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This is Mrs. Freeze from Suicide Squad. Wtf were they thinking?

when the money dries up.
No one gives a shit. Have sex
her game sold more than stellar blade, nobody really cares except coomers
No it didn't, it sold so poorly that warner had to get a tax write off for it.
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Nope, support us indies.
why is Mr. Freeze a fucking woman ?
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truth hurts
>but budg-ACK
nobody cares, more people bought it than Stellar Blade, that's all that matters
>nobody cares
Warner cared enough to announce layoffs. Oops.
moot point :)
what the fuck is that
So they can check off more boxes. Now she's a fat, butch, ambiguous Blasian lesbian with mannish features. Every possible checkbox you could ask for.
nobody was layed off at rocksteady thoughever
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The three horsemen of apocalypse, the fourth (death) only shows up at the end.
>Every possible checkbox you could ask for.
4 limbs, no wheelchair?
fucking ableist garbage
> Suicide Squad
Are We Ever Gonna Stop Making Shitty Threads About Woke Games?
Wtf was OP thinking?
Literally didn't happen
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always gets a laugh from me
Make your own games then fucking faggot
>Suicide Squad
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Sure thing buddy.
>fucking ableist garbage
She's stuck in a temperature suit and can't handle anything hotter than -20 degrees.
it's not about the money
>still more successful than SB
How nice of them to release DLC for the 50 people still playing.
>more people bought it than Stellar Blade,
I'm sure the investors are just delighted to hear that. well worth the 200 million suffered in losses.
>200 million dollars in the negative
You need to find a new cope, tranny.
so was this all just made up or is the vidya industry so dead that the top 8 ranked game lost hundreds of millions of dollars?
>Season 2
Wut? isn't this just a co-op game? Does the story keep going after you finish?
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I fully support Sweet Baby's total fucking destruction of the western AAA gaming industry, it really deserves it
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stop shilling your stream
>stellar troons melting down because of facts
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>Stellar blade budget: 50 million bucks.
>Stellar blade sales: million units.
>Stellar blade unit price: 70 bucks.

>Suicide Squad projected profit: negative 200 million.>>683733301
Hey tranny, I got a cryptocoin to sell you, trust me you're going to be rich, just give me money.
Is the east ever going to make conventionally attractive females that don't look like they've had more plastic surgery operations than years they've been alive?
Most people give a shit tranny
>Barely sells more than a ps5 exclusive from mobile game dev
literal westoid humiliation ritual
no one bought your game lol
Suicide Squad dev team suicide stream W H E N?
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It's not about the money. It's about sending a message.
>the games are bombing
nobody can hear the message if theyre not buying the game.
>nobody can hear the message if they're not buying the game.
They are, though. You're talking about it here. The customers are going hungry and buying shitty ancient slop. The teams that made this game got to lay off 2-3 more white men from the team and replace them with heckin' based Indians. The HR women desperate to feel like mothers affirmed their authority just a little more.
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>Uhhh budgets don’t exist
Stellar blade didn’t have nearly as much much money on it
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Doesn't take into account the vast difference in budget or that suicide sqaud was in development for almost a decade
>No one is talking about the stream content while Xbox stream mods try to make the chat cheer them on
what the actual fuck is wrong with americans, seriously?
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Nobody bought your game either.
The Suicide Squad has cute kid mascots now? I can't think of anything more inappropriate.
it has
It's always about the money
Why is Mr. Freeze an asian lesbian now?
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then what is theyr message? because we're all just here laughing at them and their shitty game.
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I thought we were laughing at Concord now?
>then what is theyr message?
Their message is, "we own you." Short, succinct, and very accurate.
they wanted the game to sell more than Stellar Blade and it worked
Why is Joker half naked when you see him in the background around the 1 minute mark, but when you see him in the background again near the end, he's in the outfit I recognize from promotional materials?
While I'm asking, who's the hot fit black lady at the end who wheels away the frozen cylinder with Nora inside?
>Wtf were they thinking?
"We own your entertainment. We own your way of thinking. We own you."
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lmao why do you keep seething over stellar blade when it made more of a profit than suicide squad?
>gta 5 is over ten (10) years old and is still in every monthly top 20 list
Also what outfit is Harley wearing? She doesn't look half bad in it.
It's about sending a message
You retards are NOT people.
>all platforms from December 2023 to June 2024
>all platforms
>killed the just us league released Feb 2
>stellar blade release April 26 on a single console
wow Stellar Blade actually did quite well
>First Descendant booba looks nice

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I love storm.
also based chinks for keeping in boob jiggle
Sales overall have been low this year compared to other years and the barrier for success for Suicide Squad is much higher than Stellar Blade.
go back tranny
Yeah but that Storm looks like a lesbian or half way to being a tranny.
if you think that looks like a tranny in anyway then you've already let leftists infect you with terminal brainrot.
might unironically need to see a specialist to reorient your mind from your reality mind disconnect.
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Get the fuck out of my hobby. I hope AI replaces every single one of you fucking leftoids.
half way to being one. Calm down, son.
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Watchu talking about man?
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you seem autistic and unaware enough to not understand how annoying you are to everyone around you so it feels necessary to tell you directly
Sincerely kill yourself fucking faggot crying over meaningless shit
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They'll probably sell the thick mane of hair as a cosmetic.
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is she supposed to be a female schwazzenegger?
Why do they keep releasing content for this clusterfuck?
Are they bound by contract? There are usually a ton of fine print in the EULA that would allow them to stop support anytime, no?
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This game?
They finished all this ugly garbage a year ago and drips feeds whatever the fuck they have to drip feed, didn't they close this piece of shit studio for burning through like $200m with no return?
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>here's your DLC costume bro
You're gonna see "Toxic positivity" become a big talking point in the next few years after huge bombs like Concord and KTJL. You just know the entire conversation behind such a fucking trash and horrific design like this was centered around "YASSS WE ARE PUSHING HUMANITY FORWARD WE ARE SO PROGRESSIVE! THE YOUTH OF TODAY WILL LOVE IT!" instead of "Wait is this really what the fans want let's think a bit".
Why the fuck does this piece of shit outfit have the feminist icon on the shoulder?
Also need to consider that Suicide Squad went on a massive discount for several times to boost units sales number. It also had a higher dev and marketing budget. Being live service means it has a much higher upkeep cost.
>Sewerslide Slop
Cope and seethe
Holy shit. This single handedly blows /v/ the fuck out. Is this an authentic image? Notice all the replies just coping.
Mr. Freeze's wife is supposed to be an old woman isn't she? It checks out.
File deleted.
You can't really call investor fraud toxic investor fraud, it's just investor fraud, you go to prison for that, hope SBI and Resetera owner company / Ziff Daves are all raided by feds for their fucking weird grifts which burnt up probably close to a Billion US by now.
Hiro needs to check jannies and mods blood for HRT, this isn't a joke, that shit makes you insane and nobody normal here has anything in common with these freaks.
This "dialogue" makes me hate being alive since by being alive I can understand it.
>file deleted
The creative director intentionally sabotaged the product because he was convinced by doing so would get back at Jewish people for their attack on Palestine, I'm not joking.
Was the money ever wet in the first place?
More power to him. I would be happy if all companies on earth went defunct today.
were there any jews in charge of this project or profiting off of it or something for him to sabotage it in the name of palestine?...
Now post the profits chart, Mr Stein
Thinking breasts are the reason for the game's success is backwards. Please do better with your logical deduction.
Remember when they said the Horizon girl looks like a man and is ugly & butch then the game sold hotcakes??
Do better.
>chinks make a decent looking marvelslop
The west has fallen
That is ugly as fuck
I kneel
what were the actual playstation sells of the game vs blade's though? Comparing a multi plat to a exclusive is dumb.
Comics already did this shit, its elseworld dimension fuckery. Its really funny watching secondaries like Asmon in particular get triggered over Female Galactus for instance, not knowing that that isn't even Galactus, but a daughter of Galactus, that the devs didn't even create. I hate tourists.
>/v/edditors brigading for goyslop makers
bwc queen
This design has me feeling a little... cold
I was hoping for Killer Frost, a Suicide Squad alum, oh well.
I will never make fun of asian games. They might be designed for coomers but at least it's an actual game vs another fps in the tired genre known as fps.
Niggers have been playing Counter Strike ever since it was a mod for HL. They will never move on from fps games. That's all their brain rotted heads know.
> -200,000,000 > 1,000,000 according to this tranny
you seriously need to go back to school
>that's all that matters
is that what executives tell themselves to cope with the fact they lost 200 million dollars?
>it only took us 200 million dollars in loses to beat the Sony game with the hot chick
weird silver lining there but you take what you can get I guess
what's the point of owning me if they don't get my money?
>All the women in the game are completely asexualized and ug--ACK
You have to compare PS5 sales of blade vs suicide squad.

So you are in fact, wrong.
It did, suicide squad is on 3 platforms, stellar blade is on 1.

Suicide squad did decently on consoles out the gate, but it had zero legs whatsoever.
the game's performance seems to suggest otherwise
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>sold hotcakes
wii sports is one of the highest selling games of all time
Is this fucking real?
>optional bundle that didn't exist for the first 3 years or at the peak of PS5 hype
Nice job showing the sequel too, dumbass. Will do everything in your power to ignore the truth. Mental gymnastics on gold medalist level for half the thread.
no one could buy a ps5 for the first three years retard, once they finally had stock they slapped this thing on every console. stop running defense for this game, no one wants to play it
oh my, and I thought I hated marvel. I'll have to check that out.
Trump lost.
holy shit
Why do you think the industry is having mass layoffs?
A bunch of esg investors put money in if they did certain things, believing those requirements would increase profits above market averages. Stock values go up. After years of inefficiencies building up due to said requirements, stocks begin to have downward pressure, then investors pull out. Mass layoffs of inefficient workers follows. If the layoffs work, things improve. If the layoffs don't work, repeat until bankrupt
He was actually later privately talked to and buck broken
It is a gay themed skin. Call of duty has them. Overwatch has them. Apex Legends has them. R6 has them.
what's "ann lemay" in pig latin?
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And it looks like fucking shit. It looks like something you'd see from an autistic furry.
It is 100% about the money for the game studios. The people giving them money don't care if the game fails, and neither do the studio execs because everything went according to plan. But everyone else at the company does care, and is upset by the fact that people hate them and their games.
im most assuredly a socialist, dumb partisan hack. i cant stand the intentional and coordinated uglification of art by corporations and the fact that leftists think they have to run defense for it because the other side calls it out is embarrassing.
>Mr Freeze's entire story is that he wants to save his wife's life
>They make a female Mr. Freeze
>She HAS to be gay and have a wife
I said it before and I'll say it again: Western developers will not make heterosexual women anymore. They will, at 'best' be bisexual or polysexual. When is the last time there was a HETEROSEXUAL heroine? Bonus points if she isn't old and her husband is dead, because that is the only other time they'll do that. They'll have le badass old woman who has a dead husband or something and she drinks and smokes.
Mrs. Freeze wouldn't work because a woman would never go through all the shit Mr. Freeze did for Nora for a man. It's just not in their nature.
Yes there absolutely women who would. Women do incredible things for their husbands and for their children. It is just the people who write these characters actually subconsciously hate women and femininity and believe that a woman can only be heroic, badass, and likable if she has masculine traits. AKA, be butch, have short hair, large jaw, be attracted to women, etc. They are basically men with a slightly feminine look and voice. It is crazy how no one else sees this. They fucking hate women and want every protagonist to be men and men who look a little bit more like women.
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>No one gives a shit. Have sex
Stellar Blade actually made a profit troon
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>Sincerely kill yourself fucking faggot crying over meaningless shit
We have thousands of years of human writing under our belts and thousands of stories of men going to insane lengths to save or appeal to women.
How many from the opposite POV?

Men love women. Women love men's stuff.
It's ONLY about the money and the other anon is right - this will stop if and when it becomes unprofitable. Businesses don't "care" about progressive, "woke" ideology - they only include it in their games because they think it will help them market it to people. If and when that fails, they'll stop. It's that simple.
with the exception of grifts like crypto or ai, it takes like 10-20 years for boomers to catch up. they will eventually figure out how much money eastern gatcha is making and there will be a pivot
>Women do incredible things...for their children
Fixed for you
they made more sales, which means more demand in the minds of investors
they will be looking for ways to lower costs, not to change the nature of the games being made
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>braindead mindbroken dilator think profit doesn't matter so longe xer can cope
join the ACK
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how do you go from this
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to this
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The resemblance is uncanny
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Is it even possible for faggots or trannies to not plaster everything they own and make everything they do about what they stick into themselves or how they mutilated their genitals?
>retarded troon sucks corporate dick because they waved a pride flag around once

you "people" are subhuman
Nah man, this game was literally DOA and the studio WILL close down.

Still not gonna stop the next AAA wokey disaster from happening. At this point, I'm just praying for a major video-game industry crash. Burn IT ALL down.
Bigots won't like this, but this is what peak representation looks like.
>they made this costume for the whole of 7 troons that will buy it.

Just clown vomit randomly puked on the suit.
Fucking this
Gachas and gachas making billions with attractive characters and these retards still dont get it.
Western devs did do gacha. It created a fucking real world legal drama. Remember Battlefront II?
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>Gender bended male character
>Seemengly black?
>Dyke haircut
>Near zero female secondary characteristics, might as well be a dude
>Covered in full lgbt rainbow garbage

Here it is, the ultimate, the personification of woke corposlop, it truly, truly doesn't get any worse
>>Seemengly black?

No. She's asian.
the girl in Forspoken is hot
indeed, and they still made her hideous in the game
What H-game is this?
AAA games are just money sinks, according to WB they lost 200M with Suicide Squad even with those sales, so you can imagine the absurd cost it had.
>Mrs Frias
Wait, is this not Nora?
Did they really gender swap Victor and not Nora?
>they didn't even take the time to give her a model without a helmet on
>genderbend a character thats always been a man
>try to pass it as some lesbian icon
Victoria Frias.
Yes, she's a woman.
Yes, she's a lesbian.
Yes, she's asian because one swap is not enough.
Yes, you will pay $10 to unlock her.
>Are Western Devs Ever Gonna Stop Making Ugly Female Characters?
No. Every western devs PR team is overrun by progressives that believe conventional beauty is bigoted. Normal people don't want to play as ugly people. Attractive people don't want to play as ugly people. Most of all Ugly people don't want to play as ugly people.
It's the same thing as "Even gay men like boobs". The fact the media is trying so damn hard to push some sort of narrative that it's ok to morbidly obese or riddle your system with mind and system altering drugs. As if it's the healthy and morally righteous thing to do as well as force on others.
It started with gays trying to convince people they were just like everyone else and deserved to marry.
Now here we are.
So, she's just a lesbian gender swapped version of Mr. Freeze and not actually Mr. Freeze's wife? Feels kinda lazy.
>feels lazy
It's deliberate.
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TranniEconomicsisters ACK
>game made fun of Harley's old outfit because muh sexism
>release it anyway as a paid costume
Still don’t hate them, and feel a LITTLE bit bad. Homosexuals ≠ faggots. Homosexuals want to get away from all the pride shit because it was taken over by trans and other mentally unwell people
It's included it because people who make this trash think this is cool. At most execs want it included because Blackrock gives you free money for it. But I doubt it's worth it.
no one really thinks this sells
how can it be "successful" if it "flopped"? did estrogen rot your brain?
>game sold hotcakes
it did not. bundles + freebies
no one cares abot snorizon
I thought this was bad but then I saw this was from the Xbox stream. Now I’m looking up how to install Linux.
>sign of the times
fucking lol. libtard devs literally screaming at people for not buying their piece of shit
>this is what future looks, deal with it CHUD !!!
When they die.
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I fucking love the cestumes, last one is my favorite

i dont even know what kind of body is that, fat yet only man boobs
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Maybe shift up can give them a loan
Yes that is what you both look like. Either that or you’re still a fat, slimy cunt who cares too much over meaningless culture war BS
Of course people care. What a stupid fucking post. Genuinely kill yourself.
So this is definitely not a sequel to the Arkham series then?
Of course the cleavage is nerfed.
Surely the pendulum will swing back, right? Western devs will eventually realize all we want is attractive characters, right?
These are even more hideous than the default skin
>Wut? isn't this just a co-op game? Does the story keep going after you finish?
game ends with you killing brainian only to learn there are 15 more of them, so you dont get an ending in the main game, and every season you just fight a new brainiac, but the plot stands in place mid invasion
I can't. I fucking can't. Bros, this is ridiculous. They GOTTA be fucking with us. Like, c'mon. There's no way that second suit is legit.
Given it's spectacular failure, it's probably gonna get Ghostbuster 2016'd if they do try and return to the Arkham series. I know there's the VR game coming out. But who knows how far along in development that was before seeing SS implode like this.
Why do all of them have the same legs? Why did they stop modeling new outfits from the knees down?
i like how shes bald in it, just to make her that bit more ugly, so even in the "human" form she dosnt look normal
nah, im seeing investors fleeing the western games market and investing in eastern markets right now
ROI is bad and there's no reason to bear, investor sentiment is a lack of trust in the viability of western developers companies right now, which is why many production companies are trying to buy eastern developers
So is she just a head on a robot body? The proportions are all weird and wrong otherwise.
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different legs are 25$
>it's probably gonna get Ghostbuster 2016'd if they do try and return to the Arkham series
>he doesn't know
The jewish boomers pushing this crap think the failure was due to DC falling out of favor, and not the fact that they tried chasing the vastly oversaturated GAAS goyslop trend instead of sticking to the tried and true Arkham formula.
>caring about online pixels in a game you won’t play
Genuinely neck yourself, you waste of life
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>They GOTTA be fucking with us.
also ofc they do it intentionally, there is a reason why they make sure to make faggot flag costumes
its to teach people a lesson, to own the chuds

i work in game dev, and those who think game devs are woke retards have no idea how much those people hate (you), the consumer, if they could they would insert malware to brick your pc
>game sold on every single system sells more than a PS5 exclusive
I mean that’s not that surprising even if Soosigh Skwah is shit. Got the PS5 comparisons?
Aesthetics and the color wheel just go out the window when mental illness attacks.
You first, troon
rent free, gamingcirclejerk tourist
>There's no way that second suit is legit.
That's the least offensive suit as it actually looks similar to the original Mr Freeze, besides the shitty boots
>Nooo if you don’t care about this meaningless bullshit you are a tranny
Christ. Just transition and kill yourself
I think you're focusing on the wrong things anon
Mr Freeze has no hair
>then the game sold hotcakes??
I don't remember that part because it never happened. They bundled the game and counted it as sales.
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Lmao holy shit, I thought the gimmick was Mr Freeze was a woman and Nora would be a man, but no they just made Mr Freeze a Butch Lesbian, holy fuck.
the default version of the costume has hair ...
that's ice
>optional bundle that didn't exist for the first 3 years or at the peak of PS5 hype
>only started selling AFTER the bundle was made
nice try snoytard
No one will ever call HER a roastie!
Nope. The AAA industry is sick unto death. The woke cancer isn't the disease itself, it's just the most noxious symptom of it.
Only because I doubt "she" has a vagina.
kill yourself 70 IQ polbrain. Reminder the entire successful high IQ class votes dem
It's not enough that woke games should fail, the people who made them should lose their jobs and any ability to support themselves and become homeless drug addicts, too.
>successful high IQ class
"successful high IQ" people wouldn't waste money on making shovelware that no one plays and makes the company lose millions
it's more clear than ever that libtards are genuinely braindead
Reminder woke doesn't fail. It wins. Outliers don't disprove a rule.
they vote for whoever they think will help them keep their power and wealth
dems are great at brainwashing retards like you into being perfect lifelong consoomers
wow so brave and betiful
I think you've got that reversed anon
I have gay sex with my boyfriend and I'm tired of seeing ugly dyke characters all over the place.
Post pics fag
Black Panther
Captain Marvel
Wonder Woman
Suicide Squad
Star wars: Rogue One/episode 8
Hunger games
2019 Aladdin
Jurassic World
little mermaid
a quiet place day one
dead space remake
these >>683751626

You lost. And continue to lose.
These shit heels infected the whole damn industry. Countless series have had some of their worst entries in the past couple years thanks to woke faggots changing every aspect about it that made it great, and there are zero signs of it stopping. These are games people WOULD have played had they not been pre-ruined.

So I reiterate, of course people care. What a stupid thing to post. Kill yourself you nihilisitic fuck.
>Outliers don't disprove a rule.
>Outliers don't disprove a rule.
we get it, you are racist
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>pic related
same energy
>She's a bulldyke
>all that crying over a game he hasn’t and won’t play
reminder that literally every single thing leftist scum says is intentionally deceitful if not an outright lie.
How do you live with yourself, you amoral piece of shit?
>NOOOOO, you can't just stop the cancer before it spreads, you just have to live with it
>provided examples
>"y-you're a l-liar and amoral and a piece of shit!!1"
You wouldn’t even know about it without someone telling you to be mad about it.
Because once again, it’s a game you won’t play.
Please, go on, be told what to think and what to get mad over. You pathetic slob
>listing suicide squad as a success
>not deceitful
Laughable. You're an amoral lying piece of shit. Just accept it.
>Just ignore it, let us keep spreading cancer
>a tiny list that doesn't actually prove anything
>not meant to deceive

whats it like being the living embodiment of shit and scum
You know what, doesn't really matter. Suicide Squad is dead, woke shit is flopping. That's the only thing that matters.
Overwatch literally just released one of the hottest fictional chicks I've ever seen.
>everyone not part of my sect is always lying.
hmm yes.
>shit nobody said
i literally said everybody part of a specific sect is lying. why are you trying to twist my words and be deceitful? are you trying to prove me right?
>that one black chick is in there
Why are you Cocksuckers doing this!?
Not that guy but yes. Absolutely.
lmao I wish I could find out the actual number of purchases made
Reminds me when some big LGBT twitter icon with 500k followers decided to make some game, talked about how amazing it is and the great reviews, and it came out that it only sold like 150 copies total
People vastly overestimate how many of these woke additions actually sell
>dislike Jews
>still dislike Muslims for 9/11
>can't even remain neutral or else I'm seen as a "sympathizer"
Why do people care about the Middle East?

have we reached terminal clown world jewslop entertainment or can it still go down from here?
>it's not for you, chud!
Then who is it for?
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>nobody cares, more people bought it than Stellar Blade, that's all that matters
Holy fuck, is that lordkat?
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>The fucking snowflakes on the pants
There's no way this isn't tongue-in-cheek, fucking hell.
Ok i did, what now
Of course it's about the money. They've just been getting it from """other""" sources so they didn't need stupid gamers and whatever they cry about.
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Burn in hell, you fucking freak
You totally don't care so much, that you seethe uncontrollably when others do
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i puked a little
Yes, that's exactly what you are doing, troon




Wait did they seriously make Mr Freeze a lesbian woman? Is nothing sacred anymore?
Why are Leftists and Trannies so untalented in everything they do?
why does it like look its having an allergic reaction
God I cannot wait until we can start beating these "people" out in public again like the good old days
their ideology is built on lies
and lies are ugly by nature
Which is never
>Why do people care about the Middle East?
they're our greatest ally, along with israel
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jealousy is the thief of joy
I wish Neo Nazis were real
This is Victoria, not Nora.
Neo nazis hate scantily clad women as much as the harpies do. There has to be a middle ground.
Sexily clad men.
I have no ability to tell if I'm getting trolled by fake pictures or not.
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It still baffles me how these idiots are still trying to cater to these mentally ill clown people.
Make your own games.
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Literally this, if you faggots think SB is a flavor of the month you still wouldn't be talking about it.
The title there is incomplete, it's actually supposed to say "Sign of the end times" instead.
I feel like they forgot somehow.
What was going through his mind at this moment? Was he possibly second guessing himself?
I'm JUST getting a drink.

As long as leftist subsidies exist, it will be impossible. Even when a game like Stella Blade, which would have been a complete flop, sells 10 times more because of its character design, state subsidies/DEI grants for the leftists are still higher. Even if it were on par, they would still choose the latter because the satisfaction of virtue signaling and moral superiority is worth more to them than the same amount of money.
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>Shilled 6 months on during prime day.
And concord is on the same path as this shit. Grim
Totally real. And of the apparently at least million people who bought the game, only a few hundred are playing it and it is seen as massive flop by its own publisher for no reason. Makes sense.
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It didn't make money whereas stellar did.
It sold copies due to brand only.
They could sell more toilet bowls full of shit too if they put a DC logo on it. Doesn't mean buying a toilet bowl full of shit is good
Do they know that when they make shit like this everyone is laughing at it? What do the people this is supposed to represent think about it? Do they think it's some big own against le evil chuds? The final "fuck you" from a DEI'ing game? Because it's a big red nose away from being a literal clown suit.
because she's a lesbian, and it's not feminist icon, it's the symbol for females
It's literally intentional, it's just them putting up a middle finger to normal people.
This has to be a parody.
herro very nice meeting you
Why do video game developers and publishers keep hammering in ugly women when people complain about them all the time? It's been years. Do they never learn?
People like this live in middle-upper class white communities. Always
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/sp/chads RUN this industry
>Do they never learn?
Execs are subsidized not to.
>releasing a $40 hero shooter next to the upcoming f2p marvel one
Brutal desu
is this Sterling?
You just know this was made by some new hire from 7 years ago bitching and moaning about old management and staff and how they were keeping them from making them games they like.
Concord will sell millions on PS5.
PC version doesn't matter.
You're very close to the truth.
Its about money to the studios, but they get money from other sources that aren't just sales.
The people giving them boatloads of money to subsidize the pushed message do not care about money from the sales, they care about the influence spreading their ideology gives.
For those with endless money Influence is the true currency.
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Is this the cope concordtards are using today?
>free ideological mystery money
Too many studios are closing down for this to be widespread.
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Yeah. To endlessly force unnatural things requires infinite resources and infinite vigilance, and that simply isn't possible in nature.
Normality always wins in the end. The only downside is that it's not a given that it will happen soon
>Are Western Devs Ever Gonna Stop Making Ugly Female Characters?
That's just what asian women look like anon.
>tranny cartoon
Then just copy hollywood actresses. I wouldnt mind if characters look like scarlet johanson or sydney sweeney.
Tranny cartoon
Disingenuous post
Things that never happend. The only shit that makes a bank DESPITE being woke is some huge bulletproof IP with huge marketing
Get woke go broke is real
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art is beauty anb beauty makes them dysphoric
The money is never going to dry up because the one forcing this owns the money printer. This is the man responsible for DEI slop. He's also the richest man on the planet. And is also jewish. He hates you and everything you stand for and he fully intends to subvert every aspect of your life and refashion it to mirror his liking. And what he likes is you being miserable, powerless, chronically ill and paying him money for treating the diseases he manufactures to infect you with.


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