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>redditdivers killed off its fanbase with the psn scandal
>edf killed off its fanbase with aisloppa, recycled assets, ps2 graphics and vtrooner pandering
>darktide killed off its fanbase with fatshart's dei hires being incompetent
>l4d2 needs modders to take care of the game because valve is only interested in being merchants
>tf2 mvm hasn't gotten any offical update in years despite being more fun than pvp
>vermintide 2 gets more dev attention than sharttide
>the starship troopers game is forgotten

Meanwhile DRG is thriving after getting rid of rockpozz, Survivor sold well and Rouge Core is coming out soon
Ghost Ship will kill it off soon enough with Rogue Core.
>Deep Reddit Galactic
You need to go back.

Nah DRG is certified trannystone lol
>implying you don't have one of these games installed
>edf killed off its fanbase with
you sure it wasnt the epin game store or uplay or whatever?
>Vermintide somehow half-alife
>DRG alive and well
Is having Dwarves the prerequisite to longlivity trough the injection of corresponding SOVLE?
Na. DRG is boring. Bad balance, no major improvements to classes, terrible rng overclock system.
>bad balance
what does the game need balance for? pick your loadout according to how easy or difficult you want the mission to be.
Wrong on all accounts.
DRG is a masterclass in game design, art design, audio design and general attitude. It's also a prime example how to do Early Access right, continue support even after the release, and how to provide the audience tools to keep it going for decades to come.

It is THE greatest coop game ever created, and a highly inspirational game in general.
Better to rely on luck to get overclocks than paying for them like vt2
it's pretty poor in that it has enemies that can take control away from the player. at least in payday 2, if you get tazed, you can shoot back at the thing disabling you.
I like DRG but it's one of those games (along with Risk of Rain 2) that feels like it's getting worse the more they update it. Pre-Drilldozer was peak, Drilldozer is boring and jank, the rival robot missions are monotonous and repetitive, rockpox was literal AIDS.
rogue core will be a massive fucking abortion, they should have just worked more on DRG and put actual effort into the seasons instead of phoning everything in with repetitive slop
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>pretty poor
it's almost like it's a co-op multiplayer game. it follows the L4D formula, which is good. help eachother, nigga, that's how you get back control.
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I like DRG, but I have next to zero faith in Rogue Core. Rogue-like elements are cancer. I just want the base game with more content.
>still less players than redditsloppers
The grabber, leech, and sand shark are RARE exceptions. In L4D, this type of enemy design is the norm. Compared to that, I barely mind. If you get grabbed in DRG, it was usually after several warning signs. And if you REALLY hate it, you can take the perk designed as a "get out of jail free" card.

That's fair game design.
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even worse, it's DRG except
>no classes, all the same uber dwarves
>all "perks" are basic dogshit stat changes
>still only 4 player co-op
>roguelite in multiplayer???
>one mission type, one they could have just implemented in DRG
what the fuck were they thinking?
I'll be pissed if we gotta fight those fast as fuck spawn things on the regular
you forgot to add
>deep reddit galactic is shit
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>no classes
For real? This is a HUGE turn-off to me. I like having a role to fill. I like when my teammates turn to me and my drills when we reach a big dirt wall. I like when the pieces come together to form a working team.
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no classes, only universal loadouts. and I think they also balanced it for far longer mission types, not the ~30-45 minutes of DRG missions but 1 hour plus
>edf killed off its fanbase with aisloppa, recycled assets, ps2 graphics and vtrooner pandering
Who are you speaking for? The only thing EDF fans are angry about is the Epic Games Store thing. Other than that EDF6 is the best yet.
EDF has always bee B-tier movie made into a game.
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>shit comic image uploaded, opinion discarded
real picrel, it's unclear whether these are temporary for the round or permanent as according to the "roguelite" meta gameplay, but both sound fucking lame. either it's a wet fart or it's permanent powercreep scaling that can only be balanced by making all the enemies bullet sponges.
this is the right one
Anyone wanna play DRG? You must be a neet
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The only rogue-likes I've ever enjoyed went wild with powerups, like Binding of Isaac or Noita. +10 shield or +10% damage is such a weak, shitty choice by comparison. I want to choose between, say, a gun that shoots razorblades but is extremely dangerous because of ricocheting projectiles, or a gun that shoots quick, safe pellets but does worse damage. THAT'S how you balance a rogue-like element
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Miss me with that streamer-bait rogue-slop.
DRG modded lobbies are 10x better than vanilla, so give me DRG but
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I want to like DRG, but I find the mechanics of the tide games more interesting. I dunno, I just luv me some meaty melee.

>still no power fist or melta gun in darktide, looking to get two, maybe three updates this year if we're lucky
>>edf killed off its fanbase with aisloppa, recycled assets, ps2 graphics and vtrooner pandering
isn't it the epic account requirement that people hate? no one has ever cared about graphics/recycled assets for EDF before and very few people care about the vtuber shit, as long as there are millions of giant bugs dying.
Dwarf Supremacy.
This is me. At the end of the day DRG is just another FPS game. You cannot get anything like VT or DT anywhere else. The base gameplay is just more satisfying to get better at.
Its a cuckdiver falseflagging. They've been uppity about EDF6 ever since Helldivers 2 launched.
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We know what you creatures are
>weeb delusion leads this one to believe that anyone was ever thinking about EDF when Helldivers came out.
The motherfuckers were constantly going into HD2 threads and spamming EDF, saying it's the superior game. Holy fuck can you weebs ever not be evil like the trannies and jews you claim to hate? You're exactly like the.
>edf killed off its fanbase with aisloppa, recycled assets, ps2 graphics and vtrooner pandering
None of this was true except for the vtuber stuff, which has been in multiple mainline EDF game releases. Anyone who complained about this is a secondary.

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