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Video Game VA strike. Expect all your most anticipated games to be delayed.
Just dont hire American voice actors. They're not even that good
>all your most anticipated games
And nothing of value was lost.
Rev up those scabs!
this just means they cut out the english dub. nothing was literally lost.
Oh funny, it spells

>all your most anticipated games

>Llama Productions
>Take 2
>VoiceWorks Productions
>WB Games
Wow, it's fucking nothing.
>nooooo I have to read subs now
Huh for some reason I thought they were already on strike.
>English dubs cut out of japanese games
>therefore limiting how much the localizers can rewrite now that the dubbers can't voice out their new scripts
Holy baserola.
The only thing noteworthy that it'll affect is KH4
why does the industry want me to brap?
Oh noooooooo, I can't believe they'll delay all of the American games with English voice acting that I'm looking forward to! All zero of them.
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>Expect all your most anticipated games to be delayed.
Like what? Most new games are trash and I hope all those VAs lose their jobs cause theyre leftist homos.
it also means faster releases actually. no time spent negotiating between writing and dubbing. you get the original intent at a faster pace.
I hope AI replaces all of them
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Voice acting is easy, all they do is talk in a booth
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nooo not my heckin' debra wilson game voiced by some random TDS child on twitter
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The rape, Fran. You looked so beautiful.
>Expect delays
Are you living in some bizarre places where games don't already take 4-6 years to make?
It's easier to tranny up subtitles, thougheverbeitpercha ce, since you don't have to worry about matching lip movements and pacing.
Replace them all with AI. It will be an improvement.
Replace them with AI, and the transalatroons with them.
>GTAVI being pushed back into 2026

l m a o
But trannoids and normalfags wouldn't see them as legit since there're no English voices to "back them up".
but how is troy baker gonna afford his psilocybin and flip flops??????????
>voice is valuable enough to be cloned with AI and used to make billions in profit
>but not valuable enough to pay for
I would strike too.
>Expect all your most anticipated games to be delayed.
>The convenience bargaining group with whom SAG-AFTRA is negotiating includes Activision Productions Inc., Blindlight LLC, Disney Character Voices Inc., Electronic Arts Productions Inc., Formosa Interactive LLC, Insomniac Games Inc., Llama Productions LLC, Take 2 Productions Inc., VoiceWorks Productions Inc., and WB Games Inc.
>your most anticipated games
Strikes, ironically, are the very reason AI will inevitably become essential in industries. They will eventually lose all their jobs. I like AI because it will ultimately drive out all the lazy, entitled trash, reducing overall costs in all industries, including the gaming industry.
[good news]
the english VA clique sucks
AI is the perfect scab
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>anticipated games
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>be top western VAs
>have industry by the balls, torpedo all new talent using your connections to keep all well paid work for you and yours only
>just shit out the most halfassed work you can muster, doesnt matter anyway, industry HAS to use you
>uh oh here comes AI, its fine right? a-a-artists are then ones being replaced?
>ops nope, turns out AI isnt that great at creation and creativity, but its fucking aces at copying
>perfect for VA work
have fun with that
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why don't chuddies just pay for shit they don't need
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SAG-AFTRA!? Oh no! They represent the programmers who coded some of my favorite games! The artists who came up with my favorite character designs! The musicians who put together my favorites scores!
You're saying they did none of those things?
One of them voiced Joel in the Last of Us?
Huh? Did he at least design his character? No?
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So doesn't this mean studios are now going to hire random fucks off the street who can halfway make a voice?
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>Fran Drescher
The fucking Nanny?
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>Anticipated games
>It's all AAA garbage
Again? Didn't they strike last year already or was it 2022?
>caring about English VA
>Expect AI voices and its better that way
fixed that for you
If Voice Acting didn't matter then why were people so mad about the replaced cast in Silent Hill HD Collection?
Most of the time, union presidents are professionals who are inactive. They know the business, but they're not tied up with obligations that will prevent them from devoting time to the union.
Yes. Nintendo did this with Breath of the Wild during a SAG strike at that time. The few voicelines were terrible, but so inconsequential it barely mattered. I can't imagine a studio paying significantly more for a slightly better line read, but SAG loves forcing them to swallow that pill.
>troy baker getting contract fucked into having to allow them to use his voice for free without paying him. I fucking love it.
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>Expect all your most anticipated games to be delayed.
Maybe terminator survivalslop. I don't think any of the others will be affected
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oh hey i remember these guys!
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Really? I don't give a fuck about them. They get paid well for a session of a 4-5 hours per day.
I can think of exactly one VA I like and that is coomer attraction since her voice is bonertime for me.
Tell be why I should care if they never get hired again
only the fans were mad about that, this isn't about the fans
Incidentally, this is exactly how anime licensees get extras for dubs. 15 years ago or so, I used to frequent the ADV Films IRC channel. There were actual company representatives there. Occasionally, they announced recording sessions where you could walk in off the street.
If they hired Americans instead of Marxist parasites they wouldn't have this problem.
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>all your most anticipated games
Here's the comprehensive list of those
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This right here.
If I never heard these self important faggots' voices ever again, that would be indicative of vidya healing
I'm sure this won't accelerate the use of AI generated voice acting
You could replace all these talentless fags in like one day of recording
I can't think of a single game I actually want to play that would be held up by this. It's exclusively the realm of corporate slop.
sag-aftra literally partnered with a voice cloning ai company lmao
I literally haven't played a game off mute in over a decade. I hope they cut VA and the shareholders get the increased net profit from just not having VAs paid out as dividends.
>Carriage drivers go on strike in response to growing automobile industry
3 was so fucking bad there’s no way I’m playing 4
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I hate faggot voice actors but I hate large globohomo corporations even more, so I'm siding with the actors on this one.
You do realize that TRANSlators have made the subs in Japanese-audio-only games conform to their agendas even when the voices themselves have blatantly not matched what the voices said, right retard? This isn’t going to do what you think it will because they know most of you fuckers can’t understand conversational Japanese beyond an elementary school level anyway.
>anticipated games
To use mathematical parlance, that's an empty set
Great, now we can stop making dubs for JP games. They're all shit.
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please god let this be the finishing blow to american-centered entertainment industry
I get unions for actual professions but I don’t understand how fags like voice actors or hollywood writers were even able to make a union. In fact it’s pretty antithetical to the whole idea of the individualism of artist expression. Shit just seems like a Jewish cash grab
I don't play any games made by those companies smiley face
They're literal whos who star in literal whats. The main branch of SAG is still huge and will be until we stop producing attractive people with the ability to act.
>Expect all your most anticipated games to be delayed.
So nothing's getting delayed?
Wasn't there a VA strike before COVID that went on for a year, no one cared and they just hired other people? It was retarded because 95% of their demands were met but they did want 100% (amateurs), and publishers just said "no".
We are, that's why they're being removed.
Rockstar is under Take 2 so GTA6 might be hit (and that's a good thing).
LOL no. They'll just ship them without voice acting, realize literally nobody cares, and keep it at that.
I think it would be cool if Troy Baker just kind of fucked off.
They literally don't even need to take 'scabs'. Companies have a horde of fucking people willing and able to do cheap voicework just for the sake of being that guy who voices that character, at least a few of them will be talented. Companies just have to be willing to cut their Incestuous ties with that glorified mafia.
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Fuck them. They bitch about not getting enough money but they do. They work 4 hours/day and get paid as if they worked full-time.
>release your game with no English voice acting
>blame it on VAs not wanting to work
Simple. Unlike movies you don't need VAs to make and release a game.
>enough is enough
Are they fucking stupid? Do they not know how many people would love to break into the voice acting market?

Going on strike is basically a death sentence to their own careers. Companies just gonna hire brand new voice actors to replace them.
>100 to 250$ per hour as a baseline.
Jfc, maybe I'm just a dumb poorfag but how full of yourself do you have to be to consider your screeches worth that much?
Doesn't Rockstar hire literal nobodies to do VA work for GTA?
oh no what will i do about this
i know i just play good games instead
Cool, I don't care in the slightest, I hope this lasts.
Honestly I have no idea, I just want that company to suffer.
VA for BO6 was done last year, I know, I'm the fucking cast director. Suck my dick.
I remember thinking fran was hot when I watched the nanny and now I have a jewish wife. weird how that turned out.
They onboarded SBI for GTA VI, maybe we'll get some exciting cameos.
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this is why fromsoft only hires brits
>The biggest percentiles earn 80k and above.
Nah, this strike just shows they are greedy fucks. They voice act but doesn’t mean they deserve to be treated like famous full body actors.
>a bunch of key roles form a union
>threaten to withdraw from roles if demands are not met
>use this power to gain more power
>use THAT power to gain more power
>cockblock outsiders from the industry
>do this for long enough that corporations have accepted this arrangement as a normal cost of doing business and don't try to overturn the status quo
And now you're no different than the corporation exploiting workers when you force your members to comply with your petty pissing contests or get ejected from the industry
>You do realize that TRANSlators have made the subs in Japanese-audio-only games conform to their agendas
That's what AI translation is for.
>100k a year just to talk in a mic in an anime voice
rofl. Can't wait until these stupid niggers are replaced by ai.
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I haven’t anticipated a game release since Skyrim ended up being such a piece of soulless trash
Kh3 was such a nothing game it may as well not even release
I don't even expect KH4 to have Disney worlds in it anymore it's gonna be 95% nomura OC and 5% Donald/goofy/mickey
Is there anyone actually anticipating westoid slop in 2024?
these fuckers should hire Australians/NZs, they're literally around the corner
Anon, I'm going to be real with you, if I hear Troy Baker in another fucking video game I'm quitting the hobby.
Good, video games are better with text with tone shifted bloops and bleeps instead of voiced line.
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Not if they aren’t European or North American
I think the last time I enjoyed an English VA was Hades in Kid Icarus.
What a magnificent bastard.
The rest of the cast was good too, but Hades made that game.
The only game I'm interested in I can think of that this might affect is Epic Mickey, so whatever
just don't play AAA slop or western games
Didn't you hear, the modern audience is a good 100m strong.
oh no. people who are afraid for their future are making sure their future is secure. how horrible
Ive heard enough of you faggots in vocaroos to know that voice actors arent that replaceable, and on boards that arent 95% twitter faggot raiders people actually enjoy good voice acting
The voice work is fucking perfect, big Brit actor names too sometimes.

FUCK US VAs it's the same 3 faggots in every fucking game.
>we won't work for you anymore!
>ok lol
I'd care more if unpaid interns went on strike.
>that list
only thing I care about that will be affected might be kh4 and the whole thing might have blown over before they intend to release it anyway
maybe the whole ordeal will make them consider giving dual audio outside japan since they might need to do most of the marketing with jp voices
BG3 was also bongs, you can't beat bongs at VA work.
95% of people literally do not care if a game has voice acting at all, especially w*stern dubs.
LOL video game crash can’t happen soon enough
Jesus Christ that census must have taken you five decades, nice one, anon.
Nice, more reasons to replace them by AI
Our studio is probably just going to use AI. The film company I worked for a year ago (prior to the strikes) also switched over to AI assisted voice acting. I'm surrounded by feckless dullards.
I hope they cut VAs and shareholders don't get shit.
Reminder both GOTY, Elden Ring and BG3, all quality UK actor VA work, zero American.
Wow Japanese games can just cancel their dub or simply go the Fromsoft/Monolith direction of hiring English theater actors
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>Expect all your most anticipated games
Yeah, right.
Lmao random anon vocaroos prove that voice actors are easily replaceable, you are coping
Everyone can do this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ci8dIpNcyEY

This is the quality you have to beat for American voice actors lol it's not a high bar
Well if you're British it's a shame, you have great voice actors in your scenes. I imagine it's expensive, though.
Let me guess, the twittertards and redditfags like this announcement.
A few fat retards shitposting is not indicative of the potential pool of hires by just ignoring the union. Every corporation has an entire department dedicated to screening out shitters, that's what HR departments are actually supposed to be for.
Nah, fuck Aussies and Kiwis, they should all be killed.
Worthless people.
based FPBP.
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Videogames don't need voice actors at all
lmao what didn't they literally JUST try this and got btfo out?
It's not so much the quality of the work that is the issue, it's the price. All the voice actors I've personally worked with have been delightful people to be around.
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Idk. This one is good.
Remember the last time they went on strike when the suits offered them literally every single demand that would greatly help their wellbeing but the VA's rejected it because they didn't get the one thing they *actually* wanted (money)
And then we got a bunch of fresh blood that finally got a chance to get into the industry because they actually had a chance while the strikers were busy jerking themselves off
Good times right
I'm South African, I've only been overseas once, a year in London, anon I had to pay a pound to use the bathroom, anon I'm not going back to the UK.
All my favorite VAs lately have been no names anyway. The 1% that get 80% of contracts need to be culled. Let the new kids take the industry.
Again, I wish them the worst.
Damn bro, that's a little harsh.
This, I've never once heard of "yeah I really wanna play this game because this English VA is doing the voice work"
It's not high art, nobody gives a fuck about voice acting the only exceptions are like David Hayter or Troy Baker
>implying games haven't moved away from union actors already
Why do you think they stopped putting Steve Blum, Nolan North, and Yuri Lowenthal in every single game that came out a decade ago?
Fuck sakes, guys take back the ill will, you're just jinxing yourselves.
>american voice actors
i hope they stay on strike forever
so what is it over this time? they had a strike not even a year ago
I don't blame you. Next time go vacationing in Japan. It's not that expensive and I promise you, you won't regret it.
I'd unironically take random anons over most actual American VAs.
>have industry by the balls, torpedo all new talent using your connections to keep all well paid work for you and yours only
This is why I began watching sub after 2016. The shows all use the same dozen voice actors who make the exact same voice in every single role.
>American VA
Just make the nip approach of english dubbers. Don't use unionized actors.
I have a school friend who's a pilot in Japan, I think he's paid in Dollars too, he is living the dream, proper big house and everything (which is a big deal in Tokyo)
lol based
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>shitty western va's giving the perfect excuse to be replaced with ai
What's sad is the new crop are really fucking bad despite most of them actually trained or want to be voice actors instead of falling into it
Listen to this shit we could pump out AAA every 6 months yo fuck your gay unions.
Maybe someday we'll be able to upload the voices we want for specific games and movies once AI gets better. I would love to see my cousin's voice in the role of Kratos.
Going to have to interject by saying you can't beat a great professional British actor.
AI is great at doing American nasal screetching / blowing they do to talk.
I bet he's loving it, Japan's housing market is hot right now. Most of these homes require some work to be compliant with modern building codes but it isn't anything you wouldn't do naturally. Cost of living is another matter though, you need a good job or a pretty big trustfund.
videogames don't need voice acting or cutscenes or good graphics or esport pedigree. Normalfag magnets should fuck off
fromsoft also hires theater actors, not "voice actors"
at least they did in the past
Wouldn't it be funny if the exact same outcome happens again.
Yeah I think as a pilot he does well (I think it's an international company working there), and other South Africans there are mostly there for professional rugby, and I'm sure those pay well too, regular waging like IT shit sounds rough, though.
>Hire the same negress to voice every female in every game
>cant get work because you're not in that inner circle in the game industry
>the only gigs you get are being random side characters
>companies are now using AI to do random side characters, death sounds ie in cod or other games
>go on strike instead of asking why the industry hires the same 10 VAs
Let's see...
>several months of being on strike
>the small VAs that were dumb enough to join get gigafucked
>big companies just cancel upcoming games that somehow didn't already get their VA work done or go full AI voices
>they finally get a deal made, doing jack shit
>but just like the last strike, its a "fuck you got mine" agreement that completely fucks over some other group
Now you're thinking like a Union man!
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The thing is we don't need that. In a few years time AI can easily replace essentially all voice acting out there
Yes it's "inner circles" more often than not involving fucking useless games journos that led to a shitload of fatigue and giant projects dead out the gate so it might be time for some industry wide introspection.
>Expect all your most anticipated games to be delayed.
This is effecting the Orient?
Using Dagoth is cheating though, he's deadpan by default. (It's still impressive as all shit)
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Aw, shucks! I really wanted to buy this game, but it has no American voice actors in it!! I guess I won't buy it now... I'm definitely a real person
voice acting ruined videogames
no, peanut, "cliques" raped thousands of jobs and counting.
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This is a publicity stunt and I think even the VAs know this. SAG-AFTRA completely capitulated not even a year ago, there's no reason to trust a goddamn word they say if you're an actual VA. I wouldn't be surprised if this is literally just organized so larger companies can compile a blacklist and quietly get rid of everyone.
Wait, forgot the most important part!
>keep charging union dues during the strike
>small VAs are forced to go bankrupt or leave the union
>blacklist those who leave so they can never work as a VA again
but our triple A slop
>it might be time for some industry wide introspection.
Last time people tried these useless games journos managed to convince everyone it was just a racist smear campaign
This shit is getting scary good. You can actually generate decent music at this point
Yea, I don't think I've ever met someone who plays video games who thinks like this.
This behavior is exclusively reserved for anime dubfags and old people looking for junk to watch on Netflix who can't handle subtitles because they never learned to read faster than a 9 year old.
Do all Americans just think British accent=classy?
The voicework in the Souls games isnt that fantastic.
how many VA performances can you REALLY remember of any recent release, especially if they're not the MC?

meanwhile ER came up with the FUCK YOU BAYLE guy as a side character of an optional DLC
arent these fags already on strike lmao
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Yes but it's also easy to download a fan re-translation.
Otherwise known as a fan de-transition.
no it's just that the bar set by american voice acting is so fucking low that anyone with half decent acting skills and decent directions clears it by a large margin
fromsoft is japanese
No, it's just that American VA is just that bad.
Most good VAs are overused a lot, but paying a cheaper VA is still expensive as fuck.
Many steam games have adopted voice AI with locally trained AI or elevenlabs, mainly since it costs hundreds for a short couple of lines, and most games don't really need it. But seriously it is expensive.
Using AI to recreate someone's likeness and then using that AI likeness in a new product without permission would already be illegal right?
I doubt companies will budge on having extra legal protection to use existing performances they own for AI training data.
Gamers are unlikely to boycott games and pressure studios just because VA is relatively low importance for gamers. A lot of us play games without VA frequently or skip over VA just because it's faster to read. They could probably get a lot of gamers on their side if they had a ton of incredible performances to point to but the truly special performances have been extremely rare in gaming.
You dont even know what good or bad voice acting even is you fucking retard.
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They should just hire classically trained theater Bongs or homeless people instead of the same 5 overpaid American VAs
i hope all voice actors are without work, homeless and poor
i hope the gaming industry crashes
fuck you all
>Using AI to recreate someone's likeness and then using that AI likeness in a new product without permission would already be illegal right?
No, it's good business.
>without permission
They already own the permission to do whatever the fuck they want with the thousands of hours of recordings they have
Depends entirely on how much of a fuck China gives with all their upcoming studios. I'm gonna go with not much.

Prepare for Mel Gibson lead VAs.
Unironically yes. That's why Emma Watson is jobless and retired at 30.
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From this day forth Voice Actors are on dodeca-tuple secret strike.
Your voice doesn't belong to you.
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Who is she?
>Expect all your most anticipated games to be delayed
Good thing none of my anticipated games have voice acting.
The faster AI replaces these entitled luddite cunts the better. American VAs got to be some of the most unlikeable cunts on the planet
If it's so easy, how come British VAs are literally all worse than any Funimation reject?
Didn't they JUST go on strike like 6 months ago and agreed to something?

Fuck these asshats. Gaming needs to go back to unvoiced, text based dialogue
All those publishers are slopfarms so won't delay anything worthwhile.
Companies (mostly) don't hire specific voice actors because of their star power, they hire them because their experience streamlines production.
I honestly don't give a fuck if I was forced to play games in Japanese with subtitles which I usually don't but am willing to do to spite these Marxists
>he thinks that's enough to stop them
lol, lmao even
Famicom Detective Club was sub only and that game's localization had the localizers turn a simple "いいえ" into a whole additional line of fanfiction. They have no shame and will keep doing this shit, no matter how blatantly obviously made up their fanfic is.
>If it's so easy, how come British VAs are literally Voice acting isn't a respected or developed industry anywhere besides Japan
>implying there are rejects from Funimation
I hate guilds, but I also hate megacorporations who refuse to pay well. I don't know who to side with here.
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Going on strike or trying to form a union doesn't fucking work when you can be easily replaced by someone else.

This is why Millennials in the workforce fucking suck, none of them have the spine to band together and actually protest these giant companies, companies will just hire other millennials that'll take your job in a heartbeat.
>British VAs
England is largely considered by the rest of Europe to be one of the countries with the most useless workers in general
Fighting companies is retarded to begin with
>protest these giant companies
In this particular instance they're trying to tell companies to stop using new technology. I don't know how that makes any sense to anyone.
I know that this is asking the impossible from people who view themselves as gods imparting enlightenment on the ignorant masses (pure dunning-kruger, BTW), but people in the entertainment industry should take a moment to picture a timeline where they DIDN'T make the whole world hate them. Imagine a voice acting industry where they held themselves to the highest professional standards in quality and customer relations. Any feminist cunt who started tried to subvert the project or went on a rant against (ugh) men got fired and blacklisted. In that timeline, customers would walk through broken glass barefoot to save the careers of their favorite VAs and protect the industry from inferior AI work.

We don't live in that timeline. You hate us (and worse, you're completely two-faced about it, because that's who you are: a sneaky little snake), and your work is shit, so we just want you gone. FAFO
I hope for AI to take over so that every single FAG-AFTRA ends on food stamps
Dumb take. They're not fighting against companies, they're just saying "We're not working until you make things better" which is fair considering the state of certain Industries. The problem is that they've managed to turn an entire generation into slop eating cows that desperately climb over each other to get better job security.
i didnt even know the writers strike was still going

you dont even have to do that. just hire non union actors. then the game can sound like a funimation dub
>muh AI
i hope corpos get done with it and just start using fully AI voices so those fags all go and flip burgers or something
Get new voices that aren't the same 8 ppl since 1988!
What you are suggesting is a meritocratic society which will never ever exist as long as Jews exist since it's counter to all their goals.
American va is almost always inferior, thematically only fits the blandest of games and their egos are through the roof bringing unnecessary drama along with them.
There are VAs I really like, but humanity's advancement through AI is overall much more important and beneficial, so I don't care if they starve. The best thing they can do is take advantage and work with AI, instead of being luddites and earning scorn on top of it.
Good is anything that hurts the American VA industry.
They ARE, it's why they shouldn't get residuals.

Why do THEY get paid over and over....when everyone else doesn't?
>EN dub actors
japanese games have recently discovered you can fire all of them and make more money
Devs are worthless
VAs are worthless
Artists are worthless
I just want good games. I literally do not care if people die before/during/after the creation of said game.
>oh you hate wester voice actors? name 10 that arent troy baker and laura bailey or the fat asian guy
How long until they realise that you can still make a game without any voice acting whatsoever like it happened for decades and only illiterate mutts actually care?
>people who make games are worthless
>I just want their products
>americans living rent free
dubfags are normies and normies are everywhere. you never see an american show movie on foreign tv that isnt dubbed
thats a scab
Not sure where you heard this Anglos are above average in industriousness, only beaten by the Germans really.
This is 200% the VA's being to blame and for once the companies being in the right. In just a little over a decade some of these VA's became lying convening snakes to both each other and the companies they work for. There's been a lot of back stabbing within the VA community getting other VA's blacklisted with no proof, some being drama queens demanding Hollywood tier pay shit work and then at the top of all that they want to strike at the worst possible time when AI voice acting is getting good. If anything you should be improving so you don't get replaced and weeding out the shitty VA's who make your group look bad(Bayonetta 3's VA)

Megacorporps are just scratching their heads
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>video game VAs
Nothing of value was lost.
Hahahaha bold of you to think there is any woke game made by inbred communists in the west that Im for.
China literally runs every American movie subbed alongside a dub version.
Hell, a lot of them didn't even get dubs in China until recently since their dubbing industry is relatively new and is mainly an offshoot of video games and anime dubbing.
and literally only mutts start screaming bloody murder if nobody cared to dub something and they just have to read subs
Why do people unaffiliated with a union have an obligation to take part in their gay strikes?
>ghost of tsushima won't give you subtitles for the japanese dialogue that NPC say to you
>have to listen to the god awful english dub
fuck these VAs
china is notable exception for that but generally speaking, actors have their own dedicated actors for dubbing roles in that language
they do that in other countries too, you just dont ever hear about it
based, fuck aislop.
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oh noooo whatever am i going to do if i'm never forced to listen to woke lmao's terrible voice acting ever again!
Some VA just HAVE the right voice. Steve Blum fits all sorts of generic background guy voices or main character and it's not far off from his normal speaking voice.

Other fuckers have to really TRY to get their voice to do anything that doesn't sound like shit.

And what are they really fearing from AI?
Can we AI a brand new voice or Betty from accounting being fixed up by AI and her being paid $50?
>china is notable exception for that
Not really, pretty much every country that doesn't have a history of producing animated works or video games doesn't have a robust voice acting industry, and thus doesn't have a robust dubbing industry.
As such a lot of south/southeast Asian countries also tend to rely on subtitles, hell, a lot of subtitles you see in anime releases are literally SEA subtitles made by SEA and Taiwanese companies like Muse since they also sub anime in English over there.
It's extremely uncommon for people to refuse to watch something because it's not dubbed, that's pretty much exclusively Anglo behaviour.
>Steve blum
the fags you're talking to dont know who that is
I'd plow her until she makes that nasally sound but it's an ugly moan. Find her really hot even though she's uggo and old.
>most anticipated
>2024 western games
good joke, we'll murder you last.
All but the most principled game studios will just replace them with AI. You can literally generate short movies now with AI, and it's nearly over for the human race.
I hate voice acting
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>oh mr sheffield~
>only beaten by the Germans really.
And the rest of north and west Europe. Doing better than east europe isn't exactly something one would be proud of.
>shitting on video game VAs the same month one of the best vocal performances in a video game in recent memory happens
Curse you, /v/!
>Video Game VA strike.
sounds like none of my games will be affected. Oh shit there's an english voice option for mon hun isn't there. Oh well I wont be downloading the english voice pack option a year from release.
American VAs*
I only partake of eastern media these days so this doesn't effect me. Sorry dubfags.
Trials of Mana and Refantazio are already finished on voice acting for sure.

Worst case this delays some games shitty games and games we don't know about yet.
Would the guy who voiced Igon not be part of this?
>don't use AI to replace us
>we aren't going to work for you otherwise
>so then they use AI to replace the workers on strike
how is this suppose to work out for them
No, he's British.
americans and marxist parasites are one and the same, mutt
Fine, you have made your point. I will pay them as much as 4chan jannys are paid.
Isn't the AI aspect the main sticking point for the guild? It's either strike now or the entire industry is gone in a few years.
They were convinced to do it by the companies they work for so the companies can't be blamed.
>No, he's British.
/v/ is about to find out that most of the good american actors are british
Games were better without VAs
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there are tons of american VAs doing good work that you just dont know or care about.
Name this guy right now. He has literally hundreds of credits on video games, tv and movies. he is well known in the VA world. You better know who the fuck this guy is if you want to talk about voice actors.
China has a dozen different major dialects but they all are written the same, so subbing makes more sense for them.
I only know this fag from American Dad.
Good for them.
>you just dont know or care about.
Why should we care?
>China has a dozen different major dialects but they all are written the same
That also applies to America.
why are actors so greedy
every single video game could revert to purely being text based with no voiced dialogue and we'd be better off for it
total actor genocide is needed
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>implying Jimbo Ryan hasnt prepared AI to replace Socialist VAs
sorry Gianni, your gay and the industry is two steps ahead of you
And when it comes for you we all get to laugh and tell you to suck it up, right?
>you'll own nothing and you'll be happy
Don’t give a shit I’m pro union. Am I supposed to give a shit about EA’s profits?
basic capitalism that means the studios want the video games to have voice acting because the average person that buys a video game wants them to have voices
>Expect all your most anticipated games to be delayed.
Somehow I don't think this will effect the Factorio dlc
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Do you guys really want to live in an AI slop world? I find that thought genuinely terrifying, just a constant stream of digital ghosts mashed together and spewing content at me.

Do you think your stance on this may have been propagandized? A lot of people stand to benefit greatly monetarily from the acceptance of AI performances. You act like you're sticking it to people who have directly wronged you when you're just getting Tik Tok voices to read lines at you without having to pay anyone.
I don't anticipate modern games.
im pro-regulation, AI would be permitted in some areas and be a jailable offense in others, not that my opinon matters in the end because companies will just pay governments to not make any laws regulating its use
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>most anticipated games
>AAAAAAAAAAA open world zombie survival crafting MTX ridden daily login bonuses progressive LGBWTFBBQ+ slopfests
>Look him up

>Dead Space Demake
>Destiny 2
>Dota Underlords
>Gears 4/5
>Some shitty mobile games
Almost a decade of roles and not a single game worth a damn.
That's almost impressively bad.
This is the board of 24/7 back-to-back Dall-E threads. Yes, I think most people here do want an AI slop world.
>ballcradling for video game VAs a month after one of the worst vocal performances in a video game in recent memory happens
>le no anticipated le games
Couldn't be more reddit if you tried and at least 50 of you dipshits made the same fucking "joke"

>Why yes, I do want to live in a world where I don't own my own voice
How can ai take over the job of someone who has never worked a day in his life?
I don't really care because I don't play the games that this would affect.
If you do play those games then chances are I think you're a cancer and want you to suffer, so I support AI destroying performances in your games.
its what happens when you give retards a fantasy of replacing all the "evil" people that mildly annoy them at the expense of literal millions of other people or ideafags the fantasy of eventual power to allow them to create their dream product that is "much more better than the bad ideas that everyone else has" without developing some kind of skill
>tfw games release anyway but without american voice acting
>reducing overall costs in all industries, including the gaming industry.
Game prices won't go down though. Those savings will never be passed onto the customers.
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If voice acting is so easy, record a Vocaroo right fucking now for one of these lines:
>(Menacing) Replacing voice actors with meaningless AI slop is a good thing!
>(Heroic) I won’t let you replace us artists! You’ll pay us what we’re worth, you bastard!
Go ahead: https://vocaroo.com/
You fucking won’t.
Get a real job lmao
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>Why yes, I do want to live in a world where I don't own my own voice
I don't, which is why I didn't make a profession out of selling my voice
Why would you expect someone to recognize a voice actor by his or her face? They'd recognize them by their looks.
No this time they will. Even though the gaming industry has proven itself willing to do anything and everything to wring out even the slightest increase in yearly profits surely this move is being done out of kindness for us, dear gamers.
But games are basically free these days anyway. $70 is less than the cost of a pair of socks.
>AI slop world?
Voice acting in games is just mismanagement of resources. Doesn't improve games at all
I thought this was Phil Spencer photoshopped to be balding
>You act like you're sticking it to people who have directly wronged you
>b-but I w-won't be able to t-tell the difference!!!1
and how is that my problem?
Sorry, I don't do anything requested by phoneposters.
Get a real computer and maybe then I'll give a fuck about your opinion.
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>Even though the gaming industry has proven itself willing to do anything and everything to wring out even the slightest increase in yearly profits surely this move is being done out of kindness for us, dear gamers.
Imagine Deus Ex with no VA.
Fuck it.

Let the entire western media sphere of games, movies, TV, etc burn. It's become a lumbering dying colossus of restrictive unions, idiot creative heads, corporate stooges who don't understand what their own audience wants, and constant disrespect for anyone who isn't them (not realizing they depend on their audience for a livelihood).
wow so edgy
imagine a world with no bing bing wahoo, unironically https://youtu.be/zXCMenXD5BY?t=45
>Deus Ex with no VA.
Oh no?
They're either excellent or terrible. There's no in-between.
>Cam Clarke
>David Hayter
>Griffin Burns
wow, so retarded.

Go enjoy your slop, used tampon eater.
exactly as shit as yuri
>anticipated games
Thats what I thought chud. Keep mumbling in your mom’s basement while I keep her company.
Posting from your parents bedroom btw
>Enjoy your slop
>Says person who wants garbage ai slop to take over everything
I can smell the shit on you through your post.
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That's basically what it is now. I'd rather watch a stream than a movie, tv show or anime any day of the week. And If I am going to play a game it's either some obscure shit or a fortnite tier behemoth. This current culture can burn like dicyanoacetylene. These faggots are asking for money that is not available to them.
He wants AI to take over the slop YOU like retard.
He doesn't like it to begin with even without AI, so he doesn't give a fuck what happens to it.
Every one of those is awful. The whole English voice acting pool is a bunch of Saturday morning cartoon actors who don't take the games seriously, so they play it like Saturday morning cartoons.
NTA, but don't you have a rope to hang from?
>Says person who wants garbage ai slop to take over everything
You have to be fucking mentally disabled to think that anywhere in my original post I said anything about AI.

But, then again, this is you. I'm sure that went over your head, barely crossing over the helmet you wear.
Yes goy, be a slave, you don't want to be replaced after all
>OH NO! guess we'll have to input the script into this generator and select an accent
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Do they still want residuals that developers don't even get?
Funny, did anyone else think that RE5 Wesker sounded like him?
I want to go back to when games were voice acted by whoever they could find around the office.
>Reply to OP about how actors don't want ai to copy them and take over
I see. You are somehow even more retarded than I thought.
no, i did not think wesker sounded like fran drescher
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Some voice actors are okay
That was a funny era, some games were good. Other games were very very bad, and the poor voice acting just added to the experience.
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AI can be good. https://vocaroo.com/15m7JSqkZotT
No, it's purely about not wanting companies to steal voices using AI.
There was a time when games had no voice acting believe it or not
most don't have VA so could care less
they'll just use AI to fill in the gaps like frog DNA. VAs signed over their rights when they signed the contract and AI can be trained on their data.
e.g. the AI ada wong voice mod for RE4 is way better than the actual actress's performance
what? how do they fall for that?
holy fucking fpbp
Still better than literally any Jap VA in existence.

I'm going to clue you in to a very uncomfortable - but universal- truth: Japs can't act. At all. You'll never see a Japanese actor emote as well as Brando, Daniel Day-Lewis, or even someone like Brendan Fraser. They don't have the ability to perform emotional gradients, it will always be one "complete" emotion.
You prefer the sound of Jap VAs because you consider them more pleasant, because you bought into peer pressure and forced yourself to listen to terrible VAs with subs or - in rare instances - you're old enough to have had to buy imported anime and had no choice. You choose Jap "actors" because you've succumbed to political brainrot. I could play clips of the same actor playing the same character and using the same tones and inflections but speaking in Japanese in one take and English in another and you'd pick the Jap one because you've been conditioned to. Yet you speak to me now in English on an English website instead of speaking to Japs on 2chan.
You're like the losers that buy NFL jerseys but get your name on the back of them. Absolutely pathetic. You're not an athlete, and you're not Japanese. You're probably not even white, which explains your disdain for the white man's language.
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Most anticipated? The only ones that are going on strike are failed companies. I am going to continue to stick with Indies as I have for the last 5+ years so I lose nothing.
Yeah, I guess so. The issue is the creators and artists aren't giving me a reason to care. And if there is no reason to care then why would AI be an issue? I understand that an audience can be fickle, but if you want to focus on creating entertainment for a living then you have to justify your existence to the layman. I'm not even hating, just spits facts about commerce dude.
Name a single Jap VA as good as Michael Bell or Tony Jay.
Put it into ChatGPT and ask for a synopsis, Rajeesh.
You realize that it's possible to hate both the management and the employee base of a company, right? And to love both as well? After all, who was it that put together that team of employees in the first place?

The class warfare mindset is the most retarded over-simplified bullshit ever. It's more accurate to think of a market as being broken up into owners, employees, investors, and customers, with people shifting between roles depending on the circumstances, often holding multiple roles at any given time. Unions just serve to protect workers from accountability from the other groups (including customers; rich or poor, your plane is going to fall apart because unions stopped the bad employees from being fired) and enrich the union as industry parasites, which is why they always spell the beginning of the end.
You're comparing jap VAs to actual actors. Now compare jap VAs to their actual competition: Tara Strong, Billy West, Tom Kenny, and John DiMaggio.
Too much effort, not interested.
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Not really. I believe AI should be for fun and educational purposes only, but I am not going to deny that the inevitability of companies using AI is drawing near just so they can save a penny. Once They step their foot on the door, they ain't getting out.
I'm so tired of voice actors being pre-madonnas. Every. Fucking. One.
>Don't read and comprehend my actual post
>Get angry
Fucking Hell. I'm sure no one trusts you to operate scissors.
>You're like the losers that buy NFL jerseys but get your name on the back of them.
I'm stealing this

>Isn't the AI aspect the main sticking point for the guild?
Nah, they've been striking a lot longer than that for other dumb shit, almost 10 year in fact.
>game has voices
¡Hola, señor!
>you're comparing jap VAs to actual actors
>You'll never see a Japanese ACTOR emote as well as Brando, Daniel Day-Lewis,
We absolutely need to rangeban Asian IPs
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I imagine most people would recognize the name Dee Bradley Baker, why would you ask people who a voice actor is based on their fucking face?
Can we ban games made outside the USA?
maybe im just autistic and actually know voice actors by their face idk
Why are they being such luddites? Do they think cameras steal their soul too?
American VA, despite how much you hate them, have RANGE. Bender and SpongeBob aren't the same JP voice like you hear between 47 anime this SEASON.
They had a strike 10 years ago, that doesn't mean they've been striking this entire time.
Are burgerland VAs that old?
Is that the dude from Fraiser?
Those were not good actors I listed.
I looked him up and Family Guy is literally the only thing I saw that he was in, and I don't know who he played.
I don't pay attention to fossils.
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>140 voice-acting schools nationwide, most of them connected to agencies
>Voice ACTING magazines
>Called to host for radio shows
>Interviews on TV shows every other week
>Youtube Channels
>Audiobook narration
>Video games
>Japs will straight-up boycott the product if it doesn't have X seiyuu in it.
But for the muritard, they can't act.
They can't, japs just lap it up because they don't know any better
what the fuck kind of socks are you buying?
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It's crazy how even Jap VAs are hot yet Americans can't even put hot actresses in their live action stuff anymore.
And when they do, said actresses ruin their looks with horrible plastic surgery.
you mean like this?
And these are cheap socks: https://www.gucci.com/us/en/pr/men/accessories-for-men/socks-for-men/cotton-gucci-socks-p-4964934G2939000
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AI Bros...
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>corporations have to use AI sloppa because VAs on strike
>have to spend even more time and money now for a shittier delayed product
>AAA goyslop gaming industry teeters more towards total collapse
gamers won
chuds won
incels won
Your toys are being taken away from you and there is nothing you can do but cry, lmao.
AI has already replaced these people. They can all fuck right off, nobody needs them.
The real atrocity of voice actors in general is their inability to keep a characters voice the same from game 1 to game 2. Meryl's voice in mgs1 was 10/10, twin snakes was dogshit and mgs4 she shouldn't have bothered doing it.
Voice actors have to make money selling their AI voices, and if they foolishly refuse to adapt, saying they can't be replaced by AI, they will be replaced. Jobs will disappear due to AI, but new jobs will appear to replace them, and some jobs will evolve. The smart ones study the possibilities of new jobs and try to change, while the fools believe they can protect themselves through protests and regulations.
I haven't played a game with voice acting in years.
They could hire vtubers to VA.
They're scattered between different companies and none of them are in a proper union anyway.
Notice you focus on their appearances and fluff and not their acting chops. Trying to convince me a Jap can VA better than an American is like trying to convince someone the WNBA has a higher skill ceiling than the NBA.
Sorry, can't hear you over the sound of you being replaced by AI.
>Voice ACTING magazines
>Called to host for radio shows
>Interviews on TV shows every other week
>Youtube Channels
>Audiobook narration
>Japs will straight-up boycott the product if it doesn't have X seiyuu in it.
All of which have nothing to do with their acting skills.
>even more time and money now for a shittier delayed product
Dunno the state of audio AI but I imagine it's faaaar cheaper than the meatbags
I don't play AAA slop so this does not affect me at all. The next assassin's creed game will be $110 instead of $100 and I wasn't going to buy it anyway.
sorry that you replied to me after i closed the thread
i'm back now

your post is too long, i'm not going to read it
the voice actor you praised is bottom barrel tier
the end

you don't need to write another essay at me, the discussion is over
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Well, it is not them that'll be replaced with AI, that's for sure.
You think AI can't replace Japs? Duolingo already did.
Just came to declare my support of fpbp, this thread is alreay over.
God damn it.
How's Bangladesh?
You don't need to samefag bro.
Jap VAs have actual fans who will absolutely refuse to buy a product if it doesn't have their favorite VA in it.
American VAs do no that have this, because people who listen to them are sloppers, who eat up any old slop and will listen to, watch, or play any slop no matter what.
You think CoDfags are going to stop playing CoD because the VA changes?
You think Sonyfags will stop playing the latest cinematic Sony junk because it no longer stars Troy Baker or Yuri Whatshisface or Nolan North?
Get fucking real.
Literally the only game I care about. FML
i've never had that food, what's in it?
is it good?
God i fucking love hags
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So it happened again.

That’s why Capcom went full scorched earth on hiring any American VA under a Union after the previous strike in 2016, resulting in many of the dub voices for SF6 being replaced, while those who returned weren’t unionized.
Anon those 3 games are across a 10 year time span.
Sweet, now japanese game devs can stop worrying about offering different language options for vocals.
They deserve the same salary than a janny
Americans unironically hiring trannies to voice women is fucking hilarious.
Especially a tranny who's this fucking bad at their job.
I'm confused, what are they asking the companies to do or not do here? To hire someone and then the company itself copy that voice to use for their works? But at that point why would any company hire these people? It kind of doesn't make sense to begin with unless you are talking about someone that have never done voice acting before, but then no one would bother to hire newbies, or they just want companies to never use AI at all? Not gonna happen. There's also the fact that the amount of "good" english voice actors can be counted with your hands, why would you risk losing that much money for mediocrity? And if we talking about real actors their value is their persona, they cannot be replaced by AI because is just not them. I don't get it.
Are you serious? 10 fucking years for an adult person doesn’t affect how your voice sounds unless you actively abuse your body with shit like cigarettes at every hour and bottles of whiskey.

Some jap VAs from old ass anime from the 80’s still can do their voices now, with little to no difference.
The Spanish, the portugese, and to a lesser extent the French are notorious for their ability to avoid work at all costs.
And of course the Snow Germans are hard workers, they're still Germans.
Lowkey cooked
Hope it does just coast with no delays.
how do I become a voice actor though?
doesn't change JYB being "the anime voice" tier
>Rajesh links to a post I already blew out
Why was burger game VA never outsourced anyway? It's not like they have the same level of cult following than nip seiyuus, without entering in who is better.
the best we got is kevin conroy, and he just died
befriend someone in the industry
nepotism central
>Anon copes over the fact that his VAs are all sloppers that no one really cares about so long as they get their slop
In theory, just being able to speak
In practice, lol
Suck a lot of dicks. Actually it doesn't even have to be a lot, 1 is enough.
Actually pretty darn good. Your "is a good thing" sounds like you're asking a question not making a statement though.
Bro, that was obviously AI, are you deaf?
Games are unironically better without VAs though. Like, imagine Undertale with VAs
I unironically wish they'd dub the Berserk anime with these voices. They're excellent
Have game companies ever said no to these fags and hired amateurs or upcoming voice actors? Unless they're a legacy character I don't see the big deal
I've always been hard of hearing.
So you're saying this is the perfect time for me to scab and become a VA? I can live without hearing Matt Mercer, RAD, Nolan North, and Troy Baker.
fucking awful
i'm glad the english dub is getting replaced by an AI
1 is indeed enough but good luck it being your first one.
Versificators are inevitable because the masses cannot help but to unquestioningly scarf down their slop. AI enhanced slop production wont take away from the 1-5 well made pieces of media produced in a year, it'll just make dismissing everything else easier.
>made inefficiently=good

I turn voices off so I don't care, and at best it shaves time from the already too stupidly long dev times.
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>american games
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Suck the right amount of dick, and you're in.
Just don't hure voice actors at all. All the best games of all time do not use voice actors.
Actual retard.
Ubisoft tower games are made rather efficiently, but are you genuinely going to argue they're good?
yeah pretty much. fuck those other guys
All of my anticipated games are japanese.
Actual zoomer
That level of cult following and celebrity status can only be maintained if they have the skills to sustain a career, do you think a random JP voice actor is just handed all those channels to boost their image for free? It is a competitive market, with so many opportunities comes a high bar to be selected among all of those who want to have all for themselves.

The fact american VAs don’t have those venues shows there is little competitive incentive to build that, not enough fan following to generate the basis for that to become a reality.
You belong of reddit.
no one shows this anon a pic of kagura's VA from gintama

the thing is, Elevenlabs now holds monopoly over it, and all of their free library is garbage, and if you want to clone a voice or have it transalted, you need to pay
And this sucks even for video game modding in general or small projects.
same as becoming any other actor
>spend 4 years in acting school (pay $300,000)
>join SAG-AFTRA (scabs are blacklisted, pay dues)
>school will set you up with an agent when you graduate (pay retainer)
>depending on how good your agent thinks you are (at VA or at fellatio, depends on the agent), he might send your name to a project
>if the project directors like your portfolio/nudes they'll schedule a casting call
>if they like your performance (vocally or sexually), you get the job ($100k-ish per project)

you might think i'm making le funni haha joke about the sex stuff but I'm not at all
Reuben isn't part of the union but still he was left off because Capcvnt Shitsco-Frisco subsidiary hates Him, JYB and Dan's mere presence due to their political alignments and personal opinions.
Aka they secretly hate trannies
Jouji Nakata? Yuichi Nakamura? Chiwa Saitou? Aoi Yuuki? Maaya Sakamoto? Sugita Tomokazu? Kana Hanazawa? Hayami Saori? Yui Horie? Shinichirou Miki?
At this point is harder to name ones that aren't at that level. Not to mention, they can also act, sing, dance, draw, be a host for shows, etc.
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Unlike you sad NPCs I am perfectly capable of judging works by myself, I don't need critics and idiots curating and telling me what is "good" and "bad". A lot of shit done today is abject trash, and I am sure a good percentage of AI assisted media will be garbage, but the same people making good stuff today will adapt this into their pipeline to produce good results. You fucking imbeciles make it sound like the end times when in reality it is just like going from writing by hand to using a word processor, just streamlines the process for the author.
They wouldnt be any better if they were made "by hand' either though
You really went out of your way to name extremely garbage ones.
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every game I care about is Japanese or has no VA
Such as?
first poost best poost
3 killed any hope of another game like 2
To be fair, I think thats more a stylistic choice, but other companies should definitely do it.
well, it used to be that union guys would just straight up murder scabs, but they can't really do that anymore
but the tradition of not fucking with strikes endures
yes saars

dont hire americans come to India and come back soon
How tf? It was all around better.
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Nah it was big harv going to prison
Jesus fucking Christ.
Sub 100 iq westerners can't play anything without an English dub. They can't play and read the subtitles at the same time.
You've got to be more understanding of our brain dead American gamers.
>how many VA performances can you REALLY remember of any recent release, especially if they're not the MC?
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Japanese voice actors don't have this problem. Megumi's Ranma sounds the same as it did 30 years ago.
This is correct because they are not willing to beat the shit out of scabs and line crossers.
The strike is literally about preventing companies from using AI instead of hiring actors
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Didn't these guys backstab the VAs the first time around by basically going "lol we sold their voices but they pinky promise they will pay you for them"
why would the VAs band around them again?
They are correct to do this. But I hate them so I want them gone.

Game company's should just grab long dead actors from old niche foreign movies. Just use a propaganda video from Yugoslavia as the base or something.
Good post. "AI" is autocomplete. Nothing more, nothing less. It increases a good (e.g.) writer's productivity. It can't make a bad writer good.

retards talk about "ai slop" and then talk about how "muh skynet finna be take our jobs an all" because they fear a glorified spellchecker. It's a machine, it doesn't have agency. It's as good as its construction and its operator permit it to be.
Whatcha smoking?
ai slop
>most anticipated games to be delayed
good thing there are no games worth playing past 2012
You're trying too hard.
>Just dont hire American voice actors
ok sirs we got the memo
we hope you will enjoy a first for the games industry: Indian voice actors straight out of New Delhi!
Motherfucking Akira Kamiya aka Kinnikuman, OG Ryoma Nagare, The eternal Ryo Saeba the City Hunter, and Motherfucking Kenshiro
And now Mayumi Kinniku and Prince Kamehame in Kinnikuman: Perfect Origin Arc on netflix
>Take 2
I personally don't care but isn't GTA VI a highly anticipated game?
>comfy text box only games will be the standard again
I'm perfectly okay with this. Voice acting was one of the worst things that ever happened to Zelda. Sucks for zoomertrannies that need muh heckin high quality cinematic voice acting in order to feel "immersed".
Notice that it's not the VAs announcing a strike, it's SAG-AFTRA. My guess is most of the regular poor fuckers are just stuck in a position where they need to be part of the union, but it is a union that actively works against them.
no anon, you are the slop
>no more American VAs
>games start being made in other languages
>English becomes a sub language, forcing illiterate burgers to read
imagine the neverending mountains of butthurt from burgerclaps
There's a burgeoning new industry people aren't considering. Imagine you have a relative with a good voice or a good look. If you have some footage of them, you could eventually just sell it for AI use.
there have been strikes before where the VAs still did work, they just couldn't be credited under their normal name
The last strike I recall was right before SAG AFTRA showed its teeth though and partnered with some AI company.
you can cope all you want but games aren't going back to text-only ever again. (((modern audiences))) crave movie games, and for them reading is immersion breaking
>originally voiced the most moronic and best hero of all time
>now gets to voice his moronic father and the best teacher ever
The love this man has for the IP never ceases to amaze me, and Daisuke Gori didnt hero himself out of depression and disease, he would be here voicing Strong the Budo, but Akio Otsuka proved to be a great choice in his place.
The actor/writer strike last year was bigger when it comes to damage to Hollywood themselves imo.
I don't blame them, I love reading, would bet that I have read more in my lifetime than 80% of people in the world. I love old games that aren't voiced as well. But I would still prefer voices if they are an option. Visual novels especially gain another level of depth and enjoyability if they are voiced. I don't see anything wrong with wanting games to be voiced.
it's literally what T2 is relying on for the next decade
>Expect all your most anticipated games to be delayed.
I’ll be fine.
>(((modern audiences)))
We've had voice acting in games for like 30 years now, come the fuck on.
That's fucked.
>it is a union that actively works against them.
union pursues union interests
actors pursue actor interests
unions rn are taking money and running essentially, long term they need the actors (for strikes/bargaining more than dues) but short term replacing them with ai is more profitable because business interests will pay them off (in order to save more of their own money)
if you are jewish boomer union executive retiring in a couple of years, which is the more profitable option?
not even a conspiracy, just misaligned interests
>I don't see anything wrong with wanting games to be voiced
I'd feel like killing myself if metroid prime's logbook entries were voiced
>Visual novels especially gain another level of depth and enjoyability if they are voiced WELL
Yeah because our frame of reference for Samus' vocal performance is fucking Other M. On the contrary, I wouldn't want to play System Shock again without SHODAN's voice.
I hope everyone sees this.
entries aren't written in 1st person. it'd be the voice that says "entry added to your logbook" or whatever, but it would still be extremely vexing
video games died when 6th gen ended
And Fran is doing that again, she knows business more than some faggot VA's with 5 copies of the manifest and Che Guevara's biography in their room isn't giving money and holding the entire industry hostage in wake of a literal Crash about to happen next year
the beauty of AI is that it will inevitably kill the cancerous concept of intellectual "property" once and for all
>zero games I give a shit about
FFXIV another example, they moved to brits VAs and the dub skyrocketed in quality. Hell, its happening again, the voice acting in dawntrail was ass since they hired americans again
This, honestly. If you make a good thing and another company takes it wholesale, has more money for advertising, shipping etc., resulting in them making bank and you going bust, well, you should have just done better.
All of this shit started with the Horned rat extending their fucking rat's Copyright for almost 100 years
worst part is disney would have never been able to make its movies if copyright back then had lasted as long as it does now
if your "good thing" is so shitty that it can be so easily copied, then your bust is inevitable whether or not you have a magic patent paper
competition breeds specialization, even the fake and gay "economists" acknowledge this
>if the corporation had more money to do the thing, then it's really just your fault for even trying
Why would anyone ever make anything when there's zero protection?
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Am a law graduée who did my thesis about Authors Rights of Music Made by AI.


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