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Why is making a Sims clone so hard?
Because people have utterly forgotten how to optimize their games, which a life simulator with active neighborhoods and multiple households needs.
The only true thing Sims fans (w*men) care about is graphics. A low budget cashgrab from Paradox was never going to turn any heads.
sims players wouldn't play any rip off and rest don't care about sims games
Women care the least about graphics, thats why the like The Sims. Cheap graphics that can run on low end machines (store bought family computer)
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Sims 4 is shallow but has enough of everything to keep the primary playerbase (women) interested. No other sims clone meets the standard, instead focusing too much on one thing.

It still peaked with Sims 2. Sims 3 was a good step but the beginning of the end for the series.
this is the truth, i gave my old computer to my sister and she uses it just to play the sims. anyway, i find it cosmically funny that a sims clone was being made by paradox, the only people who can out-jew EA when it comes to the DLC shit
You are very out of touch if you really think that women play the sims for the graphics.
But sure you're right about the low budget thing. Like why would anyone play some low budget version when you can just play the real thing which is 10 times better
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SUL SUL. what are you guys doing in the sims right now? just starting a new sims 2 game here.
Who the fuck would buy it? The people playing Sims are diehard simsfags or ultra-mega-normalfags who don't notice anything vidya but the next Sims release.
Mogs the sims
>make games that appeal to normies instead of nerds
I guess game companies will have to figure out in a flash of post-market-crash clarity a few years from now
I thought the name of the game was called “After Life by You” because of the article formatting. But in hindsight, maybe they should legitimately call it “After Life” now.
I didn't even know this existed. Why the fuck did Paradox make a Sims clone?
this will be a galactic sized failure when it releases because it wont run on jessicas walmart laptop. it probably wont even run too well on some /v/ autists nasa pc judging by all their gameplay videos.
Because their Sim City clone mogged the real thing to death.
I still think that shit is gonna be vaporware. More often than not any game trailer that looks ambitious from korea winds up never coming out. Just like that dokev shit and that one 3d game with that monk girl.
I'd be happy to be surprised one day but til then I ain't trusting any trailers for korean "games"
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>the real thing
i doubt that has even half of the level of customization the sims 4 has
>You are very out of touch if you really think that women play the sims for the graphics.
graphics as in polycounts and raytracing, no. graphics as in "does it look cute," ie art design, yes. sims 4 looks clean and colorful and appealing, this thing had all the visual grace of a german tractor simulator
i don't understand how people are this incompetent
literally the first shot anyone will see of your game has a bunch of ugly flickering as the yellow flowers load in or whatever. okay, maybe it's a technical limitation, but just don't use that footage in the trailer, use shots that hide the problems instead of the ones that expose them. how hard is it to just not radiate cheapness and incompetence from second one
this anon knows the truth
>Watching a bunch of Sims guides for when I pirated it and was trying to get sex mods working
>All the videos are by females, and the graphics are either on medium or low
yes but does it have sex mods
That would be sad since Sims 4 already has a fraction of Sims 3.
I don't know if Sims 3 had a fraction of Sims 2, though. I only played 1, 3, and 4
>Why is making a Sims clone so hard?
It's because you have to plan your game architecture in a way that will allow for a sex mod to perfectly fit in.
because it's a lot of work
Opposite retard. It's why sims 4 looks worse than 3. Because all the roasties couldn't run it on their shit boxes
For me, it's lagging. Dead giveaway that the developer doesn't give a fuck about optimization and unashamed about it. Just think about it for a second. They made a trailer that's crucial in the promotion of their game and decided to put footage in it that visibly lags. You're literally showcasing a product suffering from technical issues to the whole world. What's the message of this to potential customers?
>when you can just play the real thing which is 10 times better
Also both free, and *free
same reason why only bethesda can make bethesda games - there's a million things going on behind the scenes and it's very convoluted unless you've been working on those particular games specifically for a long time
Reminds me of the first trailer for Starfield.
It's kind of crazy for how many game types that is true.
Total war, GTA, the Sims, TES, Soulsborne.
theres been so many "soulslike" games that it doesnt seem as far fetched when you play a lot of them. I think some of them have come closer than anyone has come close to Elder Scrolls or GTA. Sims having competition is relatively new
Too much effort and work, it's something you'd have to be genuinely passionate about doing.
>theres been so many "soulslike" games that it doesnt seem as far
Sure there are attempts at replicating the formula, that goes for all of them.
But AFAIK they never quite hit the same feeling as the from soft games.
>only bethesda can make bethesda games
get ready for not even bethesda being able to make bethesda games now that their entire workforce has unionized
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Sims has the early bird advantage. They didn't make a game of sims 4 complexity from scratch, they instead were able to reuse a ton of shit from their past 3 games.
A competitor on the other hand can't just start at sims 1 level of complexity and work up over the course of 30 years. If they wanna compete they have to start with something at least on par with sims 4, but ideally better.
thats what I meant "doesnt seem as far"
its something that will be achieved, if not improved, soon if you ask me. Lot of games with good combat that stick with the theme of constant rolling and memorizing enemy patterns. we really just need good, linear level design.

all the good engineers (white men) have been banished and moved on to different sectors of technology
Sims is 100% brand name.
You could make a clone thats 5 times better in everything and sims fans dont care. They want sims
Women value customization options first and foremost, they don't give a fuck about graphixs.
Look at stardew valley, or animal crossing. Simple stylized graphics, but a shit ton of customization.
it's not even about individual engineers but the entire culture. gamedev used to have this highly competitive alpha nerd mindset where guys would gladly pull all-nighters just to prove to their peers that they could code some complicated feature. now it's just regular office culture full of normies and women so people sit around in meetings and do 30 minutes of work per day. even if you have good engineers in there they're going to be far less productive than they would have been in the good old days because the normie environment does not let them reach even 20% of their potential. suddenly everything takes/costs 10 times as much and projects become logistically unfeasible.
> If they wanna compete they have to start with something at least on par with sims 4
And that's the problem, they can't compete with a decade of autistically-maintained porn mods.
Even discounting mods, making a life sim on par with the sims 4 is an insane amount of work. Even for a large company.
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To be fair Nintendo does that all the time in their directs
Yeah, and even if you pull it off you still have no modding community to fill certain niches.
The only one capable of making a Sims game is Epic Games themselves because they own practically every game asset ever.

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