's up with serpents in Elden Ring and what's the connection between there, and where Blackflame and the GEQ rebellion allocates in the timeline.
It's almost like you didn't actually play the game.
DaS3 had the massive handicap of trying to fit in DaS2's retarded retcons so all things considered it did a great job.
Which is why it does nothing but reference DS1?
He doesn't actually care if you give him the answer to any of his questions. its a shitpost that backfired, evident from how the thread went.
Because Gnostic/Kabbalah symbolism is already very well documented, as is the somewhat modern fusion with the concept of "code"
It's forced to bridge the gap, yes.
because Dark Souls III is the sequel to Dark Souls.
Dark Souls II was some fucked up game that didn't make a lick of sense.
There's actually some unexplained shit in game and you managed to make a walltext citing only stuff that is fully explained and easily understandable. I don't know if I'm more amused by your retardation or by the fact that you posted this fully convinced this would upset someone and fumbled this hard.
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>No! I need to have everything explained to me!! I don't want to have to guess or make my own theories! I need games to explicitly tell me the entire backstory of everything or I don't have any FUN!
>I need every detail of every fictional universe I'm invested in explained in excrutiating detail! Nothing can be a mystery! Nothing can be up for interpretation or simply stem from creative license! It's not FUN unless all secrets are laid bare before me, and every mystery is solved.
I'm so glad I haven't killed my imagination yet. You guys sound absolutely retarded.
>incomprehensible metaphysical forces of nature beyond the scope of human minds are difficult to understand
you don't say
They are just thinking of shit that sounds cool and mysterious.
>Groam Eyed Queen, yea me rike it, put it in game, no need for moh strory
The Cruicible according to the DLC is a golden spiral vortex that life chimera's inside of.
It's either a "force of nature" like the Primeval current, or a "god" like the Erdtree, or both.

Item descriptions word it like something of a force and the Erdtree is the ultimate embodiment of it.
Play the game. Read the items descriptions. Listen to the dialogue. Figure it out for yourself like the rest of us did.
I wanna know why everyone and everything in the game is a zombie of some kind while it wants me to believe there is some sort of functioning society present
So it was bad on its own merits and not because of the previous two games. Got it.
>Jew post a big word tree.
>No one ever explains what the fuck the tree is even supposed to mean they just show it off an anime when the villain wants to ascend to god or some shit.
>People can't even agree on if the elden ring enforces metaphysical laws or just plain ass laws.
Removing the rune of death literally makes everyone immortal, if you think it's the latter you either didn't play the game or you're retarded.
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But all of this is already explained you stupid fuck. I'm waiting on a Dark Souls 3 style fully realized sequel about The Serpents and the Formless Mother playing the long game fighting a civil war for the scraps of the Lands Between so we can learn more about Godskins, the Twinbird and Helphen
I'd be impressed if you could cite a definitive answer to at least two of those.
The only thing worse than people with no imagination complaining about the game not explaining everything is faggots who finish the game and immediately watch lore videos instead of trying to piece together the story themselves.

It's incredible how much vaati and the others get wrong, and then can't correct even when viewers point them out because they put so much effort into the videos.
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Elden Ring's unexplained shit mostly falls down to enemies you encounter that aren't bosses
The game desperately needs a bestiary
I want to know what the fuck pic related is
>Fire Giant
KWAB! I wonder if he khs yet
Play the game and you will find out
>an unfinished game made entirely of bloodborne assets and miyazaki managed to be better than 2
That's the iconic Elden Ring boss "Wormface".
He has worms for a face, and he's a pretty tough enemy.
I did
And don't give me the "People can't die cause the Elden Ring doesn't have the death feature installed" bullshit when bosses and specific enemies do die permanently
What is the Throne of Want and where did it come from btw?
Why would I ever work with ranni? She’s the reason the world is even worse.
>He has worms for a face
I want every single "why" I could have about this thing explained to me in a bestiary entry
The wormfaces are very likely tree guardians that got corrupted by deathblight. The concept art for both looks similar, and the wormfaces have the name "deracine" in the game's code, which means uprooting something.
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Why can't we just have mysteries anymore? Why is it something can't just be weird and beyond our understanding? Isn't that a thing that can exist, there's lots of things in the real world we don't have definite explanations for and our world is able to function. Not everything needs a two hour long Youtube video explaining every detail about it, you can just have a fun mystery.
>I'm illiterate
>Reading is IMPOSSIBLE
Is there a rune governing refractory periods? If so, I would remove it and everyone would be cooming non stop. I'd be called Margott, the fell cooming.
Watch any video vaati released in the past five years, all he does is read item descriptions word for word and play clips of dialogue with cinematic editing. He's basically a wiki page with high production value.
Bro this esoteric knowledge is available on wikipedia
Big bosses don't respawn because you're holding on to their rememberances, so they can't return to the erdtree and respawn like other enemies.

All other enemies have a "respawn timer", where their souls return to the erdtree and will eventually respawn, but the bigger the enemy the longer it will take (read: billions of years maybe).

It's not a great explanation, but it's at least consistent with the lore.
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Tree guardian concept art
Wormface concept art in next pic
Soulslop lore exists solely so that autismos feel rewarded for reading item descriptions
People did this with Metal Gear, they’re doing with Dark Souls.
This is like complaining that Nathan Drake being able to come back after he dies breaks the lore because he's mortal and isn't supposed to resurrect after death. Sometimes you have to make lore concessions for gameplay purposes.
Mass effect got ruined by overexplaining everything
>they will NEVER explain what the Elden Ring is
The Elden Ring is the literal physical manifestation of the world's natural laws. Concepts like death, gravity, the fact OP is a faggot. They all make up the Elden Ring in a way
>they will NEVER explain how the Elden Ring works
See above.
>they will NEVER explain what the Crucible is
Explained Crucible is a font of energy created by the accumulation of death
>they will NEVER explain how the Crucible works
Explained. The energies gather and form up as a font of life giving energy that if observed is a spiral helix heading into the sky
>they will NEVER explain what an Empyrean is
Someone that can become a vassal god of a higher power
>they will NEVER explain how an Empyrean works
I mean what else needs explaining
>they will NEVER explain what a God or Outer God is
Outer gods and gods are likely the same thing and are just divinities of some sort or another. Greater Will might be THE big G your interpretation may vary
>they will NEVER explain how a God or Outer God works
Again works how?
>they will NEVER explain what the Gate of Divinity is
Gate of Divinity is a construction atop the tower of Enir-Elim/Belurat, built by the Tower folk/Hornsent on the very position the Crucible is. Using the jar'ing practices they power the energies starting from the bottom up to the top (again, a helix raising into the sky) to power the gate of divinity, which in turn empowered emperyans into becoming vassal gods.
>they will NEVER explain how the Gate of Divinity works
See above.
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The very first ER vid he did was literal contextless headcanon with zero citations that supported him.
That is the literal explanation, you're correct. Except the remembrances are more or less irrelevant to rebirth, hence why they're called remembrances and not souls. Bosses given enough time would return to life as well eventually but we return the rune of death long before that could happen
Why are some NPCs in the game who are clearly just regular humans significantly taller than every other human NPC
those are all "first principles" things and it's pretty clearly communicated to you in the lore, you just didn't play the game
It's the Kiln that contains the first flame.
It's either a religious pilgrim or more likely a erdtree guardian that got infected by Godwyn's deathblight, reviving them as deformed creatures. Deathblight has flies, worms and other insects, via Spontaneous generation, and the worms on wormfaces are the cause of that.

The ones in Crumbling Farum Azula are the same thing, but instead of erdtree avatars deathblight infected some mummified remains that were there. Godwyn's roots run so deep even areas outside the fabric of time have been infected. The world really is that fucked.

I would fully accept this as a game if we explored the other outer gods and their minions. Even a land near the land's between.
Who specifically? if you're talking about the main game bosses its because they're demigods
do you expect zeus 5'11? wouldn't that be kind of anticlimactic and gay?
The item descriptions of stuff dropped by enemies usually has information about said enemy. We're shit outta luck if they don't have any unique drops
Tree Sentinels and Banished Knights for one
I went into the secret game and Melina explained everything to me. If you can access the secret game you'll understand everything.
>Five years
Anon he's been BTFO by his own subscribers almost a dozen times since ER released because he just spins shit up that makes no sense.
Name one.
Gostoc looks like a fucking alien
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why is bro's neck so long?
The secret game can be unlocked once you reach new game -1
Many people already did, you don't like the answer
>Elden Ring
Artifact able to control the Lands Between by using Runes to change the narture of its inhabistants and aspects of Life and Death and all elements tied to how everything changes
Cradle of all life that blends together in the Lands Between. Tied to evolutionary development of several species, numen flesh allows to connect to the Crucible and rule over aspects pf it through sacred rituals.
Being able to ascend to Godhood, hosting a dual identity with different soul and mind in the same body
>Gate of Divinity
Altar created by the hornsent to commune with Gods, using numen bodies and trying to create a saint among the shaman who wpuld be able to reach out to Gods
Entities that possess power over aspects of the world and manifest themselves through various ways choosing their envoys that in turn have followers blessed by the power of their God
That happened at ER's release because of the parasite theory he shat out and never again. Dude have been too afraid to theorize for years since then. He's honestly pretty boring now, like other anon said he's just a high production wiki. My nigga Smoughtown at least tries to be creative
>"Lore that I have to speculate on and think on and isn't spelled out for me! Such garbage! How dare you expect me to explore the world instead of having things told to me!"
it's a manifestation of Godwinian death rancour
you read the Smithing stone (23) description, right?
what a shitty copout lol. there's a difference between giving you a good story with some mystery vs whatever Elden slop lore is.
has*** been too afraid
Makes them more prominent on screen for the player. It's why even Sekiro is sucha manlet compared to everyone that isn't a woman or a child
What? Thing he's wrong about?
He claims the Great Will is an outer god and at the same tier as the God of Rot or the Frenzy Flame.
Fact is we don't know that and in fact there's more pointing to the GW being the big G than there is otherwise (though I personally don't think GW is God but that's me)
The only three divinities we know for a FACT are outer gods are
>Rot God, called such in a lot of items to name
>Twinbird's God, the god of the Deathrite birds, called such in the Twinbird Kite Shield
>Frenzy Flame, never called such but the fact Miquella's Needle which is stated to ward off outer gods works on it if you have it, means it must be one.
Nothing else in game is EVER called an outer god, which might be an oversight, might be on purpose, who knows.
Did they at least explain why everything in the game wants to kill you on sight unless it doesn't?
Every troll tries to smash you into bits except that one on that hill who's nice for some reason and sells you smithing stones
>Anon blurts out his special fanfiction
>gets upset when people call him a retard
Every lore thread
>DaS1 shitter unironically trying to claim that DaS1 was "finished" and DaS3 was not
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>ignores every single explanation in game and in thread just to shitpost ingeniously
Your execution would benefit mankind
Because there’s a kill order put on tarnished
Some of them are women though. Others are also former beastmen.
Tree Sentinels are supposed to be the highest level of authority in the Golden Order, they were bestowed their power by Marika. But honestly who really knows for those specific enemies, its probably just a gameplay thing
Reminder Vaati's "Erdtree is a parasite" theory is basically correct it's just that he should have used the word symbiote and not parasite. He's still right that it feeds on dead bodies in order to create it's blessings.
People don't like the tarnished.
wait, so you mean the erdtree terraforming the lands between into gold is supposed to represent a level of symbiosis????? WTF MY MIND CANT HANDLE THIS
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why did marika break the elden ring? did we ever get a concrete answer on that?
Everyone except the tarnished is a walking corpse, I wouldn't exactly call them people
>The very first ER vid he did
Not to mention the first DLC vid had wrong shit too.
>why did marika break the elden ring?
she had a woman moment
that's the canon reason
It's a parasite because I'm tired of looking at the piss yellow landscapes it creates.
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Required reading for new friends that still think the elden ring controls the laws of nature
In souls games it was related to the power of that beings soul. For the Lord races, more power increased their physical size where as for humans the more humanity the more monstrous they became.

It's likely the same in Elden Ring because Runebears are massive but seem to be "friends" with regular bears. More Runes within, more power I suppose.

Elden Ring just has a bunch of shit that exists because souls did it. Knights still roar like inhuman monsters for example. In DaS it made sense because they're ghosts.
>Nothing else in game is EVER called an outer god, which might be an oversight, might be on purpose, who knows.
It's called context clues. The Greater Will/Marika are the one big G to the people of they lands between, and any other entity that's called a god is by definition an "outer god"; they are worshipped as gods but are outside the established religion
No it isn't.
Even if we assume the GW isn't the big G and just another outer god sending its influence into TLB, we know for a fact the Erdtree is something entirely different from the Crucible now.
We SEE where the Crucible lies. The Crucible is an energy font and it lies in the spot the Tower folk built Belurat/Enir-Elim.
I used the real life erdtree burial method myself
Could be that, but then why are the Fell God of the giants or the Moon, or if you wanna stretch this the Serpent never called that? They're gods outside the order too.
Has more to do with the fact they're graceless
A long string of incidents leading to her becoming disillusioned with the Erdtree and the Greater Will. First her children were born as Omens and she was forced to mistreat them despite knowing they're not actually cursed (and actually blessed by old world standards), then the Erdtree's sap runs dry and she realises her "age of plenty" wont last forever, then Godwyn is killed in such a brutal fashion that it irrevocably damages the world.
Turd world subhumans literally can't handle their imagination filling in the blanks.

How I pity you.





Alright since we're answering ER questions in here.
Why the fuck did marika shatter the elden ring? Did she have a woman moment over godwyn dying?
>Nothing else in game is EVER called an outer god, which might be an oversight
It's because the Outer Gods as a concept wasn't even in the original patchless version of the game. They're literally a 12th-hour addition to try and explain some of the random nonsense. That's where there isn't a single voiced line that says "Outer God" anywhere in the game. Even Gowry, who is supposed to be some servant to the Rot God, never says as much out loud and instead only refers to Malenia as the Goddess of Rot.
People misinterpret the Numen Ritual of Saint Jar. The Gaol's had hornsent prisoners in them, such as curseblades or the Lamenters.
The implication is that the sinners would be purified by being mixed with Shaman flesh in the jar. It was for the purification of the Hornsent, not the Shaman women.

This also would explain why gods like the Divine Lion or the entities in the specimen room are all crucible entities.
Because when Godrey fucked off marika/radagon needed to return to lyndell, but no one knew of them being one person
How does that contradict what I said? It's still a fact that the purpose of the Erdtree is to absorb decaying life energy through the roots of the Greattree and rebirth it into new life from the Erdtree's boughs.
>Looks like a Kiln
>Go there to link the flame
Must be something else though. Maybe it's where the Profaned Flame came from? Oh wait no, that came from the sky and somehow was in an underground city my b.
She simply didn't want to be a god anymore, but the Greater Will said "lol no" and crucified her, and then revived all the tarnished so another person could become god.
God, you're still around? Thought you gave up a long time ago after realising nobody was gonna get on board with your bullshit.
>She simply didn't want to be a god anymore
Yeah that's not it considering they were gearing up to replace her with Ranni or Miquella.
The main story of Dark Souls 2 is fairly coherent. Shards of Manus from DS1 became a bunch of evil shadow women that infiltrated various kingdoms in order to seduce their way into the monarchy and drag the world into darkness. The issue is that a lot of the details are murky or just fucked. Like they never explain a lot about the giants or what the treasure that Vendrick stole from them was, and a lot of the stuff with Aldia felt half finished.
dont care
give me a new IP
that isn't open world
Ranni should’ve been a boss fight. I’m not helping her ass when she’s responsible for fucking the world up.
>Looks like
So you admit this is nothing more than headcanon?
so is the elden ring/elden beast an alien like the "fallen stars"?
the cosmic horror just feels so out of place for the setting
makes no sense, how did she have sex with herself
It only feels out of place at first because it looks like a fantasy story but by the end of it you realise it's a lovecraftian cosmic horror scifi closer to Bloodborne than Dark Souls.
That's not the win you think it is.
God don't physically put penis in vagoo to reproduce. This is why people calling Miquella a faggot are retards, he's not literally having sex with Radahn
>is that a... skeleton with butterfly wings and mandibles????
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My schizophrenia already explained it to me. No idea what are you talking about.
don't care still going to lick miquella's feet
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Vaati was going for bloodborne based retardation.

When you hear "outer god" the first thing you think of is Cthulhu and he wanted to spin that narrative using the Frenzied Flame, a clear reference to the color out of space, to paint a picture of cthulhu gods fighting over the world.

This picture was demonstrably false by multiple item sources and quotes by npcs

The only things directly called an Outer God is The Formless Mother and the Rot God. The FF is merely "implied" to be one because of the needle. The Rot God, having been sealed by a blind samurai had shown since the beginning that it was not at the same level as the GW.

In short, Vaati probably made his lore bed right after getting the Ranni ending the first time and completely missed out on the FF quest, which is probably among the most important quests to determining the chronology of the game.
Find a single item description or piece of dialogue that explains what the Throne of Want is.
There is no "Great tree"
There is only the Crucible, and the Erdtree is something ENTIRELY different.
>This picture was demonstrably false by multiple item sources and quotes by npcs
I think Vaati is a retard so don't misconstrue me here, but in Japanese the characters for Outer God are the exact same ones used for Gods in BB and also in translated Lovecraft works.
You literally see Marika turn into Radagon in the final boss and idk magic? These things require your own interpretation and imagination
They're two people in one body, again Godfrey was handling businesss until Marika banished him, she banished him because she wanted to rule alone and without the Golden Order/greater will and so when she went rogue they imprisoned her also imprisoning radagon.
>Each king has his rightful throne.
>And when he sits upon it,
>he sees what he chooses to see.
>Or perhaps, it is the throne,
>which shows the king only what he wants.
>The flames roar, but will soon begin to fade,
>and only a worthy heir might burnish their light.
>One day, the flames will fade, and only darkness
>will remain. Unless, of course, an heir arrives.
>Seek the throne, dark and what lies beyond…

>Vendrick, King of Drangleic, used a
>powerful soul to keep the curse at bay.
>In the end, he sought the flame that began it all.
>Wear this ring to open the King's Gate.

It exists to link the flame. The game says this several times. What it doesn't say is where it came from or who made it, but the purpose of it and what it does is spelled out explicitly by no less than three voiced characters.

No wonder you think DS3 has coherent lore. You're retarded.
I wanna see how the world looked like before everything that led to the state it's in in the game happened
The biggest retardation hump is peoples inability to separate the Erdtree from Marika, or the GW, or the Elden Beast.

Most of /v/ seems to think the Erdtree and the Elden Beast are like the same thing.

Never once is the Elden Ring and the Erdtree mentioned as one and the same. One is all "Muh blessings, muh center of religion SAVE US ERDTREE" and the other is purely "Pure Power, become a GOD!" type shit.

The game has it more like The Erdtree is a "god" in its own right, that Marika made the center of HER religion at the cost of killing everything else. Like in the sense that hypothetically, some faggot empyrean could become god, inherit the ring, and make the Fell God the face of his new religion.

That's what the game seems to hint at more but I guess this idea that the Erdtree is some kind of "throne of god" That houses the Elden Ring regardless of who's in charge remains the popular idea.
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>sealed by a blind samurai
reminder that it may or may not be the same guy, but that Malenia's mentor is potrayed as a western fencer, and implicitly uses/teaches the same dancing blade technique which defeated the rot which is not eastern in style

agree with everything else
>First her children were born as Omens and she was forced to mistreat them despite knowing they're not actually cursed
uhh this is just headcanon. knowing what we know now about her relationship with the hornsent it seems far more likely she was the one who mistreated omen because of them having almost identical traits to the hornsent (the people who committed atrocities against her people)
Gowry's a bad example as he's "incognito" as it were.
Yes, I forgot, the Formless Mother is also called an Outer God.
Also FF isn't just "implied". It's absolutely and 100% a thing that if the needle works on the FF, then it has to be an outer god, because the needle is made specifically to ward off outer gods not anything else. If we start assuming the needle works on other things it's opening a can of worms so we must safely assume the FF is also an outer god
But, ultimately, I think we agree that Vaati is full of shit.
>Gowry's a bad example as he's "incognito" as it were.
He's the perfect example because by the end he shows his hand, yet never mentions a greater purpose outside of the original intention for Millicent, which was that she was an amnesiac Malenia.
>discord still doesn't understand what outer god means
Never gets old
That doesn't mean they function the same. It was BB where extraterrestrial entities were fighting for the soul of Yarnam.

Elden Ring seems to be more based on Mesopotamian mythology where there is a supreme god, El, and many gods beneath him. A God's God, El was too great to deal with the prayers of men.
That's basically how the game displays it, characters speak of the GW like this unseen orderer while the people it "hires" are the divinity you praise.
There aren't any "GW" Incants or items directly stating to have power by the GW. The closest you get is Metyr's tail which stays he's checked out.

The game doesn't even really state what the Outer God goals are. People just straight up assumed that the "Rot God" wants to "Usurp the GW" based on the fact that Melania is cursed and is an empyrean, which means pretty much nothing.
The DLC all but says the Erdtree only exists because of Marika. She started the entire age of the Erdtree.
I wish I could side with rykard and marry his daughter this game needs romance options
I mentioned is more as a reason why someone would jump to that conclusion. I don't disagree that they're entirely different things. As someone else said, if you look in earlier versions of the game, ARC and everything it was affiliated with was mainly just Dragon-based stuff, it wasn't until later that Outer Gods were written in, which is probably why they're so poorly portrayed.
>Elden Ring seems to be more based on Mesopotamian mythology where there is a supreme god, El, and many gods beneath him.

its hermetic medieval alchemy and astronomy, dude
you are way off base
they're basically slapping you in the fucking face with it
the magnum opus
the planets and stars are all gods affiliated with elements
Can we all just admit that Vaati’s recent Millicent short film was kino?
>As someone else said, if you look in earlier versions of the game
Nah, the hornsent were venerating trees before Marika, and have a number of holy trees in Enir Ilim as well as tons of tree icons
the Scadutree is obviously a burnt prior Erdtree

she may have only created "The Erdtree" as the glowing gold ghost that we know
>Elden Ring seems to be more based on Mesopotamian mythology
Nah, it's based on a really basic understanding of surface-level Gnosticism and Alchemy.
>This Alchemical jargon discredits a clear similarity between how divinity works in Elden Ring and Mesopotamian divine hiarchies.
He only shows his hand in the very last convo. That's not a lot. It could be that the term outer god was a last minute adition it could be that the Gowry dialogue just didn't quite fit a mention of calling the rot god an "outer god"
Also Malenia is not the same as the Rot God. Malenia is to the Rot God as Marika is to the GW or Ranni is to the Moon, a vassal god.
Not all trees are the erdtree dumbshit. All cultures attempt to make a holy tree. That's why the beast uses an erdtree to begin with, so itll trick the populace.
But were they forgiven? That's the real question.
They can venerate all the trees they want, but those trees weren't the Erdtree.
>wow theres a god and he's above other gods
>that must be exactly like this one polytheistic religion as opposed to the 200 others
>pay no attentions to the incredibly obvious hermetic alchemy and astronomy themes
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You guys put way too much time and energy into trying to decipher the story shit in these games. Miyazaki himself said he was trying to emulate that mystified feeling he had while trying to read western fantasy novels despite barely knowing english. A lot of the shit you try and connect as some kind of masterful hidden plot is just coincidental because they do just slap shit together a lot and make stuff up on the spot given just how much From's recent games have aped from shit like Berserk and Magic and other fantasy properties.
>It could be that the term outer god was a last minute adition
Lol no. The concept is integral to the teachings of the golden order itself.
People be like the lore and characters in this game is good
The average npc dialogue be like

>"Ah, a tarnished wanderer, veiled in shadows of fate. The moonlight dances on forgotten graves, and the whispers of the lost sing the songs of eternity. Seek ye the crimson rose in the garden of echoes, where the sun never sets and dreams turn to ashes. Beware the keeper of secrets, for in their grasp lies the key to unraveling your destiny. Tread carefully, for not all doors are meant to be opened, and not all paths lead to salvation. The answers you seek are but shadows in the night, waiting to be unveiled by the light of understanding. Go now, and let the stars guide your weary soul."
>Mesopotamian mythology
Just about every mythos follows the same logic.
Heck I'd sooner believe it's based on Tolkien's mythology, with the GW being Eru Ilúvatar and the various other gods being something akin to the Ainur.
Also, GW is not God as far as I'm concerned. He might be powerful but he's still just A god, whatever you want to say a god or an outer god or whatever is. I don't expect agreement here as I know there's contradictory evidence.
Seething discord sisters trying to FUD
The difference is that he used to build a setting and story out of his misunderstandings or fragments that he could understand. Now he just makes incoherent messes.
because sometimes theres enough clues for the player to piece together a coherent lore
and sometimes there isnt

Elden Ring does not
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Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 1 had such good stories and lore.
I don't think it's credible one way or another to say just because his dialogue never mentions "outer god" you can infer at what stage the "outer god" term was added in, for the reasons I said in the previous post. That's all I'm trying to explain.
What do you have questions about?
why are you gay?
The entire game from the GO perspective is about bring outer god influence into the GO to form a complete understanding of reality.
It was not a last minute addition.
Concession accepted
The Hermetic Alchemy themes have nothing to do with the concept that's so alien to /v/ people argue about it 2 years later.
I'm not arguing that they aren't there you dumbass, I'm pointing out that it has nothing to do with the conversation.

The hierarchy of a God's god that governs the order of gods beneath, of which mankind worships said gods and does not call upon the supreme ruler, is almost exclusively Mesopotamian/Levantine.
nigger every polytheistic religion in history has a hierarchy of gods
Odin and Zeus were directly worshiped as supreme, not above worship.
It sounds like you dont understand theology well so you'll stay ignorant forever.
And there was a hierarchy of their children being lesser gods. It even went down to demigods thru successive iterations.
>exclusively Mesopotamian/Levantine
And Egyptian
And Phrygian
And Hindu
And Zoroastrian
And Greek
And Shinto
Trees are sacred because the Crucible is in the shape of a tree, specifically a spiraltree as it's called in the spiraltree talisman.
Lol no
>is there something wrong with this?
Pretending to know something when you don't is pretty retarded, yeah.
>spiraltree talisman
>literally burnt
>ltierally depicting the scadutree
>literally a pre-burnt scadutree, on a burnt talisman
Yes, but the point is Zeus was considered the highest tier god who also recieved worship in a way to denote his supremacy over all.
There is no evidence of El worship, because city-state dieties were the center of religious practice in the middle east.
That process is how Yahweh evolved into the monotheistic jew god, even taking El's Wife.
>It was not a last minute addition.
I never said it was. You're really laser focused on something I already said my post was not about. Why are you like this?
>The majesty of the white tower, stretching to reach the gods, even inspired a secret faith in the invader
>The spiral is a normalized Crucible current that, one day, will form a column that stretches to the gods.
The Crucible is a spiraltree.
No? Spirals are a thing in a fuckton of other places
Miquella's symbol, various symbols and such associated with the Erdtree, the "full" elden ring symbol in the Maliketh arena/Farum Azula.
The spiral is the Crucible, which can also be represented as a spiral tree. That's where tree worship in the entire game originates from. That's why Erdtree is a tree and not anything else. Because trees are sacred dating back to the Crucible which is older than everything else.
Hot take but I think world building that had answers is based. Society is already filled to the brim with non answers that get us nowhere. I don’t mind a bit void history but Souls games can take it too far and Elden Ring is no exception. It’s okay to get answers.
>The Crucible is a spiraltree.
Provide evidence to the contrary or dispute the current one or shut the fuck up.
Do not argue with Eric
>it's just Eric!
Stop defending an anon being retarded.
The crucible is an abstraction of the time spent on the planet fighting. Thru that fight new things and ideas are born as the wheat is separated from the chaff. The erdtree grew from the crucible thru struggle and ideation leading to marikas reign. The crucible knights are crucible aligned because the adopt apex predation proven to work and display dominance thru observing it work. The dragons were pro crucible because they enacted eugenics to select horn, claw, and tail and selectively uplifting those traits in beasts. It isnt a physical object it is a conception.
Do not reply to me you dont understand the game.
I liked ds2 why would I want another game to fail
ER is impressive by itself but it doesn't even come close to the compact and deliberate world-building of previous Souls games
i remember someone comparing the the lore and world-building by just comparing the literal debris found in the maps of both games:
-ER does the lazy but harmless way of just randomly placing it around the map to fill in empty space or decorate a scene
-DS1 would not only place debris accordingly to the its origin on the map, but would make use of its existence either in gameplay or narrative purposes
i like your headcanon anon
its just....still headcanon
He might be onto something actually.
People worshipped Amun
People worshipped Attis
Metaphysical over-soul shit, not applicable.
Monotheism, retard.
People worshipped Zeus
People worship Amaterasu
>it isn't a physical object
No, it's a font of energy.
But it exists, it isn't a concept, it's an actual thing. We know this because Davona is traveling to it, and she is on the way to Enir-Elim
EVERYTHING points to the Crucible being something that exists and it exists at the spot Enir-Elim is.
The Numen lore is especially bad and just confuses a lot of shit for no reason
There is absolutely nothing in the game that implies they are related to the Nox in ANY way outside of conflicting descriptions about the Black Knives, there's nothing Numen related in the eternal cities and both groups of people don't even resemble each other
Then you have the DLC throwing an even bigger wrench into the mix with shit like Marika's shaman village background
It's all a massive clusterfuck and people are trying to reconcile all of it without realizing that Hackazaki's dipshit team clearly can't keep their own lore straight
Don't reply with single "lol" posts and people won't assume you're Eric trying to lore bait. Maybe do what that anon says and provide counterpoints?
He is. He described it pretty well and covered the 3 big references to the crucible all in one post.
Or maybe you should realize 4chan isnt 1 person. I could call you a dragon guy but why bother?
meds brother
>he thinks I'm the guy replying with lol
I'm the guy asking for counter points. I simply do not assume every anon is some schizo out of the get go. He was on the final straw though, but he's since provided a counterpoint.
He, she, who fucking cares.
I keep thinking Davona's a she because the name sounds feminine
Siluria's the only confirmed female crucible knight
for elden ring you have to accept that the lore is windows dressing for a boss rush game. it's all some bullshit
Is this game and dlc worth full price right now?
Already played almost every Souls game before this one, except for the DeS remake.
There is a greattree, you can see it's roots althroughout the Lands Between and the Shadow Lands. The Erdtree was originally grown out of the greattree until it was burned the first time.
names that end with A are female
That's just the Erdtrees roots. We have nothing else now but to assume that's the case because we know the Crucible has ntohing to do with it now.
Unless there's an Erdtree, a Great Tree and a Crucible.
Oh definitely. Souls games are still better than 99% of the garbage on the market.

You can argue about whether its aging better than DS3, I personally think it is.
But it is absolutely better than DS2.

The lore coherency is obviously a mess, but its a lot of fun.
A lot more focus on flashy moves and mixed damage and magic builds.
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>I did a thing a notorious shitposting/samefagging schizo is known for and now someone accused me of being him, how could this happen to me!
Maybe just like, be a better poster and not try to imitate a colossal faggot. Provide actual sources and healthily engage in the argument.
Yahtzee never finished elden ring
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If you havent accepted that Miyazaki creates cool monster and level designs first and writes the lore second you havent played enough of the series yet.
Any datamine leak will show you just how much they shuffle around names and lorebits constantly before launch, I doubt they even have Miyazaki properly canonizing anything as they write in as long as it isnt obviously contradictory at first glance.
Depends on how you spend your money to be real with ya. 100 bennies for hundreds of hours of game is pretty good. If you like the game that is.
>there is a greattree
Looks like the discord is going to go into pure shitposting. Kind of sad.
You're mostly right but the Erdtree is inextricably linked to Marika, she's the one who created the concept in the first place, but she used the world tree that was already present to create it.
>numen are all females
>1st second of the game you can be a male numen
This is why DS2 is the best. It actually tried to advance the story with a new kingdom and new motivations for the mc. The plot had forward momentum.and felt like a continuation of DS1. DS3 was just a rehash with chosen undead 2 trying to link the flame again, and half the locations are recycled. The final boss is even gwyn again. It's a stagnant, unimaginative game.
No you look like an unstable retard dude. Pare it back to sanity for us.
doesn't work when 90% of the game's lore is vague garbage that's meant to function instead of a proper story
nobody respond to that bait
i will skullfuck you if you do
yes, you know which post
Yeah that makes sense, it could have been Marika in the first place who made omens into a taboo while Godfrey didn't care, hence why he mourns Morgott.
The clear thing with the Nox is they made mercury that can transform into anything and then made fake people with it.
So the Nox being silver skinned kind of makes sense?
>This is why DS2 is the best.
Looks like the discord is going to go scorched earth in seethe. Kind of sad.
They are doing a quick suicide run of their shitpost topics like a blitz game to the bottom.
>bro marika is totally like... the white queen! its like the rebis and stuff
Oh you mean the "white" queen with blonde hair, a black dress, a strong connection to gold and zero connection to the colour white? Alchemytards are insufferable.
I'm just sick of generic western european high fantasy slop that FromSoft keeps pumping out. The only trope in ER that I liked was the "aliens in a vaguely medieval setting" and that was underexplored anyway. Give me Bloodborne or Sekiro anytime of the week instead.
Them going mask off is good though. It let's us know not to ever trust what they say.
It's 100% definitely a thing that Marika and Radagon are based on the concept of the rebis.
It's also probably GRRM's doing.
I'm just so wary with paying full price after a few letdowns these past years.
But I don't think ER is getting another DLC anyway and I've got nothing on my radar for a while.
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You mean
These posts? Yeah my Eric-dar is going off the charts.
Can you fucking kill yourself you worthless cocksucking newfag. You can't even fucking tell two anons apart
Jesus Christ you are a fucking stupid faggot.
That's really cool
At what point do posts like these classify as schizophrenia?
Give me a screen cap I want to see my accuracy.
Loreschach: see what you want to see.
It’s the fromshit way.
All the Nox stuff is fine, it's the Numen shit that's barely elaborated on while contradicting other things almost every time it's mentioned in the game
It would unironically be better to just believe the Numen don't actually exist and were a fabrication in TLB's history to make Marika seem more otherworldly than she actually was
how come threads about ER's lore always attract the very same FromDrone chizo with very characteristic way of writing?
I beg you to prove it.
Profound mental illness.
Eric attacks anything that isn't Sony. ER is multiplat and popular on /v/. He's the reason LoZ Tears threads are impossible to post in.
lol no Shitkiro is even worse than all of them because it needed a fucking short manga to explain plot holes
Probably because you are a paranoid schizophrenic.
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When are you people ever going to understand that the lore for Fromsoft games is literally made up a few months before release?
Bloodborne's beta story is basically completely different from what we ended up getting.
Same with Dark Souls 3.
And Elden Ring... if you play the retail version without the day 1 patch, items basically have no description. It's all made up at the last minute.

I think the only one where the story wasn't just made up on the fly is probably Demon's Souls and maybe DS1.

I honestly have no respect for people who give a flying fuck about the story in these games. It's literally an afterthought
>he doesn't appreciate the opportunity to expand his vocabulary
they will never explain what a god is
wait that's because we can infer based on context!
holy shit we can do that with everything you just said!
wow we just need to think about it for one second!
Who is eric?
The Numen probably exist to establish some sort of "divine" race that Marika is associated with.
Their connection with the nox which are the anti-thesis of creation further expands on this implication.

Their whole thing is "came from another land" and they're associated with stars through the Nox lore.
Technically, all of us.
tendie boogeyman and scapegoat for everything wrong with their cult community
Samefag cancer
DS2 apologists are genuinely a plague on souls discussion, they literally cannot go one thread without trying to pretend that their game doesnt suck
I'm so tired of ZanziFrom making every game have a curse of undeath and every second enemy being some mindless zombie in order to justify in-game why your character can respawn (something that happens in 99% of games anyway)
It's pretty obvious the Nox are a subculture of Numen. Marika's subculture Numen came to rule the nameless eternal city beneath Leyndell and they had a war against the other two eternal cities which they won and went on to create Leyndell and bury the other two underground.
4 real, the game acts like everyone is out and about still doing their grocery shopping but everyone is fucking Hollow™ aside from a few NPC's, no one but generic mooks are around doing the same thing over and over again, every single non-named boss that doesn't respawn is never explained, etc
DeS is very coherent and even gameplay mechanics are explained from a lore and sotry standpoint. No other game does that.
That sounds more like Jeremy.
your character doesn't respawn, the cutscenes play again as if they didn't occur
Elden ring and the rest of this series is brilliant from a writing stand point. Not because they're good, they're obviously not, but because From managed to somehow create plots that are whatever the player wants them to be while captivating a large audience. Everyone has their own interpretation of what's going on and no one can agree exactly, all while everyone claims THEIR special headcanon is the TRUE canon. It's brilliant.
because the moon ain't a god
Well as it turns out, Marika is just an ordinary person from a small shaman village that was a part of the same landmass that she purposely hid away from everyone to cover up history
So either the Numen are a lie or a lot of humans in TLB have Numen blood without realizing it
Explain the root resin description. Here is the french version in which "greattree" is translated as "L'Arbre-Monde". World tree. Yggdrasil. If it's somehow a big revelation to you that a world massively based on norse mythology has a primordial world tree which serves as the foundation of the earth I don't know what to tell you.
nah thats fag cope
No, there was an actual Schizo on /v/ last week who believed Bloodborne contained a secret game and was trying to sue From Software. Look him up in the achieve to see an actual Schizo.
Just a mentally ill shitposter who doesn't use a trip.
/v/'s retarded and thinks that you need a tripcode like Lanced Jack to be an infamous thread ruining retard and that there is no such thing as consistent, dedicated shitposters who simply never use a Trip.

That's farr from the truth. Today we still have niggers like unironic tiny dicked nigger Ruggarell, Samus obsessed puritan ACfag and console war loving schizo Eric running around on /v/. Also Lee Goldson.
Jeremy is Eric. His name is unironically Jeremy Eric.
Can anyone explain the origins of "Eric"? Who was this Eric and what does it mean when someone is called an Eric? Maybe it's a coincidence but I swear I've heard people call other people erics even outside of 4chan and outside of the context of Elden Ring so it's very confusing to me.
Forgot the image
You are describing dennis
The Stone Coffins and other structures don't seem to be Hornsent so Numen's could have once inhabited that land. I got vibes that the Shaman Village was a "reservation" for her race because the entire land of Shadow for the most part appears to be Hornsent land.

Just look at it, it's a shitty town, not a great city.
Yeah whatever, does someone has that faggot ifrit patreon mods. I want Isshin and Genichiro armor. can't make it myself and I'm not going to pay a faggot modder for it
No I don't think that quite explains it, maybe you could elaborate?
Eric is the annoying kid we all grew up with, he transferred to every high school and now he's shitposting from every IP
It's actually hilarious how often people get filtered by Fromsoftware's storytelling, like if you're not paying attention to dialogue, cutscenes, events, queues and item descriptions then obviously you're going to miss essential plot.

The only time I feel like the whole "LE NONSENSICAL STORY" thing has been a genuine argument was das2 because das2 quite literally does not make sense, and that was a game developed by entirely different team, director etc.
>Today we still have niggers like unironic tiny dicked nigger Ruggarell, Samus obsessed puritan ACfag and console war loving schizo Eric running around on /v/. Also Lee Goldson.
This is actual unironic schizophrenia. Who the fuck are any of these people?
Anons are eric. All of us, literally. Theres an /eric/ board that only erics can use.
report them for off-topic
even there is some actual second schizo they're trying to argue with
they are equally schizo and filling the thread with fag drama
report for off-topic
>Spoonfeed me MORE says the newfag
If you don't even know who "THIS IS YOUR MINDSET Lee "Barneyfag" Goldson is I'm not even going to bother.
You can't ignore it. You can't pretend like it didn't happen. 1/3 of the lore is fucking garbage now
that only happens in like 10% of cases
I like all the lore meself.
Honestly seeing how you're behaving I think it's healthier if I don't know who these people are.
The director was trannymura, the same guy that directed ER, you dumb ass.
What the fuck do people eat? how do these demigods feed their armies since everyone in the entire world is a guard or merchant or zombie?
Good man. The discord functionally doesn't understand anonymous.
Who is trannymura?
miyzaki and tanimura heavily worked on elden ring you retard. tanimura was literally picking up the pieces of the previous director that fucked the game you idiot.
It's actually pretty common to not fully explain how the divine nature works. It's even what we do with real religion.
Cool. It's still garbage
Who are miyzaki and tanimura?
It's a popular theory that the stone coffins brought the Numen to TLB but that doesn't make sense either and isn't really supported anywhere in the game
All that we know about them is that they're massive and likely carried giant corpses (because they're coffins) that washed up at some point in the past, but there's nothing that suggests they were used for transportation or that they had anything to do with Numen
The more you analyze the lore the more you'll realize the whole concept of Numen is a scapegoat to mystify great figures in history with virtually nothing back up the idea that they're a real race
Even the character creation screen says they're seldomly born which is a bizarre thing to say about a group of people
>Seeing your behavior
It's called a warning dumbass, if you ignore it you've got only yourself to blame.
Enjoy arguing with Eric for hours.
> “Tolkien can say that Aragorn became king and reigned for a hundred years, and he was wise and good. But Tolkien doesn’t ask the question: ‘What was Aragorn’s tax policy?,’” the ‘Game of Thrones’ creator begins. “Did he maintain a standing army? What did he do in times of flood and famine? And what about these orcs? By the end of the war, Sauron is gone but all of the orcs aren’t gone - they’re in the mountains. Did Aragorn pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby orcs, in their little orc cradles?

This criticism applies to elden ring.
I think they're more like mobile crypts because they're designed like boats. I don't know about the Numen boat theory but I do see the burial process as being distinct from what the Hornsent are into.

The Iconography on them isn't too far removed from the Uld ruins, those distinct ruins found in Eternal City locations that seem far older than the cities themselves.
Yeah I'll definitely enjoy not knowing what the fuck that is and not noticing what the fuck you're talking about
Miyazaki Hidetaka is the director and possibly the reason why Demon Souls and Dark Souls exist, he's been an essential figure within Fromsoftware for years, he's also the CEO.
Tanimura is also a long time dev at From, they're good friends and Tanimura typically seen as second in command when it comes to game development, he was brought onto dark souls 2's development after the previous director fucked off because the guy didn't know what he was doing.
do you really need to be told what a god or empyrean is?
they are real life words with real life meaning.
Martin wrote like two pages of text for Elden Ring and it amounted to nothing more than Marika's family tree and her plot to subsume the Carians.
You won't, you'll be fuming because some retard will keep saying some blatantly wrong lore shit, probably making fun of your own interpretation of the lore; he will ignore all your arguments and become increasingly difficult to discuss with.
He will samefag and make it look like half the thread has gone full retard and make you out to be the deranged lunatic.

You will fall for it, like every person who tries to defend Zero Suit Samus's design in a thread with ACfag in it.
But who are they? Are they eric?
There was so much that kinda lined up.
I can't tell how much of it is my headcanon, and how much of it was probably some kind of early draft.

>Miquella escapes Mohg by becoming Trina and fleeing into dreams
>dreams are associated with death
>Trina finds the Shadowlands, which are some kind of afterlife/purgatory/dreamworld
>attempts to find and marry Godwyn to become a God or to revive him
>Godwyn was influenced by the Sun (Fell God was maybe some prior incarnation of the Sun, when it possessed Gold)
>Ranni was originally supposed to marry Godwyn
>Sun prince marrying the Moon princess in cosmic balance
>Marika realizes her children are afflicted by Outer influence
>Aids Ranni's plan to thwart the marriage and reascendance of the Fell God
>Both Sun and Moon are conspicuously missing or passive cosmic entities that are immediately adjacent to Earth now
>Trina's purple dream powers are actually the influence of the Gloam, stripped of death
>sleep as a false or incomplete or temporary death
>The Gloam is the purple sky before the Sun comes up
>Trina becomes God of Sleep, while trying to turning Godwyn from a God of Death into a God of Waking (reemergence of the sun)
This drawing has better art style that the actual game
Who is Martin?
He’s friends with eric
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>>Trina finds the Shadowlands, which are some kind of afterlife/purgatory/dreamworld
Big oofs
Who is eric t
>You won't, you'll be fuming because some retard will keep saying some blatantly wrong lore shit, probably making fun of your own interpretation of the lore; he will ignore all your arguments and become increasingly difficult to discuss with.
>He will samefag and make it look like half the thread has gone full retard and make you out to be the deranged lunatic.
You're describing normal /v/ behaviour and attributing it to one or a handful of people. Over half the people on this board act like that you retard.
why are there t-rex dogs?
The rot turned regular dogs into trex and crows into giant crows it’s explaining by several lore items
lmao no its not
Sounds like Kevin behavior
You just know Micheal is sitting here reading this thread and seething that Eric is getting all this attention.
I can understand shitposting.
I cannot understand persistent shitposting for years on end.

You are legitimately mentally ill.
>Miquella becomes a "god"
>we still bonk him to death just like everyone else
>unlike other "gods" in the series he not even physical, just a spirit at this point
>just sort of poofs away, which means he's dead
Kind of dumb if you ask me.
wtf yes it does you fucking retard, you dont even need to read the lore either. Caelid is a fucked up rot and poisoned area of the map because malenia nuked it and in turn morphed everything into disgusting creatures, plants etc
You have to be trolling, there's no way people are this retarded.
Rebis is male and female in a single body representing perfection or divinity or whatever else.
It's definitely the source of the idea of Marika and Radagon in a single body.
>You're describing normal behavior on /v/
No not really?
if you weren't trolling you would just post the item description
I’m not even mad we got Radahn as a boss but I wish there was another real final boss like Elden Beast’s brother or something
ignoring arguments, falseflagging, and samefagging is "arguing on /v/" 101, stop outing yourself as a newfag.
Who is Michael though?
That was people's first assumption but the Dogs and Birds are also in the Mountain Top of Giants. They're probably "Related" to the actual Giant race, being in Caelid because the Giant Skulls there indicate that the wilds may have once been Giant Land.

There aren't actually any items saying the dogs are mutated by the rot, though there is evidence the ones in caelid are infested and dying of it.
>Elden Beast’s brother or something
That's basically what Metyr is.
That description is totally different from the English one I'm pretty sure.
With that said, in English, the sentence that says it also ends with "or so it is told"
And in French that sentence starts with "On reconte" which I'm not an expert in French, means ultimately the same thing. "It is said", or "it is told", or "so the tale goes", or whatever else.
Maybe in console war shitposting threads but never soulsborne, which was /v/-in-harmony for years.
He's friends with Alex
>You can't ignore it
Watch me.
>please talk about me waaahhhhh

Fuck off Micheal
They are just powerful dogs or birds from runes the same way rune bears get bigger as they get stronker. There are lots of runes in corpses on the battlefield of caelid and mountaintops.
Y'all dumb as shit.
Bullshit, trannymura was sole director for the vast majority of DS2s dev time. That's why ER and DS2 are so similar, that you brain dead retards would shit on one and celebrate the other shows you have no capability of independent thought.
What is this meme that Taniumura is "bad" when he literally had to whip together Dark Souls II with what assets they had? It's not his fault Bamco fucked with development.
Are these people from your discord?
Same reason radahn got big too - eating corpses of warriors.
>but never soulsborne, which was /v/-in-harmony for years.
LMAO fuck off newfag
No. You're the fucking retard. By the time Tanimura was brought on to help develop Dark Souls 2 the majority of the game and its assets were created areas, armor, dialogue, and more.
He came in and stitched whatever there was of the game to get it out the door which is why it feels like a completely disjointed mess. Dark Souls II was doomed to be bad because of its early development.
That doesn't mean it's a lie just that it's not certain. Even ignoring that specific item description you can clearly see the vast root network underneath the Lands Between which is very obviously not simply the roots of the Erdtree when they look like normal brown tree roots while the Erdtree is gold.
because they're just looking for a scapegoat. DS2 troons are awful faggots, they just want to go "LE DARK SOULS 2 AND ELDEN RING ARE LE SAME!!!" and they'll even go as far as to discredit anything that doesn't fit into their weird delusional.
Those are the roots of the erdtree anon.
>Bloodborne worshipping Shazam Snoys that try to Tortanic every souls release means I'm wrong.
For the most part Souls threads have been historically good discussion. You're really trying to make it a point that it's "all of /v/" when the reality is Elden Ring threads that devolve into endless argument loops are the result of a single faggot.

How do I know? He's been in every thread and become accustomed to his posting styles and he also uses the same filenames and screenshots every time.

You're just burying your head in the sand at this point. So be it, get baited and dabbed on by a SINGLE schizo for the sake of idealizing /v/ as a formless monolith of anonymous.

My whole point is recognizing posting patterns will save you asshurt.
The Erdtree isn't gold unerneath
You can even see that in the entrance to the fog door for Radagon. The bark underneath is brown.
Also, I'm not saying the root resin doesn't raise questions. I'm just pointing out that the presence of "or so it is told" is grounds to doubt the absolute veracity of the statement.
the "lore" is there as just an excuse for you to go kill shit

games dont need fancy stories
There is a truth that Elden Ring captures more of what the OG director wanted, because he intended to bridge the completed parts of DaS II together with an open world that was scrapped due to meddling.

So the games DO share the ambition. But this belief that Tanimura maliciously ruined both games is a retarded narrative.
You are the sole person in this thread derailing actual Elden Ring discussion and trying to stir up drama
Anon, a game going "Dracula is back" as the furthest extent of its lore is basically just plagiarizing an entire book's story as the context.
Yeah I can admit, with the amount of posts I've been disruptive. Whoops!
That nigger was in this thread though and will probably go on in later threads today. I'll just make an infograph to warn people next time.
You didn't prove them wrong tho
How about an argument as to why DKS2's story is bad and 3's is better?
>you can never understand what or how or why anything actually important is happening
You can, you just need to be well versed in Japanese culture and their understanding of western folklore, most concepts in this game are things even 13yo jap kids know from vidya and manga, you don't because as western person you're conditioned to hate your own culture so symbolism in this game fall flat. Like bro do I have to explain you why the outer god that take shape of a snake is bad news?
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>Elden Ring lore thread
>Thread has devolved into "b-b-but dark souls!"
I mean, that's to be expected given this game is riddled with cut content and rushed shit, I bet newfags don't even remember how in patch 1.03 Patches' and Diallos' quests were literally unfinished, the story of this game made a sliver of sense, but by the DLC everything became retroactively wrong
I am eager to see whatever schizobabble you cook up, please post your infographic ITT
The DLC only really retroactively fucked over Miquella (and Malenia as a consquence), and Radahn.
I can't stop listening to St. Trina's theme.
At near 400 posts this thread will not last long enough. I'm not going to slap together some lazy thing in MSpaint. I'm pulling out GIMP for this.
>An Empyrean must pass the Gate of Divinity
>Malenia becomes a Goddess of Rot by getting her skull bashed in

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>they will NEVER explain what the Elden Ring is
Cut content
>they will NEVER explain how the Elden Ring works
Cut content
>they will NEVER explain what the Crucible is
Cut content
>they will NEVER explain how the Crucible works
Cut content
>they will NEVER explain what an Empyrean is
Cut content
>they will NEVER explain how an Empyrean works
Cut content
>they will NEVER explain what a God or Outer God is
Cut content
>they will NEVER explain how a God or Outer God works
Cut content
>they will NEVER explain what the Gate of Divinity is
Cut content
>they will NEVER explain how the Gate of Divinity works
Cut content
Post it in /erg/ then
Smoughtown does nothing but regurgitate item descriptions for one hour and calling it a day
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>DLC has no lore on Rosus
>fucking land of the dead has no lore on the Usher of the Dead
I give points to the drawing, because the game engine makes everything look like plasticine.
I can't fucking wait for FromSoft to get pressured into making Elden Ring 2 and it being set in a completely different universe so that not only is nothing answered, there's more mysteries presented.
thats the general MO
if the lore already stinks, dont fucking answer anything
just keep piling more random garbage on
>FromSoft to get pressured into making Elden Ring 2
they own the rights.
Sorry bitch boy but you're not getting another fucked up Dark Souls II scenario.
GS of damnation is the best fucking thing fromshit ever did

>oneshot the first faggot that runs to me (usually not host)
>if the rest are playing safe/running/strafing - pull out the chainsaw
>point down once I get my kills

the only thing missing is proximity chat
>the most profitable thing they ever did
>won't be milked

yes, I'm sure a for profit company hates easy cash
so we never found out who the black blade assassins actually were loyal to, right?

or why they first work with ranni to kill a ton of demigods and then slay iji

The voices in my head of convinced me of this setup. The hornsent started out as god larpers a seen with sculptor keepers and the description on the curseblades. But the wanted more than just fancy dancing they wanted a real god. enter Marika she was empyerean through some means. Either fingers got to her or she got jarred. The hornsent knew she was their one shot and raised her to become a god. The erdtree in her village is said to be gold without order. I think the fingers swooped after she became a god. Consider the great lengths Ranni and Miquella have to go get from under the fingers I don't think Marika had that. Even with loyal ass Radagon fused with Marika they couldn't stop her from shattering the ring. They never set Maliketh upon her or stopped her multiple schemes. They appeared to have no actual control over marika and where forced to lock her up.
>director known to be a hack that leaves the entire lore to the audience headcanons
>10 years later we still get "HUR DUR WHAT DID HE MEAN BY THIS"
I'm sorry for taking an interest in something you were about to create and wanting to see it when it's done. You've made it clear you intend to make it as hard as possible for me to do so and thus I'll make sure not to do that for you in the future.
Yes because if you haven't noticed, miyazaki integrity and as long as he's the CEO he wont bow to any publisher. Not even Activision could fuck them with Sekiro
They're loyal to Marika, they're all Numen womena and one is even guarding Marika's bedchamber. Marika and Ranni worked together on the night of the black knives but Ranni double crossed Marika in order to free her own flesh.
Just frequent Elden Ring threads, you will see it eventually.
Why would Marika order Godwyn killed and then smash the Elden Ring in grief?
Miyazaki isn't the only director FromSoft has.
miyazaki is a nigger hack that ran out of ideas a long time ago
Melina is Marika's daughter. The death of Godwyn broke her and she wanted to end the Golden Order. Melina was created for the purpose of being kindling. Elden Ring is her grand suicide.
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>those stripped of the grace of gold shall all meet death in the embrace of Messmer's flame
This gives two impressions. Either the hornsent had a grace and Marika stripped it or when the Tarnished were kicked out they were actually sent to the land of shadows and taken out by Messmer until they were resurrected.
>is nothing answered
The base game tells you everything, then DLC spell it out to you just in case you're retarded enough to not get it the first time, yet here you are.
So anon what is your excuse? You played it in Japanese despite not knowing the language? Profound mental retardation? Or may you never touched the game and are just shitposting which leap back to previous excuse?
several headcanons
>doesn't want to give up power
>godwyn was maybe possessed by the influence of the Sun, which may or may not be the Fell or some prior incarnation of it

shattering is long after the death of godwyn
Why do you need any of these things explained? This kind of autistic nitpicking over details is why so much western fantasy sucks now.
Her smashing the ring over Godwyn is just a rumour, everything in the games tells us Marika didn't give two shits about any of her children and saw them as pawns.
Based af I've argued with jeremy on a for days in a row and it all came to nothing because he's unironically mentally ill and high on his own farts
Bro can you drop some kind of throwaway contact info like a throwaway email, I hate that nigger you're talking about so much, I want to vent about that faggot
I'm not the guy you were in an argument with. I went on /erg/ for about a year and watched it turn into an absolute shithole is all.
Speaking of concept art, I have yet to see the DLC artbook get posted anywhere. Is it just not happening?
>Why am I playing the game?
>It's a mystery on purpose
200iq here
>You need to be 500iq to get ER lore like me, it's a work of art
>Turns out it's not aand it's all headcanon
Copium in full force
>And you can break it with a hammer
Ok retard
>Artifact able to control the Lands Between by using Runes to change the narture of its inhabistants and aspects of Life and Death and all elements tied to how everything changes
Where is that artifact? How does it work? What is a rune? How many runes are there?
From games are boss fights filled with a vague fluff just for aestetics
Its not so much an artifact, I don't know why they are referring to it. It is an offspring of the Greater Will, along with all life in the world, from which takes aspects from the Elden Beast, which had all primordial constructs and concepts for the inhabitants of the world to take after in some form or another. It is the avatar for existence in the lands between/celestial body where the story takes place, and displays some modicum of sentience itself, post Shattering at least.
There's not a whole lot in it but here's an upload. Not sure if there are pages missing in this upload or if from just didn't put much in the artbook.
>it's some vaati lore he stole from 4chan cope threads
Excuse you. Those were MY cope posts.
And upon further review. My copes are obviously correct. At least most of them. And thus not cope at all.
>>godwyn was maybe possessed by the influence of the Sun, which may or may not be the Fell or some prior incarnation of it
I feel like the frenzy flame is the actual closest thing to the sun in the setting
>Big fall of unformed and indistinct matter, closest thing to chaos
>If you stare at it your eyes burn
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"Remembrance of the Elden Beast, hewn into the Erdtree.
It was the vassal beast of the Greater Will and living incarnation of the concept of Order."

"This legendary incantation is the most ancient of those that derive from the Erdtree.

Creates a stream of golden shooting stars that assail the area.

It is said that long ago,
the Greater Will sent a golden star bearing a beast into the Lands Between,
which would later become the Elden Ring."
>physical manifestation
what's so hard to understand? Do you need help to tying your shoes too?
is it really so surprising or damning that people could be wrong about their speculation of a trailer? at least they're still discussing the game, while you're just being smug dipshits about people daring to speculate about the game
The writing in souls games can be kind of lazy, but it's still better than what oven dodgers like Sam and their diversity hires have come up with.
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Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrros, I finally beat the game! Me and my trusty mimic spent like an hour trying to ignore all his inane combo fuckery and at last it worked, what an amazing experience. Good to know that niggerzaki and his retarded clown ass team still does that dogshit thing where they overtune the shit out of new content and load bosses with scuffed movesets. I especially enjoyed 10 fps holy space laser and giga holy lunge into gravity fuck you explosion.
Frenzy Flame has nothing to do with the sun, it is the aspect of the One Great, which hates all life and wants everything to go back to net zero (Or only the One Great existing). It burns even the non corporeal, not even the Hornsent liked it, only mad people revere it.
Why did like every single western dev that worked on AAA games publically sperg out so hard about Elden Ring?
Where is Ranni going? There's no air in space. I guess she'll be fine since she's a doll, but we instantly drown in deep enough water. It's gonna be a short space honeymoon.
Ranni is a puppet now, and a full god if you do her ending, she does not need to care about breathing anymore. We too are Lord Consort now so we don't need to worry too much about mundane issues like "drowning".
Going over the page numbers it looks like that's it. A lot of area, enemy, and weapon art was omitted.
Westoid jealousy and arrogance.
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Literally every question in the OP is answered though
It's more that it's now obvious the black flame sigil looks like a finger print
That's the fucky part.
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This guy literally wrote for Borderlands 3
Let that sink in
>The Gloam-Eyed Queen led the apostles. It is said that she was an Empyrean chosen by the Fingers.
GEQbros why do they keep doing this to us. I honestly think GEQ was the finger's first choice and Marika was bootleg shit the Hornsent cooked up and and the fingers just swapped camps.
Who is the Gloam-eyed queen?
That ugly nigger is still here? How?
the elden ring is your butthole and the crucible is the twink dick that fucks you in it. it's obvious
I see where you're going with the first part but the second is off. The crucible is the Dung Eater's dick.
Being an Empyrean is dependent on your own capacity, the fingers merely point to this fact. Thus there can simply be more than one empyrean, that is why Ranni, Malenia and Miquella were all Empyreans. Gloam Eyed Queen likely got betrayed by the fingers though, because it seems that she may have wanted to kill them(Like Ranni, and Marika later.), what with having "god slayer" as a descriptor.
You didn't do Radahns Rune tower i take it. She is mentioned in a particular item there, and most black flame/godskin stuff.
we'll likely never know or get any concrete confirmation on whether or not the crucible is dung eater's or the fag that radahn wears as a coat in the last fight of the dlc's dick but what we do know is it's a dick, it's fucking you in your elden ring, and it's really, really gay.
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>stalking people in 4chan
>botched cropped screencaps
>obsessed with trannies
why do these always go together, are you the same schizo that's been shitting up fallout threads for months? dont answer
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dude, same
>stop noticing things!
How triggered are you to have replied to my post which was earlier in the thread?
shut up incel
It would help to "infer" a lot if there was a coherent timeline for anything.

Maybe that's the most damning evidence that there is no actual real story.
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yea anon im so triggered by....uh....
Go ahead and search my previous posts via filename search of 4chan archive sites, like a good little reddit user trying to win an argument against a trump supporter
you're stalling already, go anon!
There is.
Why get mad?
vaati and smoughtown both talk like retards who are trying to sound like From NPCs. They constantly mispronounce words or overreach with metaphors and similies. Even if there were some interesting information imparted, and I'm inclined to the view that there isn't since they're both such halfwits, the pretentious presentation is utterly insufferable. Cunts, the pair of them
There is 50% chance he's behind blacked edits.
avatarfagging troon
not surprised

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