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you nailed the average Viera player, btw
that lower half is looking mighty suspect
In what way?
what gmae is this?
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lore accurate Saber
>NAI turning coomers into homosexuals
>OCs turning more and more schizo to the point where they can't live without these threads
>People who go out of their way to blog about their life unprompted to strangers daily
>Actual schizos(paulaanon) having psychotic meltdowns daily
my take away from these threads is lolifags are always insane, coomers are degens with no souls and can turn gay when left with unrestricted access to porn and that OCfags are probably the most mentally unwell.
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we're having a chill thread, go away
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Very cute
it's year of the rabbit, right?
and yet, here you are for the upteen month in a row posting still
umm uh excuse me sir, umm, could you please not, could you please not do that sir, this is a nice thread sir please don't ruin it
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Spanking time, now!
... is getting mating pressed by chocowolf's king sized chocolate bar
i didn't even mention anyone specific(besides paulapedo) and they're seething. wow
Your girls always look so deliciously squishy
can you try using pink/blue colors for the background?
Ginny please
>he's still posting
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Sure I'll can see what I can do
Sorry, but I'm afraid you know too much.
why would you steal ozzyam's art just like that bro
i win
Smug list-chan is adorable.
Here's some free attention, since you clearly crave it.
Ginny ...
look at me, I'm listfag durrrr
take the goatpill
My favorite segment is where list and car gore team up and imbue the thread with schizo energy. We always get the fastest and most unhinged threads that way.
Great gen bestie!
paulapedo and detective are better for that. i dont know why you enjoy gore at all.
cringe af
I find myself taking an awful lot of pills while I'm in these threads
Goat ruined many.
I like cocks
and girls with cocks
also uuuuuuuhhhh I go to sleep now
who is this paula person?
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Good to see this prompt still going from yesterday :D
thanks bro
unfortunate color scheme though, GOD I hate listfag
Of course. I made it.
sorry I meant to write "trannies", it autocorrected to listfag
good image to end off on listfag, sleep well!
oh you better believe I'm noticing
Like a clockwork!
These are all turning out great.
hmmm i wonder if the person who signaled the goreposter is actually the goreposter.....
>an image of amyrosefromsonicfranchise, in the style of iconic album covers, nature-inspired camouflage, japanese prints, light cyan and amber, pre-raphaelite, colorful gardens, charming illustrations, micro detail
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Pastel pinks and blues will always just remind me of cotton candy, it's a nice aesthetic.
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nice belly
Awooga, etc
Cute evil choco.
Bad demon poster
OCspammers really lost whatever creativity they thought they had huh...their images are so boring.
oh they're nice colors for sure, it just sucks that they're now associated with garbage
speaking of cotton candy, I knew I had a related prompt somewhere!
That's some shoddy craftsmanship there. Embarrassing. You know she's a devil! I do not demon-post!
do they think im actually going to click that? lol
ai truly is amazing
boy and man(female(
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now Luma it
>i dont know why you enjoy gore at all.
It makes OCfags seethe
>listfag shows up flinging shit completely unprovoked
>thread turns to shit
another day in paradise
you are mentally unwell.
no it doesn't
t. ocfag (you know who this is)
god fucking damn it

ginny please give detective her gun back she's been busy looking for it that's why she's missing
Is that right?
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Anyone else hear about the furry group NullBulge hacking AI users?
Can I get a QRD?
i am enjoy the thread having a meltdown over me but this doesnt feel earned since gorefag took the spotlight......
They hacked Disney recently and are setting up trojan horses in Comfy UI nodes.
You got a whole thread and a half yesterday of Paulafag breaking down over you, quit monopolizing the schizos.
That sounds super fucking random, what motive would they have?
uuuuh money
This is a pretty lame for a meltdown. I'd rate it 3/10, maybe 4/10 with the gorefag.
furries are insane looneys
To fight against AIslop obviously.
You should have synergized with him better (eg. Blame other people for being the gore fag) etc. Bad teammate IMO
more like 3/10 anons lmao
detective mari-chan....
gore sama....
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jesus I laughed
that wasnt earned either so i dont know what i did to him, not that a lolifag having a meltdown is a bad thing.
its a 5/10 but the interruption really ruined the momentum.
no. i work alone.
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Gore sama....
Prompt please.

>90s lofi comicbook retro manga, clouds blue sky desert, woman disheveled robe jeans carrying rifle, hawk sitting on hand
>Try and do literally anything with Ivy Valentine
>It won't let me
>i work alone.
isabelle sisters, what do we do now???
kek I didn't even get the reference until now
fujiwara's fujiwaras...
Damn brat, needs Lane Correction!
oh god please tell me Ram is okay
it's over
Give us back detective I know you're hiding her!
i can yank it to one of them
name a more disgusting trio
Here I thought yesterday was wild, but today is even crazier! Wahoo!
alright you guys can bump the thread, time for videogames
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sounds like a plan
holy shit even balloon seinfeld poster is making an appearance
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I am here to provide technical support
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How big is your detective goon stash
>all show up at the same time
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sorry I was late to replay with prompt , here you go :
minimalistic art style. feminine pattern. mercy from Overwatch. blue eyes.
short blond ponytail.
white poncho with deep neckline and cheerleader skirt, red tabi shoes.
early morning. warm colors.
she resting next to white vespa. empty ocean cost. turquoise waves. dolphins. coquettish.
oh thank god
wait, can it do tan lines?
the less attention OCspammers receive the better. youre looking at mirrors of yourselves in gorespammer and jeet spammer friends. harsh pill to swallow i know
i just save whatever ram or the long gone nai inpainters catbox or any other lewd post. probably have more ginny, slime, purple tiefling, failwitch or goat than detective as a result, but i'll have to get back to you on the exact numbers
into the pile it goes
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they follow you like a shadow though
take a look in the mirror yourself
goat and failwitch have porn?
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How does he know about the stash...
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You want this and you know it
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Why does Bing insist on making link a femboy
which oc is the most gooned to
challenge mode: you can't say ram or purple tiefling
??? sorry. your schizo fantasy isnt reality. im simply using this as a teachable moment for OCfags, not that they'll listen or comprehend....but if they complain about these spammers they are hypocrites.
you intentionally did that you homo.
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after four months I can confirm it is possible to use nai and not gain an ignited desire for penis, buttholes, or men in general
I might be stupid
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All the people trying to shit up the thread always try to start up at once thinking it'll overwhelm the thread. The question is, why not just close the tab and go do something else?
these stupid goon jokes always make me laugh
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you're all gay
i'm the best poster
the "clean your room" low angle posts and failwitch's big hag saggers work for me. ginny also definitely got a lot of inpainting in the past so i'm just sitting on the goon stockpile
>goons with a goonstash
literally me
>Practically a boss rush of all the worst posters
Yup see you guys later
get back here casual this event doesn't happen often, you might miss out on drops
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>can it do tan lines?
Of course.
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give it time, eventually everyone falls into homosexuality. happened to ram, happened to gato faggo, john was already gay. will happen to you too.
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>which oc is the most gooned to
oh god
oh lord
Not big enough
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so I've been told
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Based on your fujoshi tastes, are you in the "already gay" category too?
we aready did a which oc would you have sex with when the threads weren't dying. also it used to be bat, goat's a good option now
>already bisexual so NAI can't turn me gay
Heh ... looks like I win.
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i mean he found male purple tiefling, demon dad, and detective's dad hot so probably
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im talking about NAI coomers specifically, why are you getting offended. i dont know what fujo taste is weeb
is that why you keep turning man into women
You got way more offended by that post than you should have.
>doesn't deny it
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>participating in or instigating a flame war
>trolling outside of /b/
>extremely low quality
take your pick
mmmm abs
*lick* *lick*
tanned SEX
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sure buddy.
This was posted months ago.
this but detective i'm on my hands and knees begging
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nahhh, that requires one find that stuff appealing to begin
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you should do list gens with tranny flags since it seems like it was a transphobic joke that made xer leave the 'cord
I love spotting Muta in the middle of these
This thread is becoming DALLE 3: Infinity War
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you're all bad people
can't wait for the part where listfag jumps off a cliff and fucking dies
>he's actually a gay zoomer
recontextualizes a whole lot when you think about how he interacts with certain posters
i think your obsession with troons is giving you brainrot, as expected of a futafag.
I have problems with seams showing up on inpaints sometimes, is that just random? I can't even see any seam at all here
>actually triggered
thanks for confirming it I guess LMAO
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/g/ would never act like this...
on topic
its really shocking for people to leave a dead server for some reason...hmmm. maybe john is heart broken
They'll show up if you're using the Furry NAI usually. Only use the anime version on top.
Why are less people posting?
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I remember getting up early to watch this show.
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Wait so purple tiefling posts futa?
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Also forgot to add that "overlay original image" can influence it, but taking it off makes every inpaint slowly make your pic more and more smudged so use wisely.
Big chocolate dobonhonkeros
>a lot of NAI users become homosexual or futa degens
>liking content that invovles oversized huge cocks being the highlight is pretty homosexual
>suddenly anons get triggered and start flaming me
don't post it if it's going to make you insecure is all i can say honestly.
this anon suposedly has a wife and keeps spamming his off-topic OC girl here. i feel bad for her.
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Purple tiefling isn't a coomer at all. Anything ever posted involving his oc is by other people, he's completely innocent and a wholesome only poster
>don't post it if it's going to make you insecure
oh, the irony
he has admitted to playing modded skyrim with coomer mods + frequently posts his OC in compromising positions and outfits.

what do you think?
based I have this one saved
fucking lmao
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>avatar fagging as a character known for having mommy issues
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Good day, another black cat OC poster here
I see we are back to almost3 osts per min

I take it we are schizoing then?
Or are we back?
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Your detective? Didn't see your name on her
isabelle :(
>futafags jumping to call someone trans despite jerking off to women with huge bulging cocks
this is peak projection.
>avatarfagging is posting a character a couple times now
futafags are in shambles, jesus.
we are so back, all the censorship is go-ahhh im just messing with you. yeah people are hootin and hollerin
>he switched characters
that's pretty good
We're enjoying the kino now that goreposter tired the jannies out.
why is bing obsessed with giving foxgirls hair bows anyway
does your wife know you larp as an anime girl and post yourself with other men pretending to be anime girls online.
>wearing her trench coat
Thinking about that one anon who had a pang of jelously looking at chocowolf smooch detective
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I finally feel comfortable as my assigned gender, we're so back.
and flowers
Damn, the jannies are acting fast today.
not sure if medieval boss or just adventurer
>futa meltdowns
>OCcucks in shambles
>all i'm doing is posting /v/idya
based thread honestly.
yeah those too
it unfortunately has difficulty tucking ears *under* hats, too. They just pierce through the top when specified to exist, usually disjointed with the head.
my sides
I don't remember this part of final fantasy 7, must be from the remake.
the absolute state
and? you don't like women now? as expected of a futaenjoyer. incels typically do hate women
What did you prompt for the arm cannon? I've had shit luck with stuff like that in the past
wow thanks ram
Its nice that list is finally cumming out as trans, now all the G.Is at camp Humphreys can feel safe and comfortable in their sexuality knowing that they are fucking woman ass and not man ass.
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I love that you can tell how shitter shattered listfag gets in proportion to the length / frequency of their posts.
Why do you guys post these threads on /v/ instead of one of the art boards?
they're so lazy with their trolling now. how sad.

oh shiet it seem they tightened designer acc privileges
>set a precedent for "x variety of AIslop" on a board dedicated to people who picked up a pencil
it wouldn't be the best floodgate to open
t. hasn't picked up a pencil
artists are unhinged and will seethe at the very mention of ai art
i imagine they both try to one up eachother on being the princely handsome women yuri archetype when they flirt. or they just break the bed, either works.
what other /v/idya characters should i turn into women since people seem to enjoy that
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Good morning.
Offbrand gato sexo
Hector from GBA Fire Emblem
Lmao that poor eagle
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The SNES game was pretty good
Koga from Pokemon.
Couple of besties
Master chief
Gilgamesh (FF5)
>Offbrand gato
ackstually there were 3 regular catgirls here. gato sexo, my panther girl(unnamed) and warframe gato
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they're gagged af, enough to going to bed.
>Videogames occur naturally in the depths of the shit bogs in india, they are only available to us due to the tireless efforts of the countries brave bog divers
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more lickable abs.
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I made one as well but only got to post her 3 times before jannies decided to start doing their jobs.
way more responses than i expected.....
We have literally never been more back
Why won't jannies delete the pajeetspam?
good lord
Containment thread, they gain satisfaction from seeing sloppers suffer through spam.
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How do you make these, in as much detail as you can provide
they have realized OC spam and indian spam is the same thing. i think its based. he should do this every thread until they all leave....
they'll sweep through eventually
Shit thanks, I think I may have been inpainting bing slop on the furry one on accident for awhile now
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POV: just finished "watering" my plants
He's probably ban evading and not worth the time until there's a mass of posts to delete all at once
and we're stuck with an unfilled thread when that happens, so not much point making a new thread IMO until he gets baleeted
the piranha plant parade prelude.
Not him but:
>Get picture from DALLE 3
>Drag into Novel AI
>draw over what you want changed
>make sure to get any clothing / shoulder / arm / leg parts you need to move
>add tags
>save results
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Nah, once it hits 300 the thread can get abandoned and the jannies can deal with whatever mess they cause by waiting until the last minute to delete things.
Indian spam invaded the /co/ dalle thread for the first time recently
demon sons perfect willy...
Best post in the thread, well done. Saved for future posters.
Is Nioh really the only game for this feel?
Apparently gore posters crossed over too.
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we can always count on you, our patron saint of coom
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I'd play that game and main her
Hope she has an evil version
Ram can the ai do piranha plant blowjobs... asking for a friend
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I felt a great disturbance in the thread, as if millions of pajeets suddenly cried out in 'sar' and were suddenly banned.
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I'm cooking something btw
post my dad
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Man, if a game released with this aestethic it'd be an instant win
Even if the gameplay amounts to fetch quests and exploration alone
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I need more
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So literally shenmue?
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For me it's pic related
... don't come back.
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Instructions unclear
Innsmouth: 1936

You command a company of US Marines sent by the government to destroy the New England coastal town of Innsmouth after credible reports of ungodly creatures and heretical cults that threaten decent god-fearing Americans and their way of life.

>squad based real time tactics
>capture points allow for different units to be called in
>very limited base building but your units can construct defences and fortified position in the streets and buildings
>rescue un-tainted civilians, secure important buildings and uncover eldritch secrets for additional tech, requisition and munitions
>research and receive cutting-edge weaponry like BAR's, submachineguns, Colt Monitors, flamethrowers and various grenades and gadgets
>battle map has two levels: topside in the town where the Marines have combat bonuses, underside in the dank cellars and cult temple mazes underneath the town where the Old Ones have combat bonuses
>manage squads and weapons, you have a finite number of reinforcements available so do not squander your marines lives!
>area bosses provide tough challenges and progresses you through the story mode
This is an awesome image
but where is second paula poster (pepper ann)?
I don't want to fuck the Joker, Gordon...
god i wish my aunt was a panther
now this is a great fetishshit
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Slightly better graphics than Shenmue and you're playing a cute girl
Less tedrious realistic stuff too
So I uh...am not entirely sure if it's natively known. Playing around with e621 tags and I'm getting some stuff that sort of looks like it but hmmm. Haven't messed with too many interspecies tags outside of relatively normal stuff like orcs and minotaurs so maybe there's just something I'm missing.
Was worth the try even if it didn't work.
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so does anyone else find it weird that all the spam kind of stopped at the same time along with certain posters that just so happen to have disappeared too
You know too much. The pic below silences you.
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Games for this scenario?
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I guess I could see how that'd make the difference
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Anything like this?
loving the nicole stuff
This is how your average hero shooter healer would look if it was made by Tencent
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Sounds like a good idea.
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Seriously guys
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curious isn't it?
made for loving wholesome sex for the purpose of procreation
It's almost like during a ban wave people causing trouble get banned?
Ram are you able to make this kind of pic,pose and background, https://litter.catbox.moe/31pzxu.jpg with SD, with whatever character
futa edits I know it
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Journey where no man has gone before!
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channeling your energy before a gaming session yields great results
it's good dude
trust me :^)
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fire hazard and a gibberish UI
my alcholic fox wife
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That's the annoying support character who can freeze her opponents

Not sure about this one, maybe a healer who heals less but buffs speed?
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Playing a lot of Vermintide 2 lately, what have I missed?
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thread schizo three-way ladder match between listfaggot, jeetspammer, and gorespammer
>Wrestling reference
Go back to discord
boohoo nigger
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>Spend too long doing a quest
>Come home late to your fox wife completely drunk on the floor
>All the dialogue options involve cuddling or sleeping
>Come home in time
>She just has a little buzz
>Dialogue options that actually help you progress the game and uncover more of her past/personality
I hate this creature
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I can see what I can do. Just some things I've noticed is AI in general has a lot of issues with perspective. Controlnet can pretty much copy the pose but I'd bet it'll just make the character look kind of goofy with a big body and a tiny head versus actually getting the foreshortening accurate.
As for all the other stuff in the image, I'm not sure. Normally I just specify broad terms like abstract, surreal, and abstract background and let the AI do its thing. With enough effort I'm sure someone with more autism than I could get everything in there but I can at least aim to get a dragon included. I will try!
luv gob
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I love this creature
bog luv
Actually a DPS who shoots out hearts and love beams
Her ultimate is a marriage proposal that either gives a massive buff to an ally or forces an enemy to shoot their nearest ally for a short while
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Not the appliances bruh...
and these are cops, but I'm not very proud of this batch
Goblins are not sexy
Goblins are not wife material
Goblins are not comptatible with human men
thanks muah!
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What about tribal space elves?
Know how men just can't resist elves' pointy ears?
Elves can't resist men's round ears either
Missin out
Goblins are sexy
Goblins are wife material
Goblins are compatible with human men
t. your mom when you were born
t. your mom when you were born
I will have sexual relations with this creatura
Hey, you either get a gun or magic
Can't have both you greedy gob

This is what happens when you put all your points into Charm
Bet she has no stamina and low INT
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Status quo, then?
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Interesting that this got deleted at the same time as all the spam.
Yeah well these guns shoot magic. And that other gob has great INT. She's a wizard after all so INT is her main stat. Wisdom on the other hand.
Maid cafe game where you're the manager or maid cafe game where you're a customer?
>being a customer
Good lord what a pathetic game that would be.
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So pic related is with controlnet. Basically just tracing over the original so it ends up kind of janky due to the perspective and the AI not really understanding how to fill that.
And this one is just straight txt2img with a similar prompt without the controlnet settings.
it's a maid cafe tycoon game, you boss around the maids and sometimes get the pov of the customer, still working out the details but I want to make it someday
at a snails pace but it's going
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skimming through older gens/prompts
>Sega Saturn,stained glass,low poly in the style of "Takenoko Seijin",PC-98,worms eye view,drooping hat,overweight fully diaphanous pink witch dress,[literal peach emoji],broom,Suzuka Gozen from Fate/Grand Order,Tennyo,fox ears fox tail,yellow eyes,long orange hair,double exposure,grainy,skin glow,misty,magical,magic aura,colorful smoke,noir,torii,trees,magic,pool,fog,lamp,steam,drape,stars,moonlit,fireflies,golden ratio,INVISIBLE FIBONACCI SEQUENCE WATERMARK OVERLAID ON TOP.hanging chest
can't say I know how it got the room set up quite as it is beyond worm's eye view being interpreted oddly
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which oc poster is most likely to look like their oc
your need to try to find correlations you'll never have certain answers to is why you're addicted to genning futa and have low self confidence.

strive to be better anon.
>And that other gob has great INT
bold assumption
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Low int AND low wis
>Game in two parts like Ace Attorney
>Gathering intel about your favorite maid
>Going to the cafe and interacting with her
Could be fun

Good luck Anon, hope it turns out well
If you can make it look as good as these images it'd be great
INT is what allows you to know how to cast spells. WIS is knowing when it's right to use them. So asking this gob for a fruit salad will end up with tomato and pepper in it since they're technically fruit. Like an idiot savant.
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Various maid personality types and similar to RCT you get to see which personality is bringing in the most customers.
Girthy phimosis cock cheese ridden futa cock...
me (you don't know who this is)
I like controlnet's more, the pose is the exact thing and the background is cute even if it's not the same
that's a charitable way of looking at it
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Controlnet in general is really cool, fun to just grab an image and be able to shit out the same composition almost immediately.
Magic gobs are mad scientist but with magic.
agua, porfavor...
this is a retarded idea
It's the only idea.
>asking listnigger for his impressionist limited pastel crayon gens
you must be new here

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