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get your fucking anti-invader gear ready then
Everytime I get killed by invaders I tighten my chastity cage and spank my balls to get rid of the anger. Fuck invaders.
Just play offline?
I’m finding that like 80% of players cannot deal with Light of Miquella at all it’s hilarious people just get deleted from existence
I feel so bad for the red women everyone hates them and they know everyone hates them.
If they had boyfriends I think they'd beat them when they cry.
But anon. That recording is from your PoV. You're the invader. You hate yourself?
Self loathing is all the reds understand it is their entire makeup.
Ashes of war were a mistake.
Elden Ring is already designed to punish invaders as much as possible.
>can only invade someone who already has a coop partner
>lose runes if you die during the invasion and if it's in an area you haven't been to yet, you can't get them back
Oh boy, the victimized invader entered the thread. There's always at least one of you, complaining about how "unfair" you have it.
Why are you crying so much over invaders when you have every advantage to beat them? Are you that bad?
Only someone who has never played the previous games would be stupid enough to even consider your argument valid. You say the same things in the same ways every thread. Aren't you sick of your own shtick already?
>no argument
Oh, gotcha.
fuck off with your invader etiquette garbage
You can't even be invaded unless you have a fucking butt buddy to gank them with.
That's the balance
I was just thinking about this the other day. They really haven't fixed the directional shit from way back in the... DS1 Force/WOG days?
When are they going to fix that nigger triple thorns spell god
No idea.
Any time I see someone pull out a staff I target them first.
Fuck that spell.
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>runs up to your general vicinity with this staff out
Oh wow I ponder what this absolute nigger is going to do.
It isn't fixed because it's not broken. The outer area does the funny directional thing while the inner hitbox always pulls towards the player. It's like that intentionally.
>every fucking grace is in one minute walk proximity
>dont lose anything
>given every possible opportunity and a squad of cheerleaders carrying your ass
>still complain
Maybe those games are just not for you.
that's all it takes for a bad red man to knock you off a ledge
>I'm finding it hilarious that 80% of people can't deal with a busted ash of war with near infinite hyper armor, true combos for 1k damage, and built in roll catches for more true combos for 1k+ damage
Woah dude. Yeah I'm shocked that 100% of the playerbase can't deal with swiftslash LOL! I mean what's the problem? They can't deal with an unreactable attack that has i-frames, deals high damage, applies rot/bleed/cold extremely fast, and has mix-up timings? Fucking loser idiots. No wonder I win 95% of my invasions against PVE bags of shit who can barely escape a plastic bag over their head.
>hate invaders
>play coop
How does invading works in Dark Souls 3 anyway?
Disregard my other posts, I jumped the gun. It's very clearly and obviously broken.
Do you even know what light of Miquella is
A fleshlight of unalloyed gold personally made by Miquella?
invaders are utter shit at this game
the small percentage that actually manage to kill even a single phantom are color by numbers metashitters
i like invaders cus i get to kill them hit the point downwards gesture
invaders are the illegal immigrants of souls games
the mound makers are those illegals that built your house in 2 business days who were drunk at work
Using the taunter's tongue to get solo "invasions" feels like the dumbest shit ever
How is it an invasion if I'm literally summoning the invader on purpose
Is the pvp / invasion scene active with that seamless co-op mod?
And we loved doing it! Nobody's safe!
Yeah tongue should raise phantom limit to 5 or 6 so you can get more invaders with 2 summons.

Real 2v2s in the world are the most fun pvp, 3v3 would be a blast. And if it only allows 3v2, host can sit out and duel winners.

3v2 more classic running with enemies would be great too
lots of people on here rave about it, they say it has instant invasions with great ping
I never really see it talked about, probably from all the shitposting in these threads. But thanks I'll give it a look.
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>hehe time to ruin someones da-NOOOOOOO NOOOOOO NOT THE TREE MOHG HELP ME
if your day is ruined by someone sending you back to a bonfire 15 inches away, maybe you deserve it?
Try invading in DaS3 sometime with 3 overlevelled phantoms all estus cancelling and then come back and cry about ER invasions being unfair.
losing in a video game is like being deadnamed irl for cooptroons
School shooters:
>attack people
>who have no desire to engage with them
>who have not planned nor equipped themselves to engage with them
>with the goal of killing them

>attack people
>who have no desire to engage with them
>who have not planned nor equipped themselves to engage with them
>with the goal of killing them

The only difference is who the target is.
How can you be upset about invaders?

You can easily avoid them entirely, and never have a single one.
As I said when Dark Souls launched the only type of invading that makes sense is players being able to control NPCs and Bosses or arenas. Player characters invading worlds makes no sense, will always be unbalanced and makes everyone angry. Just because you 'can' do a feature does not mean you should do a feature.
Is that how it works? I wondered why I never seem to get invaded even when playing online. I’m still mostly playing offline until I finish the dlc. The player messages spoil too much.
Can you control the direction you push people with that ability?
it should be a mix of both with intelligent design. spears of the church was awesome, the player character made a great boss fight. mirror knight is another great example of a player character boss fight. otherwise yeah minibosses should summon you as an add, you should control elite enemies within the level, etc
There is an item called Taunter's Tongue that lets you opt in for invasions without coop summons.
You're like the boomer bragging about having to walk 5 miles to school, except you're not even deriving your ego boost from physical exertion but a shit videogame
you should compare it to rape next
The Gankers deserves to suffer for not playing fair.
The invaders aren't there to defeat the host, they aren't even really there to pose a challenge; they are there simply to pose the illusion of resistance so the host and his buttbuddies don't feel like they are just curbstomping mobs over and over
I always thought it was similar to playing as the zombies in left for dead.
Reds are so disgusting they prepare their character for nothing other than killing other people and invade the worlds of people doing friendly coop PvE
They are literally like school shooters hunting down innocent children with guns if you really think about it
havent played elden ring yet, but multiplayer is a part of souls games. you’re supposed to summon help for bosses. you’re supposed to get ganked by niggas.
>Me: Have 20 min to spare, decide to do some invasions to farm some rune arcs.

>Shitter playing co-op: Instant triggered

I don´t get it , is the inconvenience of running back from the grace for 20 seconds so big that the co-op shitters have to piss themselves so hard?
How is dying to the invader even a thing? Can't you not even see him unless you have two password-summoned phantoms? Just kill him? I don't get it.
Zombies don't drop estus on defeat do they
Dark Souls 1 had it's own problems but invasions were done right back then.
Rather than go the forced phantom gank squad route, there should have been an improved indictment system where invaders with the largest bounties keep getting harassed by blue boys until their toll has been paid.

Bro I had invasions where I am running in the middle of them and they dont register that I am there, dudes playing with their brain shut off.
>Elden Ring is already designed to punish invaders as much as possible.
Call me when repeat invading slowly lowers your HP for being an evil player, delevels you if you die to the environment, and carries the risk of encountering 3x Scraping Spears and a massive repair bill like it did in Demon's Souls.
Rune loss can be annoying but invader risk is a joke in Elden Ring in comparison.
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The netcode in these games is not good enough to take it seriously as a PvP experience
The thrill of overcoming a gank squad and beating a 3v1 by yourself is unmatched in any game I’ve played. If you’ve never done it you wouldn’t understand. The coop scrub fears the invader chad, for good reason
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Invading isn't even fucking real in this game. They completely ruined it by making it so that you, quite literally, HAVE to get ganked instead of just being able to freely invade someone and mess with them like the older games. What's even the point? Part of the fun was seein gthe invasion sign and thinking "OH SHIT, I better prepare where could he be". Totally ruined.
Unfortunately true, which is a real shame because it IS fun on the rare occasion where it works and you get a good connection. Unfortunately, the games are plagued with Russians and third worlders with shit internet
Tell that to DS2 fags
its better in seamless
The power difference between invaders and hosts is too great in Elden Ring, even if you get into a 3v1 you usually have the advantage as the invader
If you ran into someone your level in Demon's Souls or Dark Souls 1 you could probably take them in a fight but that does not hold true for ER
If Elden Ring invasions worked like those older games it would be free wins for invaders 24/7
I've run into a few with a friend, those "oh shit" moments where we notice we can't rest or teleport are fun. We did run into one invincible hacker though which was pretty lame, hopefully that doesn't become common
Or you could like, you know, balance the game correctly
Besides having build and skill advantages over scrubs who need to summon, invaders can use NPCs and gravity.
>The power difference between invaders and hosts is too great in Elden Ring, even if you get into a 3v1 you usually have the advantage as the invader
What did he mean by this statement?
Between the rune arcs and the scaled password phantoms, where is the invader getting the advantage?
How weak do invaders feel in elden ring? Would you classify it similarly to how women feel when they get raped?
Is it an utter hopelessness?
>invaders mad that the host may have coop partners

You've got the whole map of enemies on your side, man.
>If you ran into someone your level in Demon's Souls or Dark Souls 1 you could probably take them in a fight
Fucking KEK, the lower level the invader in DeS/DS1, the more hyper-optimized they would be. All the honest invaders were high-levelled ones, lower level invaders were always decked the fuck out so hard that someone with a basic early game setup could barely damage them and die almost instantly.
JeeNiNe Media
Host has
>rune arc
>two phantoms
>spirit ashes sometimes
>twice as many flasks
Invader has
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>got more negative comments on my profile in 100 hours of Elden Ring pvp than 1000+ hours of CSGO competitive

What the hell is wrong with this community?
Your rage fuels me. I'm gonna go do some invasions right now thanks to this post. Cheers
>invades pvpers just having fun
ugh this is so cancer
>hard swaps to his 7th copy of a weapon for a different ash
these guys are such scrubs man
>pops cheated consumable
this game is so trash man
>runs away for 20 minutes just to roll catch a first time pvper to death
im going to make my own souls pvp game
what the hell are you talking about? in demons and dark souls, invaders could have +10 weapons while the host just emerged from the tutorial with a +0 weapon. dark souls 2 made "soul memory" a thing to try to combat this specifically. elden ring got it right by making your invasion bracket be restricted by soul level and upgrade level
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>dlc releases
>hosts are so desperate for summons that they instantly mash buttons on any summon sign
>put down invader sign in front of boss room
>get summoned instantly

this was so fucking fun. did it for hours
>Muh liurnia gankers are just wholesome 100 Keanu chungus PvEers
If you and your olp buddies actually lose 3v1 then you are just dogshit.
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i invade
i also yellow
and i also taunters tongue as host

pvp is fun, nothing else like it.
The most annoying thing about invasions is many hosts just won't do the level until you leave and you have less FP flasks so harassing them is just too annoying.
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>host runs away until blues show up
>dude invaders have it so fucking hard man
>use tounge
>hacker kils me instantly then crashes my game

Played since ds1 and invaders are still fags
skill issue, git gud, and filtered
>pops cheated consumable
Literally who cares? Oh no I gotta farm for a billion hours to get Arteria leaves lmao no
What do you even use those for, I have a million and the game keeps treating them as rare drops.
I did this in DS3. If I walk into Anor Londo or Farron and instantly get invaded by the covenant reds, I'm parking by the gate instead of marching blindly into an ambush that would also be harder to retrieve souls from if I lose. Don't like it? Leave my world.
Are red women STILL crying?
Exalted Flesh (+15% damage) and Uplifting Aromatic (+7.5% damage resistance)
Of course they are
>lol who cares about starlight shards and blessings of marika
hate it
The best consumable for invasion is Albinauric Pot. I never see people use them, yet when I use them it makes it very easy to break up groups.

I think it's because of how missable they are.
Why not bumrush to the boss? Invaders suck shit at chasing people down in my experience. Hell I'd crack the fingers at the foot of the grand archive and race them to the top for fun.
I throw them at invaders and they sever out or jump to their death. A wins a win I guess.
Because the fun of these games is exploring the area. Bumrushing to the boss is soulless. I will fight the invader, and I either win the right to move on and take my time having fun, or I die and lose nothing. Either way, I'm happy. My world my rules. Black crystal out of you don't like it.
Don't knock til you tried it. Its a lot of fun leaving the invader in the dust. You could have your cake and eat it too in the overworld parts by exploring and running around like a mad man.
It's easier than Llyods Talismin to obtain too. I feel like 89% of the player base just missed jumping into the tower in Liurnia, never knowing what the fuck Albinauric Bloodclots did.
The only thing I hate are faggot tryhards who use gay shit like pots and sleep arrows like holy fuck you spend hours farming that shit go touch grass
Sleep Arrow faggots are a marvel. They exist just to show you an annoying exploit that does nothing but waste your time.
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>spend hours farming that shit
Does he know?
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I spam swift slash on faggots like you with no remorse
Won't you get banned if anti cheat detects a modified file
They probably never checked what it does even if they have it. Throwing cum on a red woman and seeing her disappear in anger is peak kino.
for the last clip he had to flush twice.
>starting in offline mode
The anticheat doesn't flag stuff like that because there's no way for it to know you didn't just have a friend drop it for you which is scummy but legit
You only get banned for having cut content or key items you shouldn't have.
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*downloads coop mod*
heh...... nothin personell....
I will always consider invaders filthy scrubs because they have nothing to lose. Either take away the host's loss of progression, or give invaders something to lose.
they lose their runes on death. same as the host.
Sadly no one does this.
>invades your seamless coop buddy who doesn't know how to change the default settings
Taking it seriously IS taking it as a joke
You are open to invasion in every Souls game if you are co-oping, Dark Souls 3 is no different.
And to answer your question it's probably the most host friendly game in the series. Host gets extra health and there's very little limit on summoning a high level friend to cock ride through the game. Ganks are comically common, probably making up 95% of invasions in some level ranges at its worst, and they're way smarter than the tards that try to gank in ER.
On the flip side, you are always a viable invasion target if you're embered up and defeating a boss automatically embers you. If you absolutely wanted to avoid invasions, just kill yourself after every boss I guess.
>hate invaders
Don't play DaS2. That game will actually give you a good reason to hate invaders that isn't "I'm shit at games and the red man scares me" games. Easily the most invader friendly game with the numerous troll builds and invasions being opt-out instead of opt-in (and you have to burn valuable resources to get a temporary invasion protection in a single area)
any death will result in a direct hit to my ego
It's actually more obnoxious to get your runes back as the invader since they're laying around god knows where and you'll probably have to warp to them. Hosts just pick them up on the way. It's why most people don't invade while progressing in the game, they usually invade when they're parked at a level they want to be at.
Luckily no one really uses that mod.
invaders would invade to progress their covenants. by killing a host, they got a covenant reputation item. killing them denied them of that
Covenants not being in ER is just another reason why multiplayer in it feels so pointless
now imagine a party of 3 dying to a single player.
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>beaning people with dark bead in iron keep's post-smelter area
It was a conscious decision to get some of the red women to leave
you can't tighten a chastity cage liar
>remember that time in high school...
Yet another way in which ER is the worst souls game.
God I miss das2 pvp, before they vacuumed every ounce of fun out of the pvp.
>remember that time in high school...
>PvP is just poiseblobs trading anime weapon arts
>can't even escape it in low level invasions because of password phantoms
completely unsalvageable
It’s get repeated cause you have zero rebuttal.
I was working by the time das2 came out you autist.
I hate redchuds
Just embrace the Japanese humor of ER's PVP and throw Hefty Lightning pots at people in Stormveil and Liurnia.
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>not getting it
>opened inventory
didnt beat the host
>That kid that would quickstep his way to school
>That kid that went to school in full Havels every day
>That kid that got expelled for doing the weapon art swap glitch during PE
>That kid who iframed through the crowds because he was late to class
>That kid who got sent to the principal's office for using wild strikes in dodgeball
>That kid who was arrested for bringing shabriri grapes for lunch
Fuck off to one of the thousands of games with a standard co-op experience then and let us enjoy one of the maybe 10 games that blend PvE and PvP, six of which are made by the same company
same kek
never used rune arcs because of it
>color by numbers metashitters

>or I die and lose nothing. Either way, I'm happy
You are the pussy who takes his ball and goes home when he starts losing the game.
You are the kid who turns off the console when he's getting rekt in Tekken.
>Ignore piss phantoms
>Kill host and emote as it disconnects
>Invade again and get the same person, desperately trying to summon the third cooperator before I kill him again
I love rune arc collecting. I love the seethe I read in these threads even more.
Seething and coping won't help. If you want to fight, it's in the place and time of my choosing.
why doesn't taunters tongue give rune arcs?
>Still haven't fixed dead-angling.
Bravo Miyazaki-sensei.
how do i git gud at lagstabbing bros?
I don't care for From's PVP. There's nothing for me to cope and seethe over. I'm just pointing out that you're a fag. Respectfully.
>invaders abusing the one trick pony after invading in the one area it is bullshit in
this is why we play seamless co-op
Didn't ask, don't care
there's a way to get underneath the big plinth in the specimen warehouse
it has no been patched yet
no i'm not telling you fags how to do it
i love sitting there with the taunters tongue active and having invaders join and waste 5+ minutes looking for me
i also chuck a bunch of prism stones around so they know my general area too
your miserable experience just got a lot worse
especially good when a blue joins and kills them after five minutes
I think weapon arts are cancer, having a unique move set on your weapon or a cool r2 was enough. Invaders are boring shitters using YouTube builds.
>I have a brandished knight halberd with flaming strike
How many times have you seen this?
>elden slop
I use a Great Katana with Flaming Strike now.
>Forced to fight a single guy with my two friends
>Still lose
Yeah I think it's a skill issue. I guarantee you 90% of invaders are not able to fight back against ganks worth a shit. If you're losing you're just bad.
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You sound like you're mad though.
Nothing will bridge the gap between a player with a pvp mindset/loadout and those without. It's like a professional boxer jumping a couple of drunks on their way home from the bar and thinking he's at a disadvantage because there are two of them.
Invader has mobs and PVP build.
gotta get my rune arcs some how
my only real problem with invaders are the early game twinks and the ones who have such a chip on their shoulder and seethe and gloat endlessly. yes, invading puts you at a massive disadvantage, we get it, it's seriously not that big of a deal because souls pvp is a joke, just roll with the punches and have fun with it
probably solved.



yup from is apparently blind to the rampant cheating so status bows is the most busted setup outside of chainsaw
Kek I didn't know that was what the meta was right now
They'll nerf the status build up hopefully
>yup from is apparently blind to the rampant cheating so status bows is the most busted setup outside of chainsaw

Arcane dex dual curved sword is the most OP shit Ive ever seen too, From is retarded at balancing
Honestly one of my favorite feelings is when I kill both of their phantoms and they just RUN. I once turned the tables on someone farming invaders in Limgrave with Taunters tongue and two password phantoms and he ran so far he fell off a ledge and died.

I just don't get it. I'm not that scary dude. Stand and fight. Retreating to buff or get in a better position? Sure. Running so far shitting and pissing yourself in fear of me that you don't even see a cliff that you run off of? Maybe Souls isn't for you...

ER's netcode is by far, BY FAR the worst of all soulsborne games. I have no idea how they achieved this. It's kind of impressive how utterly abysmal it is.
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>Invader has mobs
You mean the same mobs that has a 50/50 chance of being able to hit the invader? and if not then they're completely useless that die in one blender?
remastered darksouls1 fixed it
>elden ring got it right by making your invasion bracket be restricted by soul level and upgrade level
Elden ring? This system is copypasted from ds3
dark souls got boring to me after the fifth game
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Invaders are doing a public service by vig checking co-op players.
So I can start a new file on PC, go offline and drop a DLC weapon, then go online to help people/invade others? I'll actually buy the game on steam if this is true
>Bleed has been retarded for the entire life cycle of ER

The inevitable sleep nerf makes me a little sad though because it's literally the only good way to build sleep now. Sleep Grease was nerfed into the ground and both sleep swords are mediocre trash. It's not like sleep is even particularly good in pve.
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he’s just posting the latest youtube fotm
how are the new radahn weapons?
why'd it get nerfed? i don't play online wouldn't it always be shit? and don't they do pvp exclusive nerfs too?
Yup. I've used cheat engine to give myself weapons, spells, talismans, armor, cracked pots and perfume bottles, and even activating graces that I shouldn't have access to yet. It's a good idea to back up your save just in case but generally the only things that get you banned are having cut items and maybe having impossible key items. I'd just be careful about opening the DLC early, I don't think they look for that but given it's paid content who knows for sure.
And obviously don't use cheat engine while online.
I miss Dark Souls.
I liked the slower paced sword and sorcery combat and settings.
Elden Ring just doesn't scratch that itch in any way.
>why'd it get nerfed?
Sleep grease was only really good on the small number of arcane scaling weapons that could take buffs, and From nerfed the arcane scaling for sleep greases hard right before the DLC dropped.
>I have no enemies
>Dying to a 1300 hit
I will never understand these people. Even 50 Vig would have let you live.
i played the dlc before the nerfs and pulled out swift slash every time an invader showed up

obliterated every single one of them and i don’t even know the first thing about how to pvp KEK

shame it got nerfed but i heard that sleep crossbow and smithscript shield are both fine options for deleting invaders
What do japs mean with those stupid oversized swords?
In the Souls games, 1300 damage would've been completely bananas.
Why is there so much damage bloat in Elden Ring?
They provide enough distraction, a whole stage worth, and depending on the level can beat the host alone..
>High number bad!
It's just different scaling. Proportionally it's probably about the same.
>named after the tranny in yugioh
I don't think it is.
I noticed a pretty stark difference in how much investment i had to put into VIG in Elden Ring compared to the Souls trilogy.
Maybe FROM expects you to be way, way higher level in ER than in Souls games.
There are so fucking many things in Elden Ring that just kill you in one hit.
based invaderchad absolutely dabbing on your ass with his 20 damage halberd
Yeah, Canada's rough right now, but don't worry people are waking up!
Probably, considering there's enough runes to get you way past 150 and you'd get maybe to 100 in the old games?
The stat scaling in ER is fucky period. Vig soft caps at 40/60 now and all damage oriented get good scaling up to 80 (and god forbid you don't go for the 30 softcap for End). It's all kinds of fucked, that plus the DLC's difficulty spike pushed meta level up to 150.
>care about PvP
>with shitty netcode
Also keep in mind that all the absurd damage you see right now in PvP is after the patch that reduced PvP damage by like 30% across the board.
Either way, it makes the PVP feel stupid.
Souls PVP has always had layers of stupid, but it's always been a fun stupid that was endearing to me.
Now it's just regular stupid. Shit's just exploding all over the place and half of the weapons do some kind of thousand blade slash dance and everyone's a wizard even if they're not, and literally everything either does a tickle of damage or kills you in one hit.
Maybe I'm just an old man, but I kind of miss two dudes with swords pacing around each other waiting for the other to make a misstep. It was fun, it reminded me of when I used to fence.
You also have to take into account that theres no real true combos in ER. With DS3, the damage is pretty comparable if you take into account the combos. Does that excuse it? No, the lack of combos makes the game feel worse anyways but its pretty much the reason why things are the way they are.
Most mobs die nearly instantly and theres a limited amount of strong mobs in each area. Some areas dont even have strong mobs because the host is hanging out in an area with weak mobs. Its less of an issue in later game/DLC areas but even then, a lot of places have like 1 or 2 mobs that can handle 1 host and 2 overleveled faggots swinging into it all at once for longer than a few seconds. Also remember that most of these mobs can hit you so if you try to use them as help, a lot of the time they can assist in your death. Mobs arent your friend as an invader.
>usually I'm an invader
>summon a player for once
>It's at a minor erdtree, has a boss, tons of extra mobs, and one of those mausoleums
>immediately get invaded
>fighting the mobs and red man
>red man runs away once his status bar gets too full, hides behind the boss
>we fight the boss and red man at the same time
>we win
kino, I think it was 3 twinks fighting essentially, the guy I summoned had some DLC armor and I was only level 45
That's funny af
kek this gives me DaS3 flashbacks to the friede bridge
>>lose runes if you die during the invasion and if it's in an area you haven't been to yet, you can't get them back
as if an invader hasnt completed the game and collected everything they need and just leveled up enough for a certain level bracket and even gives a shit about runes
How do you know that
>played DS3 for the first time as my first souls game
>wasnt aware of all the game mechanics, was embered for the HP boost
>busy grinding souls until suddenly invaded by two faggots
>they chase me and I keep running in circles as they chase me for what felt like 10 minutes straight, cartoonishly
>get bored, stop and let them kill me
Me and some randoms doing co-op raped a red faggot a few hours ago that tried to meme us with this shit. Every red nigger is basically content farming for their heckin epic chungus pvp youtube channels. Kill yourselves, useless fags. If not a meme nigger, it's some retard running around using meta shit and pretending he's playing a fighting game. More often than not it ends in failure because everyone stops engaging and just go to the boss while ignoring his faggot ass existence. Reds went from underdogs to content farming queers. You're all fags and pvp has always been shit in these games, only made popular by said pvp red niggers farming for clips.
>played DS3 for the first time as my first souls game
We know Ryoma
Invasion was brilliant in Demon's Souls for the simple reason that there were stakes beyond ruining someone's day.

In DeS, if you didn't have your body, you were gimped significantly by a reduced health bar and inability to summon. All runs to a boss were made to be lengthy and challenging so a bigger health bar was going to be important if you wanted to beat the area.

Add to that the two crucial bits:
- Items or opportunities to get your body back were limited
- If you invade and kill a host, you steal their body

An invasion was a big deal and since upgrading your gear was a shitshow in DeS, you didn't really get a problem with anyone manipulating the opportunity to come after unprepared enemies. It fucking ruled and the main motive for invading was actually something the host could have sympathy for.

The series has moved away from that golden system and became a pure griefer mode.
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Every time I get invaded in these stupid games, I'm one step closer to placing that order for a scissor.
it's from more than two years ago
seems like they failed to understand the gravity of the situation.



Calm down, shitter.
why are """"pvp"""" players in souls game retarded morons ?

they seethe, cry and shit themselves over mods like seamless cooperation that remove pvp and allow you to safely play pve without getting invaded, yet will never give you a single decent reply when you tell them that they can fuck off to the Arena's to do as much pvp as they want

like seriously

>be pvp red man
>have to wait half an hour to invade someone who isn't aware of the seamless co op mod
>1/2 chance he disconnects upon getting invaded or if luck is bad you'll face a trainer nigger who will brick your save file
>fromsoftware makes an arena just for you and your other pvp fren
>nah thanks

wtf ? is it a skill issue ?
Why does someone taking you out of your power fantasy make you seethe so hard?
I just want more tryhardfags like you to play arena so that I can shit on them

instead you homofags would rather invade clueless pve morons to powertrip
Host then, retard. Duels are gay, summon some randoms and gank invaders if you want to fight "tryhards"
Elden Ring isn't DS3
There's shit like moonveil and all the various sorceries to easily frame trap people, I have literally never died to an invader while playing coop. Invading sucks in Elden Ring.
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based rapevaders
Invasions in ER are flawed because there's no incentive or reason to do them other than you wanting to do so, but that also means that 90% of these players will be assholes comapred to the 10% who ivnade for fun.
I love invasions and ivnading, when I bought the game I made a lvl 40 copy of my save in limgrave to get invaded and do it myself, but I stopped soon after realising how horrible the scene was. Literally almsot every invader was using Rot breath, RoB pre-nerf and the golden spears AoW, 3 skills that amateurs couldn't have but specially, couldn't play around in such big, empty fields.
When invading, most of the time a gank squad was waiting for me too.

It became assholes against assholes complaining they could only fight against assholes.
Bring covenants back and make them better, DS3 fight clubs were fun, they were just really dumb balanced and felt pointless.
Agreed it's just faggots with bull goats and white mask, whether you're TT or invading. It's even worse after the DLC
Freebuild RPGs cannot be balanced properly because you cannot have each front be equal in terms of power without homogenizing them. Either you accept some are gonna be outstanding and fuck the balance or you drop the balance for one side of PVP or PVE as most MMORPGs do.

It is naive to think you can have a spellcaster with magic mechanics next to a guy jsut bonking with a big hammer and expect them to be balanced with number tweaking, because the unbalance will happen due player skill.
I mean they could still give the bonk guys some sort of counter. The best anti-mage abilities have high int requirements, the Erdtree shield is locked to STR/FAI builds, and carian retaliation just isn't that good for dealing with projectile spam.
Big words from the guy who saw kids playing ball, jumped in the middle of them and then acts like a victim when kids don't want to play with them.
His world, his rule,s you're ltierally an "invader", an outsider that shouldn't be here. You're the one without rights to complain.
>an outsider that shouldn't be here
ummm last time I checked it was a deliberate mechanic
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lots of people do, and that's jsut through the Nexuslink mod.

That won't happen since those playing with default settings are the ones willing to get invaded. To play with friends you gotta use a custom password or else you won't find them.
>Invasions in ER are flawed because there's no incentive or reason to do them other than you wanting to do so, but that also means that 90% of these players will be assholes comapred to the 10% who ivnade for fun.
This sentence does not follow logically
Do you think if there was a reason to do them the quality of the invader would go up? Because that wasn't the case in any game with covenant rewards
yes, a deliberate mechanic where you act as an outsider to someone else's world, to the point it's even baked into the lore where ivnaders are evil and a problem.

You're the ones going into anon's world to kill them. If they decide not to advance to not run into the ambush, that's a valid strat. He's waiting there for you to come and fight. Why are you such a pussy that you gotta hide behind a wall to ambush them with your special build?
Invaders are the counter mechanic for you crutching on phantoms to play the game for you. The lore excuse for that doesnt matter.
It won't turn the assholes into not assholes, but it would improve the pool of players by adding non-assholes to the pool. Covenants were shit, but they had rewards which incentivize players that would usually not aprtake in the PVP to play in order to get those achivements or rewards. People who would only coop from time to time or never even dare to PVP would play for a while tog et those items, regardless of how shit they are. With better rewards or other side systems to encourage mroe covenant play, mroe of these actual players would come.
Without them, as stated, the only ones who go into PVP or specially invasions are those chasing the high of winning/stomping and a very very small, handful of players who enjoy the roleplaying natrue of invasions. That without that carrot on a stick, the ones that will want to play unfair PVP are those who desire unfair PVP.

>Invaders are the counter mechanic for you crutching on phantoms to play the game for you.
Given that Miyazaki and FROM have given the ok to Seamless and how invasions worked in odler souls, it's clear this is not the case at all.
>and how invasions worked in odler souls, it's clear this is not the case at all.
>cant get invaded unless embered
>cant summon unless embered.
Either way, we're talking about ER, stop moving the goalpost.
Seamless allows invasions now, you cannot escape the scary red man. You wanna summon some overleveled boyfriends to beat the game for you? They're also going to have to kill the invaders for you. Don't like it? Stop playing. It's part of the game and will always be part of the game. In fact, the only thing ER does wrong is limit invasions to exclusively ganks. It should work like DS3 where equipping a Great Rune opens up the online.
>It won't turn the assholes into not assholes, but it would improve the pool of players by adding non-assholes to the pool.
Are you thinking of area invaders like watchdogs/aldrich invaders? Those guys werent assholes because half the time they were retarded that forgot they joined a cov.
>Seamless allows invasions now
If this is true, I'm reinstalling to invade.
I was invading yesterday and somehow I got in the boss arena after using a teleport finger to get closer to the host.
It was against that magecuck boss with the moons.
Was hilarious to just stab the fucking host three times as his 2 ghosts were getting btfo by the boss.
>invading in DaS3 sometime with 3 overlevelled phantoms
DS3 was unironically the best for invasion.
Yeah there's 2 phantoms + host and maybe a blue, who cares?
You prepare your gank before they reach you and set your perfect ambush to kill a ghost or the host. If you're at a disadvantage you can run toward mobs, they're gonna be forced to deal with them because the game is linear and not an open world where they can do what they want.
You dictate the pace when you invade in DS3, not the host. In Elden Ring it's the opposite.
Why are you crying that for the first time invaders are the ones who have the disadvantage? You had Demons souls, Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, Bloodborne, and Dark souls 3 to shit all over people with your PVP-meta builds, and now that they have changed the matchmaking to make you invade people who already have a summon, and the invaders CANNOT STOP WHINING about it

you had a decade of shitting on people, then you act like the biggest bitch imaginable when the tables are finally turned on you, stop acting like such an entitled baby and find another way to have fun that doesn't involve taking fun away from someone else
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>invaders had the advantage
>Invaders had the advantage in BB when you were forced to invade tanks where the host could password summon downscaled phantoms with roided-up blood gems and everybody had gun parries and faster healing than any estus
>red women still crying
>power fantasy tranny still seething
Thats wild troondawg
I'll keep invading and theres nothing you can do to stop me.
pvp is opt-in for seamless lol. also beware that seamless doesn’t have anticheat, not saying you can’t cheat in vanilla but it’s way more prevalent in seamless
Lmao I play the knight in shining armor for my wife when we coop since I’m like lvl 200 and she’s scared of invaders.
That's nuts troondawg
I can smell your axewound from here.
That's awesome troondawg
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>and waste 5+ minutes looking for me
nigger is so deep in the seething hole that he doesn't realize that it's also his own time he's wasting
Hes wasting red women time by the sounds of it
Swift slash benefited pvers more and should have been left unnerfed.
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You can do whatever you want, but every tryhard invader who points down/tbags/throws dung, I assume is a 15 year old bullied kid. Taking out his frustration on hosts while living out his edgelord fantasies in a video game.

I love invading, I love being invaded, and I love coop. But sometimes you run into shit like this. It's just life.
Based invader.
nothing based about twinking anon
twink? he’s literally glitching with chainsaw
Cry harder, phantoms themselves are worse than twinks.
>invaders are utter shit at this game
hostfaggots and their nigger phantoms are all gods though, right? thats why they summon L2 spamming retards to help them beat the PvE in fuckin elden ring.
I can count on one hand the amount of times I've invaded and there was only one phantom.
It's always 2.
Most of the time they're just sitting and waiting in gank formation.
That's my experience any way.
Anon, where's the collage of Jeremy Eric, the Trollful One? I want to see him say "forgive me, anoneth..." When he dies
What about phantoms scare you?
Usually yeah.
It's treason then.
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>Starscourge GS is still just as bullshit for invasions but they also added two new versions that are also very strong if you're an invader because one of them literally gives you promised consort's most bullshit combo
Which one you want?
I'm fine with invaders and this method, its clever, the ones who mod their health to unrealistic levels are the only ones I can't stand.
>scare you
>cry about twinking
>summon two faggots that are over leveled and have all the "OP" shit twinks do.
>somehow one is ok and the other isnt
Why are you scared to just play the game?
The PvP aspect of the game is so badly done that you are forced to play meta as an invader to close the power gap.
Passive poise was the fucking retarded decision you actually hate.
The only way to gain poise is to wear heavy armor, so now EVERYONE wears Scale or Beasts or Radahn or Fatman
Sleep + thiollier's needle is brutal
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>he cries about twinking while posting a webm of a cold infused weapon with lion's claw and discs of light and at least ten +9 flask, in stormveil
The fuck face was glitching but there's literally nothing wrong with twinking in ER when literally everyone is doing it
What are you crying about?
An anon said they were making a new one. I've seen some old ones already.
because you have to. if you have no broken shit to spam, you're worthless
Yes, it's active. I found it was tricky to get it working.
I had to get seamless coop launched through ModEngine2 instead of the exe the mod comes with in order to get connections to other people
How do I constantly get summoned as a hunter so I can punish all the reds? It just happens randomly for me once an hour but I want it to constantly happen.
Anons shitting on that vatnik mind broke him lol
Invading is fun
Being invaded is fun
Just don't be a ganker in killrooms, these are actual human wastes
hostfags deserve whatever they get. if youve ever invaded, youd understand.
True, but the invader has the entire area full of npc enemies to counter gank with.
3 for me, always
And then they are too scared to engage even though they have the upper hand.
Faggot post
It's not the netcode, it's easy anticheat
Its 4 in my games. I'm afraid of 2 phantoms and they bring 4. It's so mean.
Thats the Meteorite staff, not optimal for the thorns, so Azur Meteor maybe.
nah hosts suck dick but as a coop phantom i absolutely decimate most invaders
90% are running some gimmick one shot build that they try to spam at the first sight of host or phantoms and panic when you dont die immediately and damage them
then the metashitters with dual spears with bloodhound step somehow struggle to take out even a single phantom when there is literally no way counter anything they do
idk why people are so upset over ashes of war when r1 and rolling is what actually will win most pvp scenarios
I like invading with dumb builds but gankniggers get the chainsaw
This, if you get rid of core 0 of EAC, you pretty much instantly get 10FPS.
Nah, that's some anon spamming about Jeremy Eric. I want to see the collage of Jeremy Eric's mental illness.
You obviously don't do invasions and it also appears that they assblast you.
Invaders twink their low level characters because whenever they tried to do invasions at that level legitimately, they found that every soul level 30 dipshit had a SL 150+ butt buddy ass fucking them through the game.
It was necessary and it's all your fault.
>nah hosts suck dick but as a coop phantom i absolutely decimate most invaders
you want a medal you fuckin retard? you want a trophy for 3v1ing invaders? stupid fucking bitch. kill yourself.
Whoops, see >>683793147
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Seamless invasions are so much chiller than normal it's unreal
The only occasional annoyance is chasing some coopers on horses but it's also unique as fuck if you have ranged options like rabbath's cannon, feels like some wild west game.
Make a bg3 thread and dragonirian will show up. He got gunshy posting his seamless threads recently.
lmao upset color by numbers metashitter spotted
like i said, the hosts suck dick, you are essentially only dealing with a phantom that is more than likely optimized w/e hes carrying to fight bosses, not actual pvp
and its the metashitters that run away and only engage if they manage to bait the host to aggroing some field boss or actually strong enemy, even then somehow its rare theyll get anything done
git gud
>Seamless matchmakes the invader by whoever's got the highest level in the whole party, not just the host, so if a RL15 host summons two downscaled RL400 phantoms the redman will also be RL400 and kick his ass in one hit
Why doesn't the base game work this way? It solves so many problems
>Summons SL 300 BBC nigger to carry him
>These invaders are raping me!
>Help me nigger-san
This is you
this is why i just chainsaw coop shitters. learn to play the game correctly (solo) or dont play at all.
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anons are missing something here with invasions which is that ER is a very popular game and the playerbase isn't the same as the one from ds 1 days, even ds3. you have tens of thousands of shitters who've never played a souls game before and don't know how invasions were like, so the etiquette died. also invasions just aren't fun outside legacy dungeons or open world bosses and it's completely pointless to do it there, you're not blocking anyone's progression because there's no stake in getting to one point of the open world to the other.
that being said i'm not invading in ER that shit sucks ass
>can swing through his retarded teammates
>wonders why the invader doesnt want to fight you 3v1
Good to see you're an example of a typical low IQ phantom.
That's part of why invaders cry so much. They used to be fighting fellow nerds, now they get ganked by normies they think they are better than.
It results in a lot of hurt egos.
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>invader gets rune arc and full estus
>host cannot resummon anyone until the invader dies, his phantoms go into spectator mode (should be cool as fuck with chill friends cheering up on you)
>everyone gets horses which is a net negative or positive depending on the location
>AMAZING latency, can play with chinese and australians like if they were normal vanilla ER players
>invader visits the highest level phantom to solve the downscaling
>can invade literally anywhere, got an inverted study hall another day and it was incredible
Seriously, this is a gigantic net positive for the game. Probably going to become even more popular as the game ages because a lot of people will want a better coop experience.
>Runs behind 300 BBC NPC elite knights and monsters
>these co-opers are raping me!
>help me NPC san!
That is you
>>wonders why the invader doesnt want to fight you 3v1
I don't wonder I get cowardice.
cus u suck?
yea i never really entertained any other ideas frankly
>hide behind death bird to fight host and summon
>manage to split them up while both are taking damage from the boss and are distracted
>manage to lose
heh... nothing personnell low iq retar.d....
i mean there isn't any fun in getting ganked by three guys that wear what a yt vid tells them to
You're the type of faggot that doesnt push a single invader until all 3 of you are together, arent you?
I getcha crybabby I'd be afraid too. You have all that esoteric pvp knowledge and 3 zoomers winging it beat you I'd get PTSD too.
You are wearing what YT tells you for invasions, and hiding behind what YT tells you to hide behind
I wear a host mirror and attack the red woman first so the host doesnt have to worry about.
if everyone did that then youd cry about no one to invade. invaders really are like that kid your mom forced you to play with even though no one wanted to because he was a little asshole
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i just said i don't invade in this game, goldfish memory ass retards
Your concession is accepted.
We know. You got bullied into not engaging with the pvp anymore.
You talk like a retard, idk what showing your troon character does for your case.
>Maybe FROM expects you to be way, way higher level in ER than in Souls games.
Obviously, on my playthrough BEFORE the DLC when I cleared the whole game I was 210+ by the end. I did use that extra EXP talisman and chicken feet on big bosses for a while, but in any case the game is far larger and longer than any Dark Souls so you will end up much higher level.
>outsourced pajeets do a better job than From at programming their own game
holy shit

how the hell did the fans cope with this?
Sure, I believe you are crying for no reason
>have 4x as many total flasks as the invader
>2/3 of you are massively overleveled
>can just fogwall to escape invasion

>all 3 of you STILL get solo'd by 1 guy with the funny serpent hunter glitch despite have literally 100s of advantages

lmfao do co-op niggers really?? no wonder they need to coop to beat the game
Doesn't work that way, if you want to play with friends you all need to set the same password so you need to edit the config file anyway, so any such player can easily turn off invasions if he doesn't want them.
It's fine if you are upset sister.
>that panic rolling
git gud
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That's not accurate.
The game is designed to include invasions.
To make an accurate analogy, it would be like playing a game of soccer or basketball and you get mad when someone checks you and takes the ball away and you cry about it.
That's what is happening here.
You are crying because someone took your ball in a game where the opponents can take your ball.
You look like a pussy faggot.
Children cry less than you.
Light of Miquella is such a bullshit attack during his bossfight
>Radahn finishes up his combo
>Hit him
>Miquella starts casting his spell right when I begin the swing
>:^) unavoidable damage
Fuck you Miyazaki, suck my dick
Cant really be upset about a phantom that would never have a chance to kill anyone with actual time in PVP.
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>runs around in circles for 5 minutes trying to poke the host with his cancer triple status effect bullshit build he found off jewtube
>still somehow gets caught and takes a hit from someone with some random hacked together pve build who's never pvped in his entire life
>immediately turns tail and sprints 20 meters away to hide in a group of 15 mobs
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Better than (you)
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>we know
no you don't otherwise you wouldn't have made that stupid post
You are so yeah.
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It works the same way during invasions. Amazing tool for an invader. If you know you can take the trade, you can literally annihilate the entire group at once.
It's not opt-in, it's opt-out.
Why do red women start crying like this all the time? Is their life just seethe constantly?
Its opt in since you have to download a mod less than 1% of the playerbase uses.
>max level
Why is there so much more seethe from hosts getting killed by invaders here on /v/ than in the earlier games? Is a +10 mimic tear REALLY not enough for you?
>Its opt in since you have to download a mod less than 1% of the playerbase uses.
It's pretty based that they tricked invaders into filtering into that less than 1% instead of playing the real game.
The player one is super easy to roll/escape, the damage on it is dogshit too.
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It's just level 200, the most popular invasion bracket right now.
I'd actually say the seethe about invaders on /v/ is higher than on a fucking reddit which has several chill invasion subs. Some old /dsg/ and /bbg/ folks even post there sometimes because the actual vg threads went to absolute garbage.
I don't get it
Why can you attack your fellow invader bros?
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Not that guy, but I don't care about medals or being fair(Use enemy NPCs, midwits), I just want to make an invader mad when I proceed to teabag them while they lay there on the ground like a whore.
150 is extremely active, 200 seems a bit excessive but if you're shitting on PVE fags then all is good.
It fractured what's left of the reds so they arent an issue for anyone now.
150 is a tauntie nigger galore and duelfaggot central
I love invaders, just not the crybabies
Im all for shitting on ganks so taunter niggers are my goal.
why do zoomers talks in a way that makes the entire internet dislike them
Because the ruleset is retarded. On this character i killed several coinvaders by accident, which is why i rapidly snap my targeting in this webm, it became a reflex if it picks the wrong target at the worst moment.
We wouldnt have years of coping threads if invaders won or felt high self esteem in general.
>cuts just as he's about to get BTFO'd
>meta ash
>meta spells
>panic summon at the ready
>VIT out the ass
>light of miquella
Is this shit supposed to be impressive or something? Might as well post yourself "pwning" bosses with the bloodfiend arm.
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What are you even babbling about at this point, retarded maggot?
the invasion ended. are you retarded?
>can't aim for shit
>has to rely on AoE spam
and you call others maggots?
Post your webms
>waah im a huge fag who cries and shits his pants!
>i dont know how to make coherent builds because im a big fat fuckin retard!
>take it easy on me and my 2 other phantoms! we're literally like retarded little kids!
you should kill yourself unironically
Not a lonely loser that records their lonely life, sorry.
>>waah im a huge fag who cries and shits his pants!
Thanks for letting us know!
>Invincible to all the enemies around the map
>Man I'm so good at pvp...
id like to see you try and do invasions
That's a really gay name, I find it hard to believe that someone refers to themselves by that
>Not a lonely loser that records their lonely life, sorry.
arguing on a /v/ thread puts you in the same category
Sorry that happened to you
I tried, but I don't buy half-finished trash, so I've never played a Souls game online.
So a pussy that can only talk big, got it
>he doesnt know that most AI that doesnt die in 1 hit can actually still hit invaders
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I also buff them with aromatics
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>crying about the pve
>when theres literally 3 of you
oh my fucking god
>hit them several times
>murdered the host
Waiting for your footage
Arguing? This is a humiliation ritual so reds commit suicide
I approve, I'm just roasting the crybaby
>every non 1 hit enemy is a dragon...
If i could find an invader's location I'd unironically travel to their house, tie them up, and slowly torture and murder them over the course of days
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>light of miquella
>as if its good
NTA but heres some not meta style of gameplay.
They do that to themselves already you dont need to do anything. So many invaders hang themselves to end it it isnt funny.
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Don't you people ever get tired of arguing about this game?
It's funny how everyone here is crying about "unfairness".
Just fight in the colosseum if you want fair fights
>he thinks only dragons hit invaders
literal retard.
Nope, I just cannot bring myself to wear scale armor, or divine beast or whatever it is. Or goats or fatman. Hate them all. So I never wear them.
It's ugly.
I lose in PvP a lot.
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they really need to disable hotswaps in combat. It totally defeats the purpose of endurance and carry weight and weapon slots
I haven't played ER. Have they really not figured out how to do proper hit feedback after 10+ years? That tornado thing doesn't even look like it's hitting the player. There's no indication whatsoever. What the fuck is From doing?
Right the whole point of invasions is that it's not fair. You're literally being harassed by some fag who is actively trying to fuck you over. which is why invaders who cry about muh unfairness because invasions only target groups unless the taunt item was used are soft little faggots
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I hate the fact that they added a radar blip to show the location of the host in Elden Ring. The one thing I always did with invaders in Dark Souls 3 was disguise myself as part of the scenery and watch them run around the level not finding anyone for ten minutes while I was getting lunch. And now I can't do that anymore. The game doesn't let me inflict real-life damage on people by taking them several minutes closer to their own deaths trying to do something that I designed to fail. Fuck the radar. I want to waste people's time and make them look like morons.
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Lol no.
Why don't you cut your wrists if you're so upset
Every time you and only you start crying about it in /erg/ you eat a mouth full of dicks and fuck off again. Are you not tired yet?
Invaders are school shooters without the confidence. Everything is unfair to them then they snap one day.
There's a matter of degree.
Invaders having enemy npc allies is fun unfairness.
Invaders being able to one-shot the host is unfun unfairness.
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>It's the tranny
Here's a red woman to make you seethe all over again
Because that's the invaders' job. My job is to do nothing and like it.
It's the first time I've ever said it. At least I supplied an argument.
Looks like anons threadwife found him again. So creepy how often that dude gets stalked by incels.
Why would anyone do that? Is it some kind of Discord thing?
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If you're talking about the blue, i think thats more latency than anything.
It's some troon that hates how cute his tarnished is. She will reply to his post for the rest of the thread saying catty bitchmade comments.
She's been at it for like 3 weeks already.
so dumb
Troons getting bullied a lot here. I try to use the pronouns they like so they don't crack and shoot up a school over my posts.
It's adorable how you panic at the end.
Playing with tongue on is unironically fun, but at higher levels I get completely pancaked with my trash dragon communion build, how do I into better pvp
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What are you talking about?
Stormblade will kill all invaders go grab it.
I agree, maybe not disable it entirely but at least introduce a long animation lock when hotswapping so it isn't straight up better than regular swapping.
About how you scramble into the menu because you're afraid that you'll be too late and the host won't see your epic gesture. I saw my 13 yo cousin doing the exact same thing.
You too champ
The fact you have to have summoned another player to be invaded is the gayest god damn shit I have ever heard of. I miss the dread of crawling through a level unsure of what's around the next corner and then being alerted that DICKASS FAGGOT has invaded you to fuck your shit up.
This is just pathetic. Why are you posting this shit?
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>Heh, fucking invcel how dare you invade my world I'm gonna write an essay about your psychology on reddit when me and my boyfriends are done teabagging your corp-
You sound mad.
>use AI
That's a great idea. The way it works today is a failure of design. I think your solution is perfect.
I'm not the one who panicked lol
They cried enough to get the seed nerfed to uselessness so they can hide behind enemies anytime they stub their toes.
no idea what you're on about
This right here is precisely why we reds do what we do.
This is it.
This is the reason. It's all for this.
Thanks for the post.
You will never be a woman.
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Why did this troon start breaking down like this?
>500 per throwable
holy shit, why even use spells at that point.
>We, the heckin red club
God you sound fucking gay
Getting rid of it? No.
Adding a 0.5 or 1 second animation when you swap? Absolutely genius.
Don't listen to this guy.
I only invade to give people good happy experiences.
My invasions are basically gifts.
Your delusions dont matter.
The host of fingers has been owned, pissed and shitted on.
Take your meds
Smartest coopers
Fucking kek
Smartest gankers
That obvious player lagging is atrocious, not just visually, but it's not even determined by skill if you get hit 4 meters from the enemy.
Is it only webm related or pvp is in general network clusterfuck?
>no u
You will never be a woman.
The guy was Russian (im NA) and on PC EAC makes latency worse than it already is.
pvp in general is a network clusterfuck. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't.
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Thanks for the post.
I'm not a troon lmao
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I like this thread
The tranny accusations being thrown around - it's hilarious
Thanks everyone
That's nice darling. He wont marry you.
Gave you and your boyfriends some fap material huh? Fagola
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>installs seamless mod
Sorry, invcels. I used to hate you, but now you don't even cross my mind.
Sadly no one does this.
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No amount of punishing will ever stop me from invading. It could be me against 4 people, I would still find a way, use the environment, study the game, and make both my character and myself stronger in order to win

After all, as a winner, I get my kicks from making others miserable
That baby mod doesn't even work anymore you retarded pussy
>After all, as a winner, I get my kicks from making others miserable
It's not even about making others miserable. If you summon a yellow for jolly cooperation, you're volunteering to being invaded. If they don't like it, they can play offline.
It existing mindfucked dragnirian so hard he will post about it forever.
Or you can just disconnect.
Im drawing in invaders 1v1, and killing 2 out of every 3 with plain old Cold Heavy Katana with impaling thrust.

Its simple but it works for me. Especially the bizarre unique animation the heavy katana has when you backstep and heavy attack at the same time.
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>im invincible if i swing though my ho-ACK
Invaders aren't known for being good at the game. Still, good job anon.
>If they don't like it, they can play offline.
This, entitled faggots think they get to play on easy mode for free.
They do and you can't stop them.
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Fuck you stupid motherfucker bitch
Why are red women so angery all the time?
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I'll never stop stopping them.
Their transition meds cause a really bad chemical imbalance in their brains.
holy shit, they STILL haven't fixed the full i-frame canned finisher shit? wasn't it semi-fixed in DaS2? what the fuck?
It was made really strong in DS3, its actually pretty shit in ER.
no wonder people still exploit that nonsense, wow
You can't stop them though.
Anon they haven't even fixed actual bugs that have existed in some form since DaS1 like the weapon swap/chainsaw glitch
>oh neat ER has prox chat
>hear literal sobbing when I kill invaders
Weapon swapping has been fixed, chainsawing is WA swapping which is pretty much the same thing but its newer ways to bring back old glitches.
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Looks pretty stopped to me.
You can't stop them from playing offline. Did you forget what the convo was about in your estrogen filled seethe?
>playing offline
Then they're playing the game normally, not my issue.
So you forgot?
She definitely did lol
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Why are you samefagging?
>You can't stop them from playing offline
That's the ultimate invader victory.
4chan is not 1 person nutter
No lol
>instant paranoia
They really are women
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Pretty cringe.
>Dozens of cool invader clips
>No cool host clips
Hosts have no culture
You being upset shows how feminized you've become. Not my problem sugartits.
Hosts arent lonely enough to record themselves playing.
Hosts are trannies anon.
They are the bad guys.
Hosts have friends to play with they don't need to prove they exist via clips.
>Hosts arent lonely enough to record themselves playing.
And yet they have melties when they're on their own. Curious...
You talking about the red women?
Invader derangement syndrome
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No, but then you came in here and mentioned them out of nowhere.
It isn't too curious, this is a humiliation ritual thread to bully the red women they will be the topic.
>get invaded
>just camp the grace until the invader decides he actually wants to fight
>have seen invaders just leave after like 5 minutes of waiting
i am certain most hosts are just retarded at this point
>wave to red woman and jump off ledge
>they jump off too thinking they got a free win
>use dragon breath 10 feet from ground
>red woman dies as I float there
>land safely
>o, mother
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The cooptroon seethe is real in this thread
I... Actually can?

That's the point of invading, duh
You can't stop them from playing offline you dumb red woman.
kek I enable infinite iframes by proxy loading cheats via CE and make you ragequit like a bitch as a host
Easy mode is calling people

Ashes and NPC summons hardly count as help, because they are stupid. Now real people? That's basically cheating

And I'm here to bring RED JUSTICE to cheaters
Unless you're literally in their way for some reason all it takes is one enemy staggering the host for you to finish them off. All it takes is one Crucible Knight or Omen to turn the tides.
Based red man forcing normalfags to experience the game instead of steamrolling
And all it takes is for that same enemy to do an attack when you're aggressing the host and not paying attention to them to make you lose the invasion. AI is not your friend.
You still can't stop them from playing offline sis.
>not paying attention to them to make you lose the invasion
That's your problem. It's so easy for the host to forget about enemies when you have their undivided attention since you're the biggest threat so you can usually make them turn their backs to enemies which gives them enough time to combo and you finish them off.
You forget that the host isnt the only thing in the invasion, most of the time you have to keep an eye out for 2 overleveled faggots.
Same tactics. Keep them focus on you while the enemies make potshots at them. If all enemies die move on to the next room.
Easier said than done, especially with the dumbass AI in ER, you do know that bosses can grab invaders in ER, right?

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