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How do I achieve Leon's hair without looking like this?
Me on the left
have a face like the guy on the right. "good hair styles" are just whatever you put on an attractive guy's head.
Me on the left
Guy on the left really reminds me of Joker from persona 5 for some reason
Where is his forehead?
I fucking wonder why
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the latinx on the left is literally me
Just need to look like an attractive white guy
>white guy
I'm already somewhat attractive with a good jawline
Stop doxxing me
And you will never be attractive, whitoid
wtf where did you get this picture of me?
Didn't this series under perform souch that they scrapped the second half of the first season?
4 cms less and it would look fine

also ditch the mustache
anime protags are always femboys
I hate having hair in my eyes
I cut my own hair and basically I just cut the parts that's in my eyes
I am the only one thinking that even the right one looks retarded?
i couldn't even finish the first episode

demon slayer chads won
If you have short hair rn, go to a barber, cut your shit so the sides are shorter than the top, maybe something like those zoomer cuts with the fades. When your hair grows the top is going to be way longer and you can style it like leon's, but your hair needs to be straight or it won't work (if you have wavy hair you can just style it it with a middle part and yo will look good anyway). If you have long hair might as well go to a proper hairdresser and get the cut directly, just show up with a picture of Leon.
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You will never look good without strong facial symmetry and a jawline.
And if you don't have a chin you might as well give up. A weak chin is like being under 6'0".
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I already have a good jawline. Can't wait for winter to buy the jacket
I'll try that
Just a tip: In my experience, barbers are shit when you want elaborate hairstyles, since they are used to giving people fades and buzzcuts, so it's better to go to a hairdresser if you want these type of cuts, since they have experience with that, specifically, someone with experience cutting women's hair, as women get these more elaborate styles usually.
are jawlines related to how you sound? why can I hear the left one's voice perfectly in my head?
Why would you want to look like the ugly butt chin version of leon in the remake
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>>white guy

>And you will never be attractive, whitoid
I can't show the Berber/Hairdresser a picture of OG leon you silly goose, he'll probably laugh at me
The thread about asian women earlier really upset our local shitskin kek, he's been going at it all day
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What a retarded picture. The chin/jawline wasn't the only thing that had to change to make that guy look good.
Could you rephrase that? Either I'm misunderstanding your question or you're off your meds.
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Hell, this looks better despite having a much weaker chin.
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Leon haircut can look good if you have the right facial structure pic related
The secret is to never ever wash or brush your hair. Don't wash your face either. Oh, and be a scrawny freak as well
Just buzz it and pretend you’re leon if he decides to get a buzzcut. It’s what I do.
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who are you calling, pajeet?
joker from persona 5 on the left
Kek, they really do think that they look like that.
left is literally just zach hadel and he made it. the problem is you need a 10/10 personality to make up for the goblin looks.
Is that actually why there's a movie coming out to cover the Russian bomb bitch instead of a whole second season? If people are sick of it already they're going to really hate the hot autistic dog shit that is the second part of the manga. Probably be worse than vinland saga.
Correct. You never go to a barber if you want an expensive cut. You go to a barber if you want a touch up for a male cut or you're too lazy or gross to cut everything off yourself. For actual hair styling you go to a salon.
Its a joke or jest you retards
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dude on the left has facial proportions like pic related
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Be good looking
i wouldn't fuck with that senator
Kek. Looks almost exactly like me (the one on the left.)
Why are you retards so quick to make everything about race? The way you cunts post since the political obsession take-over on 4chan reeks of a need for validation.
Left is what women think they want. Right is who they wish was with them after dealing with left's mental issues rivaling a woman.
it's more like the manga is way more well received and Japan hated the approach the anime adaptation took, focusing more on dull colored, slow paced but fluid and cinematic animation for the early part of the series that was more suited towards colorful, fast paced action.
guy on the right needs to shave his head then get contacts and he'd be top tier
>I'm ready to settle down now, Timothy
el peruANO
Timmy is the BVLL doe
>how do I look like a drawing?

Uhh you don't man, you're in 3-d space.
This guy might actually have some kind of deformity, Jesus. It looks like his face is trying to escape his head
Literally Vincent Cassel
Some average fugly guy
That's the name of the game. It's how men and women work. Your job as a man is to put women like that in their place. You inevitably have to settle yourself, by either staying alone or meeting a younger woman. Playing for the rare unicorn when you have to shoot your shot many times is a fool's errand.
I know better than anyone that women only care about looks. I dated a girl that was a solid 3/10 and fat just to not be alone and I treated her well and she said she loved me and wanted to be around me all the time. She eventually decided to get into shape and lose weight to improve her quality of life and our sex life. As she got thinner other men started to pay attention to her and she left me for a better looking guy that makes less money.
Cool but don't care about women
my mustache grows like that, how do I fix It?
hot, love seeing girls get cucked by another man
But most experts and doctors in the US disagree with that statement
his cut's fucked up and the focal length is making him look like a horse. he can't pull it off anyway because he's not asian.

long hair sucks ass on 95% of non-asian guys and if you think you're the exception, you look like shit. non-asians generally don't have the thick hair strands that asians have, which is why the latter always go for long hair unless they go bald, then it's over.
just get a crew cut if you're white or whatever and get to sub 15% BF. problem solved.
Just don't be white
Please don't post the image of average americans in here thank you
Just go clean shaven, not everyone can pull off facial hair.
I believe in you, anon!! Go live your dream!!
He's asking if your facial structure affects the way your voice sounds.
The answer is yes.
I have right's jawline but also a caveman brow so I still look weird
Stop obsessing over americans thank you
I shudder at the mere thought...
The rest of my beard grows propper, it's just the mustache that doesn't seem to link up
>long hair sucks ass on 95% of non-asian guys and if you think you're the exception
I agree with this, honestly. But I think medium lenght cuts look good on white guys, better than really short cuts.
Just don't be a shitskin
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>white guy
faggot meme
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How to get his cut?
Don't be a monkey (mexican)
How the fuck is this shit still going? I read 50 chapters before getting filtered
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I need a link, I want to laugh, please anon.
Is it over me isn't it?
High semen intake diet.
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How do you get attention as a woman?
Knew a chick who did this after a guy paid her way through college and she graduated
If you are a biological woman, i'm guessing you want chad? If that's the case the best you can get is being his fuckbuddy or getting pumped and dumped, you are going to want to get some tits and ass to seduce Chad into fucking you. If that's not what you mean, you can get plenty of attention and simps by pandering to lonely nerds, one low effort way is through vtubing and pretending to be a pure "femcel"
>Right is who they wish was with them
What a gay cope. You're the kind of guy who brags about being a stepdad.
Yeah, I'm sure they'll be running to a gay gymrat who has tranny ideations. It's well known that gear users are significantly more likely to come out as LGBT than general pop. The skinny chad has fewer problems in every aspect of life.
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Wow we are just going to throw away decades of alpha male research just for this?
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The internet is vast, it has numerous desperate people. I was talking about normal, any men in real life.
Honestly as long as you aren't butt ugly with severe facial deformities or very obese, makeup and showing some skin will suffice. You don't even have to post pics of yourself. Just join a male-dominated gaming community on discord or something, banter and joke with guys on voice chat (to confirm that you're a girl), and you'll have guys wanting to buy you stuff and be at your beck and call. If he flirts, flirt back but never confirm where your relationship stands. Mention other guys as well so he'd know that he has competition and be on his best behaviour. Personally I find all of this very exhausting, so I'm chatting with only one or two guys at the same time.
Just take care of yourself and join places where you could meet and talk with guys, show some interest in one guy and he will most likely reciprocate, not that hard, honestly. When I used to go to college I'd see fat ugly women boasting on how they had multiple boyfriends and showing their female friends the guys she was with, most men have low standards.
>those wojack fucking a landwhale pics are grim reminders
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All you need is money, anon.
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I can't do make-up. Perhaps I'll try wearing more tight clothing.

Thank you for the detailed advice. However, I cannot put it into practise since I never do calls (not even with family). You seem to be experienced, what free games did you get?
James Hetfield was a goofy looking dude and became handsome as he aged. Just let it happen naturally.
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are you white with a robust jaw and forward grown midface? no? then dont bother, you'll look like a clown
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Thanks, anon.
>take care of appearance
>join social places
The other steps seem too hard. How can a woman (who's bad at socializing) make a guy confess to her?
No you retard. Only one cour was ordered and now we're getting a movie covering the next part of the story, likely followed by another season
Not that anon, but most /v/ anons wouldnt even know what to do with a girl once they landed her. Do you expect her to watch you play games all day? Your life has to have some purpose, meaning or just not be boring. If you dont even have a job you gotta do that first as well.
Just existing in public is often enough for a girl to get male attention, assuming you don't look like a fat ogre and at least TRY to reciprocate when a guy talks to you.
>How can a woman (who's bad at socializing) make a guy confess to her
That's the thing, you don't, It's all on him to do it. You can help by showing interest and flirting, you can do that by compliments, showing you care, showing that you appreciate his company, that should be doable even if you are socially awkward, no? In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if some guys would think a woman being bad at socializing or being socially awkward to be cute, the most prolematic thing for someone like this would be actually engaging with a man in the first place, you would probably have to take the first step to talking with a guy or just join a social place you can hang out with people for a chance a guy can DM you or approach you.
Also I'm guessing you are >>683753313?
Just look up some tutorials online for make up, just put some e-girl make up or just some light make up or you are good, no need to make your face an art project, it's supposed to enhance your features or hide imperfections.
right is post 24/7 mewing.
fuck off parasites

not video game related]

>>683753647 How come spics are the least incelish?
I dunno about your experience, but most of them that I've met have been 100 IQ dudes that don't take anything seriously. Not particularly stupid, but not overthinkers. They go out, they get shit done.

You ever wonder why Chad is depicted as "stupid." The curse of the white man is thinking too much.

With this I couldn't tell you what the problem with pajeets is. Dumb and ugly, I suppose.
This shit getting deleted soon, it's completely off topic kek
Spic here, lot of spanish girls still have trad values and just want make babies and stay home all day.
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Hm, meaning. I'll ponder about that one.

I thought of going outside and reading a book in the park or something (I'm a shut-in).

I'm no good at talking, my charisma stat is currently at 0. But as you guys are proposing, I'll try to become more visible first (book-park idea). Any attempt at using make-up would probably look bad, so I won't.

Anyhow, thanks everyone! What have you been recently playing?
Dude doesn't even need contacts. Just buy good looking glasses, its no joke the easiest way to improve facial aesthetics. If you are not an absolute 10/10, you are only damaging your appearance by wearing rectangular, thin-rimmed or frameless glasses.
This explains all the posts by these subhumans
Jesus fucking Christ...
What's the ntr subgenre called where guys cuck the girl with another guy?
Biggest ick for a girl is a guy with no stable job or one that loses everything when he gets fired from a job. You need to have a backup plan or contingency in place
The guy on the right could afford a better hair cut but depending on how short he is, he's probably doing pretty well himself. Especially if he has actual confidence and a social life. The problem with lookism shit is they're right about not being just the worst of everything but then say you have to be one singular thing. But Senator Armstrong is definitely some chick's type.
>some chick's type
This is the other thing people miss. I look like the soijak, the one with glasses, to the point that it's thrown into banter with my friends on occasion. I don't act like one, and I get laid. By all means take care of yourself but the obsession with looks is self-sabatoge.
In real life I can carry conversations easily, but hate doing phone calls, so dont let that stop you. I find doing something in the background such as playing a game or working while on voice chat makes my awkwardness go away, so that might work for you.
>what free games did you get?
I pirate most of my games, so usually I get them to buy me denuvo games that haven't been cracked yet or online games. Sometimes they also send me PC parts and stuff I need for my work.
Also don't let the relationship be purely transactional on one-sided. It's fine to help the guy out and collaborate with him sometimes, but don't make it a habit and don't do it too frequently where he starts to think it's an obligation on your part. Just remember to never ever confess or make the relationship official in any capacity, and don't ever blow up his DMs where desperation can be visible. Men are addicted to the chase, once they think you're "secured" they lose interest and go circle another girl.
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>normiesaw man
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That's the hardest thing to convince a lot of incels because they're trapped in a doomer mindset and believe being a sexless loser is something innate in them. If they blame their looks or just something IN them they can't get over nor can they struggle past any failure on their way to getting out of it. Anything you tell them will feel like a trick to get them to humiliate themselves especially if they're the breed of autistic that genuinely can't get social interactions.
Season 1 (1 cour) > Movie > Season 2 (1 cour) is the only possible way they can adapt Part 1 without butchering the pacing, and I've been saying that since before the anime was even announced.

The first season's biggest problem by far is in its direction. It takes itself too seriously and tones down a lot of the emotion in the manga. When you play a character as bored, you sound boring. CSM works as a juxtaposition. You think you're getting standard shounen and then it gradually descends into trauma and you're left wondering who is going to be standing at the end and what they'll even have left. I want the scenes to take their time. When the BANG scene happens, I want to watch Denji's slow, unsteady steps. I want there to be no music, only sound effects. I want to see him just collapse onto the couch, sweat dripping down his face still with a little splatter of blood on it, just him trying to process what he just witnessed in his most vulnerable hour, trying to make sense of it all. His gaze, completely detached from what's around him. A scene like this doesn't hit as hard when the first season tries to tone down all the things that make you think you're in for something completely different.
Do you seriously not understand the chart you are looking at?
That guy looks like that one titan with a huge horse mouth.
looks like her cunt is being chainsawed
>Addicted to the chase
Na that is just exausting, yes is yes, no is no, fk trying to read minds, next time say most because like not all women are the same, not all men are the same.
Then you're one of those rare mentally well unicorns. I have never really met a guy who didn't like this push and pull. That's why I don't see them as relationship material anyways.
They're also the third leading cause of death in the U.S. so not a great argument.
>I have never really met a guy who didn't like this push and pull
NTA, but your actions would clearly alienate them. Just reading through your posts; the way you treat people will cause a problem for you long term. Forming lasting relationships is hugely beneficial, more so than actual skills. It's hard out there for autists and antisocials. You are going to box yourself into a bad situation if you let it go for decades.
Hm, I agree that any sincere guy would get alienated. But so far I haven't really met one, and I don't treat these relationships as purely transactional anyways. They're usually guys I genuinely enjoy talking to and spend time playing games with, even if I won't date them. It's just that I've been burned too much to really get too emotionally attached to someone.
I mean you're on a website full of guys desperate to get any female affection at all. So I'm sure you're probably right about a good chunk of men who'd rather women be chased, but here and the rest of the internet shows that a lot of men would love straight forward women. Of course the issue is very typically the men who'd like straight forward women still wouldn't benefit from that change.
>>683758125 How did I misunderstand it?
>the chain
I wouldn't fuck with him
Because spics are not the least incelish
well, unless you meant just the men which is probably what you meant so yeah then you are right

chart seems bullshit anyways, I have a hard time believing that many % women never had sex lmao
>a lot of men would love straight forward women
Honestly anon while I believe that you want a straight forward woman, lots of guys say this then go chase the baddie that won't give them any time of the day and stringing them along while they act as her servant. Do you know the book "why men love bitches"? Obviously I don't treat guys badly and will never force myself to be a "bitch" just so a clearly not well-adjusted guy would grovel at my feet, but it's disheartening that this occurs in sizable chunks at all. It's just a plain fact that both sexes would let someone who they find attractive to get away with tons of shit that they wouldn't tolerate from someone else.
>Anything you tell them will feel like a trick to get them to humiliate themselves
It is a trick and I'm tired of normalniggers pretending it's not. No matter what you try, if you are an ugly motherfucker everyone will laugh at you, never take you seriously and push you to the side. The ideal way to deal with it is to just not engage
I'm sure the guys you go for are exactly like that, like I said the men who truly want straight forward women wouldn't benefit because women are going for the same men they find unavailable now.
>replying to @nescartridges
pipca is the most annoying cunt in existence terminally online brainrot retard loser who always has to be right and refuses to admit he has a fat fetish
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>tfw 6'2 but literally look like the chud meme hairline and everything except korean
which vidya character can i cosplay?
It is? I though the author got sick and stopped making chapters years ago, the whole making every character have a shitty backstory to make you empathize got old really fast, and then it became basically a shonen
troon coded comic
>side profile
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I think I pull of Leons hair.
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quick post dream cosplays
Are you fat? Like masked characters are right there bro.
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How do I become Mitaka Asa?
Be an average to slightly above average female then go places where there's bound to be incels to SIMP over you, treat them like shit while leading them on
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Probably wouldn't be that hard either
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You either commit or quit.
Why in some pics this guy looks like pre-serum captain america and in others he just looks like a gigachad with the thickest neck and widest frame on the planet.
>just get a loving girlfriend
>just make friends
>just have money
this may shock you but many people try very hard to make all of these things happen and still fail.Doomer mindsets don't come from not trying, they come from trying very hard and failing repeatedly. People can only take so much rejection before they give up to make the pain of more rejections stop.
For me it's the soulja boy look
All those virgin female in Asia for me to deflower
That's sort of true, but in general people have certain hairstyles that better fit their face.
In my case, I look better without bangs so I push my hair up and to the side. When I was younger I tried having bangs but it just made me look nerdy.
Its sort of like this guy, sure he's still handsome on the right but the bangs look worse on him for sure.
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Forgot my pic
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>literally had the eggman body type
>lost 150lbs
fuck my life
looks like the vampire nigga from twilight
What the FUCK is that neck
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Just go as Boom!Eggman. Of all the issues that game has, EggChad is a decent design still. You could even reuse the costume for a Cyborg009 cosplay.
It's good for attracting mates, intimidating predators/rivals, and reaching the higher plants on the island.
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Whenever people talk about settling down and marriage I can feel my soul begin to wither and die. All that trouble just to live a life no different from everyone else. That line in the Matrix was spot on this shithole is a prison for your mind.
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You can be utterly IRREDEEMABLE at socializing and still, if you put on a smile and generally have a pleasant aura and demenor with people, even if it's just to nod and reply in monosyllabics, you're guaranteed to hook in someone.

There's a girl at work who's probably the only woman I've ever met that I just don't see anyone gunning for, she's awful at socializing but more importantly always has this aloof and autistic aura to her that makes nobody want to approach her. She's always on her phone or typing away at a keyboard, always pretend to look busy so nobody bothers her and nobody does, and she's not even that bad looking. Just don't be that, look approchable and be generally pleasant and that's all it takes as a woman. Just vet the men that will give you attention.
Don't, get a hairstyle that compliments your actual fucking head.
I do this except I'm Latinx and just show a picture to the barber, none of that gay describing stuff
This guy absolute hate his fan despite being the model for Leon.
holy shit the chin makes such a difference
glad I have a strong chin jfc id look even worse than I do now
With a wig
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>why do men only go for bitches
>why do women only go for jerks

Seems like it's hard to find the right partner these days eh
I'm 25 years old and a virgin.
no one asked what you do stupid chicano
Tu puta madre.
You're (supposedly) a femoid on /v/, why do you think you want a "well-adjusted" guy? Or deserve, for that matter
goes both ways
Those shitty beatle kpop haircut looks like a wig and its retarded someone keep his haircut like that
I got L from death note vibes
>this guy looks like pre-serum captain america
Because it's exactly that. Even with good genetic you still need a little bit of muscle in your neck and shoulders to make it look big.
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>But Senator Armstrong is definitely some chick's type.
All women have the exact same type. Zero exceptions.
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Erm, /v/, you know having a good chin doesnt matter when you're only 5'3 - 5'5 ft. tall aka manlet, right?
I'm 6'1(185cm) and 190lbs(86kg) I think I might need to lose few kilos to look like Leon
Is someone using their sex doll to sell an onlyfans?
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god I need a woman like this
I used to look like a spitting image of gordon freeman. I wanted to drop by some con in a lab coat but I got in the army so I wouldn't starve and I had to cut my ponytail
Sorry mate I've seen women into things other than white fit guy with an outdated haircut. Like I get the mentality of the image, but there's more than one physical type.
Why does his gay son have tits?
Or is it his daughter with an elektra complex?
No, this bitch won the genetics in body , only imperfection are brackets and face
Right looks like he’ll have roid rage and he obviously has an inferiority complex from always being an ugly nerd
And? You're young as hell, wait til you find the girl you love, you want to be with some skank?
don't be brown
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Unironic answer: work out, be a twink, take care of yourself and your appearance.
Don't be brown for starters
just a sister trying to help her brother and has a daddy complex like her brother
>basic black guy haircut
I don't get it? It's just the same photo twice.
Im sorry you were born fucked up and now life is something that happens to you instead of something you live. I’m sure none of it is your fault and there’s no point taking responsibility for your life. Keep going full sail ahead why don’t yoy.
shit gif. Go fuck yourself cunt. No one really loves you
I just got engaged and I like coming to this site because it makes me feel better about my successes in life as someone that has never had a ton of confidence. Thanks nerds.
Guy on the right looks pretty tall
He's also got a dependable and honest face
The hilarious thing is that this is just a stolen black men haircut. I know because I was shaving my head like that myself years before it became a trend because I thought Garcian Smith was so cool.
Spoken like a true sadistic NPC that can't empathize with others, congrats.
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Back when Advent Children was popular I was a giga-weeb and tried to have the hair stylist to do my hair like cloud. Being a acne-ridden fat fuck I looked like absolute shit. Attempting the same hair in my 30s thanks to quarter-life crisis + rebirth hype
Lower standards.
And instead of waiting for 6'5 Chad to just materialize out of nowhere in your life, go into any community that you have interest in, and just strike a convo with any decent looking guy.
(yes, I know it's hard for a foid's who to settle with a normal guy while also those Stacey's are getting chads, but it's the only way)
How do they breath underwater? Immersion ruined.
need sauce on this if anyone has it
reverse search coming up dry
>good-ish face from the front
>bad profile
Oh well

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