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so basically these guys are literally nazis?
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No, they just think the uniforms look cool.
No, Rogue Traders are Space Merchant Lords.

I love the God-Emperor, almost as much as I love all this money I have.
Imperial theocratic authoritarian.

Is that what he technically is?
The Imperium? Yes.
This game is gay af
The Imperium is a feudal aristocracy.
No, they are not national-socialists because that german political party has not existed for 40 thousands years. Learn the meaning of words before you use them
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>not having HERO OF THE IMPERIUM in the file name

I don't know, I'm just here to pop out the perfect biomantically enhanced babies for the glory of the Emperor in the Total Jimi Breeding Program
And that's a good thing.
Yes and are based
There's 95% it's the same crpg roastie that made Bishop art and mods (including for Skyrim) as early as NWN2 20 years ago
Well, i commend her devotion, if not her taste in husbands. Bishop? Really? Jimmy's great though, maybe she had an epiphany
never noticed how insanely short Cain's legs are
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based Jimi Breeder
The imperium is the imperium
there is nothing else to describe it than itself
Commissars are a russki military tradition...
The imperium has 50 different things blended into it and pulls from anywhere and anything cool or interesting: >>683742148
No, nazis would've despised the Imperium for its theocratic institutions, for its hereditary aristocracy, and complete lack of racial hygiene.
Nazi is not a catch all term for everything you don't like, they had other policies than just xenophobia.
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Not true. Many armies employed officers that performed comissar-like duties. It's just that soviet comissars became famous for their top tier fasion sense
Yes that's still what that anon is saying.
What Soviet commissars were famous for was their military incompetence paired with political zeal and the authority to overrule actual trained officers with predictable consequences. That, and murdering Russian soldiers who weren't enthusiastic enough, which they did callously and with no sympathy since they were mostly jewish and not Russians.
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>passionate lovemaking
>Slaanesh is not intervening
>their military incompetence paired with political zeal
that's because they were not militarymen technically. They were "Пoлитичecкий pyкoвoдитeль" meant to monitor the soldiers and officers alike for any signs of political views that did not align with the Party line
As long as they're not shoving dicks where they don't belong xhe doesn't care. And for babymaking purposes benis goes into bagina, as it should
Bishop is 100% female bait
>dark brooding handsome male character that is literally "I can fix him"
Come now, anon.
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And what of it?
Do I need to put you in an oven?
I thought the general mentality was "reproduction is just necessary for increasing population, if you get too romantically involved Warp predators will devour your soul". Isn't that why there's Vitae Womb technology on Imperium planets just in case even if it usually makes the average Mechanicus sperg?
I still can't get over the fact how good rt art is after the stinker that was pozzfinder. Both character art and the book illustrations.
>I thought the general mentality was "reproduction is just necessary for increasing population, if you get too romantically involved Warp predators will devour your soul".
No, anon, that's fucking dumb. People still have sex for pleasure and get romantically involved. The Vitae Womb technology is there to just quickly replenish the armies, such as kriegers. And if i'm not mistaken this technology isn't even common knowledge
Basic sex does not just summon the warp. You need to actually do some crazy stuff and be setting off some real shit beacon in the warp to home onto. Brothels and prostitutes exist, they don't instantly explode into demons.
That said, having hot sweaty sex (or any activity that can attract demons) while you're in the middle of warp travel is probably not a good idea, but eh, people have needs. So i'm gonna do my sudoku puzzles even if it attracts tzeenchian demons and there's nothing anyone can do about it. i'll do them while on a toilet if need be
as an alpha level psyker
everything you do makes the daemons horny
>reproduction is just necessary for increasing population, if you get too romantically involved Warp predators will devour your soul
No. Even Eldar can still casually fuck. Daemons only get involved if you start going super off the deep end for extended periods of time. We're talking orgies with at least a dozen people who are whipping and cutting each other while high on six different drugs at once. And that's just to summon like a basic bitch Daemonette.
No thats space freddie mercury
The Imperium lets worlds run as they see fit. The only thing they need to adhere to is tithes and not being Chaos infested shitholes. They are nothing like Nazis.
>based on russian commissars

Pick one.
This guy got it right. Are you meeting your tithes, following the Lex Imperialis, and the tenets of the Imperial cult? Then you are free to do as you see fit. Otherwise you get a visit from the Adeptus Arbites at best, a trigger happy inquisitor at worst.
More like communists
The imperium is just the soviet union in space
Anything can be a nazi if you schreech hard enough
>they're nothing like nazis they just exclude an entire race but everyone else is ok as long as they fund them
soviet union was lead by jews who hated God, so no.
>they just exclude an entire race
U wot

damn, germans lost to that?
Thats not how he actually looks, you can tell the difference between it being a propaganda poster and whats real is that Cain doesnt like using bolt pistols and prefers a las pistol

>A bloo bloo space marines are dumb and they make for bad stories
>you cant write anything deep for marines dont bother
>Boo hoo black library reee
>This random ass side cut scene in DoW 2 existing being some of the best dialogue for marines ever
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>As will we all
>As will we all

>He likes that blonde from Sailor Moon



Bro....Avitus really was his brother
Dawn of War 3 makes me mad more in the story department because we still dont know what happened to Hairgel and Thaddeus. I personally think Diomedes demoting himself to Chaplain was cool but Tarkus/Cyrus/Martlleus not showing up story wise sucked.
Who actually wrote Dawn of War 2? I am getting noting concrete but just a novelization
well alpha level is giga fucked tier usually so whatever
Considering my psyker RT made a C'tan shard his bitch, yeah
Main character powers. Stronger than any classification.
idiots are trying to chase an audience that never bought anything anyway, and would love to see 40k go under because it's a locus of toxic masculinity. I'm not coming back until walk back femstodes and apologize for being so stupid
Good job describing the hollywood version of a comissar
>>you cant write anything deep for marines dont bother
People say that because most Marine stories focus either in Ultramarines or a derivative of them, which makes the stories incredibly boring when Marines are one-note.
>Leaving the rosette on
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I just want to leave a red handprint on pale female drukhari's ass simple as
not canon, so yeah, you're not alpha level
there is no classification for the level of madness i'm on
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For me it's the sister's ass
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you will breed and coom when you are ordered to, for the good of the imperium
Feels like it'd be a bigger accomplishment to leave one on a Craftworld Eldar.
as an rt who believes in slavery of inferior xenos, i can easily do this
is it bug free yet
>owlcat game
>bug free
o im laffin
Foids really love Jimi huh
So basically you're literally retarded?
theyre like nazis if the jews were literal acid spitting space cockroaches yes
I played it from start to finish with no major bugs, just a few quest markers acting hinky, stufff like that.
Alpha tier psykers are almost invariably batshit insane. Of course daemons are drawn to them.
As far as the Imperium is concerned, filthy non human scum do not deserve to live in the Emperor's glorious galaxy. Given the majority of the xenos we see, they're not wrong.
the fuck are you talking about?
they're only doing what gods would rightfully do
whatever they want in the most gleeful of moods
Unless you're Malcador or Emps, that attitude will have you turning inside out or going supernova sooner or later.
what would a worm know?
silly little worm
it's as functional as an owlcat game can be
Sure, why not. The alternatives are;
>enslaved by demons
>annihilated by fungi-monsters
>consumed by insects
>enslaved/gelded by mind-controlled space-communists
>tortured for eternity by space-elf Ted Bundy and Co
>be pawns in a galactic game of alien chess by perverts and morons
>annihilated by Egyptian terminators
I'll pick the Nazism thank you.
But that's just a Hussar uniform with an overcoat.
It doesn't even look very similar.
They also say that because most Black Library writers are failed libarts degree fuckers that have zero life experience and can't write anything other than regurgitated tropes and cliches.
More like they just lack imagination. Everything has already been done. Originality is overrated. What matters is execution, and somehow they manage to fuck even that up.
Also, the volume of stories from BL is a massive mistake from a lore/consistency perspective (I don't doubt they make absolute bank). There's just too many fucking books, man. We used to get like 1 or 2 a year, and it was from the same 2-4 guys who gave a shit about the game and the narrative behind it.
Genestealers are a very sexy concept tied to a very stupid one (Tyranids)
I'm still not done with the Gaunt's Ghosts series because one of the books I can only find for $200 and I won't pay that for a book.
No, jews.
You barely have to pay attention to the tyrannids if you just want GSC so no biggy
there is a criminal lack of SS stories of sisters famulous and their young noble students
just imagine young boys fucking nuns that may or may not be wearing bondage outfits vigorously as the women praise them
The portraits are all amazing, I had a hard time choosing one. While in Wrath of the Righteous, all of them were fucking terrible, I had to download one because I hated them all.
You disgusting Slaaneshi heretic, how dare you?
it's for the purpose of breeding, not pleasure
get fuuuuuuuuuuucked slaanesh
Slaaneshi demons all looking fucking ugly irritates me to no end.
Well, obviously they don't look like that to the people who see them.
then why have them look like that at all?
what the fuck
It's purely because Gamesworkshop is scared of having to depict an actual sex/depraved/rape faction.
The Slaneesh demons NEVER look hot/sex/desirable, whatever. Not that all of them would, but it would be at least one of the larger or largest subfaction of them.
Khorne's female worshippers in fantasy look hotter than Slaanesh's
something is seriously fucking wrong
Supposedly it's like a Siren thing where they look hot when they are trying to seduce you but then go full crab person when it's murder time and it's too late for the enemy to fight back. Of course that's just GW cope but that's what it is.
Slaneesh at least kind of has Delves and people like Morathi. That's about it though and they aren't demons still. Oh and Fantasy Slaneesh has what's his face, pretty boy chaos dude. That's more of what you would expect.
ACKSHULLY, Slaanesh is the god of excess.
the fuck do you mean it's the most beautiful thing ever and the one person who managed to get through their realm kneeled just because they were pretty as fuck?
I mean yeah, though and though, just cope.

yeah yeah
>Oh and Fantasy Slaneesh has what's his face, pretty boy chaos dude. That's more of what you would expect.
I was very disappointed to find out he wasn't a 40k character.
damn those pussies
imagine If god was actually real and there were unimaginable horrors throughout the galaxy that wanted nothing more than to kill all humans
suddenly Authoritarian-Left Facism makes the most sense to ensure humanities survival, I.e. you remove all personal liberties and everyone works for the state and all the states resources go to killing ze bugs.
it is actually what probably would happen if humanity was ever faced with a threat.
Shut the fuck up, commie
They appear to you as someone you love, get close, then reveal that disgusting monstrosity to you at the last moment. Love, arousal, then terror and pain. All a young daemonette needs.
One of the few legitimately good series in the whole catalogue.
If Cavil and Amazon just did a Gaunt's Ghosts adaptation I'd be happy - "Band of Brothers but SciFi" is an easy sell to normies. Plus they'd save a lot of money by keeping the drama human-centric and only having brief glimpses of Space Marines and Demons and Aliens etc.
Cavil would be the perfect Gaunt. Tall, rugged, handsome. Yeah he's meant to be blonde but who cares - it'll still work.
I think I remember a Word Bearer waxing nostalgic about some Sisters of Battle he had defiled then crucified naked in a swamp of flesh eating bugs.
I don't know, I think Cavill would make a better Eisenhorn if it came to it. But whatever that show is, I'm sure Amazon will do its best to fuck it up.
can you give sauce?
yeah, they're the good guys, just like in real life
>Cavill would make a better Eisenhorn
He absolutely looks the part for a younger Eisenhorn, and an Eisenhorn adaptation would fucking rock. But I feel it might be a little too much for Amazon to sell to the normies. Maybe it would work.
>I'm sure Amazon will do its best to fuck it up.
That's why I thought Gaunt's Ghosts would be best. They can't DEI that shit without it entirely falling apart. Eisenhorn however would be super easy to DEI. Make Nayl into an idiot white male stereotype. Make Bequin black, lame, and gay.
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Found it myself. It's from Dark Creed. While I respect the Chaos grind, they should've kept them as slaves.
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>flesh ritually debased
>the Word Bearers have literal rape rites
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I mean everybody hates everybody equally as much as the Imperium
Even the fucking Tau are blatant colonizers with a dogmatic with-us or against-us mentallity along with systematic indoctrination and gene editing to make a caste-based society as they see fit
The Imperium being anti-xeno is not a wholely unique trait
reminds me of that one guy on the /vg/ thread who wrote his RT raping Celestine
for shame
it's okay
he keeps her as a sex pet to spread corruption in the imperium
It's the self-masturbation for an OC that is truly stinky
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I was wrapped up in the power fantasy.

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