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explain to me how the elbow of that blue thing wouldn't immediately snap

It's real
Holy based. I'm reinstalling as soon as 6v6 is available.
9v9 and ill think about it. 12v12 and the game will be good.
So the only thing remaining from "2" is the shitty monetization?
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>So, in practice, the actual ratio of players queueing for Tank, Damage and Support is much closer to the current 1-2-2 format than the previous 2-2-2 format. As a result, the 5v5 Role Queue format better mirrors actual player interest in each role, and making the switch resulted in shorter queues.
Why are they lying like I can't just open up my game and see the truth rn?
Gotta love how it only took their entire esports league to crash and burn on top of the slipping player numbers for them to think maybe competitive wasn't the appeal
>7-8 minutes que time for DPS
Isn't that shit actually like 20-25 minutes?
Even from a competitive standpoint 6v6 was better. 5v5 was to appeal to the casuals who instalock damage and complain about long queue times.
the monetization and move to F2P was always going to happen in a post Fortnite world
the only reason they called it OW2 was the PvE and...uh...yeah....
it's pretty bad, I'm in Silver and queue time was 6 minutes
I can't believe people still play this, lmao
Exactly. OW2's entire reason of existing was to get rid of their old monetization model and add a new more Jewish one
I've seen her lift girls in the air effortlessly just so she can fuck them. So i conclude she has very strong elbows.
The only reason they called it OW2 was so that they could justify moving away from loot boxes into the shitty monetization they have now, PvE was an afterthought from the start and it's why Kaplan left
>Blizzard "We're sticking to 5v5 and that's final, either deal with it or leave chuds!"
>Players "Okay."
>most of the fanbase announces their movement over to Marvel and Deadlock
Silver? kek. Dropped this shit last year when I peaked T500. But... yeah, I would like to stream some OW as the good old days, hope 6v6 came back.
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>support mercy cuck who Pharah'd her way up the ranks thinks she has ANY opinion on comp
how sad
Took them long enough. I might play again.
>6v6 comes back
>it's only open queue

They'd presumably nerf tanks down to OW1 levels. OW2 tanks, even with shaved off 150 HP, are quite a bit stronger than OW1 tanks still.
OW2 tanks are just fat DPS, even shaving off 150 would keep it 3tank/3healer. Maybe even 4tank/2healer.
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i'll try the game the day they add 10v10
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Women are just as strong as men, you chud incel
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confirms the low userbase numbers
Paladins fucking won
>5v5 was to appeal to the casuals who instalock damage and complain about long queue times
It made the game very unfun even in casual though since its a retarded idea to have one role so much stronger than others that its simply unkillable in 1v1 and that oneshots you easily (even though youre the dps, and logically you should be winning that)
But they said they had 100 MILLION BAZILLION players!!!
Remove phone number verification and maybe I will install it
press R to win slop is never good.
your brain is rotted from jacking off a dozen times a day. watching the game is garbage. playing the game is garbage. that is why nobody care beyond ripping the models for some blender porn.
I guess the logic is that DPS has to queue less if you force less people to play an unpopular role of tank or something? Really, I don't know. I never gave that much of a shit about OW2. I liked playing the offtank characters in OW1 and someone would usually always pick whatever was the meta tank so everything was always fine and dandy. But this shit is pretty much impossible in OW2, don't pick whatever's the current meta, get people on your ass all game long with a few reports to spice things up. Maybe I'll try again if they deem 6v6 to be worth it.
>press R to win slop is never good.
Reloading is overpowered now? As expected of /v/.
Iirc 6v6 was also broken. What's stopping GOATS from coming back and making every match a slog?
>It's real
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>That passive aggressive news post on the official site
Cool, make sure you post when it's 12 v 12 and I'll give the game a shot.
Just play FFA deathmatch, chudcel.
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Former T27 NA, Lucio only. I like frogs.
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Getting tanks is always a coin flip, either you get some retard that runs in, dies and flames support for not bailing him out or you get some turbo chad probably a smurf playing.
Atleast if you had a 2nd tank it can offset the retard unless both are retarded then you're fucked.
they going to show fake numbers after testing and claim "see it doesn't work"
kek even longer queuetimes
>that section about role queue and about how everyone wanted to play DPS
By far my favorite part.
Why would they need to play test is? It should have all the data already since it was what Overwatch 1 did.
I love how the Devs admit they just have a worse downgraded version of OW1 in every way. Shitty game, there's no saving it
they've long since removed that dude
nearly a year ago...
I GUESS I can respect it
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oh absolutely
numbers only THEY can see and they wouldn't possibly lie to us!
From the post on the official site as to why implementing it could take a long time.
>"This is taking some time, however, for reasons that may not be readily apparent.

The first, and honestly largest, reason is the need to do this in a way that allows the game to have optimized technical performance (I’m referring to framerate and memory constraints) with 12 players in a match. There have been quite a few upgrades and additions to Overwatch 2 that have an impact on the performance of the game. These range from new features like allied outlines and enabling healer vision by default, the addition of more technically demanding hero kits, as well as visual upgrades to UI, heroes and maps. In a 6v6 setting, these upgrades can have significant impacts for our players, causing the game to underperform on older systems. Overwatch is a fast-paced game, and maintaining a game that runs smoothly across all our platforms is important for the player’s experience. While a limited time test could arrive sooner, the team is still investigating exactly how long it would take to permanently increase performance across the game. This would be a large effort that would most likely take at least several seasons to accomplish."
5v5 is already overkill, they need to trial a 4v4 mode and lean into OW2's strengths
Only if they make OW1 available again (with 6v6 of course). You have a point though, the shitscan players who complained about 2 tanks would prefer having zero tanks anyway.
They should admit OW2 was a flop.
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>We think there could be other ways of putting a team together that aren’t quite as rigid as a set composition, but not as loose as Open Queue.
So 6v6 might come back with a flex queue option maybe? The combination of 6v6 and no strict role queue might ACTUALLY have a shot of saving this game.
Why would I care if a silver ranked fren respect me or not? Keep playing, keep improving and have fun.
They're fucking terrified of marvel rivals. Nothing else is making them do this.
they just did with this 6v6 announcement kek
6v6? They should legit just have a 12v12 mode like TF2 and just turn it into chaos. It'd at least be fun
Jesus Christ this thread smells like fucking shit

Pajeet shilling
>advocating for Ow1 to come back and 6v6 over 5v5 is....shilling
Do you even know what that word means?
5v5 and 6v6 are pure cancer. I don't know why compfags hate large teams so much when they play games with very specific rolls. It's like they almost enjoy being useless so they have something to bitch about. Literally most if not all of OW2 problems is its low team count. TF2 realized this which is why TF2 is 12v12 so that all rolls can be selected.
There was a bug that let you do that for a short while and it was great
you mean the tranny game with the bots? No thanks
Just revert every change that OW2 made. Bring 6v6 and off tanks back. Remove the skin shop.
What the fuck is happening in the fire emblem thread
this is some schizophrenic development
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>years upon years of shit decisions and anti-tank buffs cause everyone to leave and abandon the role
>Think people aren't interested in the tank role because they just aren't
>Remove a tank to force equality of the Queues, it barely works
>game is now unbalancable due to only having 1 tanks and everyone hates it

Overwatch could be a 1v1 game with only 1 hero and the devs couldn't balance it.
They'll fuck it up. They always fuck it up, they will always fuck it up.
This is a problem that wouldn't exist if they weren't so fanatically religiously devoted to GAAS. If they had, god forbid, dedicated servers and let players decide how many players could play on a server then this wouldn't be an issue.
This happened because there is a custom game mode someone made that is 6v6 with tanks balanced and there is a community being formed around it with a dedicated discord and shit.
based reinstalling overwatch now on my xbox niggerz
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I was a tank main in OW1 and haven't gone tank queue since
It's fucking terrible
All the pressure on you to do everything solo, you have to lead the attack but also protect your squishies, if your healers suck it's over, if your dps don't bother attacking it's over, and hope you enjoy getting stunned and CCd to absolute hell constantly
Just not worth it
I became a fucking hanzo main because no one expects anything from me that way and I can just jump around and shoot shit
Yet again modders essentially make the game play better and rather than think "Maybe we should encourage more of this" they rigidly stick to their shitty mindset of "Players are cattle they just take what they are given".
They reduced the player count? Why? What purpose was that supposed to serve?
Why don't they just make both 5v5 and 6v6 (and 9v9, 12v12, 3v3 etc.) maps and let the playerbase decide what constitutes the competitive scene?
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>hey, here's a couple pages of text about how we've hamstrung the game with every major change that have done nothing but take away player choice/agency
>also we're probably not reverting to 6v6 because it sounds hard to balance, but we'll give you a cocktease
why are you in here talking about a different thread?
>I only like muscle women so I can pretend they have a dick
what is wrong with me
overwatch is a mistake
because fuck you
no that's literally why. Fuck us fans for playing the game
It was to reduce shields, CCs, and queue times which it successfully did. At the expense of tank role being forever a rock, paper, scissors choice which is ass.
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>to reduce shields, CCs, and queue times
couldn't they just put class restrictions on?
How would you guys fix Overwatch? I wish I still enjoyed it since I like the characters and settings but even in OW1 I never enjoyed myself too much despite being a FPS fan (I even enjoyed some hero shooter like Quake Champions).
Delete winston
just add modding

that's it that's all you need to do. Allow players to tweak the gameplay to their liking and add/remove characters at will. Also add their own custom levels.
>Allow players to tweak the gameplay to their liking and add/remove characters at will
I think you can do that with custom lobbies, plenty of people play Overwatch just to play hide and seek and some other silly stuff, at least they did back in OW1. Did Blizzard remove this?
Now they have to rebalance the game and change the meta for 6v6. There's only stupid fucks in Blizzard.
Remove roles as a concept. Mash DPS, tanks and supports into one big ball.
And literally whip the staff until they make PvE. I don't care that it's hard, do your fucking job or you're getting a new scar.
Get rid of tanks and make everyone a bruiser.
nowhere near what I mean. Custom lobbies don't give you as much control as you need.

What I'd like to see is people tweak values on heroes. Making it so characters move faster, take more damage etc. Actual tangible changes.
Maybe getting rid of roles would help the pros get more games.
This is a pro issue.
I have no problem getting games in Gold/Plat despite the plaguing smurfs that I still think should be banned.
>Rework Reinhardt to not be a baby that hides behind his shield at choke 24/7
>Rework Sigma to not have a blue barrier at all.

Behold Shieldless 6v6
Does Overwatch still have those extended hitbox sizes?
it's not that they don't do it because it's hard, they don't do it because suits think it won't make as much money as other jewy shit
No, they waited for it to crash and burn, then waited for a year, then waited for 8 months, then decided okay lets swap some numbers around.

Blizzard staff are legendary at looking busy.
You guys are all going to download it and get bored after 30 minutes.
>redid tanks to balance only one of them on a team
>two tanks is back!

So it's going to be a different type of shitshow?
I mean it's good news if you want to play ball or Winston, horrible news for the meta.
It's going to be (I really don't know) like Dva + Zarya shielding her and steamrolling any puny dps that dare go near them.
They ruined sojourn railgun
and now they want to bring back 6 vs 6
Judas is proud on these zoomers.
XIM and Chronus is still bypassing your game
and servers always end in a lost connection even in battlenet this scenario happens
GG with your butthole game.
For God's sake, what took them this long? Add in 9v9 or even 12v12 while you're at it you morons.
Based. Fuck DPS.
I was there for this game the week it launched. I wanted to play this game when it was still called Titan, and I was extremely stoked upon the realization that development steered the game away from being an MMO and into a TF2-esque MOBA with heavy Street Fighter II influences.
And then the game just started to fucking suck by, like, 2018

Forgive me if I'm out of the loop (haven't played since OW2 dropped), but here is what I would change:
>make the default gamemode 6v6
>get rid of role queue
>reverse the Mercy rework in some capacity
>rework shield-centric playstyles in general
and maybe this is controversial:
>less cooldowns, more ammo management
Add a second ammo type or make some abilities just consume ammo. I think that would make Overwatch more fun.
okay cool but you still need to

>revert the monetization so people can get skins just from playing the game again
>allow all pick in casual, no role locks and as many duplicates as you want
overwatch league was a giant success for blizzard, they absolutely fleeced the likes of twitch and youtube who paid big bucks to secure the streaming rights for some shit nobody watched
6v6 Open queue
Remove Immortality abilities
Lower healthpools
Keep the HP regen over time
Maybe Keep the DPS health reduction passive but im not sure
it wasn't to reduce queue times they recently admitted that kek
>allow all pick in casual, no role locks and as many duplicates as you want
I agree. I wouldn't even mind if they capped you at two or three duplicates.
Why the fuck are there going to be playtests? Their playtest was all of Overwatch 1. Just implement the fucker, it's like they're scared of adding real content.
Queues would be fixed if the game was 1 tank, 1 healer, 4 damage. Way more fun too.
>Delete Sombra
>Let people vote for the next map/gametype
>2 tanks, 2 support, 3 dps
>Competitive Mystery Heroes
>Get ranked currency just for doing placements again
>Lock all mercy skins behind paywall (funds development for years)
>Bring back good events with lots of content (Christmas, Halloween etc)
Yeah probably off tank players will benefit the most
Which as an ex off tank main feels great man
I'll be able to play ball again
Balancing is fucked that's why
Most of the tanks have been rebalanced over and over so that they can kind of cope with being solo tank
Orisa and Roadhog for example constantly get made tanky as fuck
two of those on one team would mean just a grindfest of trying to finally kill everyone so someone can cap the point
I can't believe they never added a big team mode, even if it was just in the arcade section.
>people UNIRONICALLY playing OW2 after the first week of release
how pathetic!
>Suddenly /v/ care enough to talk about Overwatch gameplay news
You're gay
I used to care. Now I just watch the trainwreck.
>don't pick whatever's the current meta, get people on your ass all game long
That's because your character is by far the most important on the team, so if you are trolling then the whole team just loses for free.
Honestly I don't know what the balance is like currently because I only play mystery heroes
Every other mode feels like it's a stomp or get stomped every game
MH gives random heroes every death which means playing well enough can get you the win
>Be a dont-reload chad
>Have to be careful I only have a limited amount of bullets
>Reloadfaggot fires his entire ammo pool, hits R, gets MORE ammo??!??!
>steal overwatch from players
>release a free to play replacement with less features
>charge people who owned overwatch for features they already paid for that were taken from them
>get away with it
>re-release already existing systems into the free to play game as if you're doing the playerbase a favor "heres a taste of what i took from you"
>plot twist overwatch is a shitty game at its core because team games are for faggots and you're a fag for playing overwatch to begin with
It's because marvel rivals is the better game and makes this look like the tranny wound it is.
Blizz would rather shutdown OW than ever let players make their own maps which would become more popular than their official ones because it wont be shit
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I think most people like the characters and wish it was fun to play
Guess numbers declined enough now to break glass on this.

When is D2 Steam though?
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>go winton and jump around
>enemy team fucking hates you
>your team fucking hates you
>don't care
party mode engaged
How long until they bring back free lootboxes lol. That would win me back.
>can have multiples of heroes
>server browser
>map voting
>add ctf game mode
There I fixed this shitty game
Sorry guys 6v6 is the farthest they'll go. 10v10, 12v12, 16v16 is NOT esports friendly
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I will never forget how the playerbase was gaslighted into thinking Mei was fat.
>Thick arctic clothing? No way, thats her fat body.
Based retards.
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Idk anon... in the cinematic trailer she looks pretty chubby without any artictic clothing

fugtrup is a confirmed architect
he makes the mei model slightly thicker with every post
This cinematic was a year after release. After Blizzard decided to become body positive. They fell for the meme.
There was actual gameplay discussion during the Juno release. And some porn posting too of course.
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>This cinematic was a year after release
But this cinematic is from 6 years ago. There's no way that it has been this long, right?
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They admitted it when they announced they aren't making the Single player content.
>No PvE content
>Going back to 6v6
This is a sequel? right goys?
>after blizzard decided to become body possitive
>When they had a EGS character creation graph they have worked with since the start of development
No. She was always chubby because that gave them Blackrock money.
She grew up with five brothers
Yes, we have a more greedy method of selling cosmetics!
>the beta was October 2015
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get back to me when they do 12x12 like TF2.

Fucking retard devs shoving the competitive aspect down everyones throat
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They made her a fat fuck after the fact. She had a normal weight during the first summer event.
What's next? Are they gonna do away with role selection? Bring back duplicate selections?
If they return the game to what it was on launch I might consider playing it again.
what about official nude skins
they will never do this
and it's funny cause it's OW's BIGGEST blunder next to PvE and 5v5. All they had to do to stop GOATs was
>hard nerf Brig as the hero clearly wasn't ready for launch yet and rework her
but nope, they decide to fucking destroy a ton of creativity in team comps and force their own
>Railroad the playerbase into cookie cutter teams by disabling duplicates and forcing roles
The BIGGEST blunder was no duplicates. The role queue was downstream from this mistake.
>Look at which heroes are being spammed as multiples on each team
>Nerf the biggest offenders
It couldnt be easier to balance the game but they fucked it up.
Why not make everyone a damage dealer?
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>Delete Sombra
I genuinely cannot for the life of me understand why she exists as a hero
Listen, I fucking LOVE her fat Latina ass and that K pop skin killed trillions, but for fucks sake you got a hero that can
>go perma invisible automatically and stay that way unless you bump into an enemy
>have a free ways 100 DoT Virus ability that basically means death for squishies if they get hacked since it removes 1/3rd of their health automatically
>free teleportation ability that was thankfully nerfed but still she shouldn't be able to escape situations she fucks up in so quickly
>Hack, an ability that REMOVES THE ENEMY'S ABILITY TO PLAY THE GAME no matter how fucking short it is that's inexcusable AND she can hack you while invisible so fuck you
>EMP which is just Hack except it's an instant AoE and lasts removes abilities for 3 seconds AND takes away 30% of your current health

Sombra is a genuinely frustrating and bullshit character. The only reason I don't think she's getting more flak is because of her dmg output being somewhat low on primary so low ranks don't know how to really utilize her and high ranks already know her bullshit
Because then our e-girl healsluts wouldnt be able to compete.
I remember the first summer games where people lost their shit because Mei looked skinny in her tennis outfit kek
womyn are stronger than men, she will break the disgusting wh*ite man's wrist then fuck his wife
reminder Overwatch 2 is supposed to redefine what a sequel is!
...well in a way I guess it did
this is my biggest problem and why I hate her so much
imagine if Spy in TF2 could sap every player and not just sentries
you're having fun, playing the game, then boom, you cant heal, or shoot rockets, or do anything
the whole point of OW are the abilities and how heroes all have different fun ones
So many heroes get hacked by Sombra and then they just have to stand around and wait to be able to play again

You're right on the damage output being low but I honestly hate her just as much for that
You know a character is dogshit when you hate them even when they're on your team
Fucking sombra mains always have the lowest damage and do fuck all all game, just annoy everyone and then waste their emp into a 1v5
You mean 6 damage
Imagine having mmo trinity brainrot in an FPS, fucking retarded.
every single meta that caused an issue in this game could've been easily fixed by needing a hero or balancing their counter
>Oh, Dive is too strong? Okay just need Lucio and Winston and we're good
>GOATs is hated? Yeah sure uh nerf Brig
>Double Shield is the worst? Just nerf Sigma's shield and rework Orisa to not have one- oh they already did that

but nope, they got to throw out the stupidest decisions that only hurt the game in the long run
12v12 would be fun. fuckin hate small scale battles. its either incredibly easy or not even worth playing
after Sombra got her rework there were a few months where you couldn't play Zenyatta. Like at all. She didn't even need to hack him, just walking up behind him and hitting him with virus meant death since he had such low health. He needed to have the reaction speed of AI and do a 180 and hit Sombra with all headshots in less than the .5 seconds that it took to kill him. He couldn't do anything about it.
It was disgusting.
I never played Overwatch. Why is that such a big deal? Why is 6v6 acceptable but 5v5 isnt?
so from 2016-2022 all the heroes was designed specifically for 6v6, as the original dev team felt that 7v7 individual performance didn't matter and in 5v5 one player could drag the whole team down.
Basically for balance purposes
Enter NUdev team who decide to make it 5v5 for OW2 because..........fuck you that's why. So now we remove 1 tank and oops that 1 tank we removed turns out a lot of tanks needed the other tank to synergize with so now a lot of tanks suck
Also with one less tank Supports with their bullshit abilities were allowed to flourish and basically ruin the game because there was no 2nd tank to keep them in check
Which in turn led to DPS being useless as they couldn't kill the overturned supports and the tanks were getting too much healing to die
That led to a whole bunch of reworks and other crap and we keep getting new rework shit every few seasons in a desperate attempt to "fix 5v5 and make it work" when in reality most of the fanbase just want 6v6 back
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So essentially the whole game was designed specifically for 6v6, and they just arbitrarily changed the number without actually changing the underlying mechanics, thus breaking their game?
Thats actually pretty funny. Modern Blizz might be the most boneheaded big dev around. They literally can't stop fucking everything up
yeah pretty much
a funny thing to note too, when OW2 was being made and a bunch of pro players and streamers got to play test it, every single one of them said 5v5 was not going to work and the devs ignored them
are they going to make the game more casual and fun?
i'm not going to bother playing if its just more competitive slop
Wait a minute. If they have reworked the heroes constantly to fit the 5 vs 5 formula, then... will they function in a 6 vs 6 game?
that's the best part
they WON'T!
There's already a 6v6 mode in custom lobbies that's decently balanced for what it is.
probably not. the only people still playing it are poorfags because it's f2p and compfags/streamers
Why did I think the sprinkles on her legs were self inflicted scar marks
i just want a new 20v20 hero shit storm man...
custom mutators
>no role queue AND 6v6

overwatch 1 chads....we are going home,now we just need lootboxes back,and i cant believe im saying that
>devs giving themselves enough work for the next 2 years so they dont get laid off
genius move honestly
Blizzard's too scared of losing another Dota to give the players an ounce of agency
didnt they change their paperwork so that couldnt happen again?
they barely reworked heroes for 5v5 in the first place but they work okay in 6v6 from trying it out
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Blizzard had a penders moment
I’m so fucking glad I didn’t dump money into this dumpster fire LMAO
I did play for free though but locking heroes behind the battle pass was the final straw
So after all the human resources, money spended, ideas, internal decisions, balancing, sacrifices, controversies, collaborations even life into risk just to make this game great again
they will 6 vs 6 again?
all the progress and the effort means nothing?
Pull the plug already
the eula is a warning, limiting people on how to mod their games is what ensures that another dota will never happen again
Put 6v6 back and increase the lethality of dps and make support roles more than just healing. Give healers more utility for team fights. Leave tanks as strong as they are. There fixed
Honestly the biggest thing I'm looking forward to would be the return of the pregame conversations between tanks. Reinhardt and Zarya for example were endearing.
Better than stagnating.
OW is a pretty great example of why you should never fall for marketing and hype. Seemed like it had everything to be a timeless, genre defining game yet never came even remotely close. At least there's porn
can they bring it back so that WE CAN FUCKING SEE WHO'S IN A GROUP AGAIN IN COMP
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A step in the right direction. If they add 12v12, remove role and hero limits, add tools for making custom maps and game types and basically all the shit Valve lets you do in TF2, I'll consider playing again.

And not a moment before.
>Why are they lying like I can't just open up my game and see the truth rn?
The queues got worse in the past few months because tank became less fun so even fewer people are playing it
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>liking women is gay
Explain quickly
If they have to do Tank/DPS/Healer, than this would be better. One of the reason Medic worked in TF2 was because Medic couldn't heal himself. Make it the same in OW and it would be better. But as >>683747265 said, would be better to just have everyone be damage.
amateurs shouldn't armwrestle if they don't know how to pull safely
Why don't they increase the player count in customs up to something like 24 players?
I only played ow2, what is the big deal of having two tanks? What is the second tank going to do besides make the fight last longer?
>lock junkrat every match
>have fun
its that simple until they go pharah, echo, and d.va/zarya
read the thread
same but replace Junkrat with Moira and watch my team seethe at having most elims while the enemy team seethes at not being able to kill me
And now add Juno to that list of flyers that will be hard to hit without a hitscan weapon.
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You people play overwatch?
They should probably stick to 5v5. It's very unlikely there'll be twelve players online at the same time these days.
Maybe say rank 27
>OW is continued blunder after blunder after blunder
Niggers saw Jeffy K was in charge from the beginning and they expected something else? What a bunch of retards.
6v6 is shit, kill yourself black gorilla.

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