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ITT Super Smash Bros deal breakers, things that will most likely prevent you from playing the next iteration of Smash. I'll start
>Waluigi is still not playable
>Mega Man doesn't return as a fighter nor do any of the other Mega Men take his place
>Another Sonic rep, especially that pink stalker
>>Waluigi is still not playable
Kill yourself, reddit/X tourist.
What compelled you to randomly list this? Smash doesn't add non-vidya characters, and even if they did break that rule, they certainly wouldn't pick something as random as Boruto.
That's like saying "I'm not buying Mario Kart 9 if they put Batman Who Laughs in it."
>anime swordfighter
cutting iconic characters over non iconic ones like for example cutting steve or cloud over literally who's like dark pit and wii fit
No thanks. besides, i rarely go to those places.
You seem to underestimate how crazy Sakurai can be, assuming he doesn't pass the torch.
>Smash is a video game series from Japan
>Japanese video games tend to have sword wielding characters
>Literally every iteration of Smash has added at least one anime sword fighter
Prepare to be disappointed then
>not included only for the memes
Okay zoomer.
I have to say the smash debuff really damaged Bomberman and Geno's reputation.
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the only thing that would prevent me to get to next game is if Sakurai retires and they change the direction of the series for really, but really bad

But one thing i know for sure, is that i will not get this game on early days. i no longer have friends or family to play with and i don't pay for online paywalls. Without multiplayer this game loses a lot..., so i will wait to get it cheaper later
>made 500 gazillion more dollars than every game in your favorite franchise combined, maybe even your top 3 favorite franchies
>made by a 4channer
>not iconic

the only bad thing is that it's owned by microcock, but you can't tell me that Steve isn't more deserving than literally 1/3rd of the current roster
In order from "disappointing" to "total hype-killing"
>Bowser is still a kaiju
>Crash Bandicoot gets in
>The game still remains a 2.5D platformer instead of spicing things up a bit
>The game still refuses to take cues from Melee's' gameplay
>Rayman is still not playable
>Yoshi is still anthropomorphic
>An even larger anime presence/representation
>No collectables
>A barebones single player campaign
>Woke shit
Who cares? He didn't always belong to Konami. Do we really need to keep adding more companies besides whoever owns Shantae and Sony since Sakurai waisted character slots on characters that belong to one of Nintendo's current rivals so they might as well include the lesser the two evils? I'd rather have Frogger or Django.
That would be hype, but he's not on my top 10 most wanted newcomers list anymore. Also, assuming smash will only ever have no more than 10 fighter per franchise, I would rather they save that final Mario slot for either Toad or Waluigi unless the former is Captain Toad as a spinoff or the later is treated as a Wario rep.
Shut up, it could work. Although Geno could work as a Square-Enix rep instead. Besides, if we ever get Geno, I'm just gonna want Mallow. If you give a mouse a cookie, he needs some milk.
Biggest dealbreaker is if it's just Ultimate 2.
I want a reset. Drastically improve the gameplay and redo all the characters from scratch.
Another lack luster story mode. You have all of these characters together, fucking do something with them, show them interacting.
>You seem to underestimate how crazy Sakurai can be
There's a difference between crazy and completely illogical.
IF for some reason the next Smash adds a non-vidya character, it would be either an incredibly popular multi-media character like Goku, Mickey Mouse or SpongeBob, or a character with actual Nintendo-related history like Popeye or the Goldeneye version of James Bond.
Boruto is a character from a contentious follow-up to a manga series that is more popular, but not on the same level as something like Dragon Ball.
I don't think you have to worry about Boruto getting added any time remotely soon.
>made 500 gazillion more dollars than every game in your favorite franchise combined, maybe even your top 3 favorite franchies
Just because it makes money from consoomers, doesn't mean that it's good. By that logic, the horse cartoon that should not be named is good.
>made by a 4channer
Congratulations. You just gave me another reason to hate it.
>you can't tell me that Steve isn't more deserving than literally 1/3rd of the current roster
Steve isn't more deserving than literally 1/3rd of the current roster. He's one of the top 10 lest deserving fighters in smash, probably one of the top 10 less deserving. This is why I hate new IPs. Plenty of IPs already exist. But after smash started adding 3rd party characters, a whole bunch of nobodies decided to make rush indie garbage so they can get their character in smash as early as possible making characters with seniority wait even longer. Case and point, Steve.
>There's a difference between crazy and completely illogical.
Sorry, my bad. Sakurai is completely illogical
>incredibly popular multi-media
I'm gonna have to stop reading there. Thank you for proving my point.
>smash started adding 3rd party characters, a whole bunch of nobodies decided to make rush indie garbage so they can get their character in smash
I'd agree with you if celeste, hollow knight, or some other indie shit was begging to be added by the community. Minecraft was made in the brawl days and didn't take off until zoomershit youtubers latched onto it.
>probably one of the top 10 less deserving
no the top 10 in no particular order is, minmin, corrin, dark pit, wiifit, byleth, young or toon link, dr mario, plant, greninja, incineroar
You just want the game to be filled with bing bing wahoo characters like dixie kong or some shit instead of interesting ones
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I dunno, man. I like Sakurai, but I think Smash could use some fresher eyes. Some of the shit Sakurai does and says kills my respect.
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I already never bought Ultimate so for me is being another refined version of Brawl
>it's on a console I don't own
I haven't owned a console since Wii U, which I bought years after-the-fact and on a whim.

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