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Reagan ruined America.
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>one of the most successful bodybuilders of all time
>steroid user
indeed, i dont play as well when im high.
but alcohol is totally fine bro
Just. Say. No.
I did a weed once a few years ago at a party so that explains why my life sucks now
Weed and video games go together like chocolate and peanut butter.
Coke and adderall measurably improve my k/d ratios in fps games. I actually ran an experiment on that hypothesis back in the black ops III days, ten matches sober versus ten matches geeked up.
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all I'm saying is weed doesn't send people into depressive episodes and causes people to beat their kids and wives
alcohol does 10 times more damage than weed ever could
Pretty much every "winner" in capitalism does drugs and rapes children though.
weed causes psychosis and accelerates mental illness in those predisposed
i'm a loser, baby
Damn Vegan Propaganda.
Uh, sir.
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I'm 30 next month, and I've never had more than a drop of alcohol, I've never smoked, and I've never done any drugs.
I do however enjoy a nice bowl of chips with a can of cold soda.
Ironically, drug deals happened a lot in arcades.
maybe its good they put those warnings up then.
>meanwhile marijuana is legalized in most states and drug abuse (especially coke, fent, and meth) is at an all-time high
The war against drugs was an absolutely colossal failure.
this was quite literally government funded propaganda in order to justify the war on drugs, which was a massive money sink that resulted in absolutely nothing
>tfw went through all of college rawdog not even alcohol or caffeine
when we die and we get to see all our stats and trophies that's going to be there
It was all orchestrated and funded by the CIA. They smuggled drugs through Mexico with the help of cartels. the DEA only exists to stimulate the economy and generate wealth to people in positions of power, such as the prison industrial complex. By making drugs illegal it generates revenue by locking people up.
caffeine and alcohol had won that war before it ever started.
in reality it was always the war on drugs that you don't pay taxes on
Now I'm going to say what a virgin chud you are and then you will reply that you akshually fucked 4 girls.
They banned alcohol you stupid fucking shitskin zoomoid.
>be 12
>wtf is drugs
>htf can a 12 year old even get them

just jews sabotaging society while pretending to be helping. kinda like how they 'remind' children they can have gay sex and cut off their dicks. oh wow look at that, suddenly everyone is a tranny or a faggot.... guess we better import more jeets. its a totally natural and organic thing happening in society. dont question it.
>accelerates mental illness in those predisposed
That sounds like a positive thing, weed them out early while they live in less isolated environments so they don't end up in a pit.
I actually agree with you. It’s probably good to get it early on in life so you can learn coping skills and deal with it much more easily.
No, it's mostly true I'm a khv but I'm not an incel or a chud.
But I despise drugs, my estranged drug addict father ruined my whole family's lives.
So I really don't care if drugs can get you sex I'd rather form a relationship on something more real and especially not with a druggie.
I don't actually think alcohol is that bad, it's a social lubricant but it's obviously abused and frankly I'd rather not let a substance alter my behavior and instead just instill my own desired habits.
Winners get drunk at 4 in the afternoon (I'm winning right now).
instead we should follow the examples of previous generations, spend 30% of our paycheck on cheap light beer each night after work then beat our wives and children
wtf reddit told me that weed being legalized and easy to get would mean no one would bother with hard drugs like crack or fent.
What do you mean weed is a gateway drug? Thats a common myth pushed by the Reagan administration to vilify a plant that has been used for thousands of years.
last night i had a chicken dinner i don't remember eating

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