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What would you do if you knew your species was doomed to go extinct?
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Doing the things I had planned to do until one day I die like everyone else.
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In all seriousness though the threads might need to just give it a rest. We've had more traction lately showing up in the fucking Bo threads than we've had on our own the past few weeks.
I would accept it. Everything is deserved.
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kill all my coworkers
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cute lil guys
Fuck you Heng. All you had to do was become a based science-lover like your brother and you probably could've fixed everything
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she could've fixed everything precisely because she recognized that the "science" was just borrowing karmic loans that couldn't be paid back
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Post yfw when https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9m45UIuMGA
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I just finished Bo. It's funny how similar the story is between the two games. Both having the theme based on the pursuit of immortality only to be struck down by a divine hand. One being the Tianhuo virus while the other has Bo being THE divine hand itself. Pretty nice east Asian scrimblos.
I fully intend to play it but I'm hedging on it being in the next humble monthly. Damn shame the publisher got nuked.
The platforming is much more devious in Bo, even more so than Hollow Knight in terms of an overall experience (minus Path of Pain since it's optional). It does feel janky and unpolished at certain areas which bring the game down a fair bit, at least for me. At some points I was just wishing the game would just end already but the soundtrack pushed me through and I definitely enjoyed my time across the run. Didn't find myself wanting more after finishing it though, and I probably won't bother going for a 100%.
That's reasonable. I'm fine with a bit of jank in my indie metroidvanias, at this point I'm all but scraping the bottom of the barrel so I can't be too concerned. Nine Sols has been the only one this year to really blow me away but Biomorph was pleasant. Gestalt was disappointing but I'm also pretty biased against SotN clones.
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Should've gone with a goumang op Pic op this thread will not be able to fly. Also I invent a virus for immortality to prevent the extinction of the race. Fr this time though.
I just started playing and I wanna talk about it :(
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I can at least appreciate the amount of effort the devs put into making the Japanese aesthetic feeling authentic, but that's the only good thing I can say about the game. Nine Sols is still the GOAT thanks to its characterizations, story, and combat but I appreciate that Bo exists. It feels like Bo is the kind of guy who would vibe with Yi, too.
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Then by all means! Happy to do so, I'm just saying that if it's the same six people posting the same few dozen images that's gonna get stale. How are you liking the game?
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Why are Solarian sisters so slutty?
A lot. I'm enjoying it significantly more than hollow knight, and I liked hollow knight. The story is great, the combat started ok and got better over time, and I love the artstyle and aesthetic they're going for.
Also, while I said I just started playing, that's kinda relative. I'm most of the way through the game by now.
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Yi is such a fag for never smashing that
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NTA but i recently finished the game, but the moment >>683738812 started i knew i was playing a fucking godtier game.
it is a shame you can't fight bosses again or at least have a bloody palace mode in this.
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It's what the devs meant when they said Penglai was a matriarchical society.
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There's a boss rush mod on the nexus and it works pretty well. Even shows stats by the end too. You can either do a level 1 run for the bosses or do the side bosses to get more HP/jades.
I don't have a species.
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I will say that as much as I love Hollow Knight, it's a little too sprawling for its own good. Nine Sol's map isn't great but its serviceable, and that smaller size and relative density lets it have much more interesting boss fights because you usually respawn right outside them or a room or two away. The story is also miles better because Yi is an actual character with agency, opinions, and relationships. Most metroidvania protags are either silent or only chat with Navi.
Bo has got a pretty baller final boss theme.

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>tfw you'll never procreate with a Solarian wife who loves you just as much

Why live
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Humanity is actively extinctioning itself by changing our atmosphere to this extent. There isn't any hope for us any more than magic cat people.
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It was over before it even began, anon. Time to accept our cruel fate.
I feel bad for lear, he had to choose between freezing all technological progression for as long as his legacy lived (not long) or nuke his own race back to the stone age.
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for me is when Heigon's theme drops at 1:24
also ji and Lady H. have very good themes.
>the progression of technology spiraling out of control with shit like AI that nobody controls so it runs rampent
>likely won't have some figure like Lear that forces technology to halt to save us from our own selfish wants
If the fusang was real, it would have offed us a long time ago out of shame alone. Solarians were doing much better than us when it happened to them.
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I love Shaunshuan
Requesting anon posting that screencap and copypasta about how all of the boss songs uses the same leitmotif. Absolutely kino stuff.
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>Solarians have a matriarchal society
>every important historical figure is male
What did the lore mean by this
Maybe they only have a matriarchal society post Lear because he had a femdom fetish so he established the social norms
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It doesn't necessarily mean that it's a society fully ruled by women. It's just that the families are commonly led by the mothers. It's implied that Heng would be leading the family despite being younger than Yi, which would explain why Yi acts like a little bitch to her sometimes.
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A big hollow knight YTer made a video saying it's good. Always happy to see the game get more recognition, since it seems like the game is still slept on.
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You did go back to send the twins off, right?
Probably that women are official rulers most of the time and that powerful men usually hide behind female figureheads out of respect for tradition. Solarians like Lear, Ji, Jietong etc were outliers.
Then again shit that Fengs did to their women is the opposite of matriarchal, so maybe this whole thing was just a poorly thought out last-minute lore blurb.
It's possible it was just Nuwa for acting out unless I forgot some lore that it was more common.
>Implying conniving imperial noblewomen wouldn't keep the footbinding tradition alive to fuck their fellow women over
Tbf, you barely learn anything about Solarian civilization
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luckily Ji has untold millennia of sexual experience to survive the ensuing breeding that is to come from this scenario
The problem is when Yi and Goumang get their bodies back in the aftermath
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Yi what the fuck, she's your little sister for Tao's sake.
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Repostan again

Holy shit.
My deaf ass just noticed that most of the boss themes share a motif with with different instruments
It's most prominent in Lady E's theme as it's played by a leading piano right at the beginning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7xUEEpHrZ4
In Yanlao's track it starts here as one of the flute-like synths: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObYGK_Y-Zew&t=17
In subling's track it's sang by high female vocals here: https://youtu.be/eYu7hWVThCU&t=18
In Ji's track it's played on bells, fairly late into the piece: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEIYc8vQJcc&t=130s
In Eigong's theme, it's sang by low female vocals here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYlQwI_SO-s&t=110s
In Yi's themes, it's played by flute (kino): https://youtu.be/B9m45UIuMGA&t=103 and later, same flute plays modified main motif of the game instead (ABSOLUTE KINO) https://youtu.be/B9m45UIuMGA&t=189
I know Tao is supposed to be pronounced "Dao" but "Tao" sounds cooler
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It must mean in Solarian society, women chase after and propose to men. The opposite of human society. This also means someday Nuwa was going to make her big brother know just how much she loved him.
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>Best disciple is:
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They forced Yi into a dress for the last time. The Sols will pay.
Oh interesting. I hadn't noticed the motif outside of Lady E.
Look forward to going to sleep and returning to the great Tao.
You mean she didn't? They sure as hell made it seem like incest already.
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How come Heng didn’t try that
She should've forced Yi to drink that wine they were saving the last time they met
Sure is a lot of fetish in this choinese scrimblo game
>gets smashed on wine as an excuse to rape Yi
It's depicting a degenerate society in its decline, prease understand
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It was all completely necessary for the themes you see
She doesn't even need to do that. Yi turns into an emotional wreck about Heng when he drinks, all she needs to do is hug and cuddle him a bunch while telling him how much she likes him and he would break immediately.
what does solarian pussy feel like
Need a fanfic of this
Fuck your cat and find out
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Why didn’t they listen?
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evil genes
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A lot of people did. Taoism's popularity peaked after Lear left. But there's always (((someone))) wealthy or powerful who's never satisfied and always needs more.
Most of them did. Like, 95% of them.
Despite being only 5% of the population science fans cause 100% of extinction events
The Lady E piano in the beginning gave me a mini-heart attack because it sounded like an alarm clock I used to have. Which, I guess, is really fitting.
You think Lear killed as many die hard sciencefags as he could after he sealed Kunlun before leaving the corporeal plane?
>Dude, let's all become Amish because 1000 years from now one of us will make an an oopsie and kill everyone. Just trust me bro. And no, I have zero idea how I plan to enforce this after I fuck off.

Maybe if they weren't retarded they could have spent some time colonizing other planets instead of keeping all their eggs in one basket.
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god imagine how much insane sex and orgies Heng got herself into when the end of the world death cults started to form
>Turbulent Era
>Millennium of inquiry
>Origin Era
>Foundation Era
This is all the eras right? Or am i missing something
I made the grave error of setting a really generic buzzer alarm as my default alarm for several years, and now whenever it pops up in media I get PTSD attacks
Wait to die or sequester your society until it implodes.
Decisions, decisions
>Era of MAN
Solarians didn’t become the Amish. They still had advanced technology. You literally see Heng and Yi using some kind of flying device in the first flashback
>only had sex with short solarians with serious expressions
>You literally see [people born in the era where they rebooted technology] using technology.
Holy shit no way.
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>final lyrics of the ending song is “The sons of Sols will shine forever”
The age of man is eternal
>many devout Taoist believers, wanting to feel the Tao ...
"Feeling the Tao" must be what Ji invited Kuafu to the Grotto for. I can't believe that fat bastard turned him down.
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He didn't kill enough.
If nine sols is meant to be how humans came to be what they are now, then we are slowly killing ourselves as we speak
It is wild he turned him down.
But then Ji probably knew he would, makes you wonder why Ji asked at all.
Curious, did Ji never have a vision of what Eigong would do or was that past the point where he cared about anything at all when he saw it
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>created the virus in 446
>met Yi in 452
It’s interesting how long the virus took to spread. You don’t get the impression form Yi’s childhood that there’s anything bad happening
Probably the latter.
Did they say in the logs how it spread
>"Even on the BRINK of the apocalypse, I did not feel the need to save anyone."
He fucking knew the whole time, even before it happened. Skinny twink faggot brat deserves million-year anus gaping correction in Diyu.
I'm not the only one who sees her and thinks "receding hairline," right?
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Go fuck yourself anon I can't unsee it now
Real talk, all it would take to stop the apocalypse is killing off all the elders and rulers of the feng clan. Most of the dogshit that happens in the game is the feng clan funding said dogshit. This includes any solarian other than Eigong that would attempt immortality research, nobody would have the research funds if the feng clan weren't utter coons.
As long as very powerful rich people exist they're going to fund immortality research
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>Yi is presumably 10-14 when the accident happens
>meets Eigong in 452
>New Kunlun launches in 468
This cat nigga is almost 30? Kek
Tianhuo would still have killed any and all off-world Solarians. There is no escaping it. It's transmission vectors are unknown and unstoppable.
Well yeah, I always got that impression from him.
What other powerful rich people existed on penglai. Most solarians were fine with denouncing most technology, and the feng clan is the only notable group that seems to fund anything. I can't think of immortality research being big when most solarians were fine with the normal cycle of life and death at that point. Im really trying to think of solarians that would avidly research immortality plus another group to find it seriously.
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He stopped growing after the accident. As someone whose height was locked in at 5'5" when I broke my leg really badly in grade school, I sympathize with him.
I figured he was 20 or so. Didn’t realize he was a boomer
Are you at least built like a spark plug?
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I don't get it what is the real and fake jordan logo supposed to mean when both of them are wearing nikes??
Young Yi and Heng are so tiny and cute and kitten-like I swear they are more like 6-9 years old. But how can Yi be so damn smart? Solarians have long lifespans, the average age of death is 140. Do they mature slowly, too?
In that autoimmune issues caused my weight to shoot up 40 lbs in two months a few years ago and it all went to my gut and ass, yes
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Trying to convince people to stay as peasant rice farmers is difficult when there's a death star in the sky and high tech ruins sprawled across the planet. There will always be people like Eigong and Yi who will want to accomplish even more.
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Yi was unironically a super genius that was solving experiments even Eigong couldn’t. Basically the modern incarnation of Lear
Seems like multiple layers of memes slapped in there. Just google jordan logo fake meme or something.
i will sex this creature.
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Anyone have the gif/webm of Eigong trying to stab Yi with her sword and Yi standing still and dodging them.8d2p0y
I fucking knew it! Yi is a reincarnation of Lear, and Xuanxuan is a reincarnation of Heng.
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In return, I'm stealing your captcha, shouldn't have so carelessly left it out in the open like that.
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I'm looking through archived threads but no dice
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hehe, bouba
Imagine Heng meeting Goumang and getting angry that she’s so mean to Yi
I like that Ji is just sitting in the back on the table like
>yeah I saw this in the hexagrams, there goes our entire species, but whatever
Odd thing I thought of that probably would've made for a good boss rush or new area DLC idea.

A rebel group of apeman ready to take down the solarians after catching wind of the events saw the perfect time to strike starting with the raiding of Yi's place and the "rescue" of Shuanshuan which starts off a new set of adventures and probably find an alternative method of stopping the mess
Heng's 'Little sister dependency' mastermind plan secret ending. The game was rigged from the start.
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You just know
Trust the plan when they add it in an update as a joke (based) ending
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Bad touch Fusang
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That'll be the boss rush mode. Yi defending the homestead from each of the other Sols who are trying to drag him onto the ship.
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it's not rape if it's preordained
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Finished the game yesterday
>beat game
>only then realize afterwards there was another ending
>have to go back and get the ONE poison I missed top right of sky tower
>then do all the ending sequences again
I thought the third phase of Eigong would be harder, its just jump in the air and spam parry and more phase 2 stuff.
What was Yi thinking at that moment
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>When Lear gave me the Fusang Horn and said, "This will allow you to resonate with Primordial Root Fusang."
>This is not at all what I had in mind.
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I hope it was worth it, Yi.
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Yeah haha...
I want to have sex with Yi!
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I think Ji would be happier if he stopped reading the future. What if you tell him this and he tries it and it works. Imagine his face when you just cured his millennia-long depression.
Seriously why does he have child bearing hips
It's possible he can't avoid reading the future, but it would be funny if he could lmao
Fuck that would suck. No wonder he craved death.
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Truly a mystery for the ages.
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Ji just needs a quickie with another immortal twink to realize that life is worth living again.
He literally killed his three most skilled disciples. You can see their corpses laying around his tomb's root node
Why is Lear the only one who doesn't have a Chinese name? Did the devs just like Shakespeare that much?
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We know, Jiequan.
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I don't know. If his name was Chinese it would be Laozi.
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Why did he specifically choose to transmute himself a nice ass?
She needs to put some pants on or people will make fun of her.
ladies need to grip something while on their knees
Strong muscles = nice ass. Transmutation or not, that's just how it works.
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Yi's gonna get plapped, TONIGHT
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Consider this
You can't blame them. Have you seen their brothers?
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I thought the joke was that Yi thought he was better than Ji because of his sneakers, only to find out that Ji had the same sneakers and was a better baller anyway.
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Yi from early in development. I wish I knew the source video.
My headcanon is that Fuxi died of tianhuo so early because he was funding the immortality research.
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Sols from early in development.
Turban Ji, Eigong, loli harpy Goumang, Kuafu, and not-fat Lady Ethereal. Does LadyE not have arms? It looks like she listened to Goumang and replaced her arms with butterfly wings.
Damn, Lady Ethereal and Gou Mang got some massive upgrades.
We need to go smaller
The smaller the Yi, the more dense the anger.
Gets plapped and still thinks about Shuanshuan. TYPICAL
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>3rd ending where Nine Sols was actually a movie and the characters had been actors
>Yi goes on to star in several hit films along with Heng
Well imaging losing another little sibling but this time it's because you got plapped too hard. Would be quite horrible.
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>Twas all just a dream, and Heng and Yi lived happily together ever after.
Anything, please... Instead of the nightmare we get in-game.
Can an Apeman impregnate a Solarian?
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Dumping a sad little comic
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Are there any timelines for the Fangshi guild and Tiandou Council?
Like when the Fangshi guild died off and when the Council gained control of Kunlun
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The end Praying Eigong's suffering in the afterlife is never-ending
Is Sifu a decent parry-focused game to try after NS and Sekiro?
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Eigong will get her comeuppance but Yi is just as guilty.
do the component items have any use or are just recycle money stuff?
They're just a way for the game to give you money that doesn't get dropped on death.
They're just a way to carry currency that isn't dropped on death. Sell 'em when you need the extra bump to buy something, that's all.
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I think Yi has been through enough. His only sin was caring too much to the point of harming the person he cared for in the first place.
>only sin
Uhhh bro the apemen?
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>tfw we never get to see Abacus finally being able to contact Yi, only for Yi to learn about how many centuries had passed and breaking down from that realization, with Shuanshuan trying to console Yi without knowing what was wrong
>and the feelings immediately turned into extreme fury and hatred for the Sols
Immediately / Soon? Try to preserve my own life even at the cost of others.

After I die? Nothing. It does not affect my life.
I really wish the game started with Yi awakening for the first time. Instead of the little timeskip we got.
It would explain too much too early. Something like what >>683765057 is talking about should be a mid or late game quiet time scene.
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>never hugged his sister like a good brother would
>the mastermind behind kidnapping millions of apemen
>never went to the beach with Heng
>okay'd the Soulscape project despite its flaws, traumatizing Lady E which led to her suicide
>never hugged his sister
>told her that she's nothing to him
>never hugged her

Yi deserves the same firey depths of Diyu along with Eigong.
What I mean is everything he did was for a cause that comes from the heart and that he is willing to do anything for. He's lucky he didn't actually do anything to the apeman, but the entire plan buys him some sin points. But he does try to make things right, unlike others.

Compared that to Eigong who agreed the plan because she's a manipulative bitch and we can only pray her torment is eternal.
Yi didn't know the soulscape was flawed
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holy fuck I've opened and closed this stupid thread like over a dozen times now just to look at this gif

what is this creature??
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The unmatched power of hugs and cuddles. And alcohol.
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It's his job to know. The Eternal Cauldron project relied wholly around being able to delay the virus through the use of the Soulscape project. He should've pushed Lady E harder and learned about the truth.
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A cat person drugged out of her gourd to ignore a flesh-melting plague brought on by a society that powered itself using metaphysical power that wasn't theirs to take. She's a backup dancer at a party that serves as the setting for a boss fight.
Eigong once believed in her cause I think. In the early stages of the immortality project she genuinely wanted to help people. It's just after repeated failure that eventually led to her unleashing the worst disease ever on her species she went batshit and fell to the depths of depravity to try and fix it. I believe the same thing eventually happens to Yi in the normal ending. I hope they both rest in peace.
I kinda agree but at the same time, she does way too many underhanded things prior to her losing it way later.

Her overall hyperfocus into learning immortality leading to the entire extinction of their race, using some immortal's cells without fully knowing how it works and testing it on a dying member of the council (one of the lesser bad things but I don't think it was very morally right), and the big one of her purposefully keeping yi out of the loop, while letting the others know that she was the cause of tianhou, so that she could get him out of the picture. You can say that she was genuinely trying to talk to him but 100% she was the one to instigate and nearly kill him, there are like a BILLION better ways she could've done this but she handled it in the way that would've most likely led to what happened. She gets zero sympathy from me.
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>Nine Sols sequel is a turn-based RPG set in Diyu (Taoist Hell).
>You play as Yi who has to overcome the punishment for his sins and become enlightened.
>Yi meets other Sols who are facing their own punishment, each with their own trials and tribulations.
>The Sols finally team up to face a divine representative of the Tao as their ultimate test.
>Yi and Heng finally gets reunited at the end.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions, as they say.
Lear is named after Laozi, whose original name was Li-Er before his rise in status
Yi is a hyper-rationalist who intellectualizes away his innermost feelings in the belief that they would make him unable to protect himself and others. Eigong coveted immortality for herself and others, as she wanted to know all external truths without relying on the implicit inner truths of the eternity and absolute cosmological morality found in Taoism.

They are innocent seekers.
thanks monkes
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>thanks monkeys
It was destiny. Even Ruyi says as much. There are more incredible strokes of luck later on that have me questioning reality, destiny, and divine intervention.
it was either him or his mother. he might even have known about it.
>Along the way, they also have to solve puzzles that utilize their abilities
>Each Sol's hell is themed around their worst fear and greatest sin, each with their own terrifying enemies and mechanics. Think games like Silent Hill 2, Little Nightmares and Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass.
>Every area has cages full of damned Solarians and apemen that Yi and the others can rescue. The more damned souls they can rescue, the more aid they will recieve.
>Enemies and bosses will be named after various demons.
>Side quests that are more well developed
>Heng can appear to give tips and information about areas and abilities
>Intervals that display the life of Emperor Shaunyuan
>The themes of the sequel are darker and scarier than Nine Sols 1

P.S. How do I type highlighted text?
You monster, Frizbee!
I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to blow the whistle on Eigong if he found out, that would explain how he met an "early end".
>still no pics of Goumang getting double teamed by her Shiangshi
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The Fangshi guild presumably faded away after Lear left for the Limitless realm, which is sometime after year 3773 of the Turbulent era. If there is a date for Lear's Inaction Proclamation many years earlier, I don't know it.
Eigong writes in her log #184, Year 450, Origin Era that the Tiandou Council maneuvered itself to the top during the chaos of the Tianhuo disaster and that this has secured themselves "an unprecedented amount of support and resources."
She also says "Our New Kunlun Research Center will bring back all the Fangshi technologies." So they've gained control of or at least plan to develop Kunlun island on this date.
>>Heng can appear to give tips and information about areas and abilities
nah hold up
>Heng shows up over the course of the game at random and also in the background at times
>either gives cryptic fucked lines or berates him for thinking he can be absolved of what he's done
>slowly gets to him more and more over time
>find out near the end after he hits his limit that he had been living his own hell the entire time
>leads to the sols learning more about Yi and why he did everything he did as they try to get him out of it
>said hell would be a horrible sequence of physical and mental torture by Heng since he thinks she utterly hates his guts for what how he treated her over his life
this would be sick desu
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Good idea for one of those plot supplements.
There's one with Yi, if that's any consolation.
Still no picks of goumang saying she loves human male cock and it's superior to solarian penis. Fml
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just finished the game. I don't enjoy the "everything ends eventually, learn to accept it" trope at all but at the same time the situation was fucked to such an unbelievable degree that nuking everything was probably a sensible decision. also it's a shame kuafu is gonna die a slow painful death with no one of his species around.
Here's the cherry on top!
>The "Heng" that has been tormenting Yi is none other than one of Mara's daughters, and either the Sols fail to save Yi, which leads to the bad ending, or they defeat her with the aid of the real Heng.
every fromsoft game has that trope right? I think nine sols has the beat version of it.
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yeah, I think they handled it well, I just don't much care for the trope itself. up until near the end I was still siding with eigong but then she decided turning everyone into retarded pink blobs was a sensible course of action.
I don't know if that or having heng be after the fact would be better
>gets out of diyu and tries to find heng
>learns she had accepted that he wasn't coming and still hated her guts and planned to return to the great tao where you lose your self (i think this is how it works? correct me if i'm wrong lmao)
>gets to her before she goes and pleads for her not to go but she is adamant about her thoughts on him not changing
>right as she is about to leave for good he completely breaks down for the first time ever, apologizing for everything and how much he fucked up after realizing all of it from his climb out of hell and basically telling her he was a horrible brother
>ends with heng obviously not being able to not stay and consoles him, telling him that's all she ever wanted to hear
idea might be a bit too sappy but I think that's probably how it would go in that situation if this game ever happened
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Hell, I'll drink to that. These two deserve each other.
Yi deserves his punishment.
Wait wait wait, even Kuafu knows Kanghui and that he's immortal. Did every Sol know about and was fine with Jiequan having a fellow Solarian locked up and forced to endure an unending living hell as the island's transmutation material flesh slave forever? Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, perhaps Kuafu only knows about Kanghui because he and Ruyi have been watching Yi progress through New-Kunlun.
Judging by that one log, they might've been lead to believe that Kanghui was volunteering for it.
Anon the sols are all either sociopathic or genuinely insane, some are both. I don't think they care.
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Plot hole1:
Why are the 10 souls not instantly infected with the virus and die quickly like the rest of the population? Even before Yi got killed and got this root-body.

Plot hole2:
How did Eigong control the virus in her phase3? I thought she made no progress on a cure? Don't give me kungfu willpower, master of body soul bullshit. If that's the case then many other kungfu masters of their species should have also survived.
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Does Heng really?
I don't think they'd give much of a shit either way. In that one council recording, when Yi went "We can't experiment on solarians because we're all infected. Uh, I mean, because it'd be immoral. Yeah." they all brushed it off.
>Why are the 10 souls not instantly infected with the virus and die quickly like the rest of the population?
they are all infected and they all spend centuries asleep to prevent the disease from progressing, with brief stints of being awake.
>How did Eigong control the virus in her phase3?
you are mistaking tianhuo for the mutation research she conducted
didn't Goumang comment prior about hoping he didn't mean using solarians for experimenting on brains
>Plot hole 1:
Everyone is infected, but some succumb faster than others. There would be no story otherwise. Yanlao even died because he was too stubborn or afraid of getting assassinated to stay hibernating. Hibernation keeps the virus dormant, but even then, some were too late in the infection to survive the whole 500 years of hibernation. Yi designed New Kunlun to automate itself so the Sols would only need to come out of hibernation to intermittently check on things, but Eigong fucked that up and enlisted the Dusk Guardians instead.

>Plot hole 2:
Eigong was allowing herself to get infected and was probably tweaking her own genome to stay alive with it. But also kung fu bullshit. China literally invented kung fu bullshit, this should not surprise you.
They were infected and dying, they just have medical treatment as well as the Soulscape to extend their lives.

Eigong was holding back the mutation caused by a failed cure, not the virus itself. We're not given too clear of an idea how long it takes for the mutation to completely take over a person, but Fuxi seemed to have been mutating for quite some time. When we meet him he's still semi-sentient and able to communicate somewhat. He was also taking shots to quell the mutation, so it's safe to assume Eigong was taking some too, not to mention that Eigong might not have been mutating for as long as Fuxi had been. Also kung fu willpower master of body soul bullshit.
Yi bouncing on apeman crotch
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Yi belong to superior Jie and Heng genes.
>Don't give me kungfu willpower, master of body soul bullshit.
Watching Eigong explode with mutation, only to instantly will it back into her body was kino.
Yo knew that the Soulscape was too perfect, he didnt see it as a flaw
Hnnggg I wish that was one of my testicles
he probably had children with the Apemen and with his increased lifespan, he probably saw each generation degenerate until they were all just cats
>Yi not knowing the implications of a perfect dream and what it would do to someones mind and thinking that there were no flaws
our little autistic boy
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Cat harpy
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You're right. Eigong's lies know no end. After all, truth and lies mean nothing compared to a Solarian's life.
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Of course I did They were the last two souls I needed to fully unlock everything
when jiequan is torturing you he says "This baby hasn't seen any use since the Kanghui affair", referring to the torture machine. so at the very least he was also in on it.
Jiequan ran the prison and was likely in on it, but he's also the sort of freak that'd think Kanghui would willingly sign up for his torture.
i dunno man, he kept screaming "KILL ME", I think he'd figure it out eventually
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>Clearly this enterprising young man wants us to help him on his journey by "killing" his weak and cowardly body so his true strength can shine through
>wait, so when you said "oh god please remove these shackles it hurts so much" you did NOT mean "flay me alive so I can truly be free"?
>people want to hurt this
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Sleep tight
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>Kill me already, please...
Kill you? Oh, you might be missing the point here.
>Then stop torturing me... I beg you, please...
Torture? No, no, no! This isn't torture!
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How does this keep happening?
Jiequan is based
I hope you can understand why I can't take such statements made by people on /v/, of all places, seriously.
That's fine, I'm just typing what I'm thinking.
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>Jiequan is based
t. Jiequan
Yi is so cute, when he's in pain..
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You just know she got tortured until she begged for death for this
Heroes are forged in agony.
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Messed up childhood gang
It literally is though
GM'd a womb inside his butt
Needs to be fatter
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Hmm I wonder who could be behind this post...
She made him endure much emotional agony, helping him become more of a whole person. It is only fair he repay her kindness and do the same for her, helping her become whole, too.
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Nuwa's so cute but her condition is a total dealbreaker and I'm not talking about the brotherlust.
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So is this game any good or is it just coomerslop?
Yeah it's good.
Very nice art. As long as you never look at her feet. Who made it? Is there more?
I swear I'm not Jiequan, I just really enjoy Yi in perilous situations..
Artist is derekireba. That's all he's done of her so far that I'm aware of.
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Uh huh.
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You just don't understand fashion
I hate weirdos that are into furries.

But to me a legit 9.5/10 game.
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It's good, the coomerisms mostly come from people extrapolating stuff, the game itself is not that horny
The horniest segment is also the spookiest.
My neurons activated when Yi stripped
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She really meant well, if only she had a little more time
It's good. Good bosses, mastering them is very satisfying because of the parry-focused gameplay. Good lore, it is both simple and easy to understand and complex and interconnected. If you're a casual and don't care, everything important is explained to you upfront, you don't need to use brain much if you don't want to. If you do, you will discover every fucking thing in this game connected to each other in some way or another, it has been very fun for me to discover all the many ways the dots connect.
Good graphics and artwork, the Taopunk architecture and artstyle is pretty and detailed. Good music. I think the Taoist philosophy is fascinating. Great story and characters which will invoke strong feelings in your heart. It's good.
As did Lady Ethereal's.
Imagine the sex.
>I know Goumang was despicable, but did you really have to finish her off like that, Yi?
Do you think what I did was wrong?
>I guess I'm a little sympathetic, we were all coworkers...
So do you think the people she persecuted deserved it?
I want you to know that all the Yi/Jiequan rapeposting on this board is what made me buy Nine Sols and 2 more copies for friends.
Me too desu. I was midly interested by the story and gameplay I was seeing but it was yi ryona stuff that fully convinced me.
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Have fun
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>the people she persecuted
Kuafu should have answered
>As opposed to the people you slaughtered?
He'd say it later in the shower as he's pretending to be cool
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Because Yi for some reason refuses to sit in his designated high-chair made specially for him.
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The absolute power agony has..
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Why are solarians like that?
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>as he's pretending to be cool
He doesn't need to, he already is
something something mantis cicada
for me, it's soulcentinel drawings
i'll buy the game at the next sale
I don't believe that thin pole is supporting lady E.'s weight
>open thread
>scroll down
>degenerate barafaggotry shit
Fucking die
Yi's the kind of guy who still gets offered a kid's menu at restaurants.
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Yi should wear more cute dresses
>Got to final form with no healing
>Clutch out the whole final form and kill her
Ya I enjoyed the shear bliss and happiness.
I lost my first few attempts that made it to phase 3 because it made me tear up out of exhilaration.
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You recorded your victory, right?
>No Chien boss fight
>No Eigong fourth fight
>No Ji third phase
Its over...
Ji strikes me as more of a volleyball kind of guy
>max level leaves you one skill point short of unlocking all abilities
>no ng+ where all bosses get completely revised movesets and 3+ phases each
Why even live, desu.
Bro, your fruit?
Anyone know what the records are? I dont recall hearing any personalized messages. I assume the last one is the tickets you get of the mutant cats you recycle for 600.
Uhhhhhh bro your tao fruits?????
He knows the secrets of the Chaos Dunk.
I assumed tao fruits just give you experience, not experience points independent of level. That changes things then
Lear and Ethereal apparently didn't sound fitting enough to keep their original names for the translation.
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Ethereal is cooler.
His boss animations tell me basketball is a pretty good fit
But Fudie is more appropriate. Geddit? Because she loves food hahaha.
Yeah but volleyball is a more feminine sport
FuDie because she dies haha
I hate that dress
Young Jiequan's kinda cute..
t. tomboy bully
By the Tao, we can only hope.
Seeing your post and that image made me think of a silly scenario
>Heng: when will you let me see brother again?
>embodiment of tao: he must cleanse his soul through the punishments first
>Heng: well, I guess it's for his own good
>tao: it seems he's currently undergoing the torture of the incredibly awkward date with going right now
>Heng: *cocks shotgun* I'm coming brother
>traditional Chinese doom OST plays
>implying Yi's punishment and Heng's reward are mutually exclusive
Ultimately, the villain is society. If only the Fengs allowed Fuxi to pursue his lowly theater interest then he wouldnt have overcompensated as the head of the family to seek out glory and set Eigong unto the search of immortality
Just because the way he dresses is a little funny doesn't mean he's not a man.
>tfw we will never get a battle of the sexes volleyball game between the sols (Ji plays on the girls team, purely to make it a fair 5v5 of course)
>Yi has to wear the hat with the flag on it while in crowds
You can be a man and be feminine
All of the Sols were infected, though Ji being a true immortal basically had immunity and could have just lived through the whole thing if he wanted - which he didn't. The others only survived by going into hibernation and letting the virus go dormant in the passing centuries, only waking up on occasion to check on things and do upkeep while trying desperately to find a cure.

The Mutation is separate from Tianhuo. Eigong was most likely taking shots to quell it up until the last battle, st which point that's just pure willing it under control going on.
>Why did someone write "winning team gets Yi for the night?"
>Just serve the ball Yi, we need to win this
IMO any potential future Diyu sequel would be better off starring Heng as the main protagonist and Yi's hell as the penultimate location, with Yi's cleansing and his reunion with Heng being the apex of the game.
Ending would be Heng vs Eigong as a horrible monstrosity way beyond any sort of redemption, the result being Heng claiming the latter's Seal of Knowledge.
Epilogue - the purified sols become spiritual advisors for Shuanshuan's descendants.
Gou Mang under mind control from ear scatches.
>What would you do if you knew your species was doomed to go extinct?
Nobody tell him
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Would you?
Now THAT'S messed up
Would she purr?
I wonder if solarians enjoy being rubbed in the same spots as cats because if yes that means they would absolutely love it if you scratched them above their tail bone
Never. Rot in hell Eigong.
But anon this is young eigong, you might be able to fix her.
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My heandcanon says yes
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Oh yes, fix her
Some good decapitation correction ought to get the job done
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>the purified sols
What would pure Jiequan be like?
Nice gym bro.
martial arts and physical fitness instructor
he would still rape yi at every oppertunity tho
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That doesn't seem very pure though...
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Tbh Jiequan is probably just as irredeemable as Eigong.
How much of a bullshit would it be for /ourgal/'s soul to be sufficiently preserved past mutation and for her to git sufficiently gud to replace him?
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I'd see her more as sol of justice (get it? because she's blind) than sol of discipline
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Yi is built for being mindbroken into a cock slave, and Heng will pumping her arms.
Please stop posting pictures of Yi being raped
>that (relatively) glowing review by yahtzee, actually praising writing and characters
Wait, this game has good writing? Just a quick dip in the threads made it look like misery porn shlock
Yes. It has one of the best protagonists in years
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That's just because a lot of anons are into S&M apparently. The story and characters of the game are really good.
I did, and apparently I had my microphone on, because somewhere in the middle of the video, where she does stab attacks, I moaned "unh...unh unh!" with the attacks to help me anticipate them better or something.
Post it
>come anon, match your thrusts to my rhythm. mmh yeah just like that, good boy
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>ywn cuddle with Yi
Why live
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>ywn hold hands with Yi

Truly this is a despicable timeline we live in.
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>wanting to cuddle with a genocidal mass-murderer
Those are the best cuddles.
Ever seen how serial killers get a ton of letters from women even in prison?
Is this really proper behavior between two adult men?
Yeah, shouldn't one of them be a young boy?
This board doesn't allow sound so you'll never hear my moans, but here it is.
So put it on cat box or something
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Can you blame Yi? Everyone wants a piece of him.
I would cuddle him, give him head pats and scratch his ears. I would tell him he’s a good boy and that he tried his best, and that it wasn’t his fault
Extract the sound and vocaroo it
Wow, they even put it at the start of this theme!
holy paid shill thread.
there's only a few hundred people still playing this....
it's so obvious. if the game actually wasn't dead af you'd have a general on vg. but instead you keep your incel thread on v to try to get attention.
It has good writing. The choice to have the player's desire to understand exactly 'why' Yi is on the warpath being a big motivator for the first couple boss kills was really well done.
It has sad and melancholic moments to be sure, but it balances it out with happier ones and a hope for the future. It's not as much about the misery as how people cope with a miserable situation.
Does Yi have/take Eigong's hat in the beginning or what
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I would also attribute Nine Sols's goodness through its character designs. Each of the Sols is pretty memorable (except maybe Yanlao, that decrepit old fuck), not to mention side characters like Shuanshuan, Shennong, and Heng being driven by their own motives that we could learn and relate to.
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Show some respect, junior.
Gosh you're needy
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>Virus? What do you mean?
>Mom pushed me down a flight of stairs to get rid of me?
>Don't be silly, anon. Come on, let's go to the beach!
Humans ARE doomed to go extinct
So I guess the answer is shitpost and play video games
>that gurgle at 3:56
Good fight bro.
I wondered what was going on in that memory. I thought the bully was farting on him or something
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Why did he do it?
Interesting that you hear a gurgle, because I hear a weird dinosaur scream and my friends say that's just a regular exhale.
I didn't really know how to put it. Initially I was also leaning towards calling it a scream but it sounded a bit wet.
shut up, Nuwa
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His incel energy took over for a moment.
Unironically autistic.
Is he really a incel when he has like 3 people who want to fuck him?
>genius burdened by a tremendous amount of responsibility
>in charge of a massive, complex project with the goal of saving your whole species from extinction
>devote every ounce of your waking life to this end, working yourself to death to try to save peoples lives
>your luddite family rejects everything you work for and tells you they would rather die
I'd be furious too
Yes because he doesn't realize it
make the holohoax real
>Damn shame the publisher got nuked.
not really. Bo and all their other titles were slop. massive win for the free market.
What do you think fusang taste like?
wood and dirt
Yi’s cum
Wood and gatorade
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Based Chien giving defection correction
At least.
I always figured that Heng represented the Seal of Knowledge(Wisdom) better than Ei-Dong did.
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He's so fluffy.
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>used to dress normally
>Lear dies
>starts dressing like a stripper
What did Ji mean by this?
>100% want to fuck him
>woud fuck him but he'd have to ask
Lady E. (seems like a free spirit)
Ji (seems to like him but after 1000 years doesn't have enough libido to initiate things)
>would fuck him under specific conditions
Goumang (rivalry boils over into hatefucking if they're stuck in a room with each other and aren't able to leave for some time)
Fuxi and Nuwa (either would agree if the other proposed a threesome with him)
He developed an exhibitionism fetish over the years
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Cease this slander at once. Unlike the rest of her utterly degenerate species Heng is pure and harbors no perverted thoughts towards her brother, who she loves very much like all good siblings should.
Rubbing my face in his stomach.
Imagine how embarrassed and angry he’d get
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He wouldn't mind as long as it was shuanshuan
Lmao eigong fight is unfair. I am not grinning frame-perfect reactions to that shit for 3+ hours. Bye I guess.
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see you in 3 hours when you beat her and realize she's one of the best bosses in gaming
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And what attacks do you need to be frame perfect on?
Red jump from above.
Red attack when she stands on the ground but it's a circular explosion and not dash.
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Heavenly feeling
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Your unbound counter, bro?
Yes, the window for some of them has to be frame-perfect, that is what it looks like.
It’s not retard. The unbound counter has a huge window kek
I don't think you understand what "frame perfect" means and how silly you sound when you say it. just practice the fight nigga
Now post a webm for when she does jump from above attack as a finisher for a combo in phase 1 and tell me that you have more than 2-3 frames to parry it.
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I just beat the game.
I got confused in the ending though because I thought the tall guy was Shuanshuan but then he said he was doing reports with Shuanshuan. Did Yi just name multiple people Shuanshuan?
I always just dashed away from that attack. Always felt I was too slow to do the hard parry for that.
Sure it's tight to parry, but you can dash it really easily, all the other red moves give you enough time to parry
The one in the middle is Shuashuan
No it isn’t you fucking retard
What's your fave style?
Vanilla, Water, or Full Control?
I mostly used water style after I unlocked it because I liked not needing to stay behind to set off the Qi blasts.
Although for some of the bosses, especially lady E, it's less effective because you don't get a lot of opportunities to attack them.
Yes it is, his hair grew. P sure he has dialog that points out that it's him
Fuck me I just looked it up. That has to be a mistake right? Or Yi going complete schizo
It already can't be that because of a 10 second cutscene at the beginning of the fight alone, which exist for no other reason except to waste your time.
No, it just meant some time had passed after they landed. Yi had to get apemen accustomed to both the landscape and the new culture of penglai to them which probably took some time
quit shitting your britches in /v/ and play the game
In my first playthrough I used water style a lot, but struggled to do any real damage on Lady E with it. I switched to full control and used it until Fuxi and Nuwa, where again I struggled in phase 2 because all the shit Nuwa throwed at me and just used qi blast to get enough sand to stun Fuxi while the snakes were going wild. For Eigong I settled again on the bow build since I was too much of a scrub to consistently learn how to parry the red, normal, normal, red combo so I just interrupted it every time.
For the next playthrough I maxed full control asap and used it the whole game, and for playthrough #3 I went heavy into bow from the beginning and I was melting everything.
Maybe I'll try and go water only next time and actually use some of the jades that let you use qi charges on sword.
Flowing water. I don't think it's optimal as you can get a similar effect with full control, but it just feels right.
Imagine downrating a boss fight because you literally cannot wait for the camera to pan down.
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My first playthrough was water, then my subsequent runs and boss runs I only used full counter.
Full control, although I'm considering switching to water style for an unbounded counter focused build, because you do so much internal damage with that that even a weak talisman would wreck foes
so how are the updates going
are all the big bad bugs fixed yet
Haven't encountered any bugs personally
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>lie down
>try not to cry
>cry a lot

This game has broken me.
Hurts more when you realize that was likely all in his head
They really need to add a skip cutscene button. I think this would be a pretty fun game to speedrun but as is like half the gameplay time would just be holding down x or otherwise waiting.
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>new kunlun allowed streamers onboard
Doomed from the start
Fisting is
300 bucks.

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