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>single enemy slowly lumbers towards you
>is one inch from you, doesn't attack
>juggle him in the air with flashy animations while he just sits there helpless like a training dummy
>after 20 seconds of whaling into him, the damage sponge training dummy is finally dead
>during this time, the other training dummy enemies have only slowly lumbered five feet closer
who is this meant to appeal to?
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Mogged so hard by NG it's unreal
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blud thats dmc 1
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Children. Ninja Gaiden is for MEN.
This looks like it would be completely ass to play.
>t. mindfucked souls tranny
>bark bark bark
Keep barking, Ninja Dog.
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Souls is your hitbox vs. theirs in a open, 3D space with free flow movement. You can dodge the attacks any way you want, you can put your weapon anywhere you want, it's just about getting your hitbox to line up with theirs. Enemies are aggressive and will independently attack and overwhelm you. Actions actually have commitment and you can't just cancel out of them with an instant parry or i-frame dodge/jump.

Something like Ninja Gaiden and most modern action games are fundamentally different as they are about magnetized attacks, both for you and your enemies, movement and positioning matter very little, enemies will circle around you patiently waiting their turn to attack, and you can instantly cancel out of almost any action with a contextual parry some instant i-frame dodge/jump.

Add onto that a massive variety of enemies and bosses that are aggressive and pose unique dangers with large movesets, incredible level design packed to the brim with secrets, hidden paths, and shortcuts, a generous amount of build variety and playstyles, RPG mechanics that are actually balanced and satisfying and don't lead to spongy enemies or one-shot kills, and a co-op/PvP system, and it's a no-brainer why Souls is as big as it is.
>Souls is your hitbox vs. theirs
Except for the part where iframes literally remove your hitbox entirely to circumvent the issue of hitbox and collision detection and positioning entirely, sure.
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>muh positionang
DS2 niggers should be tracked and skinned alive for introducing this dumbfuck excuse of a meme.

Circlestrifing is not fucking deep, innovative or engaging.

Fucking kill yourself.
go and play with your iframes
little bitch
as much as i enjoy dmc games it's no surprise why the souls formula was way more influential. DMC games you have to play all the way to Dante Must Die to get any semblance of challenge
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Yup, keep barking just like that, Ninja Dog.
>i didn't play the game
>it's no surprise why the souls formula was way more influential.
Yeah, it's easier to copy and doesn't require any actual talent from the combat designers.
>posts stolen webms
Are the versions of the NG games on PC any good? I remember people getting mad at the ports but I don't remember why.
DMC3 is harder than DMC1 idk why you're trying to push the difficulty narrative.
Oh want it's NGfag. Kill yourself retard.
NG fags dont play the games they fellate.
It doesn't require talent to make punching bag infinite juggle enemies.
And I never will, NGBeggar.
why bother when most players just engage with it on a surface level and it doesn't inherently increase the quality of a game?
>sigma 1
downgrade to Black
>sigma 2
huge downgrade to vanilla
theres no good version of 3, period.
DMC3 was plenty challenging on normal difficulty, the original release infamously so to the point that they had to nerf it on re-releases (and I would still call it fairly challenging). It's not really that far off from the average Souls game. It was DMC5 that was too easy on normal (devil hunter).
Yes, they're fun, which is all that matters.
It's because the Sigma versions are wholly inferior to the originals. But Sigma 1 is still fine. Just stay away from 2.
It requires talent to make a complex moveset that allows you to link different attacks together and string combos together freely.

If you just want to make money? There is not point. It's easier to copy the circle strafe iframes stamina management poke gameplay of Dark Souls, slap the bonfire system over your world, and call it a day. You don't even need to think about the enemy movesets and how the player interacts with them because you give the players a universal iframes button.
Sigma 2 is boring trash
Yes, but why are they downgrades? That's my question.

What's so bad about Sigma 2?
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>What's so bad about Sigma 2?
ok that's fine and dandy but like i said an autistic combat system doesn't inherently make a game good. though judging by your posts its evident you're just assmad every action game that gets released doesn't cater specifically to you, and thank god they don't. you'll be fine though, capcom will make another dmc game so try not to pop a blood vessel during the wait
>but like i said an autistic combat system doesn't inherently make a game good
It sure as shit makes them better.
>though judging by your posts its evident you're just assmad every action game that gets released doesn't cater specifically to you
Nope. I like variety in games. I like both DMC and Sekiro despite them having basically opposite design philosophies. You sound like a retarded shitposter.
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I think the best example you could point out when it comes to complexity vs depth is discussing the style button in devil may cry.

In DMC3 the button changes entirely upon you're chosen style, which you can only have one of at a given time. Each style has a heavy effect in combo and feel pretty meaningfully distinct, meaningfully is defined as being uniquely useful in this case. The depth of styles comes from the different roles they play, each covering a different aspect of the game. RG covers defense, Trickster covers movement, sword covers melee options, gun covers ranged options. The other two uhh yeah they exist. You are sacrificing the ability to excel in those areas in favor of excelling at one specific role.

In DMC4 while the functionality of the style button remains, you are now able to access any style instantly, without having to enter a menu. This adds a fuck ton of complexity with the way you're able to combo between styles and how many inputs need to be pressed to do them as quickly as possible.
The issue, however, is that all depth is now removed from the system. As I said before, every style had it's own role, a niche. Sacrifices were made by only being able to pick one of 6 styles but now in DMC4, there are no sacrifices, there is no depth. The styles never conflict with each other or have any interaction. If you want good movement, pick trickster, if you want to raise style while on the defense, pick royalguard, if you want to utilize all of your melee or ranged options, pick the right style. The only sacrifice being made is potential carpal tunnel because of the way you have to hold your control to switch styles fast.

DMC4 styles = high complexity, no depth
DMC3 styles = low complexity, decent depth
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souls isn't even really about its combat system, that's like claiming zelda is a character action game
its just what retards like nearly everyone in this thread hyperfocus on and why their favorite flavor of trash holds no real appeal to anyone but combo junkies
they'll never understand and it's hilarious to watch them bash their subhuman faces against the reality time and time again
Did you really go through the effort of typing out a transcript of that faggot marks video.

He can make some good points but I absolutely hate the way he explains stuff. "my hitbox vs their hitbox" is just about the gayest way you can explain the importance of positioning, it's especially corny sounding to someone who doesn't play fighting games (I do but it's still corny).
>autistic combat systems makes games better
>likes sekiro the L1 spam simulator
you almost had me
>The styles never have any interaction
if you are a shitter, maybe.
what the fuck are you even talking about schizo? who the hell is mark?
I assumed the issues would be exaggerated but those changes actually seem pretty bad. Is the only good version of the game on the 360?
>you are a shitter
if you like dmc games YOU are a shitter
huh, I don't remember any locations like that in DMC3. Didn't 99% of the game take place inside the tower?
Ninja Gaiden games did not work into sequals, if you think they did you have autism, hard autism. The combat system went full retard with 2 in terms of enemy AI to make the game easier to design, and it's not like the actual genre was expanded upon whatsoever since the actual inventive game design is what the first game. Even devs have come out explaining they regret them.

Honestly they were all retarded and insults to the series.
What the fuck are you even trying to say? DMC and Sekiro are opposites in terms of action design. You said I want all action games to play the same. You're wrong. Are you an ESLretard?
there is a mod
you can make the game as hard as you wish
>souls isn't even really about its combat system
Tell that to Elden Ring fans and nuFROM
Yeah, and the later Xbox consoles through backwards compatibility
You can also emulate it on Xenia
>I think the best example you could point out when it comes to complexity vs depth
Complexity and depth are synonymous. You got called a retard for not knowing what words mean last thread, and you're not going to save face now. Stop trying to redefine words because you're angry you got called out. Depth does not necessitate challenge. Your pathetic attempts at arbitrarily defining "meaningful" do not give you a point.
Personally the feel I get from Ninja Gaiden is that the control is basically like you're trying to control a string puppet.
>What the fuck are you even trying to say?
i'm saying your taste is shit and that sekiro was overrated.
Right, and that's why DaS1 is the best one (for the first half). From only made good combat with BB and Sekiro. DaS2 and Elden Ring specifically are dogshit.
There's a reason the gameplay consists entirely of abusing block, iframes and a handful of safe cheesy attacks
It says it's still in alpha. How well does it work and how much does it actually restore?

Xbox is the only console I've never bought or tried to emulate. I hope that mod just werks.
>Ninja Gaiden fans still hating on DMC even though Souls is the common greatest enemy for 3d action game autisimos
>I'm a retarded ESLfag shitposter
Reading you loud and clear.
DMCucks and NG dogs both acknowledge that Souls mogs both of them no contest, so now they fight over the scraps
Obvious bait, no way you typed all that shit out and then posted a webm of someone literally doing "roll, R1, R1 ×4" in earnest. Just in case, no matter what you like about Souls combat, it ALWAYS boils down to roll, light attack, light attack for every single build, which is dogshit compared to almost any other action game.
DMChads and NGods obliterate Soulshitters
everyone look, samefag finally came out of their cave
post clears
>you're the esl poster despite the fact i'm actively misquoting and misinterpreting your argument
if you want an actual serious response i'd point out the fact i never claimed you wanted every action game to play the same. i said you want every action game to cater to you, and this is evidenced by
in which you're whining about game design decisions that aren't inherently bad, they just don't cater to you specifically. fucking retard
I have beaten NG 1, 2, and 3 on whatever the harder difficulty that you start with is, and DMC 1, 3, 4, and 5 on DMD, but if I hadn't wouldn't that support my argument even more, because those games are harder and more complex?
Look, your choice in Ninja Art+Weapon can change your fighting style way more than you've found. It's just not like a souls game where somebody makes 3-4 builds, people go through Sekiro find their style and use it to finish. You know the game to your style, but design wise you've haven't grasped what's actually been going on.

It's not commonly understood, but by parrying in Sekiro is a combat flowchart deadend. You've tactically cornered yourself because you need to parry, there is a collection of while dodging attacks you can circle around with. But nobody ever learns to fight without constantly locking on so peopel don't find that shit. Fun fact if you MOVE fast enough, even if you don't make distance, you can get Sekiro enemies switch to their ranged fighting styles. Most hilariously Centipede boss that's in the small room(Voldo lookin guys) is made to show you if you don't parry his wolverine combo of like 10 hits that's made to fill his stunbar, he will throw a firebomb in that small ass room and it will hit the both of you.
>NG 1, 2, and 3 on whatever the harder difficulty
literally normal mode you dumb shitter, there is two harder difficulties

>DMC 1, 3, 4, and 5 on DMD
baby tier with SS-ranks

yeah fuck off shitter
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>i'm actively misquoting and misinterpreting your argument
No, you're just an illiterate monkey.
>that aren't inherently bad
They are for action. Souls games can have good level design. They've never had good combat.

>But nobody ever learns to fight without constantly locking on so peopel don't find that shit. Fun fact if you MOVE fast enough, even if you don't make distance, you can get Sekiro enemies switch to their ranged fighting styles.
Nigger I literally talked about all the minute differences in boss behavior based on your last attack and positioning relative to the boss in the last thread. I'm well aware of the depth to boss movesets, and that all has nothing to do with the fact that DMC and Sekiro are complete opposites in terms of play style. Sekiro is fundamentally a 1 main weapon game built around posture damage and parries. DMC is built around weapon and style switching, combos, and air juggling. The group combat is also much better in DMC while Sekiro only really shines in 1v1 humanoid fights.
Wow if it wasn't bad enough he admitted he played that many of garbage recycled content sequals made by shit ass team of lazy fucks and recycling hacks, he made it clear he's had his fucking brain off the whole time.
>Comically insecure about how "superior" xer game is
Ya your combos and air dodges really work into those DMC bosses
people bragging about beating single player games are so weird
ninja gayden, bayonetta and dmc are not even the hardest games of all time
If you don't play a video game, then stop talking about the video game, especially if you're trying to argue details about mechanics.
God of War PAIN run is about 50x harder than MNM, cope
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>concedes to being retarded
i don't need a second opinion from someone who's mentally handicapped
Fuck that comment was too stupid to read through the whole thing before replying, my man theres a fucking reason you run through the gateway 3 times to complete the story in Sekiro my man and it's not because Sekiro had nothing gameplay mechanically to enjoy group fights.

You didn't even know about the Speed between frames = Distance thing I mentioned either if thats what you brought up.
they hated him because he spoke the truth
>Shits his argument intellectually by not being able to actuallly respond to anything mentioned
>Ends with a statement that shows they're just lost in their own opinionated delusions

"complete opposites in terms of play style." Ya totally dood, continue your life with that mindset, god forbid you meet a Sekiro dev and discuss the FUCKING DESIGN DOCUMENT FOR THE GAME.
Quiet, monkey.

>and it's not because Sekiro had nothing gameplay mechanically to enjoy group fights.
You're impressively stupid.
>You didn't even know about the Speed between frames = Distance thing I mentioned either if thats what you brought up.
You're putting words in my mouth because the only way you can pretend you have a point is by bringing up things everyone who's played the game knows about and then pretend that you're dropping some esoteric knowledge on people. Sekiro plays nothing like DMC. One is fundamentally built on combos and main weapon switching and juggles, and one isn't. Trying to drop knowledge that Sekiro isn't as one note as people think still doesn't make it anything like DMC. Feel free to explain how Sekiro is actually like the game built around juggling large groups of enemies with combos and midair cancels, or shut the fuck up.
Ninja gaiden attacks aren't magnets, it's more akin to an aim assist.
The game will not make your attacks slide or have extended range to reach targets like a batman or nu god of war game does but it will have the attack track towards the enemy you're closest to and aimed closest towards.

The reason it does this is because unlocked something like Dark Souls or DMC, there is no lock on button. This results in the player having better freedom of movement instead of strafing and circling around a target. In dark souls, you can find unlocked but that then presents the problem where you now have to deal with controlling the camera which is a nightmare unless you play on KB+M
that guy's the only one more retarded in this thread than the one I've been replying to.
Based and true
>god forbid you meet a Sekiro dev and discuss the FUCKING DESIGN DOCUMENT FOR THE GAME.
Now this is some advanced schizo posting. By all means, tell us about the Sekiro devs you've talked to and how they've explained to you while citing design documents that the game is actually similar to the game that's all about weapon switching and long combo setups. Give specifics, please.
>which is a nightmare
if you're retarded, maybe
DMCV > MGR > the rest
>as much as i enjoy dmc games it's no surprise why the souls formula was way more influential.

Dude. DMC is way more influential than souls. Devil May Cry 1 is the model for how to do melee combat in 3D. Like look at melee combat in 3D before than you can tell something is missing compared to what we have now. You are mistaking souls hipster for a genuine revolution.
>can't defend position
>finds utter retard to argue with to feel better about himself
It's not something everyone who's played the game knows about, it's actuallly quite rare shit. Maybe because you're a cave mongrel you've started to distort your view of the world and you're thinking things similar to you are more common than they really are.

>You're impressively stupid.
Feel Free? Alright, let me clear this with you real fucking straight. JUGGLING & COMBOS EXIST WITHOUT A FUCKING NUMBER ON THE SCREEN INCREASING. The opposite of Combos & Air dodging gamplay, would be precise idividual decisions made on the ground. Oh sorry, I didnt realize that the origin of this discussion is you not understanding what the word opposite means.

God forbid your retarded fucking ass managed to play a DMC game with Royal Gaurd & Shotguns. You must think those were just designed to help with specific enemy types.
Theres a whole fucking room that's a reference to DMC you guttertrash. V is a really fun place to lay it onto the scum of this medium.

Captcha: RAWH
for how I fucked your mom's ass
In the current market basically every hack developer is copying Souls shit though so in that context you can say it's "currently" more influential.
There are high-profile games that are advertising themselves as being "like DMC" but are actually just Soulslikes with flashy animations.
Why are you upset that complexity and depth mean different things? Are you really just a seething DMCtard or something? Complexity or lack of depth doesn't necessarily mean something is bad.
Harder on your thumbs maybe from having to mindlessly mash square so much
Why the fuck is anyone entertaining this thread when the OP is lying from his teeth with a blatant clip from DMC1? Are you niggers that stupid or desperate for discussion?
>Complexity and depth are synonymous
It's no surprise these threads are shit when retards like this inhabit it.
low test post
Thanks for the bump
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Fact: Ninja Gaiden 2 is better than your favorite action game.
Are you ever going to post new webms
you ok shazamtranny?
You are using influence to mean trend seeking. Which is shallow. I am using influence to mean something more profound. Like how people say Ocarina of Time is influential. You could easily put DMC1 on par with that. Easily.

But yeah I did fail to understand what you meant. But about indie games. But ignoring the 2D games are there really that many indie souls-likes compared to indie dmc-likes. I don't look either up on steam.
>shazamtrannies are so assraped the have to try and pit Fromsoft fans against NG and DMC fans and then against eachother respectively
Playing dmc3 in anything but easy is enough to know how full of shit posters like OP are.
>Theres a whole fucking room that's a reference to DMC
NTA, which?
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Meanwhile Elden Troon combat is the exact opposite and it's the boss who combos your ass. Soulsissies enjoy getting manhandled by their bosses.
Wish I could go back to the magical hours when I didn't know rolling gave you invincibility frames so I was cowering behind my shield terrified of the giant fucking attacks and combos of enemies eating up my endurance. That's when ds1 was the best.
>dying to Radahn's easiest phase 2 attack
I prefer razors edge
Go fuck yourself
Anon please, link those design documents whenever you're ready.
Taking away both rolling iframes and bosses having 30 second long Hyper Combo Finishers would fix the genre. Making it something like soul calibur where moving sideways, back, or blocking are all informed decisions would be way more interesting.
Please learn what English words mean. Their meanings don't change because you're angry that you're objectively wrong when arguing about games.
But only retarded tendies pretend OoT was influential. There's a reason real devs never cite it as being inspirational or revolutionary.
We can't all have good taste I guess.
>anyone who likes OoT is no longer a "real" dev
it invented lockon, you fucking turd. It's not my favorite game either but that's like saying "Doom and Quake are w/e, REAL devs were inspired by CoD"
It didn't even come close to inventing lock on.
lord don't I know it
what game invented lockon for melee combat then, egoraptor
Virtual On
It set the model for how to do adventure stuff in 3D. That's huge.
Are you people seriously incapable of enjoying videogames without turning it into a cock measuring contest
Dumb tendie.

It did not. Parroting some shit a tendie wrote on Wikipedia won't make it true. The only games that did 3D adventure like it were Okami and Darksiders.
If an OP post on /v/ expresses enjoyment it is almost certainly rage-bait. Anything that isn't rage-bait, politics, or coom is going to push any other topics off hard because /v/ doesn't want to talk about them. It's been this way for a very long time.
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console wars are a hell of a drug. And you're wrong about other 3D adventure games, there were gorillions of OoT "clones" on the N64, and in fact they had kind of tapered off by the time Darkstalkers and Okami came around. Dark Cloud, those Hercules and Xena games, and Castlevania 64 (in terms of combat only) come to mind, I'm sure there are dozens more that I've never heard of. You can say OoT is not a great game, I would even agree with you, I think it's only like the 5th best Zelda game, but to say it's not influential is just observably, empirically false.
You are talking about strictly copying Zelda. I'm talking about adventure stuff in a broad sense. As in the "action adventure" or adventure genre.

Most people in this thread have a very petty version of what influence means. "Invented lock on" "bad indie devs on steam copy the aestetic". These are supposed to describe mighty levels of influence? It's fucking trivia.
>Dark Cloud
>anything like Zelda at all
Ask me how I know you looked at that dumb magazine cover and never played the game. Dumb tendie.

>As in the "action adventure" or adventure genre.
Yes, and OoT pioneered none of it. If you want to argue, then bring up specific ideas or concepts or pioneered.
I just don't understand the appeal of this. It's a visual mess. Maybe if it was 2006 and I had nothing else to play
This thread is more schizophrenic than usual.
based as fuck
Darksiders utterly shit on any Zelda game so hard
>tendie again
you keep showing your age. I played both Dark Cloud games, the 2nd one is way better but both have at least a little bit of OoT DNA in them. It seems like "dumb tendie" is your only way of coping with the really rather trivial and innocuous fact that you're wrong about OoT being an important and influential game, even if you don't like it. I would say stay off console war faggotry for a while, you'll enjoy this hobby a lot more that way.
Darksiders sucks ass, not least of all because of its retarded Kmart WoW art style.
The webm is pretty clear
>I just don't understand the appeal of thin.
Then you must not like fun gameplay.
>Yes, and OoT pioneered none of it. If you want to argue, then bring up specific ideas or concepts or pioneered.

Get adventure item in a 3D game. It's something that actually interacts with the world and isn't a glorified key like in Monkey Island or Resident evil (which are adventure games). Use it on stuff in the world to explore That's Ocarina of Time. There might be other names I don't know about that share the glory. It's the same glory that Metroid and Zelda have for 2D adventure games as well as probably some other games I don't know about.

And even if you are going to try to deny this everyone instincitly believes what I believe to some degree.
That isn't DMC3, you fucking moron. The fact you even made that mistake tells me you haven't played either game, which means I'm not taking your opinion seriously. Next time, try not being a disingenuous faggot. Don't discuss things you have no frame of reference on. Play the fucking game and then come back to critique it.
Look at this newfag
it doesn't suck ass though
maybe you're just retarded anon
>who is this meant to appeal to?
Only cool guys. Guess you're not one of em.

That is dmc1 tho
You can like it if you want, I think it sucks ass. The 2nd one is marginally better.
Post SS-ranks or stfu and kys
Genre-Defining Levels of Influence Retards will Deny
*Ocarina of Time (adventure)
*FF7 (Cinematic story telling)
*Devil May Cry (3D melee combat)

Loud But Small Levels of Influence Retards Will Say are "Influencing All of Gaming"
*Overwatch (added cooldowns to the sub genre of class based vs fps. How petty)
*Fort Nite (didn't influence a thing about battle royal's gameplay, but did influence some game's art direction)
*From (Created a new standard of 3D Dungeon Crawling, big accomplishment but it's certainly not 'all of gaming' because some indie pixel junk that no one plays copy it)
Also it's a highly unusual situation for DMC1. It's a single enemy with no one to back him up and the type of enemy that is only a threat in groups. And the guy spends his meter to do all this.

You can make any game look like anything if all you scour it for one fucking room where you go out of your way to do something nutty and than clip it.
>you keep showing your age
I'm old enough to have played OoT, Dark Cloud and Dark Cloud 2 at launch. You might fool actual zoomers but I know you're full of shit. Dark Cloud is a procgen dungeon crawler with town building mechanics. It is absolutely nothing like OoT and the "OoT DNA" nonsense is something tendies say when they're cornered and called out for lying about how it influenced games. Nothing OoT did first or focused on was in either Dark Cloud games. They're fundamentally different from the ground up.
>you're wrong about OoT being an important and influential game,
There's a reason that actual game devs never cite it as an influence and only retarded fanboys online insist it was influential.

>Get adventure item in a 3D game. It's something that actually interacts with the world and isn't a glorified key
First off, that applies to OoT. It's frequently criticized for the lock and key style of the tools, especially compared to LttP and LA. If you're argument is that it's the first game to have item/tool upgrades that give you new abilities in the world, you're out of your fucking mind.
>everyone instincitly believes what I believe to some degree.
Only people who grew up on the N64 and didn't play other games.
Why are retards like you always the loudest
Oh boy, it's another homeless ninja gaiden thread until the devs announce another game that's not Ninja Gaiden. Give up, the Egoraptor animation is more popular than this series for a reason. Just play Nioh like all the big boys do.
looks just as weightless as DMC
>Just play this shallow ARPG garbage that doesn't even come close to NG
>fucker who hasn't even played the game demands I post my own gameplay
You don't know how equivalent exchange works, do you?
man, stamina management in dark souls 1 was literally perfect
Yeah, that's the shitty third game that fans don't like. The first 2 have actual weight to then.
>webm is DMC1
>it's also on DMD difficulty because the enemy has devil trigger active
Jesus, this OP is a massively disingenuous faggot.
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OUR FUARKING HEROES... and Bayonetta is here too, I guess.
I can't believe people think Bayo is actually a good series when only the first game was decent.
You don't need to enter the menu in the Switch version of DMC3
These action game threads are always like this one: just a bunch of retards throwing shit at each other until bump limit
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>2nd is better
well obviously but i was talking about the series as a whole ( at least the first two games )
DMC has good games
Ninja Gaiden has good games
Souls has good games
You tribalist niggers are embarrassing
you have no fucking clue what you're talking about and are literally just citing your own retarded feefees as proof
Only DMC is consistently good. The rest just got shittier with each new entry.
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You think Dark Cloud is anything at all like OoT because you're a retard that's never played Dark Cloud, and saw a stupid magazine cover trying to start a fanbase war. You know less than nothing about games, even by tendie standards. There is no OoT DNA in Dark Cloud, and getting upset that I've actually played both games won't change that.
All Ninja Gaiden games are good (except vanilla 3 and Sigma 2)
DMC2 exists
DMC2 is overhated. It's still better than any souls game.
Not hated enough actually.
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NG2 is what happens when intelligent design is thrown out the window in favor BIGGER FASTER HARDER, the way the game basically boils down to chaining i-frames on the highest difficulty plus the insane enemy count is proof of that.
the game is a mess, a fun mess but still a mess, black is better all around.
>still better than any souls game
christ another new contrarian low
midwit take
The combat is more fun, and it's atmosphere reigns supreme.
Let me guess

I really hope that the next From game does away with iframes and parries. Not that I expect it at all, but I still hope.
good morning sir
I can't believe Platinum is good when they've only made like three good games at best.
>DMC2 is overhated
>using the weakest weapon on hardest difficulty
>who is this meant to appeal to?
it seems like retards that make strawmen arguments
>What's so bad about Sigma 2?
that it filtered all the Xbots that wanted broken babby options like maxing out weapons by the second level and instant de-limbing for spamming OTs
>still posting the debunked CrowbSCAT meme using the broken DMC HD Collection
But isn't that the opposite of what it did? The changes list said it had fewer enemies and easier delimbing.
The only thing harder about it is that enemies have insta-kill grabs on the highest difficulty
Other than that, it's far, far easier
If we're gonna be tribalists for action vidya what other game/s should we add to the mix?
Now this is a funny video and definitely DMC2 has some sucky enemies, but you could record the same exact video bit by bit for all DMC games, especially 1 and 3 with its noob tube spam for the former and E&I Spiral spam for the latter.
Bayonetta, classic GoW, KH are usual contenders
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I take speed and responsiveness over your shitty ass "weight" any day
action games don't even deserve threads so long as these falseflag "wars" are happening between each franchise.

I value literally every major action game, I have strong opinions about all of them, but I don't hate any of them for the issues I have.
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reminder that OP thinks games like this are good
This is /v/. We don't like games here
azel is as pathetic as vergil
the shaolin blast is so stupid
>everyone actually loved DMC2 on release, it had no issues and development wasn't so troubled that we don't know the original director of the game
Go buy Igataki's NFT and cry some more, NiggaGaydenCuck!!! hahahahahaha!!!!
recently got a 360
which ninja gaiden games are good? whats the difference between the xbox and playstation versions?
I assume black for the original xbox is backwards compatible
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>which ninja gaiden games are good?
Ninja Gaiden Black, Ninja Gaiden II, and NG3: Razor's Edge. All three games are good.
3re is dogshit
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 1
Ninja Gaiden 3RE

Avoid everything else, black is still good if u want to emulate but it's not neccesary.
I had fun with it, and so did everyone til recently, wtf happened? Is this just Eric or what? These threads have been so common seemingly out of nowhere
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
Ninja Gaiden 3RE
meant to say avoid these and play the others
Post your S-rank clear of DMC3's DMD mode, OP. Hell, just post a regular clear to show you can even beat it without the S-rank. I bet you couldn't even beat Hard or Very Hard, faggot.
That DMC1 combo you posted was also incredibly impressive, you'd know that if you had played that game.
I disagree. I think it has one of the best combat systems in the genre. Honestly, NG3RE is like the DMC4 of the series. It's a really fun, but flawed game.
I played Ninja Gaiden back on the original Xbox. It was good but it wasn't as fun as DMC. The characters, music, and story weren't as good either.
DMC has improved with almost ever instalment.
DMC 4 is a way better game than 3re.
Last time I checked DMC4 didn't remove all of Dante's weapons and only left him with rebellion. Your comparison would be a bit better with DMC4SE vs. 3RE anyway, since it's disingenuous to compare essentially a remade game, with most of the weapons copied from S2 and bonus levels from S1 lol
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I guess this is the designated action game thread.
How come that out of the Ninja Gaiden trilogy, 2 has the most satisfactory combat? I mean, RE has also the delimb mechanic but it just doesn't feel right.
If they ever do a Ninja Gaiden 4/reboot, I hope they take II combat feel as a basis.
>I don't hate any of them for the issues I have
So you have no standards
>DMC 4 is a way better game than 3re.
Is it? I don't hate DMC4, but at least 3RE feels like a finished product, which isn't something I can say about DMC4.
In RE you feel like you're slicing air when you hit an enemy, coupled with how tanky they are. 2's hit reactions are far more visceral.
get better bait
>3RE feels like a finished product
This is just bad bait. It has the least amount of content of any NG game.
>Nigga Goyden
>the game they scraped together in 9 months feels like a finished product
>less weapons than 2 with none of them being new
>less chapters that are all short as fuck
Get real
Oh hey, I recognize this pasta.
>most playable characters
>most trials
>coop mode
>chapter challenge
It has more content than black and vanilla 2.
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>open, 3D space with free flow movement.
Shut the fuck up and play Zone of the Enders 2.
Was this supposed to impress me
>sit there and charge multiple attacks because nothing is attacking you
Great game
Are you playing on ninja dog equivalent or what?
Stuff like this looks so cool. I want more games like them. How long until indie devs start making more character action games? Yes I’ve played assault spy and it’s fun
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I have more if you want.
It’s almost as if an actual ability is being used for that.
That’s the game’s hard mode.
How well does Ninja Gaiden BLACKED emulate? Never played it but I want to
This game was so boring man.
>for years hear it's amazing
>try it
>it fucking sucks
>the game they scraped together in 9 months feels like a finished product
Yeah? There was never a point where I thought "this game feels unfinished".
Looks easier than Ninja Dog in NGB.
Nothing's worse than trying an old /v/ classic and finding out it sucks.
Sounds like bad taste to me.
>single enemy slowly lumbers towards you
>is one inch from you, doesn't attac

This literally never happened in any single of one of these games.
Any difficulty mode in NG is easy mode when you spam UTs.
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lol fiend ryu is the biggest meme fight in the game. People here don't actually play NG they just post webms
ULTRAKILL is the only one
That's DMC1 tho. Really fun game by the way, I'm playing it for the first time.
Which youtube video did you steal this from?
This, UTs invalidate the majority of Ryus toolkit which is why UTs being buffed instead of nerfed in NG2 is fucking baffling. NG3 went in the right direction of nerfing them
ULTRAKILL is gay shooting shit. I'm talking about real action games.
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I hate first person shooters. Aren’t nearly as cool as something from DMC or NG
kek goofy shielding him gets me every time
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This is like the second "YOUR ACTION GAME SUCKS. NO, YOURS" thread I’ve seen just today. What the fuck keeps happening?
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Ultrakill is cool.
This is a really fun fight when you don’t cheese it. Problem is that Lingering Will has like 3 different ways to break him. Also you should’ve gotten his keybalde after beating him
Arena shooters take more skill then character action games and have more crazy shit
Are you upset your shitty webm got laughed at or something?
Autists, that’s what.
What the fuck are you on about?
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>I hate first person shooters. Aren’t nearly as cool as something from DMC or NG
That looks boring to me, but I feel that way about literally every first person game I’ve attempted to play. The perspective just makes things less fun
can't keep a thread alive without appealing to the lowest commond denominator... ragebait
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It is anything but boring dude
>Arena shooters take more skill
i remember quake
defrag is the best racing game ever made
To you perhaps. I’ve tried ultrakill and I got tired of it after beating one of the bosses
bottomfeeder gameplay right here
>Arena shooters take more skill
No lol
multiplayer games require more skill than single player games
are you stupid?
bait threads just aren't fun anymore
>multiplayer games require more skill
lol not fps games.
movement in quake requires a lot of skill
strafe jump and rocket jump are ahrd to pull off
you require tracking and flicking to be a good player
shmups take more skill than your dead genre
you are a shitter
shmups and arena shooters are dead genres
you are an idiot
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/shmupg/ schizo is back
>trying to quakefag
new shmups are still being made
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That's pretty much it. Well put.
>new shmups
euroshmup trash
just look at the new raiden
the genre is completely dead
Nobody makes those anymore idiot
show me a new game
>show you a game
>who is this meant to appeal to?
if you hit the enemies and they dont react to your attack and keep moving your game is bad and you are a bad game designer

Action-Reaction is the 5th law of animation
i like the first one more
they ruined the melee combat in the second game
This. Do a 1CC attempt of Spikeout (arcade) and see how far your Master Ninja ass can go.
>if you hit the enemies and they dont react to your attack and keep moving
so dmc is shit?
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dmc enemies react to your atacks
thats OP argument
that when you are fighting aginast one enemie they are locked into reacting to your atacks and cannot atack you

my counter point is that if you hit a enemy and they dont react your game is shit

look at this >>683722984
you are not fighting an enemy
you are lowering numbers, the enemies does not react to being atacked
your hammer does not interact with the enemy feet when it hits it

its lame

videogames are a VISUAL MEDIA, the enemy needs a visual feedback to being hit
Half of the enemies across all DMC games dont react to being hit at all and the other half has shitton of hyperarmor.
>my counter point is that if you hit a enemy and they dont react your game is shit
If you hit a giant dragon with a light attack it shouldn't flinch. That's how DD works, unless it's a very strong weapon and you hit their heart or head.
>dmc enemies react to your atacks
Only the low tier enemies for the most part
decide in your point

you can either juggle the enemies on the air while they dont are stuck reacting to your attacks or they dont react to your atacks
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Bayonetta mogs
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>If you hit a giant dragon with a light attack it shouldn't flinch
fuck that dragon,
i mean there's a reason why dmc fags only post their shitty juggles against fodder that makes up for just 1% of the enemy roster in the series.
No one likes V. No one.
LIGHT weapon. As in not something the unga bunga warrior uses.
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you keep talking about other people and not the games anon

here is a BOSS reacting to your attack
For every boss that reacts to being hit there are 20 that do not.
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nah fuck that dragon
you can literaly do that with not only every boss in the game but EVERY ENEMY on it
Do what, a precanned cutscene attack? It's like riposting or backstabbing an enemy in dark souls.
Literally no one says this.
ZoE2 has way better shooting mechanics and movement but god i loved the melee duels in ZoE 1

but again i like the sword gameplay in mgs2 more than mgrising
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I enjoy nuking everything with a great cannon explosions as much as the next guy, but a regular light attack from light weapon hitting a dragon's body should not flinch it.
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>this is the state of action game threads now
honestly the old god of wars are more fun than dmc. dmc is cringe as fuck. ninja gaiden is king though.
gow lowkey mogs ninja gaiden
if zone of the enders 2 is considered an action game then armored core is an action game too
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normal atacks should be felt on enemies bodies

even when they dont flintch the bodypart you are hitting shakes to show it took damage
lmao even souls bosses are more aggressive than this.
>this is the combat that one autist has been shilling for years
>half the webm is cinematics with full iframes
is this a movie game?
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too bad they dont react at ALL to hiting or being hit

its like a indie game where they dont know how to program colisions yet
im impressed they did particle effects
>even when they dont flintch the bodypart you are hitting shakes to show it took damage
Not golems. Check mate.
the boss literally reacts to being hit in the webm.
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you were saying?
It's literally a single NGfag who's been spamming for years and trying to start shit with other fanbases (mostly DMC).
It could very well be Barry (he considers DMC a rival to FFXV) but I don't know if that level of schizophrenia is even possible.
Actually true and the best Fromsoft boss fights are against humanoids who flinch to your attacks. Sekiro was generally really good about this, even when the enemy is deflecting your attacks you still feel the feedback, and when they're not deflecting and you finally get some health damage in it feels nice.
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I was saying that golems don't react to light hits that don't flinch them.
>It's literally a single NGfag
No, there are multiple
How can you genuinely believe there's only one?
they were never good
dmcunts have literally always been annoying
I think you just described onimusha.
This was a cool webm
Shame about DD2, what a blunder
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There's plenty of great looking combat webms. The problem is pretty much everything else.
>webm not related
>not thinking that looks cool
I'm sorry you're gay.
Itsuno could've been working on DMC6 but we got this garbage instead
Life is not fair
That spell is literally downgraded from the first game and looks like shit. Literally nothing is happening in that webm either.
As much as I love most of the DMC games, DD is better and it was always his passion project.
>That spell is literally downgraded from the first game
It's literally not.
>Literally nothing is happening in that webm either.
Big spell kill thing. If you can't enjoy that, you're gay.
i know what u mean but after ER its blatant u literally are in combat 82% of your gameplay. Rest is 5% build and 13% leveling and exploration
>It's literally not.
It objectively is. You probably haven't even played the original.
Yes. Whatever the fuck happened during production (likely being rushed out to be in fiscal year 2023) aside, it's very clearly his passion project.
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You're objectively wrong. Here's a webm I made while playing the game, which like the last webm I posted, involves my pawn casting maelstrom while I'm fighting something.
That's thousand times better but post it outside so you can actually see it, retard.
Delusional about what? Have you not actually read the interviews Itsuno's given about the development? DD is his baby. Stop arguing about things you clearly know nothing about.
>i-it was rushed!
Itsuno really is Japanese Todd Howard.
>That's thousand times better
It's not, and it's not downgraded. The vacuum effect on maelstrom in 2 is much better. You'd know this if you actually played both games.
>he said it so it must be true
>he just wanted his passion project to be bad and worse than the first game
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i liked it
If it wasn't rushed then Itsuno finally did that thing that nip writers or directors do when they get old and suddenly go to complete shit.

>oh shit, that anon actually reads interviews?
>better make shit up!
That webm is from DMC1 you retarded fag.
I'd rather they keep the spastic bosses in that case; I just want From to give players way more movement options without iframe shit
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its the capcom cycle anon

unfortunetly we are at bad capcom

bad capcom means bad normal games and fantastic fighting games. we even getting MVC2 back out of nowhere but DD2 had to be sacrificed for it
>enemy teleports when hit

This isn't an argument.
Shitsuno has always been a hack so idk why are you all so surprised
I know. I was hoping good Capcom would last until DD2 came out.

You're a retard.
You're a shit eating shill.
>acknowledging that Capcom has gone to shit again and DD2 didn't make the cut
How fucking retarded are you third world subhuman shitposters?
im literally watching it flinch retard
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Capcom isnt the problem here lol
Are you blind?
Itsuno said he managed to fully realize his vision with DD2, so...
>Itsuno said he managed to fully realize his vision with DD2
I don't recall him saying that. In fact I remember him saying that all their ideas didn't make it into the game.
i only played the 2 hours demo so far

i quite enjoyed it. why people dislike DD2?
At least they slowed down on using CAG. Who the hell thought that was a good idea?
eceleb antishilling
embarrassing mtx
poor performance
discord troonjeets
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>“Obviously all game developers feel like we could've done more. Every media project or artwork - there’s a saying that you have to ‘abandon them, not finish them’,” Itsuno admits when prodded on how Dragon’s Dogma 2 stacks up to his loftiest expectations from the very start of development.

>“But I’ve basically done all I could with this game. Of course, I would’ve liked to do some more - but this definitely doesn’t feel unfinished. I don’t want to give the impression at all that this is a game with incompleteness. But I always feel like as an artist, as a creator, I could do more and I could go further in the future.

>“This is the game I want to launch, that’s launching.”
Ninja Gaiden is pure RNG. You just spam flying swallow they don't block it or UT spam when there's essence to absorb.
The cliffnotes version is: Lacks some classes people wanted and the color scheme class organization makes no sense. Main story is horribly truncated. Too much goblin and bandit spam in the overworld. No "special encounters" besides sphinx despite others being promised. Half the side quests suck. A lot of the quests are painfully fucking retarded and things like stealth quests don't work from a gameplay perspective. Overworld is a bunch of corridors. Not enough setpiece areas/missions like 1 had, and besides caves there are no real dungeons, even in endgame. Too many niggers. Side characters aren't memorable and funny like the first game. The dragon has no presence in the game. Not enough mid-large enemies and stuff like evil eye and hydra got cut entirely. Performance issues (this applied mostly to people with potato PCs, because while the game needed optimization, it was still above 60fps anywhere that wasn't the middle of Vernworth before the performance patches on a decent CPU).
Well in that case he's become a deluded hack, like every other Japanese director who's been in the game more than a couple of decades.
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Can you really call yourself good at video games if you haven't done a hard KMS?
>square square guardbreak
Yes, that is a basic technique for 1v1's
It's ok, anon, some games are just too hardcore you.
yeah u sure showed me with your shitty webm at the beginning of the game lol
He's just coping since he won't get another chance to do this and Capcom fucked him over one last time.
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fuck I love OG NG2
is there any way to play it on PC or am I stuck with Söygma 2
These threads are always literally exactly the same now, aren't they
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Finished it a week ago. Kino combat, enemies, bosses, setpieces, soundtrack, art style, character designs, and atmosphere. It's pretty short but really tightly designed. The only things I hated were un-customizable controls, not being able to play as other characters in the story mode, and the automatic upgrade system instead of the manual one. Also, the story was really disappointing. It's not bad and there are really fun character moments (if you play with og Japanese voices instead of the God awful English dub) and Kino world-building, but it's just a generic action game plot at the end of the day. It wouldn't be a problem if the Opening and marketing for the game weren't so fucking great and directed by Kojimbo himself. (You) can tell that he originally had a much more ambiguous story in mind before Konami forced him to work full time on MGS3. Shame that ZOE3 never came out. The series had a lot of potential and was basically the only Sci-fi Mecha character action game series ever made
REMINDER: all these action game fanbases shit-flinging at each other started because SOULS cucked the entire genre and they developed inferiority complexes. so now they've gone tribal and are extremely hostile to opinions that don't suggest their preferred series as the best.
Whenever someone posts about an action game being easy or posting clips of it being "cheesed" just remember that this person exists only to shitpost and gather (you)'s, he has no agenda beyond. Every action game is easy, if action game has cheese strats. It's not possible to complain about something and post cherry picked webms or clicks and also have a favorite action game because every action game is at fault here but non-retards, people that like to have actual fun aren't going to be using those dumb ass strats because people don't play action games purely to get a single clear and then never touch it again.
Press O
LMAO FFXV really suck!
There's the Sigma 2 Black mod
It's not perfect though

You can also emulate it
>character action game
stupid name
armored core is better and harder than zone of the enders
gundam extreme vs is better too
>good at video games
play a multiplayer game
who cares if you can beat a single player game?
>people that like to have actual fun aren't going to be using those dumb ass strats because people don't play action games purely to get a single clear and then never touch it again.
yep yep must be why these people never post any gameplay themselves and just cry and cope about "cheese strats" and cherrypicked clips.
dodonpachi 1cc is harder than your multiplayer slop
you are a shitter
>cherrypicked clips.
shitagaki is a hack
deal with it
>posts worst NG
another filtered shitter
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I miss the legend, the goat, Itagaki.
Sora with Ends of the Earth would be too kino
>mogs kamiya
>mogs itsuno
God, the explosive kunai fucked my shit up the entire playthrough.
Heavenly Sword. I've never actually played the game and I don't even think I've watched a single second of footage from it; I just think it'll be funny
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>gets (falsely) accused of sexual harassment
>wins the lawsuit anyway
>then Koei Tecmo refused to pay him the completion bonus for Dead or Alive 4, and then the president at the time, Yoshimi Yasuda, told him to either quit the company or sue it
>at that point, he had enough, and quit
I'll never forgive Koei for sabotaging his career like that. Bunch of greedy fuckers. All of them.
And oh yeah, the guy who essentially made Itagaki quit, Yoshimi Yasuda, is now working on the Lollipop Chainsaw remake. I fucking hate that guy.
NG2 is a a massive gameplay downgrade from NG1, with the goal trying to look cool more than anything else and every game he's been involved with since then has been absolute shit.
Also, Dead or Alive is a dogshit fighting game series.
>massive gameplay downgrade from NG1
it's an upgrade on all fronts
Nope. Only good thing it does is add more weapons with better fleshed out movesets.
OT is a fucking retarded mechanic that is way too easy to abuse
They gave every weapon stupid fuck huge, long AoE animations that make the game far easier
Level design pretty much doesn't exist in NG2, it's just murder room to murder room to murder room with little to no variety or anything to mix things up
>30+ seconds of dodge spamming
>chip damage
they said this game was good?
You are retarded.
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for me it's Episode Duscae
you got owned kid, now sit down or go cry to your mom

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