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I think crouch jumping is shit. otherwise i like movement in valve in all valve games.
Spy wouldn't be able to exist in any other game than TF2.
Putting aside that the retard is implying TF2 invented explosive jumping he's not terribly wrong. It wouldn't be controversial in the sense that everyone would whine about it but more in the sense that normalfags would just get bored with the game because they "dun geddit" and if you bring up the mechanic people would call you autistic like they do with fighting games.
How does this moron not realize that rocket jumping is just a natural result of how the physics of the source engine work
This is a typical millenial jerk off thread about how hardkawr gayms used to be back when they still had hair. This has no bearing on reality
most people were shit at proper rocketjumping in 2007
it's not hard to do the basic aim at feet, jump, crouch and fire, basically anybody can
but pulling off multiple high speed jumps, pogoing, 4-5 rocket rollouts and other complicated stuff has always been a 5% (or less) of the playerbase thing
You shouldn't have to twist yourself 180 degrees and angle down to rocket jump. it's easily solvable with alt fire that shoots backwards(can animate character spin) from your aim while you angle upwards. that should be the default.
>Having the character animation and direction become detached from the direction the player is actually looking even for a second
Anon, no.
Then it’s just a mobility cooldown
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he's right.

and OP, why would you make fun of a zoomer for not knowing how to rocket jump? that mechanic hasnt been in mainstream gaming for 20 years. your behavior is absurd and childish.
good point
a self damaging one.
why does demo get a free jump while facing the action and soldier is nerfed?
I didn't play shooters much before TF2 and rocket jumping was easy. t. 30s boomer
>demo gets a free jump
Unless you mean via the sticky jumper, in which case he loses out on one of the best damaging weapons in the game, Soldier has the gunboats to reduce self damage, were the demo does not + takes more self dmg in general from sticky bombs
>I think crouch jumping is shit.
why? It seems like such a trivial thing. maybe im too used to it because i've been playing sauce engine games for decades but I find it to be a pretty good feature and miss it in some games
to make rocket jumping and sticky jumping just a bit more different from eachother
sticky has more ammo than rockets and both spend one ammo to jump. how is that an argument ONLY against demo? lol.
Well when a two sticky setup brings you to near death if not outright killing you via fall-dmg, there's quite the difference
Solder on the other hand even if he uses 3 rockets to jump with no gunboats is for sure hurting, but he's not outright dead
but that's balanced though since stickies fling you way farther and you have magazine of 8
The difficulty of rocket jumping is overrated.

There are some rollouts that are complicated to pull off even with practice, but the rollouts are more often than not completely impractical for anything that isn't a 6v6 sweaty tryhard 5CP map. For normal gameplay, you might only need to do a single rocket jump to reach a high point or something. Otherwise doing pogos and sequential rocket jumps is completely pointless and more likely to get you killed since you'll be so deep in the other team's backline.
Wouldn't it be more balanced by your logic, if the rocket launcher had 8 shots since they do less damage to yourself + you need to turn around 180 degrees?
yeah but imagine ur 15 and all you know is fortnite battlepasses and tiktok.
it will be extra hard to wrap your mind around the concept of rocket jumping
If zoomers watch a demo doing a stickyjump
they will squeal like pigs.
no? Soldier is limited by his magazine size. He can do a fuckload of damage with each individual rocket and limiting him to 4 and giving him a long reload time is what balances him. The gunboats are a good sidegrade to the shotgun in this regard because you half your fire power to gain and ability to jump more often.

Demo has a similar one with the Sticky Jumper. Normally demo doesn't jump that often with the regular sticky launcher because its so high damaging and giving demo less blast jump damage would make him too overpowered for getting in and out of situations while still having the ability to keep the GL equipped.
Rocket Jumping was accidently done in quake. After that developers had to make a conscious choice about how explosive physics interacted with jumping. It was intended in TF2, they could have made it impossible.
It definitely was intended, but not in the intrinsic way it actually ended up being in game.
90% of rocket jumping is abusing the quirks of the source engine and it's physics. You really think valve intended the soldier to be able to slide up ramps and skip entire maps at breakneck speeds? Or being able to time 2 rockets landing together to practically touch the skybox?
literally skill issue kek
I think the delay between pulling the trigger and the rocket leaving your launcher is dumb and unintuitive. Especially since it becomes worsened by latency/lag.
Seeing the way zoomies play CoD with their constant weapon switching and spazzy camera movement I think they could handle rocket jumping fine. Bunnyhopping however.
it was considered too hard and archaic [by retards] back on release too. that shit was a tfc and quake thing and those had been released like 10-15 years before tf2. around tf2 release fps was all console-tainted 2-weapon limit regenerating-health garbage brought about by the scourage of halo console babies
now is about the best time for another Quake game to come out, or for Valve to hang banners advertising TF2 with the bots gone (at the moment) and with COD being continuously mocked and abandoned by zoomies, they are probably yearning for a movement shooter with multiplayer
>nemesis system
>half of the jokes
>the other half of the jokes
Aren't boomers and millenials the ones cryinf over crafting in Fortnite because it's too hard?
>zoomers start playing TF2 for the "movement"
>every team has 8 scouts
killstreaks besides COD arent exactly tracked nor are they encouraged nowadays even, they dont have the belts and whistles of shit like Halo even with the announcer hyping up your multi kills.
at best you get stacking numbers.
id say there would still be more variety than that, zoomers also like posting comps of their epic snipes so a projectile weapon wouldnt seem too out of reach for them to get good at mobility and killing with
they added a build-less mode years ago and its the one that gets the most traction in it
Not him, but you have to consider that you and I both played the Half-Life movement tutorial, or maybe you played Counter-Strike first. It's consistently the weirdest thing I've had to explain to new TF2 players who haven't played Source games before.
to add to this, even then rollouts are just fun to do and barely affect the actual combat of the game anyways. it's not like a fighting game where another player knowing shit you don't can just lock you out of the game entirely
if this were reddit this post would be at the top with the most upvotes, that's why reddit is better
nta but being able to pull up your legs while jumping feels pretty intuitive, it's like proto-mantling in a way.
if Zoboomafoos can build skyscrapers in Fortnite in 10 seconds then they can do this
Yeah I've always seen it this way. Many non Source games are like this too. All the old Halo games for example, you can reach higher places by crouching to pull your legs up higher. I figured all that out intuitively as a kid.
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Zoomer here: nigga that shit was first used in Marathon for Mac (it was called “Grenade Hopping” at the time).
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I'm gonna be honest with you, OP, that shit those ADHD-riddled kids do with the building on Fortnite looks a whole lot harder to master than rocket jumping.
It's rare I see someone with feet flatter than mine. He's gonna have some issues when he gets to my age.
The insane shit I've seen zoomies do on fucking Switch online of all places.
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why are americans like this?
I knew how to rocket jump in Quake Team Fortress when I was like 5
Boomer zoomer here: this is your calling to pick up rocket jumping. Probably dropped over 500 hours just shmooving in jump servers. Join the kino jump scene: https://youtu.be/pNKRXTQH13s
>The sheer number of illiterate retards in this thread that think the OP pic claimed TF2 invented rocket jumping.
Jesus christ.
The picture isn't even true, zoomies love """movement shooters""" and finding stupid tech that let's them spaz their camera around.
he's not wrong.
rocket jumping would be bound to the "ultimate skill" button where he just jumps twice as high on command with a cooldown. and takes no damage.
not sure if I ever played the tutorial, but played CS since 1999 and I still instinctively at least try to crouch jump in every FPS I play
of course most people were shit at it. but the difference is that in 2007 you could release a game with a mechanic that most people were shit at and it'd still be a commercial success.
Most of people have no idea how navy in HOI4 works, yet it's popular
Yeah but you take damage and there's no real limit to what you can achieve with it. That's not FAIR or LETTING YOU PLAY YOUR WAY. It needs to be a fixed ability with a cooldown and maybe an accessibility option that lets you auto-cast it when you run towards a hard to reach place.

I admit I'm one of the people filtered by the navy in HOI4, but Paradox games' "popularity" is not really on the same level as something like a Fortnite or Apex or whatever the most popular multiplayer shooters are nowadays. Or what TF2 was for a period.
I'm 34 and zoomers aren't wrong. TF2 is a dogshit game with the most retarded fanbase after Sonic fags.
>but Paradox games' "popularity" is not really on the same level as something like a Fortnite or Apex or whatever the most popular multiplayer shooters are nowadays. Or what TF2 was for a period
HOI4 is just as popular as TF2 was on Steam prior to getting f2p, now it even surpassed it the non-f2p numbers
>install script and binds it to my mouse buttons
kek nothing personal nigger
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>zoomies love """movement shooters""" and finding stupid tech that let's them spaz their camera around.
they love holding right on the analog stick and then using their aim assist to lock on to people. zoomers would hate rocket jumping, they don't want to learn things that actually take skill, they want the game to aim for them and they only want to play against shit players.
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>Play in community server
>See trolldier, assume he's dead weight
>Watch him rocket jump up to a wall before rocket jumping off the wall at me at 100mph
>Nails me with the strange market gardener (25k kills)
>See him move in the craziest ways. Careens towards teammates and kills them
>See him get double/triple consecutive market gardener kritz on overhealed heavies
>See him jump on a lvl3 sentry and somehow kill it without getting annihilated by it
>Scoreboard is filled with market garden kills
>Round ends, he's like 4th place on their team
>Proceeds to say gg and then compliment us for a good defense

I've never been so inspired to pick up the rocket jumper. Man was a jumping machine. What are they feeding you tf2 players?

It is trivial, It's also pointless. Hey, the ledge that you totally knew you could jump up without crouch jump is actually bit higher than you thought so you gotta try again. You fuckup like this 10 times and end up habitually crouch jumping everywhere since there is no downside and at that point, why even have it as a two button action?

Guess what faggots? Half-Life buck-broken us all so hard that now we habitually crouch jump everywhere.

God I hate this mechanic.
sorry nigger i am switching between several classes depending on the situation in match and i am not gonna waste my time with mechanics i can just bind to my mouse with simple script cope
just because you wasted 10k hours of your life learning rocket/sticky jumping and whatnot doesn't mean its a time well spent
i dont know why they dont switch to gyro. its more skill based and you can compete with m&k without needing aim assist.
CoD already has gyro support and people don't use it because they like that the controller aims for you.
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>. zoomers would hate rocket jumping,
you fags all act like zoomers dont and haven't been playing TF2. People use gamepads for cod because its busted and you have to stay competitive
thats why they should remove aa entirely and force millions to learn gyro. of course, it will never happen
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>fun casual game for well... fun and relax
>compniggers turn it into some monstrosity beyond recognition and then proceed to call everyone zoomer or secondary for not wasting their entire lives on tryharding
>Dominations and their voice lines
>Pyro Achievement to make someone ragequit
>Spy achievement to have someone you're dominating switch to Pyro
These would be the first to go for being "toxic"
what a retarded post considering fortnite's building mode exists
Just add an optional tutorial.
and now let's compare the total install base of steam from 2010 to 2024
They not wrong in the slightest. Modern gamers are inept and unwilling to stick with and learn a game that has actually deep mechanics.

Just look at how they neutered the absolute fuck out of titanfall movement and gameplay, made it have a far lower skill ceiling and it got like 3-4x the attention if not more. Sure it also had f2p and BR going for it, but it's undeniable that Apex was more popular with modern gamers than Titanfall 2 which is the objectively more technical and difficult-to-learn game.
yeah no having the same gross numbers when the total market has grown like 50x does not mean that the two games were as popular at their peak
titanfall was still for shitters and just a cod mech
the movement mechanics in titanfall 2 are vastly more complex than any CoD game, you're mistaken and must not have ever seen high level titanfall play.
If people could learn it 20 years ago why can't they learn it now?
That's really more to the point though. Players back then were all too eager to figure out inventive ways to really fuck with a games design. Now we got people probably think WASD movement is too hard.
I'm a zoomer (2004). I exclusively play scout unless I've been smoking weed then I play sniper.
im a zoomer and i have not played tf2 since 2014.
I don't play TF2 not because I'm a zoomer, but because I'm South American. Sometimes I kinda want to.
I'll admit, I'm absolutely dogshit at Rocket Jumping could never get the timing right with my slow caveman hands and brain
Which is why I play Demo and Stickyjump instead
why don't you just set up a group there with servers? it's not that hard. you can be the SKIAL of LatAm
demoman not being a walking carricature of nigger culture written by white people and passed off as empowering representation
also literally everyone straight and white par demo
If I re-downloaded this game tonight would I regret it
can you imagine zoomers trying to hit quake railgun shots without aim assist?
yes. once the trans infect the system the entire thing's basically toast. either you run your own servers or get fucked in valve servers.
Guy's probably not wrong considering most modern movement tech in video games are absolutely considered and placed deliberately in by game design, TF2 retaining rocket jumping came from Valve deliberately balancing rockets to not do as much damage to allow for it, after seeing it take off in other games, and it is a genuinely tricky mechanic that isn't that intuitive a lot of the time, that's the entire reason jump maps exist and rollouts are cool
The hell happened in 2021?
I had over a thousand hours in this game and never got good at rocket jumping.

I really think it just needs a basic tutorial explaining what buttons you should be pushing and a couple of official jump maps, otherwise it's kind of difficult and unintuitive to figure out on the fly in the middle of a match.
I think rocket jumping is a stupid mechanic regardless of difficulty.
Because stickies fucking kill you. They do way more self damage against a class with less hp and hates being in the middle of the action instead of at a specific midrange. A soldier can rocket jump on top of you, splash himself, and win. Demo will die if he even does land hits.
rocket jumping is easy enough to learn a bit of for basic stuff such as reaching other floors, boosting yourself to the front etc.
what's more autistic is the actual map crossing, wall scaling and the prelaunching
Crouch jumping is a real thing. You have to tuck your legs in to clear obstacles sometimes. And you can't jump nearly as high from a stand as from a crouch.
My ideal game's max jump height would be achieved by crouching - jumping and releasing crouch at the same time - crouching again at the apex for extra clearance.
>Pyro Achievement to make someone ragequit
kek, based devs
Is he wrong? Rocket jumping would just be made into a hotkey ability with a cooldown nowadays, and there'd be so little deviation between a bad player's jump and a good player's.
i was born in 2004 and what fucks me up is having to let go of the W key to air strafe properly
he ain't wrong
in order to understand this you must understand how dopamine and psychological reward works in the zoomie mind. having brain rot this severe means any product that dangles a reward but doesn't provide the user with one within a short amount of time will never see the product succeed, with everything catering to the lowest common denom.
only the most autistic people will truly "master" a game given enough time, but is it really a mastery when the pinnacle of performance in that game is considered the bottom of the rung of its forefathers past?
attentionspans or somthing
we went to the moon like 60 years ago why can't we do it again today?
how is it stupid, it is fun
what about tfc

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