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You didn't beat the game
this meme doesn't work because that's an actual game mechanic intended by the developers, would've worked with a mod like EID or goodtrip because that's actually cheating
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Correct! Can't beat a game I don't own.
Fuck you I'm not chewing the steak nigger
for me, its tainted keeper
this isn't wrath of the lamb grandpa
This joke does not work with this.
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>speed, backasswards, and ultra hard are impossible

since fucking when????
tech X is better
Penis ha
It's not even that good, being able to curve tears is more important
this is true. to beat the game for real, you need to obtain sharp plug and habit for consistent recharge without clearing rooms, old bandage and glass shard for red health drops on taking damage, a bunch of other utility items such as restock and schoolbag, and then find a d20 or a d infinity with intense rigging using your tools and a little luck, with the endgame of spawning practically infinite items in the chest or dark room.
the game isnt beaten until you acquire infinite death certificates. it is not enough to make something out of nothing, you must make EVERYTHING out of nothing, and then, the run is finally over and the game is well and truly beaten.
then you choose new run and start it all over again.
Angel rooms are where it's at. Praise the Lord!
i did and i did it with the alt-f4 exploit. cry about it
when is tyrone going to fucking bring back online co-op with randoms. the no text chat era was absolute kino
apparently its under lock and key until the fucking update for the game itself in holiday season

he threw a fit when people datamined all of it because apparently they didnt learn their lesson from the lost and keeper and who knows what else
Edmund said November.
They're still supporting this game???
delirium rework, online co-op and completing t apollyon's unique effects for red flies would be ideal, otherwise there is pretty much nothing left to change about this game.
this is extremely rare because every other game has a hundred balancing issues and bugs minimum
>going for devil deals in the first place
I won my first run on the og binding of isaac with this before you we're born.
more like ま balls
lmao gottem
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>You beat yourself
>I am choosing to be taken on a curated experience
>I will not become guppy
>vanilla lost is hard meme 2024
beat backasswards without restarting 20 times I dare you
I don't pick up Brimstone anymore since they nerfed and changed its sound effect anyway.
I've always liked IPECAC more.
Considering there are challenges where you NEED to use Brimstone in order to 100% the game, you did actually beat the game.
I don't even like brimstone
Brimstone is the weakest S-tier tear effect. Try getting it while having one of those runs where you get little to no damage and tears up and see how weak it is by itself. Godhead and post-nerf Tech X have a better, more consistent damage and Mom's Knife, Epic Fetus and C Section will carry you to the end even with base stats and no other item.
Brimstone also never shows up since Repentance and you're generally better off going angel deals now.
Hey retard, the original meaning of the meme exclusively referred to actual game mechanics. It started with summoning in elden ring.
ive been finding everyone people say is awful/a chore super easy and fun (tainted lost greedier, etc)
but tainted lazarus is the exception, he was such a bland chore
You fucking idiot. It started with Sekiro, when one guy made an article about using cheats to beat the game and that he was fine with it.
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>You didn't beat the game
You’re mega retarded because no one cares or gives a fuck about that. The meme, the part that made it funny, was people making threads about actual game mechanics and saying “you didn’t beat the game” you have missed the entire joke you spazoid spergster
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>It started with Sekiro
newniggers out
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i did it, what next?
>eyes seen through hair
yeah pass I'm not clicking that
Yeah I did.
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I did your mom too
Her eyes are in front of her hair.
love u shweet
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who the fuck came up with tainted eden
literally just a xd randum version of the lost
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I just reset for epic fetus (in flash)
>go for the downpour mirror because I think I'm hot shit
>boss is lil blub
>die to the phase 2 leaps
every goddamn time
Brimstone is barely worthwhile now thoever
>disable DLCs
>100% all three saves
>re-enable afterbirth and update
>bring your saves back up to 100%
>repeat for AB+ and Repentance
This is the only way to beat Isaac without developing endless brain tumors. Keep your filthy fucking (you)'s, I'm right and based, you're wrong and gay.
kill youself tranny lover.
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You actually unironically didn't beat the game
It's the only thing keeping Nicalis from going bankrupt, so of course they want to milk it for as long as possible.
>otherwise there is pretty much nothing left to change about this game.
I just want them to add more Moms box/golden trinket and car battery effects. Around half the trinkets and active items don't work with those despite a lot of them having very obvious buffed or doubled effects.
In today's daily run I had Brimstone, Homing Shots, and Conjoined. Walk into room, delete, move to next room.
yes, i am still trapped in the duke of flies room surrounded by flies as lost and i cannot move ever again
If they didn't want me to use Brimstone they shouldn't have made it unlocked by default
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okay /v/ let's play isaacle
which item are we guessing first, and are we using hard mode?
cracked orb :)
wow you got it in one good job :)
>You’re mega retarded
this applies to you.
mega retarded
>changed its sound effect
wait wat?
Brimstone's sound design peaked in Flash but that's just me.
Jesus fuck, did they record Edmund shitting his diaper or something for this? The new sfx sounds so weak, and pathetic. The old one in comparison sounds so powerful, and great to use. Like, y'know, you're actually using a busted power granted to you by satan.
except brimstone is shit
its synergies are shit
now if you got c section, d infinity or death certificate, then you might have a point, and you're still at the heel of rng from the rest of the run
>waaah waaah brimstone is shit
Dont tell me you wouldnt instantly grab brimstone and be very happy about it in basement 1, or in vast majority of circumstances you find it
It's meant to be a recreation of the old Flash sound, probably. I don't get why they didn't just reuse the original sound effect proper. It's strange why they chose to redo a lot of the sound effects from the original Flash version anyways, given that there likely wasn't any legal trouble with them unlike with Danny Baranowsky's soundtrack.
What, just skip Azazel?
Oh yeah, now that you mention it- I recall thinking that the OG flash game was the better version compared to the 2nd game, but now I gotta say that the 2nd game grew on me more.
In terms of being pleasing to play, Rebirth is pretty much the far preferred version, but Flash's difficulty was actually much better tuned with its items and was genuinely hard as a result whereas Rebirth is a cakewalk on most characters.
I'm also a huge sucker for the original's art design and presentation.
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Based or cringe?
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you didn't beat the game
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>giveitem the ludokino technique
>giveitem brimstone
>giveitem lost contact
>giveitem ipecac
>giveitem pyromaniac
Yup, it's gaming time.
Isaac is my favorite game. I'm on my 3rd save file, which is modded. I have a lot of mods and wish I had the time to autism into a seemless super pack of changes that specially fits what I think isaac should be
>wish I had the time to autism into a seemless super pack of changes that specially fits what I think isaac should be
What's your ideal version of Isaac like, Anon?
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Done full runs with out it on Repentance, cope.
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I'll let you on a secret /v/. Soon.
God I fucking miss old brimstone, kek
It was so satisfying to land
Isn't that the weird asian dude who drew a bunch of weird OC Isaac porn with really cramped compositions? Pretty cool that they're working on Four Souls even though I don't care about it at all.
Is that the secret to working on an official Isaac thing drawing tons of porn of it? Seems to have worked on numerous occasions
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It no longer is an Auto win item, honestly, c section is far more OP
Huge question anon, but generally speaking, I believe the beauty of BoI boils down to the marriage of strategy/problem solving and bullet hell action with infinite replay-ability. So things that help with those 3.

Harder enemies with more complex attack patterns and added boss armor to overly squishy bosses to make players contend with their patterns unless their build is actually exceptional

On the flip side, more avenues of victory through extra-synergies and expanded game mechanics (like leaky cauldron). Also I'd erase all steak chewing shit ass characters from the game, and I don't mean "hard" characters like Lost, T-Lost, T-Jacob who have have unique ways to engage with the game and are fun if you're in the right mood, but shit like T-Laz, T-Cain, and T-Eden which are just wholly uninteresting and don't warrant being played more than once or are just so gimmicky that it's daunting. You can replace them with any flavor of excellent modded character's mechanics.

I could really go on though. It's a big game with a lot to talk about.
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>cramped compositions
this is me when I engage with art in anything but the most surface level observations
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>>cramped compositions
Did I trigger a bot or something, what about that observation necessitated the basedjaks
C section is a no go for me, always makes the game too laggy when I got a good run.
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*sucks ur charge*
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>he doesn't know
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You didn't beat the game
See if I care I only play Keeper & Tainted Keeper.
I'm almost to dead god. Just a few more items: plan c, mega blast, strawman, friend finder, and super bandage. I picked up plan c from a death certificate the other day and it didn't register, did anyone else ever have this problem? Also, victory laps don't count item registration.

Also, any tips for getting my remaining items? I think the lost is the way to go, since I get guaranteed devil deals, flight (for secret room items), and rerolls (kinda). Lost can also get into curse rooms for free to maybe find magic skin for secret room item generation, which is the biggest hurdle in my opinion. Gonna try some more runs later, so wish me luck
Spend your leftover Eden Tokens by playing as him and hold down the R button, he can start with any items you have unlocked.
I'm probably in the minority, but I really enjoyed WoTL, Rebirth and original antibirth. Afterbirth just fucked all the fun and early repentence just broke the game.

I think it went downhill once edmund started balancing games around retards streak playthroughs.
Repentance is the best the game has ever been
AB+ was the worst the game ever was
I'm actually doing tainted eden and trying to reroll into secret and devil item pools. He got me my death cert. Regular isaac has been good for progress too.
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How are you supposed to tell what pic related is supposed to be? At first, I thought it was a pouch with a red ribbon tying it closed.

>Harder enemies with more complex attack patterns
This. The gameplay difference between bosses like monstro/pin and baby plum is just jarring. Repentence bosses past downpour/dross are just overtuned and the regular path bosses have trouble keeping up. I think fiend folio looks really fun for all of the more complex enemies it adds, but all the extra items turn me off

>added boss armor to overly squishy bosses to make players contend with their patterns unless their build is actually exceptional
the number of times I've blown past mom's heart in less than a second really makes me want a reasonable handicap on some things
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The flash version makes it much, much clearer. The name makes sense to me now.
Ever since Repentance made Mega Satan bullshit I don't see any way to beat Backasswards other than a teleport method out of the fight.
Ultra Hard is just a special kind of hell. I tried recently with Holy Mantle and Satanic Bible but wasted all my HP on joke devil items because that pool sucks and it's always blind in the challenge so I had no DPS on top of everything.

I'm convinced the only way to beat it is with gnawed leaf
The flash version is the best version, Rebirth was fine until it got extremely bloated and unfun
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I fixed it. Hire me, Nicalis.
>The gameplay difference between bosses like monstro/pin and baby plum is just jarring.
That's because they are holdovers from when it was just a flash game, which was way more limited. Like, compare the amount of animation frames of any newer boss to Fistula.
looks like a pokemon potion
what's that supposed to be? a fan expansion or something?
> I think fiend folio looks really fun for all of the more complex enemies it adds, but all the extra items turn me off
It's worth a try
If you really aren't feeling like trying it you should undoubtedly try "improved and reworked foes" that reworks a lot of enemies, giving them more intricate attack patterns or making them more fair to fight.

>the number of times I've blown past mom's heart in less than a second really makes me want a reasonable handicap on some things
Mhmm, bosses past the caves are underutilized purely from the fact that people either have high damage builds or have simply died before getting to them. So they always get erased, which is sad because a lot of them are super cool.
>Repentence bosses past downpour/dross are just overtuned and the regular path bosses have trouble keeping up
Nah the regular path is fine.
The alt path stuff is just a joke. Actual mod-tier enemies with crazy attack patterns to get the privilege of: one extra blind choice? (though you'll almost certainly lose your deal chance on these floors so hopefully that makes up for it!)
I don't even go there as Jacob/Esau. I'd rather just get one item than die to the hell on those floors
I see how the contrast makes sense for progression, since you start with the simpler bosses but have to unlock the harder alt paths (when you're more experienced). The "everything's harder" ending should have been repeated 2-3 more times throughout the game in order for the older content to be suped up and not left behind as much. I'd much rather have this occur than deal with random shit curses.
The reasons why Rebirth/Repentance tends to be much easier than the original game:
>Much of the variables/hit detection wasn't tweaked properly to be in line with the Flash original's. The frame rate change caused a lot of issues with enemy speeds becoming too slow (there's a .webm comparing Famine's charge attack between Flash and Rebirth and it's much slower), and only some of that was later adjusted in Repentance. The frame rate of the original also makes it generally harder to react to things, and there might've been hit detection differences too in the original making it easier to get hit.
>The removal of the special item system means you're likely to get good items often whereas in Flash it was very strict on giving you multiples of special items (and even stuff as basic as damage/tears up were special items)
>The abundance of synergies means that your run can quickly spiral into absurdity. The most powerful run you can get in Flash was like just having Epic Fetus/Brimstone, which had next to no synergies besides just increasing in damage.
Someone really ought to do a close comparison between the games someday, there's probably more stuff behind the scenes that affects the difficulty.
Downpour really isn't bad.
Downpour 2 gives you an extra boss item as well

Then I downloaded a mod that makes gold rocks appear more commonly in mines to give a monetary incentive to mines. past mines is pure rapesville though with no incentive to go other than Mother

>I don't even go there as Jacob/Esau
Mathematically incorrect play
This *might* be true if you're just comparing identical content, like a typical chest run (not convinced of even that), but it's 100% false when factoring in things like a Mother run or a Delirium run.
>Then I downloaded a mod that makes gold rocks appear more commonly in mines to give a monetary incentive to mines
I agree that Downpour is ok but that's not really an argument if you just mod the game to make the path better
>Mathematically incorrect play
One of the brothers is already going to be weak due to the lack of items so its best to just ignore him. The price for going to those floors and dealing with those crazy enemies with two hitboxes is almost certain death
I agree completely. I'd rather have some of those alt path enemies mixed in with the regual path's pools. As it is, there's too much of a contrast (alt paths are too hard with barely a reward and reg paths are too easy/simple). Merging the two together I think would really bolster the difficult/gameplay experience of the regular path.

On a side note, the alt path floors have much stronger theming than the reg path floors. It might be a little jarring to see a revenant in Necropolis even though its also a skeleton.
>unlocked death certificate
>isn't abusing secret rooms as tainted cain to dead god his save file
it's what its for
>but that's not really an argument if you just mod the game to make the path better
Yeah, didn't really mean for it to be an argument. I just think the mod is a good idea and I like the idea of a risk/reward mechanism for alt path floors. Downpour mirror world is a perfect example of that imo, a whole floor of pick ups and an extra boss room, but you're The Lost. The others should have similar mechanics and reasons to go.
>Oh, I have a lot of bombs, it might be worth going to the mines to pick up extra gold from rocks to fish for powerful shop items! I could even use the money to pay for hearts to compensate for any extra damage I take!

Also, you should undoubtedly going to dross 1 and 2 as J&E, the mines are optional based on how strong/healthy you feel. Past that? Yeah, no fucking shot.
Doesn't work anymore. Replaced active items produce random pickups regardless of the room. Mama mega recipie isn't guaranteed now either
>I'd rather have some of those alt path enemies mixed in with the regular path's pools. As it is, there's too much of a contrast
Fiend Folio actually does a decent job at smoothing it out some. Cut fiend folio down by half to only the most faithful and fair enemy designs and added it into the game, you'd still be nearly doubling the amount of monsters in the base game. Cut it down to the best 1/4 of fiend folio and you're still increasing enemy variety by 50%. Really seems like a no-brainer considering the best of the mod is certainly higher quality than base game. Wish I had the autism to do it myself.
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steakmund strikes again huh
I've thought about installing Fiend Folio on and off but it just sounds like its got some nice stuff but some REALLY BAD lows and turns the game into a slog
Same with Revelations as I hear. Modded content can just never get balance right
I think this game needs fixing more than it does adding more and more stuff onto it, try playing any big mod and it's night and day, but modders keep just adding more and more stuff and leaving the vanilla stuff untouched. Improved and Reworked foes is good, but would also be great if there was some big streamlining changes like merging the main and alt paths together and rebalancing difficulty to compensate alongside stuff like visual update mods to fix Nicalis' sloppy spriting
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>spend my bombs to get into the mines
>reward for going to the mines requires bombs
I can already see this being added. thank you, edmund
In my opinion fiend folio is more than worth it for the most part. The most annoying part is certain things just not fitting the Isaac theme.
> but some REALLY BAD lows
As far as repentance fiend folio repentance goes, I don't really see it and I think that sentiment comes from people who are just quick to shit on modded content. The worst of fiend folio isn't a quarter as bad as AB+ void portals or current Delirium. No modder has the supernatural ability of Fatmund to deliver mental trauma.

Not a huge fan most because of the theming thing, but it's undoubtedly sick as hell and really high effort.

>Modded content can just never get balance right
It's always a give an take. I'm dead god on 1 save and nearly dead god on my second save (modded), I'm seriously considering buckling down and trying to tweak existing mods into a personal pack. I know I don't have the talent or knowhow to make something from scratch, but if it's just slicing around the edges and patching mods together it can't be *that* hard, r-right?

>alongside stuff like visual update mods to fix Nicalis' sloppy spriting
Tbf, modders have just about resprited everything in the game. To reference the reply above, I could undoubtedly chip away at complete resprite-pack, and there is actually one that exists that I helped one guy make a while back, but it isn't maintained anymore.
i did tho???????
>there is actually one that exists that I helped one guy make a while back, but it isn't maintained anymore.
How come isaac modded ost is so good?


People were so dissatisfied with Ridiculon, so nostalgic for Danny Baranowsky, and so impressed by Mudeth's work it spawned this unique phenomenon. Also, new mods means new contexts, and for new contexts you need new music for them.
As an aside, I'm surprised the Fall from Grace guys were able to emulate Ridiculon's style so closely, it's shocking.
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Fucking love that item.
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Also I found da babi.
>game is filled with "fuck you" pulls
>finally get a good one

Fuck off
What game
The Bind of Sack
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I cannot for the life of me play Jacob and easu so I'll never complete the game
For me it's Tainted Lazarus.
Played him a bit when the expansion hit, then never touched him again.
What a fucking shitty character.
This is ironic, right
if most room layouts didnt constantly cuck you jacob and easu would be a pretty fun character in all honesty
The best strategy as to how to play Jacob and Fuckface is just pretend that they're one character with a bigger hitbox, you want to keep them as close together as possible. Also, go alt path all the time for the double items.
People used to shill them as being stupidly strong and easy because you get 2 bombs for 1, but they're the only character i haven't cleared yet
I had a way easier time streaking on TLost than trying to get all marks on those cunts, absolutely unfun shitbags.
uhhhh no??? that was his roommate dude

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