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>Extremely experimental gameplay
>Edgy setting/story
>Distinct sound direction
>Janky controls
>Soulful to the brim
Yup, this is peak 2000 PC gaming.
I was always a fan of Shiny entertainment. Wild 9 is probably my favorite.
reddit boomerslop you only ever heard of through a youtube video essay-core
I had fun with this but never finished it because it was jank on a fundamental level, like so many 2000s pc games.
I prefer Sacrifice and MDK, but man, Shiny was putting out banger after banger back then.
They were solid devs. Didn't make the most amazing things but enjoyable enough. Was it Enter the Matrix that killed them? That's the last title I recall them handling.
Yeah, you could tell it was a studio run by artists first. While the gameplay wasn't always as solid as it should have been, the look and feel of those games always drew me in.
Good ost
i made that oof sound btw
I really only remember music in this game playing when Fear Factory started blasting.
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More likely than you think.
I liked it, but I never got the audio to work on my win xp for some reason

Possessing people and blending in or watching NPCs fight never got old
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I remember Scrapland struck me as an oddly similar game albeit with a totally different mood and setting. It received a terrific remaster. I mean, it has FLYING CARS.
Not everyone is a zoomer like you. This game got quite a bit of publicity before release. It was on the cover of one of the gaming mags I used to buy
I only played MDK2 and loved it. Is the first one even better?
Loved me some Project Eden. Sad I only ever got to play it alone. Also surprised it was much more of a puzzle game with bits of action. Reminded me of The Lost Vikings.
Worst Game Dungeon episode.
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hell yeah
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stupid sexy bots
ross is entertaining, but unless it's some dead simple game he's so fucking lost. or picks some autistic """strategy""" and then wonders why the game is seemingly poorly designed.
Huh. Maybe I should check this out.
>Distinct sound direction
cute sugarcoating of "obnoxious and dogshit"
It's a tight 3 hour romp that's really like nothing else out there. Especially for 1997. The second game was more of a traditional third person game by comparison.

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2000-2004 was such a good time for PC gaming.
Anachronox 2 any day now.

My Catholic dad gifted this game to me when I was like 12 back in early 2000. Either he never read the game's case and assumed it was a religious game because of the angel on the cover or he did read it and just assumed I would love these kinds of dark atmospheric games.

And he was right I absolutely loved it and made me discover my love for games with possession/body hopping mechanics. It led me to discover Omikron next and other similar games.
>made me discover my love for games with possession/body hopping
worst fetish origin story ever
i didn't like it at the time and i still don't
Shot I took.
Anachronox was so good, but it had the WORST combat system I've ever seen, goddamn.
Nightdive should get around remastering it
le edge
>2000-2004 was such a good time for PC gaming.
>posts extremely mediocre game
I never managed to get out of the city. Apparently you go down to the planet at some point? I wish I could get into that game.
love me shiny. love me mdk. love me sacrifice. love me citizen kabuto

they devolved into a mobile shovelware company and then dissolved
I take even the most mediocre games from that time period over today's slop.
Nah, it was decent enough.
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I also love fighting games. Does that mean I have fetish in beating you up?
Favorite game to this day
>If I don't know what it is it doesn't matter and you probably heard it from someone else anyway so it doesn't count
Why are zoomers like this?
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Games from Shiny has a magical feel to them, like Treasure from japan. I met the dad of one of the devs while waiting at a pc parts store. He was an old man and blurted and out that his son makes video games, I asked him what company and he said Shiny. I listed off all their games and said they are amazing and he was crazy full of pride. It was cool to see.
Now that's a good game. I've always loved the early 3d polygons but I wouldn't mind a remake of it.
Too bad 3rd person strategy games died a long time ago.
What else is there? I'm assuming you've played Oddworld?
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>want to enter politics
>your application for the position of Literally Who has been approved
>this random guy is running against you
>kidnap him
>get put on trial for kidnapping
>kidnap the judge
>trial cancelled
>become judge through kidnapping
>judge cannot be prosecuted for crimes
>keep kidnapping
>eventually become Emperor or some shit
>change law so kidnapping is now legal
>shoot cannonballs at my rivals mansion via my dedicated canon room in my castle
god DAMN what a game
and thats just a tiny fraction of what you can do

i fucking hate how modern games are so scared of depth and complex systems
now this is a fucking game!!!! consistently one of my top favorites
there's different kinds of mediocre games. sometimes just the idea itself is engaging.
>i fucking hate how modern games are so scared of depth and complex systems
Because simulationism is anathema to modern players. Remember; everything has to be intuitively understood in the first five minutes.
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eceleb thread fag kill yourself
I remember this game being hyped up as a revolutionary game with the most technologically advanced graphics, deep gameplay where possessing different people allows you to solve problems in different ways, and an immersive world to explore. And then it came out and I played it, and it was just an ok shooter. I'm not surprised that barely anyone remembers it.
I only remember it because it looked good on my new rig (Riva TNT2). First computer I owned.
any tips? I played it aeons ago and I fucking sucked
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Geist reminds me a lot of Messiah, at-least conceptually.
pyro units op. some of them at least
i fogert which stage you can get it but theres a persephone unit that heals which is a good pick
you can mix units from different gods? lmao I forgot everything about the game
Use a lot of guardians when advancing to secure manaliths. Leave some on your main altar also. Cast the speed spell on your sac doctors while they convert souls.
I hated how some of your chosen gods didn't make it in the end so there weren't 10 missions for each of them.
Oh and Stratos gives the best unique boons, try to take a couple of missions for him earlier to get those speed boosts.
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Messiah falls into the same category like Sacrifice, The Nomad Souls, Alice, Kabuto, or Project Nomads: Fascinating, but fundamentally misguided experiments. I do miss the variety these kinds of games brought to the table, but ultimately - they were dead ends, they just did not work.

The peak of that era of gaming were titles like Deus Ex, System Shock, Thief, Homeworld, AoE, Gothic. Less "interesting", but objectively so much better.
>they didn't have enough money behind them to become a franchise so they're "bad"
Weak post.
in single player you get a unit based on the god you choose for that level
In multiplayer you pick one of the gods armies, but can customize it if youve beaten single player
>they didn't have enough money behind them to become a franchise so they're "bad"
>Weak post.
You literally cannot read, child.
Cite the exact part of the post that said anything about the issue being in lack of budget. Fucking do it, faggot.
NTA, didnt read the reply chain, but u got a shitty tone so i agree with the other guy
When playing Charnel: Fallen are some of the cheapest and best units up until the very end. Just have about three groups full of them guard you and then watch as they swarm everything that comes into line of sight. If you maneuver right you can easily handle everything enemy wizards throw at you. Just walz into their shrines and starve them of resources buy stealing all their souls.
Thank you for that insanely worthless post, child. You've really outdone yourself.
>i actually own the company who employed the guy that made the sound effect
whoooo cares? copyright schmopyright, nigger schmigger.
It's a ridiculous thing to say that Age of Empires was better than Sacrifice. You can't even compare the two, really.
have a cry about it wrong ass bitch
Brutal Legend was the closest we got to another Sacrifice, but Tim had to cuck out and make it a 3D hack & slash with rts elements on the side.
At least we still have Battlezone 98.
I remember enjoying the shit out of the demo and replaying it 10 times at least and then got severely disappointed by the final game.
>It's a ridiculous thing to say that Age of Empires was better than Sacrifice.
Not really, considering they both fall into the same production bracket and genre.

But the point I was making wasn't to specifically compare the two games. It was to illustrate the fundamental problem of the extremely experimental nature of these titles. Which is that more often than not, experiments don't work. Sacrifice didn't work.
It's a gorgeous game, with incredibly unique style, incredibly original gameplay concepts, FANTASTIC production values, that just does not even remotely work as a game, and is not even remotely fun to actually play, because the core concept is bad.

And yeah, discovering dead ends is also an important part of creative process and growth. But sometimes, it's a good idea not to throw crazy amount of resources on concepts that are FUNDAMENTALLY UNLIKELY to work. And frankly, the same creative drive, the same production values, the same artistry could have been poured into a formula that actually works, like a proper RPG, and it would have been better, instead of wasting it on gameplay we already, back then knew is never really working.
why does it save your god damn skills in simulation
just fucking added twice the menus to click to confirm the skill switch
>same production bracket and genre.
Not valid, top down 2D RTSs are not 3rd person 3D action RTSs. It also wasn't an entirely experimental genre either. By any objective measure, Sacrifice has the voice acting, characterization, in-game lore and plot that blows ANY Age of Empires game squarely out of the water. They are good games for an entirely different reason and the only reason I can come up with for someone saying AoE is better than Sacrifice is because AoE became a popular franchise with a bunch of sequels, which is an unfair comparison since as far as medieval RTS games go, AoE was a big fish in a small pond for a long time - it's basically all there was, so they cornered their market. Sacrifice was a great fame that sold poorly. Sales numbers and popularity are not, however, an indication of quality. Michael Bay films and FIFA games attest to this simple fact.
If you enjoyed MDK2 cinematics and humour, those are completely absent in MDK.

If you enjoyed Kurt's gameplay, then yes, MDK is basically just that tightly packed in a short game with only 6 levels with some surreal environments and just plain fun.
>having money behind it
>making it as a franchise

G1 was just as much of an experiment back then and a lot of ppl still uninstall it after the first 5 minutes because of the weird things it does.
So then that's another incorrect statement by the guy.
>Not valid, top down 2D RTSs are not 3rd person 3D action RTSs.
Are you fucking 12?
>By any objective measure, Sacrifice has the voice acting, characterization, in-game lore and plot that blows ANY Age of Empires game squarely out of the water.
And yet Sacrifice is still shit game.
I LITERALLY JUST SAID THAT, are you completely braindead?!
My FUCKING POINT, you retard, is that instead of wasting that objectively amazing art direction and voiceacting on the gameplay TRASHPILE that is Sacrifice, they could have used those resources for something ACTUALLY GOOD instead.

How is this not getting through your skull?!

>Sacrifice was a great fame that sold poorly.
It sold poorly BECAUSE IT WASN'T GOOD. Because it wasted all it's resources, all it's assets on an experiment that was ill-convinced from the start. People did not buy it because it wasn't fun to play, because RTS-Action game hybrids don't work. It's a terrible gameplay formula. Something we actually learned long before Sacrifice even came out.

That is the point. That sometimes, being experimental for the sake of being experimental, is not the right thing to do. It's not always the right use of your resources or talent.
All of that supreme talent, all of that great voiceacting, all of that amazing visual design and strange world-building was completely wasted, because it's not fun to play, to a point where it's not worth slogging through just to hear some more Tim Curry. They should have held back. They should have gone for more tested and trusty design.
The simple fact is: none of these "radical experiments" panned out. Because... they were not good ideas. And ended up sabotaging huge amount of talent and hard work, just because the lead designers desperately need to "innovate" for the sake of "innovation".

And that is ultimately just as bad as playing things too fucking safe. If not worse.
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Sampling my work through typed word, eh? Would you like to settle this in or out of court?
Never got to play this, but I loved MDK and The Matrix.
Playing the remake of Turok 2 reminds me of the old games from that era.
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>System shock
>Not experimental
You fucking retard.
What an absolutely amazing point you bring to the table!
Seriously, every single guy in this fucking thread is the same.
None of you faggots have anything to say. At all. You are just making noise. Literally, you are just obnoxious flies.
Projection loser
>Another youtube fag thread
>just noticed that the weird graffiti logo is a (semi) symmetrical stylized "messiah" text
Reminds me of ascii art on nfo files.

Shiny was peak soul. No game was perfect, but every title has something unique to it. MDK was my jam back when the only PC available was at an uncle's house.
FAKK2 was peak soul
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Fuck off zoomer
Fuck off back to youtube
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You only know about that game because some youtube nigger told you about it

Shut the fuck up nerd.
>And yet Sacrifice is still shit game.
Oh so you're just not even evaluating the pros and cons of either game, you're just calling Sacrifice shit.
You actually just have shit taste, got it.
Zoomers outing themselves.
What does this even mean
>you're a zoomer for knowing about this game because i guess a youtuber mentioned it
>you're also a boomer for knowing about this game because it's old
>if you know about this game youre a boomer zoomer chud tranny faggot chad nigger cracker
People don't even bother to stop and think about the shit they say, things have gotten that bad.
And yet more random meaningless noise.

Why do you even post online if you literally have nothing to say?

>Oh so you're just not even evaluating the pros and cons of either game, you're just calling Sacrifice shit.
That is objectively a lie. I broke down the game's qualities very clearly.
Between making meaningless noises, or just not knowing how to read, I don't know what is worse.
Tell me, brain-damaged-kun:
What does the following statement mean?
>It's a gorgeous game, with incredibly unique style, incredibly original gameplay concepts, FANTASTIC production values, that just does not even remotely work as a game,

If you can't read, if you can't speak:
Just fucking type your MEANINGLESS BULLSHIT to a notepad file and you'll achieve the exact fucking same thing, without being a fucking pest. Seriously. You need to start fucking doing that. That, or kill yourself - both will be equally beneficial to the future of human race.
Catholics may be devote but when it comes to entertainment their net of what's considered Christian entertainment is broader. Protestants are the ones that think everything is offensive and satanic. While Catholics don't unless it straight up has a message of "Christianity and Christ Bad God Bad Demons and Satan and Lucifer good."
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This was a good generation of games. I loved flying around in the copter with the little guys, could do it for hours, jetpacking too.
Not reading, sorry. All I have to do now is simply deny your claim that Sacrifice is a shit game, and I've won. Those who played it will agree with me.
I understand, I will kill tommy tallarico immediately
Why is Patrick Tomlinson in this thread?
>Not reading,
I noticed, shitstain. Thank you for 100% proving my point.
I can fully assure you, your mother regrets not aborting you ever single minute of her life.
Contrarianism is a virtue here on 4chan. It provides the shallow affect of intelligence that the target demo is literally starving for.
Is this the thread for obscure PC games?
Was this any good? I must have been only like 6 or 7 when my uncle gave it to me. I never figured out how to play it properly since it wasn't a 3rd person platformer
>I only know game because a youtuber brainwashed me

Get fucked faggots
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these games made by american christians all have this specific after taste.
OP game messiah, vegietales, fnaf
>odd dry humor.
>sarcastic but not overbearing.
>eager to treat death as a punchline
does anyone know of more amurican christ-core media?
>the game is shit its shit
>so you think its shit
>no i dont think its shit i just said its great
Damn, shit taste and a schizo too.
Maybe you can try replying to me again with another total asspull 180.
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Loved this game, played it co-op with my older brother, it was so strange and extremely difficult.but fun as hell.
Damn I remember this.
I am going to give you one last chance. Just so that you can't tell I'm being unfair.

What does the following breakdown mean:
>It's a gorgeous game, with incredibly unique style, incredibly original gameplay concepts, FANTASTIC production values, that just does not even remotely work as a game

Prove that you have one more braincell than the unfortunate vegetable that spawned you on this miserable planet.
>zoomies screaming that you'd only know these games from youtubers
>can't find a single eceleb that ever covered these
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I've seen it in gaming magazines back then, unusual games like that were popular to write about

tl;dr you didn't have fun playing Sacrifice, which is fine, but it's objectively a good, well-designed game that is fun to play.
I wish /vr/ was actually like this instead of discussing hardware nobody gives a shit about instead of fucking videogames.

It was pretty interesting. A strategy/stealth game, all about robbing different places, avoiding patrols, managing your crews' skills and gear. IIRC had a neat thing where you first plan the robbery (ie you can retry, manipulate time, etc) and then actually commit to it, and if it fails because of something you didn't notice in planning, you actually lose resources. I was too young to really understand whether or not the story and characters were any good, though.
It was a cool concept, but definitely felt 'indie', even back then. I don't think it had any music, even.
i pity you, legitimately
gaming must absolutely suck if you can only play shit made in the last 10 years
It may have been mediocre but it was coomer kino.
Don't bother, this guy thinks sales = quality and tries to nitpick his way through the game to justify this, never mind the fact that the gaming market for PC was quite a bit smaller than it was for consoles at the time and a ton of fun, well-conceived and memorable PC games sold poorly (see: most of the games mentioned ITT).
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Adding this to the pile, PC classic and amazing game that under-performed terribly through no fault of its own.
ross scott
patron saint of /v/
Literally who
Putting some half naked baby angel on the cover of your game is not going to help sell it.
>but it's objectively a good, well-designed game that is fun to play.
Yeah, as proved by the mixed reviews and massive commercial failure that never had even a spiritual successor, and whose core base design has been entirely and completely abandoned by the industry.

No. Combining action game with an RTS is a terrible idea, because direct unit control is actually often too much of a hassle even without having to ALSO dedicate attention to an action direct-control game. No floating camera means extremely limited combat awareness, switching between mouse-driven interface and direct control where your mouse directly controls your camera creates an insane control whiplash, responding to multiple simulatenous crisis is effectively impossible, plus the engine needs to pull double duty to both handle enemies acting extremely independently, and act like enemies in an action game.

As a result, both the design focus and resources, and player attention, are constantly being pulled apart. The game is not a good RTS. Unit control is clunky, the A.I. is absolutely terrible, the environments are hideous and barren because they have to work as wide canvas to make the strategy portion work and avoid the already present major problems with pathfinding, but that inevitably ends up looking like COMPLETE ass when you watch it from ground perspective, your strategy options are incredibly poor because again: dividing your attention between multiple engagement is impossible with that U.I. and camera, resulting in what is extremely repetetive gameplay.

It fails to be an action game, and it fails to be an RTS.

There are many, MANY other problems with the design too. like the fact that at each tier, you can unlock one of 5 different units, which makes actually ballancing the RTS portion of the game effectively impossible (there is a good reason why NO FUCKING RTS EVER DOES THIS), further pushing braindead and frankly boring units just to keep the mess chugging.
It's shit.
There's a game that actually did "Angels trapped in a dystopian scifi future" well but few people still talk about it.
Unlike most games mentioned in this thread, this one is actually a genuinely good game, that really did not have any solid reason to fail, other than some understandable production problems.

I mean the hit detection can be a bit of an arse at times, and some of the levels and zones dragged on way too long (namely both of the alien dimensions), but otherwise, it was a really solid shooter, and deserved actually much better.
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>tfw you can go on GoG and show titles from up to 2004
>tfw you could pick a good 90% of those games, play them and have a good time
>tfw you can't do that on steam with modern games

We should've gatekept gaming.
>massive commercial failure that never had even a spiritual successor, and whose core base design has been entirely and completely abandoned by the industry
Again, that's no subjective marker of any game's quality, especially a game like Sacrifice which is a bona fide cult classic. There's lots of ideas that totally work but aren't utilized by the industry because the industry hates fun and plays it safe, everyone knows that. You're making such a ridiculously materialist argument that throws all nuance out the window, even if you're steelmanning your own argument by trying to be objective with a few throwaway positives, you still conclude "didn't sell - shit".
You're an absolute tool and you're making a tool's argument.
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tl;dr gonna go play sacrifice
Shut up faggot zoomer, I read about it first in a, get this, video games MAGAZINE before it even was released

So basically quite a while back, Tommy Tallarico made an attempt to sue the ROBLOX developer over the 'off!' sound effect that he claims was created for the game Messiah.
>Again, that's no subjective marker of any game's quality
Actually, it's a very good litmus test for whenever a gameplay formula is viable or not.
And everything else in that post that you absolutely did not read, explains in detail EXACTLY why it does not work.

I could go on, by the way. I could carry on explaining why the idea of units dropping the same resource that is used for their construction is an abymsal recipe for for snowballing, and making those resources drop and be only collectable by the actual PLAYER CHARACTER in the area makes the whole idea of multi-pronged engagements (the literal fucking selling point of a strategy game) several leagues worse, or how fucking brain-damaged the idea of active abilities with no autocast in a game that already barely implements a mouse-driven menu interface... but I'm just wasting time here.

The bottom line is: It's absolutely SHIT and anyone who has even the most rudimentary understading of game design, will absolutely, 100% confirm this.

It's unique. Which is why you gargle the game's cock so hard your face is red, because you think that makes YOU look interesting.
But in reality, it's the ultimate proof that you are a desperate, contrarian, brain-dead tool that has seen 10 minutes of the footage on a youtube channel and now begs everyone for attention over it.

And your mother still desperately wishes she had that abortion. Everyone does.

Who are you lying to exactly?
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Not really disagreeing with you, but is Sacrifice really an action game? Your avatar controls basically like a Warcraft 3 hero, you don't actually need to avoid attacks that much
I believe it failed because the RTS elements simply don't feel good in that interface and you're fighting the camera too much, picrel solved first person strategy considerably better in my opinion by being more intuitive and orthodox
Nobody cares, zoomer.
Imagine caring about this shitty gossip over the actual game.
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how can you say something so controversial, yet so brave

modern devs are not only trash but only know how to cater to the mentally retarded, which is the majority of the planet now. We should have had amazingly deep games by now, but it is the exact opposite.

And yes, I blame the zoomer gen for being so easily entertained. You can jungle keys in front of these retards and they will love it for hours.

now I'm annoyed.....
>Not really disagreeing with you, but is Sacrifice really an action game?
It tries to be both an action game and an RTS. It fails at both. Direct damage avoidance is a thing, just heavily downplayed, because it does not work well with the RTS elements. But the RTS elements don't work well, because they clash with the action-game style controls, as well as just... complete lack of experience developing an RTS, and massive resource strain that trying to blend the two puts on the dev team.

Bottom line: it's a completely failed experiment. Fascinating, again, I will never deny that the game's style, tone, art direction, voiceacting, world-building and writing aren't amazing, but... it's a bad game. It tried to reinvent the wheel and failed for it.
And it's depressing, because if the devs weren't arrogant cunts who think reinventing the wheel is their existential purpose, we could have gotten something ACTUALLY GOOD out of it.
Except this isn't the fucking 7th gen anymore, games like Factorio, ARMA or Words of whatever-combat-machine are obscenely succesfull and we have a thriving indie and AA market catering to extremely wide-range of simulationist games.

But whatever makes you retarded console-faggot zoomie trash-heap feel better about yourself, I guess.
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Blessed thread. I wish modern indie devs had half the creativity of these old studios.
>Kidnapping your way into ruling
You roleplayed as Stalin?
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dungeon keeper 2 was pure sovl, would carry this shit around on a usb in school
>Nobody cares, zoomer.
>Imagine caring about this shitty gossip over the actual game.

Someone asked for a QRD, I responded. What is your problem?
I'm pretty sure more people know of Messiah because of the OOF sound rather than from playing it, lol
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It's been more than 10 years already, Tom Hall lied. Bald fucking faggot.
Dungeon Keeper 1 is the better game. but both are pure soul kino
Reading that thread made me realise old pc gaming is infinitely superior than console. Why? Kbm is a better input device and gamepads made games dumbed down by definition. Yes gamepads killed games
I hate that people spell it like that when there's no F in the sound. I heard it about 1000 times and it's more of an Uh! than anything else

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