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How do we fix the Pokemon franchise?
Gen5 remake, but this time it's not a cheap cashgrab like BDSP.
Romhack-tier difficulty, better online infrastructure, level caps on gyms and league so overleveling your starter wont let you cheese it all, also end the mono type gyms and elite 4, just make them about themes or tactics.
Just put it out of its misery at this point, there's no saving it.
>Romhack-tier difficulty
Stopped reading here.
The fun in Pokemon is directly tied to the difficulty, thats why the main franchise peaked with Emerald and it's Battle Frontier.
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Do what SMT did. Create Pokemon with human appearances based on completely unrelated mythology/history. You'll be a kid running around with a party of adults.
Filtered by good taste and common sense yes.
I can enjoy Battle Frontier, but you'd be retarded to want for the entire game, it's going to turn into a grindfest
After 20 years of OHKOing every single Pokemon in the main story yes, I want that. Being too easy is Pokemon's biggest issue.
you just know (all male characters)
If they completely revise half of the game to account for it, maybe.
That means removing the IV/nature system, making EV into stat distribution on level up or something, making TMs available asap and more I might be forgetting right now.
Why would you do any of that?
All they have to do is let you check a Pokemon's stats and nature by just inspecting it instead of having to catch it.
Either remove the grind or fuck off if you are going to have BF-tier difficulty for the whole campaign.
>Games aimed towards children should be difficult and grindy
Why all nintrannies are like this?
Nu uh
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Completely dissolve Gamefreak and give Pokemon to a dev who actually gives a fuck. These retards have been resting on their laurels for decades and have proven they cannot do anything besides shit out yet another inferior sequel, but people will lap it up because it says Pokemon on it
Make it a dating sim about fucking female Pokemon.
The main series is doomed and rife with powercreep.
Make an entire game that's like Indigo Disk.
>games aimed at children can't be difficult
I beat the battle frontier when I was 11, and was always one of the top scorers in Wolfenstein Enemy Territory.
Kids are whiny, not literal disabled people, they can play hard games.
I'm sure Pokemon is fine
I'd play a mod of that actually
It could use being a little more difficult by removing shit like forced party wide exp share, or balancing around it. No omgon/BF bullshit but you can do it.

Personally I would let boss trainers(gym leaders, rivals, team admins, e4, other relevant important characters) use teams with reasonable movesets and at least some rudimentary prediction system to switch out when they can gain an advantage/have a terrible matchup. Shift mode is completely removed from the game, you always play Set.
Items are allowed but limited, let's say you get only 3 uses at best, and the opponent can do the same(with only bosses actually using items of course). Also make useful held items readily available so you can quickly get into common strats.
>The fun in Pokemon is directly tied to the difficulty
the fun in pokemon is collecting and battling with the various pokemon
pokemon's entire battle system is rock paper scissors and only gets more complicated than that in competitive play
pokemon has never been a hard game and the only reason anyone ever thinks it was is because they first played it when they were a toddler who could barely read
What grind?
>pokemon's entire battle system is rock paper scissors and only gets more complicated than that in competitive play
Yeah, and outside of that is what you said, abuse type advantage to win.
>pokemon has never been a hard game
Pokemon has never has good graphics either, thats no reason to not demand it.
More Hags.
Trying to get a mon with good IVs, nature and ability, then EV training.
Yes yes, nu gens made it easier, but imagine having to do it for the whole game and not just for when you want to do post-game challenges. There are more sensible ways to do it than turning the campaign into BF-lite.
>Yeah, and outside of that is what you said, abuse type advantage to win.
thank you for repeating my point back to me
the game is like that on purpose because it is intended for children and wider audiences
>Pokemon has never has good graphics either
better graphics would be nice but it isn't going to change the gameplay experience in any meaningful way
if the graphics were good i wouldn't be saying they should be worse but they're not actively making the game worse by not being good
Isn't the vast amount of the players just millennials who can't fucking let go? They should just go the Digimon route already and turn the rating up to teen.
I think you might be on to something there...
The ones buying the toys are japanese kids, and if japanese parents see anything that isnt power of friendship stuff they'll flood TPC with letters about how they made their kids cry.
>Literally the greatest JRPGs of all time
>Has a fucking competetive scene overshadowing any other game despite being a motherfucking turn-based RPG
>Art, discussion, porn, content being generated by humanity's collective at the behest of Pikachu at an unprecedented pace

Pokémon is perfect and I'm tired of pretending otherwise. All you zoomers and boomers go fuck yourselves.
>imagine having to do it for the whole game and not just for when you want to do post-game challenges
Yeah, imagine if it took you more than 3 days to finish the game because the game demands you to build several teams instead of just having one move to spam an entire gym with because its all mono types.
>the game is like that on purpose because it is intended for children and wider audiences
And again, children arent stupid, and wider audiences are eating up From's games, they'll be fine.
I'm not speedrunning so I don't finish any game in 3 days.
That said, how about you keep the romhack shit where it belongs? No other RPG would demand you to grind a stat roulette for the campaign.
you just know
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Hello, Eric.
>he doesn't take advantage of the exp share to train up multiple teams worth of pokemon he can rotate in and out as he plays the game
this is sounding like a (You) problem
>children arent stupid
children are not going to grasp how to succeed in a game with romhack-tier difficulty and even if they did you couldn't pay them to sit there and grind for hours just to make progress in a single player turn-based rpg
>inb4 but they play fortnite or other fps games all day
fps games have something happening beyond clicking buttons in a menu
>wider audiences are eating up From's games
your definition of "wider audience" makes your lack of understanding on this subject pretty apparent
they're aiming for the turbocasuals and people who have had maybe one video game experience before, the kinds who couldn't name a fromsoft game if you had them at gunpoint
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Fix the leveling curve so you don't end up massively overleveled by playing normally
Return to the level of difficulty USUM had
Bring back the BW2 challenge mode but don't lock it behind postgame
Stop churning out games, spend time polishing them
Stop adding regional gimmicks
Return to the previous artstyle
There are no laws against the Pokemon. Everyone knows.
>Return to the level of difficulty USUM had
None? Don't tell me you actually got filtered by totems please.
>Bring back the BW2 challenge mode but don't lock it behind postgame
If they fix it yeah. As it stands the trainers actually have their normal mode stats.

The rest is fine.
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This shitty franchise is doomed with all the retards still buying these slop of games
>they're aiming for the turbocasuals
I explained what the games need to improve, what you said its exactly why they'll never stop being worse and worse.
You take away the difficulty and there's nothing left in the game, might as well remove the combat and make it a walking simulator.
>Don't tell me you actually got filtered by totems please.
No, but it was the last time I felt like the game actually fought back somewhat.
I dont train multiple teams for the main story because I dont need them, thats the problem. Hell, you can still get away with just overleveling your starter.
What is wrong with it?. so far is literally one of the most stable franchise with a good output of games despite of the short development time
Speedrunning what? Its impossible to get stuck in Pokemon, and everytime they get shorter.
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I haven't played this pokemon as of yet. I liked Sword and Shield. Will I like this one? for the record, I enjoy making cute girls when i play these games and I catch only the cutest girliest pokemons.
Hello snoy.
I felt that back in Platinum, but mostly because the game really likes to spook you with difficulty spikes that weren't there in DP.

Not stuck, but you can spend time doing optional shit.
>I explained what the games need to improve
improving the online is a universal nintendo issue and making the gyms more interesting is a good idea but your other proposed changes completely destroy the intended design of the franchise, which is something they will never do
>You take away the difficulty and there's nothing left in the game
if you find pokemon games difficult you might not be as smart as you give yourself credit for
throwing rock when they have scissors is not hard even if you have to grind for 15 hours before you start playing rock paper scissors
>Hell, you can still get away with just overleveling your starter.
so why do you train anything other than that
clearling being able to get away with it isn't enough a reason for you to not train other things, so why wouldn't you train more other things
You're not fooling anyone, Eric.
I honestly can't remember much optional stuff in the entire franchise aside from endgame stuff snd contestsm
>also end the mono type gyms and elite 4, just make them about themes or tactics.
Yes please. A rain gym, a trick room gym, a status effect gym, fucking anything.
>Palsnoy cope thread
You got blown out of relevancy for 7 months now and you're still seething.
it's not as bad as the whiners would have you believe but it's not flawless
it's a marked improvement over swsh, tons of the new pokemon are neat and have fun gimmicks, the characters are actually good unlike 90% of the other entries in the franchise, and the open world multiplayer is legitimately fun if you haven't experienced it before
you can go anywhere you like and do just about anything you want in any order, with the only catch being levels don't scale down to you so if you fuck around in an area that's too strong for you you're gonna find out
Ericsnoys will never make a good post.
>destroy the intended design of the franchise
What, preventing it from ever being fun and engaging?

>if you find pokemon games difficult you might not be as smart as you give yourself credit for
I mostly play them for the online.
>female you're toons
Really now, there's a lot.
>so why do you train anything other than that
Because I like testing mons to see if there's any that stands out.
>I catch only the cutest girliest pokemons.
Pretty based.
>I liked Sword and Shield
You will LOVE this.
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>be racist
>make character that I want to fuck
>brown girl
explain this
There's completing the Pokedex and hunting for legendaries, but completing the Pokedex has never been boring and the reward is either nothing or something completely useless like the shiny charm.
>What, preventing it from ever being fun and engaging?
the reason you don't find it fun and engaging is because you're at a skill level quite a few steps above what the main game is asking for
this isn't a flaw with the game's design and treating like one doesn't really make sense
>I mostly play them for the online.
that's totally valid but there's no need to start putting that type of gameplay into the single player main game
>Because I like testing mons to see if there's any that stands out.
all the more reason to take advantage of the exp share and test more mons than the ones you happen to be carrying in your party at that exact second
Can you move the ugly roastie, I can't see Incineroar
Hate sex is is pretty good...so I've heard
>all the more reason to take advantage of the exp share
I dont have anything against the EXP share, just that the games are so easy that we dont even have battle facilities anymore, and that's the main reason the current games are awful.
RBY alone will waste you a lot of playtime if you want Porygon from the game corner.
I can understand if you don't want to engage with it, but it's there.
>we dont even have battle facilities anymore
the battle facilities aren't that hard either
you're still just clicking the super effective button until you win
unless it's the one from gen 4 (i think?) where you can just start a fight with a status condition that costs you the battle, at which point your loss was rng and not really skill dependent
No, but they were the hardest part of the game, which has been replaced with rematches against shit teams that arent even level 100.
so there's fundamentally no difference
There is, I can OHKO those teams because they are at around level 80, most use shitmons, shit moves and only five use items.
Note: if even the biggest shills admit it's flawed, you are about to play absolute garbage.
Make a statement with a 10/10 reboot that has AAA production values:
>Return to classic region
>Let's say Hoenn for the sake of not picking Kanto
>Choose ~200 Pokemon and make them play uniquely
>Add more species variety to maximize assets (e.g. regional variants)
Update gameplay so it makes use of 3D space:
>Doesn't have to be real-time; just needs some discrete movement
>E.g. make snap decisions about pushing forward while attacking/getting attacked
>Make catching each Pokemon species a unique challenge
>E.g. catching Steelix requires you blocking off its escape paths by sending your Pokemon into its burrows
Expand on S/V's direction for multiplayer:
>Tackle fights with your friends
>Take control of enemy trainers whom your friend fights
>Periodically add new Gym challenges, which are like mini-campaigns
Ditch versions format, and let players customize their own region:
>Base on in-game decisions, a player's region will match their priorities
>E.g. helping Team Aqua will grow more berries, while helping Magma gives more TMs
>Each player will have a unique region, which should encourage trading
>Let players make bulk trades with items and multiple Pokemon
Appeal to a larger audience with difficulty options:
>Choose your difficulty by picking a trainer class at the start
>Each class also has a unique secondary gameplay style
>E.g. Photographer is easy mode, has auto-battle enabled by default, and revolves more around Snap-like mechanics
>Gym Leader is hard mode, and lets the player manage their own Gym online or offline
As someone who absolutely despised SwSh and everything it represented I don't see how you wouldn't enjoy ScarVio several times over, unless you REALLY don't vibe with the open world...
Make an official version of Pokemon Showdown.
The Battle Frontier started existing 8.5 years after Pokémon started. As someone who had Emerald in 2005, I had almost no interest in it. Multiplayer battling was a literal last minute addition at the request of Nintendo, that's how superfluous it was to the core experience in Tajiri's eyes. Only trading was seen as a core element from the start, and even then, Tajiri said during Gold and Silver's development that it shouldn't be that big of a focus for the sake of kids who don't have friends to trade with but want to experience the game. Difficulty is not the core element of Pokémon, nor is the battle system. According to various senior staff at Game Freak, it's a "boy's summer", where you go out on a sort of coming-of-age adventure like in Stand By Me, the movie that plays in your house. It's about small beginnings in a town overlooked by Mt. Fuji to becoming the best as you stand at its peak. It's about hiding rare monsters in hidden dungeons or behind special conditions, about kids spreading rumors and communicating and bartering with each other for trades.

Elements like choosing your gender, character customization, following Pokémon, battle facilities, online play, etc. They're all cool additions that should be in future entries, but they are not at all the core to what made Pokémon what it was before any of that was around. As much as people fellate Crystal, nothing it added to Gold and Silver really made it a "must play improvement" over them, even in Japanese. It was all superfluous, much like Blue and Yellow were to Red and Green. Gold and Silver were a proper evolution to Red and Green, while later entries all kind of go at an angle. A Pokémon like Dunsparce is pure Pokémon game design. A Pokémon like Ho-Oh and the Tin/Bell Tower is an evolution to game design like Articuno and the Seafoam Islands.
as opposed to being able to ohko them because they're set at level 50, most use shitmons, shit moves and you only have to beat 3 of them (4 if you're playing doubles)
>if you like a game that means you're a shill and if it has any flaws it's garbage
does your dad need to check under your bed for you every night to make sure there isn't any nuance hiding under there or are you old enough to do that yourself
>The fun in Pokemon is directly tied to the difficulty
No, it's not. The fun of Pokemon is filling your Pokedex and the events leading to doing that. Difficult battles and the Battle facilities are for people who want to make the most of the system but are not even close to what the overwhelming majority of what people want. People want some extra difficulty which is why the changes in PLA appealed to people with being attacked outside of battle and some harder fights like Volo, but it is in no way what people want the whole game to be like. That also doesn't mean people want Let's Go's "Turn your brain off" nonsense either.
>I liked Sword and Shield
What the fuck is wrong with you?
>calling out others for the lack of nuance when you only ever argue in hyperbole
Have some self-awareness
either go back to 2/2.5D or stop being a bunch of lazy fucks and make a visually appealing game that can run at 60fps. Why is this so fucking hard for game freak.
just let it finally die
only way to fix it
Let it die.
Sword and shield was good people just were emotionally invested in it being bad because of the dex cut
>The fun of Pokemon is filling your Pokedex
Eh not really, completing the pokedex is a rare achievement and depending on the game it required shit like going to events. But difficulty is also a bad answer.
The fun in catching ends the moment you caught all the useful Pokemon.
There's no fun in catching and evolving a Caterpie tier mon.
Not to mention they have yet to give an actual useful reward for completing the Pokedex.
>awful character and pokemon designs
>dogshit regions
>extremely handholdy and on rail
it was pure garbage
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Nobody can even agree on what's good/bad about pokemon nor what pokemon even looks like if it properly uses what the technology around it is capable of
Sounds like they should start by replacing Game Freak.
>only i am allowed to exaggerate
not how it works
All they need to do is take the legends gameplay, and make a pokemon ranger game with it. Add in a more robust pokemon amie while we're at it.
Calling you a shill wasn't an exaggeration, you are shilling a terrible game.
>meaningless gobbledegook
>linear is le bad
>they need to do is take the legends gameplay
Just fix the part where a level 2 Starly can take half the health of a level 100 Palkia in lne attack.
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>you must be getting paid to be doing anything other than shitting on this game
>i'm not exaggerating btw
>he does it for free
Goddamn son, that's just pathetic.
>he core to what made Pokémon what it was before any of that was around
Zoomer, you weren't around when Pokemon first started. The battles absolutely were the main focus since it was a kid's action product first and foremost. Your stupid media literacy generation just wants to puke facts into existence. Just because you've typed something out doesn't mean it's true, retard.
As long as they put all my favorite pokemon in the game so I can make a team of them then I'll probably play the game.
Superior Misdreavus form, or evolution if you will.
Fuck Flutter Mane and metaslaves.
the thing people like about pokemon is
>big unknown region that you can explore
>cool looking creatures that you can catch and battle with
>a overall goal
>no handholding
It's still the main goal of each game. Beating the game, forming up a team to do so, and catching Pokemon to fill the Pokedex to earn the Shiny Charm so you can catch shiny variants if you want. The minority of the minority participate in battling seriously.

>The fun in catching ends the moment you caught all the useful Pokemon.
Yes, you're supposed to stop playing at that point because you've achieved the goals of the game unless you want to go on catching shinies (Which is why the Shiny Charm exists, to facilitate catching more).

Why do you think Dynamaxing, Mega Evolutions, and Z-Moves are so unbalanced?
Why do you think they refuse to listen to the community about Ice, Normal, and Bug types?
Why do you think they hide the designs and drip feed all the brand new Pokemon with each generation rather than continually showcasing them?
Why do you think it took them so long to provide basic quality of life features like Mints, Bottlecaps, and held items being purchasable without jumping through hoops and dozens of hours of Battle facility farming?
Why do you think the very first thing they addressed was being able to easily get stones and making sure one-of-a-kind gifts could be bred if they had multiple evolutions like Eevee?

Because the battling is there to facilitate capturing Pokemon and progressing the story. Gen 9 is like the only one where any focus was put on battling and that's specifically because Mightiest Mark battles require built Pokemon to catch them, it's clearly not for multiplayer's sake.
this image is very based
Not saying it isn't worse now, but Pokemon always had a certain degree of handholding.

>It's still the main goal of each game
They might say so, but in reality the credits roll when you beat the champion. Many people still engage with the post game, but catching 'em all can be straight up impossible to do legit depending on the game you play right now.
>you're a shill so i win
>you're not a shill so i win
>The battles absolutely were the main focus since it was a kid's action product first and foremost.
the multiplayer battles were a last minute addition according to the people who made the game
this isn't a zoomer/boomer thing this is a word of god thing
ooo i love mismagius, shame her shiny is so shit
looks more like piss than shit
>It's still the main goal of each game.
Wow, imagine writing out an essay to prove you're not just a loser, but stupid too.
Jannies are still jannies even if they don't get paid, same for shills. It only makes you more pathetic because you could at least gain something out of it, other than worthless (You)s.
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Um sweaty you're not allowed to make fun of pokemon or call gen 6 onwards bad, you'll trigger the famitsu/zelda fags!

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>Return to the level of difficulty USUM had
just dont make the game a complete railroaded boring faggy visual novel this time
>catching 'em all can be straight up impossible to do legit depending on the game you play right now.
it was impossible without trading back then too
that catch 'em all slogan has done irreparable damage to western online discussion of pokemon
so many room temperature iq midwits insisting a slogan that didn't exist until nearly 10 years into the franchise's life was always a core part of it's identity
absolutely exhausting
i'm participating in an active discussion, which is what i'm getting out of this
feel free to stop replying if you feel like i'm getting too much enrichment or something
>Are casuals really this selfish?
Actually yes, at least in my experience.
Tajiri bailed halfway into GS development and has pretty much been nothing but an overseer since, the last I heard of him contributing to anything is Diamond and Pearl. Masuda took over the team in 1998 and said it was in total disarray. The final version of GS is Masuda salvaging a lot of what could still work. Tajiri is still credited as director and Masuda as sub-director mostly out of respect. Crystal credits Masuda as director. He was more or less what Eiji Aonuma is to Zelda, the producer, for a lot of the series. Other than that, Masuda was director for Ruby and Sapphire (a game he has more or less admitted to rushing out since he believed Pokémon as a brand was dying and believed it was all on his shoulders, he was even hospitalized), along with FRLG, DP (which was his personal endpoint as far back as the development of GS, and what he envisioned to be as the ultimate Pokémon game simply called Pokémon Diamond with a heavy focus on as many returning features as possible), BW (which he saw as his masterpiece), XY, and LGPE. Since then he has moved on to TPC. Ken Sugimori just continues to do his thing, though he slowly began slowly stepping back around HGSS. He's no longer the lead illustrator for the series, he's mostly in a consulting role while dropping the odd character illustration.

Sword and Shield was meant to be the "handing off Pokémon to the next generation" game.
Pokemon has been out for 20 fucking years get over yourself, pvp battles are a core part of the series identity for the vast majority of its existence
>Not saying it isn't worse now, but Pokemon always had a certain degree of handholding.
it became way more prevalent with the time
in the first few gens there was only the starting tutorial that takes 5s after they left you alone for the entire game which should be the norm but isn't anymore
nowdays every pokemon game treats the player like a 5yo and gives you no agency at all
>but catching 'em all can be straight up impossible to do legit depending on the game you play right now.
Oh I'm not denying that at all, but every addition or change they make to the game is primarily to facilitate the catching aspect. Mass Outbreaks being one of the most recent examples which only exist to make shinies easier to get. Them locking Pokemon to specific games is nothing new and has always been a way to force you into their ecosystem be it going to events, going to stores, paying attention to the news for Mystery Gifts, and buying new games.

Go on, explain how battling is the actual focus when virtually every change is focused around story battles and catching Pokemon. They actually walked back TMs being infinite use again and like I said, every change for quality of life is solely to facilitate the 7* raids. It wasn't this easy to get items in gen 8 despite also having raids. I'm not saying battling isn't a part of the game, but they don't expect you to remotely take the raising aspect super seriously in any sense.
>pvp battles are a core part of the series identity for the vast majority of its existence
okay, but they weren't always like that
which is the point that was being made
don't shoot the messenger
>muh cherrypicked game
Dissolve yourself retard. GF is better than you and they proved it several times. Sales demostraded it.
>inb4 muh sales doesn't count
Seethe harder.
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you guys are seriously arguing about this shit when quite literally every pokemon game is about beating all the gyms, the e4, and champion
>the multiplayer battles were a last minute addition according to the people who made the game
>this isn't a zoomer/boomer thing this is a word of god thing
How fucking dumb are you? You're talking about the same guy who pretends the series was inspired by his bug catching, which verifiably bullshit, since GF were working on a kiddie version of SMT and Dragon Quest. Pokemon is an astroturfed franchise.
Even if battling was a last minute addition to Red/Blue per intentions of one dev, you're ignoring that within the same generation multiple official battle sims were released. Do you remember Pokemon Stadium 1/2, Colosseum, and Battle Revolution. Of course not, because you're a stupid fucking zoomer.
>sells better than almost anything despite the quality
How do you not be a faggot OP?
I swear to fuck, playing any competitive format has made me hate Lando-T.
I had no issue with its design, much less struggle against it, but it was in EVERY. SINGLE. GODDAMN. TEAM. all the way even after you crawl out of elo hell.
And what if half of them are good and half of them are bad?
>You are replying to a recommendation with your honest nuanced opinion? OH NO NO NO I CAN'T BELIEVE HE LE DOES IT FOR LE FREE KEEEEEEEK
I wish you braindead TORtanic /v/iscord retards would leave.
it's an interesting discussion topic since pokemon means a lot of different things to a lot of different people
>verifiably bullshit
>provides no evidence to verify this statement
opinion discarded
>you're ignoring that within the same generation multiple official battle sims were released
almost like pvp battling being popular with players doesn't have anything to do with the fact that it was a last minute addition to the original games or something
>Do you remember Pokemon Stadium 1/2, Colosseum, and Battle Revolution
i had stadium on my n64 as a kid and battle revolution as a preteen
that one guy turning bdsp into battle revolution 2 is doing god's work, can't wait to see how that shakes out
>Go on, explain how battling is the actual focus when virtually every change
They've casualized the core experience for modern kids, who have brain rot from mobile gachas. You're moving the goal posts because you were arguing about what the series was all along. You're also ignoring all of the changes they've made to accommodate the battle sim elements, especially the 2v2 format.
Might as well post this one too. I should really transfer more pictures.
Shills always make it so easy because they recoil back violently every time you expose them.
There are many pokemon games and they have various degree of shit or goodness, but SV is not just "not flawless", it's mostly dogshit period.
no one wants to see your ugly niggertroon and ugly galarmon, xir
>fanfiction the post
not my problem
>SV is not just "not flawless", it's mostly dogshit period.
>irreparable damage
faggot if catching them all wasn't an objective the game wouldn't give you a congratulations screen for doing so.
you should kill yourself for telling others to settle for less
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He can't lol all he can do is call things shit and shout down anyone that disagrees calls him out as a shill. Maybe you'll get a few buzzwords if you're really lucky.
Why the fuck does it matter whether R/B were designed with competitive play or not? It has zero bearing on what the series is now. Pokemon was having official tournaments in first gen this isn’t some recent thing.
now it is. Kys.
Yeah, and so is the anime. Doesn't mean that Tajiri envisioned the anime's worldview for the games with shouldermons, traveling companions, one primary team of six that is rarely rotated, and a heavy focus on friendship. It doesn't mean that the right call was trying to become more like the anime, a marketing tool not even in the minds of Game Freak that wad created by a completely different group of people long after the fact. And there are still people who swear by the 4Kids dub and its miscellaneous material like their Christmas albums. The further we get from what Pokémon was at its core, the less chance we have at fixing what's wrong with it now. Its whole problem is that it evolved into something that barely resembles what it was envisioned as. There's a fucking Ed Sheeran song in Scarlet and Violet. There's a fucking CGI Post Malone video for Pokémon saying "ALL ABOUT THE SEX". Pokémon GO has character designs that bear no resemblance to anything I fell in love with. There's so much franchise drift that we're in a different ocean at this point, or maybe it would be apt to say we drifted from 90s Japan to 2020s California.
No it isn't, the drastically different colored shinies are the best
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>>provides no evidence to verify this statement
The game itself is evidence. The history of its development is evidence. The fact that Japanese devs spin wholesome origin stories for marketing purposes is evidence. Pikmin was inspired by gardening? Nope; it started as a God-game about Adam and Eve.
If you're arguing that the primary focus was marketing characters, then I'll agree to that. But the idea that battling wasn't the main selling point for players is only something you'd say if you didn't experience Pokemania first hand. Everything was about battling, from the card game, to the shitty board games, to the anime, to the main games.
More half naked kids.
It looks like a piss rag. She deserves better.
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I kinda wanted to, but I realized making a large post here especially when you are preemptively ready to dismiss it isn't worth it.
>Its whole problem is that it evolved into something that barely resembles what it was envisioned as

You are bitching about something that has been well established for 20 years just play something else you faggot
i didn't say it wasn't an objective, i said people decided it was a core part of the franchise's identity even though it was just an optional objective
>you should kill yourself for telling others to settle for less
i didn't say people should settle for less either
if you're going to get mad at other people's posts you should at least try to make sure you're getting mad about things their posts actually say instead of the things you decided they said in your head
>Why the fuck does it matter whether R/B were designed with competitive play or not?
the conversation was about how the ability to battle other players was a last-miunte addition to gen 1's first games
competitive play didn't factor into that decision because it didn't exist yet
once nintendo saw people loved the ability to battle other players, they started running competitions
game freak and the actual developers don't factor into that at all
>the idea that battling wasn't the main selling point for players is only something you'd say if you didn't experience Pokemania first hand.
pokemania sprouted because people liked the game so much in general
battling was just one piece of that equation, not the entire equation
go for it, i'm probably not going to agree with you on much but i'll hear you out at the very least
Don't hold your breath for it.
>You're moving the goal posts because you were arguing about what the series was all along.
Yeah, and catching Pokemon in addition to raising Pokemon to go through the story are what the series is about. Battle facilities and multiplayer are for a minority of a minority. It's there if you want to do it but they're not expecting you to seriously do it unless you're obsessed about it. They didn't even address the absurd costs just to obtain items from them until what, gen 8? and even gen 8 has absurd costs for the items in it.
>You're also ignoring all of the changes they've made to accommodate the battle sim elements, especially the 2v2 format.
Believe me I understand that they've been addressing it by removing certain moves like Pursuit, introducing the Fairy type to deal with Dragon prevalence, reworking certain moves like Bug Bite, etc. This doesn't change the fact that everything past the story and postgame story content is an afterthought. They still don't let you see your exact EV count and actively obfuscate information. We're definitely better than we were in the early gens where you couldn't modify stats at all, but it took them decades to get to the point SV was in and they only truly started addressing basic Pokemon training in S&M. Plus, the only reason it seems like they did this is specifically to address 7* raids and helping PVP was a happy coincidence.

The very fact Smogon brackets have to exist just to make more than like .5% of the entire Pokedex usable and VGC forces the gimmicks and completely broken content that Smogon has to ban just for a reasonable playing field at Ubers for example shows how they're not as concerned about it. They acknowledge it because it is a part of the community that exists including by giving away winner Pokemon via Mystery Gifts, but come on now. It's just something that exists that is kind of addressed, but it's addressed more for the singleplayer experience than the PVP experience.
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>Pokemon always had a certain degree of handholding.
That doesn't mean it's good or necessary. You need to let players choose to SKIP tutorials. Value their intelligence.
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>battling was just one piece of that equation, not the entire equation
Yeah, but you're saying it wasn't the main focus. It was absolutely the main focus. The first exposure most kids had to Pokemon was the anime and the Mewtwo movie. Both of those revolve around battles. Adventure too, but everything is centered around training and fighting.
For me?
It's Emerald, Platinum, sun & Moon
What made Alola so fucking comfy?
Tragic how the face and hair options allow you to create such fuckable little sluts only to ruin them with the abysmal clothing options
>the conversation was about how the ability to battle other players was a last-miunte addition to gen 1's first games

Nobody denies this and nobody cares it has no bearing on anything
SM is the kind of game that's good on your first playthrough but awful after that.
Multiplayer battling is pretty much at the end of the Gen I ROMs, you can see it in the decompilation. There have been interviews where members of Game Freak have said that multiplayer battling was only added in near the end because Nintendo requested it. Gen I is well-documented to be utterly unbalanced in terms of multiplayer since no consideration went into PVP. Psywave can cause games to desync since it's programmed slightly differently in multiplayer to single player. The first Pokémon Stadium was more or less a tech demo intended only for tournament use, and it was later released as a relatively incomplete game in Japan only with the only Trainers being based on real life competitors in those tournaments. Stadium 2, our Stadium 1, was the actual complete game. But none of the Stadium games, Orre games, or PBR were made by Game Freak. The most you'll have is some crossover with Iwata who ported the battle system to the N64 over a weekend.

Also, as someone who owned Battle Revolution, it was pretty shit as far as Pokémon games go, a massive downgrade from even the Stadium games.
gemerald, platinum, and bw
johto is shit and alola sucks
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pokehebe dating sim
All true, you can find interviews for all of this. Too bad Pokémon fansites don't keep track of interviews because they don't actually care about the background details.
i'm willing to give it a shot
hell here's a critique i have about sv: i think the team star plotline needs some work
it feels like the writers have been chasing the high of team skull for a while in that they've been trying to write villainous teams with the players can sympathize with but haven't been able to do it as well as they did with team skull, a team made of kids who failed their island challenges rallying behind a guy who they think has it all together and allows them to get away from the crushing responsibilities they felt, all the while their actual leader is giving them a place to act out so they don't end up like he did
it's surprisingly well done once you see how deep it runs but later attempts to echo this in yell and star didn't live up to that standard
[agreement with my statement], but [disagreement with my statement]
stopped reading there
>it has no bearing on anything
it was the topic of the discussion we were having, please try to keep up
Yeah. Honestly just let people learn shit from NPCs like RBY does it.
Maybe with less lying about what beats Psychic types kek
You can hate my girl all you want but if you unironically hate Toxitricity you should eat a bullet and cleanse the world of your heinously shit taste
>Battle facilities and multiplayer are for a minority of a minority.
>This doesn't change the fact that everything past the story and postgame story content is an afterthought. They still don't let you see your exact EV count and actively obfuscate information.
Agreed, but it's mainly to discretely separate the online autists from children. The way EVs are handled is also a carryover from their original purpose, which was basically anti-competitive.
>The very fact Smogon brackets have to exist
Yes, for singles. But GF have their own ban list for 2v2, which is a step up from how involved they've been in the past.
I don't know what you're even arguing. That Pokemon isn't expressly made for competition? I agree with that.
stopped reading there, latinx niggerini
>it was the topic of the discussion we were having, please try to keep up
You are very obviously extending the discussion to
>therefore pvp is a side feature and shouldn’t be intended as a focus in modern games
Late 2000s type dark gritty reboot with Linkin Park songs.
If there's no complaints from parents about Pokemon being overly dark consider it a failure.
What is blud yapping about :skull:
It feels like that thing where more and more people join your game and gradually turn it into something else until the people who were there in the beginning and enjoyed it no longer find it enjoyable or are seen as valuable. Imagine if D&D drifted into being centered solely around identity politics and everyone who came to like it then told you to fuck off, it's their game now and it should never go back to how it was even though apparently they were always fans.

"I've always loved Pokémon, but if it were anything like it used to be I would hate it"
>Imagine if D&D drifted into being centered solely around identity politics
Anon I...
>was only added in near the end because Nintendo requested it.
This is a meaningless argument. Just because at some point in the series' origin part of the development team reportedly didn't want multiplayer battling, doesn't reflect what the series was and has been. Consider:
>Game Freak are lying, and almost excluded it because they're famously incompetent; RBY battling was laggy as fuck
>Game Freak are lying to promote the more wholesome, family-friendly trading mechanic
>Game Freak are lying to promote the more monetizable, monkey-making trading mechanic
Whatever official story you can piece together doesn't change the way the series was conceived, released, developed, and presented itself for decades. The original games were all about battling AND ended up having multiplayer in their final release. What the hell are you even arguing?
>pvp is a side feature and shouldn’t be intended as a focus in modern games
not where i'm trying to go with that, but it's not like i don't think that way so i can't fault you too much for reading it that way
i think sv does a fine job at giving pvp more focus by making it easier to adjust evs/ivs and buy items while also not forcing it on casual players who don't care about getting to master ball or whatever the ranked system looks like and just want to battle their friends
for a lot of people the main game of pokemon is the reason they play; the audience for competitive online battling is a comparatively small one
that's why the official tournaments on youtube only get a few thousand views even though the games themselves have upwards of 20 million copies sold
>I don't know what you're even arguing. That Pokemon isn't expressly made for competition? I agree with that.
Yes, my main argument has been that the PVP and fighting aspect isn't their focus. Pokemon is about the adventuring, capturing, and casual raising of Pokemon to battle guys in the story so you can progress. The battling is a means to an end despite all the intricacies it brings once you get deeper into the mechanics. This doesn't mean that the battling can't be important or focused on, but it's something that's not their priority in the slightest and people acting like it should be the focus are ignoring everything screaming at them that that's not what GF cares about or Pokemon is about.

Their various decisions actively show that. Reverting TMs to one-use again, still no Bottlecaps that let you drop stats to 0 despite knowing SA Pokemon want 0 ATK for confusion damage and Trick Room teams being a thing since launch, and still no specific numbers on EVs despite them being an important part of a Pokemon.
Granted, you can make the argument 7* raids are a way to try and get people to look into comp because the Pokemon you need to make for 7* raids are comp-worthy and it shows you all the systems you need to participate in to do so. But then again you can also argue that only adults would participate in this system at all because of how difficult it is, especially solo. The Mewtwo raid being a really simple example of being impossible without raising the Mew they gave out.
>people decided it was a core part of the franchise's identity
yes. the pokedex is proof enough. cross-generation transfer and the national dex having every single mon on it only serve as further proof.
if they
>since launch
Sorry, "since the move was added."
>stopped reading there
Dumb zoomer, the argument is in the last post.
>Shit memory
>Lazy, bad-faith arguer
>Thinks formalizing argument is a gotcha
Dumb zoomer.
>all true!!
>I don't have any sources btw
I'm arguing that multiplayer battling was never seen by the people who made it as core to its enjoyability. It annoys me to no end when for the past 5 years, I've heard people downplay the issues in the games because "only the multiplayer matters anyway". A guy wants to make a monster-catching RPG set in a pocket-sized Japan, and apparently none of what Pokémon was conceived as matters. Only e-sports. People who liked the games before the Battle Frontier just didn't get what Pokémon was meant to be.

I'm sorry for your loss
>still no Bottlecaps that let you drop stats to 0 despite knowing SA Pokemon want 0 ATK for confusion damage and Trick Room teams being a thing since launch
i honestly still don't know why people care about that so much
it comes up like once every 400,000 battles because people only care about putting things to sleep
>Dumb zoomer, the argument is in the last post.
the reason i keep saying battles aren't the main focus of pokemon is because they're demonstrably not the main focus of pokemon and it doesn't take much effort to figure that out
pokemon caught on because people liked the creature designs and the ability to interact with other players
trading and battling are two parts that make up that whole, you can't say one is more relevant than the other
unrelated nut to circle back to that pikmin bit, pikmin started as an expansion of that super mario 128 tech demo for the gamecube
>I'm arguing that multiplayer battling was never seen by the people who made it as core to its enjoyability.


Tournament play was embraced within the first months of the games release
>raising pokemon
uh, what? what pet raising elements does pokemon have? they don't starve, they don't get tired, they don't get dirty or injured, they don't get sick (pokerus is beneficial), they don't age and die, etc.
the closest it's ever gotten to raising is pokemon amie to raise affection>>683738664
>i honestly still don't know why people care about that so much
>only my use case matters reeeeeee
you're scum. even digishit cyber flop lets you manipulate in-game EVs via purchasable chips that lower EVs (by 1, 10, and 100 points) so you can fine tune your team if you want
let me repeat: fucking digimon, aka a shitty pokemon rip-off and the laughing stock of monster-raising games has items to fine-tune EVs
>>only my use case matters reeeeeee
not remotely what my post says
special attackers lowering their attack to 0 ivs isn't mission-critical by any means unless it's something like a mixed attacker, which is by definition an extremely niche case
being able to adjust this would be a good thing but the lack of ability to adjust ivs is not making the game worse
>even digishit cyber flop lets you manipulate in-game EVs via purchasable chips that lower EVs (by 1, 10, and 100 points) so you can fine tune your team if you want
there's a set of berries that lets you do this in pokemon
i forget how much a single berry adjusts a stat but there's one berry each for all 6 stats
>a shitty pokemon rip-off and the laughing stock of monster-raising games has items to fine-tune EVs
ok? pokemon has had these for well over 15 years now, this isn't news
>it comes up like once every 400,000 battles because people only care about putting things to sleep
Even so, it's a part of competitive that exists and still matters. Even if you ignore the confusion issue it's still heavily limiting Trick Room teams from being the best they can be unless you luck into a 0 IV Ditto, and for cases like Enamorous if I remember right you can't even know what its stats are until like 30 hours into a playthrough because its stats are set when the file is created, not on capture.

>what pet raising elements does pokemon have
The very fact you choose the Pokemon you want on your team and level it up is the "pet raising element". You choose who you level up, give moves, give items to, and battle with. They are your friends and you form a bond with them. You don't need affection mechanics for that.
There's a shitton of background info in all these articles written in 2017 when GI went to Game Freak HQ for a series of interviews.

You can look up the credits to Pokémon games to confirm any of the positions. Ken Sugimori did all character illustrations up through Platinum. In HGSS, Takao Unno (later director for B2W2) did the illustrations and designs for the Rocket Executives. Sugimori did the illustrations for everyone else, but he didn't do the designs for at least Lyra or the updated Kanto Gym Leaders. In BW, Sugimori did the designs and illustrations for Hilbert, Hilda, the mother, Professor Juniper, her father, N, and Ghetsis, while all the other character designs and illustrations are by Yusuke Ohmura. Sugimori only did illustrations for new Pokémon forms for B2W2. Gen VI was a mix of artists especially since every Trainer class needed a full illustration. Alola had most human illustrations by Sugimori (exceptions being Aether Foundation characters done by take) since it was a sort of final hurrah as the 20th anniversary, while LGPE was done by longtime TCG artist Megumi Mizutani. SwSh was another mix. Sugimori at least stopped handling all Pokémon illustrations around Alola, Salandit/Salazzle are illustrated by Ohmura, Zacian and Zamazenta in SwSh too.
>set of berries that lets you do this in pokemon
which are a pain in the ass to farm. the point is digishit lets you buy them outright instead of wasting hours
>The very fact you choose the Pokemon you want on your team and level it up is the "pet raising element".
that's not what raising means
in my opinion lowering a special attacker's attack is so niche that it really doesn't matter since the good special attackers don't have enough attack to actually do any meaningful self-damage when confused
trick room teams would definitely be much easier to put together if you could inverse-bottle cap a stat and they should make an item that lets you do it, i'm just saying not having it right now isn't the end of the world
forgot to quote >>683739484
>that's not what raising means
Yes, it is. You are raising your Pokemon up in your own personal way. What vitamins you feed it, what equips you give it, what moves you give it, and what its stats are when you catch it. It's all unique to you and how you want that Pokemon.

>i'm just saying not having it right now isn't the end of the world
Sure, but I'm saying if the battling aspect was super important to them this would have been addressed when Trick Room was still new because many Pokemon the introduce rely on it to work and it's constantly used in comp battles. It's a very basic change to make, especially when Bottlecaps already exist.
The crazy thing is, gamefreak has implemented various ideas over different games that could be compounded into a true golden record. But a lot of those ideas were obtuse or overbearing and this could be remedied just by giving the player OPTIONS. Option to change difficulty, change set/switch, change exp share, there's no reason why we can't have it all other than a fear of babbies selecting the wrong OPTION and getting mad.
SV was one step forward ten steps back. I'd like them to take another crack at it with the above options implemented, and some form of level scaling for the open-world objectives. I'm enough of a drone to excuse bad graphics if they can at least get basic gameplay correct (solid performance is a must though, the switch games were horrid).
it takes like 15 minutes of moving around in an area where they can spawn and that's if you get unlucky
it's not like i would be saying you shouldn't be able to buy them if you could, but it's not making the game worse as it is now
Take it away from Nintendo.
Sun/Moon > Scarlet/Violet >XY

Didn’t even play sword shield because it simply looked like a dogshit experience I just caught the Pokémon I liked from that gen in Scarlet
Thanks! :)
i lied, delete your ugly niggertroon right now
at this point I'd prefer something like PLA but good. beating enemies with nothing but magic pixie dust bags had me in stitches but kinda made pokemon redundant
Nice try lel
raising implies you care for it, like a sim or something. they have no needs or wants, hence you can't call it raising. it's training at best
>change set/switch
i don't understand why so many people put so much stock in this option
like if you just choose not to switch after you're told what's coming in it's functionally the same as playing on set with the only difference being exactly one button press after each ko
>some form of level scaling for the open-world objectives.
i never got this either
like level scaling only ever makes a game easier than it already would have been if they didn't scale, and that's especially true in pokemon where having the type advantage can be enough to drop pokemon 15 levels higher than yours in two shots at most
there are ways you can make pokemon games harder and that is not one of them
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I beat the entire emerald battle frontier minus the factory with the same team of 3 pokemon and swept 90% of the battles with just latios. It's basically the same deal in platinum but replace latios with garchomp.

The battle factory is fun for the semi randomness of eking out wins with whatever trash heap of a team it gives you but it's still ruined by having to keep a long, barely tenable winstreak to get to the brain.
PLA looks to be the direction they're going. SV itself already takes several aspects from it (Crouching allowing you to hide from Pokemon, shinies on the overworld, Mass Outbreaks, lock-on, the open maps, and the quality of life changes) so it stands to reason gen 10 will be basically SV but with PLA's catching and exploration mechanics. As long as they keep battling like in the mainline generations but exploration and catching without battling like in PLA it'll be fantastic because PLA was already an example of what Pokemon should be going forward.

>raising implies you care for it, like a sim or something.
No, that's the implication you get from it due to exposure to stuff like Digimon. You are raising the Pokemon in your own specific way. What stats you buff, what ability you focus on, what items you give it, what ribbons you obtain, and in general the immeasurable stuff like the journeys you went on, the trainers you fought, the difficulties you had, etc. It's not a monster sim in the sense of Digimon, but it's very clearly raising it to be your own version with its own experiences.
>Pit Sim=Customizable party members
Eyes rolling out of my skull dude
Why are you mad mad??
Dude, a major appeal of Pokemon is making a team that is specifically yours, made in your own way, that you experience unique events of your own through. I never said it's a pet sim, I said you're raising your Pokemon which you are. They are your own unique versions, and you specifically grow attached to these variants of these creatures over others. Feeding and dealing with their poop isn't required to establish these feelings of raising a creature.
try monster rancher
>should be
I'm sure the average manchild who played RBY has always dreamed of a game where instead of excel spreadsheet menu gameplay, you actually had real-time combat
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>Return to the previous artstyle
Specifically gen 1 red and blue
I'd describe it but I realized it would just be Monster Hunter where instead of palicos you use Pokemon.
just recruiting monsters doesn't constitute raising. DQV is not a monster raising game, neither is SMT, or medabots
Shut up retard. Nobody care. It's about your fanfiction of early development of rby you blabbering as facts
>just recruiting monsters doesn't constitute raising
Except in the context of Pokemon it does. You're collecting monsters, who have unique stats, who you equip with items, who you feed items, and take them on specific adventure with you to have unique experiences. The intention is that you grow a bond to them because of your experiences with them which happens constantly, just look at the Nuzlocke community for an extremely basic example.
It's not a monster sim like Monster Rancher or Digimon World where you focus on one or two creatures, train them, feed them, and clean up after them to fight stuff, but it's absolutely got many of the similar mechanics made to embolden you to your choices.
shota x loli romance and sex.
Basically make an SMT game with a Pokémon coat of paint. There, saved the franchise
>You're collecting monsters, who have unique stats, who you equip with items, who you feed items, and take them on specific adventure with you to have unique experiences.

Bro this is any RPG where you build a party
fix? what's wrong?
t. beat scarlet johansen last christmas and filled the base dex this christmas.

shout outs wifi general couldn't have done it without those nigas. wish I had friends that play shitty baby games the co-op union square thing seems kind of cool.
Scarlet & Violet were a buggy mess and fuckers in this thread sincerely think the problem with pokemon is that it's not as hard as their favorite romhacks. lmao
This is why developers should never listen to fans.
Yes, and in Pokemon it's taken one step further due to the randomness of the characters you get. The entire reason why abilities, DVs/IVs, and EVs were added was to make a Pokemon "your" Pokemon.
Customization leaves a lot to be desired, especially with the clothing, but I liked it enough.
Fire Gamefreak, keep any of their staff away from other studios working on the mainline games.
>fix SV's bugs
>still a piss easy game you could play almost with your eyes closed
Yes, the difficulty at this point is the biggest issue.
>taking slutshots with their player characters in E-rated games
I love when gamers do this.
Bring back Pokemon Ranger, make it a MGSV type game but with Pokemons instead of buddies, and where your guns has ammo types that are just the usual Pokemon types, can inflict status effects etc that help cover typings and status effect inducing attacks that your Pokemons can't.
It's not an issue because the point of the game is to collect pokemon and go on adventures with them. Dont play a children's game if you dislike that.
>Bring back Pokemon Ranger
>make it not pokemon ranger
because that's never gone poorly for any franchise ever
How come the older games are harder and still for children?
They're still easy as shit.
You'd think a game called Pokemon Ranger would be military themed, thats what I thought when I was a kid and heard of the first one.
Turns out you are just a trainer who catches Pokemon temporarily and that the games were just about scratching up your NDS' touchscreens.
They are harder due to a lack of Pokemon and moves.
Crystal is hard because its all shitmons for whom 90% of the attacks are normal type.
>older games are harder
They are not
they were harder because you were a kid and didn't know what anything did yet
when i hear "ranger" i think a rogueish archer type
when i was 7 i probably thought "cowboy" instead, although i admittedly don't know for sure because my memory sucks complete dick
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Have her as a Rival.

Just give me some Gyms to beat and a Team of Bad Guys to bully.
I played Crystal for the first time a year ago. I started with Ruby.
neither of those games are hard
If the point was to collect them they would reward completing the dex with more than increasing the chances to get mons of different color.

By the way, shinies should all have perfect IVs, no reason to spend so much time hunting to end up with, yet again, a mediocre reward.
>By the way, shinies should all have perfect IVs
thank god you're not a game designer
>no reason to spend so much time hunting to end up with, yet again, a mediocre reward.
why are you even hunting for shinies if you consider them mediocre
Crystal was hard to me because I played it like a normal game, trying to build a full team. Turns out its almost impossible to keep a full team at a proper level because even when you are one badge away from the 8th they are still throwing enemies with mons at levels below 20 that barely give experience, which means the game actively encourages just overleveling your starter, and good fucking luck if you picked anything but Totodile.
I dont. I'd do it if they had perfect IVs. No idea why everyone makes such a big deal out of them if its just a color change, snd sometimes not even that seeing Garchomp's or Pikachu's shiny.
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Sex with Pokemon
why can't you be normal
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>No idea why everyone makes such a big deal out of them if its just a color change
That's exactly why people make a big deal out of them. You also get a special effect coming from them, and in the case of stuff like Lokix or Iron Thorns they're direct references to things. Stuff like Clauncher and Clawitzer look significantly better because they're similar to what the actual animal they took inspiration from looks like.
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think about it. Pokemon are sapient creatures who you spend every waking moment with and come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. It'd be weirder if they didn't fuck
Aren't shinies made automatically by an algorithm based on its original colors?
Anyway, too much effort for virtually zero payoff.
it's insane how every gen needs to have 1 waifumon starter now
It's even more insane because of the majority male bullshit that starters have
and also, in scarlet/violet. Even as a blatant waifumon, Meowscarada still is the only decent starter in that gen, because both the gator are Quaquaval are shit
>Aren't shinies made automatically by an algorithm based on its original colors?
If they are then they selectively choose not to, Lokix proves that. First Impression is a Rider Kick and its shiny color is based on Zero-One.
The gator is the only useful one.
Meowscaradavand Quaquaval are shitmons.
I meant visual design-wise
I don't like the designs of quaquaval or the gator
they're ugly
In Gen 2 they are a literal pallete swap iirc and it's custom in every gen after
Gamefreak makes shinies generally look weird on purpose so as not to perpetuate the idea that non shinies are "lesser" but shit like Charizard and Rayquaza get to be the exception because they are so popular.
Maybe try making it less gay.
Pokemon is so obnoxiously childish that I doubt any adult who plays these games isnt a nutjob with a long list of mental illnesses.
Red and Green's development is the most well-documented of all Pokémon games. Things said in interviews by staff have been verified by disassemblies of the games. We've seen most of Tajiri's Capsule Monsters pitch to Nintendo, his story that he came up with to promote the trading mechanic. We have leaked assets from early builds. There are endless stories from Game Freak about Gen I's troubled development, like how they once lost everything they had worked on in their office, but thankfully someone had been taking home builds on floppy disks to work on it there so they didn't lose everything. We know how Game Freak started, we've seen the magazines, we've seen Tajiri's game reviews.

Do you know what's fan fiction? That Iwata made so much room in GS that they were able to add Kanto. But I've been saying for at least 10 years that wasn't true, but nobody believes me because fans have their own narratives that they parrot as fact and actual interviews are ignored because nobody cares about the actual facts.
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>end the mono type gyms and elite 4, just make them about themes or tactics
Most soulless thing I've ever heard, while I wish pokemon games had difficulty options I'm glad they don't go to /v/ for suggestions.
Gyms being mono type is the reason they are all easy.
Do what romhacks and anime does, make gym leaders use a mandatory rule of 2 mons of their type, minimum. Allows 4 mons to be different and provide unique matchups
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I only know gens 1-3 but I know this was a thing when I glanced at competitive battles in Gen V or whatever. Can someone give me the quick rundown on why these ugly fucks dominated the meta then
>Shit and Vomit don't even have a basicbitch Battle Tower
it's over
Stop dressing the characters with a randomizer. Seriously, I don't ever ser this discussed. Newer NPCs are dressed so fucking strange.
What they need to do is just stop making mainline games and release a Pokemon MMO. No singleplayer content will ever be as challenging as PvP, the best they could aspire to is just what Pokemon did 20 years ago if they stick to SP.
I recently discovered that an Iono artist I like has a secret more active account where they draw more stuff...related to a pee fetish they have, I am depressed. In any case why they hide their fetish art with a different account and name when the artstyle is exactly the same?
PLA and SV where being made at the same time, as result SV is missing some of PLA better features like being able to catch pokemon without battling (which better become fucking permanent in the franchise outside of remakes) and the "shiny sound" which lack of became the bane of shiny hunters.
Oh, SV is also missing the revamped EV system of PLA which should also become permanent.
>EV system of PLA which should also become permanent.
absolutely not
>How do we fix the Pokemon franchise?
That depends on what you mean by "fix," because in Gamefreak's eyes there's nothing wrong with the series on a revenue-based scale which is most likely the only scale they pay attention to. If "fix" means "how to make the games suck less," I'll certainly put my two cents in.
>1. Bring back hard mode. Make it an option WHEN YOU HIT "NEW GAME" and not something you unlock or receive from someone else who unlocked it. Hard mode is important as it drives many young players to challenge themselves, which you want if you're going to want to emphasize competitive play. It's good to sow those seeds early by getting those young players to try and think about more than just type advantages.
>2. Put some villains in the game. I mean real villains, not this "misunderstood hero who came to the wrong conclusion" bullshit, give me insane assholes who want to fix the world in ridiculous ways or guys who are just all-around megalomaniacs. If a guy is going to kickstart the apocalypse, don't have the reason behind it boil down to "I really didn't want to wait the three minutes it would take for the last fight to get finished."
>3. Good rivals. Hop, Hau, and the gen 6 clusterfuck weren't good rivals. Nemona is a step in the right direction because I looked forward to encountering her.
>4. IF YOU'RE GOING TO GO OPEN WORLD, MAKE THE DIFFERENT OBJECTIVES SCALE TO FIT YOUR PROGRESS! S/V was sold on its open world campaign, except every single goalpost is clearly marked for you to encounter at specific levels. Yes, I guess I could save the bug type gym for last, except it would be boring as shit to sit through that battle. Also, you don't need to cook up reasons for the player to fight people before the gym leader, you can just do what gen 6 and below did.
>5. No more Dexit bullshit. There is no reason for it, and there has never been a good argument in favor of it. Bring back the moves, too.
>>5. No more Dexit bullshit. There is no reason for it, and there has never been a good argument in favor of it. Bring back the moves, too. Surely the Pokemon Company, owners of the most profitable franchise on the planet, can spare more dosh to hire a crew for the dedicated purpose of creating visuals for the 1000+ moves in the game.
>6. Make the next game look better. It does not need to look like the most beautiful or realistic game on earth, but for God's sake you should at least make it look visually appealing. I am including better frame rate as a part of "visually appealing."
Didn't have enough room for that bit.
Give Pokemon even more variations. Shinies, size variations, and sexual dimorphism are fantastic and I want more to hunt. Also sex with trainers and Pokemon.
That's why I'm expecting gen 10 to be exactly that. They could also use the fact it's the 10th gen to be an anniversary series that pushes even more boundaries. Assuming they look at PLZA's progress and mechanics and incorporate it into that big game it should be a great advancement for the series. Going back to attacking then catching after PLA when I picked up Violet was misery. It's such a perfect change.
Make the next MC look like this and not like Selena/Juliana
Don't make an open world game, largely about traversal, that plays at 18 fps and is rendered at 480p
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whats the matter zoomie? are all your women taken by old millenial boomers?
we need more sex in pokemon
nuke japan
Get Sweet Baby involved se we can at least have something tangible to blame.
do you know what a park ranger is
Legends Arceus was great, I'm sure the next Legends will be great too. Just stop buying the mainline games, they're made for retarded chldren.
if you're proposing level scaling then I hope you get skinned alive with a cheese grater. it ruins any sense of progress by making enemies always match the player in strength and can be cheesed easily by exploiting thresholds to stack everything in your favor without triggering the scaling and other loopholes (see ff8 card refining and junction abuse)
if you mean gyms getting stronger comps with the amount of badges you have, it's ok, but GF will never do it because it implies additional work and exponentially more testing
some people just like making cute girls
Also I had posted before but it just needs to do the opposite of what the worst parts of the series are criticized for/expand more on the good parts

Instead of the godawful linearity of Alola and Galar with no exploration/hallway routes that have cutscenes every 5 steps, give us what Scarlet/Violet did and let us explore(basically) the entire region all from the start, just do it better. Make the secrets worth finding, have good dungeons, not just open fields, have well detailed environments with no pop-in and a game that runs better than 5 FPS, have side quests aplenty and make it worth talking to every NPC

Bring back national dex but also make it so that you're more likely to use the new mons on a first time playthrough like what BW did instead of what Johto did. Make the mons easy to find and not horrible late game encounters or ones that evolve at an absurd level like Unova

Make the story engaging, what SV did with the 3 paths that eventually intersect was amazing. Having a great mid story climax like Hoenn did was also great. Have good worldbuilding. Have cool mythical mons that tie into story events like Delta Episode or the Pecharun thing instead of just the mailman giving them

Have a fucking post game, a second campaign, rematches, post game battle facilities, etc are all needed

Add replay value when you clear a file and give the option for like New Game+ or something

Make the games more difficult and scale appropriately, maybe have that as a toggle at the beginning or maybe as part of the said new game+ thing

Also like that anon said allow us to have sex with Pokegirls
focus on characters and world rather than adding more gimmicks/new pokemon
I play rom hacks.
>if you mean gyms getting stronger comps with the amount of badges you have, it's ok
That is exactly what I meant. Gyms conquered, titans beaten, bad guy leaders thwarted, it should all play into scaling for the other objectives.
replace gamefreak
add higher difficulty modes
make it feel more like an adventure with your monster pals
more customizations
normalize 2v2 and 3v3s, 1v1s are just plain boring
in a just world one where pokemon would exist in the first place, pokemon and man would be compatible mates. would human women have to lay eggs? nevermind this is the just world
I don't get it. is the guy on the bottom gay?
wasn't there a line somewhere that said humans were like pokemon at some point before becoming what they are now recognized as human
also aren't there pokemon there were once human too, coulda swore there was a ghost pokemon with that descriptor
he's too busy playing match 3 games on his phone to fuck meowscarada
>wasn't there a line somewhere that said humans were like pokemon at some point before becoming what they are now recognized as human
>also aren't there pokemon there were once human too, coulda swore there was a ghost pokemon with that descriptor
yeah. yamask for one. maybe more ghost types
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Either he doesn't care if he did or didn't get the Meowscarada pregnant, he bangs Pokemon and enjoys video games afterward, or he's too involved with video games to bang it in the first place.
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I think the joke is Meowscarada is the only one pictured who isn't in the "human-like" egg group. He has nothing to worry about.
so that's what they call being a faggot nowadays
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Make a separate line of games like Colosseum or XD gale of darkness with a darker story and higher difficulty intend for a slightly older and mature audience.
yeah that must definitely be it. thanks anon
Humans are probably also in the Field group though. We're savanna creatures.
When an entire group exists to link pokemon to humans, that is definitely more closely related to us. That's a stretch.
>ctrl+f "high impact sexual violence"
>"phrase not found"
You're taking an anthropocentric viewpoint. Humans are no more similar to pokemon in the Human-like egg group than they are to each other. Hence, even though the name means 'pokemon that look like humans' because that's the name humans gave the group, that doesn't imply that's the only group humans would be in.

You have to come at this from the perspective of a non-human observer who sees humans as yet another form of pokemon.
poke autism - the post
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>You're taking an anthropocentric viewpoint.
The egg group is literally UNITED by nothing but how close they relate to humans. External, internal viewpoint... it doesn't matter. Egg groups are hard lines in the sand that say "THESE CAN BREED WITH THESE." It's not an opinion. And this particular group LOOKS like humans as their most important feature.

You're trying too hard to say "the joke doesn't work" with twisted reasoning. Is there some other motivation here? Were you really keen on impregnating a Ratata?
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our love is real dammit
>find one broken set-up and spam it for a minimum of 50-100 battles PER 8 locations while factoring in RNG bullshit in some cases
>"peak of the IP"
oh my
Figuring that on your own is way more engaging than
>spam one single attack per entire gym
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adding skins
Why does she steal human semen?
I would like different options for starter towns, and each starter town has its own 3 Pokemon and culture around it. The only issue with this is a big marketing push for the 3 primary starters they've done since inception.
Remove character customization to instantly swipe all the transexuals and women out of the franchise, focus on PvP, remove the dexcut, make the open world fully online, allow to use all transformation gimmicks all at the same time.
shouldn't have left it just lying around
>wipe the character customization
Do you guys play fangames?
Other than the dogshit stories almost all these have.
What do you think?

Pokemon the last nurse joy is pretty cool.
Pokemon emeral rouge is still good to this day
Make doubles the default in the main game
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>Give Pokemon even more variations
FUCK NO, X-formes is the worst shit ever because its an excuse for Shitfreak to not create actual new pokemon
I think he just means variations, like size, colors, and stuff you see in typical animals.
Not proper forms, but variations like the ones mentioned or like Sawsbuck. Bringing back time of day and seasons would make the world feel more alive and give people more hunting options.
We postan pics? Here's one I took before I quit SV.

So I decided to play Sun instead and beat it the other day. I loved every minute of it, but the regret from skipping gen 7 is crushing me. ORAS and the Kalos league did irreparable damage to the series and gen 7 was kinda just caught in the crossfire. Many of the animators left after the Kalos league fiasco, so the anime looking like shit didn't help.

Honestly, just go back to Sun and Moon's formula and improve upon it. Generic, empty, japanese open world doesn't work for Pokemon.
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return to 2D.
sometimes simplicity is key
Z-A will be a city builder btw
My friends and I meet up get drunk and play emerald rogue together every so often. It's a great game.
>Make it not run like shit
>Add actual content
>Don't half-ass things
You know who's also in the field egg group?

Trannies are the ones who like to play dress up in these games, retard
I just play Showdown, I like spamming hazards and inducing status effects.
Palworld did it.

If people hate random encounters so much, then why do people jack off FRLG romhacks so hard?

It's time to admit that random encounters should have never left.
Palworld doubled down on the worst parts of Pokemon
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Infinite fusion is kinda fun
I know one has prankster and has the ground and flying type. Most pranksters are easily to kill, but these ones are tanky as fuck. If you switch into an opponent whose using some sort of non-damaging move, they're essentially fucked.
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>fuck Flutter Mane
Jigglypuff, Magneton, and Misdreavus were always more popular than their evolutions. It's not surprisng they got great new formes.
gen 3 is just the easiest to work with hacking wise. People hate random encounters in 3d because it's lazy as fuck and tech nowadays is more than capable of making whole ecosystems for creatures especially since a game like pokemon has little going for it besides the sheer number of creatures. The least they could do is make a lively world
Oh wow, they actually did retcon the gardevoir line into the humanlike egg group. Before they were only in the amorphous group with shit like slugma and drifloon.
Pokemon reborn.
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>Actually doing stuff with your pals that you're not using as opposed to just walking from point to point and maybe get into battle for EXP and a little pocket money
>The worst parts
Let it die. You're 30.
>Do you know what's fan fiction? That Iwata made so much room in GS that they were able to add Kanto. But I've been saying for at least 10 years that wasn't true, but nobody believes me because fans have their own narratives that they parrot as fact and actual interviews are ignored because nobody cares about the actual facts.
Your dismissal of Iwata is fanfiction because GameFreak themselves reference his contribution in-game.
How they rehauled sleep and frozen into better statuses was something I also liked.
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All palworld needs is more content.
>The least they could do is make a lively world
No japanese open world game, or more accurately, japanese Skyrim clone, has done this. Random encounters at least allow you to use your imagination and picture the world for yourself. The best part was that the mechanic had a simple, yet entirely believable explanation. Wild pokemon lurk in the tall grass and in caves where it can be difficult to see them coming. People are caught off guard and are attacked, so they need pokemon of their own to protect them.

With on-field encounters, you either get nothing at all in a barren world, or enemies are spawned all over the place in a crowded environment like it's Walmart on a Saturday, except the Walmart is still somehow completely empty with nothing to buy (or in this case, do). Not only that, the entire worldbuilding element is gone since you can simply ignore wild encounters entirely.

Gen 10 will still be empty. The next 3D Mario game will be empty. The next 3D Zelda will still be empty. All because of Todd Howard.
Oh, and Monster Hunter Wilds will be empty. I knew I forgot something.
1. Decouple the games from the rest of the company
2. Have someone else develop the games
There was a time when every Pokemon was in the game
Hoping someone here can help
The game just need to be more stable and actually have new interesting features, no, SMT is not a good example, SMT has like 1/100 of Pokemon size and somehow V/Vengeance is more downgrade than the last Pokemon released.

Fuck that was annoying me
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I do what I can
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It either got deleted off gelbooru or was never there in the first place

All Pokehebes should become Pokehags
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more pokemon to trainer interactions
have more shit to do between badge collecting
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I gave scarlet a go since I had set up the emulator and couldnt finish it.
They need to find a good balance of good graphics, realism but cartoonishly stylized. I dont need it running at more than a stable 60fps, but it gotta be running without stutters, pokemon, npcs, chunks of maps popping in and out of existence.

Pokemon scarlet also felt to (me) that it really needed voice acting. I dont know what kind of hassle will bring but it felt fucking bad to play without them.

The only thing they arent missing is the female designs
>I catch only the cutest girliest pokemons.
It's debunked. Iwata wrote a program that increased processing speed for battles in Gen II, if anything he took up MORE space in the ROM. Returning to Kanto was part of the plan from the outset of the project long before Iwata contributed to Pokémon, it's in the Spaceworld 97 ROMs in a truncated form. While I can't remember the exact source I learned the Iwata thing from since it was at least a decade ago, Did You Know Gaming finally took the time to look into it themselves.
I beat pokemon blue when I was 5 fucking years old. And now the games are waaaay easier than that
T-th-thanks, genies.

Lando-T has Intimidate, an Ability that drops the opponent's Atk stats by 1 tier, which is a big deal because it can ideally turn a 1-turn kill in to a 2-turn kill on bad line ups.

Lando-T is good defensively because the only thing that can reliably one-shot it is a good Water move or some Water-type mon is carrying either a good Ice move (Ice Beam) or HP-Ice, which I'm not sure is legal on VGC back then. Lando-T is also surprisingly flexible so you can build him in either an SpA (his better offensive stat) or an Atk Sweeper.

This anon already explained why Tornadus is good >>683758738
although I started at Gen 9 and am not sure on why they prefer Thundurus over Tornadus at the time.
Much smaller chance of whiting out in newer games, zeldakek.
Lando-T did nothing wrong. Ever since Lando-T saved us from the monstrosity that was BW1 Terrakion, he's been a great buffer against physical threats while also not being completely passive thanks to his own offensive stats and movepool. However, unlike Gliscor, he doesn't have incredible sustain + status immunity and spikes. Tell me, /v/, what is wrong with a pokemon like this? An argument can be made for the U-turn spam, but that's part of a much bigger problem regarding switch moves in general. We absolutely need to address them, but the community isn't ready to have that conversation uet.

People just hate Lando-T and Great Tusk because they have high usage without putting any thought into WHY they're used in the first place.
does not fix anymore, it's perfect.
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I'm loving this game and the soundtrack goes hard as fuck.
By you going to your containment board, furfag
rape imminent
I played all of gen 1-5 like a decade ago on their respective platforms then stopped. I tried going back into the series by continuing where I left off and trying X/Y but I just couldn't continue. I don't know what felt boring about it but it just was. I don't think I'm tired of the genre because I did play some actual pokemon clones like Nexomon a bit before I tried X/Y.
>and the soundtrack goes hard as fuck.
Do a Tera Raid battle. Best music in the game.
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Here's your new gen 10 Pokémons made with the older artstyle bro!
Won't happen until gen 10.
Why can't people get this.
Gen 2+2=Gen 4
Gen 3+3=Gen 6
Gen 4+4=Gen 8
Gen 5+5=Gen 10
Legends Z-A looks interesting for sure, but if the whole game is set in Lumiose how will we catch pokemon?
Will we go into different levels of catacombs? Or will we have virtual worlds in the plazas?
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Yeah, that track is great.
My favorite is the Team Star Grunt theme; it's a shame there are not that many of them to battle in the game.
I would like Challenge mode in Black 2 to become the standard difficulty in pokemon based on trainer class I.e larger teams, coverage pokemon/moves, held items, having IVs and having evolved pokemon. Also put more care into the level curve so you don't naturally outlevel trainers
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>Gen 5 remake
Game Freak would just like to pretend that it never happened. IF they were smart they would remake B2W2 instead of BW.
Themed teams would be cooler. I'm tired of monotype. The nurse's team made me smile. Every other gym leader in Paldea was doing it as a side gig, why didn't they lean into that?
Same. Also you can have both a favourite type and a theme, like a team full of pink cute Pokemon will mostly be fairy types either way.
If they're smart they'll make part 3 and finally show what the fuck happened to Hilbert.
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These mons are too well designed to come from recent pokemon
They're from You Gay Hoe.
Play Masters, they love their Unova wank and had their big Hilbert and N reunite and talk it out thing. Hilda in the meantime is just a battleslut.
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Temtem doesn't use monotype teams for its gyms. And it's fucking awful. Having monotype teams in Gyms make sense since it reinforces type matchups. I still couldn't tell you the type matchups in Temtem despite getting to the 4th gym.
They're obviously from Dragon Quest.
burn every female pokefucker at the stakes
Is this your ex discord boyfriend or something
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Why didn't they keep the Let's go artstyle? I thought it looked really good (especially compared to sword and shield)
Maybe just remove the pokemon appearing in the grass and keep it like a normal game
Currently in the middle of replaying gen 3-4-5, man Emerald is still good even after 20 years
>Maybe just remove the pokemon appearing in the grass and keep it like a normal game
No. We should never ever go back to random encounters you can't see again. Why would you even suggest moving mechanics backwards like this?
They/Them tranny shit.
It looks fine for a gen 1 remake and would have ben preferable to whatever the fresh fuck BDSP was, but I'd prefer it if modern games kept the Gen 8 aesthetic, it stroke a good balance between this and Gen 9 by being more limited but also prettier and more detailed.
I like the rng more but we can keep it if you want
Haven't played any pokemon after X/Y (beside ORAS) so I cannot judge it confidently
SV, SWSH, and PLA are exactly like Let's Go. It's still completely random what you see it just means that hunting for a 1% doesn't take upwards of half an hour now and you see ten times the amount of encounters you ever could before leading to shinies being actually reasonable for a casual to get instead of never.
ORAS had the Dexnav. The games were already taking baby steps to get away from random encounters. There's no reason to go back other than nostalgia.
It would be like going back to the mostly empty old move learnsets. A huge step backward.
Overworld pokemon fixes the single worst problem with Pokemon which is cave and sea exploration, rng was fine for grass which was mostly avoidable but it made dungeons and water a misery to explore.
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God, people complained about the tree on SwSh but praise SV which is entirely made of SwSh trees while SwSh is actually pretty when it wants to.
Oh please, random encounters have been a staple of RPGs. And Pokemon specifically adds repels to disable them
Dexnav made getting a good Ralts a breeze, wish we had it in XY for male Litleo.
Give it to the Palworld devs.
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The only problem with overworld mons(at least in SV I haven't played LGPE) is that it makes shinies very easy to miss and you're always gonna be paranoid about missing one.

Also not sure about how the spawn in works but it'd be really fucked up if a shiny spawns far away in a direction you're not even going, or one despawns right as you got to an area
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>Gen 8 remake
>Lusamine is the main good guy who is kind to everyone
>Gently and positively encourages her children to be more independent.
PLA made this not a problem by giving you a clear indicator but maybe some of the ways pokemon spawn made it untenable for scvi
I also know people who hated the noise because it made shiny hunting "way too easy to the point my little cousin could do it", fuck if I know what that means. As if there's any fucking skill to it in the first place. Old pokemon fans are a violently ill sort.
>ORAS sucked
>LGPE sucked
>BDSP sucked
Kill yourself.
Loving missionary sex with Kiki.
To be fair I specified.
And LGPE isn't a real remake
>ORAS sucked
They're better than Emerald.
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Oh right I forgot PLA has overworld mons too.

Man that game really came and went didn't it, I still haven't even finished it.

FRLG sucked but were decent to bring Kanto a then modern standard and remove all the bugs/glitches
HGSS were amazing
ORAS at least tried to be unique and are an alternate way to play Hoenn compared to Emerald with each having its own viability
Haven't played LGPE
BDSP sucks assholes because there's no reason to play it over Platinum

Eww fuck no.
t. replayed ORAS recently, should have picked Emerald again instead
RS/ORAS fags are truly delusional
It's really quite baffling how you Kalosperm are still tripping over yourselves to defend a demake.
Keep Kalos out of this, nigger.

t. hated ORAS
I replayed Emerald recently and the lack of physical/special split, dated UI like the bag having item limits, non reusable TMs, no E4 rematches, etc was pretty gay.

There's a case to be made about playing both games instead of just one or the other

I've been playing since gen 1
I was looking through my screenshots yesterday and SWSH was like night and day in terms of art direction outside of the Wild Area. Picture related is still my favorite area from the game.

>random encounters have been a staple of RPGs
Yeah, and modern JRPGs have been tending to avoid random encounters or at the very least show what you're going to fight on the overworld so that you can hunt specific things because no one likes random encounters. It's a genuine quality of life improvement.

In Yokai Watch when they're not showing you what's on the overworld they tell you specific ranks you're going to find and only allow one or two of that specific rank to even show up in each area so you basically have a 50/50 shot of getting what you're looking for, but it's usually 100% on the higher tiers.
Ni no Kuni 1 and DQM: The Dark Prince show you exactly what type of mob you'll be fighting in the overworld and that specific enemy always spawns that specific mob group.
Monster Crown, Monster Sanctuary, and Cassette Beasts show you the exact enemy you are going to fight on the overworld.
Disc Creatures shows you a generic mob on the overworld you have to run into.
Nexomon, Coromon, Digimon Story, and Temtem went the Pokemon route.
>I've been playing since gen 1
No, with those zoomer complaints about Emerald you haven't.
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I replayed gen 1 this year. I like it over FRLG cuz it's what I grew up with. But I'm not going to say it's the better version of those games.
Same holds true for Emerald vs ORAS.
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>No, with those zoomer complaints about Emerald you haven't.
I never said it was unplayable, but after having played the games later in the series and then going back it makes you realize how much the little things matter.

Needing to throw away or sell items and not being able to auto sort in the bag is a minor thing, but it does detract from the experience.

Sorry that when I spend hours breeding to get dragon dance on my Bagon for the Battle Frontier I'd actually want to use a stab physical dragon move instead of needing to rely on earthquake/rock slide/iron tail

Emerald is a fantastic game, it's overall better than ORAS but it's dated. If ORAS had Emerald features it would be by far the best game in the series
>Also not sure about how the spawn in works but it'd be really fucked up if a shiny spawns far away in a direction you're not even going, or one despawns right as you got to an area
In LGPE it only spawns where you can actually see and will only disappear from the overworld if you either catch another Pokemon before it, it overlaps with a Pokemon when you run at it and you get unlucky, or if they just time out (Takes like 30ish seconds?). They can appear in areas you can't access yet like British Royal Guard Cave before you have Surf for example.
In PLA it only spawns where you are looking and it not only played an audio tune for it but gave the shiny Pokemon a giant sparkle animation when they first pop in.
In SWSH you can't see the shiny until you physically encounter it for some insane reason and they never patched this in despite the DLC patches.

In SV you can see the shiny in the overworld but there is no sound so you have to get extremely lucky or sit right next to a TV/monitor for stuff like Tadbulb, Charcadet, and Tandemaus.
The way Pokemon spawns work in SV is that there can only be a total of 15 Pokemon spawned within a circular radius around the player. If a Pokemon runs out of that radius or you do it allows new Pokemon to spawn. Preset encounters like preset Terastallized Pokemon also count towards this. Pokemon will not spawn near cliff edges, and if you clear the spawns completely via a picnic they will primarily spawn directly in front of about ten feet away making it so that certain areas are extremely easy to shiny farm in like Mankeys and Charcadets in picture related.
But Emerald is the better version in this case. FRLG is a straight upgrade while ORAS is a sidegrade at best and a demake at worst.

While I can appreciate the split myself, still a zoomer complaint. And a Dragon STAB, seriously? What for
>And a Dragon STAB, seriously? What for
If my other coverage moves all hit for neutral against an enemy why not click the dragon move that gets stab
By turning it into a CRPG like BG3. You'd probably have to limit how many mons you can have out on the field at once, to around 4, else shit would balloon up real fast.
You could try to fish for a crit or secondary effect if your STAB sucks.
When Dragon got shit like physician Outrage it crashed the game with no survivors, until Fairies happened and crashed it even further.
i'm guessing crystal, or whatever that redish-pink type is supposed to be?
What are the player counts for tembo the badass elephant and giga wrecker?
You can't, its sucks forever now, thank you for playing
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it's not fucking fair
>grind crap
>open world slop overload
>cringeworthy cutesy bullshit
>ultra casualized battle system
Yes it did.
Yeah. The real Gen 4 remakes are Plat romhacks at this point.
It is sad that it is more likely that rom modders will end up making a unified game with every region in one of the older gen formats before Nintendo does. Then again even if they did it would still be relegated to the Switch now so what would be the point.
>to around 4
Pokemon has 6 party members, which is already the perfect size for CRPG parties. You might be trolling since you brought up BG3, but I think Pokemon could do well with another SRPG series. CRPG is not far from SRPG, but I'm not sure how well it would work with animal-like companion party members. Maybe something like a PMD setting CRPG could work, but I'm not sure how many would buy it.
I wanna play SV but I fucking hate open world shit
Pirate it and/or emulate first. Drop if you don't like it.
I did exactly this, and unsurprisingly it was shit
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Thanks but we already have some of those in 9
Then you're probably never going to buy another Pokemom game ever again.

Sorry not sorry.RiP bozo, boomer.
>never going to buy another Pokemom game ever again.
You say it as if it was a bad thing
Damn you're cute.
I still actively play Pokemon regularly on cartridge and they really really really need some Pokemon to be banned online or make seperate tiers or something. It's not fun at all anymore when every single team is like 6 legendaries/ultra beasts/paradox forms. I don't even have a problem with them being in the game, I know people are going to want to use them. But can the devs at least limit people for fucks sake? Every team online in ranked is like Ogerpon, Urshifu, Kyogre, Mewtwo, Dialga, etc and it's like, FUCK OFF. I know I'm probably playing against actual, literal children irl, so I don't always mind the handicaps, but it's simply not fun to play anymore once they release the second DLC to these games, flood them with every legendary in the franchise and make online completely unplayable for anyone who actually wants to use Pokemon they like (god forbid).

I still think pvp can be fun, I'd like to go have some Pokemon matches right now, but I know the first game I queue up, the enemy team is going to be like, Ogerpon, Bloodmoon Ursaluna, Flutter Mane, etc and it really just completely saps my will to play. Everyone has been saying this for years, I know it isn't a new or original idea, but for fucks sake if you're not going to lock those pokemon out of online play can you at least please, for the love of God, buff normal pokemon?
I don't know about you, but dabbing on legendaries online with basic ass starts is funny.
That's one thing I enjoyed in XY, just grab a Vivillon, give it a focus sash and you trolled every other kid.
>It's not fun at all anymore when every single team is like 6 legendaries/ultra beasts/paradox forms.
>it's simply not fun to play anymore once they release the second DLC to these games, flood them with every legendary in the franchise and make online completely unplayable for anyone who actually wants to use Pokemon they like (god forbid).
congratulations, you've discovered the actual unbalanced state of pokemon unfiltered through autist cope
>buff normal pokemon
that would be as stupid as making every character in a fighting game as OP as the final boss.
Go back to pixel art and top down. Turning all the games into these poorly made wanna be BotW open worlds with every pokemon just standing around looking retarded ruined the imagined ecology you could think existed as you played the games. Plus half of the pokemon just look awful in 3d but look fine as an animated sprite.

Sure, you can do it, I still do. Like I said, I actively play the games still. And there's some "normal" Pokemon that can absolutely perform fantastically. I love using my Corviknight, my Vikavolt is very useful and reliable. I love the hell out of my Whimsicott and my Armarouge and lots of other normal pokemon. Hell, my staple is usually still just using Blastoise. It's fun, and you can do it, you shouldn't take this game too seriously. A random miss, critical hit, bad luck with paralysis, and whether or not you land that 60% accuracy hypnosis can and will decide games all the time. Hell, I like and prefer to use Zap Cannon on my Vikavolt, because I've accepted that when you're fighting a completely uphill battle where the enemy team total probably has like 500 more BST distributed amongst their team than yours, that you're going to usually need SOME luck to win.

I just wish they would address this somehow. I don't care how. A BST total for your team? A two legendary per team limit? Tier lists like Smogon? Some kind of "handicap" status where maybe the game will give me a slight RNG boost or something when it determines my team is Parasect, Sandslash, and Dragalge while my opponent is using Dialga, Dragonite, and Urshifu.

I don't care how they do it, I don't even have a specific suggestion I want to put forth. I just wish this issue was addressed in some way, in some form. Its supposed to, in spirit anyways, be a game with near infinite combinations, strategies, and team building possibilities. But when I play online I'm literally just seeing the same 20 Pokemon over and over and over again in every match. Let me tell you, the absolute most kino matches in these games is when an opponent is using a full team of normal pokemon that they actually like, just like I am. I'm not even saying shitmons, use good pokemon, I'm all for it. Hit me with the Milotic, I welcome the Toxipex, I am okay with fighting Gengar and Dragonite etc etc.
I'm having the time of my life taking dabs, getting day drunk, WFH, and playing violet. Quit being a fag.
There is a one legendary per team limit already in ranked.
that beyblade looks sussy
the same violins, ALL THE FUCKING TIME
I think they really need a legendary/mythical optional clause for people who don't want to see them.
But of course it will never happen, how wilk GF sell their DLCs if children can't even use them for cheap wins online?

I didn't know this, so I looked it up. Could have fooled me. According to the devs, none of these pokemon are legendary, you can use five of these and a Mewtwo and it's fine. None of these pokemon are in the restricted category you mentioned.



So yeah. I guess they can only bring one "Legendary". The rest will be ultra beasts, pseudo legendaries, paradox forms, tapu-whatevers, etc.

I want them to do a HD pixel style game like what all those recent SE games have been.
These Pokemon aren't as good as the restricted legendaries and are outclassed at various things by normal Pokemon ex: Amoongus. I think restricted metas are gay as hell too but limiting sub legends would make too many Pokemon straight out unusable.

Urshifu wouldn't get used at all if it was a restricted Pokemon.
Please no that shit looks awful
Orios Orios on my face
Orio sex
is the polite answer I would give in a place I can't say Dot sex instead
Keep it as is but now you can date and marry your rivals or the gym leaders
Gamefreak cant into 3D development
And you think they could do 2.5? When even their 2D was serviceable at best
Do you not have eyes? That style looks gorgeous.
>And now the games are waaaay easier than that
If you believe this you are genuinely retard. Pretty much every major trainer past the halfway point has god fucking awful movesets because they needed to save on cartridge space and just defaulted to giving them the last learned moves in the level up pool. Gen 1 are legitimately some of the easiest games in the series and some modern games (like USUM) or sections of them (Indigo Disk from SV) are far harder than it.
>gen 7
Fucken lol
Also Gen 1 is easy now because we know what mons and moves do, back then you had no idea
Gen 7 isn't difficult because there literally isn't a single Pokemon game that is. I simply said it was harder than Gen 1. I played Red when I was 10 years old on a shitty mobile emulator and I ended up beating it in like 3 days of on and off play with the only real roadblock being Sabrina.
>I played Red when I was 10 years old on a shitty mobile emulator
Not the same, because you could easily look up what the mons and moves do on the very same device, even if I trust you didn't take advantage of emulator features.
For non-zoomers Gen 1 was still harder, even if it comes mostly from the lack of information.
>Not the same, because you could easily look up what the mons and moves do on the very same device
Well, I didn't. I played most of the first 5 gens on emu and I'd be lying if I said I NEVER used that to my advantage (like in Gen 3 when I didn't know that the fuck to do for the Regis), but I never felt the need to use it for either of the Gen 1 games I played (Red and Yellow). Red wasn't the first mainline game I played (it was Emerald, though the first Pokemon game I played period was Pokemon Ranger) but if a game can be made braindead easy by simply playing another in it's series and using the knowledge from there, then it wasn't really hard to begin with.
>but if a game can be made braindead easy by simply playing another in it's series and using the knowledge from there, then it wasn't really hard to begin with.
It's almost as if difficulty is relative or something. Still, you have to understand your experience doesn't match with non-zoomers who played Gen 1 as their first. Not knowing anything and the game not having descriptions even for items really changes a lot.
>post random unflattering image
>"hello, [guy i don't know]"
what's the point
6v6 tactics.
No bugs, better graphics, make it harder.
>wtf why do you want your game to be better
the open world was so fucked
so poorly implemented
Pokemon is dogshit, there's no fixing it, let it go anon
No, the fix is easy, just copy Pokemon Showdown and expand on it.
Filters the women, filters the trannies due to no customizarion, filters the casuals and kids due to no "muh hecking wholesome adventurinos", and the fanbase is one of the biggest problems with Pokemon because they have perpetuam shit taste.
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It rips out all of the boring/frustrating features
>berries in Safari Zone
>Pokeblock limitations
>Battle Frontier
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The game didn't have descriptions for almost anything. You had to figure out how stuff worked but using it.
Not to mention that how much grinding you had to do to have a proper moveset. See >>683776852
Gen 1 lvl 20 Charmander: 4 moves, 1 STAB
Gen 9 lvl 20 Charmander: 7 moves, 2 STAB
Or how little variety there was in Pokemon.
Hate those bitches.
Still would though
I used the Internet to look up how to evolve Pokemon and where they were at that age. I don't remember if Serebii was around at that time, but I feel like it might have been.
add crafting pokeballs and other items and make it all seperate minigames
piss rags are scary. ghosts are scary too.
After I breeded 4 different mons to use for battle frontier in Emerald (Salamence, Milotic, Metagross, and later Swampert instead of Milo in the palace) I can say the battle frontier is great if it weren't for the fact it actually fucking cheats holy fuck

My main team for every facility was Mence, Meta, and Milo using basic DD/physical set, earthquake/meteor mash, and toxic stall, the one thing that would counter my team was a specific Vaporeon that had water absorb and rest. Guess how often I got that as an enemy

Water mons in general countered my team pretty hard and I saw a lot of them

I said fuck it and just save stated before every new match so I could reload and get a match that wasn't complete horse shit
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In 1998, the internet was still growing in popularity. I still remember that it was all about sharing info and rumors to figure out the game.
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They're basically the only reason to give a shit about Triple and Rotation Battles.
I even have a specific memory, of looking up the Eevees to see what kind of stone to use and how much you need to earn in the gaming place to get one.
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>I catch only the cutest girliest pokemons.
>Make Pokémon an e-sports menu simulator and throw out literally everything else
I didn't know it was possible to have an opinion so retarded, but then I realized you were also asking them to turn Showdown, which you already have for FREE, into a paid product
Yeah, but something with higher production values.
The top priority should be fixing Scarlet and Violet. After that:
Voice acting
Toggleable EXP share
Raw data on what each move and item does
Built in fast-forward, nuzlocke, and randomizer
All encounters are on the map like in Let's Go
Add more Eevee forms
Drop Nintendo exclusivity and work on games for better technology
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my man if the games are going to be trivial anyway, just give a low-effort casual mode to the kiddies and put the actual work into the "hard" mode that the adults will opt into
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>low-effort casual mode
Isn't that just the main story campaign in modern Pokemon anyway?
funny that you mention the grind because cyber sleuth and survive have tricks to skip the grind. next order somewhat does too if you abuse the restaurant for infinite lifespan
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>digimon survive has tricks to skip the grind
exp crystals and growth stones son. they make a huge difference
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>famitsufag melty (again)
Making something harder for Iono alright.
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>exp crystals and growth stones
which you have to grind for
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>linear (yes, bad for pokemon, especially when older gens and 9 weren't straight lines and hallways)
>removed attacks and abilities
>easy as fuck with no way to change difficulty
>bad graphics
>glitches out the ass
>also see >>683734978
you get a ton of those going through the game and filling out the field guide. I finished my first playthrough at lv 53 without grinding.
the game has 4 routes and ng+ ffs. you're more likely to reach the level cap before you finish the game. and if you use stat gain items you'll end up overpowered even for the mugen recollection battles
>glitches out the ass
There’s one glitch with Ditto animating incorrectly if it transforms into Dacian
>removed attacks
Irrelevant meme attacks nobody used
>removes abilities
Only on dex cut Pokemon (look how entire criticism revolves around dex cut lol)
And he will keep defending it!
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Hi yawnfag
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pkm fans complaining about pkm hmmm
>people still pay to play pokemon when just about every fangame and romhack is better than the original games
>filling out the field guide
That's just Pokedex grinding.
You're acting like grinding is a bad thing. When it's at the core of Survive.
confirmed for not playing the game. learning crystals are found using the camera and as spoils from mandatory story battles
Pokebabs could never handle DW2
Granted nobody should without an emulator
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you just know she FUCKS her Pokemon and loves IT
Stop giving Gamefreak excuses. It is fucking astounding how brainwashed Pokemon fans are whenever Gamefreak gives them games that are 20 years behind every other series. If Persona, SMT, Trails, Atelier, or Xenoblade had ever released their games at the quality of S/V, they would have been the punching bag of the entire gaming community:

>Game text and animations are absurdly slow and kills the pacing of battles to the point it becomes a chore
>Instead of saying "Attack and Defense increased" you have to sit through each buff or debuff being applied one by one to every Pokemon
>Battlefields don't even fucking load properly and can glitch out or teleport you to a different background
>BOTW showed you can make an open world game for the switch run smoothly with a shit ton of optimization, style to hide the low quality textures,
>Other open world ports run fine on the Switch
>Scarlet and Violet are so incompently made that the Switch can't handle it and even emulations on high end PCs struggle to emulate it.
>Instead of sticking with the same art style from Sword and Shield they completely changed the art style to make all of the NPCs and player models uglier. It's fucking uncanny, that shit isn't Pokemon it looks like it came out of koikatsu party. They wasted time coming up with a bunch of new models instead of just reusing their old models and optimizing the rest of the game.
>The dexcut excuses are just so they can charge you more money for other services Pokemon Home
>Splitting the base game into two separate versions with minor differences and you only cut the full content from purchasing both games.
>Can't do high level raids unless you purchased Nintendo Online subscription which means you need to pay EVEN MORE MONEY to access content that should have been in the base game
>Oh also you can't trade unless you purchase Nintendo Online, a staple mechanic of the Pokemon games ever since Gen 1 was paywalled.
That's fair, I fuck my pokemon and love it.
We dont
>Can't do high level raids unless you purchased Nintendo Online subscription which means you need to pay EVEN MORE MONEY to access content that should have been in the base game

Niggers will make these walls of texts just so they can put literal fucking lies in
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The fun of Pokemon is the role-playing aspects, not the difficulty. There's a reason why people are so mixed with the 3DS (arguably) and Switch titles. They're glorified adventure games that lack a sense of adventure. They railroad you through the story because the only other off-beat thing you can do beside autism stuff like shiny hunting, is play with your Pokemon in Pokemon Camp or whatever they call it each gen. But don't play with them too much cause it'll turn the already easy game into a Dora the Explorer-tier cakewalk.

Pokemon needs to become an RPG again, and not some faggot story about some faggot director whining about family issues, and then grind mons online so you can get gaped by Inceniroar and the box legend of the Gen for the billionth time in Doubles
>They should just go to an IP, whose owner treats the IP like a middle child and do everything they can to sabotage it
The way Pokemon is treated is like a golden child compared to how Bandai Namco/Tori treat Digimon.
I literally can't recommend Digimon to anyone trying to get in it, because being a Digimonfag is tantamount to torture
It's okay I don't think anyone is getting into a series where all the monsters have the same sounding name and turn into some human guy.

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