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What the fuck were they thinking?
I’m getting the physical version so it’s actually $60 for me. I don’t mind though since I’m not poor and Nintendo deserves the money for putting out so much kino.
I know right? It should be free.
game is worthless without NSO so really it's $50
The online challenge lineups should reset daily, not weekly.
Our fans are children and retards who will buy anything we release
Can you play the games normally on this?
That's a pretty good price actually. With Nintendo you should always expect full price $60 games with prices that only go up when the system dies.
no, but they're all on virtual console anyway
should've included the ability to play the base game, stupid it doesn't
>but nso
I know but it would've been nice to have a physical release with these games
OH NO $30 whole dollars?! Whatever shall I do? Reminder that if you don’t make at least that much in an hour then you are a failure of a man. These threads always expose all the brown thirdies on this board.
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Hello, Eric.
Oy vey, 40 year old NES roms for free? What is this, a charity?
kek this. at this point this place is just brown “people” melting down over third world problems. it gets tiresome reading their posts after a while. thank god they haven’t latched onto /m/ or /tg/ tier hobbies yet.
slop eaters will buy it anyway
>they'll buy anything
needs mega man and castlevania

>but they aren't first party nintend-
fuck up
>I'm so rich I play NES games in 2024
Damn I wish I could afford NES games in 2024
Go fuck yourself, Eric
I make 70 dollars an hour does that make me man enough to say nintendo's handling of old games is retarded and gay?
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>no Mother
That's an hour of work, dude
a lot of NES games actually go for way more than modern games do. something that you would know if you were into collecting retro games. thankfully it’s another hobby that filters brown peasants like you. not that you’d have space for those games and consoles inside of your one bedroom favela hole that you share with your thirty brothers and sisters.
>caring this much about $30
Damn I love being white. Better luck in your next life Ranjeet!
good morning
>no it is you who is the street shitter actually
You must be one of those Indian intellectuals that I’ve read so much about.
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>Damn I love being white.
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>Damn I love being white.
half of these games are dreck anyway
>nintendo releases a game below the standard price
you retards will seethe over anything
lmao how many times are you faggots gonna buy the same nes games that are all free?
it's good.
it's extreme wasted potential
They were thinking that Nintendo fanboys are essentially cultists who worship a corporation and will happily eat up whatever they shit out with obscene pricing.
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>rng jrpg mechanics
>in a speedrun

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