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>"Just give us your Steam login to play our mod, trust us bro"
Just check Password Hidden and it will be hidden from them retard
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When will you retards learn that having someone's online platform password in 2024 is meaningless?
>Enter account data that potentially bears payment and personal information at third party platforms because there is a button that says "hide password"
>Must be safe then.

Are you five?
I bought it on GoG?
its the same thing when a website asks you to login to steam or epic to collect api information.
>you can also do this process manually
Uh, buy it on steam now? Bethesda deserves money.
Why this shit need an own seperate launcher? You can download shit like Frontier from nexus directly and that shit was done on much older engine.
actual fpbp
nexus servers are slow as shit unless you pay money. this downloads fast.
Pretend you have gotten someones password and login to your Steam account from another computer on a different network.
Wow it doesn't fucking work!
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I don't own the FO4slop DLC on Steam so I just picked it up on GoG. It barely even works, after beating the intro the open world crashes literally every 5m
I don't trust any """free""" mods that have to advertise on youtube and 4chan. They're clearly out to make a profit.
actual room temp iq
The median age of this shithole is like 15
No modder woth their salt is gonna let someone upload their mods somewhere else. If the launcher does not use nexus you nigs just got your information stolen.
imagine not having steam guard. even if you gave your info away, they still can't login.
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Noticed this shit in one of the previous threads.
2016 has utterly destroyed the average anon's ability to detect insincerity
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With downgrading manually, can I just copy and paste all the commands or should I wait for each one to download individually?
blenderchads keep winning
autocucks seething
>steam id
>mod completely takes over fallout 4 install
>if you get into the game it crashes constantly
disaster launch
File deleted.
How come they couldn't adapt it to the new version?
>mod demands login credentials
you wot m8? ha ha just tell me generally where to load the .esp in the load manager bwo
>mod doesn't work on pirated copy
Sorry not giving me money to Todd(let)
Eat shit and kys
I really don't give a shit you have to solve an email verification if anyone else used it and worst case is I have my bank refund the fraud and tell the world that the modders are tranny scammers
Jokes on you, I measure temperature in Kelvin
oi m8, whays ya stoim loicense
>Are you five?
Says the retard with ZERO reading comprehension.
Why the fuck not just pirate Fallout 4 like a normal person?
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what the actual fuck didnt they delay the mod for like 6 months to make sure it would work on the most recent version IM FUCKING MAD
It's absurd how common it is to see retards on /v/ respond to bait and sarcasm genuinely, like they're fighting a battle anyone was involved in.
>I do not give a shit about Fallout nor did I do any research before posting this.
So for you retards who have never done anything on steam beyond "Add game to cart" and all that, this thing is a retard filter.
It has a manual option because it is really easy to do, but it presumably knows the vast majority of people paying attention are mentally deficient and cannot open up steam's console and download version depots, which is necessary to "downgrade" the game. So it has an option for this thing to login and do it for you.
Doing it manually though, I imagine, it as simple as clicking one link to open the steam console, and then copy+pasting a string, and then moving the downloaded depot to your game files.

In short, you are technologically illiterate.
steam does support an official way of logging into third party sites like many other platforms like google do, but I don't think this is it
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This is really concerning, and it can make a precedent for other modders to ask for your Steam login. Just share the files in Torrent, Mediafire, 1Fichier etc. It's that easy. I was really interested in this mod. What a shame.
learn to read you fucking retard
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>Are you five?
Yeah. Five inches deep in your mum.
ok then whats yours
>Playing Fallout 4 to begin with
You deserve to get scammed.
what the fuck lmao are you joking?
why can't it just use a fucking fresh install this is actually insane
>you can also do this process manually if you'd like
how about you click that link instead of farming replies retard :)
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People who unironically enjoy nufallout games deserve to get scammed.
>why can't it just use a fucking fresh install this is actually insane
The new update that recently came out apparently doesn't work with the mod and they don't want to put in the work to make it work with it. They basically delayed the release waiting for the update to only just say downgrade meaning it could have been put out months ago.
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Dumbest post after dumb post
You really can't read sarcasm or social queues can you
Just change your password after entering it if you have any concerns
Trust me, I work in cybersec.
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Just like if you type your password here it will be censored, like this: **************
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>Delay the release because they want it working with the next gen version of the mod
>To play you need to downgrade anyway
>Make it increadibly convoluted unless you buy it again on the goy store
Gay retards.
really? let me try
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>social queues
Toasting in epic bread
You're autistic.
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Then the same system for whatever else:

Even if you knew my usernames you'd be faced with "UH OH UNEXPECTED LOGIN" and it would do some 2factor bs before you can do fuck all.
So you're retarded okay that's fair
loooool stinky stupid poorfag
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If I want to experience a post apocalyptic London I’ll just take a walk around modern London
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>all these retards replying to >>683725495 without realizing it is sarcastic
they're thinking
>f-finally its my turn to call someone a retard
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you wouldn't survive
>I was only pretending to be retarded!
>Different network
>What is a proxy
>downgrading fallout 4
Wait, wasn't all this bullshit because they had to make it work with that new version bethesda shit out?
Why not?
do you trust giving your steam credentials to a tranny ?
Better to be pretending than to actually be.
You're retarded. What a fun stalemate we got now.
does anyone know if there are low int dialog options?
i would play an idiot, but only if that is the case.
>just posting a bunch of asterisks to pretend it's working
Haven't come across any yet
t. 1int
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ERM this redditor said its SAFE so checkmate
Use a proxy, it's not going to make a difference you moron.
Sure just choose the option that's closest to what you'd say in real life.
i'm in
Sarcasm is supposed to be fun
>download cracked version
>download the mod
>install mo2 and transfer the mod to it
>works flawlessly
A proxy running from the system that already is known by steam would.
Good thing all you got is a fucking password then.
You are running their software on your machine.

>Oh no they would never

Go ahead, trust some random jeet on the internet.
What is two factor?
>I don't use-
None to blame.
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>no argument
>lust provoking image
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I heard it's woke so I'm not playing it. Like there's a skinhead gang you can't join.
Modders are always lefty fags and curries so it's not shocking in the slightest.
not touching this mod with a ten foot pole until they sort out whatever the fuck >>683724828
is and until I get confirmation that the "5th column"? is joinable and isn't plagued with millennial/zoomer irony
VA for the faction leader has a flag in her twitter so that's not a good sign
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ngl i just did the giggle m8's
is there a way to get the full dialog options?
the mod im using for the base game isnt working.
Here's my password:
Works the same as here, upload a picture if your credit card, but just hit spoiler
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>Just check Password Hidden and it will be hidden from
suspect im looking into these modders now
>/v/ is now nothing but tech illiterate zoomers and pajeets
Sad to see it go like this.
rare worthwhile post
>you killed my dogs :<
>hey do you want a dog, you can have it :>

I also think it wasn't the best decision to make it nightfall when you properly "arrive" to london. City may look nice in darkness with lights here and there, but navigating entirely new world in darkness is not the most fun thing to do.
And I also think it wasn't very bright of them to make it so melee oriented at least at the beggining. Fallout melee combat isn't great or good by any measure.
Is there sex/romance?
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>Enemies blocking my sword swings (that use the same animations as the baseball bat from base F4) with their fucking arms
I forgot how bad the melee combat is in F4, especially if you're fighting another melee user.
Do I need a legal copy of FO4 to play?
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Anyone know if it's possible to betray the Vagabonds and join up with the Dogs? These guys are lame and huge pricks.
Well they are brits
You can manually do it too
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Is this a fucking joke?
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Just making things easy for retards. You appear to be a bit too stupid for it even then. Too bad.
>*Posts the Vegas strip bicycle*
>be devs
>be arrogant modders who think they own the IP
>can't directly advertise profit motive for the mod or Bethesda rips you a new asshole
>"what about selling user data"
>funnel installation through GOG and make Steam users "log" their cookies with our installer
>now our mod has an official count of players whether they play through GOG or Steam
>sell off the info after everyone plays your mod
cheeky gits 'nat bruv eh?
I would've loved to see if this mod was Frontier tier or not, but it doesn't even fucking work
Holy shit it works
>wojaknigger is also a redditard
Yeah, that tracks.
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I can't even get it to go to that screen, it gives me an error message and closes
Am i just fucked because i pirated the dlc
Overrated post
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I wish I was this smart
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Absolutely unequivocally based
>play on normal
>die in 3 hits
>enemies take 10+
wtf is wrong with the damage in this game, or did i manage to walk into a high level area withing a few minute?
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This is like a funny post from 10 years ago
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those can't be real fraction names
who else is there? the wankers and the crumpet muchas?
>/v/ can't install a mod that is just a huge directory of files
Where the fuck are all the ebin modders with their bimbos with huge bushes in their bikini panties?
you're acoustic
big if true
Just torrent the gog verison of FO4. If you already bought it on steam no moralfag can complain either.
kek wings
Thank Mr Indian IT support guy. And no, I will not do your servicenow post survey
What are you running, an endurance 1 build with no armor at all?
I can take hits left and right no matter where I go with endurance 8 and a stolen set of police armor which I got from the dog food factory at the start of the game
>What are you running, an endurance 1 build with no armor at all?
Yeah? Just don't get seen.
rated post
fpbp /g/ CISRT representing
Average amerikan media literacy skills
bro gacha players literally give their accounts to strangers. zoom zooms are legit retards.
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So is it at least better than The Frontier? Just finished New Vegas and I'm not touching that shit with a 10 foot pole
the opening sequence mogs the fuck out of vanilla fo4, and it's not even that great kek
lol obvious modfag.
Does the mod have any settlement shit?
I got it free from GOG
>You can also do this process manually if you like
There's a handful of settlements.
thanks, just figuring out what mod shit i should carry over.
my initial mod test spoiled a story element to me right off the bat. whoops.
A bit early to say, just a couple hours in, but so far: Yes it is
Okay so can I side with the Fascist faction led by femMosley?
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There's a little fish girl that you can sell to one of the gangs or directly to the gentry as an implied sex slave.
Part of the fascist faction's main quest requires you to help their leader get her unrequited love (a pajeet) to love her back.
does it have essential npcs?
So it's woke then.
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>Part of the fascist faction's main quest requires you to help their leader get her unrequited love (a pajeet) to love her back.
Why the fuck is this so complicated? I just want to click button and download and play. I have to move files and folders around or some shit.
>Leftists let you sell children as sex slaves
>Still sperging out at fascism
Never change retards.
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sensible heh
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>Part of the fascist faction's main quest requires you to help their leader get her unrequited love (a pajeet) to love her back.
Did you get dropped at birth?
Not at all. I'll wait for it to get uploaded somewhere else then pick through it for reverse shells.
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>Still has yet to be topped as the greatest Fallout mod
What went so right/wrong?
>Being led by a femoid
its boring and tedious and too much effort
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The /pol/ fantasy
>Outwardly hates women
>Inwardly wants to be dominated by a wheyfu
Then don't do it. It's one of the easiest of these types of mods to install. If you can't figure this out then there's no point playing Bethesda games, because they need mods to be good.
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Post proof of both of these, I wanna have a laugh
I've never read anything more English than this
Is this going to be like that America girl in Frontier were people started calling the devs pedos because she makes comments about her feet and they explicitly remind you "don't worry she's 18!"
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>the fascists are led by a racemixing woman
How do you get a lapel pin for the Vagabonds? There’s no map marker.
Fast travel to the little island the Dogs run, and just run around until your run into some of their guys
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good one mr anon
deus ex is still better than 99% of games in 2024.
Ya, probably. Mods work like shit with pirated games.
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When do I get a gun? I've been scrounging all over the railways and I've not found a single firearm. How the fuck do br*t*sh people live like this?
Video game developers go insane when it comes to facism. Look at Disco Elysium where every fascist is portrayed as a pathetic faggot, two are black and one is a closet homo.
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Some people may just have to be called for what they are. A spade is a spade and a retard is a retard. The whole reason the downgrader exists is a necessity to make things easier for the devs who may otherwise have to deal with a thousand users asking them how to rollback their FO4 update or stumbling blindly into causing issues for themselves. And personally, I can't imagine having fallen for Bethesda's "NEXT GEN" update in the first place and allowing steam to update the files. The only reason you would have to do any of this is if you updated. There are other means of doing this but they have presented this to handle the individuals who would otherwise just download the mod without reading anything. The login is required for going through this process in an automated manner if you don't wish to do so by other means.
How did you miss the rifle in the janitor closet before the train? I thought that was supposed to be the unmissable starter weapon.
They get to leave school without needing a bodybag or ambulance.
I'm probably just going to buy the gog version as I'm too lazy to deal with all this hassle of getting the steam version to work
Wait, who is the closet homo?
I found one in the underground area after agent bong talks to you on the television. It was in a safe (novice lock) so maybe I got lucky with RNG.
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So has anyone found any of the companions that aren't the dog yet? Also is the Fascists quest line good?
>Also is the Fascists quest line good?
Anon just give up and pack your brain in, it’s clearly over for you.
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the assblasted sigourney weaver's
>fascism is when misogyny and racism
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Many devs tend towards being left leaning and modern American politic hardly allows for any subtlety or even so much as seriously entertaining the arguments of the other side for even a second. Which is a shame, because good writing thrives on being able to play devil's advocate for the side you don't like. That is how you write convincing morality beyond black or white. So I wouldn't doubt if such a faction is treated as somewhat of a joke.
Dude can’t wait 30 mins for a mod to download, he’d rather just get his info stolen.
>Modders are known for being leftist cattle
>Expect them to do justice for facism and not have it be "they're actually... LE SAD inside!"
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Their website includes a way to downgrade manually if anyone is interested
It's the best part of facism yes. Along with making Jews and snowflakes forever seethe.
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Holy fuck, this place really is infested by zoomers who don't know hot to torrent anymore. Are you fags gonna spend the entire day staring and seething at this screen or play the fucking mod? Grab the fitgirl pack for the old-gen version, go to good old downloads and get the offline gog installer. Theres millions of ways to bypass this, you troglodites.
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You need to acquire a gun license and then your ammo possession permit then your trigger actuation certification then simply lie prostrate in front of big ben for two hours straight and then you can finally acquire and shoot your very first rooty tooty point and shooty
Which makes it weirder then that they'll happily let you sell a child into sex slavery. Probably because they view them as the same as being whatever special type of homo they felt like being that day.
>sigourney weaver's
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Yeah accurate to real life.
fuck this. way too much work
Keep crying leftard.
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Nigga half of that is copying and pasting shit.
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>as an implied sex slave
cant be bothered. would rather just watch someone else play it on twitch
>And personally, I can't imagine having fallen for Bethesda's "NEXT GEN" update in the first place and allowing steam to update the files
How exactly would you do that? Updating games is not really optional on Steam.
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Any chance the character in question is this guy?
He is the only one I would guess, assuming this is true.
I can't tell if all of you are baiting or not
>Updating games is not really optional on Steam
Yes it is
>The only reason you would have to do any of this is if you updated.
or if you didn't have the game installed for years and only wanted to download it now for the mod????
so is it fun or not, I either torrent this or EDF6 first (probably EDF)

fallout 3/NV > 4
Yeah no, I'll pass.
Leftists obsessed with putting their politics in the game(which is most of them) tend to not allow "the bad guy" factions to be played straight, but that's nothing new in Fallout(see the Enclave)
Still, I don't have to put up with fem Mosley and her suspiciously lustful desire for ethnic cock and balls.
It's ironic. If they made her a lesbian it would've been more accurate, because Rotha Lintorn-Orman(the female leader of the British Fascisti, a Fascist movement pre-Mosley) was a drug-addled lesbian who often threw parties with the other members.
It's hilarious they had to delay because of Todd's patch and still went with a version before it.
>2016 has utterly destroyed the average anon's ability to detect insincerity
2016 has utterly destroyed the average anon's ability to detect insincerity
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pick my starting stats
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Proof for either of these occurring? Also assuming these are true who the fuck would want to buy a fish girl, those guys are fucking hideous
I seriously hope there is only one pajeet.
Is general Fallout 4 modding still broken because of the update or does it only really affect this project?
(dump whatever is in) LUC
Why does Gaben make this so hard? Why cant he just let us pick old versions?
>Updating games is not really optional on Steam.
No it definitely can be, even if it may feel like they hide the option out of plain view. Just check properties after right clicking the title of the game in your library and go to updates. Change to update only when playing the game and then NEVER again start up the game through the steam exe itself. This is where mod organizer and the script extender exe come in. You'll start up the game without directly using steam from then on. There are more exact instructions to look up if needed.
>the devs were right all along about people not understanding how to downgrade the game even with step by step directions
>Only Jeet in the entire city is redeeming the leader of the fascist group
What did they mean by this?
Its not that I don't understand it. Its that its too much effort. I don't want to be bothered.
Leftist devs 20-30 years ago would be seen as at least moderates nowadays and even slightly right at worst by modern Xwitterfags today. How the times have changed.
ayyy lmao
>where every fascist is portrayed as a pathetic faggot, two are black and one is a closet homo.
where's the lie
>Not being full of pajeets
>mod the pajeet
>call him "Randy" or something like that
>change race
Probably meant that they just couldn't help themselves, not even for just a single mod. Angloids doing what they do best.
anyone can download those files free on the actual gog.
>prerequisites to own a game
Sure it is pal.
huh? I dont own the game on gog and was able to download those files.
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never bought the game and never will.
see you can download the files there free.
>or if you didn't have the game installed for years and only wanted to download it now for the mod????
Yeah sure, its not like I was gonna cover in my post for every possibility for why someone may have been forced into Bethesda's epic next gen update. I did consider that some people would have no choice but to put up with. The whole mod community has been in a state of limbo because of the update, so jumping back in after it happened is gonna be a headache for anyone looking to play with certain mods. This one included of course.
>the actual British Union of Fascists formed out of a desire to protect Mosley's rallies from communist hecklers and often got training from JEWISH BOXER Ted "Kid" Lewis. And many of them were vets from WW1.
>At times they've even dished out punishing attacks to the British Fascisti >>683753291
and the Imperial Fascist League(British Nazis, not Fascists, yes there's a difference, and yes BUF and IFL didn't like each other.)
>t-they're pathetic faggots! and they like brown people!
k lol
Why couldn't they just put it on steam so it could all be automated?
>watch american playing it
>he cant handle the banter from one of the npcs and starts seething
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Steam auto-updates to the newest patch available and apparently these modders are using the Fallout4 version from before Todd issued a mod-breaking patch just because he was angry with the Bethesda player community over how hard Starfailed flopped.
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So this wasn't made by white blooded brits i take it. No way would a fellow brit make a game about PAKI RAPE GANGS

Seriously, fuck this mod. Most of you are Americans but this is actually a legit issue over here, we are fucked by pakis and pajeets. I will not download your free Palestine mod
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>focused primarily on nations and factions, so less chance of annoying fans with potentially bad storytelling or characters
>has a fairly significant mod community with a lot sub mods
>you can play any number of different factions to get the experience you want, ranging from Canadian pirates to the Enclave 2:Electric Boogaloo
There are a good few reasons.
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Anon, please
I like their little smiles, it fits well with the intent of the post.
Why are brown people so evil?
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>not blocking auto updates on steam unless specifically launched through steam
It's on you if you're too dumb to either have done this the same day Bethesda announced a next gen update was coming or you're somehow incapable of torrenting in anno domini current year + 9.
This has the be one of the most embarrassing post on this site
OWB and its sub-mods ANYYYYYYYDAY of the week compared to whatever the fuck this is
good lord leftists can't help themselves
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Anon won
The best platforms for mods hands down are
>original doom
>cs 1.6
Excellent bait.
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>the pajeet catalogue
Why not just wait for repackers like Fit(Biological)Girl or DODI that complies both game and mod together, I mean it's not like you absolutely have to play London right now. Go through your backlog.
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They cant help it
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why the fuck did they put this into a setting where it makes zero sense
I just reported you to the king m8.
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OK, but now I can't see my password???
>want to see a close up of the ass
>everytime I zoom in, the ass disappears
>literally not a single screenshot of the game
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Wait how does this work?
>why the fuck did they put this into a setting where it makes zero sense
Really good point, but you have to understand that a lot of these people exist primarily on discords. And the online world in general. This comes as naturally to them as anything possibly could, even if it hardly seems compliant with the setting.
See >>683755779
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>download this
>remember I find fallout games boring
>delete files and go back to watching random youtube videos at 4x speed
There have been several so far and people are still just getting into the mod. Assuming they haven't been put off of it by now.
>drinking from a glass
Rookie hours it seems
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Granite? My PRESIDENT and HERO.
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No it really isn't because then you're just an unfunny faggot.
imagine the smell
>mad because he got baited
Maybe just LURK MOAR retard.
Because Todd started this shit when 76 has two non binary characters
Was this a BLM event?
you have no idea what those words mean do you
God, entire groups of human beings almost directly on top of each other like that start looking like beetles or ants climbing over one another from high up. Its just grotesque in a sense. And imagine the smell.
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>imagine the smell
damn it, we were on the same wavelength for that one.
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I was playing it and even posting screenshots, but I got bored and annoyed from the grating accents so I stopped playing and booted up OWB instead
looks too peaceful
Wat mod? Or did OWB finally add some East Coast stuff?
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East Coast Rebirth, adds some nations to the East Coast and some have focus trees. It's compatible with ERB.
That should be East Coast Reborn. There is also rustbelt rising and maybe one or two other current mods for map expansion.
because trolling is not a thing that people think exists on this site anymore. Everything is considered a genuine deep seated opinion. Every time someone disagrees with something, it's a "RAID" or some other serious shit. It cannot ever just be someone fucking around with people who are easy to fuck around
Why else would there be so many blacks gathered in a blocked in area with police? Fried chicken party?

Wait, that's my luggage combination
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>DC Settlements declared war on me out of fucking NOWHERE
>Don't have enough divisions to fight them off
>Probably going to have to start over
I love this game but sometimes I also fucking hate it
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Yes yes we know, everyone agrees with you which is why the conservative parties got historically blown the fuck out last election.
Stop shilling your garbage mod for a shitty game here
/v/ has to deal with NV and Fo4 shitty mods on a daily basis
Make him, little bitch.
I installed the mod but the music isn't working and half of the ambient noises only play if I'm in third person view, what an awful mod launch
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Kys nigger
>stop shilling your garbage mod
>play my garbage mod that mocks heckin' chuds!
go away
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>Tenpenny was the leader so the capital got moved to Tenpenny tower
>Despite being outnumbered I was still able to just steam roll my way to the capital due to it being right next to my border
The Enclave never dies.
I've learned that you sometimes just have to spam out your least costly divisions at the start. I always tend to turtle too much without focusing on my defense. Then before I get my good shit online I get rolled because I was unprepared.
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Thank you anon, I'll do that.
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Thanks anon this made my night
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No I will not do the needful.
>and it would do some 2factor bs before you can do fuck all.
Only if you have that on, tardo and that isn't the default setting.
is the pajeet an essential NPC?
asking for a friend
That's crazy I have the exact same combination on my luggage...
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to be honest, as the cockroach race, indians would probably thrive in a nuclear apocalypse
i still think it's funny that this guy will absolutely have a thick SAAARS accent and somehow managed to find a perfect turban 200 years after the world is fucked
the fact he's still practicising religion and culture for a land that he shouldn't even know about anymore is funny too
i guess they could make a kings reference from new vegas and have a faction of pajeet worshippers because they mistook all of the indian restaurants (which are usually decorated like some shitty garish temple) as religious places of worship or something
that would involve actual creative thought though and i imagine the modders are just leftist cattle and shoved a paki in because it meets specific quotas
i mean the nexus recently removed a male replacement narrator mod for BGIII so yeah
>stop shilling the best FNV mod
>help me shill this tranny slop instead
no thanks, m8.
>is the pajeet an essential NPC?
Ramdeep is an essential and beloved character in the Fallout London story and you WILL watch him make love to the leader of the Fifth Column.
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to be fair, Fallout 1 had a dude with an incredibly strong english accent and 4 had a bunch of irish motherfuckers so it is established in canon that some autists in the american post post apocalypse just decided to cling on to/continue the pre-war cultures and identities of their ancestors
Yeah I think they leaned too heavily on the idea of the post apocalyptic world serving as a time capsule of sorts where culture doesn't really change. It is odd running into him, because my first thought is whether it even makes sense for him to have any meaningful association with his parent culture so many years after society collapsed.
>when I was in my 20's I was in the start-up scene cause I was a programmer and was looking to make a million bucks
>made a splash page for an idea we had where it would send people an SMS when their job paid them (this was before banking apps were sophisticated)
>to join the "open beta" you could enter your bank details into a form
>did a presentation at a business event thing
>over 100 strangers gave me their full bank details/passwords
I did nothing with them but holy shit people are stupid.
you know neutral bathrooms have been a thing forever and are usually made for disabled people, right?
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>Never """""upgraded""""" Fallout 4 in the first place
>Don't have to login for a downgrader
Feels good. Now I have to figure out what other mods I stack on on top of it. I wonder if xLodgen works properly or if there's even a point.
I just pointed at the screenshot, dude. I'm not playing this trash
>faggy anon decides to swipe money for coffee
>businessman notices unusual transaction, possibly even has notifications for every transaction
>checks with bank, reports back it was to buy some shitty latte in a starbucks on the other side of the country
>immediately reports this, closes account
>during investigations the guy mentions he gave his details during some tech demonstration
>investigators check it out, and discover anons gay shit, complete with all of his details and personal information
>anon is arrested, discovered with multiple peoples bank details stored "but i wasn't going to use them honest!"
>gets banned from internet or PC use forever, blacklisted in the tech industry and many other fields
>all over a shitty coffee
people aren't stupid, they're well protected and know that little fags like you wouldn't dare to do shit
nice game trannies
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disabled "people" are their own gender though
literally disables toilets have a picture of a dude in a wheelchair
gender neutral faggot bathrooms have that gay image showing a man with a dislocated thigh
it's pandering anon, straight pandering
otherwise pic related would have been used
also in the uk and europe, these toilets are usually locked (if not in private establishments) with a universal key only given out to disabled people (but obviously many copies have been made of it for normies to use)
I downloaded the old version through the console and set the manifest to be read only like the site said but now I get a disk write error when I try and launch it
i think im dumb
i havent played fallout 4 since its release basically.
how the fuck do i use the torch.
i cant see shit and no key on my keyboard toggles it.
also no item in the inventory.
in NV you toggled it by holding tab, or whatever your inventory key is
see if that works
why is the city barely destroyed
i thought it was supposed to have been nuked
thats it thanks anon.
i was going mad cause it wasnt in the keybinds.
kill yourself.
if the nuke was made in the UK then it was probably a faulty nuke lol
>eat single can of dog food
>develop dog food addiction
Is this what being an Englishman is like?
On the upside I found a night vision rifle right after meeting with the first gang.
why would a nuke made in the UK be used on the UK
>people aren't stupid
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Is the GOG thing a timed exclusive of some sort? Why call it a temporary giveaway?
it was fired by the scots
The nigger monarchist is the most based character in the game though? And the second most based character is the corpo woman on the boat.
Even the local communist "leader" is well written, he's intelligent but insufferable for anyone who isn't a big fan of "the people"
I don't think the nuclear waste and radiation can do any harm that wasn't already done through decades of inbreeding, exposure to industrial runoff, and literal shit eating.
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>I like corruption actually!

I hope a somali beheads you
Big Brain move.
If the nitpicks are this tiny it must not be that bad
historic post
Fallout nukes spew more radiation than they actually destroy
the whole launch is a mess, I don't know why they did it this way at all
/pol/tards will never not consider Disco Elysium an evil game out to destroy their way of life.
it also destroyed their own studio, faggot.
You sound pretty mad there, anon. You aren't a filthy tourist /pol/fag, are you?
>nexus servers are slow
They aren't, though.
Works on my machine.
>pol, pol, pol
Calm down, you'll be fine if a few anons here don't like your favorite game. And as someone who never played, Disco Elysium comes off as such an overhyped game.
the big question, is it actually even worth playing?
Does this shit work on pirated copies?
I'm having fun so far.
No, it demands to link to your steam account. For how vocal about how they hate bethesda and its shitty code, they went through a lot of extra steps to ensure you can't play if you're a pirate.
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>Not just pirating a pre-nextgen GOG rip of Fo4 for the mod rather than converting your entire purchased copy

Why do so many of you make things complicated for yourselves?
I'm having fun so far doesn't tell him much. You may as well be saying "yeah I like FO4 and this is also FO4, but british".
I just looked it up, all you need is the gog version because that one doesn't need to be downgraded and you can install it like normal
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No you stupid retard the Steam shit is just for the downgrader they included. If you pirate the game you can just pirate the old version and install the mod like any other.
NTA, but how do you install the mod. Yes, Im unironically asking
brokies gotta compensate with muh time saved
>game set in London
>US keyboard layout
Nope, there are other possibilities that can occur you absolute fucking retard, don't you dare have the audacity to postulate generalizations when there can easily be exceptions to it. I fucking unironically spent the entire day downloading the correct version of gog to play this mod only for my computer to decide while I was napping to enter standby mode despite the download still being active. I'm now having to redownload the game AGAIN but this time I don't want to wait all godanm day, so I'm using steam and steam FORCES me to downgrade.
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Hey, I mentioned that there are other possibilities in one of my following posts. Anyways, sorry for the loss of time you experienced, shit sucks.
So that's how he dodged the bullet...
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You're a special kind of retarded. Scientists should study you like a monkey.
American here, weren't the conservatives the ones in power and importing the somalis? My understanding is the vote was an "anyone else" vote. Like Biden in 2020.
Turks are the cockroach race, indians are something else. Toads, maybe. What with all the mutations from contaminated water.
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Just paste it in, if it has keyloggers it just recorded the Ctrl+v
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You did anon ,you hacked the meta
>lying for (you)s
Post proof faggot
Cetral london, where 99% of people visit, is absolutely fine. So fucking sick of people acting like london or paris are on the same level as some east coast american hellhole like baltimore or philadelphia. You can tell when someone's never left their own country
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>the designated tourist spots are fine, just don't go anywhere else
Yeah, I did lie. I'm half disappointed half very amused that it actually got so many people.
The tree guy at the airport is a literal faggot though.
Please tell me your just another anon pretending to be that original anon.
I was getting into the Ramdeep lore, it was funny.
>Part-And-Parcel-On-Thames is totally safe, trust me saar
Progressivism is self destructive, it will continue to march forwards into the abyss, thats why those who follow it always end up getting left behind and attacked by the ones who replaced them.
>baiting retards into getting mad about nonexistent frontier level degeneracy
Supremely based
4's intro is legit garbage. Being better isn't even an accomplishment.
Most realistic depiction of chuds holy fucking shit kek
The ruskie mods though.
>Most realistic depiction of chuds
Having females among them?
It would have been much whiter if it were
Fallout: poojet
being milked dry by a hot grifting racemixing woman. You'd be amazed at how often it happens irl.
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these chuds, are they in the room with us now?
yeah, I just responded to one of them lmao
People actually use that word? Such a fucking dumb pejorative.
cities are human hives
Would you rather I say cuck? I'm trying to be nice, anon.
They needed insults that aren't slurs or too vulgar so they made up random bullshit thinking they were clever.
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>yeah, I just responded to one of them lmao
holy shit you are so mad.
>Fallout 1 had a dude with an incredibly strong english accent
he sticks out like a sore thumb, he's like a bethesda fallout character got snuck into the game
sure man, chud is just such a stupid sounding word.
That's what I say too. Every time I hear it I just think they're shitposting because it's such a silly word lol
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>Every time I hear it I just think they're shitposting
Chud may actually be the worst attempt at a 'political slur' I have ever heard. I'm surprised it stuck after it was first used, it is difficult to take the use of it seriously.
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Hackers on suicide watch
I kinda wanted to play this, but the fucking 20 minute loading screens are insufferable.
Found the zoomer
why wouldn't you have it on
you actually need 2fa to even use the steam market
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you can tell a discord tranny has arrived because they use a lexicon of shit that nobody on the board uses.
not really. Why is a mod about londonistan on /v/ got you so up at arms over imaginary nazis in your head?
I don't care about any of that. I just came here to laugh at all of you.

also discord devs. your artstyle is so fucking ugly. holy shit.
stop playing bethesda games on HDD
you fallout nigga modders really need to stop setting your worldspaces in urban enviroments with large populations. the engine cannot fucking handle it and it looks like shit too.

as bad as 76 is the one smart decision Bethesda made was realizing that rural nature dominated environments were the places that didn't make people want to tear their eyes out.
I don't have a HDD. I'm only using an SSD.
put me in the screencap
initial launch is a pain in the ass on any heavily modded bethesda game but the actual ingame loadscreens are reasonable
It's a known Fallout 4 problem
In fallout 4 loading speed is tied to FPS
You can try using this https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10283 but it crashes game sometimes
ya i didnt set up and store my steam login in a password manager with a unique and complex password just to hand it to some mod makers
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So help me, if you have the fucking "high resolution texture" dlc installed like a complete shithead moron I will do nothing. Fuck you.
The least of this piece of shit's issues.
>in the uk and europe, these toilets are usually locked (if not in private establishments) with a universal key only given out to disabled people
i have never encountered this in my fucking life in bongistan
does it at least have underaged slave girls and stinky feet?
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ANSI and ISO are both common in europe, and if it's anything IT-related you'll see ANSI on 99.9% of keyboards along with en_US software locale.
have you tried TTW method of installation?
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nice reddit spacing
haha holy shit there really are discord trannies here.
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imagine being so insecure you need the approval of some rando on fucking 4chan of all places.
>go to the website to take a look
>autoplays some fucking video instead of letting me read
modern web design is a travesty
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>forgot that you need local leader 2 in order to build crafting stations
why I have one of you retards here I gotta ask. Was the jeet craving fascist lady an intentional parody of chuds or was the dude just shitposting?
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go away redneck you fucking hick
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the post that saved /v/
You will never be a man, trans individual who deserves to be happy.
wtf account stealing bros, how do we counter this???
It's funny how that and the robot stuff completely condition builds
i was born a man and will always be a man
not cause im antti trans but because trans is something you are born as and have to figure out later in life
>give bethesda a tenner for shit CC content
>give GOG a tenner for a fallout 4 sized mod
todd has some competition
you have no idea what you are on about

we don't do keyboards with single-row return keys here
I'm sorry anon that was too mean. Just know that if what the guy above said is true about the fascist leader being into Indian dudes is true you guys are the mod devs ever.

I love you.
>because trans is something you are born as
I don't get this shit at all. I thought everyone was doing the whole "it's a choice" thing, but now its something you're born as I guess. Feels like they are all constantly changing their mind on how any of this works.
I had an overseas contract in norway's datacenter for 3 years working as an infrastructure engineer, every single person I've met except one used ANSI layout.
Imagine the pickpocketing and rape going on in that mass of animals
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why didn't they release it standalone like enderal
I have never seen such half assed instructions
>manual downgrade doesn't mention any that you need to download another 30+ gigs worth of crap(probably around 80 if you include high texture shit for some reason)
>it also wants you first to move everything into one folder first before dumping into the F4 folder for no reason (I totally wish to prolong the process for no reason)
>zero mention of loose file in instructions
>zero mention of needing appdata folder to be placed
>manual installation of london data is either omitted or dev had a stroke halfway through the guide
it was not worth the effort
most of the world uses US keyboard
or at least most of the western world
the only common exceptions are germany (they're retarded) and frogs (they're frogs)
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They waste billions on cybersecurity when this is all they need
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good news, everyone
no, thanks
they literally have just packaged up the command line version of steam
and that requires a login to check your licences before downloading many of the files from their servers

not only is that suspicious as fuck, its also blatantly illegal
These gender neutral signs have existed on restrooms for years you retarded fuckasses. It just typically means it's a single person bathroom that anyone can use.
will downgrading fuck up my existing installation on steam? i've got a customized life in the ruins modpack that I'm playing rn
yurop doesn't have toilets with 20in gaps on every side so it's not an issue anyway
Like I told the other idiot, I just pointed at the screenshot, dude. I'm not playing this trash
Lived in England for 33 years mate. Never seen a public toilet with that.
White men don't use repacks
This but unironically
yes, they deliberatly chose the most assbackwards way of releasing the mod
You might not be the type of person to play with mods.
no it will be fine.
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American Nigger Society of Inventions?
This might actually be a based way to have a separate install of FO4 that's just for that one mod.
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>the worst fallout game but now with BRI'ISH accents
why would anyone subject themselves to this
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Genius. Why didn't I think of that?
>before you can even play the game this mod team is illegally redistributing Steam binaries in their installer
I'm sure this is a good sign of things to come.
The master hacker
Embarrassing, desu
The new update criticality breaks how mods can interact with NPCs, at least if you don't want the game to turn into a stuttering mess
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The login through the SteamAuthentication api is 100% encrypted.
Just click on manual and go through the webAPI logon.
All that for FALLOUT 4 set in london? I'd rather to go real london and experience diversity
I already see pirate links.
You bought FO4?
i kek'd
Flexin on these retards
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Yeah that checks out.
Why the fuck would you even have FO4 installed?
Because it's a good game
rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
uuuuuhhhhmmm, why are there freemason symbols everywhere in the mod???
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I know this is a retard bait thread, but some people are unironically bothered by this. If you're running an executable and it was actually malicious, they wouldn't need to ask for your password.
That's the assassin's creed symbol dumbass
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I would agree with you if everyone wasn't retarded.
Most people use the same password for everything
Most people set their username to their name or some part of their name
Its super easy to grab someones phone number from their name
Its super easy to sim swap and bypass the phone number authenticated 2 factor
All this is ignoring how easy it is to hijack a session token because retards will download and execute literally anything.

All this effort to make it so retards can't get their account jacked and yet its still so easy
Is there a list of changes to mechanics somewhere? I don't care to play it if it's just as shit at being an RPG as 4, but I heard they changed stuff.
The perks are all different, if that's what you mean. Gameplay wise, there's almost no ammo or guns in London. Speccing into melee would be a wise choice.
>there's almost no ammo or guns in London
Alright, I'll pass. Not saying it doesn't make sense, but I thought they'd work around that somehow.
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Another thing is that they ditched the FO4 conversation system and brought back the FNV dialogue system. This includes skill checks not being chance based.
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>Gameplay wise, there's almost no ammo or guns in London. Speccing into melee would be a wise choice.
for real? not a fan
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>Part of the fascist faction's main quest requires you to help their leader get her unrequited love (a pajeet) to love her back.

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