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Yep I'm thinking we have FDC 4 and a Smash slot in the bag now. Tendies and anime-hating Nintendo youtubers in absolute shambles, FDC is fully revived and will continue to remain relevant while Star Fox and F-Zero will NEVER get a new game
>Tendies and anime-hating Nintendo youtubers in absolute shambles
why do people care? honestly, why the absolute fuck is this always the first thing on people's minds when it comes to fucking anything nintendo-related?
Just played through 1 and 2 and they were fun enough but it only took me 5 or so hours for each with no replayability. There are people who will buy this for $50?
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>Good news
How about you say the news without immediately telling me what to think, you faux-journo viper?
>Nooooooo but I wanted my mascot horror streamer sloppa from Nintendo aughhh
VNs literally aren't videogames
Lurk more.
why is there so many old people in these games
FDC is rad. I am excited.
If you like point & clicks or mystery games, you might like it too.
set in japan
I assume the modern game made 30 years alter will be longer. FDC 1 & 2 were Disk System games from the 80s after all.
Why do Switch owners celebrate mediocrity so much?
Rural Japan has a lot of old people
Western Nintendo fans genuinely have no idea that Nintendo is a Japanese company first and foremost. Most of these anime-haters were probably the same people who participated in Operation Rainfall 15 years ago.
>Most of these anime-haters were probably the same people who participated in Operation Rainfall 15 years ago.
I doubt that
I think it actually stems from how a lot of games stayed on the Famicom and weren't brought to the NES
Kys, you never played them.
I'm talking about their sense of entitlement. Operation Rainfall happened because AmeriTendies were made that they weren't getting games that everyone else was. I'm sure if this game stayed in Japan, they'd be grumbling about how Nintendo thinks we don't want any niche titles.
Smash makes a character iconic and can change the image of a character. The reason why Bomberman is a laughingstock these days is because he was an assist trophy, so now the public has decided that he’s not iconic and his latest game flopped as a result.
>The reason why Bomberman is a laughingstock these days is because he was an assist trophy
no it's not
You missed the latest threads
It's ironic though as many of those are probably the same ones crying for Mother 3.
How is the mystery? Good? Is it about murder?
The mystery is good, and yes there is a lot of murder in them.
The only Nintendo YouTuber to cover it was Arlo, and all he did was whine about Nintendo tricking people into thinking it was a new IP and that visual novels can't be scary
>westoid ecelebs got filtered
AntDude did a retrospective, he played the remakes when they came out: https://youtu.be/13czeDUKqOI
I thought it was kind of cool to see. I watch a lot of seasonal anime and old people are pretty rare these days. hell there is a show about an "old guy" who is 40.
It wasn't in a Direct so you didn't see the majority of the reactions, that's all. I bet that fat cuck Dunkey would have seethed about it if it was, just like with Xenoblade
Nips are just shit eaters huh
Kill yourself furfag
>Japan charts
Those are usually pathetic in terms of numbers since it's an irrelevant tiny country
>a Smash slot in the bag
Who will it be? Protag, Ayumi, or Emio?
I have never seen anyone hate this
why does /v/ have the worst schizos hyperfixiated on a niche subject literally no one outside of /v/ even cares about?
Is this game actually going to be scary though or just "horror-themed"?
Nintendo doesn't really make scary things these days and I fail to see what is so evocative about bag-head man
Rated M
The previous games already had paranormal elements. Additionally, it can be quite graphic such as decades-long corpse with some skin intact. So we most likely can expect the same here with a higher rating.
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I'll get emio, and if I enjoy it I'll go back and play the other two.
They alluded to a twist, so I'm hoping the plot is a little more complicated than Emio2 just being a copycat killer.
I really wish they would make a physical version with the first two on one cart, if only just as a one time limited printing run as a means of promoting emio
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he's cool
What's with the people trying to insist that FDC is some kind of nothing property?
>why do snoys snoy?
It's only a CERO C (equivalent of ESRB T) in Japan though.
Holy shit? This is insanely good news for this genre!
Nintentubers don't care about anything other than Zelda and Mario
>F-Zero will NEVER get a new game
F-Zero 99 just happened though?
Literal who character
I don't know if you realize this FDC is a literal who series in the west as a whole
Other places than the west exist, and Japan seems to like FDC quite a bit.
>F-Zero 99
anon, this is some incredible copium and you know it
the west is irrelevant so that's not saying much
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New details on the game on the Euro and Japanese sites (Seems like NoA doesn't want to promote this game at all)
Here is also the translation for the tape recording found in the Japanese site:

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>(Seems like NoA doesn't want to promote this game at all)
Wouldn't be the first time...
Is this game going to get a physical cart release in the west?
Collector's edition is jap-only though
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Hell yeah! A shame about no collector's edition though.
If you really want the collector's edition content (minus the game), you can also buy them from here:

>one autist spamming the same shitty threads mean it's true.
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>tendies in shambles because a Nintendo game is doing well
This is almost as retarded at your attempt to turn "OoTsnoys" into a thing.
It'll probably just be like Girl Who Stands Behind, where there's just a creepy atmosphere for a lot of the game and the only real scare is saved for the end.
Why did Utsugi shove Taro but not Ayumi?
NOA is always late.
Because he's a guy.
Their site for the game doesn't have any of the extra info or "evidence desk" stuff the Euro or Japanese sites have though. They also haven't made any extra tweets about the game. They're just flat out not even bothering with advertising it.
>Minami Daisan
kek they just left the school name in Japanese and didn't even bother to translate it
>"The Smiling Man" sounds similar to "The Laughing Man", a short story by J.D Salinger
>The Japanese translated title of this short story is 笑い男 which is written exactly the same as Emio/The Smiling Man's name in Japanese (the reading is different though)
So what does this mean? Just a coincidence or perhaps some kind of important thematic link with the story?
Wouldn't be shocked if it's just a reference, jap mystery stuff likes to reference other works all the time.
They always do it late.
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The back of the Japanese box includes a whole bunch of screenshots that aren't on the official site. Looks like the Policewoman from The Girl who Stands Behind is back.
Calling it now: the blue-haired ponytailed girl in the top-center is Emio.
wait it's just a VN? why make it a big deal even
Looks like a different one to me, I don't remember her having glasses.
It's been like four years after part 2, so maybe she started to wear it since.
Can we grope her again?
Nigga, sakamoto is in his 60s. He will retire soon. This shit will never be a series.
It's the protags father imo
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>fourth game
>not a series
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But you better believe they'll promote Danganronpa trash
Protag's father is canonically dead though...
>tfw you'll never have cute japanese police woman gf you gives you tea
why even live
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>uh, one more thing, anon....
is this game good for you?
why do western nintendo fans hate anime games so much, every nintendo fan I met has the same opinion "fire emblem, xenoblade, etc are all horrible"
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It's not even out yet anon
>I talked to the clerk at the kobini you like to visit...
>She told me you didn't buy anything out of the ordinary
>But she did tell me that you always ask for things to be double-bagged.
>fire emblem, xenoblade, etc are all horrible"
because those are jrpgs
The anti-Nintendo schizo that shits up this board won't like this.
I can guarantee you most of those "Nintendo fans" are just snoys who were bullied into buying a Switch.
if people bought Nintendo games on whether its art style is western or eastern, Code Name STEAM would have sold several times the amount that your average Fire Emblem game did.
Wasnt the first 2 famicom detective games for switch censored both in text and gameplay compared to the JP version?
This game is now probably changed directly at the JP source.
I now it doesnt really make that much of an impact but I'd rather wait a couple years and have an AI overlay for the original old jp games.
Text sorta, gameplay not really. Game is rated M anyway while the remakes were rated T anyway.
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>Wasnt the first 2 famicom detective games for switch censored both in text and gameplay compared to the JP version?
The only things that were changed was the joke game over where you creep on ayumi changed to her getting attacked by a bee (but only text changes) and if you stare at a schoolgirl's flat chest she doesn't call you a lolicon (They completely removed the line in the English version so you can't hear it). Other than that the translation is incredibly accurate to the original, most likely because it was outsourced and not handled by NoA, though I bet they set some rule of anything regarding underage characters had to be changed.

The joke game over you can get from creeping on the police lady is still in the game, along with the schoolgirls calling you a pervert for no reason. The tranny character was also completely changed in the switch remake in all versions (but apparently the tranny character was only added in the SFC remake and wasn't in the original FC version so the switch remake is just sticking to the FC version? No idea if that's true, I'll have to check the FC version myself one day)

t. has beat the SFC remake with fan translation and switch remake multiple times
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The first game is fine. It's the second where it is censored somewhat regarding underage characters. For example, Ayumi is the only character where her age was scrubbed out in her bio (15) for the English/international version because we can "lewd" her. We can still however, sexually harass the policewoman. Aside from the ecchi/fanservice easter eggs, the main story itself is faithful.
They kept the Evangelion reference from the SFC remake even.
I wouldn't be surprised they intentionally hired Megumi Ogata to voice the protag for that same reason. Just like how they went out of their way to get Yuko Minaguchi back despite BS Detective Club being so long ago.
OoTsnoy is a stupid name, but there is absolutely a tendie faction that absolutely fucking hates anything they deem 'anime' (except Zelda because it's not anime if you liked it as a kid).
Don't care
It's a specific sub-group that exists due to NoA's marketing. A lot of them seem to come from the N64/Gamecube era.
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And how many of those primarily play on playstation or pc I wonder...
Judging by some of them, it seems surprisingly little.
Those who jumped to Playstation 1 or 2 (but didn't become Snoys) seem to be much more accepting.
I like how they didn't update it for modern audiences.
What the fuck is wrong with F-zero99 faggot?
You twats threw MASSIVE bitch fits over Metroid Fed Force, then we got Samus returns, Dread, Prime1 HD and Prime4. F-zero99 can easily bring a revival to F-zero you queermoe
>anon lies online for no good reason
Kill yourself, you fucking poser.
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Alright /v/, predict what the "controversial ending" to the game will be.
Don't just post lame shit like "the group gets disbanded", give me bonkers, off-the-wall shit made by the same writer who gave the world Other M.
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Ayumi dyes her her hair blond and starts acting like Other M Samus just kidding
Does the 1/2 remake ever go on sale?
It never has thus far, maybe now that a sequel is coming out.
Nintendo games very very rarely go on sale FDC is no exception
The killer is both (you) and ayumi working together and the end of the game has you playing as utsugi to catch them
>ghostwritten by Kazutaka Kodaka and Kotaro Uchikoshi
How C O M P L E X will the killer's motives be?
Based they write the best trash.
Oh no, that means the ending is gonna be super meta
>tendies in shambles
over a nintendo game? what?
Technically the games are already on sale. Basically if you buy any of them, you will get a discount for the other. But in terms of actual sale, you're better off waiting for eShop cards to be on sale.
Ayumi gets a haircut.
Emio was actually (You).
I don't mean the player avatar, I mean (You) IRL. The Switch will use your profile data and assign your name to the killer, whose face we never actually see at all.
Good thing it's an adventure game and not a VN then.
That's not why they say it, they say it because they're assblasted BotWfags who lose their shit over anyone and anything criticizing it. It was only a matter of time that stupidity arose after they realized Zelda fans were shitting on it.
There's literally nothing else to play.
If only this were still 3DS, then it could've used the camera to make your face the killer's face
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That would be absolute sacrilege. If this happens I'll record a video of me burning my copy of Emio and post it here for all to see.
No, she'll grow it out even more
The fact that anyone unironically suggests 99 isn't a "real" new game is a good reminder of just how much presentation overrides absolutely everything else. It doesn't matter that its physics and handling are unique to it, it doesn't matter that even the mechanics it shares with X function differently, it doesn't matter that it has any number of mechanics or features which don't appear in any other F-Zero - it uses modified assets from the original, so it must be the same. It's definitionally new and you can't bring it up without someone who probably hasn't even played any of them insisting it isn't every single time, like they're pointing at the colour red and telling you it's blue.
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it's almost like 99% of the people who cry about there not being a new f-zero haven't actually ever played f-zero. F-zero 99 is genuinely some of the most fun I've had in a multiplayer game in a long time, helps that the original F-zero was always one of my favorites.
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That would be acceptable. I like long haired women.
Should I play the first two FDC games? I've heard mixed things about them, but I'm still intrigued.
anti-japan xenophobia due to kike propaganda
The supposed FDC hate is very fake and artificial.
>Collector's edition is jap-only though
I blame NoA for this.
If NoE hadn't been downsized (In NoA's favour) then we would have gotten a collector's edition as well.
Play the Super Nintendo version of FDC2, the tone is way superior and then pirate part 1 for Switch.
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