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/v/ - Video Games

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What do you think of it?
Sounds sóy-soaked and reddit-like. Pass.
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mista notch did you burn all your billions already
This is incelcore
Epic for the win lolololol
Kill all chantards
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but Rogue-FP sucks asshole
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>another pixelshit roguelike
can't wait
He just needs to start building shit and it'll work. When the fuck has anyone ever shared a design document that actually gets made? That's some real idea-guy-only type bullshit
>notch is an idea-guy hack
Damn, who could have guessed?
hack sellout fraud
>/v/ is still asshurt
everyone who "makes it" on /v/ quits 4chan
it's a rite of passage, the only way to leave this place is to actually do something with your life
thanks billion dollar game
I'm stealing his ideas and selling them to microsoft after laying the groundwork.
name of this slut?
This, unironically. The only issue is Minecraft wasn't known for its riveting combat.
i must assume he put alot of money in an index fund of some kind
sounds good on paper. I just hope the "minimap" is an actual map item and not something stuck on the UI.
>first person roguelike
Fucking dropped. You don’t get a full idea of what each tile contains unless it’s overhead. Shiren the Wanderer understands this.

He’s just going to make Etrian Odyssey but shit.
there's nothing here to work with
>um its a dungeon crawler where you, get this, crawl from one place to another inside of a dungeon!
no soul, no passion!
If you really want to make an exploitable traditional roguelike, give ADOM Noita’s spell system. Allow me to build a wand that’ll blow up bosses, but will probably result in me blowing myself up.
First person doesn't sound like rogue.
>three lines
>design document
fuck off notch, go buy hookers and overdose on heroin
Noita is fun for a short while but I'm so fucking sick of people implying its game design is anything but godawful
I think he really won the lottery with Minecraft (which he himself called an Infiniminer clone) because what kind of person takes a list of such generic ideas and considers it useful for something? WTF?
>no heartbeat mechanic
It’s the best game I ever played, but it’s not for everyone. Sounds like somebody got filtered.
>it's like
>it's like
>it's like
>it's like
just say you don't have any fukken real idea and you played some cool games recently
Yeah. I have some several pages GDDs that I will never even start developing. Don't even know how to feel
hey guys please critique my design document
>first person game
>you have a gun
>when you shoot the gun, bullets come out
>there are enemies
>you have to hit them with the bullets from the gun
>You don’t get a full idea of what each tile contains
this doesn't matter
hey guy here's your critique
>got groomed by jews into wanting to cut your cock off
>jews have been doing this shit to children for thousands of years but you think it's a new and unique fad
>end up killing yourself so some goldberg can jack off that he drove you to suicide for moloch
Fix your shit moron stop letting them jew you to death
>first person ADOM
retarded, could never work, fund it immediately
hey you'll never make call of duty money like that
>extraction royale
and notch has some napkin scribbles that he'll turn into a successful game

who's got the better methodology here?
>that he'll turn into a successful game
inb4 nu uh
Notch, you fat fuck, here's a real idea for a game instead of these worthless superficial notes:
>dungeon crawler
>two timelines
>events from the past can alter the present in "real time"
>you in the past can try to help the present timeline, like leaving a sword in the past in an area and trying to retrieve it in the present
>puzzle solutions can involve traveling to the past to try to alter the layout of the dungeon in the present (for example, planting vegetation in an area that will be overgrown in the present and allow you to pass through a dangerous region by hiding in the bushes)
>negative effects can also occur, for example defeating goblins in the past can generate stronger enemies in the present, as the goblins act to prevent other strong creatures from inhabiting the dungeon
Sounds pretty cool, hope he actually makes the game this time.
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>first person
Stopped reading there
stat bloat is gay
Thanks for the heads up notch, gonna pass.
Why do trannies hate Notch so much?
shit game design. watch more video essays
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This is just daggerfall. Literally daggerfall, it has all of these things. except the heal from ice damage I guess, and mimics.
alternatively it's Barony with an overworld.
He's nothing without /v/. He literally owes all of his money to old-/v/.
Sounds kino like minecraft back in the days. I'll play it for days
I'd play it 100%
>first person roguelike
>proper voxel engine with teardown-tier physics
>not tile-based
>time only flows with movement/actions like SUPERHOT
>no (numerical) stats, no one health bar like in dwarf fortress
>shit ton of interactions between different items and materials
>magic is drawing symbols and rituals (randomized and you have to figure it out yourself)
There, now pay me.
Is ADOM good?
Notch has made one game ever and its the defining game of the millennium. you play it, your kids play it, their kids will probably play it. its on more systems than DOOM at this point and the merchandise alone is worth more than most AAA IPs

notch could be the most "toxic" person alive but if he actually wanted to make another game publishers would be falling over themselves to get the rights. nobody cares about troons or women or whatever as much as they care about money
>except the heal from ice damage
taken from bg1/2 where when your resistance went above 100% you would then heal off that damage type, dont think it was in the actual adnd ruleset but i dont remember
If you’re trying to strategize it does.
No. There’s a weird problem where every “traditional roguelike” is an open world rpg with permadeath. ADOM is a culprit.
>What do you think of it?
not much
>i'm a game dev
>all i do is write ideas down on a .txt file and then be a nigger online
Cool beans!
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what compels you gay niggers to do this
at least make it slightly funny
That sounds very uninspired. Sounds like an amalgamation of all of the other indie games I was enjoying when I first found Minecraft.
>Ultima Underworld
>randomly generated dungeons
>tile based
there's no ultima underworld left
I'll buy it just so he becomes a billionaire again and makes trannies seethe
I wonder what would happen to Notch's brain if he was forced to design a level by hand.
Sounds like the kind of game I'd want to make
Sounds pretty generic. Or, at least, its generic now.
that shit would take like 10 years to make
breaking the tower was fun enough
Just like modern AAA games. At least Notch doesn't need to worry about an income.
Just like how minecraft wasn't super generic on the surface right.
It wasn't, the only things that were remotely comparable at the time were Dwarf Fortress and Infiniminer, both were literalwho-tier at the time that only autists were even vaguely aware of. Beyond that all you could really compare it to was "digital legos" which also hadn't really been done at that point, it was actually super unique for the time
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The only thing similar to Minecraft at the time that I can recall is Dwarf Fortress. That game was a top down game akin to other roguelikes of the time and made it more difficult to "see" what you were building as it wasn't in a visible 3D space. If you can think of similar at the time, let me know because that's the only one I can think of.

Now there's plenty similar to both; every open world survival crafting game for one.
Minecraft was a very novel experience at the time.
Didn't notch pioneer early access? If so he's a business genius

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